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Plain Truth Revolution

Monrovia, Liberia
April 9, 2018

Even though most of the key events against or about which majority of the articles within
this package talk, have come and gone, the essence of our relentless effort to ensure that
these packages still reach you, their originally intended destination since been put
together in 2017, can be explained as follows:
1. Yes, most of the physical events highlighted by our work have come and gone, but the
burning issues within them still remain active like fresh, deadly wounds on a people’s
bodies. For these issues have badly affected us for the past 195 years now, and they
still stand ready to increasingly embarrass us full force, for the rest of our national
sojourn, unless we ask God for courage to do something more drastic and remedial
about them right now.

2. The physical events discussed within a good number of the articles enclosed here may
have come and gone; yes, but again, we want the issues flagged within these articles
to form the very foundation of our Revolution’s engagements with you henceforth.
We want history to judge us for championing the CAUSE of getting all these
arguments to you as organic as they are, for our collective action upon them, so as to
save ourselves, our country, and our one world.

3. According to some recent US State Department report, the subject of this work,
“Liberia”, is so impoverished and unsophisticated to the point that access to the
Internet is still a huge problem, with SADLY more than 95% of this country’s
population still LACKING access to the Internet in this day and age. Ever since the
completion of these huge revolutionary communication packages intended for ALL
fellow citizens first, we have been finding ways to dispatch them through electronic
means, most economically and otherwise preferably, including use of the email, but
more than two months on, we have only been able to succeed at dispatching less than
30% of them, with sadly another 99% uncertainty as to whether these 30% will even
be read. We still feel badly indebted and obligated to those without email addresses
that we haven’t served yet, and those whose email addresses we didn’t get from the
onset, and that’s why this latest effort to reach many more, both domestically and
4. Writing huge communications that explain our country’s perennial problems in clear
details, and dispatching them to recipients, our beloved citizens first, then to all of our
well-wishers and other stakeholders both within and outside of this country next, in
such a revolutionary fashion, is in line with our Collective Action Approach, no
matter the age of the issues under discussion; and this Approach is a stronghold of our
Plain Truth Revolution.

5. Our determination to attach continuous, unbending importance to issues embedded

within the recent past national events, like for example, the past Americo-Liberian
2017 so-called political elections and inauguration etc., not taking them to be belated,
as people normally take things in this country, but rather still considering them as
issues that deserve our unqualified attention if we truly need change in this place, God
willing etc., demonstrates our strong resolve to use mighty History as that final, more
powerful tool, next to Love, to be employed in bringing ultimate change and relief to
ourselves and our country once and for all.

6. We highly likely, would love to forward this particular batch of communications to

you as reminders at regular intervals, depending on how the issues championed within
them are being considered or addressed by this society – sometimes probably adding
slight updates here and there to match the changing times. For we remain very
resolved that the key issues argued herein MUST form the foundation bricks and
cornerstones for the new country that we desperately seek to establish as a possible
replacement of dirty, old, failed, and bloody “Liberia” by the grace of God. So please
don’t get inconvenienced or embarrassed by seeing this package, especially in huge
brown envelopes from us regularly. For it is well-intentioned for our common good in
the end, God willing etc. and etc.

With just these 6 justifications, as we have them countless, we are sure that: instead of
unfairly considering this work, or the issues enclosed herein to be stale, belated, or
outdated, you will rather attach more patriotic and ‘humanity-first’ importance to every
article provided here in an effort to put you in the right frame of mind for the next and
final ALTERNATIVE that is now sweeping across our land (“Liberia”), an
ALTERNATIVE which is now poised to take all of us (in this place) to our final, befitting
destination, as a people, by the grace of God. We hope, as such, that you will appreciate
this courageous effort of ours.
Finally, because our Revolution, just like all other revolutions across this world must
capitalize upon, or leverage the fever of small civic actions to propagate its huge
messages etc., in continuation of our many public actions since we were initially
[launched] on Monday, April 22, 2013, the Plain Truth Revolution is again, by the grace
of God, on the edge of taking another huge peaceful civic action this April or early May
2018, still in radical pursuit of redress to its very contentious foundation case, meaning
the case involving its vision bearing family and the Liberia Petroleum [Refining]
Company, if the current path that we are treading with LPRC for redress to the UNJUST
treatment of our vanguard African Kartees’ family, and thus the Plain Truth Revolution
by extension, is not respected or adhered to. And as you will discover all through this
intellectual engagement, we have decided to accord a game changer status to this badly
UNFAIR or UNJUST treatment of the Kartees’ family mentioned above because of how
this treatment in question completely epitomizes the everyday plight of almost all Native
Africans in this country since 1822.
We therefore encourage every interested person across our globe to please grant keen
attention to these new emancipation efforts and developments in West Africa.
Thank you very much, fellow Africans, for reading everything herein, and politely
relating to us on them.
Very truly yours,

