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Andrea Bean, Ben Esser, Dryden Hawn

Noose: The noose is important because this is the method Judas turns to commit suicide. He does
this because he feels awful for betraying Judas. He also realizes that Jesus predicted this before
the Last Supper.
Kiss: The kiss is significant to the apostle because Judas uses it to identify Jesus. He tells the
Jews that Jesus is the one he will kiss. He approaches the Apostles and kisses Jesus. The Jews
then knew who to take away and hand to the high priests.
Bag of money: The bag of money relates to Judas's life because Judas gave Jesus's life for
Money. After the last supper, Judas left the apostles to go to the high priests explaining that he
will turn Jesus in. The high priests payed Judas bags of silver.
Spear: While the apostles and Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas went to the high
priests. Judas turned in Jesus for money and lead the arrest for Jesus. The high priests brought
soldiers and spears to arrest Jesus to be crucified.
Apostles: The Apostles relate to Judas because he is one of the Apostles. Judas traveled with the
Apostles and followed Jesus during his life. He was the Apostle that betrayed Jesus which led to
Jesus' crucifixion.
Bread: The bread relates to Judas because he ate at the last super before he betrayed Jesus. It is
significant to Judas because Jesus predicted that he would be betrayed by one of the apostles at
the last super. Judas betrayed Jesus after he had eaten the bread that was turned into the body of

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