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O que é ser um profissional de comércio exterior?

O profissional de comércio exterior é o responsável analisar tendências de

mercado, elaborar estratégias de negócios e de marketing adequadas a cada caso, por
acompanhar os processos burocráticos referentes ao comércio de bens e serviços com
empresas estrangeiras ou governos de outras nações, utilizando conceitos
administrativos, econômicos e comerciais .

Esse profissional produz relatórios sobre os mercados mais promissores,

identifica as necessidades de clientes ou fornecedores, presta assessoria quanto à
métodos técnicos e projetos do meio globalizado, organiza procedimentos para a
transação, importação e exportação, além de definir o meio de transporte mais adequado
para a efetivação do negócio em cada caso e atuar como despachante aduaneiro.
Também é responsabilidade do profissional de comércio exterior o estudo dos contratos
e sua adaptação às necessidades dos envolvidos e a cotação das moedas, além de atuar
também em empresas de logística internacional.

What does being a professional foreign trade?

The professional foreign trade is responsible for analyzing market trends,

develop business strategies and marketing for each case, accompanied by the
bureaucratic procedures related to trade in goods and services with foreign companies or
governments of other nations, using concepts administrative, economic and commercial.

This produces professional reports on the most promising markets, identifies the
needs of customers or suppliers, providing advice on the technical methods and projects
through global, organized procedures for the transaction, importation and exportation, in
addition to defining the most appropriate means of transport for the realization of
business in each case and act as a customs broker. It is also the responsibility of the
professional foreign trade contracts and the study of their adaptation to the needs of
those involved and the price of currencies, in addition to performing well in
international logistics companies.
Maritime Pilot

A pilot is a mariner who guides ships through dangerous or congested waters,

such as harbours or river mouths. However, the pilot is only an advisor, as the master
remains in legal, overriding command of the vessel.

Pilotage is one of the oldest, least-known professions,[citation needed] and yet it

is one of the most important in maritime safety. The economic and environmental risk
from today's large cargo ships makes the role of the pilot essential.

However, the work functions of the pilot go back to Ancient Greece and Roman
times, when locally experienced harbour captains, mainly local fishermen, were
employed by incoming ships' captains to bring their trading vessels into port safely.
Eventually, in light of the need to regulate the act of pilotage and to ensure pilots had
adequate insurance, the harbours themselves licensed pilots.

Although licensed by the harbour to operate within their jurisdiction, pilots were
generally self-employed, meaning that they had to have quick transport to get from the
port to the incoming ships. As pilots were often still dual-employed, they used their own
fishing boats to reach the incoming vessels. But fishing boats were heavy working
boats, and filled with fishing equipment, hence a new type of boat was required.

Early boats were developed from single-masted cutters and twin-masted yawls,
and later into the specialist pilot cutter. These were effectively light-weight and over-
powered single masted boats with large steeply angled keels, making them deep draft
under power and shallow draft in lighter sail.

Their size and mass makes large ships very difficult to maneuver; the stopping
distance of a supertanker is typically measured in miles (kilometres) and even a slight
error in judgment can cause millions of dollars in damage. For this reason, many years
of experience in an operating area are required to qualify as a pilot.

By far the most challenging part of any ship's voyage is the passage through the
narrow waterways that lead to port and the final docking of the ship. The pilot brings to
the ship expertise in handling large vessels in confined waterways and expert local
knowledge of the port. In addition to bringing local maritime expertise on board, the
pilot also relieves the captain from the economic pressures that can compromise safety.
Instead of being part of the ship's crew, pilots are employed locally and therefore act on
behalf of the public rather than of the shipowners. However, the master of a ship that
calls at only a few ports, such as a ferry, may be licensed as a pilot for those ports- such
ships do not need to carry a pilot.

Normally the pilot joins an incoming ship at sea via helicopter or pilot boat and
climbs a pilot ladder sometimes up 40 feet (~12 metres) to the deck of the largest
container and tanker ships. With outgoing vessels, a pilot boat returns the pilot to land
after the ship has successfully negotiated coastal waters.

Pilots specifically use pilotage techniques relying on nearby visual reference

points and local knowledge of tides, swells, currents, depths and shoals that might not
be readily identifiable on nautical charts without first hand experience in the waters in

Beyond the experience and training of regular ship's captains, pilots also receive
special, ongoing training to stay on top of their profession. Pilots are required by law in
most major sea ports of the world for large ships.
Forklift Operator

O operador de empilhadeiras é um cargo operacional, onde o profissional precisa

demonstrar habilidade e domínio dos seus equipamentos de trabalho para conseguir ser
valorizado no mercado de trabalho. Cabe ao empilhador priorizar a eficiente do
transporte de produtos para que os itens não sofram danos.

A profissão requer agilidade, rapidez, muita responsabilidade e atenção na hora

de operar a máquina. O operador trabalha com mercadorias frágeis, valiosas e até
perigosas. O curso para operar essas máquinas é obrigatório. A carteira nacional de
habilitação não é um requisito obrigatório, mas muitas empresas exigem este
Apesar de ser uma profissão com boas oportunidades de emprego, as atividades
de operador também colocam a vida do mesmo em risco, pois lida diariamente com
casos de acidentes no trabalho. Para não correr o risco de se machucar ou prejudicar a
eficiência das atividades, o profissional precisa estar habilitado para o cargo.

Uma das principais disciplinas da qualificação em empilhadeiras é a segurança

no trabalho, isso porque os profissionais precisam conhecer os meios para evitar
acidentes no ambiente industrial. Cabe aos operadores também cuidar da manutenção
dos equipamentos, solucionando principalmente os problemas técnicos.


The forklift operator is an operational role, where the professional must

demonstrate skill and mastery of their equipment to be able to be valued in the labor
market. It is up to the truck prioritize the efficient transportation of products for items to
avoid damage.

The profession requires agility, speed, lots of responsibility and care when
operating the machine. The operator works with fragile goods, valuable and even
dangerous. The switch to operate such machinery is required. The national driving
license is not a mandatory requirement, but many companies require this document.
Despite being a profession with good job opportunities, activities also make the
operator's life even at risk, because it deals daily with cases of accidents in work.

To avoid the risk of getting hurt or harm the efficiency of activities, the
professional must be qualified for the position. One of the main subjects of the
qualification is on forklift safety at work, so why professionals need to know how to
avoid accidents industrial environment. It is up to also take care of maintenance of
equipment, especially solving the technical problems.

One of the main subjects of the qualification is on forklift safety at work, so why
professionals need to know how to avoid accidents in the industrial environment. It is
up to also take care of maintenance of equipment, especially solving the technical

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