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Design Elements and Principles scribe fundamental ideas about the practice of good visual design that

are assumed to be the basis of all intentional visual design strategies. The elements form the 'vocabulary'
of the design, while the principles constitute the broader structural aspects of its composition.

Elements of Design
The Elements of design play an important role in the creation and success of a piece of art, whether it's
for outdoor, indoor, digital or print medium. These elements are:

Space is the area provided for a particular purpose. It may have two dimensions (length and
width), such as a floor, or it may have three dimensions (length, width, and height). Space
includes the background, foreground and middle ground.Space refers to the distances or areas
around, between or within components of a piece.There are two type of space:positive and
negative space.Positive space refers to the space of a shape representing the subject
matter.Negative space refers to the open space around the subject matter.
Line is the basic element of art that refers to the continuous movement of a point along a
surface,such as a pencil or brush. The edges of shapes and forms also create lines. It is the basic
component of a shape drawn on paper. Lines and curves are the basic building blocks of two
dimensional shapes like a house's plan. Experiment in design by adding or changing lines such
as the lines of the floor plan of a house.Every line has length, thickness,and direction. There are
curve,horizontal,vertical,diagonal,zig-zag,wavy,parallel,dash,and dotted lines.
Color is the most expressive element of art and is seen by the way light reflects off a surface.
Color occurs when light hits the surface of an object and is reflected back to the eye and is used
to create illusion of depth, as red colors seem to come forward while blue seems to recede into
the distance. Color, and particularly contrasting color is also used to draw the attention to a
particular part of the image. On some cases of interior design, color can be added to increase
visual appeal such as the natural colors of wood of a china cabinet. Color may add visual appeal
to a home decor just as colored flowers can add beauty to a field on a prairie.There are:primary
colors,secondary colors,and tertiary colors.Primary colors consist of red,blue,and
yellow.Secondary consist of orange,purple(violet),and green;secondary color is made by mixing
two primary colors on either sides of the color wheel.Tertiary consist of red-orange,red-
purple,blue-purple,blue-green,yellow-orange,and yellow-green.Tertiary colors are made by mixing
a primary and secondary color.Tertiary color always start with a primary color.Complimentary
colors are colors that are opposite to each other on the color wheel.Complimentary color are used
to create contrast.Analogous colors are colors that are found side by side on the color wheel and
analogous colors can be used to create color harmony.Monochromatic means tints and shades of
one color.Tint of one color color is to add white to the color and shade is to add black to the
color.Warm colors are a group of colors that remind us of warm places and things such are
red,yellow,and orange.For example fire,sun and fireworks.Cool colors are group of colors that
remind us of cool places and things such as purple,green,and blue.For example ice,cool,and the
Shape is an area enclosed by lines. Shapes are two dimensional or in other words flat. Shapes
can also show perspective by overlapping. It can be geometric or organic. Shapes in house decor
and interior design can be used to add interest, style, theme to a design like a door. Shape in
interior design depends on the function of the object like a kitchen cabinet door. Natural shapes
forming patterns on wood or stone may help increase visual appeal in interior design.In a
landscape, natural shapes, such as trees contrast with geometric such as houses.
Texture is the way the surface of an object actually feels of the fabrics,colors,and room
accessories..In the artistic world,we refer to two types of texture Tactile and Implied.Tactile
Texture(real texture)is the way the surface of an object actual feels.Example:sandpaper,cotton
balls,tree bark, puppy fur(etc).Implied Texture is the way the surface on an object looks like it
feels.Example:Texture may look rough, fizzy, gritty,but can not actual be felt. This type of texture
is used by artist when drawing or painting.
Form is any three dimensional object. Form can be measured, from top to bottom (height),side to
side(width),and from back to front(depth).Form is also defined by light and dark.There are two
types of form, geometric(man-made)and natural(organic form).Form may be created by the
combining of two or more shapes. It may be enhanced by tone, texture and color. It can be
illustrated or constructed.
Value is an element of art that refers to the relationship between light and dark on a surface or
object and also helps with Form. It gives objects depth and perception. Value is also referred to
as tone. Basically shading.
Type is the use of letterform to add a message that would be otherwise challenging to create
through the other elements.
Principles of design
Design is the organized arrangement of one or more elements and principles (e.g. line color or texture) for a

Awareness of the elements and principles in design is the first step in creating successful visual
compositions. These principles, which may overlap, are used in all visual design fields, including graphic
design, industrial design, architecture and fine art.

