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CHAPTER 1 c. competition.

d. all of these.

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND 27. An effective capital allocation process

ACCOUNTING STANDARDS a. promotes productivity.
b. encourages innovation.
c. provides an efficient market for buying
and selling securities.
21. General-purpose financial statements are the d. all of these.
product of
a. financial accounting. 28. Financial statements in the early 2000s
b. managerial accounting. provide information related to
c. both financial and managerial a. non-financial measurements.
accounting. b. forward-looking data.
d. neither financial nor managerial c. hard assets (inventory and plant
accounting. assets).
d. none of these.
22. Users of financial reports include all of the
following except 29. Which of the following statements is not an
a. creditors. objective of financial reporting?
b. government agencies. a. Provide information that is useful in
c. unions. investment and credit decisions.
d. All of these are users. b. Provide information about enterprise
resources, claims to those resources,
23. The financial statements most frequently and changes to them.
provided include all of the following except the c. Provide information on the liquidation
a. balance sheet. value of an enterprise.
b. income statement. d. Provide information that is useful in
c. statement of cash flows. assessing cash flow prospects.
d. statement of retained earnings.
30. Accrual accounting is used because
24. The information provided by financial a. cash flows are considered less important.
reporting pertains to b. it provides a better indication of ability
a. individual business enterprises, to generate cash flows than the cash
rather than to industries or an basis.
economy as a whole or to members of c. it recognizes revenues when cash is
society as consumers. received and expenses when cash is
b. business industries, rather than to paid.
individual enterprises or an economy as d. none of the above.
a whole or to members of society as
consumers. 31. One objective of financial reporting is to
c. individual business enterprises, provide
industries, and an economy as a whole, a. information about the investors in the
rather than to members of society as business entity.
consumers. b. information about the liquidation values
d. an economy as a whole and to members of the resources held by the enterprise.
of society as consumers, rather than to c. information that is useful in assessing
individual enterprises or industries. cash flow prospects.
P25. The process of identifying, measuring, d. information that will attract new investors.
analyzing, and communicating financial
information needed by management to plan, 32. Accounting principles are "generally
evaluate, and control an organization’s accepted" only when
operations is called a. an authoritative accounting rule-making
a. financial accounting. body has established it in an official pro-
b. managerial accounting. nouncement.
c. tax accounting. b. it has been accepted as appropriate
d. auditing. because of its universal application.
c. both a and b.
26. Whether a business is successful and thrives d. neither a nor b.
is determined by
a. markets. 33. A common set of accounting standards and
b. free enterprise. procedures are called
a. financial accounting standards. d. works with the Financial Accounting
b. generally accepted accounting Standards Advisory Council to provide
principles. informa-tion to interested parties on
c. objectives of financial reporting. financial reporting issues.
d. statements of financial accounting
concepts. 40. The major distinction between the Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and its
34. The role of the Securities and Exchange predecessor, the Accounting Principles Board
Commission in the formulation of accounting
principles can be best described as (APB), is
a. consistently primary. a. the FASB issues exposure drafts of
b. consistently secondary. proposed standards.
c. sometimes primary and sometimes b. all members of the FASB are fully
secondary. remunerated, serve full time, and are
independent of any companies or
d. non-existent.
35. The body that has the power to prescribe the c. all members of the FASB possess
accounting practices and standards to be extensive experience in financial
employed by companies that fall under its reporting.
jurisdiction is the d. a majority of the members of the FASB
a. FASB. are CPAs drawn from public practice.
c. SEC. 41. The Financial Accounting Standards Board
d. APB. employs a "due process" system which
a. is an efficient system for collecting dues
36. Companies that are listed on a stock from members.
exchange are required to submit their b. enables interested parties to express
financial statements to the their views on issues under
a. AICPA. consideration.
b. APB c. identifies the accounting issues that are
c. FASB. the most important.
d. SEC. d. requires that all accountants must
receive a copy of financial standards.
37. The Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) was proposed by the 42. Which of the following is not a publication of
a. American Institute of Certified Public
the FASB?
a. Statements of Financial Accounting
b. Accounting Principles Board.
c. Study Group on the Objectives of b. Accounting Research Bulletins
Financial Statements.
c. Interpretations
d. Special Study Group on
d. Technical Bulletins
establishment of Accounting
Principles (Wheat Committee).
43. FASB Technical Bulletins
38. The Financial Accounting Standards Board a. are similar to FASB Interpretations in that
a. has issued a series of pronouncements they establish enforceable standards
entitled Statements on Auditing under the AICPA's Code of Professional
Standards. Ethics.
b. was the forerunner of the current b. are issued monthly by the FASB to deal
Accounting Principles Board. with current topics.
c. is the arm of the Securities and c. are not expected to have a significant
Exchange Commission responsible for impact on financial reporting in
setting financial accounting standards. general and provide guidance when it
d. is appointed by the Financial does not conflict with any broad
Accounting Foundation. fundamental accounting principle.
d. were recently discontinued by the FASB
39. The Financial Accounting Foundation because they dealt with specialized
a. oversees the operations of the FASB. topics having little impact on financial
b. oversees the operations of the AICPA. reporting in general.
c. provides information to interested parties
on financial reporting issues. 44. The purpose of the Emerging Issues Task
Force is to
a. develop a conceptual framework as a d. determine the need for FASB
frame of reference for the solution of involvement in an emerging issue.
future problems.
b. lobby the FASB on issues that affect a Members of the Financial Accounting
particular industry. Standards Board are
c. do research on issues that relate to long- a. employed by the American Institute of
term accounting problems. Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
d. issue statements which reflect a b. part-time employees.
consensus on how to account for new c. required to hold a CPA certificate.
and unusual financial transactions d. independent of any other
that need to be resolved quickly. organization.

