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Works Cited

Primary Sources

Bashar, Reazul. “Hasina floats Bangladesh’s proposals at UN to end Rohingya crisis forever.”

Bangladesh’s First Internet Newspaper,, 22 Sept. 2017,

rohingya-crisis-forever. Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. Hasina created a five-pronged plan for swift

action against the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya, send the refugees back, and ensuring their

safety in Myanmar. She explains the role that UN would play in stopping the genocide quickly,

and many other world leaders have agreed with the plans and are ready to take action.

Dearden, Lizzie. Burma’s Rohingya Muslims. 13 Dec. 2016. Independent,

massacres-government-genocide-ethnic-cleansing-rakhine-a7471636.html. Accessed 7 May

2018. This image depicting Rohingya children standing in debris after fire was set to their village

was used as the background photo for our home page title.

Hindawi, Salam, et al. “The Rohingya: Silent Abuse.” Aljazeera Documentaries, Aljazeera, 9 Aug.


170730120336898.html. Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. This documentary was state-funded (Al Jazeera)

and they typically create reliable films on crises and issues around the world. This particular one

displays the suffering that the Myanmar government is inflicting on the Rohingya Muslims and

has inside-footage with the people to have their perspective.

Latif, Khalid, translator. “MYANMAR (BURMA).” Islamic Relief USA, 4 Oct. 2017, Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. The purpose of this organization is to help the

Rohingya Muslim Refugees who fled their home in Myanmar and now live under tents with
minimal drinking water in camps. Their homes could be swept away in a mudslide any day if it

rains, so Islamic Refugee USA is trying to receive donations quickly to help them.

Mathieson, David Scott. Austria-Germany dangle arms, ignore rights, on Myanmar. Asia Times, 1 May

2017, Accessed

28 Mar. 2018. This image was used under the “Long Term Political Causes” section.

Myanmar Has ‘Clear Goal’ of Eliminating Rohingya People in Country. 16 Jan. 2018. Sputnik

International, 16 Jan. 2018,

rohingya-people-elimination/. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. Used for the set of visuals to

communicate a message under the “Rohingya Crisis” section.

Myanmar Situation External Update #4. UNHCR,


2013.html?query=myanmar. Accessed 28 Nov. 2017. This is an update on the funding, and new

developments of the Myanmar immigration crisis.

“Myanmar’s persecuted Rohingya refugees | The Economist.” Youtube, The Economist, 8 Sept. 2017, Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. This YouTube video

questions whether one of the leading women in Myanmar’s government, Aung San Suu Kyi, still

deserves the Nobel Peace Prize as she continues to deny and ignore the crisis with her military

killing Rohingya Refugees. It includes several interviews with those who used to treat Aung San

Suu Kyi like a goddess, but now she is breaking their hearts.

“Rohingya Refugees Flood into Bangladesh.” Getty Images, 30 Nov. 2017,

id882973704. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. This image was used under the “Long Term International

Organizations” section.

Tan, Vivian. “Four Rohingya refugees die as boat capsizes off Bangladesh.” UNHCR, The UN Refugee

Agency, 31 Oct. 2017,

refugees-die-boat-capsizes-bangladesh.html. Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. The article explains how

Rohingya Muslim Refugees were fleeing Myanmar on a fishing boat, but it was struck by large

waves and capsized, trapping many refugees underneath. Pictures show UNHCR rushing to the

spot to provide medical support and necessities for the survivors.

Taw, Nay Pyi. “70th Independence Day to have five objectives.”, 10 Nov. 2017, Accessed 15

Nov. 2017. This constitution could provide protection for the Rohingya Muslims, which could

completely end their persecution. UnfortunatTanintharyiely, the government doesn’t recognize

the Rohingya as one of the ethnic cultures that they recognize, so one can only hope that these

new laws will pertain to them. This news article is the most recent update, but in the homepage

of the website I will be able to see what is the most recent and important information that their

government is releasing.

Thio, Henry Van. “Vice President inspects regional development of Tanintharyi Region.” The Republic

of The Union of Myanmar President Office, President Office, 26 Jan. 2018, www.president- Accessed 26 Jan. 2018. This government-run website provides the latest

information regarding the news in Myanmar. This is especially helpful when trying to consider

their perspective on the current and ever-growing crisis.

Secondary Sources

Alam, Mayesha. “How the Rohingya crisis is affecting Bangladesh — and why it matters.” The

Washington Post, 2 Feb. 2018,


matters/?utm_term=.766d9b48272c. Accessed 22 Mar. 2018. This is an article containing

impacts and challenges faced by the Rohingya. It also provides a picture of a Rohingya refugee.

Indonesia to ‘turn back Rohingya’ boats. 12 May 2015, Accessed 10 Nov. 2017. This source

includes a Myanmar infographic with a map of SouthWest Asia showing where some of the

migrants are and where their destinations are. It also displays other information on the Rohingya


Myanmar Military Attempts to Whitewash Crimes Against Humanity Targeting Rohingya. 13 Nov. 201,

against-humanity-targeting-rohingya/. Accessed 14 Nov. 2017. An article describing how the

crisis in Myanmar is now classified as a crime against humanity. It goes in depth on the

Rohingya crisis.

