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the main conflict of this story is when Patrick came home from work and told

Mary what happened. This is important in the story because this is why she killed

The setting of this story is important because they live in a small town and
everyone knows everyone else. Because of this the store clerk, Sam, knew Mary
and could give a detailed report about what she wanted and how she acted and
that would help her get away with murder.

The main characters of this story are Mary and Patrick Maloney. Mary is a
housewife that spends the day cooking ,cleaning and doing other jobs around the
house. Patrick is a cop that serves his community everyday. We don’t know
much about him because he was taken out of the story so soon. This story was
written in 3rd person. The way I know this is because the author used words such
as; he, she, and they.

The major theme of this story is, people aren’t always as they seem. This is
because she seemed like a nice, little housewife that wouldn’t hurt anyone and
she went off and killed her husband. The tone of this story was a pretty
gloomy tone. This story seems gloomy because it wasn’t exciting or scary, it was
more of a plain, and disturbed tone.

Read more in Drama

« Name of the Game

Bloom: The Womanly Man »

The things I learned from writing this essay are important in case I have to write
reports in my job later in life. One of the things I learned while I was writing this
essay is what a synopsis is. A synopsis is a short introduction of what you are
doing in your essay. Another thing I learned is how much I hate writing essays.

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Lamb to the Slaughter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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be challenged and removed. (March 2008)

"Lamb to the Slaughter" (1953) is a short story by Roald Dahl. It is a short story in the
book Skin which has a series of short stories. It was initially rejected, along with four other
stories, by The New Yorker, but was ultimately published in Harper's Magazine in September
1953 [1]. The story was adapted for a memorable episode of Alfred Hitchcock
Presents originally broadcast on April 13, 1958, one of the 17 AHP episodes directed by
Hitchcock himself and subsequently adapted for Dahl's British TV series Tales of the

‘‘Lamb to the Slaughter’’ demonstrates Dahl's ability to reflect aspects of human perversity,
cruelty and violence in adult fiction. His presentation features a cynically detached narrator,
and elements of black comedy. The horror of this story prefigures the grotesqueness seen in
the author's later work for children, including James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. The main character, Mary Maloney, has also been noted among one of the
most complex characters in short stories, from her drastic change portrayed by Roald Dahl.

[edit]Plot summary
Mary Maloney, a pregnant young woman in 20th century England, waits for her husband
Patrick to return home from his job as a detective for the local police. When he returns, Mary
notices that he is strangely aloof and assumes that he was tired from work. After blatantly
ignoring her, Patrick finally reveals (to Mary; the information is kept from the reader, although
it is insinuated that he wants to leave her) what it is that is making him act strangely.

In shock at the news, and seemingly in a trance, Mary fetches a large leg of lamb from the
deep-freeze in the cellar to cook for their dinner, apparently trying to restore a sense of
normalcy. Then Patrick angrily tells Mary not to make him any dinner, as he is going out. She
then strikes Patrick in the back of the head with the frozen lamb leg, killing him. After pacing
the room, Mary realizes that she must hide her crime, since she is aware of the punishment
she would face and she is scared for her baby and is not sure whether it would live. She
prepares the leg of lamb and places it in the oven. Then, after practising a cheerful routine to
show the world, she heads out to the store to buy some vegetables for her roast from the
Grocer. This is so she can form an alibi for the crime. Upon returning, she enters the room
with her dead husband laying on the floor and calls the police.
When the police arrive, they question Mary and survey the scene. The police, lacking any
reason to be suspicious of Mary because Mr. Maloney was actually a policeman too, come to
the conclusion that Mary's husband was killed with a large blunt object, likely made of metal.
They then search the house and surrounding area for the murderer's weapon. After a fruitless
search, the police realize that no one has turned off the oven. Mary offers all the policemen
the cooked leg, which the policemen kindly accept. When the lamb is nearly finished, the
police facetiously discuss the possibility of the murder weapon's location. One officer says "Its
probably right under our very noses". Mary begins to giggle, knowing that the police have just
eaten the evidence.

Definitions of character on the Web:

fictional character: an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction
(play or film or story); "she is the main character in the novel"

quality: a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual

nature of something; "each town has a quality all its own"; "the radical
character of our demands"

the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and

ethical actions and reactions; "education has for its object the formation
of character"- Herbert Spencer

an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of


a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real

character"; "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable
type"; "a mental case"

good repute; "he is a man of character"

a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future

employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability;
"requests for character references are all too often answered evasively"

a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet

has 24 characters"

engrave or inscribe characters on

(genetics) an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a

gene or group of genes

In computer and machine-based telecommunications terminology, a

character is a unit of information that roughly corresponds to a grapheme,
grapheme-like unit, or symbol, such as in an alphabet or syllabary in the
written form of a natural language.