45. The Governmental Accounting Standards The following published documents are part
Board of the "due process" system used by the
FASB in the evolution of a typical FASB
a. oversees the activities of the SEC.
b. is a private-sector body, which Statement of Financial Accounting
addresses state and local Standards:
governmental reporting issues. 1. Exposure Draft
c. is a division of the Securities and 2. Statement of Financial
Exchange Commission, which oversees Accounting Standards
the corpo-rate accounting in annual 3. Discussion Memorandum
d. was terminated when the Financial The chronological order in which these items
Accounting Standards Board was are released is as follows:
created. a. 1, 2, 3.
b. 1, 3, 2.
c. 2, 3, 1.
46. The Governmental Accounting Standards d. 3, 1, 2.
Board's main purpose is to develop standards
for P52. In the House of GAAP, is the following on the
a. the General Accounting Office. highest level of authoritative status (meaning
b. the Federal government. among the most authoritative)?
c. state and local government.
d. the Internal Revenue Service. FASB FASB
Statement Statement
47. Which of the following organizations has not FASB of Financial of Financial
been instrumental in the development of Technica Accounting FASB Accounting
financial accounting standards in the United Bulletin Standards Interpretation Concepts
States? a.Yes Yes Yes Yes
a. AICPA b.Yes Yes Yes No
b. FASB c.No Yes No No
c. IASB d.No Yes Yes No
d. SEC
53. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
48. An organization that has not published include: 1) FASB Technical Bulletins, 2) APB
accounting standards is the Opinions, and 3) Widely-accepted industry
a. American Institute of Certified Public practices. These three items rank from most
Accountants. authoritative to least authoritative as follows:
b. Securities and Exchange Commission. a. 1, 2, 3.
c. Financial Accounting Standards Board. b. 1, 3, 2.
d. All of these have published c. 2, 1, 3.
accounting standards. d. 2, 3, 1.

49. The purpose of Statements of Financial 54. Generally accepted accounting principles
Accounting Concepts is to a. include detailed practices and
a. establish GAAP. procedures as well as broad guidelines of
b. modify or extend the existing FASB general application.
Standards Statement. b. are influenced by pronouncements of the
c. form a conceptual framework for SEC and IRS.
solving existing and emerging c. change over time as the nature of the
problems. business environment changes.
d. all of these.
c. promote uniform accounting
55. The most significant current source of standards among countries of the
generally accepted accounting principles is world.
the d. arbitrate accounting disputes between
a. AICPA. auditors and international companies.
b. SEC.
c. APB.
d. FASB.

56. The most authoritative category of generally

accepted accounting principles includes all of
the following except
a. Accounting Research Bulletins.
b. APB Opinions.
c. FASB Standards.
d. FASB Technical Bulletins.

57. Which of the following is not a part of

generally accepted accounting principles?
a. FASB Interpretations
b. CAP Accounting Research Bulletins
c. APB Opinions
d. All of these are part of generally
accepted accounting principles.

58. Which of the following publications does not

qualify as a statement of generally accepted
accounting principles?
a. Statements of financial standards issued
by the FASB
b. Accounting interpretations issued by the
c. APB Opinions
d. Accounting research studies issued
by the AICPA

59. Financial accounting standard-setting in the

United States
a. can be described as a social process
which reflects political actions of
various interested user groups as well
as a product of research and logic.
b. is based solely on research and empirical
c. is a legalistic process based on rules
promulgated by governmental agencies.
d. is democratic in the sense that a majority
of accountants must agree with a
standard before it becomes enforceable.

60. The purpose of the International Accounting

Standards Board is to
a. issue enforceable standards which
regulate the financial accounting and
reporting of multinational corporations.
b. develop a uniform currency in which the
financial transactions of companies
through-out the world would be
CHAPTER 2 a. Measurement and recognition concepts
such as assumptions, principles, and
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK b. Qualitative characteristics of accounting
c. Elements of financial statements
ACCOUNTING d. Objectives of financial reporting