The principles of design are as varied as attitudes regarding modern design. They differ both between the
schools of thought that influence design, and between individual practicing designers.

The principles govern the relationships of the elements used and organize the composition as a whole.
Successful design incorporates the use of the principles and elements to serve the designer's purpose
and visual goals. There are no rules for their use. The designer's purpose and intent drives the decisions
made to achieve appropriate scale and proportion, as well as the degree of harmony between the
elements. Design principles and guidelines are a technical, quick mechanical and artificial method to
attempt to produce home architectural and interior design beauty. Great home design and interior design
may improve the quality of life if it has a healthy (healthy breathing air) and safe environment. Now days
(2009) some property developers hire home stagers and interior decorators to get design improvements;
a developer may have better chance of selling a home with good designers, engineers and craftsmen

The principles of design consist of:

Unity refers to a sense that everything in the artwork belongs there, and makes a whole piece. It is
achieved by the use of balance, repetition and/or design harmony. Two objects like a living room and a
dining room can be unified by giving these similar features like a shared hardwood floor design. Unity
helps the objects like furniture look like these belongs together. Unity is also when the object like a fixture
such as a scone looks like it belongs in its room.
Can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on if the right or left side is identical or not. Also
refers to a sense that dominant focal points are balanced and don't give a feeling of being pulled too
much to any part of the artwork. Some people may have a tendency or urge to want to balance objects
like furniture locations or flower arrangements. Balance by location: distribute furniture and accessory
locations more evenly throughout a room, fill an empty wall area with wall paper, a painting or accent wall.
Balance can be balance by location of objects such as windows on a house, balance by volume or sizes
of objects, balance by color (like desired brightness in a room). Balance lighter colors with darker colors,
balance natural colors and patterns with synthetic colors, balance bold colors with light neutral colors,
colors with high contrast in a room may be more visually pleasing to younger people.
Harmony is achieved through the sensitive balance of variety and unity. Color harmony may be achieved
using complementary or analogous colors. Harmony in design is similarity of components or objects
looking like these belong together. Harmony is when some or many of the components (usually three or
four objects depending on size of project or room) such as a furniture, drapes in a room share a common
trait or two. A common trait could be: color(s), shape(s), texture, pattern(s), material, theme, style, size, or
functionality. For example a drapery could share the same color that is on a pillow or wallpaper. This is
called color coordination in wall paper design. Harmony and unity generally make designs more visually
appealing, organized and interesting. It is a technical and artificial process for attempting to produce
interior design beauty. Design harmony may be used to produce a hidden or difficulty to see order or
organization especially in interior design. Design harmony or unity sometimes produce balance in: design,
furniture and accessory selection, and organization of furniture placement in most cases.
Contrast is the occurrence of contrasting elements, such as color, value, size, etc. It creates interest and
pulls the attention toward the focal point. Color contrast or "pop" also helps people navigate easier in a
dark room. Contrast or "pop" in home colors may be visually pleasing.
Repetition (rhythm, pattern)
The recurrence of elements within a piece: colors, lines, shapes, values, etc. Any element that occurs is
generally echoed, often with some variation to keep interest. Rhythm in interior design also may be used
to reduce randomness. Rhythm is a repeating pattern like four identical candles space evenly apart on a
book shelf. For example, placing four plant pots in a row and evenly spaced apart on a floor produces an
organized look. Natural patterns like pattern on polished solid granite countertops may add visual appeal
or interest to a home design. Add rhythmic patterns as some wall paper on a room wall to add interest,
color and visual appeal to a room.
Variety (alternation)
The use of dissimilar elements, which creates interest and uniqueness. Variety like a painting or some
reflective wood panels added on a plain wall may be used to reduce monotony. Helps infuse color to a
house decor to attempt to increase design beauty. Decor interest as variety or more decor usually
increases the visual appeal of architecture and interior design. Add rhythm, pattern or colour variety like
comtemporary wallpaper or real wood panelling on accent wall to reduce monotony, add interest or add
visual appeal to a room's decor.
Emphasis (dominance, focal point or area in a room's decor)
Areas of interest. Guides the eye into through and out of the image through the use of sequence of
various levels of focal points, primary focal point, secondary, tertiary, etc. Emphasis hierarchy may give
direction and organization to a design, and avoid subconscious confusion to sometimes improve the
design's (like a house) visual appeal and style. Emphasis hierarchy or focus is not giving each object (like
a bed or curtain) in a project (like a bedroom decor) equal dominance. Emphasis or dominance of an
