What Really Is This Plain Truth Revolution For Liberia

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What really is this Plain Truth Revolution for the Grain

Coast (“Liberia”?)
To begin with, let’s give you an idea of the different meanings currently assigned to the word
“Revolution”, taking into the account the fact that almost ALL English words, just like in other
languages, do have more than one meaning, and that people assign the right or befitting meaning
to a word among its different meanings, based upon the context in which that word is being used
at the time.

Having said that, several meanings do exist for the word “Revolution”, including the below 7:

I. From the Oxford Dictionary of Current English, revolution has 4 meanings, which are: (1)
the overthrow of a government, or a social order, by force, in favor of a new system; (2) a
great and far-reaching change; (3) motion in orbit, or in a circular course around a central
point; and (4) a single movement around a central point.

II. From Wikipedia online, (5), a “Revolution”, from its original Latin word, “Revolutio”, is a
significant turnaround that results into major changes within the culture, economy, and the
social and political institutions of a country or region; and finally for now,

III. One reliable source defines Revolution as: (6) any idea that comes to take a whole people, or
a whole country etc. by storm (like for example the Industrial Revolution, the Information
Technology Revolution etc.); or similarly, (7), any exercise that comes to claim everybody’s
attention almost at once, and/or, to demand everybody’s input and action one way or the other,
at a particular time, etc. and etc.

From these 7, largely interrelated definitions of the word “Revolution” above, our Plain Truth
Revolution herewith only distances or disassociates itself from the “By Force” phrase within the
(#1) component of Definition I, but each of the other points stressed within the rest of the 7
definitions either directly or indirectly falls in line with our current dreams and aspirations for this
country, and thus matches our understanding and use of the world “Revolution”. For example, we
now demand a complete change of the current form of government, and by extension, the current
social order in this country – and we want this change in social order to be far-reaching, and not
just for 10 years, or for 100 years, or for one political regime etc., but perpetually henceforth; we
now demand that we, as a people, go back to the drawing board to redo the foundation of this
country, redesign our common goals and purposes, including how we run our affairs in this place;
we demand substantial, far-reaching changes now within our culture, our economy, and our social
and political institutions – all of which we refer to as a positive vector of our Revolution; and, in
all this, we want every citizen’s active input or participation, and not just government officials,
‘book’ people, or the current political actors or regime etc., but ALL, ALL, and ALL CITIZENS.

This brings us to how the Plain Truth Revolution actually came about in the first place, and the
right answer to this query of course is that our Revolution springs out of TWO related sources, all
of which are rooted within the massive EXCESSES of the largely criminal Black elements that
were returned to this place by the United States beginning January 1822. The two versions of
Americo-Liberia’s EXCESSES which were, and continue to remain responsible for the birth and
subsequent naming of the Plain Truth Revolution therefore are:

1) Very true to the undeniable claim made by the Greek Philosopher Plato, hundreds, if not
thousands of years back, that: “Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in
the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments” etc.,,
the Plain Truth Revolution came about, according to the first of its two related springboards,
in reaction to, or as a result of Americo-Liberia’s ubiquitous INJUSTICE against elements of
the vast Native African populations of this country, the Grain Coast, a West African territory
which the Americans again, stole the show to rename as “Liberia”, just for their selfish,
capitalist, and imperialist gains. The cornerstone of this Revolution therefore was laid on
January 25, 2013 when the then Americo-Liberian top management team at the fake Liberia
Petroleum [Refining] Company, after some disagreement with Native African Roland S.
Kartee, Manager of the Management Information Systems (MIS) Department, use the space of
less than 24 hours to hastily concoct a corruption allegation against him (Kartee), and went
ahead to fire him in the same time space, but doing all this with a dismissal letter so riddled
with errors from start to end, including a condescendingly misrepresented dismissing
authority. And LPRC didn’t stop here, but further went ahead to the press in less than one
week of this action and denied newspaper reports of the alleged dismissal of Roland Kartee,
including the criminal and colonialist motivations behind this cruel action, as: False,
Misleading, Reckless, Condescending, and with No iota of truth etc. In short, LPRC went
to the press at this same time to deny ever firing Roland Kartee. Please go to such sites as
https://is.gd/mqEq2z, https://is.gd/kUvW5V, https://is.gd/lpTxJR, https://is.gd/kYZsIT or
https://is.gd/DyCnOh etc. for more details about this game-changing event and case.

