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LWW/JACM AS328-19 November 11, 2004 18:15 Char Count= 0

J Ambulatory Care Manage

Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 75–79

c 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

The Impact of Conflict on

The Palestinian Experience
S. Qouta, PhD; J. Odeh, MD

Abstract: Violence permeates all parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since the onset of the Al-
Aqsa Intifada on the September, 28, 2000, through October 31, 2003, more than 51,000 Palestinians
have been injured and 2700 have been killed. Palestinian children suffer from various physical
aliments due to their disadvantaged situation, including 10% who suffer from moderate to severe
malnutrition. The children also suffer from significant mental health disorders, including 33% with
acute levels of posttraumatic stress disorder, 49% with moderate levels and 15.6% low levels. In
“hot” areas, 55% of the children have acute levels of posttraumatic stress disorder, 35% moderate
levels, and 9% low levels. Key words: children, Palestinians, posttraumatic stress disorder, war

concern about developmental risks for chil-

P OLITICAL violence permeates all parts
of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It af-
fects virtually all Palestinians young and old in
dren who fall victims to political violence and
war. Family and parent-child attachment are
various community settings including house- considered important in providing a protec-
holds, schools, and institutions. The present tive shield for children’s psychological well-
article summarizes studies documenting the being in dangerous conditions (Garbarino
impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on et al., 1991; Freud & Burlingham, 1943).
the health of Palestinian children. In addition, Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip are
this article will summarize one original study large, and members show strong affiliation
that investigates further the impact of the war to their families. “El Hamula” (the extended
on the mental health of Palestinian children. family) continues to play an important pro-
Children living in conditions of political vi- tective role in modern life too. Traditionally,
olence and war have been described as “grow- children submit to the authority of their
ing up too soon,”“losing their childhood,”and parents, and older members of the family
taking political responsibilities before achiev- enjoy special respect. However, the Intifada
ing ample maturation (Boothby et al., 1992). has created a situation that has apparently
This development leads to negative psycho- shaken traditional parent-child relations and
logical consequences (Garbarino et al., 1991). the family hierarchy. First, the increased
Mental health professionals show increasing influence of political parties has decreased
the social role of the extended family. Second,
children and youths have played a very active
role in the national struggle. They were
From the Gaza Community Mental Health and continue to be an essential element in
Programme, Gaza City, Gaza (Dr Qouta); and the the initiation, planning, and organization of
Palestinian Happy Child Centre, Jerusalem (Dr
Odeh). demonstrations against and confrontations
with Israeli soldiers (Kuttab, 1998).
Corresponding author: S. Qouta, PhD, Gaza Commu-
nity Mental Health Programme, PO Box 1049, Gaza Palestinians have expressed serious con-
City, Gaza Strip, Palestine (e-mail: cern about the future consequences of these
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shattered parental bonds. Anecdotally, some and wasting. The survey found that 37.9%
believe that children who throw stones (“chil- of children were anemic (33.5% in the West
dren of the stones”)and fight against the occu- Bank and 38.7% in the Gaza Strip). Around
pation army also challenge their parents’ au- 2.5% of children suffered from acute malnu-
thority. Parents face difficulties in protecting trition (2.9% in the West Bank and 2.0% in the
their children from sights of destruction, vi- Gaza Strip) and 9.0% from chronic malnutri-
olence, and abuse. Many Palestinian children tion (8.0% in the West Bank and 10.5% in the
have taken an active part in their national Gaza Strip). Rates of anaemia and malnutrition
struggle. Even if they were not actively fight- had all increased from the levels found in a
ing on the streets, as so many are, they still previous survey carried out in 2000.
could not help but experience the national The explanations for these increases in
struggle on an emotional level. cases of malnutrition and anemia are multi-
factorial. Child health and nutrition experts
stated that these results reflected the criti-
THE IMPACT OF THE WAR ON THE cally disadvantaged situation in the Gaza Strip
HEALTH OF PALESTINIAN CHILDREN as well as the serious, deteriorating situation
in the West Bank. In general, the results re-
Physical health flect a status of chaos and crisis, exacerbated
Since the onset of the Al-Aqsa Intifada on by a breakdown in the functioning of the
September 28, 2000 through March 31, 2004, Palestinian National Authority.
more than 51,228 Palestinians have been in- Possibly the most tragic example of the im-
jured and 2762 have been killed. Many of pact of this political chaos on the health of
those were children under the age of 18 years, the Palestinian population is the outcomes of
among whom 14,179 were injured and 701 pregnant mothers at checkpoints (which of-
were killed. Approximately 12% of the in- ten take hours and/or days to pass through):
jured children are suffering from a permanent 39 deliveries; 22 deaths of pregnant mothers;
disability. Most of the victims’ injuries were and 27 deaths of newborn babies.
in the upper part of their bodies, including
their heads and eyes. Adolescents, aged 12–18 Mental health
years, represent the majority of the affected The psychological sequelae of political vi-
young victimized population. olence on children are severe and very trau-
Palestinian children suffer from various matizing. While many of the injured children
physical aliments owing to their disadvan- have acquired a permanent physical disabil-
taged situation. The preliminary findings of ity, many more have developed psychologi-
a nutritional assessment for a stratified ran- cal impairments. For example, around 50%
dom sample of 1000 Palestinian households of injured children have developed posttrau-
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip showed matic stress disorder diagnosis. Even among
high levels of anemia and malnutrition (as mainstream Palestinian school-age children,
defined by the World Health Organization) around 34% have developed posttraumatic
in children (Palestinian Central Bureau of stress disorder (Khamis, 2000).
Statistics with Birzeit University and UNICEF, In a recent study on 1000 school-age Pales-
2002; Child Nutrition in Exceptional Cir- tinian children, 54.7% (547) reported expe-
cumstances, 2002). This cross-sectional sur- riencing at least 1 high-magnitude traumatic
vey was completed during the period of event in their lifetime (Khamis, 2000a). Politi-
March–June 2002 and focused on the nutri- cal traumas inflicted by the Israeli army were
tional status of children living in the West the most commonly experienced events (270
Bank and Gaza Strip. The ages of the children children, 27%). Among these 270 children,
included in this study ranged from 6 to 59 23% (125) were injured, 18% (96) had a fam-
months. Three indicators were used to assess ily member killed, 8% (45) had been impris-
nutritional status: hemoglobin level, stunting oned and beaten up, and 0.7% (4) had their
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The Impact of Conflict on Children 77