26. The underlying theme of the conceptual

21. Generally accepted accounting principles framework is
a. are fundamental truths or axioms that a. decision usefulness.
can be derived from laws of nature. b. understandability.
b. derive their authority from legal court c. reliability.
proceedings. d. comparability.
c. derive their credibility and authority
from general recognition and 27. Which of the following is not an objective of
acceptance by the accounting financial reporting?
profession. a. To provide information about economic
d. have been specified in detail in the FASB resources, the claims to those resources,
conceptual framework. and the changes in them.
b. To provide information that is helpful to
22. A soundly developed conceptual framework investors and creditors and other users in
of concepts and objectives should assessing the amounts, timing, and
a. increase financial statement users' uncertainty of future cash flows.
understanding of and confidence in c. To provide information that is useful to
financial reporting. those making investment and credit
b. enhance comparability among decisions.
companies' financial statements. d. All of these are objectives of financial
c. allow new and emerging practical reporting.
problems to be more quickly soluble.
d. all of these. P28. The objectives of financial reporting include
all of the following except to provide
23. Which of the following (a-c) are not true information that
concerning a conceptual framework in a. is useful to the Internal Revenue
account-ing? Service in allocating the tax burden to
a. It should be a basis for standard-setting. the business community.
b. It should allow practical problems to be b. is useful to those making investment and
solved more quickly by reference to it. credit decisions.
c. It should be based on fundamental c. is helpful in assessing future cash flows.
truths that are derived from the laws d. identifies the economic resources
of nature. (assets), the claims to those resources
d. All of the above (a-c) are true. (liabilities), and the changes in those
resources and claims.
S24. Which of the following is not a benefit
associated with the FASB Conceptual 29. Decision makers vary widely in the types of
Framework Project? decisions they make, the methods of decision
a. A conceptual framework should increase making they employ, the information they
financial statement users' understanding already possess or can obtain from other
of and confidence in financial reporting. sources, and their ability to process
b. Practical problems should be more information. Consequently, for information to
quickly solvable by reference to an be useful there must be a linkage between
existing conceptual framework. these users and the decisions they make.
c. A coherent set of accounting standards This link is
and rules should result. a. relevance.
d. Business entities will need far less b. reliability.
assistance from accountants because c. understandability.
the financial reporting process will be d. materiality.
quite easy to apply.
30. The overriding criterion by which accounting
25. In the conceptual framework for financial information can be judged is that of
reporting, what provides "the why"--the goals a. usefulness for decision making.
and purposes of accounting? b. freedom from bias.
c. timeliness. b. No Yes
d. comparability. c. Yes No
d. No No
31. The two primary qualities that make
accounting information useful for decision 38. Information is neutral if it
making are a. provides benefits which are at least equal
a. comparability and consistency. to the costs of its preparation.
b. materiality and timeliness. b. can be compared with similar information
c. relevance and reliability. about an enterprise at other points in
d. reliability and comparability. time.
32. Accounting information is considered to be c. would have no impact on a decision
relevant when it maker.
a. can be depended on to represent the d. is free from bias toward a
economic conditions and events that it is predetermined result.
intended to represent.
b. is capable of making a difference in a 39. The characteristic that is demonstrated when
decision. a high degree of consensus can be secured
c. is understandable by reasonably among independent measurers using the
informed users of accounting same measurement methods is
information. a. relevance.
d. is verifiable and neutral. b. reliability.
c. verifiability.
33. The quality of information that gives d. neutrality.
assurance that it is reasonably free of error
and bias and is a faithful representation is 40. According to Statement of Financial
a. relevance. Accounting Concepts No. 2, predictive value
b. reliability. is an ingredient of the primary quality of
c. verifiability. Relevance Reliability
d. neutrality. a. Yes No
b. Yes Yes
34. According to Statement of Financial c. No No
Accounting Concepts No. 2, which of the d. No Yes
following relates to both relevance and
reliability? 41. Under Statement of Financial Accounting
a. Materiality Concepts No. 2, representational faithfulness
b. Understandability is an ingredient of the primary quality of
c. Usefulness Reliability Relevance
d. All of these a. Yes Yes
b. No Yes
35. According to Statement of Financial c. Yes No
Accounting Concepts No. 2, timeliness is an d. No No
ingredient of the primary quality of
Relevance Reliability 42. Financial information does not demonstrate
a. Yes Yes consistency when
b. No Yes a. firms in the same industry use different
c. Yes No accounting methods to account for the
d. No No same type of transaction.
b. a company changes its estimate of the
36. According to Statement of Financial salvage value of a fixed asset.
Accounting Concepts No. 2, verifiability is an c. a company fails to adjust its financial
ingredient of the primary quality of statements for changes in the value of
Relevance Reliability the measuring unit.
a. Yes No d. none of these.
b. Yes Yes
c. No No 43. Financial information exhibits the
d. No Yes characteristic of consistency when
a. expenses are reported as charges
37. According to Statement of Financial against revenue in the period in which
Accounting Concepts No. 2, neutrality is an they are paid.
ingredient of the primary quality of b. accounting entities give accountable
Relevance Reliability events the same accounting treatment
a. Yes Yes from period to period.
c. extraordinary gains and losses are not b. revenues minus expenses plus gains
included on the income statement. minus losses plus investments by owners
d. accounting procedures are adopted minus distributions to owners.
which give a consistent rate of net c. revenues minus expenses plus gains
income. minus losses plus investments by owners
minus distributions to owners plus assets
44. Information about different entities and about minus liabilities.
different periods of the same entity can be d. none of these.
prepared and presented in a similar manner.
Comparability and consistency are related to 50. Which of the following elements of financial
which of these objectives? statements is not a component of compre-
hensive income?
Comparability Consistency
a. Revenues
a. Entities Entities
b. Distributions to owners
b. Entities Periods
c. Losses
c. Periods Entities
d. Expenses
d. Periods Periods
P51. Which of the following is false with regard to
45. When information about two different
the element "comprehensive income"?
enterprises has been prepared and presented
a. It is more inclusive than the traditional
in a similar manner, the information exhibits
notion of net income.
the characteristic of
b. It includes net income and all other
a. relevance.
changes in equity exclusive of owners'
b. reliability.
invest-ments and distributions to owners.
c. consistency.
d. none of these. c. This concept is not yet being applied in
d. It excludes prior period adjustments
46. The elements of financial statements include
(transactions that relate to previous
investments by owners. These are increases
periods, such as corrections of
in an entity's net assets resulting from owners'
a. transfers of assets to the entity. S52. According to the FASB conceptual
b. rendering services to the entity.
framework, earnings
c. satisfaction of liabilities of the entity.
d. all of these. a. are the same as comprehensive income.
b. exclude certain gains and losses that
are included in comprehensive
47. In classifying the elements of financial
