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Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities

Author(s): Stan van Hoesel, H. Edwin Romeijn, Dolores Romero Morales and Albert P. M.
Source: Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 11 (Nov., 2005), pp. 1706-1719
Published by: INFORMS
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Accessed: 14-03-2018 17:19 UTC

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Vol. 51, No. 11, November 2005, pp. 1706-1719 DOI i0.1287/mnsc. 1050.0378
issn 0025-19091 eissn 1526-55011051511111706 ? 2qo5 INFORMS

Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with

Production Capacities
Stan van Hoesel
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616,
6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands,

H. Edwin Romeijn
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, 303 Weil Hall, P.O. Box 116595,
Gainesville, Florida 32611-6595,

Dolores Romero Morales

Said Business School, University of Oxford, Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HP, United Kingdom,

Albert R M. Wagelmans
Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands,

We consider a model
are integrated in thefor a serial
presence supply
of production chain
capacities and in which
concave production,
cost functions. The modelinventory,
we study and transportation decisions
generalizes the uncapacitated serial single-item multilevel economic lot-sizing model by adding stationary pro
duction capacities at the manufacturer level. We present algorithms with a running time that is polynomial in
the planning horizon when all cost functions are concave. In addition, we consider different transportation and
inventory holding cost structures that yield improved running times: inventory holding cost functions that are
linear and transportation cost functions that are either linear, or are concave with a fixed-charge structure. In
the latter case, we make the additional common and reasonable assumption that the variable transportation and
inventory costs are such that holding inventories at higher levels in the supply chain is more attractive from a
variable cost perspective. While the running times of the algorithms are exponential in the number of levels in
the supply chain in the general concave cost case, the running times are remarkably insensitive to the number
of levels for the other two cost structures.

Key words : lot sizing; integration of production planning and transportation; dynamic programming;
polynomial time algorithms
History: Accepted by Thomas M. Liebling, mathematical programming and networks; received June 17, 2002.
This paper was with the authors 11 months for 2 revisions.

1. Introduction added to a product in a sequence of production facil

In this paper, we consider a problem in which pro ities, and intermediate goods need to be transported
duction, inventory, and transportation decisions in a between these facilities. Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi
basic supply chain are integrated. Traditional models (2003) describe an example of such a chain as it arises
usually consider only one or two of these aspects in in the pharmaceutical industry.
isolation from the other(s). Substantial evidence exists Another example is the third-party logistics indus
(see, for instance, Arntzen et al. 1995, Chandra and try. In this case, a downstream distribution center
Fisher 1994, Geoffrion and Powers 1995, and Thomas that satisfies demands in a certain geographical area
and Griffin 1996, as well as the references therein) may employ the services of a third-party warehouse
that shows that integrating these decisions can lead before products are transported to the actual distri
to substantial increases in efficiency and effectiveness. bution center for distribution to its retailers. A serial
Integrating different decisions in the supply chain is supply chain model can then be used to represent
particularly important when resources are limited and part of a supply chain that is relevant to the distri
when costs are nonlinear, e.g., exhibit economies of bution center (see Lee et al. 2003). A final example
scale. is a situation in which production takes place at a
We will consider a serial supply chain for the pro manufacturer. The items that are produced are then
duction and distribution of a product. Such a sup stored at the manufacturer level or transported to the
ply chain will occur, for instance, when value is first warehouse level. At each of the warehouse levels,

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1707

products are again either stored or transported to the is outside the scope of this paper. Alternatively, how
warehouse at the next level. From the final ware ever, we may interpret the holding costs at the retailer
house level, products are then (possibly after having level as a penalty or a discount on the purchasing
been stored for some periods) transported to a retailer price of an item, which is given by the manufacturer
(possibly allowing for early deliveries, i.e., invento to the retailer if items are delivered early. In this case,
ries at the retailer level). Such a structure may arise the costs minimized by our optimization model are
if a retailer actually represents an entire market, and all incurred by the manufacturer. As in standard lot
the supply chain from manufacturer to this market sizing problems, all cost functions are assumed to
is very long. This could make it advantageous to, in be nondecreasing in the amount produced, stored, or
several stages, employ economies of scale by trans shipped. In addition, we will assume that all cost
porting larger quantities over long distances to inter functions are concave.
mediate storage facilities before being distributed in In general, all levels in a serial supply chain, regard
the actual market. less of whether they correspond to production or
All of the situations described above can be repre transportation decisions, may face capacities. In this
sented by a generic model consisting of a manufac paper, we will concentrate on serial supply chains
turer, several intermediate production or distribution with capacities at the production (i.e., first) level only,
levels, and a level where demand for the end product as a first step towards the study of more general
takes place, which we will refer to in this paper as the capacitated supply chains. Adding capacities at other
retailer level (although this does not necessarily rep (i.e., transportation) levels appears to significantly
resent the level at which actual demand consumption change the structure of the problem, and thereby the
takes place). In fact, in such a model the intermedi problem analysis. Therefore, such problems are out
ate production and transportation stages are indistin side the scope of this paper, but remain a topic of
guishable from one another, so that in the remainder ongoing research. Note that under certain cost struc
of this paper we will simply refer to all intermediate tures it may be possible to eliminate capacitated levels
stages as transportation stages between warehouses. from the supply chain. One such example is provided
The serial supply chain model sketched above can by Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi (2003), who transform
be viewed as a generalization of a fundamental prob a three-level serial supply chain model in which the
lem, which in fact is one of the most widely studied first and third levels are capacitated to a two-level
problems in production and inventory planning, the serial supply chain model with capacities at the first
economic lot-sizing problem (ELSP). The basic variant of level only.
this problem considers a production facility that pro We will call the problem of determining optimal
duces and stores a single product to satisfy known production, transportation, and inventory lot sizes in
demands over a finite planning horizon. The problem a serial supply chain as described above and under
is then to determine production quantities for each production capacities at the production level the
period such that all demands are satisfied on time at multilevel lot-sizing problem with production capacities
minimal total production and inventory holding costs. (MLSP-PC). In general, this problem is NP-hard, as it
The cost functions are nondecreasing in the amount is a direct generalization of the NP-hard ELSP with
produced or stored, and are usually assumed to be general production capacities (see Florian et al. 1980).
linear, fixed-charge, or general concave functions. The The ELSP with stationary production capacities, how
production facility may or may not face a capacity ever, is solvable in polynomial time (see Florian and
constraint on the amount produced in each period. Klein 1971). Because our goal is to identify polynomi
To model the serial supply chain, the classical ELSP ally solvable cases of the MLSP-PC, we will assume
can be extended to include transportation decisions, in most of this paper that the production capacities
as well as the possibility of holding inventory at dif are stationary.
ferent levels in the chain. In addition to production We study problems with general concave pro
and inventory holding costs, we then clearly also need duction, inventory holding, and transportation costs,
to incorporate transportation costs, which adds the as well as problems with linear inventory holding
problem of the timing of transportation to the prob costs and two different transportation cost structures:
lem of timing of production. The objective will be (i) linear transportation costs; and (ii) fixed-charge
to minimize the systemwide cost while satisfying all transportation costs without speculative motives,
demand. Even if the manufacturer and retailer are which means that with respect to variable costs, hold
in fact distinct participants in the supply chain, each ing inventory is less costly at higher levels than at
of which faces a part of the supply chain costs, this lower levels in the supply chain. Our solution meth
problem will be relevant. In this case, the participants ods are based on a dynamic programming framework
clearly still need to decide how to distribute the min that uses a decomposition principle that generalizes
imal total costs, which is a coordination problem that the classical zero-inventory ordering (ZIO) property