A character (from the Greek "engraved or stamped mark (on coins or

seals), branding mark, symbol") may refer to any sign or symbol.

A trait is a distinct variant of a phenotypic character of an organism that

may be inherited, environmentally determined or somewhere in
between.Lawrence, Eleanor (2005) Henderson's Dictionary of Biology.
Pearson, Prentice Hall. ...

In mathematics, a character is (most commonly) a special kind of function

from a group to a field (such as the complex numbers). There are at least
two distinct, but overlapping meanings. Other uses of the word
"character" are almost always qualified.

Character (Karakter) is a 1997 Dutch/Belgian film, based on the best-

selling novel by Ferdinand Bordewijk and directed by Mike van Diem. The
film won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 70th
Academy Awards. The film stars Fedja van Huêt, Jan Decleir, and Betty

char·ac·ter (k r k-t r)


1. The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. See
Synonyms at disposition.

2. A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, group, or category. See Synonyms at quality.

3. Genetics A structure, function, or attribute determined by a gene or group of genes.

4. Moral or ethical strength.

5. A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.

6. A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a

7. Public estimation of someone; reputation: personal attacks that damaged her character.
8. Status or role; capacity: in his character as the father.


a. A notable or well-known person; a personage.

b. A person, especially one who is peculiar or eccentric: a shady character; catcalls from some character in the
back row.


a. A person portrayed in an artistic piece, such as a drama or novel.

b. Characterization in fiction or drama: a script that is weak in plot but strong in character.

11. A mark or symbol used in a writing system.

12. Computer Science

a. One of a set of symbols, such as letters or numbers, that are arranged to express information.

b. The numerical code representing such a character.

13. A style of printing or writing.

14. A symbol used in secret writing; a cipher or code.


1. Of or relating to one's character.


a. Specializing in the interpretation of often minor roles that emphasize fixed personality traits or specific physical
characteristics: a character actor.

b. Of or relating to the interpretation of such roles by an actor: the character part of the hero's devoted mother.

3. Dedicated to the portrayal of a person with regard to distinguishing psychological or physical features: a
character sketch.

4. Law Of or relating to a person who gives testimony as to the moral and ethical reputation or behavior of one
engaged in a lawsuit: a character witness.

tr.v. charac·tered, charac·ter·ing, charac·ters Archaic

1. To write, print, engrave, or inscribe.

2. To portray or describe.


in character

Consistent with someone's general character or behavior: behavior that was totally in character.

out of character

Inconsistent with someone's general character or behavior: a response so much out of character that it amazed

[Middle English carecter, distinctive mark, imprint on the soul, from Old French caractere, from

Latin charact r, from Greek kharakt r, fromkharassein, to inscribe, from kharax,

kharak-, pointed stick.]

char ac·ter·less adj.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin
Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

character [ˈkærɪktə]

1. the combination of traits and qualities distinguishing the individual nature of a person
or thing

2. one such distinguishing quality; characteristic

3. moral force; integrity a man of character


a. reputation, esp a good reputation

b. (as modifier) character assassination

5. a summary or account of a person's qualities and achievements; testimonial my last

employer gave me a good character

6. capacity, position, or status he spoke in the character of a friend rather than a father

7. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a person represented in a play, film, story, etc.; role

8. an outstanding person one of the great characters of the century

9. Informal an odd, eccentric, or unusual person he's quite a character

10. an informal word for person a shady character

11. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a symbol used in a

writing system, such as a letter of the alphabet

12. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) Also

called sort Printing any single letter, numeral, punctuation mark, or symbol cast as a type

13. (Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) Computing any letter, numeral,
etc., which is a unit of information and can be represented uniquely by a binary pattern
14. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a style of writing or

15. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Genetics) Genetics any structure, function,
attribute, etc., in an organism, which may or may not be determined by a gene or group
of genes

16. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a short prose sketch of a distinctive type of
person, usually representing a vice or virtue

in (or out of) character typical (or not typical) of the apparent character of a person or

vb (tr)

1. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to write, print, inscribe, or


