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Fundamentals of Nursing #1

1. Using the principles of standard precautions, the nurse would wear gloves in what nursing

A. Providing a back massage

B. Feeding a client

C. Providing hair care

D. Providing oral hygiene

2. The nurse is preparing to take vital sign in an alert client admitted to the hospital with dehydration
secondary to vomiting and diarrhea. What is the best method used to assess the client’s temperature?

A. Oral

B. Axillary

C. Radial

D. Heat sensitive tape

3. A nurse obtained a client’s pulse and found the rate to be above normal. The nurse document these
findings as:

A. Tachypnea

B. Hyperpyrexia

C. Arrhythmia

D. Tachycardia

4. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to use a wide base support when assisting a client
to get up in a chair?

A. Bend at the waist and place arms under the client’s arms and lift

B. Face the client, bend knees and place hands on client’s forearm and lift

C. Spread his or her feet apart

D. Tighten his or her pelvic muscles

5. A client had oral surgery following a motor vehicle accident. The nurse assessing the client finds the skin
flushed and warm. Which of the following would be the best method to take the client’s body temperature?

A. Oral

B. Axillary
C. Arterial line

D. Rectal

6. A client who is unconscious needs frequent mouth care. When performing a mouth care, the best
position of a client is:

A. Fowler’s position

B. Side lying

C. Supine

D. Trendelenburg

7. A client is hospitalized for the first time, which of the following actions ensure the safety of the client?

A. Keep unnecessary furniture out of the way

B. Keep the lights on at all time

C. Keep side rails up at all time

D. Keep all equipment out of view

8. A walk-in client enters into the clinic with a chief complaint of abdominal pain and diarrhea. The nurse
takes the client’s vital sign hereafter. What phrase of nursing process is being implemented here by the

A. Assessment

B. Diagnosis

C. Planning

D. Implementation

9. It is best describe as a systematic, rational method of planning and providing nursing care for individual,
families, group and community

A. Assessment

B. Nursing Process

C. Diagnosis

D. Implementation

10. Exchange of gases takes place in which of the following organ?

A. Kidney

B. Lungs

C. Liver

D. Heart

11. The chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs is the:

A. Left atrium

B. Right atrium

C. Left ventricle

D. Right ventricle

12. A muscular enlarge pouch or sac that lies slightly to the left which is used for temporary storage of

A. Gallbladder

B. Urinary bladder

C. Stomach

D. Lungs

13. The ability of the body to defend itself against scientific invading agent such as baceria, toxin, viruses
and foreign body

A. Hormones

B. Secretion

C. Immunity

D. Glands

14. Hormones secreted by Islets of Langerhans

A. Progesterone

B. Testosterone

C. Insulin

D. Hemoglobin
15. It is a transparent membrane that focuses the light that enters the eyes to the retina.

A. Lens

B. Sclera

C. Cornea

D. Pupils

16. Which of the following is included in Orem’s theory?

A. Maintenance of a sufficient intake of air

B. Self-perception

C. Love and belongingness

D. Physiologic needs

17. Which of the following cluster of data belong to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

A. Love and belonging

B. Physiologic needs

C. Self-actualization

D. All of the above

18. This is characterized by severe symptoms relatively of short duration.

A. Chronic Illness

B. Acute Illness

C. Pain

D. Syndrome

19. Which of the following is the nurse’s role in the health promotion

A. Health risk appraisal

B. Teach client to be effective health consumer

C. Worksite wellness

D. None of the above

20. It is described as a collection of people who share some attributes of their lives.

A. Family
B. Illness
C. Community
D. Nursing

21. Five teaspoon is equivalent to how many milliliters (ml)?

A. 30 ml
B. 25 ml
C. 12 ml
D. 22 ml

22. 1800 ml is equal to how many liters?

A. 1.8
B. 18000
C. 180
D. 2800

23. Which of the following is the abbreviation of drops?

A. Gtt.
B. Gtts.
C. Dp.
D. Dr.

24. The abbreviation for micro drop is…

A. µgtt

B. gtt

C. mdr

D. mgts

25. Which of the following is the meaning of PRN?

A. When advice

B. Immediately

C. When necessary

D. Now
Answers and Rationale
1. Answer: D. Providing oral hygiene
Option D: Doing oral care requires the nurse to wear gloves.