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
1708 Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS

of solutions to uncapacitated lot-sizing problems as at the next level. From the final warehouse level prod
described in Zangwill (1969) for the multilevel case, ucts are then (possibly after having been stored for
and, for instance, in Wagner and Whitin (1958) for some period) transported to the retailer.
the single-level case. In particular, in our two-level We consider a planning horizon of T periods. In
model we work with the new concept of a subplan, each period t, the retailer faces a nonnegative demand
and show that extreme solutions decompose into a given by dt, while the production capacity of the man
number of consecutive subplans. Our algorithms for ufacturer in period t is equal to bt. We will consider
this model all run in polynomial time in the planning a total of L levels, which includes the manufacturer,
horizon of the problem. The direct generalization of the retailer, and L ? 2 intermediate warehouses. We
this approach to the multilevel case leads to a very say that the manufacturer is at the first level of the
large running time. We achieve substantial savings chain, and the retailer is at the Lth level. Each of
by introducing the concept of a relaxed subplan. In the intermediate levels corresponds to a warehouse.
contrast to existing approaches in the literature, our Let U+ denote the set of nonnegative real numbers.
dynamic program does not necessarily represent all For each period t = l,... ,T, the production costs are
(or even only) extreme point solutions to the MLSP given by the function pt: U+ -> IR+, the transporta
PC. In addition, while the paths in the dynamic pro tion costs from level ? to level i +1 are given by the
gram do all correspond to feasible solutions of the function c\ : U+ -> U+ (i = 1,..., L -1), and the inven
problem, the costs of a path may overestimate the tory holding costs at level ? are given by the function
costs of the corresponding solution to the problem. h\ : R+ -> R+ (i = 1,..., L). Throughout the paper, we
We are nevertheless able to prove (based on the con will assume that all cost functions are concave, non
cavity of the cost functions) that our dynamic pro decreasing, and equal to zero when their argument is
gram solves the MLSP-PC to optimality. The resulting
The MLSP-PC can be formulated as follows:
algorithm for the case of general concave cost func
tions is exponential in the number of levels in the sup
minimize ^
ply chain. However, it is remarkably insensitive to the
number of levels for the two specific cost structures
r(Myf)+?cf(*?)+?W)) (P)
t=\ \ e=i ?=i /
mentioned above.
subject to
This paper is organized as follows. In ?2, we
introduce the MLSP with production costs and gen x]+l}=yt+lll? t = l.T, (1)
eral nondecreasing concave production, transporta
xit+lf = xt-1+lf_1, t = l,...,T;l = 2,...,L-l, (2)
tion, and inventory holding cost functions. We char
acterize the extreme points of the feasible region df+IfL = xf-1+ifIL1/ t = l,...,T, (3)
of the problem, and prove a decomposition result
yt<bt, t = l,...,T, (4)
that will form the basis of our algorithms. In ?3,
we study the two-level problem and provide a gen /? = 0, 1 = 1,...,L, (5)
eral dynamic programming framework based on the yt>0, t = l,...,T,
decomposition result derived earlier, which yields a
polynomial time algorithm in the planning horizon xf>0, t = l,...,T; i = l,...,L-l,
for general concave costs. In ?4, this algorithm is lf>0, t = l,...,T; 1 = 1,...,L,
then generalized to the multilevel lot-sizing prob
lem and is shown to still be polynomial in the plan where yt denotes the quantity produced in period t,
ning horizon, and better running times are given for x\ is the quantity shipped from level ? to level l + l in
two variants of the model. The paper ends in ?5 period t, and If denotes the inventory quantity at level
with some concluding remarks and issues for further ? at the end of period t. Constraints (l)-(3) model the
research. balance between inflow, storage, and outflow at the
manufacturer, warehouse, and retailer levels, respec
tively, in each period. The production quantity in each
2. Model Formulation and Analysis period is restricted by constraints (4). Finally, con
2.1. The Model straints (5) state that all initial inventory levels are
As described in the introduction, we will study a equal to zero. Unlike in the traditional single-level
multilevel lot-sizing problem with a serial structure. In lot-sizing model, this is not an assumption that we
each period, production may take place at the manu can make without loss of generality, due to the non
facturer. The items that are produced may be stored at linearity of the transportation and inventory holding
the manufacturer level or transported to the first ware cost functions. Therefore, we will later discuss how
house level. At each of the warehouse levels, products to deal with problem instances where this constraint
are again either stored or transported to the warehouse is absent, and instead (nonnegative) initial inventory

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1709

quantities at all levels are considered as part of the and T=4. This representation will facilitate the anal
problem data. Then, the developed algorithms can be ysis of the structure of extreme points of the feasi
applied in a rolling horizon scheme, in which new lot ble region of (P) in ?2.4. Before proceeding with this
sizing instances are solved?and their optimal solu analysis, in ?2.2 we will discuss related models and
tions partially implemented?as time proceeds and algorithms from the literature, as well as some special
new demand forecasts become available. cases that reduce to single-level models in ?2.3.
For convenience, we will define dts to be the cumu
2.2. Literature Review
lative demand in periods t,...,s, i.e.,
The single-level variant of the MLSP-PC has received
a lot of attention in the literature. The uncapacitated
J^dT for t = l,...,s; s = l,...,T, problem, the ELSP, is solvable in polynomial time in
d?=\ S (6) the length of the time horizon; see Wagner (1960) for
0 otherwise. this basic result. More efficient algorithms for special
cases have been developed by Aggarwal and Park
To ensure feasibility of (P), we will assume that
(1993), Federgruen and Tzur (1991), and Wagelmans
the cumulative demand in the first t periods cannot et al. (1992). When production capacities are present,
exceed the total production capacity in these periods,
we obtain the so-called capacitated lot-sizing problem
(CLSP). In contrast to the uncapacitated ELSP, this
dlt<Y^bT for each t = l,...,T. (7) problem is known to be NP-hard, even in many spe
T=l cial cases; see Florian et al. (1980) and Bitran and
Yanasse (1982). An interesting and important special
It is easy to see that this condition is both necessary
and sufficient for (P) to have a nonempty feasible case that does allow for a polynomial time algorithm
region. arises when the production capacities are stationary;
see, e.g., Florian and Klein (1971), Florian et al. (1980),
We can also model the MLSP-PC as a capacitated
minimum-cost network flow problem in a network and van Hoesel and Wagelmans (1996). See also refer
ences in Baker et al. (1978) for other work on the CLSP
with one source (see also Zangwill 1969 for a gen
eral discussion on such minimum-cost network flow with stationary production capacities, and Chung and
Lin (1988) and van den Heuvel and Wagelmans (2003)
problems, as well as a discussion of uncapacitated
multilevel ELSPs). To this end, we define a network for another special case of the CLSP that is solvable
in polynomial time.
with a single source 0, T transshipment nodes (l,t)
Zangwill (1969) studied the uncapacitated version
at the production level (level 1, t = l,...,T), T trans
of the MLSP-PC, and developed a dynamic program
shipment nodes (i,t) at each of the warehouse lev
ming algorithm that is polynomial in both the plan
els (t = l,...,T; i = 2,...,L ? l), and T demand nodes
ning horizon and the number of levels L. We analyze
(L,t) with demand dt at the retailer level (level L,
this algorithm in the online appendix (available
t = l,...,T). Finally, feasibility dictates that the source
node 0 has a supply of d1T units. Figure 1 illustrates and conclude that it runs in 0(LT4) time, where L is
the network representation of the MLSP-PC for L = 3
the number of levels, or even in 0(T3) for the spe
cial case of L = 2. Lee et al. (2003) consider a two-level
Figure 1 Network Representation of the MLSP-PC for L = 3 and T=4 model where the transportation costs are nonconcave
A study that is related to ours in the sense that it
also considers capacities in a multilevel setting is the
one by Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi (2003). They pro
pose a three-level model in which the first and third
levels are production stages, and the second level
is a transportation stage. Both production stages are
capacitated, while the transportation stage is uncapac
itated. They consider linear inventory holding costs
that increase with the level of the supply chain, and
linear production costs at both levels 1 and 3 that
satisfy a traditional nonspeculative motives condition
(see also ?2.3). The transportation costs at the second
level are of the fixed-charge or general concave form
and are assumed to satisfy a restrictive and nontradi
tional nonspeculative motives condition. By eliminat
ing the third-level production decisions, they reduce

