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Event Description-RMA

Login/Choose Log into E-Business Suite Home page User Name: ***** Oracle E-Business Suite login
Responsibility (URL : http://<host>:<port>/) Password: ****** page is displayed.

Enter User Name/Password E-Business Suite Navigator page

Click (B) Login displays responsibilities available
to the use

Note* In case the entire sales Order

needs to be returned RMA needs to be
made from copying the Header of the
actual sales Order, the following process
needs to be followed.(Transporter’s
Fault scenario)
Responsibility –Alexander Order The Sales Order Screen will open
Management User>Orders ,Returns>Sales
Query the Actual Sales Order for which
the RMA needs to be created.
(T)Order Information> (T) Main.
View>Query by Example> Enter
Enter the Sales Order Number Sales Order Number-**********

View>Query by Example> Run The actual sales order will appear

Click(B) Action Copy screen appears

Select ‘Copy’ from the LOV

(T) Quick Copy

Go to the field ‘change order type to’ Order Type- AL Dealer Return
Select the Return Order Type from LOV
Click(B) Ok Copy Lines Tab appears
Select the Return Reason from LOV Return Reason- Transporter’s Fault

Click(B) Ok

The following message appears-

Order Header has been created
Click(B) Continue successfully for the Order
**********(RMA number)

Sales order screen appears with

*In case Receipt is made against the the Return Order
Actual Order,(T) Line Item>(T) Return-
Remove the credit Invoice number Item lines will appear with
negative quantity

Click(B) Save
Same step needs to be Repeated for every
single line
Note* In case the few quantities or few
lines of sales Order needs to be
returned RMA needs to be made from
copying the line of the actual sales
Order, the following process needs to be
followed.(Partial Damage of Iem)
Query the Actual Sales Order for which
the RMA needs to be created.
(T)Order Information> (T) Main.
View>Query by Example> Enter
Enter the Sales Order Number

View>Query by Example> Run Sales Order Number-********** The actual sales order will appear

(T) Line Items

Select the line for which Return needs to

Click(B) Action
Select ‘Copy’ from the LOV

(T) Quick Copy Order Type- AL Dealer Return

Select the New Order check box. *
Go to the field ‘change order type to’
Select the Return Order Type from LOV
Click(B) Ok
Return Reason- Damaged Product
Select the Return Reason from LOV
The following message appears-
Click(B) Ok Order Header has been created
successfully for the Order
**********(RMA number)

Click(B) Continue Order Header screen will appear

(T) Order Information

Query the RMA number

(T)Order Information> (T) Main.
View>Query by Example> Enter Order Number-
Enter the Return Order Number in the Return order will appear
Order Number field

View>Query by Example> Run

(T) Line Items Qty- (-)10

The item for which Return needs to be

made will appear in negative qty
Enter the Qty that needs to be returned
keeping the Qty Note appears Order Hs been
negative(Primary/Secondary) booked.
*In case Receipt is made against the Item line status is ‘booked’
Actual Order,(T) Line Item>(T) Return- Which means the order has gone
Remove the credit Invoice number for approval

Click (B) Book Order

Logout to the (M) File > Exit Oracle Applications Oracle E-Business Suite page
Applications is closed
Click (B) OK

Go to home page and click (B) Logout

Approval of RMA
using Hierarchy
Review and Click(L) on the notification line for the Approval screen with document
Approve RMA particular document number on the detail will appear

Review the document detail

Click (B) Approve

Logout to the (M) File > Exit Oracle Applications Oracle E-Business Suite page
Applications is closed
Click (B) OK

Go to home page and click (B) Logout

Step needs to be
repeated depending
on the number of
people present in
the Hierarchy
Event Description- Receiving of Return
Login/Choose Log into E-Business Suite Home page User Name: ***** Oracle E-Business Suite login
Responsibility (URL : http://<host>:<port>/) Password: ****** page is displayed.

Enter User Name/Password E-Business Suite Navigator page

Click (B) Login displays responsibilities available
to the use

Responsibility –AL Material

Select the Inventory Org from LOV
Inv Org- Alexander CDC
Click (B) Ok Find expected Receipts screen
Click(T) Customer

Select the RMA Number from the LOV RMA Number-**********(On

selecting the RMA Number , the
line Type, Customer Name,
Customer Number will be
Click(B) Find Receipt Header is appeared

Click(B) Receipt Header DFF[ ] Receipt Shipment Header box

Click on the Context Value LOV appears
Select from LOV:
Factory Receiving


Receipt Form appears with the

Enable the Receipt line check box( C )
If needed , the Line level quantity can be
changed manually
(To be done for every single line)
Click on the Save (I) in the top Tool Bar.

Click (B) Header

Receipt Number will appear in
the screen(Auto generated)(Copy
the number)
Close the Receipt Header Form by
clicking ‘X’

Close the Receipt Form by clicking ‘X’

Inspection Responsibility- AL Material

Receiving>(M) Receiving Transactions Find Receiving Transactions
form appears

Enter the Receipt Number under the

Customer Tab, in the Receipt Number Receipt Number-********

Click (B) Find

Select the line level check box ( C ) Qty-***

Go to the Location Field, Select the

Click(B) Inspect(in the right bottom of the

Enter the Quantity (to be accepted)

Click (B) Ok Qty-****

Click (B) Save in the Receiving

Transactions screen
Close the Receiving Transaction form by
clicking on the ‘X’ in the top right corner
of the form.