2. Answer: B. Axillary
Option B: Axilla is the most accessible body part in this situation.

3. Answer: D. Tachycardia
Option D: Tachycardia means rapid heart rate.
Option A: Tachypnea refers to rapid respiratory rate.
Option B: Hyperpyrexia means increase in temperature.
Option C: Arrhythmia means irregular heart rate.

4. Answer: B. Face the client, bend knees and place hands on client’s forearm and lift
Option B: This is the proper way of supporting the client to get up in a chair that conforms to safety and proper
body mechanics.

5. Answer: B. Axillary
Option B: Taking the temperature via the axilla is the most appropriate route.
Option A: Taking the temperature via the oral route is incorrect since the client had oral surgery.
Options C and D: These are unnecessary.

6. Answer: B. Side lying

Option B: An unconscious client is best placed on his side when doing oral care to prevent aspiration.

7. Answer: C. Keep side rails up at all time

Option C: Keeping the side rails up at all time ensures the safety of the client.
Options A, B, and D: Although these choices seem correct, they are not the best answer.

8. Answer: A. Assessment
Option A: Assessment is the first phase of the nursing process where a nurse collects information about the client.
Option B: Diagnosis is the formulation of the nursing diagnosis from the information collected during the
Option C: In Planning, the nurse sets achievable and measurable short and long-term goals.
Option D: Implementation is where nursing care is given.

9. Answer: B. Nursing Process

Option B: The statement describes the Nursing Process. The Nursing Process is the essential core of practice for the
registered nurse to deliver holistic, patient-focused care.

10. Answer: B. Lungs

Option B: Gas exchange is the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream and the expulsion of carbon
dioxide from the bloodstream to the lungs. It transpires in the lungs between the alveoli and a network of tiny
blood vessels called capillaries, which are located in the walls of the alveoli.

11. Answer: A. Left atrium

Option A: The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.
Option B: The right atrium receives blood from the veins and pumps it to the right ventricle.
Option C: The left ventricle (the strongest chamber) pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body, its vigorous
contractions create the blood pressure.
Option D: The right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs, where it is loaded
with oxygen.

12. Answer: C. Stomach

Option C: The stomach is a muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen. It is a saclike expansion
of the digestive tract of a vertebrate that is located between the esophagus and duodenum. The major part of the
digestion of food occurs in the stomach.

13. Answer: C. Immunity

Option C: Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific
antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

14. Answer: C. Insulin

Option C: The Islets of Langerhans are the regions of the pancreas that contain its endocrine cells. Progesterone
(Choice A) is produced by the ovaries. Testosterone (Choice B) is secreted by the testicles of males and ovaries of
females. Hemoglobin (Choice D) is a protein molecule in the red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to
the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide.

15. Answer: C. Cornea

Option C: The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. The
cornea is like the crystal of a watch.

16. Answer: A. Maintenance of a sufficient intake of air

Option A: Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory defined Nursing as “The act of assisting others in the provision and
management of self-care to maintain or improve human functioning at home level of effectiveness.” Choices B, C,
and D are from Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

17. Answer: D. All of the above

Option D: All of the choices are part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

18. Answer: B. Acute Illness

Option B: Chronic Illness (Choice A) are illnesses that are persistent or long-term.

19. Answer: B. Teach client to be effective health consumer

Option B: Nurses play a huge role in illness prevention and health promotion. Nurses assume the role of
ambassadors of wellness. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as a process of enabling
people to increase control over and to improve their health (WHO, 1986).

20. Answer: C. Community

Option C: A community is defined by the shared attributes of the people in it, and/or by the strength of the
connections among them. When an organization is identifying communities of interest, the shared attribute is the
most useful definition of a community.

21. Answer: B. 25 ml
Option B: One teaspoon is equal to 5ml.
22. Answer: A. 1.8
Option A: 1,800 ml is equal to 1.8 liters.

23. Answer: B. Gtts.

Option B: Gtt (Choice A) is an abbreviation for drop. Dp and Dr are not recognized abbreviation for measurement.

24. Answer: A. µgtt

Option A: The abbreviation for micro drop is µgtt.

25. Answer: C. When necessary

Option C: PRN comes from the Latin “pro re nata” meaning, “for an occasion that has arisen or as circumstances

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