Roland S. Kartee
Head/Plain Truth Revolution
Cell#: 0886761008
Plain Truth Revolution
Monrovia, Liberia
December 11, 2017
After five (5) solid years of researching the 195 year Horror tale of Liberia as part of a
revolutionary search for redress that we fortunately embarked upon in response to some
personal ordeal with this country’s excessive INJUSTICE in 2013, as appreciatively
explained in some elements of this package, we like to politely divulge to you, through
this medium, some of the basic findings from this massive research work, which we are
now confident, can direct and influence our true drive for final independence in this
country, God willing. Based upon our conviction that this personal ordeal of ours at the
so-called Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, including all of its narratives, does
strongly represent every vice or evil holding this society down for all these 190+ years of
our somewhat formal existence as a people, the essence of this engagement with you,
beginning with this very cover letter, is to first of all acquaint ourselves with you, then
before going ahead, as mentioned above, to unveil a little portion of our huge research
findings about this place (“Liberia”), this place that belongs to all of us equally etc., and
then finally, to solicit your input into the kind of solution approaches that our small civic
group – the Plain Truth Revolution, an offshoot or product of this 5-year long research
effort too – has now been able to proudly adopt for trying to solve the seemingly
unsolvable problems of this country by the grace of God
But before you begin your reading experience however, we would appreciate were you to
please go through these key introductory notes to put you into the right frame of mind for
the sort of issues addressed in this package; and here we go:
1. While the main communication in this package delves entirely into our country’s big
issues, and the kinds of solution options that we must apply to them now, by God’s
grace, the first few paragraphs in this cover letter lay emphasis on some personal
experience of the vision-bearing family of the little civic group that is trying to
champion this revolutionary cause, by the grace of God (i.e. the experience mentioned
in the first paragraph above) and such emphasis, we like to clarify here, is not in any
way intended for personal aggrandizement, but rather to enable you to do the
following things, first off, before continuing your revolutionary reading experience:
a. To help you discover and appreciate how all these ideas came about; or, to help you
discover and appreciate the origin of our Plain Truth Revolution so that we all can
establish, or remind ourselves, if we already know, how everything big, or everything
imaginable in this life, does start off with just single individuals. For we believe that
this kind of narrative too will encourage each of us individual citizens in this place, or
well-wishers, never to overlook ourselves that real change can start with any one of us
at any time, God willing.
b. To help you discover for yourself how excessive injustice can truly lead to ultimate
independence, as in the words of the French writer Francois Marie Arouet, A.K.A.
c. To help you bear witness with the Greek Philosopher Plato, when he says, “Excess [in
anything for that matter] generally causes reaction, and produces change in the
opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.”
d. For you to know that the radical pursuit of this seemingly personal case, which is still
ongoing, as we speak, is also part of our revolution, as we turned this case over to our
country ever since January 2013, when the raw deal in it was meted out to our family,
while looking up to this case to be that right springboard for final change, or that ideal
launch pad for the final independence struggle for our land, God willing. But its
pursuit has have to be suspended a few months for us to more forcefully push the
Anti-Americo-Liberian Election piece of our revolution, a much bigger national goal,
which has been at the heart of our revolutionary debates all along.
2. While we honestly planned initially that these communications got out before the 10 th
of October 2017, the many handicaps of our society, and most importantly, for God’s
best reasons however, they did not. The actual story notwithstanding is that the whole
idea of doing this kind of massive communication to numerous, if not all of the
national stakeholders in this country’s affairs at once, including the process of starting
to scribble down what the key arguments in such revolutionary communications
would be, as such, was hatched in August this year, and the first draft took its actual
form the next month, on September 11, 2017, a date which we vowed to maintain on
these letters earlier, with a firm determination that all of them would get dispatched
before October 10, 2017, although again, this projected date for dispatch was just not
possible. But fortunately, and on the one hand, our country still stands, while rather on
the other hand, even though on a sad note, the bad conditions before October 10, 2017
are still the same, and will even worsen by the day if we fail to make the necessary
civic and national adjustments, as demanded by this Revolution, and we instead, keep
‘STUPIDLY’ casting ballots. In fact, as we speak, the current stalemate within the
Americo-Liberian ensuing criminal electoral process, as it has always been criminal,
also adds impetus to this binding civic and spiritual obligation of ours to spread these