object can be increased by making the object larger, more sophisticated, more ornate, by placing it in the
foreground, or standout visually more than other objects in a project. The primary focus point or area
receives the largest emphasis in a room. Emphasis hierarchy avoids style confusion.
Proportion (scale)
Proportion involves the relationship of size between objects. Proportion is also relative sizes of surface
areas of different colors in a room. The proportion of color areas such as on a wall of a living room may
be chosen to be visually pleasing. Proportion also depends on functionality of object. For example, for the
best proportion between a room and furniture, the sizes of furniture depends on the size of the room. In
interior design, proportions like the floor to ceiling height of 8.3 to 9 feet tall may be used to obtain good
visual appeal, functionality and grandeur in home design. Proportions relative to one's height is also a
design element; a large living room or kitchen is usually more appealing than small ones. Furniture and
art paintings usually looks better and more luxurious in larger rooms with brighter lighting than in small
dimly lit rooms. If you take a close look in catalogs, galleries and display rooms, furniture stores and
interior decorators for this reason like to display their products in large and brightly lit spaces.
A design must have good functionality. For example a bedroom must function well as a place to sleep
and store clothing as well as looking nice. Proper functionality is simply the best possible design and best
possible location of this design that the occupant(s) requires. The requirements may be medical services,
medical supervision, professional assisted living, easy use of home and/or handicap access. Such a
home design is clean, nearly sterile, tidy, brightly lit, warm, visually appealing, is relatively dry, has
relatively clean and healthy breathing air, exceeds high level health and safety standards, needs
genuineness of function like a hospital. Great functionality and best possible materials for the function
usually also increases visual appeal, and prestige. A home design must have a healthy and safe
environment. The nicest looking house in the world is not much use if it has constant toxic exhaust gas
(carbon monoxide) leakages from a water heater tank.
Attraction and design styling
Attraction is how much an observer is attracted to a particular design such as a particular style of a
house. May involve studying the psychology why certain people are attracted more to particular designs
than other designs. Consider the psychological effects of color, shapes, design, design style in interior
design that may occur sometimes on prospective home owner when designing a home. In architecture
and interior design, styling the design is important; the designer should make a home style that the
prospective owner will like. For example, some people may prefer an upgraded Victorian traditional style
home, while young people may want a trendy new modern style home.
Artistic unity
Artistic unity is staying on the story (like a science fiction novel) topic or story line, telling only one story at
a time, staying on the style of a home in interior design. Avoids distraction or subconscious confusion in
house decor style. Helps strengthen the style of a house, gives a clear design style communication.
Having different styles of furniture and accessories like 1930s American country, 1980s British country
furniture and 2009 modern in a home makes interpreting its owner and life style more difficult; and then
the resultant subconscious confusion says little.
Genuineness of media, form and function
Genuineness in media and form in architecture and home interior design is using real material for finishes
rather than faux. The beauty of natural patterns of stone or wood, and real crystallized metals may be
used to enhance the visual appeal of an interior design. Using real metal, glass or crystal instead of
plastic or paint simulations, because these (real) are usually better aesthetically and functionally. Real
style, prestige, glamour or luxury rather than pretense. For example, an arborite, formica (faux stone) or
laminate kitchen counter top has not duplicated in 2009 the mirror reflectivity, natural beauty and
functionality of granite counters for long duration. Use the beauty of nature such as polished granite slab
as countertop to increase the visual appeal of a kitchen. In some cases, furniture and cabinets made of
real wood could look nicer than faux wood (photographic wood) like in "top of the line" kitchen cabinet
design. When making furniture do not use fake wood and fake metal; the faux wood board samples or
plastic gold look alike in the store may look nice, but the faux finished pieces will likely not have the
luxurious or prestigious look, and light reflectivity of the real materials that the customer desires. Use
good quality (grade A) pieces of wood; preferable hardwood. Some wood photographs on particle board
are not even water resistant. Some faux wood have repeating patterns of four or fewer colors that are not
as complex as real wood. A design rule is avoiding using faux finishes; faux is phoney or simulated wood,
stone, metal or crystal, because so far (2009) faux has not duplicated the visual appeal, complexity,
prestige, glamour and light reflectivity and refractions of the real materials (natural stone, real wood).
Finishes like wood moulding and trim without finishing errors like accidental paint smudges, gaps (holes),
splinters, or crooked cuts, as high quality finishes usually looks better and more prestigious. Palaces
needs real (natural) materials for finishes. Designer level faucets made from real metal usually looks
better and more luxurious. Genuineness of form is using a real structure in design rather than a facade.