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
1710 Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS

the problem to a two-level model that inherits its allows us to eliminate the production variables as
cost function structures from the three-level model. well as the inventory variables at the manufacturer,
For their class of fixed-charge transportation costs, yielding a standard uncapacitated ELSP. The resulting
they provide an 0(T*) algorithm to solve the model, problem can be solved in 0(T2) time for general con
even in the case of nonstationary production capac cave transportation costs (see Wagner 1960), and in
ities. For their class of concave transportation costs O(TlogT) time for fixed-charge transportation costs
they provide an 0(T8) algorithm to solve the model in (see Aggarwal and Park 1993, Federgruen and Tzur
the presence of stationary production capacities. They 1991, and Wagelmans et al. 1992).
pose the complexity of their model for more general
2.4. Characterization of Extreme Points
cost structures as an open question. In this paper, we
address this question by deriving an 0(T7) algorithm Problem (P) has a concave objective function, and its
for solving the two-level problem in the presence of feasible region is defined by linear constraints. This
stationary capacities. implies that there exists an extreme point optimal
solution to (P). Consider the flow in the network cor
2.3. Special Cases responding to any extreme point feasible solution. As
It is common in lot-sizing problems to model the is common in network flow problems, we will call the
inventory holding costs as linear functions, i.e., arcs that carry an amount of flow that is both strictly
h?(I[) = h?I[ for t = l,...,T; ? = 1,...,L, with h\>0 for positive and strictly less than its capacity free arcs. It
all t and i. We will therefore consider this class of is well known (see, e.g., Ahuja et al. 1993) that the
problems in ??4.3 and 4.4. In ?4.3, we will in addi subnetwork containing only the free arcs contains no
tion assume that the transportation costs have a fixed cycle.
charge structure without speculative motives. More 2.4.1. Subplans. Note that only arcs that have a
formally, cit(x)=ftel{x>0}+gfx, where 1{X>0} is an indi finite upper bound (which in our case are only the
cator function taking the value 1 if x > 0, and 0 oth production arcs) may carry flow while they are not
erwise. The assumption that there are no speculative free. Removing all production arcs, the network con
motives, which is commonly assumed for the produc taining all remaining free arcs decomposes into a
tion and inventory holding costs in traditional eco number of connected components. Limiting ourselves
nomic lot-sizing models, means in this context that, for now to connected components that do indeed
with respect to variable inventory and transportation carry flow, we identify the first and last nodes in
costs only, it is attractive to transport as late as possi the component at each level. For a given component,
ble. More formally, g? + h?+1 >h\+glM for t = 1,..., T these nodes can be denoted by (?,sn + l) and (?,<;&)
l;i = l,...,L-l. for 1 = 1,...,L, where
Note that if the transportation cost functions are
both linear and exhibit no speculative motives, it is ?n<?w,i<?tt^?w,2 for = 1,...,L-1. (8)
always optimal to store production at the manufac
turer and transport only when demand needs to be (Note that the strict inequality holds due to the defini
satisfied. Hence, without loss of optimality, we can tion of the subplan: The first period included at level i
assume that J/ = 0 for all t = l,...,T and i = 2,...,L. is ?n-f-l.) With this approach, some nodes may be
Similarly, if the transportation costs are linear and isolated and not included in any component carrying
gf + h?t+1<h*+gf+1 for t = l,...,T-l) ? = 1,...,L-1, it flow. We assign each of those to the component that
is cheaper to transport as soon as we produce and is adjacent to the left of them. The assignment of the
store the production at the retailer level. Then, with isolated nodes is illustrated in Figure 2. After elim
out loss of optimality, we can assume that J/ = 0 inating the production arcs, we obtain two compo
for all t = l,...,T and i = l,...,L ? 1. These two spe nents. The first one is defined by the nodes (1,1) and
cial cases of the MLSP-PC therefore yield a standard (1.4) in Level 1, (2,1) and (2,4) in Level 2, and (3,1)
CLSP. and (3,6) in Level 3, and the second one by nodes
Finally, a variant of the uncapacitated two-level (1.5) and (1,8) in Level 1, (2,6) and (2,8) in Level 2,
MLSP-PC can easily be reduced to an uncapacitated and (3,7) and (3,8) in Level 3. We may observe that
ELSP. When production costs as well as the inven node (2,3) is part of the first component, even though
tory holding costs at both levels are linear, given that no flow passes through this node. As mentioned
we decide to transport in a certain period, we can above, the isolated node (2,5) is assigned to the left
easily determine the best production period, i.e., the component.
period that yields the minimum total unit production Summarizing, we can decompose an extreme point
and manufacturer-level inventory costs for transport solution to (P) into components, each of which con
in period t. Redefining the transportation cost func tains a set of nodes {(?/?^ + l),...,^,^)} (^ = 1, ,?)
tion accordingly, which can be done in 0(LT) time, satisfying (8). We will call the components thus