Delivery Responsibility AL Material Find Receiving Transactions

Receiving>(M) Receiving Transactions form is displayed

Enter the Find criteria

Select the Receipt Number from the
Receipt LOV: **********
Click (B) Find The Receiving Transaction Form
is displayed with the Receipt
Enable the line level check box

Select Sub inventory from LOV Sub-inventory: Cust.Ret

Click(B) Ok

Click on the Locator Field, Select the

Locator from the LOV(Click % on the Locator: XXXXXXXXXX
field, then press Enter button

Click(B) Ok

If the Item is Lot enabled then only the

following step ahs to be executed or else it
can be skipped
Lot Entry form appears
Click(B) Lot-Serial
selected the LOT by clicking on the Lot Lot Number-*****
number LOV.

Enter the Quantity to be delivered Qty-****(To be entered manually)

Click(B) Done

Close the Receiving Transaction form by Receiving Transaction Form re-

clicking on the ‘X’ in the top right corner appears
of the form

Login/Choose Log into E-Business Suite Home page Oracle E-Business Suite login
Responsibility (URL : http://<host>:<port>/) page is displayed.

Enter User Name/Password User Name: ***** E-Business Suite Navigator page
Click (B) Login Password: ****** displays responsibilities available
to the use

Event Description-Alternate Item Entry

Alternate Items Alexander Custom Responsibility> If any Item’s full quantity is

(Header) Alternate Items > Brand: Alexander CDC either not available or need to be
(Customization) Order Type: AL Dealer SALE replaced with other item then the
Order Number: <# 2016100106> alternate item entry should be
Item Number: <# 20* 30(Decor)> done in the alternate item form.
Schedule Date:<# 08-DEC-2016>
Transaction Date: <# 08-DEC-
2016> \
Customer Name: <# R S S Tiles>
Customer Type:<# CREDIT
Order Date: <# 08-DEC-2016>
Item Description: <# 20*
Click on (B) Find. Backordered item will appear in
the Original Order Line Details

Alternate Items Alexander Custom Responsibility> Line Number: <#1> Oracle E-Business Suite page
(Line information)) Alternate Items > Original Item: <#******** is closed
Grade: <#A>
UOM:<# ***>
Open Qty (Backorder): 10

Alternate Order Line Details:

Select the alternate item from the LOV Alternate Item :<# AW 100>
Item Description:<# 20*
Lot Number: <#115>
Grade:<# A>
UOM: <#sft
Alternate Delivery Qty:<# 5>
Instructed By: SCM
Update By: 27
Reason: Alternate Item is replaced.
Status: Open

Logout to the (M) File > Exit Oracle Applications Oracle E-Business Suite page
Applications is closed
Click (B) OK

Go to home page and click (B) Logout

Event Description- Closure of Alternate Item

Query with the Sales Order number The record will appear
Go to the Alternate Item block All the line level fields will
Change the status ‘Closed’ freeze
Click(B) Save
Event Description- Auto invoice

Login to the Log into E-Business Suite Home page

Applications (URL : http://<host>:<port>/) Oracle E-Business Suite page is
displayed. A selection of
Responsibilities is displayed.
Enter the Username and Password Username: *****

Password: ********

Responsibility: AL AR Common User

Run Auto Invoice From the top menu, select File, then
for Shipped Sales Switch Responsibility
(N) Oracle Receivables > Interfaces > Submit a New Request form
Auto Invoice displays

Click on the Single Request Radio button. Run Auto Invoice form displays
Click on the OK button.
Navigate to the Name field and input Auto Invoice Master Program Parameters form displays

Navigate to the Invoice Source field and Order Management

Navigate to the Default Date field and <Today’s Date>
input (DD-MMM-YYYY)
Navigate to the (Low) Sales Order < Sales Order # >
Number field and input

Navigate to the (High) Sales Order < Sales Order # >

Number field and input
Click on the OK button

View Auto Invoice From the Menu Bar, go to View and select
Results Requests
Click(B) Find Find Requests form displays
Click(B) View Output
Continue to click on the Refresh Data
button until the phase of the Request ID is
“Completed” for two concurrent
processes: Auto Invoice Master Program
and Auto Invoice Import Program.
Report displays how many lines
Click on row for the request for the Auto were selected, how many were
Invoice Import Program. Click on the successfully process, and how
View Output button. many were rejected. The
quantity of lines selected should
be successfully processed. If any
lines are rejected, the errors will
be displayed in the report.
Close the Requests form by clicking on
the “X” in the top right corner of the form.
Event Description: Find the Invoice in
Transaction Screen
Open invoice (N) AL AR Common User> Transaction
screen Double click (M) Transaction
Transaction form opened
Find the AR Click (I) Find Find Transaction form opened
Invoice Enter required Data to find the invoice
Sales order: ** (Choose from LOV)
Transaction Date from: ****

Click (B) Find

Logout from the (M) File > Exit Oracle Applications Form closed
Click (B) OK

Event Description: Receipt

Create Receipt (N) AL Custom Responsibility> Receipts>
against AR Invoice Double Click (M) Receipts
Receipt Form Opened
Enter Receipt header information Receipt Method: Alexander -
Cheque (Choose from LOV)
Data Entered
Receipt Number: C96749
Receipt Amount: 100

Enter Customer Name in name field Name: ** (Choose from LOV) Data Entered

Apply AR Invoice Click (B) Apply Application Window Opened

with Receipt
Enter Application details Apply To: 2016000017 (choose Data Entered
from LOV)
Press Tab Application line data populate

Click (B) Save All data froze

Close Application form by clicking (I) X

Create Receipt Click Tools from Menu Bar

Click on Create Accounting Crete Accounting form opened

Verify that the Create Final Accounting

Post to GL radio button is selected A popup came (Accounting has
been successfully created for this
Click (B) OK

Click (B) OK
Close the form
(M) File> Close Form

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