2) As motivation #2 for the establishment and subsequent setting into motion of our Plain Truth
Revolution, according to 17th Century British Physicist and Social Scientist, Sir Isaac Newton,
as cited in his Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, “To every action, there is [or MUST be] an equal
and opposite reaction.” Now, fellow citizens, after having established from every historical
and empirical research that the whole idea that went into the founding of Liberia was marred
and characterized by GREAT LIES, and that every available national document surrounding
the existence and onward evolvement of Liberia continues to be characterized by MASSIVE
LIES – huge lies which have now multiplied, replicated and reduplicated themselves to
unspeakable extents, thereby swallowing up an entire society, to the SAD and DAMAGING
point that LIES are even stripped into the brains of unborn babies etc. and etc., we got
motivated and empowered by God to counter this hugely entrenched culture of LIES with an
opposite force of similar or even bigger proportions of TRUTH telling, and thus our Plain
Truth Revolution.
For we strongly believe that by accepting the bare truths about our situation, no matter how
harsh and painful these plain truths may appear, we will be able to gain freedom and
independence, and for the first time, we will be able to live to the fullest of our huge God-
given potentials in this country. But if we continue to reject the truth – most probably because
of our overwhelming fear for America - which is the author of all of these great LIES in this
country, then our portion of life on Planet Earth will continue to remain a vicious cycle of
bloodbath, poverty, and a living disgrace to nationhood and to God’s creation etc.

The Plain Truth Revolution, in summary however, is a civic enterprise that seeks to ‘reborn’ our
country (the Grain Coast) through a series of well-organized civic processes and actions intended
to culminate into a genuine transitional justice process that will redress our incredibly horrifying
past, as a people, and then lay for us a new foundation based upon God’s principles of Mutual
Love, Justice, Honesty, and Hard Work, while overturning the current foundation which is based
on Lies, Injustice, Ethnocentrism and Corruption.

The major principles and creeds of our revolution can be summarized as follows:

Vision: “To create a new, productive society that will be lighted and sustained by the simple,
plain truths”

Mission: “To use God’s eternal principle of Justice to wipe the slate clean for a new national or
civic foundation”

Motto: It’s time to take the two bulls in our lives (America’s imperialism and Americo-Liberia’s
ethnocentrism) by their horns, using the plain truths.” Or for short: It’s time to take the two bulls
in our lives by their horns, using the plain truths.”


 To employ simple, home truths, in a revolutionary fashion to upset Liberia’s entrenched

culture of LIES and Mischief Making
 To employ simple concepts and theories from general education or ‘book’ to make our country
a livable, progressive and civilized place
Key Methodology:

Massive creation of awareness, rooted from intensive researching and information sharing

Major Tools:

History, Civics, Statistics, Pens, Papers, Computers, Microphones, Cell Phones etc., but NOT
Key Partners:

1. The Student Population 4. Our Traditional Leaders and People

2. The Media 5. Members of the Intelligentsia
3. Judicial Workers 6. Our huge down-trodden masses
Means of Propagating Our Revolution and Its Messages:
1. Social Media 3. Traditional Media
2. Civic and Judicial Actions and processes 4. Other Legitimate Ways
Our Revolution speaks for, and represents the wishes and aspirations of seven (7) huge
constituencies of God’s children (including past, current and future generations of our country,
and all of our well-wishers elsewhere on the globe) to whom we are very proud to always
dedicate every work or article that we write, and every action that we take. Our distinguished
constituencies therefore include:

(a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian
state-sponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal

(b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though
they had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to
America’s imperialist activities here, and the Americo-Liberians’ explicit vendetta campaign
against us;

(c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their
dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every policy behind
the scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government;

(d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten
Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over
and over today;

(e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no
foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc.
to be performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, “deprived, and destroyed in advance” future

(f) Our citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about what’s happening to their country,
but are just unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation; and,

(g) Foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep
worrying, what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of
nationhood, especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc.
With respect to membership strength thus far, while we know that numerical strength seriously
matters in this kind of national struggle, and that this is a struggle for country, which as such
requires everyone’s input, we are also quite conscious that it does not take big numbers to start, or
even execute great ideas or great campaigns, but rather just one, to a few committed persons. We
are for example inspired by Margaret Mead’s admonishment that no one should ever doubt that a
small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, adding, indeed, this is the
only thing that has ever happened. So our revolution is still yet in its formative stages, with a
humble size, including a few formal members, and some informal members and sympathizers. We
currently have expressed and implied memberships through 4 key modes of association or
participation, including: (a) in-person members, (b) virtual members based on one’s recognition
in both past and present civic struggle, (c) membership acquired through social media, and (d)
membership extended to all those victimized by Americo-Liberia’s numerous state crimes; and we
do now have a total following, considering all the categories above, of over 500.

With respect to official structure and physical location, just as the G8/G7 Nations are very key,
and are a formal, global economic and political institution that wields enormous influence on the
world scene, and has been so since the 1970s, but to date, has no official administrative structure
and physical office as yet, our peaceful civic endeavor to emancipate this only country of ours,
has got no recognized administrative structure or any physical seat as yet. But it is a defecto
formal Revolutionary institution under the banner of the Plain Truth Revolution, with a very
strong-spiritual backing, that is dug in her heels or determined to overturn the current nasty social
order in this country, and to inaugurate a better, more dynamic, and more productive social order
based on God’s eternal principles of Mutual Love, Justice, Honesty, and Hard Work, etc., as
mentioned earlier. But unlike the G8/G7 organization however, we hope to transcend from a
virtual realm to a physical and more palpable status very soon, God willing.

For those who worry or pick bones with us about legal registration or some operational document
from government, we say, please rethink or ‘re-rationalize’ what it will mean when we seek
legitimacy through registration papers or operational document from an entity, a current form of
government and its modus operandi, and a current social design etc., which we have firmly
established to be very illegitimate and whose actions and policies we have SADLY discovered to
be rather inimical to the survival, well-being and dignity of our people and country. For detractors
who worry why we should operate unmolested and freely in whatever constructive way possible
in this country, with rather such a fierce opposition in theory and ideas to the current governing
design and powers that be , even though not with any physical force or in any physical way etc.,
we like you to please challenge yourselves with trying to understand the following puzzles, then
thereafter, leaving us alone to operate peacefully, civilly, and intellectually without any fear in our
home, by the grace of God: Note: In providing you these few puzzles or food for thought, if you
will, we are tapping into the experience of the great United States of America here, since we all
know how ‘intricably’' related we are to the United States, and how we learn most of what we
know and do in this country from them. Here therefore, are the few puzzles that you should
reflect upon whenever you get tempted to antagonize the Plain Truth Revolution in any form
whatsoever, although we trust that you will not be tempted to do so:

A. The Ku Klux Klan (or K3) is an explicitly violent movement established during the 1860s in
the United States against the Blacks, and it is known, up to today’s date, for doing all sorts of
unwholesome things such as maiming Blacks, raping and shaming Blacks etc. within streets
across America, especially in the South, and especially during both the Reconstruction and
Civil Rights Eras. As a well-known conservative, ultranationalist, far-right, and White
supremacist political and protestant group in the US, the KKK has lived through 4 different
versions of its existence now, according to Wikipedia, including: 1st Klan (1865 – the 1870s);
2nd Klan (1915 – 1944); 3rd Klan (1946 – 2000), and the 4th and current Klan (2006 –
present), with membership peaking in the 2nd Klan at between 3 – 6 million White Americans.