Donors Must Pledge Support for Rohingya Refugees. 20 Oct. 2017,

Accessed 8 Feb. 2018. This source contains information on what people should be doing to aid

the Rohingya. It also addresses why people should help the Rohingya.

“Bangladesh Jails Two Rohingya for Protesting.” The Globe Post, 24 Jan. 2018, Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. Used

as the visual under the “Rebellion” section.

Burma Military.

brutal-acts-of-burma-military-stop-stop-stop. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. Used as the image under

the “Military” section.

Downing, Jared. “How Britain Defeated Burma.” Frontier Myanmar, 21 Feb. 2017, Accessed 28 Mar.

2018. Used as the image under the “Long Term International Causes” section.

Ibrahim, Azeem. The Rohingyas : inside Myanmar’s hidden genocide. London, Hurst & Company,

2016. Minuteman Library Network, Accessed 1

Nov. 2017. The author of this book analyzes Myanmar trying to wipe the Rohingya from the face

of their country completely, and how the recent reforms by Aung San Suu Kyi for democracy

may have affected the Muslims. The author tries to implement the genocide laws into what can

be done for the refugees. (Public Library).

"Islamic Relief USA - Reports from the Field in Bangladesh with Khalid Latif."

YouTube, Islamic Relief USA, 4 Oct. 2017,

watch?v=n5EkRK2E7FY. Accessed 29 Mar. 2018. Used as the screenshot/video

under the "International Community" section.

Kachin State. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar,

tourist-travelling-in-the-country/. Accessed 10 Nov. 2017. This is a Myanmar government

publication on the Kachin state. It is an official site for the Kachin government.

Maley, William. What is a refugee? Oxford University Press, 2016. Minuteman Library Network, Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. This book includes

stories of refugees so readers can understand the problems and hardships that they face. Through
that understanding, it shows the risks of proposed solutions to fixing the crisis that others want to

try. (Public Library).

McCarthy, Niall. “The Grim Scale of the Rohingya Crisis.” Statista, 21 Sept. 2017, Accessed 28 Mar. 2018.

Used as the visual under the “Thesis” section.

“Myanmar.” Myanmar Infographic, Internal Displacement, June 2017, www.internal- Accessed 31 Oct. 2017. Displays the numbers for

displaced refugees in Myanmar and can be compared to other countries’ migration population. It

is useful for understanding how the ratio compares between people moving from various reasons

(ex. Forced, voluntary).

“Myanmar: Who are the Rohingya?” Aljazeera, Al Jazeera, 28 Sept. 2017,

Accessed 25 Oct. 2017.

An open air prison. Amnesty International, 6 Nov. 2017, Accessed 28

Mar. 2018. This source contains a map of Myanmar. It also includes quotes from Rohingya


Rieffel, Lex. “No simple solution to the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar.” Brookings Institute,, 13 Sept. 2017,

to-the-rohingya-crisis-in-myanmar/. Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. The author’s purpose is to explain to

the readers that many news’ stories are misdirected and do not include the real reason behind all

the crisis. The complex history of Myanmar is explained and opinionated throughout by a man

who has been a Myanmar expert for 10 years and has visited Myanmar more than a dozen times.
Roughneen, Simon. “Myanmar’s Stateless and Nameless.” Asian Review, 9 Feb. 2017,

nameless. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. This is an article containing an in-depth timeline of the

Rohingya crisis. It also includes images of some Rohingya people.

“Scorched earth; Atrocities against the Rohingyas.” The Economist, 9 Sept. 2017, p. 37(US). Business



Accessed 25 Oct. 2017. This is an article describing the refugee crisis in Myanmar and the

causes of the crisis. It goes into detail on why this genocide has occurred in the first place.

Seattle Globalist. 19 Nov. 2014,

in-seattle/30703. Accessed 14 Nov. 2017. This is a painting of a refugee’s family in Burma make

the trek to the Thai-Burma border. This art shows the perspective from a refugee child.

Wade, Francis. MYANMAR’S ENEMY WITHIN. London, Zed Books Ltd, 2017. Brandeis College






&dstmp=1512082853126. Accessed 30 Nov. 2017. The account explores how the manipulation

of the government and military identities lead to mass violence and how the
democratic/respectable leaders have turned on the Rohingya Muslim population. (University


Wildman, Sarah. “Aung San Suu Kyi’s Disappointing Speech.” Vox, 19 Sept. 2017,

crisis-refugees. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. This is an image used as a visual under the short term

“Political Cause” section.

Wintle, Justin. Perfect Hostage. New York, Skyhorse Publishing, 2007.

---. Perfect hostage : a life of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s prisoner of conscience. New York, Skyhorse,

2007. Weston Public Library,

?lang=eng&suite=cobalt. Accessed 1 Dec. 2017. The book is a biography about how Aung San

Suu Kyi became a national hero and an international icon. It explains her non-violent protests

campaigns as well. (Public Library).

Zin, Min. “Wishful peace in Myanmar.” New York Times, 26 June 2017, p. NA(L). Global
Issues in Context,
m_westonhs&xid=f5f719b2. Accessed 23 Oct. 2017. This article describes Myanmar’s current
political status. It also describes current events in the government.

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