2. Rare to portray or represent

[from Latin: distinguishing mark, from Greek kharaktēr engraver's tool,

from kharassein to engrave, stamp]

characterful adj

characterless adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

character (k r k-t r)

1. Genetics A structure, function, or attribute determined by a gene or a group of genes.

2. Computer Science A symbol, such as a letter, number, or punctuation mark, that occupies one byte of memory.
See more at ASCII.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton
Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



As the sun is best seen at its rising and setting, so men’s native dispositions are clearest
seen when they are children and when they are dying —Robert Boyle

A character is like an acrostic … read it forward, backward, or across, it still spells the
same thing —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it;
the tree is the real thing —Abraham Lincoln
Character is like white paper; if once blotted, it can hardly ever be made to appear white
as before —Joel Hawes

A character, like a kettle, once mended always wants mending —Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Character, like porcelain ware, must be painted before it is glazed. There can be no
change after it is burned in —Henry Ward Beecher

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. And when the weeds
begin to grow, it’s like a garden full of snow —Nursery rhyme

This dates back to the eighteenth century.

The reputation of a man is like his shadow, gigantic when it precedes him, and pigmy in
its proportions when it follows —Alexandre de Talleyrand

Some people, like modern shops, hang everything in their windows and when one goes
inside nothing is to be found —Berthold Auerbach

The soundness of his nature was like the pure paste under a fine glaze —Edith Wharton

A vein of iron buried inside her moral frame, like a metal armature inside a clay statue —
Carlos Baker

Your moral character must be not only pure, but, like Caesar’s wife, unsuspected —Lord

Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

Noun 1. character - an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film

or story); "she is the main character in the novel"

fictional character, fictitious character

imaginary being, imaginary creature - a creature of the imagination; a person

that exists only in legends or myths or fiction

2. character - a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "each
town has a quality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands"

lineament, quality

attribute, dimension, property - a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished; "self-
confidence is not an endearing property"

texture - the essential quality of something; "the texture of Neapolitan life"

3. character - the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and
reactions; "education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer

fibre, fiber

trait - a distinguishing feature of your personal nature

personality - the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that
characterize a unique individual; "their different reactions reflected their very different personalities";
"it is his nature to help others"

spirit - a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character

thoughtfulness - the trait of thinking carefully before acting

responsibleness, responsibility - a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for
something or being responsible for one's conduct; "he holds a position of great responsibility"

integrity - moral soundness; "he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of
business"; "they admired his scrupulous professional integrity"

4. character - an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"

persona, theatrical role, role, part

personation, portrayal, characterization, enactment - acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically
representing the character by speech and action and gesture

bit part, minor role - a small role

heavy - a serious (or tragic) role in a play

hero - the principal character in a play or movie or novel or poem

ingenue - the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play

name part, title role - the role of the character after whom the play is named

heroine - the main good female character in a work of fiction

baddie, villain - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction

5. character - a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real
character"; "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental

eccentric, type, case

adult, grownup - a fully developed person from maturity onward

6. character - good repute; "he is a man of character"

reputation, repute - the state of being held in high esteem and honor

7. character - a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing

the person's qualifications and dependability; "requests for character references are all too often
answered evasively"

character reference, reference

good word, recommendation, testimonial - something that recommends (or expresses commendation of)
a person or thing as worthy or desirable
8. character - a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet
has 24 characters"

grapheme, graphic symbol

printed symbol, written symbol - a written or printed symbol

allograph - a variant form of a grapheme, as `m' or `M' or a handwritten version of

that grapheme

check character - a character that is added to the end of a block of transmitted data and used to check
the accuracy of the transmission

superscript, superior - a character or symbol set or printed or written above and immediately to one side
of another character

subscript, inferior - a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the
side of another character

ASCII character - any member of the standard code for representing characters by binary numbers

ligature - character consisting of two or more letters combined into one

capital letter, majuscule, upper-case letter, uppercase, capital - one of the large alphabetic characters
used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis; "printers once
kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of
the type case and so became known as upper-case letters"

lower-case letter, lowercase, minuscule, small letter - the characters that were once kept in bottom half
of a compositor's type case

type - printed characters; "small type is hard to read"

percent sign, percentage sign - a sign (`%') used to indicate that the number preceding it should be
understood as a proportion multiplied by 100

asterisk, star - a star-shaped character * used in printing

dagger, obelisk - a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote

diesis, double dagger, double obelisk - a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or

alphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to
represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"

