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Literature review

Summarization on the issue of the vocalization of singing Chinese songs

by bel canto singing

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Vocal music is the art of the organic combination of language and music. With the deep
development of belle singing in China, the use of belle singing to sing Chinese songs has
received increasing attention and attention from the vocal music community. How to improve the
overall level of singing Chinese songs by belle singing and the study of singing Chinese songs by
belle singing has become a hot issue in the music field.

Bel Canto singing is one of the main methods used in vocal music teaching in China's colleges
and universities. There have been many problems in the use of belle singing to sing Chinese
songs. Biting is an important way to use singing to sing Chinese songs to express their content
and their thoughts and feelings. Therefore, solving the problem of Chinese song's biting and
mastering its techniques and methods has improved the overall singing performance of singing
and the bel canto singing in our country. Important promotion.

After analyzing and sorting out, the research on the vocalization of singing Chinese songs by the
Bel Canto method is as follows:

1. The academic papers related to the singing of Chinese songs by Bel Canto singing are:

Li Xinyi's Study on the Bel Canto Singing of Chinese Songs by Chinese Characters in
Articulation and Speaking [1] mentions that vocal music is an organic art of language and music.
It has been introduced into China from western art songs and operas, and its classical works and
scientific vocal system have been established in China. For centuries of cultural integration and
development, belle singing has become a branch of the symbiosis of Chinese pop music culture.
Most of the songs in our country are sung in Mandarin, and there are problems such as the
ambiguity and inaccuracy of the Chinese character prefix, suffix, and tone. To solve the problem
of biting and calligraphy, first of all, we should strengthen the training and application of
Chinese songs for singing, followed by strengthening the learning and training of the “Five
Tone,” “Four Calls,” “Thirteen Points,” and “Utilizing Tones.” The above problem. Clear
articulation is an important way for a singer to express his emotions while singing. Solving the
problem of vocalization and narration when singing Chinese songs and mastering techniques and
techniques will play an important role in improving the singer's overall level.

Wei Wenfei's Study on the Singing of Chinese Songs by Bel Canto Singing Chinese Songs [2]
mentions that X-acoustic singing, as a form of singing art from the West, has been in China for
many years and has become an indispensable part of our singing art. Most of our songs are based
on the singing language based on Mandarin Chinese. There is a certain emphasis on the sound,
and we do not pay attention to biting and tying words. We often sing the Chinese characters'
prefixes, suffixes, inaccurate tones, etc.

To solve the problem of belching and narrating Chinese songs by bel canto singing, first of all,
we should strengthen the training and application of Chinese singing for singing and cannot
afford to pay attention to the mellowness and smoothness of the sound at the expense of the
pronunciation; secondly, we can use the tone of the national traditional vocal music to sum up.
""Four calls" "Thirteen points" bite words to solve the above problem.

Zhang Yixi's “Analysis of the Bel Canto Singing Chinese Songs in Singing and Singing” [3]
believes that along with the economic development and social progress, it also brings new
challenges and opportunities to the singing and expression of Chinese songs. Bel Canto attaches
great importance to the fluency of the atmosphere. It has the beauty of lines and penetrating
sounds and is widely welcomed. Singing Chinese songs with belle singing has become a popular
form of music. However, in the process of applying the bel canto to sing Chinese songs, there are
still some problems in biting and writing, affecting the normal play of the singers, and also
affecting the emotional expression of the songs, which cannot emotionally arouse the resonance
of the listeners.

Li Yuehua's "Exploration of the Chinese Characters in Vocal Music Performance" [4] talks about
vocal art as a combination of literary language and music language. As an important part of
vocal art, literary language needs to be expressed with the help of word sounds. When singing
songs, it is necessary to fully understand the basic role of language in singing. The successful
interpretation of a work, the perfect combination of vocal skills and articulation is extremely
important. When sing Chinese vocal music, if the singer can't master the key skills of biting and
calligraphy correctly, it will not be able to achieve the best state. Deduction of the connotation of
the work. Therefore, during the singing of Chinese vocal music works, we must first understand
the composition of Chinese characters and sounds, and skillfully master the techniques of biting
and calligraphy. Not only can the words and sounds be conveyed to the audience accurately and
clearly, but they can also vividly express the ideological content of the songs.

Zhao Xiaoyu's “Application of Singing, Rhythm, and Thirteen Singing in Singing Practice” [5]
considers language as the carrier for human beings to communicate and express their thoughts
and feelings, and also the basis for singing art. Singing language is refined, processed and
developed on the basis of the language of life. However, there are also differences between the
two languages, which are mainly reflected in the treatment of vocalization and rhyming. Singing
and vocalizing in singing are the most basic questions that every singer must learn. Mastered the
methods and laws of chanting and rhythm in singing and exaggerating the words to beautify the
word, so that the voice can be used as a carrier to convey the beauty to the listener's heart. Every
word in the song is lively and full of singing, so there will be a complete artistic image.