Now, let’s please attempt to answer these rhetorical questions, including: (a) did the US
Government ever grant permit or legal document to the Ku Klux Klan to operate? (b) If the
answer to (a) is no, then did the K 3 ever relent for living or acting their so-called
“nationalistic or country-first” dreams, although through violence, without government
permit? and (c) should a poor and calm Plain Truth Revolution, operating here in the Grain
Coast (“Liberia”), peacefully and constructively against the modus operandi of the criminal
structure set up here by the very immoral Black Americans or “Congo” people, against the
well-being of the Native Africans, called the Government of Liberia, ever be harassed or
intimidated in any way for not having government paper?

B. And if you have doubts about what we said above concerning the K 3, then let’s dash you with
further proofs of additional White supremacist groups that were popularly recognized and
allowed to operate in the United States either during one time or the other, very usually
unmolested by the government, a few of which again include:

i. The Red Shirt – an armed gang of White men acting as some terrorist and intimidation wing
of the mighty Democratic Party against the idea of Blacks holding public office in America.
The Red Shirts operated in such States as South Carolina, around the 1870s, and had a base
also in Mississippi in 1875, in addition to being very active especially in this same Southern
Region during the state elections of 1898 and 1900.

ii. The White League – this was/is an affiliate of the same Democratic Party, and a paramilitary
organization established in Grant Parish, Louisiana, to primarily intimidate freed Blacks from
organizing and voting, and then to discourage Black supporters, the Republicans, from
running for office. We don’t want to even go further to start talking about other groups such as
the Knights of the White Chameleons etc, but please, like in (A) above, let’s attempt
answering additional rhetorical questions together again, concerning these kinds of
developments. Let’s find out for example whether: (a) all these well-known groups, like the
KKK too, ever got their permits from the US Government to operate? (b) whether a peaceful,
Native African emancipation group like the Plain Truth Revolution of the Grain Coast, which
honestly represents the interests of 7 huge constituencies of God’s children, as mentioned
above, including key marginalized ones, and unborn generations etc., by the grace of God,
should ever be molested in this country for not having so-called government permit from the
Congo People’s 1822 criminal establishment called the Government of Liberia to operate etc.
and etc.?

We think that it is better to let sleeping dog lie, as the famous adage goes, as we all claim to
endeavor to seek good for our people, only that we are driven by different ideas or thoughts in
this process. The 195 year fruit of the Government of Liberia, which has been in the driver’s seat
since 1822, however speaks volume about the need for a viable alternative, by the grace of God,
as we are now discussing here. A hint to the wise!!!!

What Key Things Do We Believe In

1) As our motto and vision statement above clearly state, we now demand a new society based
on truth telling, unlike the current Liberian society which is built on great LIES, and we
demand a new civic or national foundation built on the Godly virtues of Truth, Justice, Love,
and Hard Work etc. to replace the current Americo-Liberian civic foundation whose 4 pillars
are Deceit, Lies, Ethnocentrism, and Corruption.

2) Similar to (a), we strongly believe that the new nation which we now demand can never be
built on the kind of NASTY foundation that was laid for Liberia here by the criminal, returned
Black Americans and their master, America, in 1822. The current foundation MUST therefore
be broken down right now, by the power of God. We believe, just as Mr. Robert Mugabe once
said, that: “A new progressive society can NEVER be constructed upon the foundations of the
past, and that we MUST therefore destroy most of what has been built in the past in order to
construct a new order of things…..”

