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Irvine Intermediate School

History Department
Make-up Test Program

Dear Parents,

Your child has failed to meet standards on the “[test name]” given on [date]. Your child
has an opportunity to take the test again in order to meet the standards covered in the
unit. It is very important that your child meet the standards for each unit because these
standards will be tested again on the district benchmark given at the end of the quarter.
The highest grade your child will be able to earn on the make-up test is a C (75%). Every
student has the opportunity to retake one test per semester. If your child does retake this
test, it will be the only test in my class that your child will be allowed to retake for the
remainder of the semester.

Your child must attend one of the following sessions in order to retake the test.

[Day] [Date] [Time]

[Day] [Date] [Time]

Your child will be allowed to leave the session upon completion of the test. This is the
only way for your child to improve his/her test score. The test cannot be taken home.
Please make sure that your child studies for this retake. There is no point in taking the
test again if your child does not study. Your child can use Socrative to study for the test
on [date].

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Le at or call me at 714-663-
6551. Please return the form with a parent signature to indicate that you are aware that
your child failed to meet standards on this test and that your child may be in danger of
Thank you,

Parent Signature _______________________________ Date __________________

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Student Grade on the “[test name]”: ___________________________

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