great, strange revolutionary messages, as the writings on the wall keep proving that
God is about to actively intervene into this country’s terrible problems. That’s why
our Plain Truth Revolution has mustered the courage to just edit these
communications a bit more, and then finally send them out, no matter how much time
has passed, as we are now doing, by God’s power.
3. Our Plain Truth Revolution is a REVOLUTION OF DETAILS. We believe that every
group of people, or every country for that matter, MUST first live through their ‘Age
of Details’ before ever progressing to their Age of Summary, an age which our
revolution normally breaks down into what we call the ‘Elevator Pitch Age’, that
must precede the current global age, which we also call, the ‘Twit Pitch Age.’, as in
Twitter. This funny home of ours (“Liberia”) hasn’t even lived its ‘Age of Details’ yet,
‘much less’ to talk about its Age of Summary. For example the 18 th to 19th century
academician and clergy, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, in giving title to the 4th
edition of his Population Economics book in 1824 called it, “An Essay On The
Principle Of Population, Or, A View Of Its Past And Present Effects On Human
Happiness; With An Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting The Future Removal
Or Migration Of The Evils Which It Occasions”. This book has a huge impact on
today’s economic realities. No one during Rev. Malthus’ days ever considered this
topic as stupid, as the essence of its length, just like in many writings during those
days, and even now, was to clarify concepts as much as possible. This is a stage (i.e. a
stage of details, or an age of details) that MUST be lived through, if we are to ever
make any progress. In addition, because we love our country so much, including all of
its human beings, every detail about our country and its human beings (from the one
day old fetus, to the over 100 year old Grand Ma) matters so dearly to us. Further,
because we are in this battle to fight the Devil and its deceitful theories that are
currently wrecking our lives, and ravishing our future, the details matter to us very
dearly because, as the common saying goes, “the Devil hides itself right within the
details.” Therefore, every article of our Revolution, ranging from the wordings on
protest placards, or posters, to our flyers, brochures, and pamphlets, including this
very cover letter, and the main communication enclosed here, require your quality
time, and is not intended for mere skimming through, or glancing at.
4. One essence of this massive writing, voice recording, and the huge blame casting in
our work is to trigger some huge, constructive crisis of theoretical and intellectual
debates and disagreements – both at the national and international levels, that will
force an ultimate and urgent national round table, God willing.
5. Most similar to the immediate point above, because of the deepness, complexity, and
danger of our country’s problems, we establish that we need to more aggressively
apply the concepts of education or book, in handling these troubles that no one else
can handle for us. The extra-mile strain placed upon us, as a result of this reality,
makes us appreciate President John F. Kennedy a whole lot when he says,
“Conformity is a jailer of progress, and the enemy of growth.” Based on this harsh
reality, we have come to the realization that without some constructive deviation from
what is considered by many as the norm, or as formality, or as convention etc., we
will never experience anything called change in this place. As such, you will discover
for yourself that our topics, titles, captions etc., are much longer than normal, so as to
ensure that all these strong, timely, and strange messages of ours, are made clearer
even from their very beginning, by God’s power. For something keeps telling us that,
by always thinking, that our sentences should be restricted to one or two lines; our
cover letters must be limited to only single pages; our main letters must never exceed
3 pages; our pamphlets must stop at 15-20 pages, and the likes, is another form of
laziness that is making nothing to change in our country; because, when others have
burning issues elsewhere, they do muster the courage to span far, far above traditional
formalities, especially when they are not speaking ordinary business, but
revolutionary or lifesaving matters, as this very cover letter and its enclosed
communication do demonstrate. So please brace yourself for some interesting,
innovatory reading.
6. At the close of the day, we are so eager to make sure that we send out these messages,
as strangely as they are, or as strangely as our approach may seem, or as lately as they
may appear to be going out etc. because we are feeling afraid that, not only are we
responsible, or are to be held accountable for the things that we do, as human beings,
as citizens, as patriots etc., but that we will, or are to also be held responsible or
accountable for what we could have done, but did not do, either owing to fear,
selfishness, or other emotions. The punishment for such inaction is so huge, as: while
God is holding us responsible and punishing us on the one hand, the harsh pages of
history will be holding us responsible for damages to our future generations on the
other hand. We don’t want to be caught up into this kind of trap, and we equally don’t
want fellow compatriots to be, that’s why all this great effort to make these very
lifesaving messages spread like wildfire by God’s power.
