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Topic: Here, there and everywhere! Level: A1.1

Main Objective: By the end of the class, students will be able to deal with vocabulary regarding the
places in a city. They will identify compound nouns.

Secondary objective: By the end of the class, students will have developed reading for the main idea
strategy using three texts of people presenting their neighborhoods.

Assumptions: Students have a very basic level of English, and have some knowledge about verbs,
countries and cities, demonstrative and possessive adjectives, expressions of likes and dislikes,
expressing opinions, and “there is/ there are” structures.


Lead-in 5 minutes
Project pictures of places from Guayaquil and have Get Ss engaged in learning
students describe their city using the places shown. the topic of the class.
Students use proper nouns to name the places.

Pre-teach Show the name of places in English and ask the Ss Become familiar with new 10 minutes
vocabulary to match them with the corresponding picture. vocabulary recognizing
Have the Ss name the places. places from their own city. Pictures: a
museum, a
shopping mall, a
main square, a
fountain, a bus
station, a movie
theater, an art
gallery, a factory,
a neighborhood.
Listening Ask the Ss to open their books, and look at the Recognize the places on 10 minutes
activity picture. Have them elicit that the information is the map that the speaker
about the Chinese New Year festival. mentions. Book (page 49)
Tell them that they will hear a guide for visitors to Recording
the festival. They will read the map and circle the
places that the speaker mentions.
Before listening, ask some information check
Are you going to listen or read?
Do you have to circle the places on the map that the speaker
mentions or those that he doesn’t mention?
Play the recording once, and check progress. Play it
again, if necessary. Check the answers with the

Follow-up Have the Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the List as many other places 10 minutes
activity following questions: in their town as possible,
How many places on the map are also in your town? using the new words. Book (page 49)
How many other places in your town can you name in English?
Encourage the Ss to use both affirmative and
negative forms of there is/there are when talking
about their town.
When the Ss finish, elicit the answers from the

Vocabulary Explain that compound nouns are words with two Recognize and reproduce 15 minutes
presentation parts. Point out the examples. Play the recording the stress in compound
once, and ask the Ss to repeat each word. nouns. Book (page 50)
Ask the Ss concept check questions to identify the recording
stress in the compound nouns:
Does the stress fall on the second word of the compound noun?
Does the stress fall on the first word of the compound noun?
Do you hear the stress in the first or in the last syllable of the
first word?

Follow-up Put the Ss in pairs to think of new nouns using Form compound nouns 15 minutes
activity prompts (activity B). Help them when it’s about places in the city.
necessary. Book (page 50)
Ask for volunteers to check answers, and write
answers on the board. Have Ss repeat the words
pronouncing them properly.

Reading Ask the Ss to read the question in the skills box. Read for the main idea. 15 minutes
activity Ask some concept check questions for Ss infer the
reading strategy: identifying the main idea. Book (page 50)
Do you need to read and understand every word when you are
trying to identify the main topic?
Can you often run your eyes quickly over a text to find the main
topic from key vocabulary items in the text?
Have the Ss read the three texts. Give them a time
limit of no more than two minutes to read all three
texts, and then ask them to close their books. Have
the Ss discuss the answer of activity A, in pairs.
Check the answer with the class.

Controlled Read the instructions to the class. Make sure the Ss Identify the goal of the 10 minutes
Practice understand them asking information check strategy.
questions: Read for the main idea. Book (page 50)
Do people say both positive and negative things about where
they live?
Should you try to understand the person’s specific or general
feeling about the place?
Give the Ss a time limit of one minute to complete
the task. When the Ss finish, check the answers.
Ask the Ss what helped them decide whether the
people had a positive or negative attitude toward
their neighborhoods (e.g., key words like friendly,
boring, busy, noisy, great, fantastic).

1. What did you think about the content of this course? Was it challenging? Was it too basic?

For me, the course was adjusted to my professional necessities at the moment. The content of each
class made me think on ways to integrate the contents learnt into my personal methodology as a
language teacher. The challenge is to put into practice what I learnt in my large classes where there
are students with different language levels.

2. Would you like any further training in any specific areas or concepts covered in this course?

I’d like to know more about the individual differences and the ought-to/ Ideal self.

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