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Plain Truth Revolution

Monrovia, Liberia
April 9, 2018

Even though most of the key events against or about which majority of the articles within
this package talk, have come and gone, the essence of our relentless effort to ensure that
these packages still reach you, their originally intended destination since been put
together in 2017, can be explained as follows:
1. Yes, most of the physical events highlighted by our work have come and gone, but the
burning issues within them still remain active like fresh, deadly wounds on a people’s
bodies. For these issues have badly affected us for the past 195 years now, and they
still stand ready to increasingly embarrass us full force, for the rest of our national
sojourn, unless we ask God for courage to do something more drastic and remedial
about them right now.

2. The physical events discussed within a good number of the articles enclosed here may
have come and gone; yes, but again, we want the issues flagged within these articles
to form the very foundation of our Revolution’s engagements with you henceforth.
We want history to judge us for championing the CAUSE of getting all these
arguments to you as organic as they are, for our collective action upon them, so as to
save ourselves, our country, and our one world.

3. According to some recent US State Department report, the subject of this work,
“Liberia”, is so impoverished and unsophisticated to the point that access to the
Internet is still a huge problem, with SADLY more than 95% of this country’s
population still LACKING access to the Internet in this day and age. Ever since the
completion of these huge revolutionary communication packages intended for ALL
fellow citizens first, we have been finding ways to dispatch them through electronic
means, most economically and otherwise preferably, including use of the email, but
more than two months on, we have only been able to succeed at dispatching less than
30% of them, with sadly another 99% uncertainty as to whether these 30% will even
be read. We still feel badly indebted and obligated to those without email addresses
that we haven’t served yet, and those whose email addresses we didn’t get from the
onset, and that’s why this latest effort to reach many more, both domestically and
4. Writing huge communications that explain our country’s perennial problems in clear
details, and dispatching them to recipients, our beloved citizens first, then to all of our
well-wishers and other stakeholders both within and outside of this country next, in
such a revolutionary fashion, is in line with our Collective Action Approach, no
matter the age of the issues under discussion; and this Approach is a stronghold of our
Plain Truth Revolution.

5. Our determination to attach continuous, unbending importance to issues embedded

within the recent past national events, like for example, the past Americo-Liberian
2017 so-called political elections and inauguration etc., not taking them to be belated,
as people normally take things in this country, but rather still considering them as
issues that deserve our unqualified attention if we truly need change in this place, God
willing etc., demonstrates our strong resolve to use mighty History as that final, more
powerful tool, next to Love, to be employed in bringing ultimate change and relief to
ourselves and our country once and for all.

6. We highly likely, would love to forward this particular batch of communications to

you as reminders at regular intervals, depending on how the issues championed within
them are being considered or addressed by this society – sometimes probably adding
slight updates here and there to match the changing times. For we remain very
resolved that the key issues argued herein MUST form the foundation bricks and
cornerstones for the new country that we desperately seek to establish as a possible
replacement of dirty, old, failed, and bloody “Liberia” by the grace of God. So please
don’t get inconvenienced or embarrassed by seeing this package, especially in huge
brown envelopes from us regularly. For it is well-intentioned for our common good in
the end, God willing etc. and etc.

With just these 6 justifications, as we have them countless, we are sure that: instead of
unfairly considering this work, or the issues enclosed herein to be stale, belated, or
outdated, you will rather attach more patriotic and ‘humanity-first’ importance to every
article provided here in an effort to put you in the right frame of mind for the next and
final ALTERNATIVE that is now sweeping across our land (“Liberia”), an
ALTERNATIVE which is now poised to take all of us (in this place) to our final, befitting
destination, as a people, by the grace of God. We hope, as such, that you will appreciate
this courageous effort of ours.
Finally, because our Revolution, just like all other revolutions across this world must
capitalize upon, or leverage the fever of small civic actions to propagate its huge
messages etc., in continuation of our many public actions since we were initially
[launched] on Monday, April 22, 2013, the Plain Truth Revolution is again, by the grace
of God, on the edge of taking another huge peaceful civic action this April or early May
2018, still in radical pursuit of redress to its very contentious foundation case, meaning
the case involving its vision bearing family and the Liberia Petroleum [Refining]
Company, if the current path that we are treading with LPRC for redress to the UNJUST
treatment of our vanguard African Kartees’ family, and thus the Plain Truth Revolution
by extension, is not respected or adhered to. And as you will discover all through this
intellectual engagement, we have decided to accord a game changer status to this badly
UNFAIR or UNJUST treatment of the Kartees’ family mentioned above because of how
this treatment in question completely epitomizes the everyday plight of almost all Native
Africans in this country since 1822.
We therefore encourage every interested person across our globe to please grant keen
attention to these new emancipation efforts and developments in West Africa.
Thank you very much, US Congressional Members, for reading everything herein, and
politely relating to us on them.
Very truly yours,