7. We believe that God will soon strike this place hard through any of His several
formulas again, owing to both our lack of genuine faith in Him, and then our
collective stupidities, that have become so glaring and indisputable, and which
continue to disgrace us day by day, as a people, while sleepwalking us to ultimate
8. We need real, solid change in this country, and every 1 million miles must begin with
some simple, one step. For us, since no one knows exactly by whom, where, how, and
when will that particular, true one step be taken, we have asked God so that this be,
that particular, one, true step, to our country’s 1 million miles to actual independence,
and all of its many dividends, including the much talked about peace and
reconciliation, stability, and economic prosperity etc.
9. The great German-Swiss-American Albert Einstein did say that if we really want
change, then our tolerance must go beyond provisions of law on our books. If what he
has said here is true, which we are confident is true, then there’s a big challenge out
there now to Liberia and her government vis a vis our Plain Truth Revolution whose
arguments defend a 99.9% of our population’s interests. Everybody in this country,
including those holding the biggest political positions and wielding the biggest power
and influence in this society knows that the GOL has been insulting, and continues to
insult us in the face, unchallenged, in this country; and so, if we have reached a point
that all the down-trodden masses of this place, through the Plain Truth Revolution,
have decided to constructively fight back, but breaking the mold of always
sugarcoating and mincing words, to rather deciding to use the harsh, healing truth, and
you, or people in government consider this to be insulting, then you, or they still, are
under obligation to observe what Mr. Einstein has said above if we really want lasting
positive change to happen here for all of us in the end, by God’s grace.
Thanks for going through this long prelude that gives you some of the basic principles,
views, and modus operandi of our Plain Truth Revolution, and welcome on board the
reading of your actual cover letter.
In this package, apart from this cover letter and our main 8-page communication
addressed directly to you, there are five separate sets of documents, bounded with paper
clips or staples, for those whom we are addressing through hard copies, or labeled in a
special way for easy identification and attached electronically for those whom we are
addressing electronically, for your convenience, which include:
a) Our Revolution’s Anti-2017 Americo-Liberian Elections Materials (5 big flyers + 1
extensive, 22-page revolutionary warning message against standing on line to vote in
2017). *Note that we are providing you Flyers 1 and 4, plus the 22 general warning,
and leaving you with the polite challenge of downloading the others from their web
locations. This will be labeled Set 1.
b) Just two of the summary pamphlets of our over 20 Plain Truth Revolutionary
handouts/pamphlets, for your quick perusal. These two concern Liberia’s illegitimacy
and the wickedness that characterize its overall civic theory, leaving you with an
appeal to get the other interesting rest. This is labeled Set 2.
c) Some (i.e. between 7 and 11) short communications/documents from among
countless, relating to the now 5-year running administrative and revolutionary search
for redress by Employee Roland Kartee against Employer, Liberia Petroleum
[Refining] Company, for his criminally bogus January 2013 dismissal, a deadly
Americo-Liberian INJUSTICE that has cruelly wretched – in some respects – the
Native African Kartees’ family’s lives for 5 straight years now, with the full
knowledge and implicit backing of the United States Government. This case, we
repeat, is a proud catalyst and launch pad of our Plain Truth Revolution. These few
instruments - starting with the very fake employment termination letter of January 25,
2013, and ending with our most current effort at redress from the new management
and government – have been marked in some chronological order for your
convenience too. This is labeled Set 3.
d) A 38-page warning from our Revolution to the 3 biggest sustainers of the wicked civic
theory of Liberia through fake elections and bloody foreign aid. We labeled this as Set
4., and then added our October 5, 2017 letter to the Liberia National Police and a
March 22, 2018 communication we sent to the head of the UN Mission in Liberia.
a) A 20-page article we call our guide, i.e. Plain Truth Revolution Guide 2, which
provides some kind of narrative or walkthrough for all of the various civic actions that
we have been taking thus far under the auspices of the Plain Truth Revolution in
pursuit of some genuine redress to this raw deal, this proud springboard of our
Revolution, ranging from actions taken at the family-level, to those taken at the
national level, or with bigger national agendas. Of course, this last one is labeled Set
5. **Please note that each set is attached in two versions – both in a .doc and a .pdf
Thank you for going through this package to know about the Plain Truth Revolution and
to buy into our arguments and debates for the final liberation of our country from the
forces of untold LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION and MISCHIEF, to its befitting destiny
of true independence and prosperity using God’s eternal principles of JUSTICE,
JUSTICE, JUSTICE, and equally the rest of the other Godly principles.
Yours gratefully,