statements, the primary distinction between
c. include certain gains and losses that are
revenues and gains is
excluded from comprehensive income.
a. the materiality of the amounts involved.
d. include certain losses that are excluded
b. the likelihood that the transactions
from comprehensive income.
involved will recur in the future.
c. the nature of the activities that gave S53.
rise to the transactions involved. According to the FASB Conceptual
d. the costs versus the benefits of the Framework, the elementsassets, liabilities,
alternative methods of disclosing the and equitydescribe amounts of resources
transactions involved. and claims to resources at/during a
Moment in Time Period of Time
48. A decrease in net assets arising from a. Yes No
peripheral or incidental transactions is called b. Yes Yes
a(n) c. No Yes
a. capital expenditure. d. No No
b. cost.
c. loss. S54. Which of the following basic accounting
d. expense. assumptions is threatened by the existence of
severe inflation in the economy?
49. One of the elements of financial statements is a. Monetary unit assumption.
comprehensive income. As described in b. Periodicity assumption.
Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts c. Going-concern assumption.
No. 6, "Elements of Financial Statements," d. Economic entity assumption.
comprehensive income is equal to
a. revenues minus expenses plus gains S55. During the lifetime of an entity accountants
minus losses. produce financial statements at artificial
points in time in accordance with the concept c. The current-noncurrent classification of
of assets and liabilities is justifiable and
Objectivity Periodicity d. All of these.
a. No No
b. Yes No 63. Proponents of historical cost ordinarily
c. No Yes
maintain that in comparison with all other
d. Yes Yes valuation alternatives for general purpose
financial reporting, statements prepared
56. Under current GAAP, inflation is ignored in using historical costs are more
accounting due to the a. reliable.
a. economic entity assumption. b. relevant.
b. going concern assumption. c. indicative of the entity's purchasing
c. monetary unit assumption.
d. periodicity assumption. d. conservative.
57. The economic entity assumption 64. Valuing assets at their liquidation values
a. is inapplicable to unincorporated rather than their cost is inconsistent with the
businesses. a. periodicity assumption.
b. recognizes the legal aspects of business b. matching principle.
organizations. c. materiality constraint.
c. requires periodic income measurement. d. historical cost principle.
d. is applicable to all forms of business
65. Revenue is generally recognized when
realized or realizable and earned. This
58. Preparation of consolidated financial statement describes the
statements when a parent-subsidiary a. consistency characteristic.
relationship exists is an example of the b. matching principle.
a. economic entity assumption. c. revenue recognition principle.
b. relevance characteristic. d. relevance characteristic.
c. comparability characteristic.
d. neutrality characteristic. 66. Generally, revenue from sales should be
recognized at a point when
59. During the lifetime of an entity, accountants a. management decides it is appropriate to
produce financial statements at arbitrary do so.
points in time in accordance with which basic b. the product is available for sale to the
accounting concept? ultimate consumer.
a. Cost/benefit constraint c. the entire amount receivable has been
b. Periodicity assumption
collected from the customer and there
c. Conservatism constraint remains no further warranty liability.
d. Matching principle d. none of these.
60. What accounting concept justifies the usage 67. Revenue generally should be recognized
of accruals and deferrals? a. at the end of production.
a. Going concern assumption
b. at the time of cash collection.
b. Materiality constraint c. when realized.
c. Consistency characteristic d. when realized or realizable and
d. Monetary unit assumption earned.
61. The assumption that a business enterprise 68. Which of the following is not a time when
will not be sold or liquidated in the near future revenue may be recognized?
is known as the a. At time of sale
a. economic entity assumption. b. At receipt of cash
b. monetary unit assumption. c. During production
c. conservatism assumption. d. All of these are possible times of
d. none of these. revenue recognition.
62. Which of the following is an implication of the 69. Under Statement of Financial Accounting
going concern assumption? Concepts No. 5, which of the following, in the
a. The historical cost principle is credible. most precise sense, means the process of
b. Depreciation and amortization policies converting noncash resources and rights into
are justifiable and appropriate. cash or claims to cash?
a. Recognition a. Business reporting should exclude
b. Measurement information outside of management's
c. Realization expertise.
d. Allocation b. Management should not be required to
report information that would significantly
70. "When products (goods or services), harm the company's competitive
merchandise, or other assets are exchanged position.
for cash or claims to cash" is a definition of c. Management should not be required to
a. allocated. provide forecasted financial information.
b. realized. d. If needed by financial statement
c. realizable. users, management should gather
d. earned. information not included in the
financial statements that would
71. The allowance for doubtful accounts, which not otherwise be gathered for internal
appears as a deduction from accounts use.
receivable on a balance sheet and which is
based on an estimate of bad debts, is an 76. Under Statement of Financial Accounting
application of the Concepts No. 2, which of the following relates
a. consistency characteristic. to both relevance and reliability?
b. matching principle. a. Cost-benefit constraint
c. materiality constraint. b. Predictive value
d. revenue recognition principle. c. Verifiability
d. Representational faithfulness
72. The accounting principle of matching is best
demonstrated by 77. Charging off the cost of a wastebasket with an
a. not recognizing any expense unless estimated useful life of 10 years as an
some revenue is realized. expense of the period when purchased is an
b. associating effort (expense) with example of the application of the
accomplishment (revenue). a. consistency characteristic.
c. recognizing prepaid rent received as b. matching principle.
revenue. c. materiality constraint.
d. establishing an Appropriation for d. historical cost principle.
Contingencies account.
78. Which of the following statements about
73. Which of the following serves as the materiality is not correct?
justification for the periodic recording of a. An item must make a difference or it need
depreciation expense? not be disclosed.
a. Association of efforts (expense) with b. Materiality is a matter of relative size or
accomplishments (revenue) importance.
b. Systematic and rational allocation of c. An item is material if its inclusion or
cost over the periods benefited omission would influence or change the
c. Immediate recognition of an expense judgment of a reasonable person.
d. Minimization of income tax liability d. All of these are correct statements
about materiality.
74. Application of the full disclosure principle
a. is theoretically desirable but not practical 79. Which of the following are considered
because the costs of complete disclosure pervasive constraints by Statement of
exceed the benefits. Financial Accounting Concepts No. 2?
b. is violated when important financial a. Cost-benefit relationship and
information is buried in the notes to the conservatism
financial statements. b. Timeliness and feedback value
c. is demonstrated by the use of c. Conservatism and verifiability
supplementary information d. Materiality and cost-benefit
presenting the effects of changing relationship
prices. 80. The basic accounting concept that refers to
d. requires that the financial statements be the tendency of accountants to resolve
consistent and comparable. uncertainty in favor of understating assets
and revenues and overstating liabilities and
75. Which of the following statements expenses is known as the
concerning the cost-benefit relationship is a. conservatism constraint.
not true? b. materiality constraint.
c. substance over form principle.
d. industry practices constraint.

