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Arduino and Java

1 March, 2009englishArduino, Comm, Dave Brink, Java, netbeans, Robotics, RXTX,SerialSilveira

Arduino is a free popular platform for embedded programming based on a

simple I/O board easily programmable. Interfacing it with Java allow us to create
sophisticated interfaces and take advantages from the several API available in
the Java ecosystem.

I’m following the original Arduino and Java interfacing tutorial by Dave Brink but in a more
practical approach and with more details.

Step 1) Install the Arduino IDE

This is not a completely mandatory step but it will easy a lot our work. Our
program will borrow some Arduino IDE libraries and configurations like which
serial port it is using and at which boud rate. At the moment I wrote this tutorial
the version of Arduino IDE was 0013.

Step 2) Prepare your Arduino

Connect your Arduino to the serial port in your computer. Here I’m connecting
my Arduino with my laptop throught a USB.
Make sure your Arduino IDE is configured and communicating well if your
Arduino. Let put on it a little program that sends to us a mensage:

void setup(){


void loop(){

Serial.println("Is there anybody out there?");


Step 3) Install RXTX Library

We will use some libraries to acess the serial port, some of them relies on
binary implementations on our system. Our first step is to install the RXTX
library (Java CommAPI) in your system. In a Debian like Linux you can do that

sudo apt-get install librxtx-java

Or using a graphical package tool like Synaptic:

For others systems like Windows see the RXTX installation docs.

Step 4) Start a new NetBeans project

Again, this is not a mandatory step but will easy a lot our work. NetBeans is a
free and open source Java IDE that will help us to develop our little application.
Create a new project at File → New Project and choose
at Java at Categories and Java Application atProjects.
Chose a name for your project. I called mine SerialTalker.

At the moment I wrote this tutorial I was using Netbeans version 6.5 and Java 6 update 10 but
should work as well on newer and some older versions

Step 5) Adding Libraries and a Working Directory

On NetBeans the Projects tab, right-click your project and choose Properties.

On the Project Properties window select the Libraries on the Categories panel.
Click the Add JAR/Folder button.

Find where you placed your Arduino IDE installation. Inside this directory there’s
a lib directory will some JAR files. Select all them and click Ok.
As we want to borrow the Arduino IDE configuration the program needs to know
where is they configuration files. There’s a simple way to do that.

Still in the Project Properties window select Run at Categories panel.

At Working Directoryclick in the Browse button and select the directory of your
Arduino IDE. Mine is at/home/silveira/arduino-0013.

You can close now the Project Properties window. At this moment in
autocomplete for these libraries are enable in your code.
Step 6) Codding and running

Here is the code you can replace at in your project:

package serialtalk;






public class Main {

static InputStream input;

static OutputStream output;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{


System.out.println("Using port: " +


CommPortIdentifier portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(


SerialPort port = (SerialPort)"serial talk", 4000);

input = port.getInputStream();

output = port.getOutputStream();






while(input.available()>0) {


Now just compile and run (with your Arduino attached in your serial port and
running the program of step 2).

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