Roland S. Kartee
Head/Plain Truth Revolution

Plain Truth Revolution

Monrovia, Liberia
December 11, 2017
Mr. Alhaji Gaye
Governor, Fula Community in Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia

CC: Mr. K. J. Ali Mr. Ezzat Eid

President of the Sierra Leonean Head, Lebanese Community
Community Association in Liberia in Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
Mr. Felix U. Ebeku Germain PE
President, Nigerian Community & President of the Ivorian
Descendants Union of Liberia Community in Liberia

Mr. Yahaya E. Jalingo Chief George Dordor

Chairman, ECOWAS Citizens Union Head, Ghanaian Descendants
of Liberia & President of the Naturalized Union of Liberia
Citizens Forum of Liberia



Dear Mr. Gaye and the entire Fula Community:

Please accept our sincere greetings from the Plain Truth Revolution, a new peaceful civic
endeavor owing its birth proudly to AMERICO-LIBERIA’S EXCESSIVE INJUSTICE,
with a firm determination, backed by God’s grace and guidance, that has managed to,
among other things: (a) thoroughly research the 195-year old Liberian horror tale, (b)
detail all of the harsh facts or big issues at stake, (c) draw up some solution options to the
ultimate handling of all of these terribly entrenched and bloody issues and problems, and
is now finally selling out these details and solution options using different civic and civil
approaches, including this very engagement with you.
Acknowledging the key stake that you hold in the affairs of this place, being considered
by us as a defacto formal African ethnic group in addition to the already 16 recognized
ones thus far, based upon your sizeable number and very historic link with us, even
though the very cruel and criminal ethnic group called Americo-Liberians here, backed
by their imperialist master, America, would not recognize your God-given right to the
status of a distinct, recognized ethnic group of citizens etc., we write to first introduce our
small, peaceful, civic revolutionary group to you, and to express our desire to closely
work with you, the Fulas, and the entire African Community here, to elevate our Plain
Truth Revolutionary debates for the final liberation of this dear home of ours from what
every conscious person in this country and elsewhere now sees and knows, is America’s
very deadly imperialism, implemented through the inherent criminality and cruelty of the
Americo-Liberians, and with all these being channeled through the policies of the
criminal gang that these both parties set up here in 1822, called government.
For we, the indigenous people of this country, the original owners of this land, are now
ready for our land, which history is categorical, was arm robbed by the Americans from
our tribal forefathers to impose their Black criminals, people who have now turned our
home into the Hell of Mess that we all see in this place; and so, one of our first steps, as
such, is to fight INJUSTICE, root and branch, in every respect because we want to
refoundation our country upon God’s eternal principles, a cardinal one of such principles
which is JUSTICE. We believe that to overcome the level of backwardness and painful
uncertainty that these miscreants have plunged us into for all these 195 years, and to be
able to catch pace with the standards of our current world, we MUST rather run faster
than those already ahead of us, and the most assured way to do this is to pull ALL hands
on deck in the process, but in a fair and equitable way, God willing. In this direction, our
Plain Truth Revolution is saying, we do prefer to work with you, the Fulas, and all other
groups of marginalized Africans here that are legitimate citizens of this place either by
what the Social Scientists call “Jus Solis” or “Jus Sanguinis”, (meaning citizens by birth
on this soil, or citizens based upon parental/blood attachment to this soil), rather than
keep preferring the current American and Americo-Liberian theories, which are Hell bent
on making donkey out of all of us, and using us as their tools, fools and slaves forever –
abomination!!! This MUST stop right now, by God’s power.
Our little civic group called the Plain Truth Revolution has now thoroughly established
that the national or civic theory of this country of ours, whose physical land the
Americans arm robbed from our tribal forefathers in 1821; dumped their criminal, former
slaves on; and then corruptly renamed as Liberia etc., is indeed badly illegitimate, and
intended to extend America’s version of colonialism and imperialism on the African
Continent, and worst of all, intended to be a perpetual haven for Black American
criminals, in addition to this first bad reality above. And so the struggle for the final
redemption and ultimate independence of our beautiful homeland, the Grain Coast
(“Liberia”) has now begun by God’s grace.
Instead of keep counting on the Americans in vain, and being tempted perpetually to
think that anything substantial can ever come from out of Americo-Liberians acting in the
drivers’ seat in this place, we of the Plain Truth Revolution are dug in our heels to work
closely along with you, our African brothers and one family, for the ultimate liberation of
this beautiful home of ours which these miscreants, backed by their colonial master,
America, keep tearing apart on a daily basis and making it to pose more harm to
ourselves and the world at large. In fact, we do believe that even though Africa has now
done a great job at decolonization, Liberia is 100% dangerously poised to reverse these great
gains, and to return this continent gradually to status quo ante, with respect to colonialism.
Liberia is completely tied to America and the West’s apron string, and can NEVER do
anything worthwhile on her own since 195 years now of being around as a so-called political
entity. This foolish Black American Colony, i.e. Americo-Liberia or Liberia for short, wants
everything (even down to batons) for its police officers, as gift or some false loan that she
can NEVER pay back, but authorities will criminally mortgage natural resources for these
gifts in the backend. We demand independence to change all this NASTY situation, God