Second, the academic papers related to the application of Italian vocal music works in college
vocal music teaching are:

Liu Shizhen's Study on the Application of Italian Vocal Music Works in College Vocal Music
Teaching [6] believes that for Italian opera, it is a kind of integrated art integrating music,
performance, drama, dance and art. The solo part of the opera is divided into arias and remarks.
The other parts of the vocal music include re-enactment, duet, and chorus. In the current vocal
music teaching, Italian vocal music plays an important role. Vocal music teachers all over the
world use the Italian vocal music as a required track for students. There are also many
international competitions that list Italian vocal music as a must-read track. More singers and
scholars will use it as a concert. This proves that the Italian vocal music works are widely used in
college vocal music teaching, and also proves the artistic value it has. When singing Italian vocal
music, you must sing in Italian. Because Italy's timbres are clearly timbre, it is easy to unify
sound positions and have fewer consonants, which makes it difficult to shake the vocal cords.
3. Academic papers related to the artistic processing of vocal music singing Chinese songs are:

Liu Li's “Artistic Treatment of Vocal Music Singing Chinese Songs [7] mentioned that vocal
singing is the only language type in all artistic genres; language is the basis of singing, and the
two are interrelated and interdependent. Mastering the language-related knowledge in singing is
a basic skill that the artist must perform. Whether it is a piano solo or a ensemble or an orchestra,
there is an obvious difference from the special artistic form of vocal singing: language. Language
is an important way for humans to exchange feelings and express ideas, and it is also the main
expression of vocal music in this special art. Vocal singing conveys thoughts and feelings to
people through the combination of language and music. It can be said that language plays an
important role in supporting vocal performance. Language also influences the development of
vocal art to a certain degree. It has a vocal style, expression style, and vocal school. It plays a
vital role.

Xiao Ping's Study on the Singing Skills of Bel Canto and Ethnic Singing [8] mentions that the
culture of the 21st century is a culture that is inclusive and amalgamated with development. This
is also true of vocal music in the 21st century. It is based on this status quo. The trend is to use
historical descriptions, cultural comparisons, and theoretical analysis to analyze the artistic
characteristics of the two singing methods and the realistic possibilities of the two, and to
combine some successes. The examples try to give a possible approach to the nationalization of
folk singing and the nationalization of belle singing.

Fourth, the mutual reference of the national singing and the bel canto and its development trend
related academic papers are:

Qualihua's “Mutual Reference and Trend of Development between National Songs and Bel
Canto” [9] believes that vocal music in the 21st century must be an open system that incorporates
diversity and development, and this is the current state of vocal music in China. trend. This
article reviews the development history and current situation of national singing and belle
singing. It focuses on a more comprehensive comparison and analysis of the commonness and
personality differences between folk singing and belle singing. The author finds that mutual
reference and fusion of two singing methods will make each The singing method is more perfect
and the characteristics are more distinctive. Therefore, the artistic characteristics of the two
singing methods and the combination of the two have realistic possibilities. Moreover, the
national singing method needs to refer to the bel canto pronunciation, open the throat, the overall
resonance, and the mixed singing method. The Bel Canto sings must learn from the national
singing methods such as the language "beautiful beauty", "the beauty of the cavity", the "spout",
the "character vocabulary", the "emotional sound, and the sensibility" and other aspects.

5. Academic papers related to the introduction of Bel Canto singing in contemporary China

Zhang Jian’s “Introduction to Bel Canto in Contemporary China” [10] mentions that X-acoustic
singing originated from the background of Western religious music. It originated from the “deaf
singer” and the set of singing methods created by “deaf singers” was Retained, improved and
promoted, and became a special vocalization method and sound form of Italian classical singing.
After the formation of Bel Canto, it was gradually expanded to other European countries. In the
early 20th century, it was introduced into China. From the collision and dispute to the exchange
and integration, human culture is a long and inevitable development process. Similarly, the
reference and integration of Chinese and Western singing arts must also meet the objective and
practical requirements and the general laws of the development of things, that is: ancient and
modern, foreign and Chinese, and a reasonable reference, mutual integration, mutual
complement, complement each other, only in this way can we promote our country's vocal music
art. Steady and healthy development. The singing of Bel Canto has been a few hundred years
since it was produced and introduced into China. This is a sound lesson for our country to engage
in vocal music singing and teaching. We should actively develop the bel canto singing with
Chinese characteristics while making reasonable use of it.

[1] Li Xinyi. Study on Chinese Songs' Bite and Distinguish by Bel
Canto [D]. Yunnan Academy of Arts. 2014.
[2] Wei Wenfei. Study on Chinese Songs Singing and Singing in the Bel
Canto Method[J]. Chinese National Exhibition.2016(11).
[3] Zhang Yishao.Analysis of the problem of singing and singing of
Chinese songs by bel canto singing[J]. The Voice of the Yellow
[4] Li Yuehua. The exploration of the problem of biting and writing in
Chinese vocal music performance [J]. The Voice of the Yellow
[5] Zhao Xiaotong. Application of biting, rhyming, and thirteen
characters in singing in practice[D]. Yanshan University. 2012.
[6] Liu Shibiao. Application of Italian Vocal Music Works in Vocal
Music Teaching in Colleges [D]. Changchun Normal University. 2013.
[7] Liu Li. The art processing of vocal music singing Chinese songs[D].
Northeast Normal University. 2013.
[8] Xiao Ping.Study on singing skills of bel canto and national
singing[D]. South China Normal University.2007.
[9] Kui Lihua. Mutual reference and development trend of folk singing
and belle singing[D]. Northwest University for Nationalities. 2011.
[10] Zhang Jian. Introduction to Bel Canto singing in contemporary
China [D]. Shaanxi Normal University. 2008.

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