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Nayeli Quiroz


I currently attend​ Carson High School​ in Carson, California.

– GPA (UC)​: 4.154 (Weighted)

– SAT Reasoning: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 4​ 90 Math ​540

Essay: Reading 6​ Analysis​ 4 Writing ​6
Total Score: ​1030

- ACT Composite Score:​ 17

– Class Rank​: I stand​ 14​th​ in a class of 370.

- Fall semester 2017 I am enrolled in the following classes:

American Government
Theatre Production A
AP English Literature A
AP Calculus A
Advanced Band A
College Peer Counseling

- For Spring semester 2018 I will be enrolled in the following classes:

Theatre Production B
AP English Literature B
AP Calculus B
Advanced Band B
College Peer Counseling

- I have completed the following college course:

Intro to Business & Law​ (LA Harbor College) Earned a grade of an​ A

- I have taken/am taking the following AP Classes:

AP Spanish Language and Culture ​Score of ​2
AP English Language and Composition ​Score of​ 2
AP Calculus AB
AP English Literature and Composition

- Annual DTASC/ Shakespeare Festival​: DTASC, the Drama Teachers Association of the
Southern California, hosts an annual festival in which schools from all Southern California
compete in a series of events. Freshman and sophomore year I attended the
DTASC/Shakespeare festival as a room chair, where I earned 10 hours of community service. A
room chair is in charge of a room during an event, making sure the performers are present and
the performance goes smoothly. Shakespeare Festival 2015, my partner and I competed in Sets
and Lights Division B and won 1​st​ place. Our task was to build 2 box sets for Shakespeare's
King Lear​, in any way we wanted to interpret it, taking into account lighting, props and visuals
used in a theatre stage.

- Color Guard (Captain)​: I am currently a part of the Carson High color guard team and hold
the position of Captain for the 2017-2018 season. Color Guard is a team in which performs at
Friday Night Football Games and Pep Rallies. In preparation, the team practices during 5th
period and an hour after school Tuesdays and Thursdays. As well as, a week of summer
practices and a week of Band Camp. In addition, the team accompanies the Carson Marching
Blue Thunder Band in the annual LAUSD Band Competition. In preparation, we have 3-hour
evening practices every Wednesday leading up to the competition. Spring Semester the team
participates in SHARP Competitions representing Carson. This past year we brought home 2
trophies, 1st and 2nd place.

- Natural Beauties Club​: I've been a part of Carson High's Natural Beauties Club since my
freshman year. This club hosts an annual Fashion show where we showcase different clothing
that relates to the theme chosen by the club members. For example, the 2016 Fashion show was
“Shades of Beauty” where we showed the emotions associated with the colors in the show. The
club also organizes different events related to fashion, beauty, and self-confidence.

- E​ducational T​ a​ lent ​Se​ arch​: ETS is a program in the College Center, I joined my freshman
year, and since then the advisors make sure I’m on track with my A-G requirements and provide
access to different opportunities that will prepare and help me look competitive for colleges.
They have workshops, field trips, and one-on-one meetings that help one find out the
requirements and any important information we need for a postsecondary education.

- Boys and Girls Club​: The Boys and Girls club help students prepare for college and realize
their full potential. I became a B&G club member in November 2015 and have attended some
of their campus field trips including San Diego State University and Cal State Northridge. I also
attended the UCLA Teen Summit the past 2 years, where I got to learn about careers and had
the chance to interact with the NBC newscast about their day-to-day life in the studio. As well
as, taken advantage of their free programs such as Driver's Ed and college information classes.

- C​alifornia ​Sc​ holarship F

​ ​ederation​: CSF is a program in which allows members access to
opportunities for community service and scholarships. I am on my third semester of being apart
of CSF and have completed community service hours as required to be an active member. I will
hopefully continue to be in CSF for the remaining of my high school career.
- New Life Club​: This club is a Christian club runned by Sr. Deur, in which they have weekly
meetings where they discuss certain verses from the Bible and quotes and relate it to current
events. I’ve recently began attending these meetings with a few friends (Spring 2017).