For Americo-Liberians are just predominantly born slaves and criminals, with no self-pride
and self-determination, and thus, we can NEVER count on them for these great nationalistic
accomplishments, even in a billion years’ time. Everyone can see how the current Harvard-
School-trained Black American, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has played out to be a
complete Americo-Liberian flop and fortunately a fine conclusion of the Nasty Chapter of
Americo-Liberian dominance and dirty, pervasive influence over our society. She’s a
good example of those who doubt the Word of God that people who are not approved by
God to accomplish good can never accomplish good things no matter how many degrees
they bring with them from Harvard and Oxford, and no matter how many years they are
given the opportunity to perform. She’s also a good proof of examples in the Bible and
Quran that suggest how a whole group of people – a whole ethnic group for instance, can
be cursed, and nothing substantial will come from out of them unless they honestly seek
their Creator’s face to reverse this situation, which requires some massive soul searching
and sacrifice. The Americo-Liberians have had all of the opportunities in this world for
almost 2 centuries now to prove US Government and People wrong that they (Black,
returned Americans) are mere criminals that lack every iota of industry and self-
governance skills. Today, in this age and time, the evidence abound that these people are
truly predominantly criminals and unindustrious people who mainly only know how to
talk big talks, steal, and seek revenge all day against fellow human beings and even
against themselves. They are never leadership and governance materials, and we need a
very strong, God-fearing African collaboration to get their bad influence off our lives,
although we want all this to be done in a very constructive and peaceful manner by the
grace of God.
The point of either staying away from, or disapproving the outcome of the ensuing,
always fake Americo-Liberian electoral process, as we mentioned in our long subject or
reference line above, is in line with Biblical and Qur’anic principles that: we are under
obligation to discontinue complying with, or to stop obeying well-established immoral or
illegitimate authorities and designs for our lives and our relationship with God. We can’t
keep obeying a design that is bent on working against us, and our future generations,
especially due to its bad foundation. Fellow countrymen and women, we want you to
please take seriously the sad reality that we unfortunately have a very dirty society that
can NEVER remain this dirty, for anything good to ever flourish within it. While
perfection is impossible for us as human beings, and as human societies, excellence
achieved in relative cleanliness, MUST be the objective and goal after which all serious
people MUST seek. In our case, because of the age of our problem, its complexity, and
very deep-rooted nature, plus the kinds of parties involved, this indispensable societal
cleanup process has become very huge and dangerous, but the harsh fact is that we must
face it as our part of collective challenge in our common existence, as every group of
people have got their part of challenge in life that they must overcome in order to
flourish. As we, of the Plain Truth Revolution have already embarked upon this very
herculean task, God willing, we remain quite conscious that in such a dangerous and
difficult assignment, we need God’s protection and favor so massively, for which we
must fight in all of our weak ways possible, to apply His eternal principles of boldness,
truthfulness, justice, and love etc., every step of the way. As such, it’s best to keep
reminding you that we are not politicians coming to canvass for votes, or to encourage
you to support a political party, but instead, we are practical realists and revolutionaries
bent upon being used by God just to clean up society for the benefit of everyone now, and
all of our future generations by the grace of God.
To demonstrate true conviction that the very burning issues currently at stake in this
country are not about a particular Liberian government or a particular set of individuals
within its fake governance arrangements, but that these great issues are instead about a
whole wrong structure that was put into place here since 1822 in the name of national
government, along with its entire modus operandi, that needs to be radically overhauled
before true independence and all of its dividends of: peace, security, stability, economic
prosperity etc. can ever be realized in this country, please bear us witness that we are not
limiting our call, or this national civic injunction to fellow citizens here, only to
abstaining from these 2017 elections alone. Instead, wherein their elections are still held
– which is very highly possible in the midst of all the current calls against these fake
polls, since holding fake elections, in fact, is the only primary means through which the
United States Government and their surrogates, the Americo-Liberians, do sustain their
Liberia and its NASTY theory, a theory saturated with bloodletting, corruption,
imperialism, and ethnocentrism etc., we still herewith call on all of our well-meaning
citizens and friends elsewhere to join us in disapproving this fake electoral process and
all of its outcomes by peacefully protesting and resisting their so-called inauguration as
well. Again, this action is, or will be necessary not because we hate the professed winner
(s) from this illegitimate process, but because we too are under obligation to exert some
reasonable force or pressure in averting a bad future, a bad collective fate etc., since this
country does belong to all of us equally, and as such, we can’t always sit by and continue
to allow only a less than 1% of the population, calling themselves some politicians, or
some elite, to keep manipulating us in the fake name of politics or governance.
And so, our beautiful beginning point is to do everything constructively and civilly
possible, to obstruct anything called the inauguration of another Americo-Liberian
president, another Americo-Liberian political administration, another batch of both
conscious and unconscious agents of American imperialism and neo-colonialism; another
batch of both conscious and unconscious criminals etc. to continue the Americo-Liberian
culture of corruption, corruption, and corruption, and the unhindered, unchallenged
marginalization and suppression of our huge Native African or tribal populations of this
beautiful land, one way or the other. No, no, we will civilly resist all this to the letter, by
the grace of God. Instead, we do demand, and will ensure, with all of our blood, sweat,
and tears, that all road in this country lead to a Sovereign Citizens Convention between
now and the end of February, or latest, mid-March, before UNMIL finally draws down.
For us, it is not about who wins or who becomes president of this place that is still under
the Americo-Liberians’ twisted, criminal civic theory, NO. It is about what foundation is
that person coming to build upon; what culture and leadership traditions are they coming
to build upon, and things like that. The main point is that, we just don’t believe in this
foundation of Joseph Jenkins Roberts; we don’t believe in Tubman’s foundation; we
don’t believe in Doe’s or Taylor’s foundation etc., neither do we believe in a foundation
laid by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. For we do demand an opportunity now, before UNMIL
leaves, by God’s grace, to lay for ourselves a new foundation; to create for ourselves a
new, 21st century civic foundation and tradition – and never those laid or created by the
Americo-Liberians in 1822, which are surely what Boaka or Weah will be coming to
office again to sustain. For anything that is of the Liberian foundation, theory, and status
quo, we do vehemently detest, not even oppose; and so, allowing ourselves to inaugurate
Weah or Boakai will just interpret to agreeing to join with evil forces (both conscious and
unconscious) to intentionally prolong the sorrowful agony and sufferings of our good