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1711

Figure 2 The Structure of an Extreme Point Solution to the MLSP-PC, Proposition 2.2. A subplan can contain at most one
/.=3and7" = 8
free production arc.
If the problem is uncapacitated, this proposition
implies that only one production arc carrying flow
enters each of the subplans, which in turn means that
the extreme flows are arborescent. The dynamic pro
gramming algorithm proposed for this problem by
Zangwill (1969) is based on this property; see the
online appendix.
((?i)? fe? (a^) (o?j) fjyjj {pM?^p/r)
\y ?2 \y \iy \y \iy \iy p. \iy h^) As an example, in Figure 2 we know that in the sub
plan ((0,4), (0,5), (0,6)) the production arcs yx and y2
cannot both be free; the same holds for production
arcs y5 and y6 in subplan ((4,8), (5,8), (6,8)).
2.4.3. Transportation Quantities in a Subplan.
The absence of cycles consisting of free arcs only in
an extreme point solution can also be used to iden
tify structural properties of the transportation quanti
obtained subplans. We will represent a subplan by the ties. Consider a period, say t, in which transportation
2L periods that identify it: ((?n/^2)Li)- I* wnl often takes place between levels I and l + l, i.e., the flow
be convenient to refer to the production and demand on the arc between nodes (i,t) and (t + l,t) is x\ >0.
periods in a subplan separately, and we will then Two situations can then occur with respect to the total
often use the notation (tx,t2,T1/T2) = (^n^u/^li/$12) flow into nodes (l + l,<;i+ll + l),...,(l + l,t), i.e., the
By construction, no inventory is carried between sub cumulative shipments between levels I and l + l up to
plans, so the only flow entering a subplan comes from and including period t within the subplan:
production arcs associated with the manufacturer It is equal to the cumulative production in peri
nodes in the subplan. The total quantity produced in
ods ?!H-1,...,s for some se^ + l,...^);
It satisfies the demand of periods ^-f l,...,s for
all production periods in the subplan, i.e., the total
some sg{t1 + 1,...,t2}.
production in periods t1 + l,...,t2, is used to supply
If not, consider the last production period in which
the demand of all retailer nodes in the subplan, i.e.,
some of the transported quantity x\ was produced,
the total demand in periods t1-\-1,...,t2. We will call
say s'. There will then be a period whose demand is
two subplans ((c?i/^2)?=i) anc* ((sii/S^Li) consecu
satisfied partially from the quantity x\ and partially
tive if s'n = ??2 f?r ? = 1,..., L. We can summarize the
from production in period s' that remains in inventory
structure of extreme point solutions as follows.
at level I at the end of period t, creating a cycle con
Proposition 2.1. Any extreme point feasible solution taining only free arcs. This result can be summarized
as follows.
can be decomposed into a sequence of consecutive subplans.
Proposition 2.3. In a subplan, the transported quan
The extreme solution given in Figure 2 decomposes
tity between levels I and l + l in some period either makes
into two subplans, namely, ((0,4), (0,5), (0,6)) and the cumulative transported quantities thus far in the sub
((4,8), (5,8), (6,8)). plan equal to the cumulative production quantities of an
Note that the first subplan obtained by decompos initial sequence of consecutive production periods in the
ing an extreme point solution as described above has subplan, or to the cumulative demand of an initial sequence
?n=0 for i = l,...,L. However, in the remainder of of demand periods in the subplan.
this paper it will be convenient to also include sub
plans ((^n^ii)Lt=\) satisfying (8), for which some but The two possibilities for cumulative transport
not all values of <sn are zero. can be illustrated using Figure 2. In subplan
((0,4), (0,5), (0,6)),
2.4.2. Production Quantities in a Subplan. The x\ is equal to the (cumulative) production in
fact that the extreme flows are acyclic implies that, Period 1, while xJ-l-x^+Xj-l-x] is both equal to the
although there may be multiple production arcs asso cumulative production in Periods 1,...,4 and satisfies
ciated with a subplan that carry flow, there is at most the demand of Periods 1,..., 6;
one such arc with production below capacity. In other x\ satisfies the demand of Period 1; x\+x\ is
words, there is at most one free production arc enter equal to the (cumulative) production in Period 1; and
ing the subplan. This yields the following general x\+x\+x^+x\ is both equal to the cumulative pro
ization of the characterization of extreme points of duction in Periods 1,..., 4 and satisfies the demand of
single-level CLSPs by Florian and Klein (1971). Periods 1,...,6.

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
1712 Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS

3. The Two-Level Capacitated NP-hard for general production capacities, we will

restrict our attention to the case of stationary pro
Lot-Sizing Problem with duction capacities, i.e., bt = b for t = l,...,T. In the
Concave Costs
remainder of this section, we will derive a polyno
For clarity of exposition, we will first consider the
mial time algorithm for computing the optimal costs
two-level version of the MLSP-PC, which we will call
of all subplans, and thereby for the 2LSP-PC. Before
the 2LSP-PC. In the next section, we will show how
studying the subproblems of computing the optimal
the methodology can be extended to chains with more
than two levels. subplan costs, we will first study the implications of
the assumption that the production capacities are sta
3.1. A Dynamic Programming Approach tionary in the next section.
In this section, we will outline a general dynamic pro
gramming approach to the 2LSP-PC. This approach 3.2. Implications of Stationary Production
is based on the decomposition of extreme point solu Capacities
tions to (P) into consecutive subplans (see Propo In Phase 1 of the dynamic programming approach,
sition 2.1). In particular, define P(t,r) to be the we need to compute the optimal costs of all sub
minimum cost associated with satisfying the retailer plans, under the additional constraint that all but
demands in periods t + 1,...,T using production in one of the production arcs entering the subplan carry
periods t + l,...,T. We are then clearly interested in a flow equal to 0 or b. Consider a particular sub
computing F(0,0). This can be achieved using a two plan, say (tx,t2,7x,T2), in which the total demand of
phase approach: periods tx + 1,...,t2 needs to be satisfied using pro
Phase 1. For each subplan (tx,t2,Tx,T2), compute duction in periods tx + l,...,t2. Following Florian and
the minimum costs that are incurred for satisfying Klein (1971), note that the constraint on the values
the demand of that subplan under the condition that of the production arcs entering the subplan implies
at most one free production arc enters the subplan. that the number of production arcs that carry flow
Denote these costs by <f>(tx,t2,Tx,T2). equal to the production capacity is exactly equal to
Phase 2. Compute the values F^,^) for all 0^^ < K=[dTi+lT2/b\, and the remaining production quan
T\ < T by realizing that an extreme point solution to tity is equal to s = dTi+1 T2?Kb. Clearly, we have that
the corresponding subproblem is given by a subplan 0<?<i?. If ? > 0, there will be exactly one production
(t\,t2,7x,j2) and the remaining subproblem F(t2,r2) arc entering the subplan carrying this flow.
for some t2 and r2. This gives rise to the following
backward recursion: 3.3. The Subplan Costs
We will formulate the problem of determining the
F(tl'Tl) = , m?11 {0(M2/Tl'T2)+-F(?2/T2)} optimal costs of a subplan as a dynamic program
ming problem. Put differently, for each subplan
?orO<t1<T1<T, (tltt2,Tx,T2), we will define a network with the prop
F(tuT) =0 for 0<tt<T. erty that (^>(tx,t2,7l,72) is equal to the length of the
shortest path between a pair of source and sink nodes
Note that in Phase 1 we need to compute 0(T4) in this network.
values. Phase 2 is, in fact, a shortest path problem We choose the nodes in this network to be of the
in a network with nodes representing all period-pairs form (t,Y,X), where t indicates a period, Y is equal
to the cumulative production quantity up to and
(t, t) such that 0 < t < r < T, and arcs representing the
subplans with corresponding costs. The minimum including period t, and X is equal to the cumulative
cost path from node (0,0) to any of the nodes (tlfT) transportation quantity up to and including period t.
in this acyclic network can be found in linear time Node (^,0,0) is the source, while node (t2,Kb + e,
in the number of arcs, i.e., in 0(T*) time (see Ahuja Kb+?) = (t2,dTi+1/T2,dTi+hT2) is the sink. By Proposi
et al. 1993). Florian and Klein (1971) used this gen tion 2.2 and the discussion in ?3.2, we know that the
eral dynamic programming framework to develop an production quantity in any period can only assume
0(T4) dynamic programming algorithm to solve the one of the values {0,s,b}, with the value s only in
CLSP with stationary capacities and general concave one period. This immediately implies that Y can only
production and inventory holding cost functions. assume the values
When the value of </>( ) is given for each subplan, K
the 2LSP-PC is polynomially solvable. To achieve
Ye\J{kb,kb + e),
a polynomial time algorithm for the 2LSP-PC, the k=0
challenge is therefore to provide a polynomial time
algorithm for computing the costs corresponding to where, in addition, Y = 0 if t = tu dTl+u< Y<
all subplans. Because we know that the 2LSP-PC is for t = tl + l,...,t2 ? l, and Y = Kb + s if t>t2 to