81. Which of the following best illustrates the

accounting concept of conservatism?
a. Use of the allowance method to
recognize bad debt losses from credit
b. Use of the lower of cost or market
approach in valuing inventories.
c. Use of the same accounting method from
one period to the next in computing
depreciation expense
d. Utilization of a policy of deliberate
understatement of asset values in order
to present a conservative net income

82. Trade-offs between the characteristics that

make information useful may be necessary or
beneficial. Issuance of interim financial
statements is an example of a trade-off
a. relevance and reliability.
b. reliability and periodicity.
c. timeliness and materiality.
d. understandability and timeliness.

83. Allowing firms to estimate rather than

physically count inventory at interim
(quarterly) periods is an example of a trade-
off between
a. verifiability and reliability.
b. reliability and comparability.
c. timeliness and verifiability.
d. neutrality and consistency.
P84. In matters of doubt and great uncertainty,
accounting issues should be resolved by
choosing the alternative that has the least
favorable effect on net income, assets, and
owners' equity. This guidance comes from
a. materiality constraint.
b. industry practices constraint.
c. conservatism constraint.
d. full disclosure principle.
18. Which of the following is a recordable event
or item?
THE ACCOUNTING INFORMATION a. Changes in managerial policy
SYSTEM b. The value of human resources
c. Changes in personnel
d. None of these
11. Factors that shape an accounting information 19. Which of the following is not an internal
system include the
a. nature of the business.
a. Depreciation
b. size of the firm.
b. Using raw materials in the production
c. volume of data to be handled.
d. all of these.
c. Dividend declaration and subsequent
12. Maintaining a set of accounting records is
d. All of these are internal transactions.
a. optional.
b. required by the Internal Revenue
20. An accounting record into which the essential
facts and figures in connection with all
c. required by the Foreign Corrupt Practices
transactions are initially recorded is called the
a. ledger.
d. required by the Internal Revenue
b. account.
Service and the Foreign Corrupt Practices
c. trial balance.
d. none of these.
13. Debit always means
21. The debit and credit analysis of a transaction
a. right side of an account.
normally takes place
b. increase. a. before an entry is recorded in a
c. decrease. journal.
d. none of these.
b. when the entry is posted to the ledger.
c. when the trial balance is prepared.
14. The double-entry accounting system means
d. at some other point in the accounting
a. Each transaction is recorded with two
journal entries.
b. Each item is recorded in a journal entry,
22. A trial balance
then in a general ledger account.
c. The dual effect of each transaction is a. proves that debits and credits are equal
recorded with a debit and a credit. in the ledger.
d. More than one of the above. b. supplies a listing of open accounts and
their balances that are used in preparing
15. When a corporation pays a note payable and financial statements.
interest, c. is normally prepared three times in the
a. the account notes payable will be accounting cycle.
d. all of these.
b. the account interest expense will be
c. they will debit notes payable and 23. A trial balance may prove that debits and
interest expense. credits are equal, but
d. they will debit cash. a. an amount could be entered in the wrong
16. Stockholders’ equity is not affected by all b. a transaction could have been entered
a. cash receipts. twice.
b. dividends.
c. a transaction could have been omitted.
c. revenues.
d. expenses. d. all of these.

17. Which of the following criteria must be met 24.Which of the following is a real (permanent)
before an event or item should be recorded account?
for accounting purposes? a. Goodwill
a. The event or item can be measured b. Sales
objectively in financial terms. c. Accounts Receivable
b. The event or item is relevant and reliable. d. Both Goodwill and Accounts
c. The event or item is an element. Receivable
d. All of these must be met.
25. Which of the following is a nominal c. before the balance sheet date, but dated
(temporary) account? as of the balance sheet date.
a. Unearned Revenue d. before the balance sheet date, and dated
b. Salary Expense after the balance sheet date.
c. Inventory
d. Retained Earnings 33. At the time a company prepays a cost
a. it debits an asset account to show the
26. Nominal accounts are also called service or benefit it will receive in the
a. temporary accounts. future.
b. permanent accounts. b. it debits an expense account to match the
c. real accounts. expense against revenues earned.
d. none of these. c. its credits a liability account to show the
obligation to pay for the service in the future.
27. External events do not include d. more than one of the above.
a. interaction between an entity and its
environment. 34. How do these prepaid expenses expire?
b. a change in the price of a good or service
that an entity buys or sells, a flood or Rent
earthquake. Supplies
c. improvement in technology by a a. With the passage of
competitor. time
d. using buildings and machinery in
operations. Through use and consumption
b. With the passage of
28. A general journal time With the passage of time
a. chronologically lists transactions and c. Through use and
other events, expressed in terms of consumption
debits and credits. Through use and consumption
b. contains one record for each of the asset, d. Through use and
liability, stockholders’ equity, revenue, consumption
and expense accounts. With the passage of time
c. lists all the increases and decreases in
each account in one place. 35. Recording the adjusting entry for depreciation
d. contains only adjusting entries. has the same effect as recording the adjusting
entry for
29. A journal entry to record the sale of inventory a. an unearned revenue.
on account will include a b. a prepaid expense.
a. debit to inventory. c. an accrued revenue.
b. debit to accounts receivable. d. an accrued expense.
c. debit to sales.
d. credit to cost of goods sold. 36. Unearned revenue on the books of one
company is likely to be
30. A journal entry to record a payment on a. a prepaid expense on the books of the
account will include a company that made the advance payment.
a. debit to accounts receivable. b. an unearned revenue on the books of
b. credit to accounts receivable. the company that made the advance
c. debit to accounts payable. payment.
d. credit to accounts payable. c. an accrued expense on the books of the
company that made the advance payment.
31. A journal entry to record a receipt of rent d. an accrued revenue on the books of the
revenue in advance will include a company that made the advance payment.
a. debit to rent revenue.
b. credit to rent revenue.
c. credit to cash.
d. credit to unearned rent.

32. Adjustments are often prepared

a. after the balance sheet date, but dated
as of the balance sheet date.
b. after the balance sheet date, and dated
after the balance sheet date.
37.To compute interest expense for an adjusting 42. When an item of revenue is collected and
entry, the formula is principal X rate X a recorded in advance, it is normally called a(n)
fraction. The numerator and denominator of ___________ revenue.
the fraction are: a. accrued
b. prepaid
Numerator Denomintor c. unearned
a. Length of time note has been d. cash
12 months 43. An accrued expense can best be described
b. Length of as an amount
note 12 months a. paid and currently matched with
c. Length of time until note earnings.
matures b. paid and not currently matched with
Length of note earnings.
d. Length of time note has been outstanding c. not paid and not currently matched with
Length of note earnings.
d. not paid and currently matched with
38. Adjusting entries are necessary to earnings.
1. obtain a proper matching of 44. If, during an accounting period, an expense
revenue and expense. item has been incurred and consumed but not
yet paid for or recorded, then the end-of-
2. achieve an accurate
period adjusting entry would involve
statement of assets and equities. a. a liability account and an asset account.
3. adjust assets and liabilities b. an asset or contra asset account and an
to their fair market value. expense account.
a. 1 c. a liability account and an expense
b. 2 account.
c. 3 d. a receivable account and a revenue
d. 1 and 2 account.