houses demolished. Of the 547 children who quently experienced by Palestinian

had been exposed to traumatic events, 63% children during the Al-Aqsa Intifada
(341) were diagnosed as having full posttrau- (Table 1). Seven events refer to direct
matic stress disorder symptomatology accord- exposure to the traumatic events (eg,
ing to diagnostic criteria, which is 34% of the tear gas, shooting, or deprivation of
entire sample. medical help), while 5 events refer
Research also indicates that the preva- to witnessing military violence (eg,
lence of attention deficit hyperactivity disor- witnessing killing and/or injuring).
der among school-age children has risen to 2. PTSD Scale (Posttraumatic Stress Disor-
about 14% during the Al-Aqsa Intifada. The der Scale) (DSM-IV criteria; American
prevalence ratio varied across the 3 atten- Psychiatric Association, 1994); For the
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder subtypes: purposes of this study, PTSD is used to
3.5% for the combined type, 7.6% for the inat- refer to chronic and not acute PTSD
tentive type, and 2.8% for the hyperactive- since the events described by the youths
impulsive type (Khamis, 2002b). were associated with lifetime trauma ex-
One of the authors (Quota) undertook a posures. The scale was based on the arti-
survey in 2003 of 944 children (aged 10–19), cle on clinician-administered PTSD pub-
randomly selected from all parts of the Gaza lished in the Journal of Traumatic Stress
Strip (mean age 15.1 years), made up of a (Blake et al., 1995).
similar proportion of boys (49.7%) and girls 3. The Child Posttraumatic Stress Reaction
(50.3%). Refugee children represented 76.8% Index (CPTS-RI): This follows DSM-IV
of the sample and the rest were either citizens criteria, developed by Nader, and is
or residents of the Gaza Strip. used to measure PTSD in youths aged
The measures utilized were as follows: 12 and more (Nader et al., 1993).
1. Trauma questionnaire scale: This was Children’s PTSD symptoms were as-
developed for this study by the Gaza sessed by the Child Posttraumatic Stress
Community Mental Health Programme. Disorder Reaction Index (CPTS-RI)
It consists of 12 traumatic events fre- (Pynoos, 1987). This 20-symptom scale
Table 1. Trauma questionnaire scale∗