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1713

that all demand is produced within the set of produc defined above to each individual subplan would yield
tion periods allowed in the subplan. Because clearly an algorithm with running time 0(T8) for comput
K<T, the number of allowable values for Y is 0(T). ing the costs of all subplans. However, the running
Furthermore, by Proposition 2.3 we know that the time can be reduced by observing that the costs of
cumulative transported quantity up to and including many subplans are related. In particular, observe that
some period is either equal to the total production the dynamic programming network corresponding to
quantity of an initial sequence of production peri any subplan of the form (tX/t2,rx,T2) is actually a
ods or satisfies the demand of an initial sequence of subnetwork of the dynamic programming network
demand periods in the subplan. More formally, this for the subplan (0,t2,Tx,r2). Therefore, using back
means that ward recursion to solve for the shortest path between
nodes (0,0,0) and (t2,dTi+x>T2,dTi+x Ti) in the latter
Xe(\J{kb,kb+s})u( ? {dTl+1/A network yields, as a byproduct, the shortest paths
between nodes (?,0,0) and (t2,dTi+X/t2,dTi+xt2) for each
where, in addition, dTi+xt<X<Y to ensure that t = l,...,Tx. It thus follows that we only need to con
demands are satisfied on time and products are not sider the 0(T3) subplans of the form (0,t2,Tx,r2), the
transported before they are produced, and X = 0 if t< costs of which can be determined in 0(T7) time.
rx and X = Kb + e if t >t2 to ensure that transportation
takes place within the subplan. The number of allow 3.4. Dealing with Initial Inventories
able values for X is thus 0(T) as well, so that the total If the initial inventories at the manufacturer and/or
number of nodes in the network is 0(T3). retailer levels, Iq1 and Iq, are strictly positive, there
Arcs in the network represent production, trans is a slight change in the construction of subplans.
portation, and inventory decisions. Arcs are present Recall that we construct subplans corresponding to a
between pairs of nodes__in_ the network of the given extreme point solution by considering all arcs
form (t,Y,X) and (f + l,Y,X), with Y-Ye{0,s,b} (except production arcs) that carry positive flow. The
(where the value ? is only allowed if Y = kb for subplans are then formed by the resulting connected
some k = 0,l,...,K), and X>X (where Xg{X,Y}U components together with some isolated nodes. When
(UjLTl+i{^t1+i,s}))- I* is easy to see that there are 0(T) there are initial inventories, however, there may be
arcs emanating from each node in the network, so that one or more components that carry flow but do
the entire network has 0(T4) arcs. not contain a production period. In these compo
From the information contained in the nodes defin
nents, demand is satisfied using initial inventories
ing an arc, we can easily_compute the production at warehouse and retailer levels only, and they can
quantity in period f+ 1 (Y ? Y), the transportation be assigned to the component containing produc
quantity in period t + 1 (X ?X), the inventory held tion Period 1 (i.e., the component containing node
at^ the^ manufacturer level at the end of period t + 1 (1,1)). The results in ??2.4.2 and 2.4.3 are clearly still
(Y ? X), and the inventory held at the retailer level at valid for subplans in which tx > 0. However, for sub
the end of period t + 1 (X ? d +1 t+x). The costs of an plans with tx = Tx= 0, the results continue to hold pro
arc are thus given by vided we view the total initial inventories Iq+Iq as a
pt+1(Y-Y)+c/+1(X-X) cumulative production quantity up to and including
Period 0, and the initial inventory Iq at Level 2 as the
+ h]+1(Y-X) + hl1(X-dTi+ht+1). cumulative transportation quantity up to and includ
If all cost functions can be evaluated in constant time, ing Period 0. Unless r2 = T, these subplans can only
have a feasible solution if the total initial inventories
the costs of a given arc can be computed in con
do not exceed the total demand that needs to be satis
stant time provided that we determine all cumulative
demands dtt, (in 0(T2) time) in a preprocessing step. fied in the subplan. For subplans with dXj2 > Iq+Iq, we
Any path in the network from the source (tx, 0,0) to obtain K=l(dXT2-I0l-lQ2)/b\ and e = dXT2-IG1-I02-Kb.
the sink (t2,dTi+1/T2,dTi+1/T2) represents a feasible flow As already mentioned, dXri <Iq+Iq can only occur if
in the subplan (tx,t2, tx,t2) with just one free produc t2 = T. If indeed dXT < Iq+Iq, an extreme point solu
tion arc. Moreover, it is easy to see that the reverse tion will contain only a single subplan: (0,T,0, T),
is also true. Therefore, the subplan costs are given by and no production will take place in any period in
the minimal cost path in this network from the source that subplan, i.e., K = ? = 0. The only remaining diffi
node to the sink node. The time required for finding culty in this case is that we do not want to specify in
this minimal cost path is proportional to the number advance in which level the excess inventory will end
of arcs in the network, so that the cost of a single up as ending inventory. This can easily be dealt with
subplan can be determined in 0(T4) time. by extending the planning horizon by one period,
Because there are 0(T4) subplans, a straightforward say T + 1. Then, define the production cost function
application of the dynamic programming algorithm for that period as pT+1(0) = 0 and PT+i(yT+i) = 0C f?r

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
1714 Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS

all O < yT+x < b and the transportation cost function as based on the idea that the most important informa
Cj+X (xT+x ) = 0 for all xT+x > 0. Finally, set dT+x = ?? + Iq ? tion present in the definition of a subplan is the set of
dXT. The costs of the single subplan (0,T,0,T) in the production periods tx + l,...,t2 and the set of demand
original problem can then be found by finding the periods t1 + 1,...,t2. The basis of our improved algo
costs of the subplan (0, T + 1,0, T + 1) in the modified rithm is then to allow transportation in the periods
problem. tx + l,...,T2 (while of course retaining the given pro
Now consider the dynamic programming network duction and demand periods). We can then use the
used to compute the costs of a subplan. For subplans same dynamic programming approach as in the two
that contain initial inventories, we let the source node level case, where we replace the two-level subplan
be (0,I?+Iq2,Iq) and the sink node be (t2,lQ1+I02 + Kb + costs 4>(tx,t2,Tx,T2) by the minimum costs of satisfy
s,Il+Il + Kb + s). For a state (t, Y,X), this also means ing demand in periods rx +1,..., r2 using production
that K in periods tx + l,...,t2, where at most one of the pro
duction quantities may be different from both 0 and b,
Ye\J{lQ1+lQ2+kb,lQ1+I02+kb + s}
k=0 and where transportation at all levels is allowed in
and periods tx + l,...,r2. We will denote the latter costs
by \j)(tx,t2,Tx,T2), and refer to vectors (tX/t2,rx,T2) as
relaxed subplans.
Xe(\J[%+I*+kb,I?+I*+kb+B})u( ? {du}\
\jfc=0 / Vs^Ti+1 / To illustrate the concept of relaxed subplans, con
sider the following problem instance of the 2LSP-PC.
Finally, note that for subplans with tx > 0, we should
All demands are equal to 1; the production and trans
have no positive inventory inflow. Therefore, in case
portation costs are given by
there are nonzero initial inventory levels, we actually
need to compute the costs of all subplans (0,t2,0,r2) 100.1{y>0}+y iit^2,
while taking into account the initial inventory levels, p?y) =
as well as the costs of all subplans (0, t2,rx, r2) for rx > 0 1 l|y>0} +y otherwise,
without taking into account the initial inventory level and
at the manufacturer. This clearly does not influence the
overall running time of the algorithm.
50-1{*>o} +x iit^2,
c)(x) =
4. The Multilevel Case
4.1. Introduction Finally, let all inventory holding cost functions be
equal to zero. The optimal flows in 0(1,4,2,4) and
We may extend the dynamic programming approach (^(1,4,2,4) are given in Figure 3. When calculating
developed in ?3.1 for the two-level case to the multi the costs </>(l,4,2,4), transportation is only allowed
level case, where again a Phase 2 dynamic program in periods in which both production may take place
ming network represents all extreme point solutions and demand is satisfied (i.e., in Periods 3 and 4 in
to the MLSP-PC. To this end, we should define
the example), while in the relaxed version of the same
F((?n)^=1) to be the minimum cost associated with sat
subplan transportation is permitted in any period
isfying the retailer demands in periods {?L1 + l,...,T} where either production may take place or demand
using production in periods {?n + l,...,T}, and ware is satisfied (i.e., in Periods 2, 3, and 4 in the exam
house I in periods {?m/1 + 1,.../T} for* each 1 = ple). Therefore, the costs 1^(1,4,2,4) are lower than
1,..., L ? 2. We would then be interested in computing
F((0)?=1). It is easy to see that the running time of the
Figure 3 The Optimal Flows in 0(1,4,2,4) and <//(1,4,2,4)
corresponding generalization of the Phase 2 dynamic
2 2
program would be 0(T2L). In this section, we will
derive a modification of the Phase 2 dynamic program
that runs in 0(T4) time. This modification does not
\ \
make Phase 1 computationally more expensive, and
may even make it less expensive.
In particular, we will develop a more efficient
approach in which the Phase 2 dynamic program does
not necessarily represent all (or even only) extreme
point solutions to the MLSP-PC, and in addition over
estimates the costs of many of the nonextreme point
solutions that it represents. However, as we will show,
it does contain an optimal extreme point solution and
1 1
is guaranteed to find this solution. This approach is

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1715

0(1,4,2,4) because in the relaxed subplan we can The next theorem shows that there exists an optimal
transport in the second period. solution to the lot-sizing problem that is represented
These changes have two major consequences. Con by a path in the Phase 2 dynamic programming net
sider a path from the source to a sink in the Phase 2 work whose length is equal to the optimal costs.
network. First, while it is easy to see that the corre
Theorem 4.3. The Phase 2 dynamic programming net
sponding solution of the MLSP-PC is indeed feasible, work contains a path that corresponds to an optimal solu
it is not necessarily an extreme point solution because tion to our lot-sizing problem, and the length of the path
production and demand nodes in two relaxed sub is equal to the cost of this solution.
plans contained in the solution may be connected by
arcs containing positive flow. Second, it is possible Proof. Consider an extreme point optimal solution
that certain arcs are used in more than one relaxed to the lot-sizing problem, say with cost O*. As dis
subplan. This means that the length of the path in the cussed in ?2.4, this optimal solution decomposes into
network may not be the same as the costs of the corre a sequence of consecutive subplans. It is easy to see
sponding solution to the MLSP-PC. Dealing with this that the Phase 2 dynamic programming network con
latter issue first, the following theorem shows that the tains a path for which the production and demand
path length is never smaller than the actual costs of periods of each of the arcs correspond to this sequence
the solution, and is equal to the costs of the solution of subplans. Lemma 4.2 now says that the length of
if all transportation and inventory cost functions are the path in the dynamic programming network, say
linear. ^, will not exceed O*. However, by Theorem 4.1 we
know that ty is an overestimation of the costs of a cor
Theorem 4.1. Each path from the source to a sink in responding feasible solution. Optimality of O* now
the Phase 2 dynamic programming network corresponds to implies that in fact W = <?>*, which proves the desired
a feasible solution to the MLSP-PC. The length of this path result. D
cannot be smaller than the cost of the corresponding solu Theorems 4.1 and 4.3 clearly imply that our two
tion, and is equal to the solution cost if all transportation phase algorithm solves the MLSP-PC. We can now
and inventory cost functions are linear. conclude that Phase 2 of the algorithm runs in 0(TA)
Proof. The fact that a path from the source to time, given all values il/(tx,t2,rx,r2). The remaining
a sink in the Phase 2 dynamic programming net challenge is thus to provide efficient algorithms for
work corresponds to a feasible solution to the lot computing these values.
sizing problem follows immediately from the fact 4.2. Concave Costs
that all production capacity constraints, as well as all
demands, are satisfied. However, certain transporta 4.2.1. The Costs of the Relaxed Subplans. In this
tion and inventory arcs may carry positive flow in the section, we will formulate the problem of determin
partial solutions corresponding to more than one arc ing the costs if/(tx,t2,Tx,T2) as a dynamic program
in the path, and each of the partial flows is charged ming problem. Put differently, we define, for each
separately according to the corresponding cost func (tx,t2,rx, t2), a network with the property that \?j(tx, t2,
tion. Due to the concavity of all cost functions, it fol tx,t2) is equal to the shortest path between a pair
lows that the cost of the total flow will not exceed the of source and sink nodes in this network. The nodes
sum of the costs of the individual flows on any partic in this network are of the form (t,Y, X1 ,...,XL~l),
ular arc, and therefore the length of a path will never where t indicates a period, Y is equal to the cumula
be less than the costs of the corresponding solution. In tive production quantity up to and including period
addition, when all transportation and inventory cost t, and Xe is equal to the cumulative transportation
functions are linear, the path length and solution costs quantity from level I to level I +1 up to and including
are clearly equal. D period t. Note that feasibility dictates that we should
The next lemma gives a relationship between the restrict ourselves to values dTi+xt < XL~l < < X1 < Y.
costs associated with a subplan and the correspond The source is the node (tx,0,...,0), while the sink is
ing relaxed subplan. the node (t2,Kb + s,...,Kb + s). As in ?3.3, we have
that K
Lemma 4.2. For any subplan ((?n/^Li)' we ^ave
f/zfl?0((?n,?^=1)>^(?n,?12,?L1,?L2). Ye[j{kb,kb+8},
Proof. This result follows immediately by noting and the number of allowable values for Y is 0
that both 0((?*i/?*2)Li) and ^n^w ^li^li) are the Moreover, in a similar fashion to that of the two
optimal value of an optimization problem with iden case, we have that
tical cost functions, but where the feasible region of
the former is a subset of the feasible region of the
latter. D X<e(\J{kb,kb + e})u( ? {dTl+i,s}Y
\k=0 / \s=T!+l / ? = 1,...,L-1,