For example, genuineness of form is using a real brick wall rather than phoney brick tiles on drywall. A
real structure like a real brick wall usually looks more prestigious or grander than a facade or faux wall.
Can use linoleum for flooring, but do not disguise it as something else like stone, wood or ceramic tiles.
Genuineness of function includes using real materials that is best for its function. For example, using real
metal instead of plastic for bathroom faucets may be better functionally and aesthetically. Genuineness of
form means using real structure rather than simulations; for example using real solid stone wall rather
than phony stone tiles on drywall. Genuineness of form could also mean using realism rather than fantasy
and pretense in home design. Genuineness of form is also when one object is not disguised as another;
for example a phoney fireplace is not disguised as a real one. Genuineness of function could mean using
the correct construction material(s) for the function; for example a hospital structure is made from steel,
concrete, real stone and/or brick that is strong and are fire resistant, noise resistant, germ resistant.
Genuineness of function also is using the best possible construction for a structure like a hospital building
that has high health and safety standards; for another example a modern solid stone fence would be
better than a rickety wooden fence, because the natural stone is stronger, more weather resistant
(durable), germ and mold resistant and probably will look better and more hygienic than a worn wooden
fence. Expensiver building materials like polished marble usually makes the design like a kitchen look
better and more luxurious than phoney marble. Avoid phoney wood, phoney metal and phoney stone
flooring as linoleum in homes; the real material may cost about double but may perhaps have about three
times the value and look than faux simulations if used.
Proximity in home decor is the placing of similar objects closer together physically, and unlike objects
(decor) further apart. Helps to produce harmony by grouping like objects. For example, different furniture
styles with different colors compressed in a small bedroom does not look as nice as the same furniture
placed further apart in a very large living room.
Color theory
Color theory in interior design includes the color wheel. The color wheel are the colors of the rainbow
arranged in a circular array. Color theory also involves the idea of how color affects human thought and
emotions. Pastel colors are considered as soothing colors. Red on sports cars is considered a daring
color, or may be used to bring emphasis to a part in a design. Colors that have red such as orange,
reddish-brown and yellow are assumed to be warm colors because we associate these with sunlight.
Woody browns are considered as cozy colors. Colors than have blue are cool colors because we
associate blue will cool water and ice. Ice cream packages with white, blue and silver colors may be
associated with cool so that buyers may be inclined to buy ice cream on a hot summer day. Certain
colour combinations like light subdued colours like green textile, light neutrals like beige paint and natural
colours like woody browns (real wood) can be soothing, calming or comforting. A subdued or muted
colour is a primary or scondary colour(s) with same grey added. Color harmony is a pleasing
combinations of colors and the amount of these colors in a design like a room decor. Color harmony
could also be a visually pleasing color combination that enhances the style and character of a design like
a home interior design. Color harmony is also using a limited number of colors in a color palette usually
seven or less initially to help preserve design unity. A visually pleasing color combination may be chosen
for the color palette of a room for a particular age group and gender. Very light neutral colours and natural
colours easily found in nature are usually popular. Very light neutrals like beige or light pastels are
subdued colours with a lot of white added. Light neutral colors as dominant colors in a room seem more
visually pleasing for people over age 35, because, perhaps, it resembles the colors in natural stone or
wood. Natural colors like white, woody browns easily found in nature may produce a sense of realism and
is usually visually pleasing for people over age 35.
Decluttering, organization and harmonization of accessories
Neatness, clean rooms, construction precision and organization in interior design, architecture and home
appliances is important. Some belief that decluttering a house from too many redundant objects makes it
look better. A neat, and tidy or organized room, and backyard usually looks better. Redundant objects or
accessories like broken radios, broken appliances, broken vases, cardboard boxes are hidden in storage
or re-cycled. Clothing can be stored in closets. Organize and declutter your closet also, and hang the
clothes spaced apart evenly; this will help circulate air and keep your clothes fresher, and makes the
closet look better. During decluttering, the best looking objects and accessories are kept that are in
design harmony with the room's design and accessories. This should make the rooms activity and guest
ready, which usually makes the room more pleasing. Sometimes making the rooms activity (like school
homework) ready is more important that using it for too much storage. When there is too much storage in
rooms, activity (like school homework, paper work) space must be made by decluttering, organizing and
general cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, grime scrubbing). Trivial objects stored in carboard boxes collected
over the years may hide the initial visual appeal of a room. Prepare storage for the things you need so