blank, space - a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing; "he said the
space is the most important character in the alphabet"

phonetic symbol - a written character used in phonetic transcription of represent a particular speech

mathematical symbol - a character that is used to indicates a mathematical relation or operation

rune, runic letter - any character from an ancient Germanic alphabet used in Scandinavia from the 3rd
century to the Middle Ages; "each rune had its own magical significance"

pictograph - a graphic character used in picture writing

ideogram, ideograph - a graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the
sounds used to say it; "Chinese characters are ideograms"

radical - a character conveying the lexical meaning of a logogram

stenograph - a shorthand character

9. character - (genetics) an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a gene or group of


attribute - an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity

unit character - (genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of
a single gene

genetic science, genetics - the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms

Verb 1. character - engrave or inscribe characters on

engrave, inscribe, grave, scratch - carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; "engrave a pen";
"engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's"; "the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. personality, nature, make-up, cast, constitution, bent, attributes, temper, temperamen

t, complexion, disposition, individuality, marked traits There is a side to his character
which you haven't seen yet.

2. nature, kind, quality, constitution, calibre Moscow's reforms were socialist in


3. (Informal) person, sort, individual, type, guy (informal), fellow What an unpleasant
character he is!

4. reputation, honour, integrity, good name, rectitude, uprightness He's begun a series of
attacks on my character.

5. courage, resolution, determination, guts (informal), pluck, grit, bravery, backbone, fort
itude, staying power, strength of mind, dauntlessness She showed real character in her
refusal to give up.

6. role, part, persona He plays the film's central character.

7. eccentric, card (informal), original, nut (slang), flake (slang, chiefly

U.S.), oddity, oddball (informal), odd bod (informal), queer fish (Brit.
informal), wacko orwhacko (informal) He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character.

8. symbol, mark, sign, letter, figure, type, device, logo, emblem, rune, cipher, hieroglyph
Chinese characters inscribed on a plaque

"Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of human life" [Goethe Torquato
"Character is much easier kept than recovered" [Thomas Paine The American Crisis]
"A man's character is his fate" [Heraclitus On the Universe]
"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it;
the tree is the real thing" [Abraham Lincoln]
"Fate and character are the same concept" [Novalis Heinrich von Ofterdingen]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers
1995, 2002

Select a language:


n character [ˈkӕrəktə]

1 the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type You
can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for
the firm.

2 a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way He showed great
character in dealing with the danger.

3 reputation They tried to damage his character.

4 a person in a play, novel etc Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's


5 an odd or amusing person This fellow's quite a character!

6 a letter used in typing etc Some characters on this typewriter are broken.

adj characterˈistic

(negativeuncharacteristic) typical (of a person etc) He spoke with characteristic shyness;

That kind of behaviour is characteristic of him.

a typical quality It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.

adv characteˈristically

v characterize, ˈcharacterise

1 to be the obvious feature of The giraffe is characterized by its long neck.

2 to describe (as) She characterized him as weak and indecisive.

n characteriˈzation, ˌcharacteriˈsation

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2010 K Dictionaries Ltd.

Character 2

Definition: Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the peculiar form of letters used by a particula
r person or people;as, an inscription in the Runic character.

Character 3

Definition: The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguishe
d from others; thestamp impressed by nature, education, or habit; that which a person or thing re
ally is; nature; disposition.

Character 4

Definition: Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; as, he has a great deal of ch

Character 5

Definition: Moral quality; the principles and motives that control the life; as, a man of character; hi
s character saveshim from suspicion.

Character 6

Definition: Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or
duty; as, in themiserable character of a slave; in his character as a magistrate; her character as a

Character 7
Definition: A written statement as to behavior, competency, etc., given to a servant.

Character 8

Definition: A unique or extraordinary individuality; a person characterized by peculiar or notable tr

aits; a person whoillustrates certain phases of character; as, Randolph was a character; Caesar is
a great historical character.

Character 9

Definition: One of the persons of a drama or novel.

Character 10

Definition: To engrave; to inscribe.

Character 11

Definition: To distinguish by particular marks or traits; to describe; to characterize.

character 12

Definition: the inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions a
nd reactions;"education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer

character 13

Definition: a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "eac
h town has aquality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands"

character 14

Definition: an actor''s portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"

character 15

Definition: a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describi

ng the person''s
qualifications and dependability; "requests for character references are all to often answered evasi

character 16

Definition: a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has characters"

character 17

Definition: an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story); "she is the
main character in the novel"
character 18

Definition: a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real character"; "a
strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case"

character 19

Definition: good repute; "he is a man of character"

character 20

Definition: engrave or inscribe characters on


A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol.

Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the peculiar form of letters used by a particular person or peop
an inscription in the Runic character.

The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others; t
stamp impressed by nature, education, or habit; that which a person or thing really is; nature; dispositi

Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; as, he has a great deal of character.

Moral quality; the principles and motives that control the life; as, a man of character; his character save
from suspicion.

Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty; as, in the
miserable character of a slave; in his character as a magistrate; her character as a daughter.

The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing; reputation; as, a man's character for tr
veracity; to give one a bad character.

A written statement as to behavior, competency, etc., given to a servant.

A unique or extraordinary individuality; a person characterized by peculiar or notable traits; a person wh
illustrates certain phases of character; as, Randolph was a character; Caesar is a great historical charac

One of the persons of a drama or novel.

To engrave; to inscribe.

To distinguish by particular marks or traits; to describe; to characterize.

Related Definitions:
An, And, As, Bad, Behavior, By, Caesar, Capacity, Certain,Character, Characterize, Characterized, Comp
Conduct,Control, Daughter, Deal, Describe, Disposition, Distinctive,Distinguish, Distinguished, Drama, D
ucation, Engrave,Estimate, Extraordinary, Figure, For, Form, From, General, Give,Given, Great, Habit, H
ing, He, Her, Him, His, Historical, Has,Impressed, In, Independence, Individual, Individuality, Inscribe,I
n, Is, Letter, Life, Magistrate, Man, Mark, Mind, Miserable,Moral, Nature, Notable, Novel, Of, Office, One
rticular,Peculiar, People, Person, Phases, Position, Printing, Put, Qualities,Quality, Rank, Really, Reputat
olution, Respect, Runic,Servant, Slave, Stamp, Statement, Strength, Style, Sum, Suspicion,Symbol, Tha
Thing, To, Truth, Unique, Upon, Used, Veracity,Was, Which, Who, With, Writing, Written

Character Quotations

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really
while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
John Wooden

Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.

John Wooden

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives
moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games play
the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Le
gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.
Thomas Jefferson

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.

Albert Einstein

Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.
Albert Einstein
One strength of the communist system of the East is that it has some of the character of a religion and
the emotions of a religion.
Albert Einstein

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the r
Abraham Lincoln

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln

You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.
Abraham Lincoln

The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amaze
distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by su
and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance.
Maya Angelou


   [kar-ik-ter] Show IPA



the aggregate of features and traits that form the individualnature of some person or thi


one such feature or trait; characteristic.


moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.


qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity: It takescharacter to face up to a bull



reputation: a stain on one's character.

good repute.


an account of the qualities or peculiarities of a person orthing.


a person, esp. with reference to behavior or personality: asuspicious character.


Informal . an odd, eccentric, or unusual person.


a person represented in a drama, story, etc.


a part or role, as in a play or film.


a symbol as used in a writing system, as a letter of thealphabet.


the symbols of a writing system collectively.


a significant visual mark or symbol.


status or capacity: the character of a justice of the peace.


a written statement from an employer concerning thequalities of a former employee.


Literature . (esp. in 17th- and 18th-century England) aformal character sketch or descrip
tive analysis of a particularhuman virtue or vice as represented in a person or type.Comp
are character sketch.


Genetics . any trait, function, structure, or substance of anorganism resulting from the ef
fect of one or more genes asmodified by the environment.


Computers .

any symbol, as a number, letter, punctuation mark, etc.,that represents data and that, w
hen encoded, is usableby a machine.


one of a set of basic symbols that singly or in a series oftwo or more represents data and
, when encoded, isusable in a computer.


a style of writing or printing.


Roman Catholic Theology . the ineffaceable imprint receivedon the soul through the sacr
aments of baptism, confirmation,and ordination.


(formerly) a cipher or cipher message.



Theater .


(of a part or role) representing a personality type, emphasizing distinctive traits,
as language,mannerisms, physical makeup, etc.


(of an actor or actress) acting or specializing in suchroles.