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
1716 Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS

so that the number of allowable values for X? is 0(T) general concave production costs, and linear inven
as well. This means that the total number of nodes in tory holding costs at all levels, as well as one of the
the network is 0(TL+1). following two transportation cost structures: (i) fixed
Arcs in the network represent production, trans charge without speculative motives; or (ii) linear.
portation, and inventory decisions, and are present
between pairs of nodes in the network of the form 4.3. Fixed-Charge Transportation Costs Without
(?,Y,Xl,...,XL-1) and (t + 1,Y,X>,..., X1'1), where Speculative Motives
Y-Ye{0,s,b} and X?>Xl (l = l,...,L-l). It is easy
4.3.1. Introduction. In this section, we consider
to see that there are (^(T1'1) arcs emanating from each
node, for a total of 0(T2L) arcs in the network. the case of fixed-charge transportation costs with
out speculative motives and linear inventory hold
Similar to ?3.3, we can easily_compute the produc
tion quantity in period t + 1 (Y ? Y), the transporta ing costs. As before, we will determine the costs of
tion quantity between levels I and l + l in period t + 1 each relaxed subplan using dynamic programming.
After a preprocessing step that runs in 0(LTA), this
(Xl ? Xl), the inventory held_at the manufacturer level
at the end of period t + 1 (Y ?X1), and the inventory dynamic program runs in 0(T4) time for each indi
held at the retailer level at the end of period t + 1 vidual relaxed subplan. By using the reduction tech
nique at the end of ?3.3, the cost of all 0(T4) relaxed
(XL~1 ? dTi+xt+x). The costs of an arc are thus given by
subplans can be computed simultaneously in 0(T7)
time. Therefore, the running time of the dynamic pro
pt+1(Y-Y) + ?=l
?c?+1(X'-X') + A}+1(Y-X) gramming approach for this special case of the MLSP
PC is 0(T7 + LT*). When L = 2, we can reduce this
running time to 0(T6).
4.3.2. Zero-Inventory-Ordering Property at the
Retailer. We will show that, under fixed-charge trans
If all cost functions can be evaluated in constant time,
portation costs without speculative motives, solutions
the costs of a given arc can be computed in 0(L) time
satisfying the zero-inventory-ordering (ZIO) property
in the same way as in the 2LSP-PC after a prepro
at all levels in \2,...,L\, i.e., I[xf~?=0 for t = l,...,T
cessing step taking 0(T2) time. We conclude that the
1; 1 = 2,...,L, are dominant. That is, given any feasi
cost of a single relaxed subplan can be determined in
ble solution to the relaxed subplan (tx,t2,Tx,r2), there
0(LT2L) time.
always exists another solution that is at least as good
Finally, noting that there are 0(T4) relaxed sub
and satisfies the ZIO property at all levels in {2,..., L}.
plans and applying the same technique for reduc
ing the running time as used at the end of ?3.3, Theorem 4.4. Given a relaxed subplan (tx,t2,rx,r2),
we obtain an algorithm for the MLSP-PC with arbi the set of solutions with the ZIO property at all levels in
trary concave production, transportation, and inven {2,...,L} is dominant.
tory holding costs and stationary capacities that runs
in 0(LT2L+3) time. Although this time is exponential Proof. Let (y,x,I) be a feasible solution to the
in the number of levels, the order of the running time relaxed subplan (tx,t2,Tx,r2) that does not satisfy
will be limited by the fact that the number of levels the ZIO property at some level. Let I be the last
will typically be relatively small. level, such that the ZIO property holds for all I e {I +
This approach can easily be extended to deal 1,...,L\, but is not true for level I. We can construct a
with initial inventories. Recall from ?3.4 that only new solution at least as good as (y,x,I), such that the
relaxed subplans with ^=0 need to be considered. ZIO property holds for all I e {I,..., L). If 1 = 2, then
For such a relaxed subplan, we should view the total we have obtained the desired result. Otherwise, we
initial inventories Y?i=\Iq as a cumulative production repeat the procedure with the new solution. Observe
quantity up to and including Period 0, and the initial that this procedure converges because the new I has
inventory Y%=s+1Iq as the cumulative transportation decreased by at least one unit.
quantity up to and including Period 0 from level s to Let te{tx + l,...,T2 ? 1} be a period so that
level s + 1, for all se{l,...,L-l}. As in ?3.4, without lfxj~l>0. The positive inventory If has been trans
increasing the running time, these initial inventories ported to level ? in some earlier period. However, due
can be incorporated into the dynamic programming to the absence of speculative motives, we can resched
approach to calculating \\f(tx,t2,Tx,72) by appropriate ule the transportation of the If units to period t + 1
redefinitions of the possible values of Y and X. without increasing the costs. Repeating this argument
In the next sections, we will show how the run for each period t violating the ZIO property at level ?,
ning time can be dramatically reduced for problem we obtain a solution where the ZIO property is true
instances that have stationary production capacities, for each level le{l,...,L). D