Additionally, as a strong piece of information for fellow citizens, especially those of pure
Native African backgrounds, who now feel some sigh of relief that the Natives are
beginning to take over their land, we say with the saddest of heart that instead of taking
over their land, the Natives are rather enhancing the Americo-Liberian design, and
proving the ACS arguments right, all of which will continue to prolong the sufferings of
our already strangulated people. The election of one George Weah or Joseph Boakai
through an Americo-Liberian electoral process will never be that desperately desired and
needed equivalent of Natives rightfully taking over their country from the foul-smelling
hands of these mischievous Black Americans, and the deadly imperialist claws of the
United States, neither will it even be a small liberation of the huge suffering masses of
this land from the shackles and yoke of abuse, poverty, and devastation etc. as it has been
since January 7, 1822, but instead, such election will sadly be a prolongation of all these
very NASTY, existing realities, one way or the other. With a George Weah or Joseph
Boakai presidency over a fake statehood called “Liberia”, still bearing this same name
given by an American Congressman in the early 1820s for selfish, colonial, and bloodily
‘seggregative’ reasons; a fake statehood still flying this same red, white, and blue flag
with a blue field, within it a lying single star, divisive 11 stripes; a fake nationhood
arrangement still running with this same bloody motto that reads, “The Love Of Liberty
Brought Us Here”; a funny American Colony still honoring a conflict-ridden seal that
depicts the coming onto this place, of only the criminal and most mischievous breed of
Mixed Blacks Americans from the United States; and a lying West African statehood
theory still obeying a very bloody constitution of lies and all sorts of dualities, etc. and
etc., we highly foresee the rise to power of another Samuel K. Doe, this time in clean
clothes. We sadly see a newer, 21st century Samuel Doe, who, after being savagely and
criminally manipulated again by the Americo-Liberians in the name of politics, will be
ultimately destroyed by them and their always US allies and elements, all for personal,
selfish gains, with devilish “Liberia” and all of its messy theories still intact. We foresee
this kind of unsavory development culminating again into funny Liberia’s rupturing into
conflict, or plunging itself and the sub region, including the world over, into another huge
crisis of blood etc.
For these ideas and dreams about some radical U-turn however may sound too big to the
ears to ever be realized in such a badly handicapped society like ours, and against such a
gigantic world power like the United States, but we urge you to muster the courage to
think upon these ideas a little more and consider working with us. For we believe in the
greatest of all ideologies that with faith in God, backed by consistent hard work and
dedication, nothing doable by man elsewhere is impossible with another man, no matter
the time and the environment.
For instance, it took America 169 years to wake up, smell the coffee, and stand up to the
throat of the world’s superpower of their times, Great Britain, that enough was enough
with European colonialism and imperialism. Today, we the people of this country have
reached similar full mark of a relatively official 169 years of some confused statehood
due to America’s funny involvement with our country, and we are therefore telling this
world’s superpower of our times, that enough is enough with American neo-colonialism
and hyper-imperialism, and that therefore, we are now ready for our part of true,
legitimate, independence, just as they got ready for theirs from Great Britain about 240
years ago. Others may argue that our home has been down this path before, or has
completed this chapter of acquiring independence since 170 years now, but we like to
vehemently refute such belief here as a misconception, or a big lie, at best. For
independence can neither be imposed, nor can democracy ever be forced upon a people,
like the experience that we are sadly having here today. These both however, are a status
and a system of governance, that must be desired by hearts from within, and built by a
people, from the bottom up, based on their indigenously desired common purpose and
vision. But on the contrary, for our country, the Grain Coast (“Liberia”), one small group
of predominantly cruel, ethnocentric and lazy criminals, the Americo-Liberians, just sat
and wrote a letter of grievance, embedded within it some appeal for assistance to another,
illegitimate, racist, business institution called the American Colonization Society, and
then the latter, which is the ACS, just to evade certain financial and legal responsibilities
pertaining to their Black American excess baggage that they had dumped here etc.,
decides to tell this group of illiterate and lazy Black criminals that “we think you must
just acquire your independence now, and take care of your own problems”. Fellow
friends, this is the kind of thing that we have been battling here with, in vain, for the past
170 years now, called independence.
Since everything we are talking about here ultimately boils down to governance and
leadership for them to ever be achieved, God willing, one of our key first step-actions in
this direction as such, is to strengthen leadership and justice by tearing down their
existing electoral district representation, to bring about a completely ethnic-based
representation, which requires all of you from our African neighborhood born here or
naturalized here to form a distinct, formal ethnic group to be called “Mixed Africans” or
so, and be equally represented in our newly-demanded form of democracy, which is
Parliamentary Democracy. Please read one of our Great 7 Summaries entitled, “The Plain
Truth Revolution, Its Roadmap, Plus Governance Plan, For The New Country, And The
New Democracy That We Now Demand To Replace Evil, Failed Liberia” for more
details. It can be found at