45. Which of the following must be considered in

39. Why are certain costs of doing business
estimating depreciation on an asset for an
capitalized when incurred and then accounting period?
depreciated or amortized over subsequent a. The original cost of the asset
accounting cycles? b. Its useful life
a. To reduce the federal income tax liability c. The decline of its fair market value
b. To aid management in cash-flow analysis d. Both the original cost of the asset and
c. To match the costs of production with its useful life.
revenues as earned
46. Which of the following would not be a correct
d. To adhere to the accounting constraint of
form for an adjusting entry?
conservatism a. A debit to a revenue and a credit to a
40. When an item of expense is paid and b. A debit to an expense and a credit to a
recorded in advance, it is normally called a(n) liability
a. prepaid expense. c. A debit to a liability and a credit to a
b. accrued expense. revenue
c. estimated expense. d. A debit to an asset and a credit to a
d. cash expense.
47. Year-end net assets would be overstated and
41. When an item of revenue or expense has current expenses would be understated as a
been earned or incurred but not yet collected result of failure to record which of the
or paid, it is normally called a(n) following adjusting entries?
____________ revenue or expense. a. Expiration of prepaid insurance
a. prepaid b. Depreciation of fixed assets
b. adjusted c. Accrued wages payable
d. All of these
c. estimated
d. none of these 48. A prepaid expense can best be described as
an amount
a. paid and currently matched with c. Credited
revenues. Debited
b. paid and not currently matched with d. Credited
revenues. Credited
c. not paid and currently matched with
revenues. 54. If the inventory account at the end of the year
d. not paid and not currently matched with is understated, the effect will be to
revenues. a. overstate the gross profit on sales.
b. understate the net purchases.
49. An accrued revenue can best be described as c. overstate the cost of goods sold.
an amount d. overstate the goods available for sale.
a. collected and currently matched with
expenses. *55. Under the cash basis of accounting, revenues
b. collected and not currently matched with are recorded
expenses. a. when they are earned and realized.
c. not collected and currently matched b. when they are earned and realizable.
with expenses. c. when they are earned.
d. not collected and not currently matched d. when they are realized.
with expenses.
*56. When converting from cash basis to accrual
50. An unearned revenue can best be described basis accounting, which of the following
as an amount
adjustments should be made to cash receipts
a. collected and currently matched with
expenses. from customers to determine accrual basis
b. collected and not currently matched service revenue?
with expenses. a. Subtract ending accounts receivable.
c. not collected and currently matched with b. Subtract beginning unearned service
expenses. revenue.
d. not collected and not currently matched c. Add ending accounts receivable.
with expenses. d. Add cash sales.
51. An adjusted trial balance
*57. When converting from cash basis to accrual
a. is prepared after the financial statements
are completed. basis accounting, which of the following
b. proves the equality of the total debit adjustments should be made to cash paid for
balances and total credit balances of operating expenses to determine accrual
ledger accounts after all adjustments basis operating expenses?
have been made. a. Add beginning accrued liabilities.
c. is a required financial statement under b. Add beginning prepaid expense.
generally accepted accounting principles. c. Subtract ending prepaid expense.
d. cannot be used to prepare financial
d. Subtract interest expense.

52. Which type of account is always debited

during the closing process? *58. Reversing entries are
a. Dividends. 1. normally prepared for
b. Expense. prepaid, accrued, and estimated items.
c. Revenue. 2. necessary to achieve a
d. Retained earnings. proper matching of revenue and expense.
3. desirable to exercise
53. When a company uses a periodic inventory consistency and establish standardized
system, the year-end entry to adjust the procedures.
inventory account will debit and credit a. 1
inventory as follows: b. 2
Beginning Inventory c. 3
Amount d. 1 and 2
Ending Inventory Amount
a. Debited *59. Adjusting entries that should be reversed
Credited include those for prepaid or unearned items
b. Debited that
Debited a. create an asset or a liability account.
b. were originally entered in a revenue or
expense account.
c. were originally entered in an asset or
liability account.
d. create an asset or a liability account
and were originally entered in a
revenue or expense account.

