Lesson Plan: Characterization in The Great Gatsby

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Lesson Plan: Characterization in The Great Gatsby

Email: austin.beltran42@gmail.com

Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 10th Grade English

Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of both direct and indirect

characterization through the narrative of a chosen major character in The Great Gatsby.

Students will create an individual, unique Tumblr blog in-character as a major character

from the novel, displaying a complex and thorough understanding of them and their

character arc, through the creation of a multimodal blog that uses at least three different

modes of communication. The students final blog will present a series of posts in a

variety of formats (text, picture, video, etc.) that follow the chronological events of their

chosen character throughout the novel.

Required Materials:

➢ The Great Gatsby text

➢ Computer with internet access

○ Ability to create and edit a new and unique Tumblr account

Standards Addressed:


Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says

explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations)

develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or

develop the theme.


Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple

plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.


Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create

a coherent whole.

Time Sequence Activity

Pre-instructional (5 Teacher will pass out the prompt and rubric that follows this
minutes) table, and go over the assignment before students are allowed to
choose which character they would like to do their project on.
Students choose a character from the above list of major
characters in The Great Gatsby to do their project. Once a
character is chosen by three students

Modeling Teacher will show examples of previous assignments and how

(15 minutes) they approached the project in unique and creative ways. Teacher
will also show how to sign up and begin customizing a Tumblr

Guided Practice Students will use computers to begin building their Tumblr blogs
(15 minutes) in class. Teacher will go around the room and make sure all
students understand the text, objective, and navigation of
Tumblr’s profile editing and posting format.


Purpose: To demonstrate a complex understanding of a chosen major character’s actions,

relationship to other characters, and motivations in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great

Gatsby. Students will demonstrate this through the creation of a unique and

individual Tumblr blog that utilizes at least three of the five different modes of

communication (visual, aural, gestural, spatial, linguistic).

Available Characters: Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy

Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker, George Wilson, Myrtle Wilson

Context: Students will have completed reading The Great Gatsby and will now demonstrate their

understanding of complex direct and indirect characterization by choosing one of the

above listed characters and creating a blog as if they were their chosen character, making

posts on their blog regarding the events of the novel in chronological order. Students will

have a knowledge of direct and indirect characterization, and apply these concepts to

their own final product.

Assignment and Process: Students will create a unique and individual Tumblr blog and post

on it as if they were the students chosen character. Students will customize the profile

picture, header, blog title, and description in such a way that it represents the character

and reflects the students understanding of their actions, relationship to other characters,

and motivations throughout the novel. Students must make a minimum of 5 posts on

the blog they create (approximately one per every two chapter) using a variety of post

formats (text, picture, video, link, etc.) that have a clear and direct link to textual

evidence as to how the individual posts are supported in the novel. Students are required

to include at least 250 words of original writing from their chosen characters

perspective. You cannot reblog five posts and tag them #jordanbaker, there must be clear

input by the student on the final product. Students will also create a typed handout

with textual evidence that supports the rationale behind each post as it relates to the

novel. Rubric.

Criteria Description Scoring

Understanding of The final product demonstrates your insightful /30

Text understanding of the text, and displays a
chronological account of the events of The
Great Gatsby from your characters perspective.

Minimum Post Students meet the minimum requirement of 5 /20

Requirement unique individual posts (approximately one per
every two chapter) that are created as if your
chosen character were posting them by
themselves, as well as a minimum of 250 words
typed by the student for this assignment

Post Diversity The posts mentioned above include a variety of /20

elements, including but not limited to: text,
images, video, music, external links, etc. (at
least 3 or more of these elements must be used
in your final product)

Handout of Students will create a typed handout providing /15

Explanation textual evidence for each post’s relation to the

Customization of Customize the profile avatar, background, titles, /10

Profile and related elements in a way that is consistent
with your interpretation of your character.

Creativity The above listed elements are used in a creative /5

manner, with clear effort put into the final

Final Grade Earned Points/Total Points Possible /100

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