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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

North Americans have become too dependent on the automobile for transportation.

First of all, it's necessary to specify what does too dependent on the automobile mean. In other
words, does it mean using the car every day to go to school or to work? Or does it refer to driving to
the store in the corner of the street where the person lives?

If it's the first case, it is acceptable, from my perspective. The car has become one of the essential
machines that have been invented in the last century, and people from all around the world are
using this mean of transportation in their daily activities.

Concerning the second option, I consider that people driving a car to go to places that are not far
away from their homes exaggerate a little bit, especially if they don't need to carry weight objects.
The fact of the matter is, our human body needs to move and it's been created to stretch and tend
all its muscles and articulations, so that all its components function properly.

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