that these can be stored neatly and in an organized way. Declutter house only if required such as for free-
ing space for walking and entertaining, or home showcasing. You may regret throwing away objects like
an aluminum ladder just to tidy a space.
Lighting is important in home interior design. It allows the observer to clearly see the design. Home
interior design decor and furniture usually looks better in brighter lighting. Use lighting to set mood and
ambiance in interior design. Use brighter lighting the get a more airy and cheerfull look in a house.
Lighting may be needed also for comfort; children need bright bedrooms, and women may prefer brighter
living rooms. Finishing materials could be selected that reflect more light like a fresh coat of semi-gloss
white paint on drywall, light colored real wood panelling as wall or brightly colored wallpaper. A mediocre
basement with poor lighting can be made brighter and more visually appealing with more lighting like pots
lights, with brighter colors and finishes (sparkle and sheen, fresh vibrant paint) that reflect more light. For
example, at a bathroom mirror place dim lighting high above the head, on the left and right side of mirror;
men may look better with dim lighting above the head. The brightness of a room also depends on the light
reflectivity of the surface materials and the total surface area of the objects in a room and room;
hardwood flooring makes a room look brighter than white carpet, because real polished wood is more
light reflective and carpet has more surface area. A home that is small and dimly lit may not sell well; try
adding a larger window or skylight in some rooms, and some extra lamps.
Light coloration is important to setting the mood in a photograph or work of visual art. Use various types
of lights to denote specific mood changes. For example, a red-light may be used to denote an alert of
some sort in the form of a beacon. Differences in lighting hardware can affect the mood as well. Halogen
lamps and fluorescents can give a cooler feel to visual design works. These can be replicated through
psychological studies (citation needed). In digital mediums, lighting can be applied through a variety of
filters. For example, filtering out noise and changing hues in a subtle manner can give a simple but
tolerable logo feel to a red-alert beacon.
Design by experimentation: experiment with different shapes, materials, sizes of shapes to optimize
functionality and aesthetics of design; for example choosing a good size for a sconce. Design by
modification: modify an existing design to improve the aesthetics and functionality of a design; for
example modify a color of a couch to match the color in a drapery. Make modifications with experience or
experienced advice; you do not want to make an expensive mistake. Just because a design is newer than
a previous version does not mean that it is better; if a design works great be cautious in modifying it like
changing the location of a water heater tank; if the water tank is too close to a home central heating
furnace some gasses (carbon monoxide) from the furnace may leak out of the water tank. Need to be
involded in your home renovation; if not you may perhaps get a $4000 central heating exhaust venting
mistake but need to take more control over your life. Work with or hire designers and craftsman that work
for you. Design by chance: for example scribble some lines and curves randomly with a pencil on a piece
of paper then choose a shape outline seen in it that may be used as a wood table top. Design by
sketching: sketch a house or room design on paper or on computer; sketches and drawings can be easily
modified. Design using a moodboard: photographs of lamps and couches, paint swatches, wood
samples, textile samples, and room sketches can be placed on the moodboard to help visualize a room
design. Design in the mind: may be able to visualize visually pleasing designs of rooms and houses in the
mind, entire design project (room decor) can be checked this way inexpensively; this may be the best way
to refine a home design. Design with "direct" method: direct is abbreviation for describe, investigate,
record, evaluate, construct, and try; for example describe design requirements, investigate design
requirements and feasibility, record design progress and plans, evaluate the design to see if design
requirements were met, construct the design, and then try or test the home design. Practice: home
renovation is not as easy as one thinks. Experience had shown that a person with no experience in
renovation or the task, or no formal education on the task will most of the time probably make errors and
setbacks (time delays). Construction and finishing errors can reduce the "top of the line" look. Need to do
some designing practice first. Learn how to and practice laying tiles before making your large expensive
ceramic tile flooring. Installing your bathroom or floor 1 ' by 1' by 1/4" ceramic tiles: some of the tile
alignments are off by 1/16", some gaps between the tiles were not the same, or has uneven grout lines
and the tiles on walls or floor or not flat (not straight, not level) on some locations, is bumpy a little. If the
tile alignments or gaps between the tiles are off by over 1 millimetre, the quality of the work is poor and
will reduce the luxury or prestige look of the tile work, since high quality workmanship itself is a form of
luxury. Making (laying) floor tiles and even television set facades requires a lot of precision for neatness.
Practice designing: you can practice on paper, on computer, with a miniature model, with a mood board,
in the mind with sample building materials (wood, textile) and paint swatches; you can sketch a home
floor plan on paper for example. People's skills may improve with practice in their hobbies or work.

