Arizona Woman Dies From Rare Rodent Ingles

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Arizona Woman Dies from Rare Rodent-

Borne Virus
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer | April 27, 2018 11:37am ET

The deer mouse is a carrier of the "Sin Nombre" virus, which causes hantavirus.
Credit: CDC/James Gathany
Update on April 27, 2017:

An Arizona woman who contracted a rare, rodent carried virus called hantaviurs, died last
week after a 3-month battle with the disease, according to her family.

"Kiley Rianna Terrell Lane left this world and joined her Heavenly Father peacefully on
April 18th surrounded by her loving husband, mother, sister, and family," her family wrote
on her YouCaring page. "Kiley's family continues to want to build awareness about
hantavirus and elevate the conversation around this serious illness…If one person is tested
early and avoids the pain and agony Kiley endured, it is a life [positively] impacted," the
statement said.
Live Science published this article (below), on Feb. 27, 2018, after Lane's diagnosis.

An Arizona woman who thought she had the flu turned out to have an infection caused by a
rare, rodent-carried virus called hantavirus, according to news reports.
The woman, 27-year-old Kiley Lane, first started feeling unwell in early January, when she
experienced flu-like symptoms, including nausea, as well as sharp stomach pain, according
to Fox News.

After going to the doctor, she was initially sent home with laxatives for a suspected
"blockage," according to Fox. But weeks later, she returned with shortness of breath.

"She was getting sicker and sicker and nobody seemed to want to listen," Lane's mother,
Julie Barron, told Fox. "She didn't test positive for pneumonia, the flu, hepatitis — nothing
she tested for was coming back," Barron said. [10 Bizarre Diseases You Can Get Outdoors]

But finally, Lane was given a test for hantavirus, which came back positive.

Hantaviruses are a group of viruses that typically infect rodents — particularly the deer
mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), which is found throughout the western and central U.S.
and Canada, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In people,
these viruses can cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a severe and sometimes fatal
respiratory disease.

Human infections with hantavirus are rare — since 1993, about 700 cases of hantavirus
infections have been reported in the U.S., according to the CDC.

Original article on Live Science.

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