Roland S. Kartee
Head/Plain Truth Revolution
Cell#: 0886761008
Plain Truth Revolution
Monrovia, Liberia
December 11, 2017
After five (5) solid years of researching the 195 year Horror tale of Liberia as part of a
revolutionary search for redress that we fortunately embarked upon in response to some
personal ordeal with this country’s excessive INJUSTICE in 2013, as appreciatively
explained in some elements of this package, we like to politely divulge to you, through
this medium, some of the basic findings from this massive research work, which we are
now confident, can direct and influence our true drive for final independence in this
country, God willing. Based upon our conviction that this personal ordeal of ours at the
so-called Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, including all of its narratives, does
strongly represent every vice or evil holding this society down for all these 190+ years of
our somewhat formal existence as a people, the essence of this engagement with you,
beginning with this very cover letter, is to first of all acquaint ourselves with you, then
before going ahead, as mentioned above, to unveil a little portion of our huge research
findings about this place (“Liberia”), this place that belongs to all of us equally etc., and
then finally, to solicit your input into the kind of solution approaches that our small civic
group – the Plain Truth Revolution, an offshoot or product of this 5-year long research
effort too – has now been able to proudly adopt for trying to solve the seemingly
unsolvable problems of this country by the grace of God.
But before you begin your reading experience however, we would appreciate were you to
please go through these key introductory notes to put you into the right frame of mind for
the sort of issues addressed in this package; and here we go:
1. While the main communication in this package delves entirely into our country’s big
issues, and the kinds of solution options that we must apply to them now, by God’s
grace, the first few paragraphs in this cover letter lay emphasis on some personal
experience of the vision-bearing family of the little civic group that is trying to
champion this revolutionary cause, by the grace of God (i.e. the experience mentioned
in the first paragraph above) and such emphasis, we like to clarify here, is not in any
way intended for personal aggrandizement, but rather to enable you to do the
following things, first off, before continuing your revolutionary reading experience:
a. To help you discover and appreciate how all these ideas came about; or, to help you
discover and appreciate the origin of our Plain Truth Revolution so that we all can
establish, or remind ourselves, if we already know, how everything big, or everything
imaginable in this life, does start off with just single individuals. For we believe that
this kind of narrative too will encourage each of us individual citizens in this place, or
well-wishers, never to overlook ourselves that real change can start with any one of us
at any time, God willing.
b. To help you discover for yourself how excessive injustice can truly lead to ultimate
independence, as in the words of the French writer Francois Marie Arouet, A.K.A.
c. To help you bear witness with the Greek Philosopher Plato, when he says, “Excess [in
anything for that matter] generally causes reaction, and produces change in the
opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.”
d. For you to know that the radical pursuit of this seemingly personal case, which is still
ongoing, as we speak, is also part of our revolution, as we turned this case over to our
country ever since January 2013, when the raw deal in it was meted out to our family,
while looking up to this case to be that right springboard for final change, or that ideal
launch pad for the final independence struggle for our land, God willing. But its
pursuit has have to be suspended a few months for us to more forcefully push the
Anti-Americo-Liberian Election piece of our revolution, a much bigger national goal,
which has been at the heart of our revolutionary debates all along.
2. While we honestly planned initially that these communications got out before the 10 th
of October 2017, the many handicaps of our society, and most importantly, for God’s
best reasons however, they did not. The actual story notwithstanding is that the whole
idea of doing this kind of massive communication to numerous, if not all of the
national stakeholders in this country’s affairs at once, including the process of starting
to scribble down what the key arguments in such revolutionary communications
would be, as such, was hatched in August this year, and the first draft took its actual
form the next month, on September 11, 2017, a date which we vowed to maintain on
these letters earlier, with a firm determination that all of them would get dispatched
before October 10, 2017, although again, this projected date for dispatch was just not
possible. But fortunately, and on the one hand, our country still stands, while rather on
the other hand, even though on a sad note, the bad conditions before October 10, 2017
are still the same, and will even worsen by the day if we fail to make the necessary
civic and national adjustments, as demanded by this Revolution, and we instead, keep
‘STUPIDLY’ casting ballots. In fact, as we speak, the current stalemate within the
Americo-Liberian ensuing criminal electoral process, as it has always been criminal,
also adds impetus to this binding civic and spiritual obligation of ours to spread these
great, strange revolutionary messages, as the writings on the wall keep proving that
God is about to actively intervene into this country’s terrible problems. That’s why
our Plain Truth Revolution has mustered the courage to just edit these
communications a bit more, and then finally send them out, no matter how much time
has passed, as we are now doing, by God’s power.
3. Our Plain Truth Revolution is a REVOLUTION OF DETAILS. We believe that every
group of people, or every country for that matter, MUST first live through their ‘Age
of Details’ before ever progressing to their Age of Summary, an age which our
revolution normally breaks down into what we call the ‘Elevator Pitch Age’, that
must precede the current global age, which we also call, the ‘Twit Pitch Age.’, as in
Twitter. This funny home of ours (“Liberia”) hasn’t even lived its ‘Age of Details’ yet,
‘much less’ to talk about its Age of Summary. For example the 18 th to 19th century
academician and clergy, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, in giving title to the 4th
edition of his Population Economics book in 1824 called it, “An Essay On The
Principle Of Population, Or, A View Of Its Past And Present Effects On Human
Happiness; With An Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting The Future Removal
Or Migration Of The Evils Which It Occasions”. This book has a huge impact on
today’s economic realities. No one during Rev. Malthus’ days ever considered this
topic as stupid, as the essence of its length, just like in many writings during those
days, and even now, was to clarify concepts as much as possible. This is a stage (i.e. a
stage of details, or an age of details) that MUST be lived through, if we are to ever
make any progress. In addition, because we love our country so much, including all of
its human beings, every detail about our country and its human beings (from the one
day old fetus, to the over 100 year old Grand Ma) matters so dearly to us. Further,
because we are in this battle to fight the Devil and its deceitful theories that are
currently wrecking our lives, and ravishing our future, the details matter to us very
dearly because, as the common saying goes, “the Devil hides itself right within the
details.” Therefore, every article of our Revolution, ranging from the wordings on
protest placards, or posters, to our flyers, brochures, and pamphlets, including this
very cover letter, and the main communication enclosed here, require your quality
time, and is not intended for mere skimming through, or glancing at.
4. One essence of this massive writing, voice recording, and the huge blame casting in
our work is to trigger some huge, constructive crisis of theoretical and intellectual
debates and disagreements – both at the national and international levels, that will
force an ultimate and urgent national round table, God willing.
5. Most similar to the immediate point above, because of the deepness, complexity, and
danger of our country’s problems, we establish that we need to more aggressively
apply the concepts of education or book, in handling these troubles that no one else
can handle for us. The extra-mile strain placed upon us, as a result of this reality,
makes us appreciate President John F. Kennedy a whole lot when he says,
“Conformity is a jailer of progress, and the enemy of growth.” Based on this harsh
reality, we have come to the realization that without some constructive deviation from
what is considered by many as the norm, or as formality, or as convention etc., we
will never experience anything called change in this place. As such, you will discover
for yourself that our topics, titles, captions etc., are much longer than normal, so as to
ensure that all these strong, timely, and strange messages of ours, are made clearer
even from their very beginning, by God’s power. For something keeps telling us that,
by always thinking, that our sentences should be restricted to one or two lines; our
cover letters must be limited to only single pages; our main letters must never exceed
3 pages; our pamphlets must stop at 15-20 pages, and the likes, is another form of
laziness that is making nothing to change in our country; because, when others have
burning issues elsewhere, they do muster the courage to span far, far above traditional
formalities, especially when they are not speaking ordinary business, but
revolutionary or lifesaving matters, as this very cover letter and its enclosed
communication do demonstrate. So please brace yourself for some interesting,
innovatory reading.
6. At the close of the day, we are so eager to make sure that we send out these messages,
as strangely as they are, or as strangely as our approach may seem, or as lately as they
may appear to be going out etc. because we are feeling afraid that, not only are we
responsible, or are to be held accountable for the things that we do, as human beings,
as citizens, as patriots etc., but that we will, or are to also be held responsible or
accountable for what we could have done, but did not do, either owing to fear,
selfishness, or other emotions. The punishment for such inaction is so huge, as: while
God is holding us responsible and punishing us on the one hand, the harsh pages of
history will be holding us responsible for damages to our future generations on the
other hand. We don’t want to be caught up into this kind of trap, and we equally don’t
want fellow compatriots to be, that’s why all this great effort to make these very
lifesaving messages spread like wildfire by God’s power.
7. We believe that God will soon strike this place hard through any of His several
formulas again, owing to both our lack of genuine faith in Him, and then our
collective stupidities, that have become so glaring and indisputable, and which
continue to disgrace us day by day, as a people, while sleepwalking us to ultimate
8. We need real, solid change in this country, and every 1 million miles must begin with
some simple, one step. For us, since no one knows exactly by whom, where, how, and
when will that particular, true one step be taken, we have asked God so that this be,
that particular, one, true step, to our country’s 1 million miles to actual independence,
and all of its many dividends, including the much talked about peace and
reconciliation, stability, and economic prosperity etc.
9. The great German-Swiss-American Albert Einstein did say that if we really want
change, then our tolerance must go beyond provisions of law on our books. If what he
has said here is true, which we are confident is true, then there’s a big challenge out
there now to Liberia and her government vis a vis our Plain Truth Revolution whose
arguments defend a 99.9% of our population’s interests. Everybody in this country,
including those holding the biggest political positions and wielding the biggest power
and influence in this society knows that the GOL has been insulting, and continues to
insult us in the face, unchallenged, in this country; and so, if we have reached a point
that all the down-trodden masses of this place, through the Plain Truth Revolution,
have decided to constructively fight back, but breaking the mold of always
sugarcoating and mincing words, to rather deciding to use the harsh, healing truth, and
you, or people in government consider this to be insulting, then you, or they still, are
under obligation to observe what Mr. Einstein has said above if we really want lasting
positive change to happen here for all of us in the end, by God’s grace.
Thanks for going through this long prelude that gives you some of the basic principles,
views, and modus operandi of our Plain Truth Revolution, and welcome on board the
reading of your actual cover letter.
In this package, apart from this cover letter and our main 21-page communication
addressed directly to you, there are four separate sets of documents, bounded with paper
clips or staples, for those whom we are addressing through hard copies, or labeled in a
special way for easy identification and attached electronically for those whom we are
addressing electronically, for your convenience, which include:
a) Our Revolution’s Anti-2017 Americo-Liberian Elections Materials (5 big flyers + 1
extensive, 22-page revolutionary warning message against standing on line to vote in
2017). *Note that we are providing you Flyers 1 and 4, plus the 22 general warning,
and leaving you with the polite challenge of downloading the others from their web
locations. This will be labeled Set 1.
b) Just two of the summary pamphlets of our over 20 Plain Truth Revolutionary
handouts/pamphlets, for your quick perusal. These two concern Liberia’s illegitimacy
and the wickedness that characterize its overall civic theory, leaving you with an
appeal to get the other interesting rest. This is labeled Set 2.
c) Some (between 7 and 11) short communications/documents from among the countless
documents relating to the now 5-year running administrative and revolutionary search
for redress by Employee Roland Kartee against Employer, Liberia Petroleum
[Refining] Company, for his criminally bogus January 2013 dismissal that has
cruelly wretched the Native African Kartees’ lives for all these 5 years now, with
full knowledge and implicit backing of the United States Government. This case, we
repeat, is a proud springboard or launch pad of our Plain Truth Revolution. These few
instruments that start with the very fake employment termination letter, have been
marked in some chronological order for your convenience, and are labeled as Set 3.
d) A 38-page warning from our Revolution to the 3 biggest sustainers of the wicked civic
theory of Liberia through fake elections and bloody foreign aid. We labeled this as Set
4. Note: Attach to this article are two small communications – one serves as partial
evidence of some of the practical efforts that we made against the holding of the past
October – December 2017 fake Americo-Liberian General Elections, and the other
serves as some evidence of the little gains we have been making thus far at moral
legitimacy by virtue of being recognized by the world’s biggest authority and greatest
arbiter of mankind’s affairs (Earth-wise), which is the United Nations.
e) A 20-page article we call our guide, i.e. Plain Truth Revolution Guide 2, which
provides some kind of narrative or walkthrough for all of the various civic actions that
we have been taking thus far under the auspices of the Plain Truth Revolution in
pursuit of some genuine redress to this raw deal, this proud springboard of our
Revolution, ranging from actions taken at the family-level, to those taken at the
national level, or with bigger national agendas. Of course, this last one is labeled Set
5. **Please note that each set is attached in two versions – both in a .doc and a .pdf
Thank you for going through this package to know about the Plain Truth Revolution and
to buy into our arguments and debates for the final liberation of our country from the
forces of untold LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION and MISCHIEF, to its befitting destiny
of true independence and prosperity using God’s eternal principles of JUSTICE,
JUSTICE, JUSTICE, and equally the rest of the other Godly principles.
Yours gratefully,