3) We further believe that if we really want sustained positive change in this country right now,
then, we MUST begin to constructively, respectfully, and non-violently disobey the status quo
because come to think about it, it doesn’t make any sense to continue to obey a design or a
structure that proves time and again NEVER to work in everyone’s collective favor or interest.
It should never take drums to be beaten into ears before knowing that this current form of
government and societal order just doesn’t serve the interest of the vast majority of the citizens
of this country, and contrarily, a true country is set up to honestly seek the interest of every
citizen alike etc. For keep obeying such a flawed or ill-intentioned design is both cowardly
and unGodly. Take for examples such passages like James 4:7 etc. in the Bible, or Surats
8:39 and 2:293 etc. in the Qur’an. For they all ask us, true children of God, to resist [names,
structures, peoples etc.] who are convincingly bent on working against our relationship with
God, including working against our interests here on Earth, or just pointblank seeking our
Even from our Social Studies, revered characters such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther
King, Jr., Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela etc. – all advocated some kind of
resistance or disobedience to the status quo if we really want true change for ourselves and our
future generations.

Note that the American songwriter Garry Clarke ascribes 4 key characteristics to the Patriots,
or the founding fathers of the great Untied States of America, which include: (a) These guys or
men, i.e. the likes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin etc., wrote and spoke so profusely, and published their beliefs and opinions, clearly
stating the truth, that their power that be, or their government of the day was tyrannical and
guilty of crimes against the liberty and [dignity] of the common people. And a key dash from
another source probably not tracked by Garry here says that, while we are privileged today to
use pens, modern papers, courier services and the Internet etc. to disseminate information, the
American Patriots had to use quills (ancient pens made out of feathers etc.) to manually write
40 – 50-page pamphlets in their hundreds and thousands, then place these pamphlets on horses
or horse backs and travel from village to village or city to city to distribute them to fellow
citizens in conscientizing them for the indispensable need for CHANGE and independence;
(b) They openly denounced their government and its policies, including its agents, not only in
print, but also in public speeches and gatherings, and that they did all this despite great
personal risks and threats to their lives; (c) The American founding fathers conspired both in
secret, and later openly, against their own government of the day, with the aim of throwing this
government out, and establishing a new, and different system of government. Mr. Clarke
continues, in doing this, they (i.e. these American founding fathers) were branded as traitors
and seditionists by their government, but they went ahead anyway, despite the risks and
dangers attached; and (d) The Patriots eventually took up arms against their own government,
although after that government had been the first to fire the first shot at them, etc. and etc. Mr.
Clarke then ends with this note that an American Patriot was not someone who supported his
government of the day; arguing that if this were so, then these great heroes, like the few we
listed earlier, would never have qualified today to be called the true American Patriots or
founding fathers of the great United States of America.

4) We moreover believe that people who say it is too late for us to start all over, or afresh, are
NOT Godly people. For they don’t have the true fear of God because our God instructs a
humble life, and a part of humility in life is for us to accept the responsibility of going back on
the drawing board to start a process or an assignment all over when it is proven that we have
gotten things ALL so wrong from the beginning, or have missed the mark big time from the
very beginning. It is only an arrogantly proud people who will feel so big to humbly accept
their fault, undo something that they have wrongly done, and be able to take the appropriate
action by redoing it, etc. and etc.
In this “Liberia” breakdown and rebuilding process however, here are the current demands that
we are now making for laying a firm, Godly foundation for the new country that we envisage by
the grace of God:

We say, although we are of the strong conviction that this country has got everything wrong from
the very beginning, and it sadly continues to get everything wrong up to this date, for which a
complete revolution is the ONLY way out of our situation, our revolution aims to first tackle these
7 key issues. As such, we do demand the legitimization and subsequent commissioning of these 7
revolutionary provisions at a proposed, but also demanded National Rebirth and Constitutional
Convention to be held as quickly as possible, at which full and bolder national debates into these
issues will be conducted, with results adopted; and that all other new adjustments, provisions, and
amendments to our new national framework will be considered for action. Provisions within our
SEPTOR (the acronym for these 7 big provisions), which place more emphases on what today’s
scholars call “juristocracy” or the judicialization of politics therefore, are as follows:

1. A national/citizens’ mandate or resolution declaring (or if one may say, re-declaring) our
independence. What we have here is NEVER independence. For their economic, imperialist,
and other interest, the US Government just clandestinely instructed their racist NGO, the
American Colonization Society, to grant some limited sovereignty to their (American)
ostracized and complaining Black criminals here, while this immorally granted limited
sovereignty creates leverage for these deported Black American criminals, the so-called
Americo-Liberians, over our vast indigenous African populations, thus effectively enabling
these ostracized American criminals to badly suppress and oppress us, the Africans, as it has
sadly and dangerously been the case since 195 years now. We must gain our true independence
from America and her Americo-Liberians right now, God willing.
2. A national/citizens’ mandate for the rewriting or writing of a completely new constitution.
3. A resolution/national mandate for the complete change of name for our country, and a
redesign of all of its emblems and symbols
4. A strong resolution for the compulsory and immediate setting up of a Claims Court under the
new national arrangement
5. A national/citizens’ resolution mandating the commissioning of some legal proceedings
against the United States Government in pursuit of reparations, which must comprise two
components: (1) a written apology from the U.S Government for all of the wrongs they have
committed, and continue to commit against our country and its people, as shall be
authenticated at the proceedings; and, (2) the construction of a new world class capital city,
with modern zoning standards, connected to all 15 counties’ capitals with paved 4-lane roads.
6. A national resolution mandating the commissioning of legal proceedings against the Americo-
Liberian ethnic group of this country, in pursuit of a 100 year ban from politics and
governance for all their cruel activities against the indigenous population and their complete
failure to ever put up any form of sound and responsible leadership and self-governance in this
country since 1822, with a little exception of the Tolbert’s regime, for which our country can
boast of no substantial achievement for its very old age as a professed political entity. These
claims plus more will be established and authenticated at the proposed proceedings.
7. A national resolution on the compulsory and immediate setup of a Ministry of Civic
Education, to begin operations concomitantly with the coming into being of the new nation.
This will be the most staffed and the busiest of all ministries in our new country from the word
go, until later, or forever.

The last unnumbered agenda item of course, will be Miscellaneous, which will include several
distinct points. Please follow our Revolutionary articles for more details.

To close finally, but reemphasizing the immediate argument above, here is how we intend to
accomplish all this big dream for Mama Country by the grace of God. First off, we deem it too
important to let you know from careful research that there are ONLY two key ways of solving
deeply entrenched societal problems or mess, like the kind of mess that this country finds itself in,
since 1822 to date, and these two big ways are either through (a) the barrel of the guns – may be
by fighting a full scale civil war, or by effecting an informed coup d’état, or (b) through a
massive, indigenously well-planned, well-informed and educated citizens’ forum. However, while
it is true that the levels and stockpiles of abuse, insult, foolery, “kicking in the ass”, mockery, and
total mess in this country since 1822 are each enough for full scale civil wars like others would
prefer, our peaceful social revolutionary group in this very public manner does choose Option (b)
above by now demanding an All-Citizens’ Conference, or if you like, a Sovereign Citizens’
Convention to better discuss ourselves, relay our social foundations, and put ourselves on the
right trajectory for sustained, true progress by the grace of God, instead of keep fooling ourselves
in the name of running government, let alone running a democracy, as we are currently doing here
out of fear for man, America, and lack of faith in God. Please read flyers 2 and 3 for example, of
our many publications and articles for more details on this demanded Citizens’ Get Together, and
these both articles can be found at https://is.gd/P38O2J.

However to get an idea of all of the works that we have done so far by the grace of God to hasten,
facilitate, and compel this currently demanded National Get Together, please access our Plain
Truth Revolution Guide 3 at https://is.gd/b55WB5 or https://is.gd/Vy645Y. An abbreviated listing
of our many articles and publications along with their individual web links can also be accessed at
https://is.gd/piFKtw. Better still, you can access our Facebook fan page at

Thanks a million times for following and supporting the Plain Truth Revolution in its drive to
finally, honestly liberate our people and country from the double Hells of acute lack of domestic
leadership and a SAD lack of independence yet from America, all by the grace of God.

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