–verb (used with object) Archaic .


to portray; describe.


to engrave; inscribe.



in character,

in harmony with one's personal character or disposition:Such behavior is not in character
for him.


in accordance with the role or personality assumed in aperformance: an actor in charact



out of character,


out of harmony with one's personal character ordisposition: Her remarks were out of cha


away from the role or personality assumed in aperformance: The actor stepped out of ch

Use character in a Sentence

1275–1325; < L < Gk charaktḗr graving tool, its mark, equiv. tocharak- (base of char
áttein to engrave) + -tēr agent suffix; r.ME caractere < MF < L, as above

—Related forms

char·ac·ter·less, adjective

un·char·ac·tered, adjective

1. CHARACTER, INDIVIDUALITY, PERSONALITY refer to the sum of thecharacteristics possessed by a
person. CHARACTER refers esp. tomoral qualities, ethical standards, principles, and the like
: a man ofsterling character. INDIVIDUALITY refers to the distinctive qualitiesthat make one
recognizable as a person differentiated from others:a woman of strong individuality. PERS
ONALITY refers particularly tothe combination of outer and inner characteristics that deter

minethe impression that a person makes upon others: a child of vivid orpleasing persona
lity. 5. name, repute. See reputation. 14. sign. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.
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World English Dictionary

character (ˈkærɪktə)


1. the combination of traits and qualities distinguishing theindividual nature of a person

or thing

2. one such distinguishing quality; characteristic

3. moral force; integrity: a man of character

4. a. reputation, esp a good reputation

b. ( as modifier ): character assassination

5. a summary or account of a person's qualities andachievements; testimonial: my last

employer gave me a goodcharacter

6. capacity, position, or status: he spoke in the character of afriend rather than a father
7. a person represented in a play, film, story, etc; role

8. an outstanding person: one of the great characters of thecentury

9. informal an odd, eccentric, or unusual person: he's quite acharacter

10 an informal word for person : a shady character


11 a symbol used in a writing system, such as a letter of thealphabet


12 printing Also called: sort any single letter, numeral,punctuation mark, or symbol cas
. t as a type

13 computing any letter, numeral, etc, which is a unit ofinformation and can be represe
. nted uniquely by a binarypattern

14 a style of writing or printing


15 genetics any structure, function, attribute, etc, in anorganism, which may or may not
. be determined by a gene orgroup of genes

16 a short prose sketch of a distinctive type of person, usuallyrepresenting a vice or virtu

. e

17 in character typical of the apparent character of a person orthing


18 out of character not typical of the apparent character of aperson or thing


— vb

19 to write, print, inscribe, or engrave


20 rare to portray or represent


[C14: from Latin: distinguishing mark, from Greek kharaktēr engraver's tool, from khara
ssein to engrave, stamp]


— adj

— adj

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition

2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
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Word Origin & History


early 14c., from O.Fr. caractere , from L. character , from Gk.kharakter "engraved mark
," from kharassein "to engrave," fromkharax "pointed stake." Meaning extended by met
aphor to "adefining quality."

"You remember Eponina, who kept her husband alive in anunderground cavern so devote
dly and heroically? The force ofcharacter she showed in keeping up his spirits would have
beenused to hide a lover from her husband if they had been livingquietly in Rome. Stron
g characters need strong nourishment."[Stendhal, "De l'Amour" 1822]

Sense of "person in a play or novel" is first attested 1660s, inreference to the "defining q
ualities" he or she is given by theauthor. The Latin ch- spelling was restored 1500s.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

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Medical Dictionary
char·ac·ter definition

Pronunciation: /ˈkar-ik-tər/
Function: n
1 : one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguishthe individual
2 : the detectable expression of the action of a gene or group ofgenes
3 : the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and oftenindividualizing a person, g
roup, or nation

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

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character char·ac·ter (kār'ək-tər)

An attribute, trait, or distinct structural or functional feature. Alsocalled characteristic .

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton MifflinCompany.
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Science Dictionary
character (kār'ək-tər) Pronunciation Key

Genetics A structure, function, or attribute determined by agene or a group of genes.

Computer Science A symbol, such as a letter, number, orpunctuation mark, that occupie
s one byte of memory. Seemore at ASCII.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary

Copyright © 2002. Published by Houghton Mifflin. All rights reserved.
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Cultural Dictionary
character definition

A person in a literary work. For example, Ebenezer Scrooge is acharacter in A Christmas

Carol, by Charles Dickens.

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition

Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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Computing Dictionary
character definition

An atom in a character repertoire.
Compare with glyph.