Roland S. Kartee
Head/Plain Truth Revolution

Plain Truth Revolution

Monrovia, Liberia

December 11, 2017


: Hon. Paul D. Ryan, Jr. : Sen. Orrin Hatch

Speaker, United States Republican Party, Utah
House of Representatives President Pro Tempore
Capitol Hill, Washington, DC 20515 United States Senate, Capitol Hill
USA (CC) Washington, DC 20515, USA

: Sen. Tim Scott : Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson

South Carolina Texas’ 30th District
Republican Party Democratic Party

: Sen. Cory Boker : Sen. Kamala Harris

New Jersey California
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Bobby Scott : Rep. Jim Clyburn

Virginias’ 3th District South Carolinas’ 6th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. John Lewis : Rep. Maxine Waters

Georgia’s 5th District California’ s 5th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Stanford Bishop : Rep. Bennie Thompson

Georgia’s 2nd District Mississippi’s 2nd District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Elihah Cummings : Rep. Danny K. Davis

Maryland 7th District California’s 9th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Barbara Lee : Rep. David Scott

California’s 13th District Georgia’s 13th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. G. K. Bufferfield : Rep. Gwen Moore

North Carolina’s 1st District Wisconsin’s 4th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver : Rep. Al green

Missouri’s 5th District Texas’ 9th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Keith Ellison : Rep. Yvette Clarke

Minnesota’s 5th District New York’ 9th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Hank Johnson : Rep. Andre Carson

Georgia’s 4th District Indian’s 7th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Marcia Fudge : Rep. Karen Bass

Ohio’s 11th District California’s 37th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Terri Sewell : Rep. Cedric Richmond

Alabama’s 7th District Louisiana’s 2nd District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Frederica Wilson : Rep. Donald Payne, Jr.

Florida’s 24th District New Jersey’s 10th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Joyce Beatty : Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

Ohio’s 3rd District New York’s 4th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Robin Kelly : Rep. Alma Adams

Illinois’ 2nd District North Carolina’s 12th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Will Hurd : Rep. Stacey Plaskett

Texas’ 23rd District Virgin Islands at-large
Republican Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Brenda Lawrence : Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton

Michigan 13th District District of Colombia at- large
Democratic Party Democratic Party
: Rep. Donald McEachin : Rep. Al Lawson
Virginia’s 4th District Florida’s 5th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Val Demings : Rep. Mia Love

Florida’s 10th District Utah’s 4th District
Democratic Party Republican Party

: Rep. Dwight Evans : Rep. Anthony G. Brown

Pennsylvania’s 2nd District Maryland’s 4th District
Democratic Party Democratic Party

: Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman : Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester

New Jersey’s 12th District Delaware at-large
Democratic Party Democratic Party



Dear Members of the US Congressional Black Caucus:

Greetings come to you from our Plain Truth Revolution, a small group of badly
marginalized fellow human beings on this very dark side of the globe, “Liberia”, who, as
a result of the excesses experienced at the hands of America’s 1820’s free Blacks
repatriated to this place, have now mustered the courage and determination to lead in the
process of reborning and refoundationing our country based on honest principles that will
seek every citizens’ interest, rather than keep struggling in vain with the set of arguments
earlier used by the United States to establish this country, which only seeks the interest of
a less than 1% of the population – the Americo-Liberians and a few of their Native
African collaborators – at the detriment of the remaining 99.5% of the population which
constitutes our indigenous African people. This calling also demands us to use massive
truth telling without fear or favor in order to overturn the colossal lies that were sadly
used by America to establish this place, LIES and a LYING culture which America and
her Americo-Liberians continue to defend and promote in the fragile sustenance of this
fake civic arrangement for the past 195 years now.
Due to the very complicated nature of our plight, owing to America’s enduringly negative
involvement with every major affair here, and its deeply-entrenched foul-smelling
influence over this society since 1816, when the idea of the American Colonization
Society and its subsequent work of rounding up some caliber of Blacks to dump here was
conceived at the Davis Hotel in Washington DC, every effort by us, the aboriginals, to
fight off this bad American influence, or to improve it for the benefit of all, has been met
with very stiff, and sometimes bloody resistance from the United States, mainly through
your Americo-Liberians that you have here. This began with the Crown Hill and Forte
Hill Battles of November 1822, according to history, when our tribal forefathers were
massively killed by the Americo-Liberians with American supplied military-style
weaponries only because our poor forefathers had decided to agitate for their own
inherited piece of land that was been snatched away from them by you and your deported
Blacks through both arm robbery and tricks.
The date set aside for the commemoration of such crime against humanity is what this
Black American Colony still sadly celebrates today as National Thanksgiving Day, and
is largely ignorantly being celebrated in churches all across this place –
ABOMINATION!! With this kind of entrenched, negative grip over our society, everyone
can see that any major step anticipated by us, the original owners of this land, to bring
about genuine change, like what our Plain Truth Revolution has presently set out to do,
God willing, promises to attract the greatest of dangers and threats, the most terrible of
humiliations, the most strenuous of exertions, and the most collaborative of already
difficult-to-solicit efforts etc. in order to ever succeed for the benefit of God’s children
here. That’s the seemingly insurmountable challenge that we do now have on hand as a
For these and other related reasons, our Plain Truth Revolution has decided to both
inform and engage with you every step of the way, henceforth, since indeed, you, the
American Government, and your many institutions do wield the most unmatched of
influence over this place and all of its institutions. In this dual-purpose engagement with
you through this communication (i.e. complaining firstly and then soliciting your buy into
our request for final independence), we have decided to partition the complaint piece of
this letter, which follows immediately below, into two sections – with the first section
briefly highlighting a personal experience of our revolution’s vision-bearing family (in
the Kartee’s) with Americo-Liberia’s excessive INJUSTICE, an injustice whose redress
search process proudly gave birth to the Plain Truth Revolution and its massive research
project into the 195 year old Liberian horror tale. Since we feel convicted that a high
degree of sincerity is required for this very difficult-to-present and dangerous, but
possible and worthwhile civic endeavor for final change in our home by God’s power,
and that this very high degree of honesty must be accorded you every step of the way, we
judge it prudent to disclose the background of this struggle before hitting home to the
other bigger national issues. Our two complaint sections therefore are as follows:
1) In a nutshell, poor Native Roland S. Kartee had served the misnamed Liberia
Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) in Monrovia for up to ten (10) years, up to the
departmental manager level by 2013, when, out of witch hunt harbored against him
for his more objective and revolutionary stances now on corporate and national issues,
he got ganged up against by his Americo-Liberian bosses, and in less than 24 hours,
without regard to any civilized norms, let alone due process of law (however Liberian
law is, though), Mr. Kartee is handed some very criminally careless, fault-laden, and
inauthentic piece of communication, called a dismissal letter, and ordered to
immediately vacate his office and the company’s premises just at once. This happened
in January 2013. As if the LPRC authorities were on a campaign of demonstrating a
practical example of the adage that “it never rains, but that it actually pours”, a whole
range of faulty, flaw-laden communications flooded our files from them with each
written and verbal attempt we made at protesting their action. Many of our Plain Truth
Revolutionary articles sufficiently expound on this experience, including the file,
“LPRC Case to the LACC_authored by Roland Kartee”, which can be found at either, or
Having used this exercise of seeking redress to our experience to gauge the workings
of what we call government here, and to gain more insights into the historical
foundation or root, culture, and other characteristics of our entire society etc., we
authoritatively came up with some key lifesaving findings, which now form the
arguments of our Plain Truth Revolution, one of which is that, America bares the
greatest burden of blame for the terrible Hell that we are experiencing here, and as
such, we must now be courageous enough to begin taking our problems, both
personal, and national or collective, to your doorsteps politely and constructively, in
search of solution, as we henceforth seek our ultimate independence from you also.
So based upon these convictions, we gave our personal case with the “Liberia
Petroleum Refining Company” (LPRC), to the plight and sufferings of our people,
beginning 1821, when your agents started setting foot on this soil, to date, and to our
future generations, who have already been killed in advance of their coming to this
Planet, based on the mischievous comportment of your Americo-Liberians, as
channeled mainly through the policies of what we have been calling government here
since 1822. All this therefore makes our case a revolutionary, national case, a case that
seeks the combined interests of our 7 huge constituencies, as you will learn about in
most of our other articles, a case that brought us to the fortunate consciousness of our
country and its people’s NASTY plight since 1822 etc., even though being initially
pursued by a single family, the Kartees, the main victims.
To practicalize these convictions, we started engaging with the United States Embassy
in March 2014, just a year after our ordeal, an engagement which the Embassy
graciously responded to partially on phone – thanks to Ambassador Deborah Malac’s
kindness, but stopped short of concluding this process on our behalf, while we
remained in suspense. After two years of patience for America’s intervention failed us,
we sent a more direct and more reinforcing communication to Acting US
Ambassador Mark Boulward in March 2016, further highlighting our plight and
justifying our decision for asking the United States for this lifesaving intervention on
our behalf. With delays from the Embassy in doing some prompt and appropriate
intervention in this case, while almost everything in life, especially economics, goes
against us, as it has even badly worsened to date, we decided, on March 29, 2017, to
begin the process of physically dramatizing both our plight and our disappointment
with the Embassy, as we further reinforced our polite demand for their intervention.
We did this by staging a peaceful civic action on the grounds of the Embassy, while
making this polite demand for their intervention, again, as a single family. After
exactly three weeks into this process outside of the US Embassy’s main gate here in
Monrovia, during which our family was ignored by your people, we took Day 1 of
Week 4, i.e. Wednesday, April 19, 2017, to use our inalienable rights under
international laws to march into the Embassy’s main facilities with our placards. It
was at this time that the Embassy’s Regional Security Officer, Madam Kimberly
Jones was sent to come and meet with us. After hearing our petition, Madam Jones,
speaking on behalf of the Embassy said that they were not going to intervene because
our issue was a domestic labor issue, and that the Embassy does not do such
intervention. This was after we had, on March 29, 2017, the first day of our protest,
furnished the Embassy with 6 audio CDs of voice recordings, and 5 giant pamphlets,
among many though, of our research findings on this terrible Liberian story, including
America’s poisonous involvement with it – with the key argument that these were all
the reasons for which we had begun casting every major blame for our DIRTY
situation in this country on the United States.
After Madam Jones insisted that the Embassy would not intervene, despite our
insistence that it is only the US that can intervene to stop our family from dying at the
hands of Americo-Liberia’s injustice, especially after having engaged the Liberian
authorities for 4 round years now just to change our letter which they themselves
acknowledge is faulty and inauthentic, we decided to leave that day; to re-strategize,
and start another engagement with the Embassy. Having established through our
interaction with Madam Jones that Embassy officials were not yet well furnished
about all the motivations behind our protest action, we did a 5 page communication to
Madam Jones, with links to some of our documents online, and copied 5 other
Embassy top officials, while requesting their prompt intervention once more in line
with our polite demand, especially after having taken up time again to explain
ourselves. This communication went in on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, although dated
Monday, April 24. Almost 8 months on, as we speak again, the Embassy has refused
to respond to us. We are attaching all of the communications pertaining to these
actions and claims here.
Now, the key point to claim your attention here is that we are not going to let out on
our quest to get this much needed redress from your Embassy here to make LPRC
turn over to us an authentic copy of our dismissal letter. The reason for according this
case all of the importance and our commitment is that it plays a very major role in
every wonderful thing that is now about to happen for our country by the grace of
God, being what we call the Common Denominator between us, God’s frontline
workers for this change process and all of the other major stakeholders in our
country’s affairs, namely, the UN and you, the US. Apart, being a case of injustice,
symptomatic in every respect, of the many evils that continue to hold our lives down
in this place since 1816, we, as earlier mentioned above, decided to dedicate it to the
sufferings of our dead forefathers, our current suffering generations, and all of four
future generations, who have undoubtedly being killed in advance to both the criminal
comportment of our fake governing authorities here, and the terrible inaction of those
of us who are supposed to rightfully get up and fight against these vices.
Consequently, our search for redress to this case from the US Embassy continues,
God willing, since we have adequately established the illegitimacy and serious
immaturity of Liberia, for which we can NEVER count upon them for anything
objective. So, to reemphasize, since we have now decided, based upon findings from
our 4 years of intensive research (historical, empirical, statistical, and otherwise),
NEVER to depend on Liberia and its institutions to seek our interest or to keep
subjecting ourselves and our lives to such a proven illegitimate civic set up as this
Liberia, all our burdens therefore now rest upon the shoulders of the American
People, thus meaning that we only look to the American Embassy here and the UN for
the protection of our rights and our lives, and this is where we stand at present, God
willing. We do and say all this with due respect to the American Government and
The danger attached to this position however, in such a mischievous Black American
Colony like Liberia, a place that you, the mighty US Congress did predict to be the
most mischievous spot on this Planet in your February 11, 1817 debate according to
the Niles Weekly Register of Hezekiah Niles, Chester County, Pennsylvania, is that
evil people, knowing how the United States too has some bad records of capitalistic
and imperialistic deadly maneuvers, could take advantage of our exposure in the
midst of the American Embassy’s unjustified delays or refusal to intervene in this
simple situation, to wreak havoc on our family – God forbid – and leave our fate
hanging in the balance. This is one side of the danger. Another side of the danger is
that America, still drunk with her hyper-ambition to rule the world unopposed, or,
with Wall Street powerful actors not willing for their country to be brought to check
for the kind of unethical behavior for capitalist profit that is going on here, and seeing
these actions of ours as a threat in all these directions, could themselves still
mastermind some deadly scheme to get at us in disguise, again, God forbid. And what
even amplifies this danger to our very persons is that, as we speak, no institution and
no individuals, do have photographs of our simple 12-member family and dependents,
equal to that of the United States Embassy, or Americans, here in Monrovia, as,
during those almost four long weeks of our peaceful protest at the US Embassy, as
mentioned earlier, Embassy security and other personnel, including Liberia National
Police officers assigned to your mission here did snap our photos almost every day in
addition to what the facility’s security cameras already were doing. This poses a
second side of the danger. Evidently, our small Kartees’ family now faces the greatest
of risks ever, on Planet Earth, as we speak, due to all these exposures, again, all
caused fundamentally by the kind of civic design that you envisioned for us at the
Davis Hotel in December 1816. Based upon these double-edged threats, we now use
this opportunity to call on Congress, especially you, the Black Caucus to kindly
intervene in having your Liberian Mission speedily look into our petition and
addressing it with all the honesty required. This concludes for now the first section of
our complaint or concerns for your attention.

