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September 20th, 2016 

To whom it may concern,  

Regarding my student Caroline McArthur, I can inform you that she is a bright, 
hard working young woman. She is currently enrolled in one of my Health 
Sciences courses.  

Caroline shows expertise in time management skills, as all of her assignments 

are on time, and I know that she is involved in multiple sports and other out of 
class activities. I know that she is able to handle her responsibilities in an 
organized and timely fashion.  

Caroline is also part of the national honors society, which is proof that she has 
had an average of a 3.5 GPA or higher throughout all of high school, and she 
shows interest in helping out in the community. Whenever presented with 
volunteer opportunities that come by in my class, she is always eager to help 

She demonstrates politeness and attentiveness in the classroom, and excels 

in leading small groups of people. Although, if she is not called upon to lead, 
she is still a valuable member to have on a team or in a classroom due to her 
creativity and problem solving abilities. Caroline always finds a way to shed 
light on a problem in a way that has not been done before. Even if the 
solution does not present itself right away, she shows perseverance, and a 
strong work ethic, so when she is motivated and confident, nothing can stand 
in her way.  



Melanie Lewis 

Glencoe High School 

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