- UCLA’s E ​ a​ rly ​Ac​ ademic ​O​utreach P

​ ​rogram​: EAOP offers academic opportunities that help
students prepare for a four year university. I have been apart of EAOP since my sophomore


- Certificates of Appreciation​: I received a certificate of appreciation for participating in the

Natural Beauties Club 2015 “Beauties Over The Decades,” the 2016 “Shades of Beauty” and
the 2017 “The Four Seasons” Fashion shows.

- Participation Awards​: I received the 95th Annual Shakespeare Festival (2015) and Marching
Blue Thunder Band and Auxiliaries (2016-2017 and 2017-2018) participation awards for my
dedication and commitment.

- Honor roll​: I was given the Academic Excellence, Silver Award (3.7-3.9 GPA) freshman and
sophomore year.

- Gold GPA Honor Awards​: I was given the Gold GPA Award (4.0+ GPA) my junior year. My
senior, I received the award for a GPA of 4.0.

- Academic Excellence Awards​: During the annual PAMA awards 2016, I received the
academic excellence in Biology, my freshman year and academic excellence in Chemistry, my
sophomore year.

- Teacher Recognition Awards​: Spring 2017 in the annual PAMA awards I was given the
teacher recognition award for “Greatest Tenacity.” Spring 2018, I received the “Best Role
Model” award for my determination and perseverance.

- Rookie of the Year​: Out of 30 members of the Carson High Color guard team, I was chosen as
Rookie of the Year for the 2016-2017 season.

- Best Technique​ ​Award​: I was chosen out of my 20 Color guard teammates for having the best
technique in the 2017-2018 season.

- Colt Love Award​: I was given this award spring 2018 of my senior year by my Color guard
advisor, Mrs. Wong. As an annual event, each academy hosts an assembly in which they give
recognition to students. The “Colt love” award is given a model Carson Colt.

- The LAUSD Seal of Biliteracy

- State Seal of Biliteracy

Special Programs:

- Senior Bound​: Summer before my senior year the Boys and Girls Club was offering a 5-week
class to prepare students for their senior year. I decided to attend this class to grasp as much
information I needed for my senior year and what to expect when applying and being accepted
to college. This class also fulfilled my Service Learning hours in order to graduate. During this
5 weeks, I attended the weekly college field trips and an end-of-the summer Soak City trip.

- Professional Development 20 (PD20)​: I took PD20 the summer before my sophomore year as
the prerequisite for the College Peer Counseling on campus. The class taught interview
etiquette, coping with stress, managing time, what to expect when applying to college, etc. We
met 4 days a week (Monday-Thursday) from 9 am to 12 pm.

- Performing Arts and Media Academy (PAMA) Senior Leadership Advisory​: I am currently
in the PAMA Senior Leadership Advisory Class where we help embrace the arts by putting on
events during advisory. For example, the past year, many activities included zumba and “Guess
the Tune.”

- Peer Counseling (Team Leader)​: I am currently a peer counselor in Carson High’s College
Center. College Peer Counseling is a highly selective program in which assists Carson High
students to make career and college decisions. The process includes an application, personal
statements, a formal interview and team building activities to see how well one works in

- SAT Prep​: I took an SAT Preparatory Class through the Boys and Girls Club the spring of my
junior year, 2016. We practiced for improvement of the SAT with 2 full length tests and met
twice a week for 5 weeks.

- UCLA AP Readiness​: UCLA’s AP readiness are monthly Saturday prep sessions for any
upcoming AP exams. It ranges from English Literature to Calculus to Physics. There is two
sessions throughout the day from 8 am to 12 noon.


- Babysitting​: During the summer, I took care of my 9 year old neighbor for 5 dollars an hour for
4 hours until her aunt came to pick her up. My responsibilities were to feed her and make sure
she was okay and not getting into any trouble in the time being.

- My proposed major is Communications Studies at Cal State University, Long Beach. I would
also like to minor in Chicano/a Studies.

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