As a second batch of our concerns or complaint here, we say, since the seemingly
personal Kartees’ family’s case briefly elaborated upon above was turned into a
National one from the word go in January 2013, and since then, has always been
considered a National one, as we represent 7 big constituencies of God’s people
belonging to, and related to this country, including all of our dead tribal forefathers,
we never push one issue pertaining to ourselves, the torch bearers of this campaign,
directly, without bringing on board ten critical issues affecting our society, as we are
in this campaign for ultimate societal change, God willing. As such, here are
additional concerns that our Plain Truth Revolution does have about your involvement
with the affairs of our country, which we would like to use this opportunity to
respectfully ask Congress to launch some investigations into, so as to keep our
relationship ever cordial, even as we now push to gain our rightful independence from
you. Here we go with these nationalistic concerns:
1. One major qualm that we have, which we now humbly call upon the Trump
Administration, as its first major probe into the past US Government’s fishy
involvements with African affairs, to investigate, is: how on Earth was this very
criminal, failed, and rogue state called Liberia EVER able to qualify for, as
prestigious a prize, as the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Compact of
US$256.7 million in the last quarter of 2015? We believe that this act, just as
America’s first misguided act involving the establishment of the American
Colonization Society, an entity which went on to conceive the cruel idea of Liberia in
1816, and to subsequently establish this Hell of Mess in African in 1822 on the sadly
fake argument that: “rounded up [unproductive, Black US criminals and mischief
makers] when dumped here, could independently build a country which will then
“Christianize” and Civilize dark Africa”, constitutes inflicting intentional
psychological, economic, and a long string of harms against a whole people and their
countless generations, with all this qualifying as a MAJOR CRIME AGAINST
HUMANITY. For example, we believe that Liberia’s qualification for an MCC
Compact, not even a Threshold, by the mighty US State Department, in the midst of
all the negatives that this same institution (meaning the State Department) does write
against this rogue establishment called Liberia, officially promotes cruelty, corruption,
injustice etc., with an ultimate outcome of each one of such corrupt dealings
translating into a vicious cycle of poverty, immorality, unspeakable injustice and
bloodbath every time, conditions, which have unfortunately been our homeland’s only
“success stories” since 1822. We herewith call on the very objective American
Government that we know, to now investigate these kinds of broad day cheating,
which do increasingly now pose the greatest of threats to world peace. We don’t even
know as yet, which one of the MCC’s 17 productive indicators, is this funny Americo-
Liberian establishment ever making a substantial progress in.
2. In the midst of all the grants and free financial aid packages that came to this country
years back, the criminal Black American leaders of this place said that they had
contracted up to $5 billion in loans for development purposes by the year 2009, even
though nobody knows, as the case sadly continues to remain today, what mechanisms
these so-called leaders had in place to ever pay a dime of these huge debts back. After
long years of bloodbath as a result of these kinds of incomprehensible mischief; in
June 2010, the international community managed to relieve ‘economically useless
Liberia’ of all these criminally worthless debt obligations. But today, just in 7 years of
such a huge debt relief, the Americo-Liberian criminals have gone back into
international debt well over $2 billion, just doing such fishy things as “substandardly”
rehabilitating existing funny one-lane roads and other scandalous stuffs, with no light
as to how these monies will ever be paid back again. Criminally strangely, as you will
discover for yourselves, especially when you develop the interest to go through one of
our Revolution’s Great 7 Summaries entitled “The overriding reasons for which
people are elected in Liberia; How Liberia understands the science and art of setting
up and nurturing an economy – all being reasons for this dull Black American
Colony’s untold poverty”, found at, these so-called loans,
grants, donations, and other forms of financial packages, in the millions of dollars, do
flow into this rogue state almost every two days. But the two major puzzles relating to
this bloody reality, which we really want Congress to now help us get involved in
actively investigating for the common good of our two peoples include:
a) No one as yet knows how the loan components of these packages are ever paid
back; and
b) No one knows as yet, what impacts do the other packages – like the grants,
donations, and others, ever have, substantially on the very huge numbers of poor
people in this place, for which these assistance packages are purportedly intended.
We strongly believe that this very corrupt trend, that has gotten so entrenched here for
more than a century now, keeps enriching criminals, killing fellow human beings
broad day, damaging future generations persistently in advance, and that all of this
ends up actively preparing some terrible bomb that will ultimately blast into the face
of the world one day soon, because the God that created all of us does have serious
interest in what’s happening to His horribly disadvantaged children on this dark side
of the globe, as a result of these kinds of collusive cruelties being perpetrated by the
Americans and their Amnerico-Liberians here. For He, God, will definitely strike in
their defense one way or the other, and this possibility, we can now see through our
spiritual prism, as something that is about to occur very soon, if all of us don’t exert
sincere, urgent efforts at averting it right now. For instance in the midst of the ocean
of economic and financial packages coming into this 43, 000 square-miles, 4.5
million-people country after every two days, including your mighty MCC’s $256.7
million of 2015 etc., here is just a tip of the iceberg of your Liberia’s economic plight,
some of which can be found in that pamphlet that we referred you to earlier:
A. Liberia remains the only place on the Planet during this 21 st century where people still
use flashlights and lanterns in public health facilities to perform delivery services on
women due to the lack of electricity; women still deliver broad day on people’s
porches, in market places, and in the streets. Referral hospitals in entire counties of
hundreds of thousands of people in this place still operate without electricity and
ambulances; pregnant women in some parts of this country still have to walk for up to
2 days before reaching a nearby poorly-staffed and ill-equipped health clinic; and the
physician to population ratio still dangles at 1 physician to 100,000 citizens etc.
(Heritage Newspaper, April 29, 2014; Sky FM News, September and October 2014;
ELBC, October and December 2014; National Chronicle Newspaper, April 29, 2014
B. Liberia under your very celebrated Harvard School graduate and World Bank
Economist in 12 years of her presidency still remains a place where, in the area of
education, the following very savage and unthinkable things still happen: (1) Pigs
share classrooms with pulpils, and these animals sometimes violently disrupt classes
(2) Goat urine and feces flood dilapidated classrooms in which children take lesson on
the bare floor. (3) Due to lack of latrines and water facilities/supplies, big-sized girls
in schools, in many parts of the country, will have to seek permission to go home – no
matter the distance – to use restrooms and return to class any time later (4) When
rains are heavy, school children will have to go home, or find a shelter nearby, then
return later, clean up ditches of rainwater, before resuming lessons (5) In whole
sections of the country, comprising 2, 3 counties etc., there are no Math and Science
Teachers (6) In whole budget years, the Black American Legislature here allots
$2,000 (i.e. Two Thousand Dollars) for developing Science and Technology across
all public schools in the entire country etc. and etc. (ELBC, May 6, 2015; Farbric
FM., June, July 2015 etc.)
C. Your 195 year-old Liberia, of 43,000 square miles of land, only has less than 300
miles of clumsily paved one-lane roads, with only about 45% of households having
access to an all-seasons road within 5km (or 3.5 miles), from their homes, while
majority of the country is cut off from the 1822 capital of Monrovia during the rainy
season (Executive Mansion Sources, Ministry of Finance Report, others). And
Monrovia continues to be graded by the UN and others as the World’s Most
Uncomfortable and poorest city.
D. Poor quality, but very expensive, diesel-machine-generated and intermittently
supplied electricity reaches around 0.0024% of the population, only mainly in Central
Monrovia (“)
E. Government-provided housing, since 1822, has not yet been able to touch the lives of
up to 0.002% of the population (NHA, Executive Mansion Sources etc.)
F. Pipe-borne water, like electricity, only reaches an unimaginably few, very far less than
1/2 of 1%, and mainly in Central Monrovia too etc. and etc.
Your Liberia is so criminal that, with all of its prestigious Harvard School graduate
running so-called state affairs, including their professed economy, no one would ever
hear Government officials throwing light on key national performance matrices that
highlight the country’s economic health, especially those that concern the general
wellbeing of the citizens, like for example: (a) the country’s GINI coefficient (b) its debt-
to-GDP ratio, or how it is improving upon this ratio. (c) No one ever hears them mention
what improvements they are making in the health of their balance of payments and their
international investment position. (d) No one in this country understands whether there is
some economic matric called a trade balance, which determines whether a country is
encountering some trade deficit or some trade surplus etc. – but the only thing one hears
them trumpeting with World Bank support is how they are growing GDP by double digits
on paper, with reports, as we emphasized earlier, of contracting new World Bank and IMF
loans every week to either build new super highways or improve the plight of the poor.
We believe that human affairs should NEVER keep being handled in this kind of
criminally dangerous way, with the unhindered and unquestionable support of a world
superpower etc.
To help you in your investigation of why all this mess and many more that we can’t cloy