Item No. Yes No

The following are a number of questions related to difficult events that you were
exposed to. It has nothing to do with a disorder or a normal event
1. Was your house exposed shelling?
2. Were you exposed to inhaling tear gas?
3. Were you exposed to burns?
4. Were you shot by live ammunitions?
5. Were you exposed to shooting by rubber bullets?
6. Were you shot in the head to the degree that you lost conscious?
7. Were you derived of medical care when you needed it?
Witnessing traumatic events: The following questions are related to events that you
may have witnessed or heard about. Now I would like you to answer them
1. Witnessing shooting, fighting, or explosion
2. Witnessing strangers being injured or killed
3. Witnessing family members, neighbors, or relatives being injured or killed
4. Witnessing family members being injured or killed
5. Witnessing shelling and funerals

∗ The truma questionnaire scale is answered by the child not the mother.
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is used to assess the degree of a child’s Table 2. Prevalence rate of traumatic experiences
reactions to a selected traumatic event, among children in community areas
and covers the intrusive re-experiencing
of the event, avoiding related memories,
numbing feelings and increased hyper- Frequency %
arousal. The older children (13–16)
Direct personal experience
reported themselves, and the inter-
Shelling of the home 179 19.0
viewer estimated together with younger Tear-gassed 341 36.1
children the occurrence of the symp- Severe burns 89 9.4
toms on a 5-point scale: none of the Shot by live bullets 26 2.8
time (0), little of the time (1), some of Shot by plastic bullets 31 3.3
the time (2), much of the time (3), and Head injury, with loss 23 2.4
most of the time (4). of consciousness
Deprivation of 73 7.7
The maximum sum score is 80 and
medical help
minimum 12, and in our sample the
Witnessing traumatic events
range was 11 to 68. Averaged sum vari-
Saw shooting, fighting, 785 83.2
ables were constructed for intrusive or explosion
(9 items), avoidance (7 items), and hy- Saw stranger being 632 66.9
perarousal (4 items) symptoms. The injured or killed
CPTS-RI has been found to be reliable Saw friend or 584 61.6
and valid in predicting trauma im- neighbor being
pacts among Arab children in Palestine injured or killed
Saw family member 239 25.3
(Punamäki et al., 2001; Qouta et al.,
being injured
2001) and Kuwait (Hadi & Llabre, 1998). Saw funerals 893 94.6
4. Open questions. We presented a picture
of “Fatima,” a 15-year-old sitting by her-
self and looking out into empty space.
We asked children to imagine what kinds
of problems Fatima might be thinking We asked children how “Fatima” can solve
of and how they, the children, could their problems. We found that 66% of the chil-
help solve them. In an effort to avoid dren would like to concentrate their effort on
suggestibility, the researcher provided school issues, 25% would like to be a martyr,
the children with no additional informa- 9% would like to encourage the peace pro-
tion regarding “Fatima.” This research, cess, 0.1% would like to become involved in
summarized in Table 2, showed the re- the national struggle, and 0.5% would like to
sults of psychological suffering among focus on religion.
Palestinian children living under severe
conditions during the last 21/2 years of CONCLUSIONS
the Al-Aqsa Intifada in conflict-ridden
and public space areas of the Gaza Strip. With regard to the source of trauma for the
Our study also found that 33% of the chil- Palestinian people, many research studies in-
dren were having acute levels of Posttrau- dicate that Palestinians hold Israeli authori-
matic stress disorder, 49% from moderate lev- ties responsible for the majority of their direct
els and 16% low levels. In “hot” (close to exposure to trauma. In our view, this belief
Israeli settlements) areas, 55% of the children has face validity since tear gassing, home de-
suffered from acute levels of posttraumatic molitions, and injuries due to bullet wounds
stress disorder, 35% from moderate levels, and have been widely reported by news agencies,
9% low levels. In this study, we also explored Israeli and Palestinian human right organiza-
how children cope with their problems using tions, and an UNRWA field investigator The
the picture of “Fatima,” a 15-year-old student. research summarized in this article confirms
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The Impact of Conflict on Children 79

that a safe home fulfils a basic need and a need for concerted action from the Pales-
makes it possible to establish secure and adap- tinian National Authority, international agen-
tive human relationships. Tragically, the pro- cies, and nongovernmental organizations,
tective shield that is essential for children’s including practical programs, to help the chil-
mental health is dramatically destroyed when dren in greatest need, and further research
their families are faced with the shelling and documenting the impact of these interven-
demolition of their homes. Until the occu- tions on the health and social well-being of
pation of Palestinian lands is ended, there is these children.


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