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METHODS/TOTAL MARKS: 75 (QP code-31298)

Note: Below given is only the guidelines marking scheme. If student’s content is relevant
other than guidelines should be considered and accordingly marks should be given.

Q1 A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate option: (any 8) (8)

1. Researcher uses sampling method when the sample for the study is very rare or limited.
(Convenient, Judgement, Snowball)

2. is the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data.
(Research Design, Research Process, Research Hypothesis)

3. There is no commercial angle in research.

(Social science, Fundamental, Historical)

4. data should be used after careful scrutiny and should not be accepted at its face value.
(Primary, Secondary, Raw)

5. In interview, the set of questions to be asked are predefined and the techniques used to
record the information are standardized.
(Structured, Unstructured, Semi-Structured)

6. scale refers to a collection of rating scales using bipolar adjectives like active-lazy, strong-
weak, etc.
(Likert, Semantic Differential, Nominal)

7. of data refers to arranging the data in different groups according to common characteristics.
(Editing, Coding, Classification)

8. is the measure of aggregate discrepancies between actual and expected frequencies.

(Chi-square, ANOVA, T-distribution)

9. is designed for publication in a professional journal.

(Report, Research abstract, Research article)

10. Bibliography is included in the of the report.

(Preliminary contents, Main body, Concluding part)

Q1 B. State whether the following statements are true or false: (any 7) (7)
1. Age, income and temperature are continuous variables & number of children and gender are
discrete variables - TRUE
2. Causal research describes the” who, what, when, where and how” of a situation - FALSE
3. Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in depth understanding of human behaviour - TRUE
4. In case of census survey, the entire universe is contacted to collect the data - TRUE
5. Rensis Likert scale refers to a collection of rating scales using bipolar adjectives like active-lazy,
strong-weak, etc. - FALSE
6. Social Media Listening is also known as Social Media Monitoring - TRUE
7. Classification of data refers to transferring data in a tabular format for the purpose of analysis and
interpretation - FALSE
8. Data processing means a critical examination of the assembled and grouped data for studying the
characteristics of the object under study. - FALSE
9. The report must be drafted in an impersonal style and format - TRUE
10. Self-Plagiarism includes using your own material which was used earlier in some research paper
without citing yourself - TRUE

Q 2A. Define Research. Discuss the objectives of Research. (8)

Ans. Research definition – 1mrk

Objectives of Research – 7mrks (7 points to be written)

- To find solutions to problems

- To verify and test existing laws or theories
- To obtain information
- To extend Knowledge
- To establish generalizations and general laws
- To predict events
- To analyze inter-relationships
- To develop new tools and concepts
- To develop new principles and theories
- To develop innovative ideas

Q 2B. State and explain the sources of hypothesis. (7)

Ans. Hypothesis meaning – 1mrk

Sources of hypothesis – 6mrks (6 points to be written)

- Intuition
- Research studies
- Consultations
- Theory
- Observation
- Analogies
- Culture
- Continuity of research
Q 2C. What is Primary data? Explain its advantages and disadvantages. (15)

Ans. Primary data meaning – 1mrk

Advantages – 7mrks (7 points to be written)

- Provides first hand information

- In-depth information
- Reliable information
- Accurate data
- Specific data
- Supplements secondary data
- Enhances the quality of research work
- Helps in formulation of hypothesis
- Flexibility
- Helps to overcome resistance

Disadvantages – 7mrks (7 points to be written)

- Paper work
- Expensive
- Sampling errors
- Time-consuming
- Respondent bias
- Interviewer bias
- Processing of data
- Problem of quick decision-making

Q 3A. State and explain the importance of questionnaire. (8)

Ans. Questionnaire meaning – 1mrk

Importance – 7mrks (7 points to be written)

- Relevant data
- Convenience to the respondents
- Structured and unstructured responses
- Qualitative and Quantitative data
- Large coverage
- Proper Processing
- Easy to alter
- Sensitive information

Q 3B. What are the different types of observation method in primary data collection? (7)
Ans. Observation meaning – 2mrks

Types – 5mrks

- Structured and Unstructured observation

- Disguised and Undisguised observation
- Mechanical observation

Q 3C. Describe the stages of research process in detail. (15)
Ans. Stages:

- Identification & selection of research problem

- Literature review
- Formulation of hypothesis
- Research design
- Designing the questionnaire
- Sampling design
- Collection of data
- Processing of data
- Data analysis and interpretation
- Hypothesis testing
- Preparation of research report
- Follow up of report

Q 4A. What is data processing? Explain the essentials of editing. (8)

Ans. Data processing meaning – 1mrk

Essentials of editing – 7mrks (7 points to be written)

- Accuracy
- Avoid bias
- Consistency
- Completeness
- Training to editors
- Reliability
- Uniformity
- Economical

Q 4B. What is data analysis? Explain its characteristics. (7)

Ans. Data analysis meaning – 2mrks

Characteristics – 5mrks

- Since data analysis requires high level skills researcher himself or under his close supervision
should conduct it
- It is a systematic analysis of data, facts & figures
- It should be reproducible
- Be readily disposed to statistical/ quantitative treatment
- Have significance to some theory
- Should have a clear hypothesis so that analysis is complete in all respects
- Should be followed by interpretation
- (Any other characteristics which seem fit)

Q 4C. What is research report? Explain the Layout of report writing. (15)
Ans. Research report meaning – 2mrks

Layout – 13mrks

- Title of the report

- Letter of Authorization
- Letter of transmittal
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Findings
- Limitations
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Appendix
- Bibliography
- Signature and Date

Q 5A. What is Data processing? Explain the significance of Tabulation and Graphic presentation

of data. (8)

Ans. Data processing meaning – 1mrk

Significance of Tabulation – 4mrks (4 points to be written)

- Analysis and interpretation of data

- Basis for writing research report
- Correlation between variables
- Detects errors in coding and classification
- Ease in understanding of data
- Facilitates location of specific data
- Supports written matter

Significance of Graphic presentation – 3mrks (3 points to be written)

- Quick communication
- Effective appeal
- Condenses large volumes of data
- Educative value

Q 5B. State and explain the different types of research report. (7)
Ans. Research report meaning – 1mrk

Types – 6mrks

- Technical report
- Popular report
- Summary report
- Interim report
- Research abstract
- Research article
Q 5C. Write short notes on: (any 3) (15)
1. Qualitative Research
2. Interview method
3. Chi-square test
4. Plagiarism
5. Objectivity, Confidentiality & Anonymity

(Relevant answers to Q.No.5C to be considered)

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