you here with continue to hold their firm grip on this society, we, in our part of
investigations, did find out that all this is happening because Liberia was established
only for the benefit of your very small-numbered Black Returnees – the Americo-
Liberians – at the detriment of us, the vast indigenous population. Here are some of our
proofs (a drop in some big ocean) from history, as those from current events are so
voluminous, and we have spread them apart in other communications and articles:
a) Dr. Charles Johnson of the League of Nations wrote, “Liberia [is] a nation conceived
solely as a haven for freed American Slaves at the detriment of the vast indigenous
majority (
b) According to the World Street Journal, New York-based Professor of History, Dr.
James Ciment narrates that the Americo-Liberians have fought to recreate a social
order like what they saw and left in the antebellum South of America. He said that the
Americo-Liberians have tried to recreate a social order like the antebellum America’s
South, setting themselves up as the master class and the vast indigenous population
as the slave class.
c) Sir John Simon of the British Foreign Service wrote on May 29, 1934 that it would
be a NEGLECT of the [West’s] duty to civilization if the misgovernment of the Native
tribes of Liberia [by the Americo-Liberians] was allowed to continue
d) The League of Nations, in its 1931 report on Liberia concluded, “The Government of
Liberia is systematically fostering a policy of gross intimidation and suppression of
the Native in order to prevent him from asserting himself in any way whatsoever,
[just] for the benefit of the dominant and colonizing race, although originally the same
stock as themselves”
e) Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta of the Brandeis University in Waltham,
Massachusetts, once warned in his analysis of Liberia’s fate, that it is only the idea of
a reform-minded, Western-educated Native Liberian leadership and Republic that will
provide the much-needed solution to this country’s problems. But he claimed the
international community unfortunately [keeps] opposing this idea [in favor of the so-
called Americo-Liberians]. ….” ( etc.
And the NASTY energy and power sustaining all this evil design sit right within the 1824
name that your Congressman, Robert G. Harper of the State of Maryland did give to the
ACS to replace our much neutral name, the “Grain Coast” with, which is “Liberia”, a
name which Prof. John Simon Greenleaf of the Harvard Law School in turn tirelessly
worked with your less intelligent and criminal Blacks here, your Americo-Liberians, at
their one-month 1847 so-called Constitutional Convention, to make sure that every
symbol and emblem of this place was well factored into. Meaning, the motto, seal, flag
etc. of this place were all designed to match the argument of “Liberia” which only
champions the interest and wellbeing of the Americo-Liberians at the bloody neglect and
detriment of the rest of other human populations, the huge African indigenous population.
And to demonstrate this bloody reality, that’s why for example:
1. As dull, criminal, and lazy Liberia still takes pride in a Susannah Lewis and others-
1847-made flag of 11 stripes, a blue field, with a lone star etc., all symbolic of already
deceitful and lying arguments that have now glaringly turned outdated, the great
United States of America, on the perfect and exemplary side of history however, we
are told, began in 1777 with a flag, nicknamed variously as the Old Glory, the Star-
Spangled Banner, the Stars and Stripes, the Grand Union, the Continental Colors
etc. of 13 stripes and 13 stars, with the stripes representing the original 13 British
Colonies that declared their independence from Great Britain in July 1776, and not
personalities, and these 13 stripes remain so today. However, in an effort to
consistently demonstrate JUSTICE and inclusiveness, history tells us that every time a
new state was added to the original 13 United States of 1777, a new star was added to
the United States’ flag, and the old one discarded or preserved for history. As such, as
we speak, the current design of the US flag is its 27th change, with the original design
having been officially changed 26 times now, since 1777. The 26th version, and
longest lasting version of the US flag is the current 50-star flag designed by 17 year
old high school student Robert G. Heft of Ohio in 1958, and ordered into effect by
President Dwight G. Eisenhower on August 21, 1959, though finally adopted July
1960, to replace the 47-year-old, 48-star American flag, with this new 50-star flag
symbolizing the addition of two new states to the United States of America, which
were Alaska, on January 3, 1959, and Hawai, on August 21, 1959. The essence of this
27th design of 51 stars, which is still in the making, or has not been officially adopted
yet, is the anticipation of Puerto Rico joining the United States anytime soon, as the
51st state.
2. While dull, biased, and unprincipled Black American Liberia will still move on, in
170 years now, with some funny seal, only depicting the coming to this place of the
Johnsons, McClains, and Weeks, and a bloody motto that paints us, the indigenous
and the original owners of this land as non-humans or animals, portraying only
Americo-Liberians as the human beings, with calls coming from left, right, and center
for this funny seal, and bloody motto to be changed, but the mischievous Americo-
Liberian political elite will not agree to change these items etc., History tells us that
on the perfect contrary, the United States of America has, as the main image on its
coat of arms, the clearly neutral bald eagle, as the national bird, and the national
motto has changed hands from E Pluribus Unum (or Out of many, One), in 1776, to
“In God We Trust” in 1956.
3. While America’s official Pledge of Allegiance, as originally written in August 1892
by the Socialist Minister Francis Bellamy has gone through more than 3 changes in
wordings, with the last change yet to it, approved by Congress and adopted on Flag
Day 1954, incorporating the new wordings, “Under God”, after ‘one nation’, dull
Americo-Liberia, since it stole and adopted these same wordings, in their earlier
versions more than multiple scores of years back, as its Pledge of Allegiance, has
never added or subtracted a word from this art work yet.
4. From “Hail Columbia” to “My Country Tis of Thee”, to the Star Spangled Banner,
composed by 35-year old lawyer Francis Scott Key in 1814, with music provided by,
or set to the tone of John Stafford Smith’s Anacreontic Song of the 1780s, the
American National Anthem has gone through a whole lot of changes like America’s
other awards. Even this final anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, which actually
comes from Mr. Key’s 1814 poem called the “Defense of Fort M’Henry” and finally
approved as the National Anthem by a Congressional resolution on March 3, 1931,
and approved by President Herbert Hoover, continued to receive additions to it, from
1814 until its final adoption in 1931, with, for instance, its 5 th stanza added in 1861 by
Mr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. On the bad side of history however, since Liberia’s
National Anthem was jointly produced by Americo-Liberian Daniel B. Warner and
African American Cleveland Olmastead Lucas in the mid 1800s, we are told by
history that no change has ever been made to this piece of artwork yet.
5. Then last but not the least for now comes the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the
Land. Because of dull Americo-Liberia’s unimaginable refusal to make any
substantial changes to anything else, no substantial change was made to Liberia’s
1847, Professor Greenleaf-designed constitution until it was pretentiously abrogated
through the barrel of the guns in 1980 in an apparent US-Liberia maneuver to get rid
of Productive President William Tolbert, as alluded to, today, by many credible
sources, including Prof. Neil Hahn of the London University School of Oriental and
African Studies. And even with the second constitution, written under the reign of
blood, and in the midst of mischievous and deadly disappearances and beheadings in
the name of politics, as usual, which still maintains all of the basic arguments of the
first, or the 1847 Constitution, no substantial changes have ever been made to this
bloody 1981-86 Constitution yet, in all these 30+ years.
On the very positive side of history however, and to conclude this section of our
argument, the United States, we are told from history, has this one, and only one
constitution, in fact the oldest of a modern republic in the world thus far, adopted on
June 21, 1788, and placed into operation on March 4, 1789. In these 227 years,
however, the United States has officially ratified 27 key amendments to its
constitution, with the first 10 of these 27, adopted and ratified simultaneously in 1791,
which are collectively known as the Bill of Rights. Approximately 11,539 proposals
to amend the US Constitution have been introduced in Congress since 1789.
Collectively, members of the both chambers typically propose around 200
amendments during each two year term of Congress. As we speak, 6 amendments
now been agreed upon by both Houses of Congress, are now with State Governments
for ratification etc. and etc.
We have fortunately discovered that a plan that does not tolerate any substantial change,
especially when the clear need arises is a very bad and wicked plan, like the 1822-1847
Liberian plan, that’s why we do demand the peaceful breakdown of this Liberian plan
right now by the grace of God.
These are the three big issues (one, seemingly personalized, but has been revolutionized
and nationalized as we adequately clarified above, and two, strictly collective or
national), which we want both the White House and Congress to politely put under the
microscope for us now.
Since we may not have to time to engage with you again on this kind of note, and our
next interaction may strictly focus on finding solutions by God’s grace, let’s further use
this single opportunity to hit another target, which has to do with our quest, in addition to
your investigation into the three points above, to get direct answers from you for the
below very critical questions.
Let’s first off politely inform you here that on the overall, one thing that makes us call
this peaceful civic endeavor a revolution is because we are all out for demanding answers
and pushing people’s feet to the fire for answers to the many big questions that no one,
mainly out of fear in this place, wants to ask, questions whose answers our lives and
progress do hinge upon explicitly. We believe that it is only God that we, humans, should
not be able to demand answers from because He told us for instance in the Book of