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1717

We may recall that i?j(tx,t2,Tx,T2) is equal to the sx = t,...,T', and s2 = sx,...,T in 0(LT4) time; see the
minimal costs among the solutions of the relaxed sub online appendix. It is important to note that although
plan (tx,t2,rx,T2) with at most one free production Zangwill's model allows for general concave trans
arc. The following corollary to Theorem 4.4 states portation and inventory holding cost functions, we
that for finding this constrained minimum we can cannot use the same approach as described above in
again restrict our search to solutions satisfying the the presence of production capacities. The reason is
ZIO property at the retailer. that in the uncapacitated case, the ZIO property holds
Corollary 4.5. The cost associated with the relaxed for arbitrary concave arc cost functions, while this is
not the case in the capacitated case. However, as we
subplan (tx,t2, tx,t2) can be found among all feasible solu
have shown, in the case of fixed-charge transporta
tions satisfying the ZIO property at all levels in {2,...,L}.
tion costs that exhibit no speculative motives, we also
Proof. This follows immediately from the proof of obtain the ZIO property, enabling the use of Zangwill's
Theorem 4.4 by observing that the modification of the algorithm to determine inputs to our algorithm.
solution to obtain a solution satisfying the ZIO prop The problem of determining \?f(tx,t2,rx,T2) reduces
erty does not alter the production flows. D to finding the length of the shortest path in the net
This corollary implies that when searching for ip(tx, work from the source to the sink, which can be done
t2, tx, r2), we can assume that any amount shipped is in linear time in the number of arcs. It is easy to see
equal to the demand of a set of consecutive periods. that the number of nodes in the network is 0(T3) and
This will help to reduce the information maintained the number of arcs 0(T4). Using the same approach to
in the dynamic programming approach described computing multiple values of the function if/ at once
in ?4.2.1. as we have discussed for the function \p at the end of
4.3.3. The Costs of a Relaxed Subplan. In this ?3.3, this yields an 0(T7 + LT4) algorithm for solving
the multilevel variant of this problem.
section, we will formulate the problem of determin
ing the costs ^(tx,t2,Tx,r2) as a simplification of the
When L = 2, this running time can be reduced
to 0(T6). Recall that the number of nodes in the
dynamic programming problem defined in ?4.2.1. All
dynamic programming approach above is 0(T3). We
nodes in the dynamic programming network are of
will show that the number of arcs is also 0(T3). For
the form (t,Y,s), where t indicates a period, Y is
each t there are 0(T) nodes of the form (t,-,t), and
equal to the cumulative production quantity up to
0(T2) nodes of the form (t,-,s) with s>t. Each node
and including period t, and s represents the last
of the form (t,-,t) has 0(T) successors, and each
period whose demand is satisfied using transporta
node of the form (t,-,s) with s>t has O(l) succes
tion from Level 1 to Level 2 up to and including
sors, which makes for a total of 0(T)-(0(T)-0(T) +
period t, where dTi+X/S< Y and t <s. We may observe
0(T2)-0(1)) = 0(T3) arcs in the network. This yields
that from Theorem 4.4, we have that X1=dTi+Xs in the
an 0(T6) algorithm for solving the two-level variant
dynamic program of ?4.2.1. The source is the node
of this problem.
(tx,0,rx), while the sink is the node (t2,Kb + s,r2). As
Unfortunately, in the presence of nonzero initial
before, we know that Y can only assume the values
inventory levels the ZIO property is not necessarily
dominant anymore. However, in these cases the more
Ye\J{kb,kb + s}. general procedure developed for the case of arbitrary
concave cost functions of course still applies.
Arcs are present between pairs of nodes4.4.inLinear
the Transportation
net Costs
work of the form (t,Y,s) and (t,Y,s), where Y ? Ye
{0,s,b} and s>s. It is easy to see that there areIntroduction.
0(T) In this section, we will con
sider the
arcs emanating from each node in the network, so that case where the transportation costs and
the entire network has 0(T*) arcs. inventory holding costs are linear. We will develop a
The costs of an arc between nodes (t,Y,s) dynamic
(t + approach that finds the opti
1, Y, s) are now given by mal costs of each relaxed subplan. After a prepro
cessing step that runs in 0(LT2) time, this algorithm
pM(Y-Y) + h]+x(Y-dTi+X/?) runs in 0(T2) time for a single relaxed subplan, but
the costs of all 0(T4) relaxed subplans can be com
+ c]+x(ds+X/s) + Ct+Xf2(s + l,s), puted simultaneously in 0(T5) time. This results in
where Cu(sx,s2) are defined as the optimal costs of an 0(T5+LT2) algorithm for solving this class of
instances of MLSP-PC.
shipping dSiS2 units from node (t,l) to their desti
nations, i.e., demand nodes (L,sx),...,(L,s2). We can 4.4.2. Preprocessing. In terms of the underlying
use Zangwill's algorithm, in a preprocessing stage, network (as described in ?2.1), one unit produced in
to determine the values Q^^) for all t = 2,...,T; period t for satisfying demand in period r>t will,

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
1718 Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS

in the optimal solution, flow along the minimum-cost quantity produced in period t + 1 are equal to Gt+
path from (l,t) to (L, t). In a preprocessing stage, we When Y ? Y>8, the transportation and inven
can determine the minimal unit transportation costs holding costs for this arc consist of up to_ three
associated with producing one unit in period t for ponents: G?+lfS5+GD?+1/S/S-_1 + G?+M(ds--5), and
consumption in period r, which we will call GtT. All thus indeed be computed in constant time.
these values can be computed in 0(LT2) time by solv The problem of determining ifj(tx,t2,Tx,T2) red
ing T shortest path problems in acyclic graphs with to finding the length of the shortest path in the
0(TL) arcs using backward recursion. Using these work from the source to the sink, which can be
values, we can then again determine the total trans in linear time in the number of arcs. It is easy to
portation costs associated with producing, in period t, that the number of nodes in the network is 0(T2)
the entire demand of the consecutive periods tx + the number of arcs 0(T2). Using the same approac
1,..., t2, assuming that transportation is allowed in all computing multiple values of the function ifj at o
periods t,...,r2, i.e., GDfTiT2=ErLr1+idrGfr. In 0(T3) as in ?4.3, this yields an 0(T5+LT2) algorithm
time, these costs can be calculated for all t = l,...,T solving this variant of the MLSP-PC.
and t < rx +1 < r2 < T. This information will enable us As in the CLSP, initial inventories can be i
to compute the total transportation costs associated porated when all transportation and inventory
with production in period t in constant time. ing cost functions are linear. In particular, the in
4.4.3. The Costs of a Relaxed Subplan. In this inventories are used to satisfy the earliest dem
section, we will formulate the problem of determining via the appropriate shortest paths in the netw
the costs if/(tx,t2,rx,T2) as a further simplification of after which the demands are updated and the rem
the dynamic programming problem defined in ?4.2.1. ing problem without initial inventories is solved.
All nodes in the dynamic programming network are
of the form (t, Y), where t indicates a period, and Y
is equal to the cumulative production quantity up to
5. Concluding Remarks and
Future Research
and including period t, where dTi+xt<Y and
In this paper, we have considered a generalizatio
the classical ELSP with stationary production c
Ye\J{kb,kb+e}. ties that allows for multiple levels of storage, as w
as corresponding transportation decisions for t
The source is the node (tx,0), while the sink is the between the different levels. We have i
node (t2,Kb + e). fied two important special cases of this problem t
Arcs are present between pairs of nodes in _the in polynomial time. The running time
are solvable
network of the form (t,Y) and (f + l,Y) thewhen Y ?
corresponding algorithms are remarkably inse
Y e{0,s,b}. Each arc of the network described tive toabovethe number of levels in the supply chain.
represents a possible production decision. We Open letissues
the for future research in this area ca
costs of the arcs be equal to the total costs associated three general directions. First, the
divided into
with the production amount. It remains to plexities,
show that although polynomial in the planning
the transportation and inventory holding costs can be relatively high order: 0(T5) to 0(T7)
zon, are of
computed in constant time. In addition to thethe two-level
infor cases. It would be interesting if the o
mation gathered in the preprocessing phase of described
the running time could be reduced, for inst
in ?4.4.2, we also will find, for each node by (t,Y)
in whether more time can be sav
the network, the first period whose demand determining
is not the costs of many or all subplans s
fully satisfied by the cumulative production taneously.
Y (sayIn addition, although the number of le
s) as well as the part of the demand of will thatgenerally
period be relatively small, it would neve
that remains to be satisfied (say 8). Usingless thebecumuinteresting to determine if the multilevel
lative demands dTi+X/t, (V = tx + 1,...,t2) aswith
well general
as the concave cost functions can be solv
fact that the value of Y can only be equal to kb or time in both the time horizon and
kb + s for k = 0,...,K, this additional information
number can of levels. A second direction is the s
be obtained in 0(T) time. As we will see of later,
serialthissupply chains in the presence of capac
does not increase the running time of finding the costs additional levels in the chain. Finall
at other or
of a single relaxed subplan. would be interesting to consider more complex
Now consider an arc connecting the ply twochain nodes structures, including, for example, prod
(t, Y) (with first remaining demand period assemblys with structures at the producer level, or mul
remaining demand 8) and (t + 1, Y) (with firstretailers.
An online 8).
ing demand period s with remaining demand appendix to this paper is available at
When Y ? Y<8, the unit transportation costs of the

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Hoesel et al.: Integrated Lot Sizing in Serial Supply Chains with Production Capacities
Management Science 51(11), pp. 1706-1719, ?2005 INFORMS 1719

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