But we must start from somewhere with all these big, new ideas. Enclosed here therefore,
are sets of documents, just as the cover letter clarified earlier, pertaining to our very
peaceful civic endeavor to enforce all these changes by the grace of God, and we now
entreat you to please get yourself and your entire community (the Fula Community here)
informed and educated about these developments as we vigorously seek your kind
cooperation to work on these plans for our common destinies together.
Finally, while this current effort has led us to addressing more than 400 national and
international stakeholders, with all of these communications systematically organized
into some categories and posted generally at, which you are
encouraged to review and find out for yourselves what we are telling the other
stakeholders about this same subject, if you will have the time, with some of these
communications however having the same content almost etc., in order to narrow the
scope of your perusal or review however, we have decided to set apart 6 stakeholders’
communications, or stakeholder groups’ communications from among the more than 400,
which we believe, will be of great help or interest to you than the rest, and have thus
placed them at a separate Internet location or site. These 6 communications as such,
include those we sent to: (1) the big stakeholders in Liberian affairs; (2) President Trump;
(3) the UN Office on Indigenous Issues; (4) the Security Community in Liberia; (5) the
Radio Stations in Monrovia, and (6) Congress, and these 6 are being posted at
To get any further information about us, or about all of our documents and articles, kindly
proceed as follows:
 To find out every major step we have been taking in search of redress for the personal
ordeal of ours that we mentioned from the onset, the proud springboard of our
revolution, we encourage you to please go to what we call our Plain Truth
Revolution’s Guide 2 at or, which, in addition
to giving you some detail on each civic action that we have been taking thus far, also
gives you a detail listing of every article we have ever written since this case surfaced
in January 2013, to guide, inform, and execute our revolution for Mama Country
 To get a summary of all of the basic debates we (i.e. the Plain Truth Revolution) now
have on the table for the redemption of our country, the summaries that we refer to as
our 7 Great Revolutionary Summaries, please go to
 To get some of the many artilcles that we have done to articulate the current state of
affairs in our country, please go to: Our 5 key Anti-Americo-Liberian 2017 Elections
Flyers at
 You can also go to our Facebook fan page at
for more information and links about this very nascent peaceful African
Revolutionary Movement.
 Googling out “Plan Truth Revolution for (Liberia) could also be of help leading to our
Guides. Guides 2 and 3 in this series will be too helpful for you, but better still, they
can be obtained from the link: or
We entreat you to kindly follow these arguments and developments now in “Liberia” with
the keenness of your attention and interest. We can be reached at any time on cell
numbers 0886556498 (Pastor Kringar); 0777611656 (Z. Kartee); or 0886120985 (P.
Kartee), and we will be glad were you to call us any time at your convenience for any
clarities or inquiries. You can also get to us through email at any of these addresses:;; and Our twitter handle is @plaintruthrev.
Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen from the Fula Community, for standing by
our side to prove to the world that, as God’s children too, we can make it, through unity,
to take hold of our own fate and destinies too, by God’s grace.
Yours respectfully,
The Plain Truth Revolution

Approved: RSK
Roland S. Kartee, Initiator and Vision Bearer of the Plain Truth Revolution

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