Deuteronomy that it is not everything that He has revealed to us; and even come to think
about it, if we were to know everything about Him, then He would really not have been
our Almighty God – God forbid!! But this kind of fear or inability to demand answers, we
believe, should not be extended to flesh and blood like ourselves, no matter how
advanced they may be, more than us, especially when we need such answers from them
on issues that explicitly border upon our lives, our destines, and our happiness etc. Take
for instance the issue of Justice. All Books of Scriptures, including the Bible and the
Qur’an have said that once we play with the issue of Justice, we will NEVER enjoy the
land which our God has given us. But look at how Justice, sadly, is being mockingly
handled here by you, our current defacto colonial master, the United States of America.
Let’s all, ask ourselves now, for instance, why should we, the people of this country, not
be brave enough to demand answers from you, America, about several key issues that
history resoundingly exposes you to be responsible for, in this country, including, but not
limited to the following 5:
1. As established by law, who killed President William R. Tolbert and his officials, and
why should their killers not be brought to justice as yet, when this very productive
man and his officials were killed during peace time; but you, Colonial Master
America, keep using your unmatched influence here to selectively pursue people for
crimes committed during war time; for example, Charles Taylor, his son, his wife, and
a selected few?
2. Why should the constitution written by the people that claimed to kill Tolbert say that
no one should ever be brought to book for killing him and his officials, according to
Article 97 of this criminal Liberian Constitution? Is this then a true constitution;
should an organic law book, the supreme one at that rate, ever be championing such
broad day impunity? Were Tolbert and his officials not human beings too, not even to
mention their being human beings in national leadership positions?
3. Who killed President Samuel K. Doe, and why was Doe killed right in the hands of
peacekeepers during a reported time of official ceasefire? Was this not a serious war
crime committed by all the parties involved, and their backers? Should no one ever
answer to these kinds of crimes too? Can partial justice ever hold water?
4. Why would Chuckie Taylor go to jail in America for 99 years, pay around US$22
million in damages – all for alleged or even proven torture he committed in Liberia
when the millions of people who died here, or whose lives were badly set back in
Liberia during this same time, have nothing to point to, as some form of reprieve or
reparation through our country’s TRC process, under the watch of this America, who
claims and behaves like the small god in everything done in this Liberia? And in fact,
there are accounts that there is an American hand – through one KRL International of
Washington D.C. – working with their heavily backed President Sirleaf, to kill this
entire multiple million-dollar TRC process. What is the fate of this TRC process now?
If it is hard to be implemented today, will it ever be easy to implement it tomorrow?
5. Why would Taylor be jailed for 50 years only for what he did in Sierra Leone, when
he, along with a long list of people, all backed by you, America, or by American
elements, did far worse things in Liberia than even in Sierra Leone, whose impacts
will live with us forever? Are we not human beings too? etc. and etc.
We will pause here, only on current event questions, as those from history, beginning
with ACS’s conception of Liberia, the arm robbery of our land by Captain Robert Field
Stockton of the American USS Alligator Warship, the killing of our people in 1822 to
designate the date of such massive atrocity as National Thanksgiving Day etc. are so
many, and handled in other articles of our Plain Truth Revolution.
But the point we are making here is that if we can’t get answers to these kinds of
questions now, and many equally bigger ones not mentioned here, as said above, then
what good will ever come from out of us as a people in this country? If we can’t get
answers to these kinds of strong questions, which directly impact on our survival and
progress, then why run court houses around here? Why even run a country in the first
place, if justice will be mocked to this kind of unimaginable extent?
Even though the issues brought thus far for your respectful consideration, all help to
justify our Plain Truth Revolution’s insurmountable finding that “Liberia” is an
illegitimate civic arrangement set up here by the ACS to promote criminal, especially
white-collar criminal activities, as the whole world can now bear us witness, for which
our group is now seeking a peaceful break down of this civic theory to build a new one
with your input again, although this time with your impartial and honest input, we care to
use this opportunity to provide you further proofs, apart from the ones brought above, for
our claim that Liberia is a sadly illegitimate statehood structure that deserves no one,
especially us, the indigenous of this place’ cooperation anymore. Here we go with a drop
in the ocean of proofs, for you to consider looking into also, since the Plain Truth
Revolution is in search of a holistic solution to our country’s 195 year-old horror story:
1. The National Convention of June to July 1847 that professedly formalized Liberia’s
sovereignty and independence was unrepresentative, unfair, and criminal, thus making
its offshoot, the so-called Republic of Liberia, illegitimate. This National Convention
was attended only by the Johnsons, Grippons, McClains, and Tubmans etc., who
represent 1 ethnic group, the 17th questionable one for that matter, to the brutal
exclusion of the Samukais, Zeangans, Kromahs, and Cherrues, who represent the 16
original African ethnic groups, and the recognized owners of the land. It is all the
products from this funny, ethnocentric talk shop, called National Convention, that still
remain intact today.
2. A statement within Liberia’s current Declaration of Independence, which also features
in the preamble of the First Constitution, a constitution whose basic provisions still
reign supreme up to this point in many respects, reads that all the citizens of this
country (‘Liberia’) are originally from the United States of North America.
3. The biggest argument upon which Liberia was built and continues to be sustained
since 1822 is that only the returning Black American criminals to this place are
considered the human beings, but the rest of the African community that they met
on ground, which we are, are mere animals. That’s why, fellow original Africans
now turned Americans, until you join these people, to work against your own people,
you are considered ‘nobody’ yet in the social dictionary of Liberia. Here are some of
the historical bases for this claim:
 In the book, “Liberia, the West African Republic”, Richard and Doris Henries narrate
that upon the arrival of the Black Americans from bondage, they met on the Grain
Coast, only savages, whom they (the ‘returning Black Americans) began to transform
[into human beings].
 In Liberia’s official Civics textbook, as late as the Tubman’s Era, “Civics for Liberian
Schools, 1966”, A. Doris Banks Henries, the author of this book, with full approval of
the Government of Liberia, referred to us, the indigenous people, the Nagbes, the
Boakais, the Samukais, the original Sirleafs and so on, as savages.
 Jo M. Sullivan of the Cambridge Public Schools in Massachusetts, the USA,
expressed his frustration once at the sad characterizations of the indigenous people of
this country by the so-called Black American ‘pioneers’, as presented in a 2002 book
written by Catherine Reef entitled, “This is our Dark Country: The American Settlers
of Liberia”. Mr. Sullivan criticizes for example, the Americo-Liberians’ use of such
phrases as: “building a nation in the wilderness”, “surviving in the wilderness” etc. He
said, in Reef’s description of the region [as very lately as 2002 in her book], she still
gave preference to animals before making some little mention of a local people. etc.
and etc.
4. Even political, social and other professional experts have, and continue to attest to this
sad and deadly reality, that continues to reign supreme as we speak, fellow distant
members of the human family. The five arguments presented earlier, quoting the
League of Nations and other prominent world leaders, among many more, greatly add
to this debate.
5. The above proofs are just a gist, even people we call government officials in this
current unproductive and criminal order of things, plus some of our revered public
opinion leaders and academicians, do agree with these very NASTY and
DAMAGING facts which continue to hold the vast God-given talents, potentials and
dreams of the suffering masses of this place down forever. Here we come with a
sample of confirmations:
a) Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, head, Liberia’s Good Governance Commission, is on record for
sadly summarizing the whole Liberian story by saying: “The idea of Liberia is
flawed in conception, design, and implementation” (as quoted by Mr. Jo Sullivan
of the Cambridge Public Schools in Massachusetts, the USA )
b) Mr. John S. Morlu, former Auditor General of Liberia once said: in Liberia, we
have a kleptocracy (or one would say, a ‘rogue-cracy’ or ‘criminocracy’),
masquerading as a democracy. He then called on the Press Union of Liberia to help
break this rogue structure called Liberian democracy down, and not to help it grow to
born more babies of poverty, uncontrollable foreign exchange rates, astronomical
prices of goods/services, and sky-rocketing rate of unemployment
(, November 28, 2015)
c) Mr. Nathaniel Barnes, Politician and former Liberian Ambassador to the United
Nations once argued that, we dangerously do not have any institutions in this place,
but instead, we just have personalities. He says we are terribly not even a reconciled
people, and that we don’t have any common purpose, and any common goal as a
people. He continues that there’s an incredible lack of trust by Liberians in their own
leaders and government generally, and that this lack of citizens’ trust in government
here is JUSTIFIED!!!!!!!!(Farbric FM New Dawn, December 2, 2015)
d) Mr. Jonathan Paye – Lay-Leh – BBC Correspondent/Liberia – Mr. Paye Layleh
says that the behavior of Liberian leaders in dealing with the country’s resources,
especially its natural resources (iron ore, gold, diamond, oil etc.) makes him to
wonder whether leaders here have something at the back of their minds telling them
that the country is now coming to an end (Farbric FM New Dawn, October 20, 2015)
e) Mr. Isaac ‘Redd’, Director of Press & Public Affairs, House of Representatives,