*60. Adjusting entries that should be reversed

a. all accrued revenues.
b. all accrued expenses.
c. those that debit an asset or credit a
d. all of these.
26. The single-step income statement
INCOME STATEMENT AND RELATED a. the gross profit figure.
INFORMATION b. total revenues and total expenses.
c. extraordinary items and accounting
changes more than these are
emphasized in the multiple-step income
d. the various components of income from
21. The major elements of the income statement continuing operations.
a. revenue, cost of goods sold, selling 27. Which of the following is an acceptable
expenses, and general expense. method of presenting the income statement?
b. operating section, nonoperating section, a. A single-step income statement
discontinued operations, extraordinary b. A multiple-step income statement
items, and cumulative effect. c. A consolidated statement of income
c. revenues, expenses, gains, and d. All of these
d. all of these. 28. Which of the following is not a generally
practiced method of presenting the income
22. Information in the income statement helps statement?
users to a. Including prior period adjustments in
a. evaluate the past performance of the determining net income
enterprise. b. The single-step income statement
b. provide a basis for predicting future c. The consolidated statement of income
performance. d. Including gains and losses from
c. help assess the risk or uncertainty of discontinued operations of a component
achieving future cash flows. of a business in determining net income
d. all of these.
29. The occurrence which most likely would have
23. Limitations of the income statement include no effect on 2007 net income (assuming that
all of the following except all amounts involved are material) is the
a. items that cannot be measured reliably a. sale in 2007 of an office building
are not reported. contributed by a stockholder in 1983.
b. only actual amounts are reported in b. collection in 2007 of a receivable from
determining net income. a customer whose account was
c. income measurement involves judgment. written off in 2006 by a charge to the
d. income numbers are affected by the allowance account.
accounting methods employed. c. settlement based on litigation in 2007 of
previously unrecognized damages from
S24. Which of the following would represent the a serious accident which occurred in
least likely use of an income statement 2005.
prepared for a business enterprise? d. worthlessness determined in 2007 of
a. Use by customers to determine a stock purchased on a speculative basis
company's ability to provide needed in 2003.
goods and services.
b. Use by labor unions to examine earnings The occurrence that most likely would have
closely as a basis for salary discussions. no effect on 2007 net income is the
c. Use by government agencies to a. sale in 2007 of an office building
formulate tax and economic policy. contributed by a stockholder in 1961.
d. Use by investors interested in the b. collection in 2007 of a dividend from an
financial position of the entity. investment.
S25. c. correction of an error in the financial
The income statement reveals
a. resources and equities of a firm at a statements of a prior period
point in time. discovered subsequent to their
b. resources and equities of a firm for a issuance.
period of time. d. stock purchased in 1993 deemed
c. net earnings (net income) of a firm at worthless in 2007.
a point in time.
d. net earnings (net income) of a firm P31. Which of the following is not a selling expense?
for a period of time. a. Advertising expense
b. Office salaries expense b. Only if the flood damage is material in
c. Freight-out amount and could have been reduced by
d. Store supplies consumed prudent management.
c. Under any circumstances as an
extraordinary item.
P32. The accountant for the Orion Sales Company d. Flood damage should never be classified
is preparing the income statement for 2007 as an extraordinary item.
and the balance sheet at December 31, 2007.
The January 1, 2007 merchandise inventory 37. An item that should be classified as an
balance will appear extraordinary item is
a. only as an asset on the balance sheet. a. write-off of goodwill.
b. only in the cost of goods sold section b. gains from transactions involving foreign
of the income statement. currencies.
c. as a deduction in the cost of goods sold c. losses from moving a plant to another
section of the income statement and as a city.
current asset on the balance sheet. d. gains from a company selling the only
d. as an addition in the cost of goods sold investment it has ever owned.
section of the income statement and as a
current asset on the balance sheet. 38. How should an unusual event not meeting the
criteria for an extraordinary item be disclosed
33. In order to be classified as an extraordinary in the financial statements?
item in the income statement, an event or a. Shown as a separate item in operating
transaction should be revenues or expenses if material and
a. unusual in nature, infrequent, and supple-mented by a footnote if
material in amount. deemed appropriate.
b. unusual in nature and infrequent, but it b. Shown in operating revenues or expenses
need not be material. if material but not shown as a separate
c. infrequent and material in amount, but it item.
need not be unusual in nature. c. Shown net of income tax after ordinary
d. unusual in nature and material, but it net earnings but before extraordinary
need not be infrequent. items.
d. Shown net of income tax after
34. Classification as an extraordinary item on the extraordinary items but before net
income statement would be appropriate for earnings.
the 39. Which of the following is a change in
a. gain or loss on disposal of a component accounting principle?
of the business. a. A change in the estimated service life of
b. substantial write-off of obsolete machinery
inventories. b. A change from FIFO to LIFO
c. loss from a strike. c. A change from straight-line to double-
d. none of these. declining-balance
d. A change from FIFO to LIFO and a
35. Which of these is generally an example of an change from straight-line to double-
extraordinary item? declining- balance
a. Loss incurred because of a strike by
employees. 40. Which of the following is never classified as
b. Write-off of deferred marketing costs an extraordinary item?
believed to have no future benefit. a. Losses from a major casualty.
c. Gain resulting from the devaluation of the b. Losses from an expropriation of assets.
U.S. dollar. c. Gain on a sale of the only security
d. Gain resulting from the state investment a company has ever owned.
exercising its right of eminent domain d. Losses from exchange or translation
on a piece of land used as a parking of foreign currencies.

36. Under which of the following conditions would

material flood damage be considered an
extraordinary item for financial reporting 41. Which of the following is a required disclosure
purposes? in the income statement when reporting the
a. Only if floods in the geographical area disposal of a component of the business?
are unusual in nature and occur a. The gain or loss on disposal should be
infrequently. reported as an extraordinary item.
b. Results of operations of a discontinued d. extraordinary items and prior period
component should be disclosed adjustments.
immediately below extraordinary items.
c. Earnings per share from both P47. A correction of an error in prior periods'
continuing operations and net income income will be reported
should be disclosed on the face of the
income statement. In the income statement Net of tax
d. The gain or loss on disposal should not be a. Yes Yes
segregated, but should be reported b. No No
together with the results of continuing c. Yes No
d. No Yes

