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Lucinda Borrego Medrano

It has to do with how people view CALL as something normal in the everyday language learning.
The aim of CALL is to work towards a state where computers are fully integrated into pedagogy, a
state of ‘normalisation’

Some of the advantages of it are:

• It allows us to connect with the wider literature on educational change.

• It connects us with the wider research on innovation and change.

• It offers CALL practitioners a clear aim and a clear agenda.

A research conducted in the South-East of England show the following results:

-The main factors which seemed to be impeding normalization were logistics, stakeholder’s
conceptions, syllabus and software investigation, training development and support.

-The layout of the center was not well situated to classroom activities. * For normalization to occur
the classroom will ideally be organized so as to allow for an easy move from CALL activities to non-
CALL activities.

-Lacks of time for preparation as a major factor preventing computer use in teaching. * For teacher
to normalization computer use within they daily practice, they may need additional time for
preparing and planning.

-Teachers feel that students know more about technology than they do. Teacher argued against
using computers in EFL teaching since it was not learning English but learning about computers.
*For normalization to take place teacher and managers need to have enough knowledge of and
ability with computers to feel confident in using them.

The solution to normalize is to integrate teachers wit CALL not buying better programs and more

If CALL is to be normalized, teacher and managers need to avoid the technical fallacy, namely the
view that the main determinant of success or failure is the hardware and software.

Success of normalization in CALL requires that it be properly integrated unto the syllabus, and
support provided for teachers who may be uneasy about their new roles. Lack of training is one
reason why the Internet is not extensively used in current practice. Workshops and training
courses are often “designed by technology enthusiast” who have “little empathy for the
Ways in which CALL can become normalize and fully effective

*CALL facilities will ideally not be separated

*The classroom will ideally be organized so as to allow for an easy move from CALL activities to
non-CALL activities.

*Teachers and managers need to have enough knowledge of and ability with computers to feel
confident in using them.

* Normalization requires that conceptions on the part of different stakeholders, including teachers
and management, concerning the role of computers in language learning be of a type conducive to
integration and normalization.

*Successful normalization of CALL requires that should be properly integrated into the syllabus,
and support provided for teachers who may be uneasy about their new roles.

*Successful requires that teachers’ concerns about technical failures, and their lack of skills to deal
with such failures, be addresses and overcome by means of reliable support and encouragement.

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