2015 AP Lab Grading Rubric

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Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic

Purpose Problem is appropriately Problem sufficiently Problem partially identified Statement of problem is
identified. Precise, clear and identified with some validity. with partial validity. Limited irrelevant or erroneous.
relevant explanation Basic relevant explanation relevant explanation Limited or no relevant

Background Establishes the scientific Establishes the scientific Establishes the scientific States observations or prior
concept of lab by integrating concept of lab by concept of lab by applying knowledge about the topic
observations, prior summarizing observations, observations, prior
knowledge and research. prior knowledge and knowledge and research.

Hypothesis Association between the Reasonable association Association between Unreasonable association
problem and the predicted between the problem and problem and predicted between problem and
results is direct and relevant• the predicted results• results• Hypothesis has predicted results• Defends or
Hypothesis clearly refutes or Hypothesis has a some relationship to challenges established
defends established reasonable relationship with established knowledge but is knowledge • Scant use of
knowledge and is fully established knowledge; this not supported scientific concepts and
supported • Student relationship is • Scientific concepts and vocabulary
demonstrates facility in the generally supported vocabulary used, but
use of scientific concepts • Scientific concepts and contains errors
and vocabulary vocabulary used without
significant error

I/D Variables Independent, dependent • Independent, dependent • Variables identified and • Variables identified but not
variables are clearly variables are operationalized some attempt to operationalized
operationalized including including measures OR operationalize variables
units of measure and range. ranges

Control Variables
All significant control Some control variables are Some control variables are Few control variables are
variables clearly identified, identified, impacts are given identified impacts and identified, impacts and
clear operational impacts are in non operational form and method of control are given methods are limited and
given and specific method of method of control is given but are vaguely written vague
control but not specific
Design is a well-constructed Design is adequate to test Design has general is not relevant to the
(Materials &
test of the stated hypothesis the hypothesis • List of relevance to the hypothesis • hypothesis • List of materials
• List of materials and materials and controls is List of materials and controls and controls incomplete •
controls is complete and complete and some is nearly complete, missing Some procedural
thoroughly described • The description provided at least one important item components generally
description of the experiment • Description makes it likely • Description makes it described but are not
is complete, insuring that it that the experiment can be possible to replicate the replicable • Safety concerns
can be replicated reliably replicated experiment if researcher are not specified, are
• Safety concerns are fully • All major safety concerns makes some inferences • irrelevant or are not
addressed and procedures are adequately addressed; Safety concerns miss at appropriate to the
for conducting the procedures adopted are least one important experiment
experiment insure that there likely to produce a safe consideration
is little or no risk to student experiment.
All significant data All significant data measured
measured, measures of with some checks placed on
Data Collection Most data are collected but Data are inaccurate
accuracy are included • Data measurement for accuracy •
checks are not placed on • Data are haphazardly
recorded effectively and Data recorded effectively •
measurement to insure recorded • Data table
efficiently The data table is relevant to
accuracy • Data are missing
The data table well-designed the task requirements
recorded in a manner that
to the task requirements
threatens reliability • Data
table incomplete or contain
All mathematical calculations Some mathematical
demonstrated • examples shown
Data Processing Limited mathematical No data processing is
examples presented.
Graph form inappropriate
• Data points missing or
Graphic Data Analysis All graph forms are Graph form is appropriate, Graph form is appropriate
incorrect • Inappropriate
appropriate, multiple graphs multiple graphs used as • All data points included,
labeling • Intervals
used as warranted warranted • All data points some inaccurately plotted
• All data points accurately included and accurately • Labeling lacks clarity
Measures of accuracy
plotted plotted • Intervals are appropriate
• Labeling clear, includes • Labeling clear includes Measures of accuracy
units and uncertainty where units missing
available. • Intervals • Intervals appropriate
appropriate measures of measures of accuracy
accuracy included included.
• Graph visually compelling, • Graph visually designed to
highlights conclusions of the assist reader

Verbal Data Analysis Discussion of data Discussion of the data Discussion of the data Discussion is a reiteration of
successfully integrates a shows a relationship attempts to show a the data presented and
discussion of the verbal and between the verbal and relationship between the provides no application or
visual data collected with visual data. The discussion collected data and the analysis of the data with
respect to the purpose of the is a clear analysis of the purpose and/or hypothesis. respect to the hypothesis or
experiment, the hypothesis data with respect to the some attempt is made to purpose.
and variables. Discussion purpose and hypothesis apply the data to classroom
shows a clear evaluation of based on classroom knowledge
the data using synthesis of knowledge.
data and knowledge.

Conclusion Conclusion precisely stated, Conclusion precise, related Conclusion too general or Inconclusive, or conclusion
relates directly to support or to the hypothesis over-reaches the data not warranted by data
non-support of the • Conclusion uses analysis analysis
hypothesis operational terms of the • Conclusion uses the
• Conclusion uses experiment and attempts to language of the experiment
operational terms and translate the conclusion to but does not translate
suggests how the conclusion make it relevant to the conclusion to its relevance to
has relevancy in resolution original problem the original problem - •
of the original problem (data

Evaluation Clear, accurate analysis of A discussion of errors or A discussion of possible No Evaluation is provided or
the errors/ problems in the problems is provided without error or problem sources is evaluation only references
experiment procedure. A reference to human error. provided. Without human errors.
discussion of error sources Vague suggestions for suggestion for changes.
is clear, concise and changes are provided
complete WITHOUT
reference to HUMAN
ERROR. Clear and concise
suggestions are provided for
each area identified

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