Liberia – fed up with the status quo, Mr. Redd complains, with utmost disgust, that in
Liberia, the construction or rehabilitation of little stretches of substandard one-lane
roads is only determined by where the president goes. In his direct words, “Our
country just can’t go this way…we need to jumpstart everything all over again….and
we need real patriotic people to do this…..” (Farbric FM New Dawn, November 12,
f) Dean Johnson of the African Methodist Episcopal University in Monrovia claims
that Liberia’s declaration of independence was imprudently thought out, and was
untimely…He continues, “we need a complete renaissance… we need a complete
rebirth…(Farbric FM New Dawn, March 16, 2015) etc. and etc.
With all these and many more life threatening faults, Liberia still claims for example,
that it is a democracy, when it has no defined and legal underlying social contract; it
claims that it is a democracy and a republic when sovereignty does not lie with the
people, but instead, in some criminal gang called government, that uses some ill-gotten
power to wreak havoc on the vast majority of the citizenry; Liberia claims it is a
democracy, but it has no track record of ever systematically developing its human capital
and protecting its own people’s basic human rights in these 195 years of mockingly being
around as some so-called political entity; it claims it is a legitimate state, but some of the
very lines within the first few paragraphs of its Declaration of Independence, as we
brought above, are Absolute Lies etc.
We would appreciate were the American Government to please consider reviewing all
these facts, as our little group pushes for a Sovereign Citizens Convention this year,
2017, or early 2018, to boldly debate these terrible issues, with you, the Americans, being
a very key stakeholder in this demanded National Get Together, God willing. And as a
key point, we are demanding this National Congress in place of anything called a general
and presidential elections this 2017.
And talking about a Sovereign Citizens Meeting or a National Rebirth and Constitutional
Convention, or just some kind of soul-searching and solution-seeking dialogue, as the
Plain Truth Revolution is currently demanding, many influential voices here, including
those in the top echelons of the current Americo-Liberian Government, have been
strongly proposing similar thing for some time now. We are only just reinforcing this call,
expanding its scope, and making it a demand rather than keeping it continuously as an
appeal, or a proposal, or some suggestion, that’s all. For example, Atty. Koffi Woods, a
former Government Minister and outstanding activist here has been calling for a National
Reconciliation Consultative Dialogue (Sky FM, June 20, 2014); Prominent Civil Society
Activist Vandarlark Patricks has been calling for a National Reconciliation Convention
(July 8, 2014, Local Radio News etc.); Lofa County Senator Steve Zargo has been
stressing the need for some National Security Dialogue (Local Radio News and local
Dailies); the Catholic Justice & Justice (JPC) has called for a National Civil Society
Dialogue to discuss the current security situation in the country (Inquirer Newspaper,
February 2016); the head of the EU Delegation in the country has expressed his union’s
desire to see some political dialogue take place among and between political parties on
the one hand, and political parties and the government on the other hand (FrontPage
Africa, March 20, 2016); the head of Liberia’s Good Governance Commission, Dr. Amos
Sawyer did strongly recommend that the country holds some political summit before
heading to any elections; and lastly, the President herself, Madam Sirleaf, during her last
State of the Nation’s Address this January 2017, announced that she was instructing Dr.
Sawyer to organize some National Political dialogue before anything called elections are
held here etc. and etc.
Before closing, after having established how dangerous, mischievous, and very
unobjective and immature Liberia is, we would like to bring this very difficult and critical
personal resolution of ours, backed by God’s words, to the attention of Congress and the
American Government. Based upon all of what we have established about this country, as
we have sufficiently brought to you in this communication, we have five big reasons why,
as we vow to remain very peaceful in our civic endeavor, will never, by God’s grace,
subject ourselves to any judicial process initiated against us, or to be conducted against
us, by Americo-Liberia, or Liberia for short, and these big 5 reasons include:
1) Liberia, first off, has been thoroughly established by us and many institutions now as
an illegitimate civic arrangement that must unconditionally be legitimized now in
order to win any authority or binding cooperation from decent people – this is without
prejudice to the many good people here who do not see things as yet from the lens
from which we have now been blessed by God to see them.
2) The very constitution that Liberia has, and will be depending on to subject us to, for
any such judicial process, if they ever see the need to do so, is very flawed, as
everyone knows by now, and is thus illegitimate
3) The very national symbols and emblems that the Liberian judges will be sitting
behind, and be using on their court documents to conduct judicial processes against
us, if they are ever tempted to think so, have now been unequivocally established by
us to be instruments that insult and dehumanize all of our tribal forefathers, and all of
us in this country, who come from ethnic African backgrounds. And so we will not
keep respecting such symbols and emblems anymore by God’s great power.
4) The Liberian Government and all of its institutions, none of which our tribal
forefathers ever had any say, or made any contributions in laying their foundation,
was NEVER established to work in our interest; and so, it is now time to tell this
system that enough is enough for keep succumbing to this mess.
5) The key arguments and issues which we are raising here are far beyond Liberia’s
jurisdiction. Our major qualms and bones of contention are against you, the United
States, or elements from among you, with strong authority, for how you are painfully
masterminding things here, the cruelly colluding with your Americo-Liberians in the
callous handling of human affairs in this country against our blood, well-being and
future. As such, if there arises any need for us to be investigated against our writings
and actions in this peaceful revolutionary struggle, then of course, it is the United
States Government and the United Nations that can ever initiate and conduct any such
process, and we are willing to subject to you both at any time because the both of you
are legitimate entities, and very mature and objective, despite all of our disagreements
with you, the United States.
Finally, while this current effort has led us to addressing more than 400 national and
international stakeholders, with all of these communications systematically organized
into some categories and posted generally at, which you are
encouraged to review and find out for yourselves what we are telling the other
stakeholders about this same subject, if you will have the time, with some of these
communications however having the same content almost etc., in order to narrow your
research or review scope however, we have decided to set apart 5 stakeholders’
communications or stakeholder groups’ communications from among the more than 400,
which we want to believe will be of great help or interest to you than the rest, and have
thus placed them at a separate Internet location or site. These 5 communications as such,
include those we sent to: (1) the big stakeholders in Liberian affairs; (2) the UN Office on
Indigenous Issues; (3) the Pacific Garden Mission; (4) the Security Community in
Liberia; and (5) the Radio Stations in Monrovia, and these 5 are being posted at
To get any further information about us, or about all of our documents and articles, please
proceed as follows:
 To find out every major step that we have been taking in search of redress for the
personal ordeal of ours that we mentioned from the onset, the proud springboard of
our revolution, we encourage you to please go to what we call our Plain Truth
Revolutionary Guide 2 at or, which, in
addition to giving you some detail on each civic action we have been taking thus far,
also gives you a detail listing of every article we have ever written since this case
surfaced in January 2013, to guide, inform, and execute our revolution for Mama
Country :
 To find out every major step that we have been taking in search of redress to the
personal ordeal of ours that we mentioned from the onset of this communication, a
personal ordeal that deservingly qualifies as that proud springboard of our revolution,
we do encourage you to please go to what we call our Plain Truth Revolutionary
Guide 2 at or, which, in addition to giving you
some detail on each civic action we have been taking thus far, also gives you a detail
listing of every article that we have ever written since this case surfaced in January
2013, to guide, inform, and execute our revolution for Mama Country :
 To get a summary of all of the basic debates we (i.e. the Plain Truth Revolution) now
have on the table for the redemption of our country, the summaries that we refer to as
our 7 Great Revolutionary Summaries, please go to
 To get some of the many artilcles that we have done to articulate the current state of
affairs in our country, please go to: Our 5 key Anti-Americo-Liberian 2017 Elections
Flyers at
 You can also go to our Facebook fan page at
for more information and links about this very nascent peaceful African
Revolutionary Movement.
 Googling out “Plan Truth Revolution for (Liberia)” could also be of help leading to
our Guides and our many articles. Guides 2 and 3 in this series will be too helpful for
you, as partly mentioned earlier.
We entreat you to kindly follow these arguments and developments now in “Liberia” with
the keenness of your attention and interest. We can be reached at any time on cell
numbers 0886556498 (Pastor Kringar); 0777611656 (Z. Kartee); or 0886120985 (P.
Kartee), and we will be glad were you to call us any time at your convenience for any
clarities or inquiries. You can also get to us through email at any of these addresses:;; and
Thank you very much Congress, for your kind understanding to place our issues on your
extremely busy agenda for consideration. We also consider this polite willingness of
yours to work with us as a stroke of your commitment to preserving peace in our world.
Yours respectfully,
The Plain Truth Revolution

Approved: RSK
Roland S. Kartee, Initiator and Vision Bearer of the Plain Truth Revolution

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