A design or design contest rule is: try to use original designs; for home interior designs avoid using
already existing furniture, wall paper, textile pattern, accessories (lamps) and fixtures in the initial design
process; these components or most of the components of the design should be custom made, your
original work or new work. This is how to get new (contemporary) designs. High quality original art (the
genuine one of a kind piece) may usually sell for a greater price. Home renovation may involve taking
chances and thinking outside the box (trying new ideas). Try different versions of your design preferences
to make a nice looking contemporary interior design.
In home design, quality surface finishes are important. Wood finishes or metal surfaces are made
smooth, uniform and untattered. The tidy look looks better and more luxurious. A smooth and uniform
surface such as on a new high quality kitchen cabinet wood door an untattered look is usually more
visually pleasing; most people probably prefer new cabinets when buying a house. Cleaning and painting
a grimy wall that is stained and tattered to a smooth uniform finish usually looks better, clean and possibly
more cozy. A smooth and polished 1-inch by 10-inch by 1/2" plank of maple wood usually looks better
than a rough-cut plank; smooth and shiny objects like quartz crystals are usually more visually appealing
than rough and dull surfaces like rough concrete. Who would not prefer to take a shower in a clean,
warm, dry, cozy and visually appealing bathroom? The furniture, accessories (lamp), fixtures (lighting)
and drapes and the like are the jewels of a room. When selecting furniture and accessories use: unity,
quality rather than quantity, choose good looking furniture that you like. Adding these as fresh quality
pieces that are not too casual with renovation can quickly add some luxury, sophistication or prestige to a
room. Design harmony, using quality workmanship (finishes) and choosing colors thoughtfully are some
of the design secrets of hotel room interior decorators. Another design secret for interior design and
clothing design is that the components are: clean ,tidy, neat, untattered, has proper fit (fit not too loose
and not too tight, fits personality). The interior design and clothing are determined by the man, or vice
versa? Most designs like a home are not complete without finishes. Finishes usually makes the design
more visually appealing. For example a finish is a smooth flat plank of hardwood like a kitchen cabinet
door that has a few coats of lacquer. The lacquer finish makes the wood more light reflective and helps
protect it from finger prints. A finish can be a polished surface on a granite slab countertop. Smooth
finishes can bring out the natural patterns on wood and stone. Smooth polished finishes like on wood
table usually looks better, than a bare rough plank of wood. A smooth and uniform finish like paint (spray
paint) on a new window is usually more visually pleasing than a rough finish produced by four or more re-
paintings of the window. Unfortunately the most pleasing yard and garden of a home is one that is well
manicured, is young, tidy and neat, organized, safe and with no weeds.

More important than design aesthetics are health and safety engineering of a product. For safety for
example you should not build a roof terrace without a railing that is used to prevent playfull guests from
falling off the building. For health reasons for example if your building utility design is already working
great you should be cautious in doing important renovations in your home such as relocating your water
heater tank closer to a furnace of a home central heating system; the furnace and water heater tank can
get some toxic exhaust gasses (carbon monoxide, nitrogen compound) from each other. The gas leaks
can have flame exhaust odours; small amounts of steady exposure to these toxic exhaust gasses may be
an eye and back irritant. The problem is in not being able to correct a mistake like this when control or
government control, and understanding fails. The most attractive house in the world is nearly useless if it
has toxic exhaust gasses accumulating in it.

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