The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © Denis Howe 2010

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Idioms & Phrases


see in character; out of character.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

Copyright © 1997. Published by Houghton Mifflin.
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in biology, any observable feature, or trait, of an organism, whetheracquired or inherited

. An acquired character is a response to theenvironment; an inherited
character is produced by genestransmitted from parent to offspring (their expressions ar
e oftenmodified by environmental conditions). One gene may affect manycharacters; one
character may be controlled by many genes. Acharacter controlled by only a few genes is
known as an oligogenic,discontinuous, or qualitative character; a character controlled by
many genes is termed polygenic, continuous, or quantitative. Agenetically controlled cha
racter may be termed dominant when itscontrolling genes are powerful enough to mask t
he effect of othergenes (alleles) that control an alternative character, termedrecessive

Learn more about character with a free trial on

Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008. Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

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Famous Quotations

"Character wants room; must not be crowded on by persons..."

"For, when men shall meet as they ought, each a benefact..."

"This is that which we call Character,—a reserved force ..."

"The destructive character lives from the feeling, not t..."

"New England likes to think it has a civilization based ..."

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TASK: Write a personality profile of the main character (Mary Maloney) in the

Consider appearance, personality, motive and behavior.

Mary Maloney is a perfect and devoted house wife, also an expectant mother. She

happily each night for the arrival of her husband Patrick from work at the police

station. But on one Thursday night, she comites an almost perfect murder.

The author Roald Dahl has developed the character of Mary Maloney both through
direct and

indirect characterization. This reveals her character as being dynamic through her

and personality, and is what makes this short story a success.

The first scene is one of a typical house wife longing for her husband to return

work. Everything appears to be too perfect and it was almost as if she was

something odd to happen. After her husband Patrick reveals his affliction, Mary's
behavior changes from being wife-pleasing-husband to self-observant women who was

unstable and quite aggressive. It was almost as if she hits her husband over the

with the leg of lamb naturally, and without hesitation. ....Mary Maloney simply
walked up

behind him and without any pause she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the
air and

brought it down as hard as she could.... She had rejected what her husband had just

her and goes into a state of mind where she had blocked out reality and where her

are the result of this metamorphoses behavior. Her devotion to Patrick became so

obsessive to the point of killing him.

Mrs. Maloney was faced with a number of challenges and problems which she had to

overcome, both emotionally and psychologically. She had to cope with the
realization of

rejection of her husband and come to terms with the fact that her marriage was

Also, she had to deal with the actual murder of Patrick and establish an alibi.

But Mary Maloney was a clever women and it was almost as if she suddenly knew what
to do

after killing her husband. It was as if she had been prepared for months. She tries

successfully to simulate normal behavior as much as possible by acting out her


routine. She sat down before the mirror, tided her face, touched up her lips and

She tried a smile. It came out rather peculiar. She tried again. Mary Maloney's

to cover up the murder was most likely based on her unborn child. She considered
the fait

of the baby and wasn't prepared to take any chances. As the wife of a detective she

what the penalty would be. The unborn child was the motive for her actions after

murder. Also, the fact that she was an expectant mother convinced the reader to
feel for

her and somewhat made them wanting her to get away with the murder. Throughout the

she is described as an inoffensive and harmless person which further reveals to the
reader that she didn't intend to kill her husband and that what she did afterwards

for the unborn child.

Establishing an alibi was an easy task for Mrs. Maloney. She makes intelligent

conversation with Sam, the grocery shop owner. She explains to him that Patrick was

home and didn't want to go out that night, leaving her with no vegetables in the

for supper. Her technique was to keep on asking her questions, asking what he would

suggest for dessert, so later when the police would arrive, Sam would remember

clearly remember Mrs. Maloney's visit. He would tell the police that she was in a

state of mind and cheerful state, and therefore, letting her off the hook.

We see even more deceitfulness through her words when she eradicates all of the

When the police arrive and are searching for a weapon, she asks for her husbands

Would you mind giving me a drink? Sure, I'll get you a drink. You mean this
whiskey? Yes

please All of the detectives end up having a drink and stop searching for the

When the lamb is consumed by the officers, the reader further realizes that Mary

gets away easily by using deceitful lies and a concrete set of plausible words. But

was one more extraordinary act to follow. And in the other room, Mary Maloney began

giggle. By doing so she was proclaiming that she was indeed independent and not

subservient and able to make her own decisions based on her own thoughts. She was
no more

the loving and faithful wife as described at the beginning of the story.

We were with Mary Maloney from the very start, and only at the end do we realise
that we

never really knew her at all

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