42. When a company discontinues an operation 48. Which of the following items will not appear in
and disposes of the discontinued operation the retained earnings statement?
(component), the transaction should be a. Net loss
included in the income statement as a gain or b. Prior period adjustment
c. Discontinued operations
loss on disposal reported as
a. a prior period adjustment. d. Dividends
b. an extraordinary item.
c. an amount after continuing 49. Which one of the following types of losses is
operations and before extraordinary excluded from the determination of net
items. income in income statements?
d. a bulk sale of plant assets included in a. Material losses resulting from
income from continuing operations. transactions in the company's
investments account.
43. Income taxes are allocated to b. Material losses resulting from unusual
a. extraordinary items. sales of assets not acquired for resale.
b. discontinued operations. c. Material losses resulting from the write-
c. prior period adjustments. off of intangibles.
d. all of these. d. Material losses resulting from
correction of errors related to prior
44. Which of the following is true about
intraperiod tax allocation?
a. It arises because certain revenue and 50. Shank Corporation made a very large
expense items appear in the income arithmetical error in the preparation of its
statement either before or after they are year-end financial statements by improper
included in the tax return. placement of a decimal point in the calculation
b. It is required for extraordinary items and of depreciation. The error caused the net
cumulative effect of accounting changes income to be reported at almost double the
but not for prior period adjustments. proper amount. Correction of the error when
c. Its purpose is to allocate income tax discovered in the next year should be treated
expense evenly over a number of as
accounting periods. a. an increase in depreciation expense for
d. Its purpose is to relate the income tax the year in which the error is discovered.
expense to the items which affect the b. a component of income for the year in
amount of tax. which the error is discovered, but
separately listed on the income
45. A material item which is unusual in nature or statement and fully explained in a note to
infrequent in occurrence, but not both should the financial statements.
be shown in the income statement c. an extraordinary item for the year in
which the error was made.
Net of Tax Disclosed Separately d. a prior period adjustment.
a. No No 51. Comprehensive income includes all of the
b. Yes Yes following except
c. No Yes a. dividend revenue.
d. Yes No b. losses on disposal of assets.
c. investments by owners.
S46. Earnings per share should always be shown d. unrealized holding gains.
separately for
a. net income and gross margin. 52. The approach most companies use to provide
b. net income and pretax income. information related to the components of
c. income before extraordinary items. other comprehensive income is a
a. second separate income statement.
b. combined income statement of
comprehensive income.
c. separate column in the statement of
changes in stockholders’ equity.
d. footnote disclosure.
CHAPTER 5 a. Cash, accounts receivable, prepaid
items, inventories.
b. Cash, accounts receivable,
BALANCE SHEET AND STATEMENT inventories, prepaid items.
OF CASH FLOWS c. Cash, inventories, accounts receivable,
prepaid items.
d. Cash, inventories, prepaid items,
21. Which of the following is a limitation of the accounts receivable.
balance sheet?
a. Many items that are of financial value are 28. The basis for classifying assets as current or
omitted. noncurrent is conversion to cash within
b. Judgments and estimates are used. a. the accounting cycle or one year,
c. Current fair value is not reported. whichever is shorter.
d. All of these b. the operating cycle or one year,
whichever is longer.
22. The balance sheet is useful for analyzing all c. the accounting cycle or one year,
of the following except whichever is longer.
a. liquidity. d. the operating cycle or one year,
b. solvency. whichever is shorter.
c. profitability.
d. financial flexibility. 29. The basis for classifying assets as current or
noncurrent is the period of time normally
S23. The balance sheet contributes to financial required by the accounting entity to convert
reporting by providing a basis for all of the cash invested in
following except a. inventory back into cash, or 12 months,
a. computing rates of return. whichever is shorter.
b. evaluating the capital structure of the b. receivables back into cash, or 12 months,
enterprise. whichever is longer.
c. determining the increase in cash due c. tangible fixed assets back into cash, or
to operations. 12 months, whichever is longer.
d. assessing the liquidity and financial d. inventory back into cash, or 12
flexibility of the enterprise. months, whichever is longer.

S24. One criticism not normally aimed at a balance 30. The current assets section of the balance
sheet prepared using current accounting and sheet should include
reporting standards is a. machinery.
a. failure to reflect current value b. patents.
information. c. goodwill.
b. the extensive use of separate d. inventory.
c. an extensive use of estimates. 31. Which of the following is a current asset?
d. failure to include items of financial value a. Cash surrender value of a life insurance
that cannot be recorded objectively. policy of which the company is the bene-
b. Investment in equity securities for the
P25. The amount of time that is expected to elapse purpose of controlling the issuing
until an asset is realized or otherwise company.
converted into cash is referred to as c. Cash designated for the purchase of
a. solvency. tangible fixed assets.
b. financial flexibility. d. Trade installment receivables
c. liquidity. normally collectible in 18 months.
d. exchangeability.
32. Which of the following should not be
26. The net assets of a business are equal to considered as a current asset in the balance
a. current assets minus current liabilities. sheet?
b. total assets plus total liabilities. a. Installment notes receivable due over 18
c. total assets minus total stockholders' months in accordance with normal trade
equity. practice.
d. none of these. b. Prepaid taxes which cover assessments
of the following operating cycle of the
27. The correct order to present current assets is business.
c. Equity or debt securities purchased with 39. An example of an item which is not an
cash available for current operations. element of working capital is
d. The cash surrender value of a life a. accrued interest on notes receivable.
insurance policy carried by a b. goodwill.
corporation, the beneficiary, on its c. goods in process.
president. d. temporary investments.

33. Equity or debt securities held to finance future 40. Long-term liabilities include
construction of additional plants should be a. obligations not expected to be liquidated
classified on a balance sheet as within the operating cycle.
a. current assets. b. obligations payable at some date beyond
b. property, plant, and equipment. the operating cycle.
c. intangible assets. c. deferred income taxes and most lease
d. long-term investments. obligations.
d. all of these.
34. When a portion of inventories has been
pledged as security on a loan, 41. Which of the following should be excluded
a. the value of the portion pledged should from long-term liabilities?
be subtracted from the debt. a. Obligations payable at some date
b. an equal amount of retained earnings beyond the operating cycle
should be appropriated. b. Most pension obligations
c. the fact should be disclosed but the c. Long-term liabilities that mature within
amount of current assets should not the operating cycle and will be paid from
be affected. a sinking fund
d. the cost of the pledged inventories d. None of these
should be transferred from current assets
to noncurrent assets. 42. Treasury stock should be reported as a(n)
a. current asset.
35. Which of the following is not a long-term b. investment.
investment? c. other asset.
a. Cash surrender value of life insurance d. reduction of stockholders' equity.
b. Franchise
c. Land held for speculation 43. Which of the following should be reported for
d. A sinking fund capital stock?
a. The shares authorized
36. A generally accepted method of valuation is b. The shares issued
1. trading securities at market c. The shares outstanding
value. d. All of these
2. accounts receivable at net
realizable value. 44. Which of the following would be classified in a
3. inventories at current cost. different major section of a balance sheet
a. 1 from the others?
b. 2 a. Capital stock
c. 3 b. Common stock subscribed
d. 1 and 2 c. Stock dividend distributable
d. Stock investment in affiliate
37. Which item below is not a current liability?
a. Unearned revenue 45. The stockholders' equity section is usually
b. Stock dividends distributable divided into what three parts?
c. The currently maturing portion of long- a. Preferred stock, common stock, treasury
term debt stock
d. Trade accounts payable b. Preferred stock, common stock, retained
38. Working capital is c. Capital stock, additional paid-in
a. capital which has been reinvested in the capital, retained earnings
business. d. Capital stock, appropriated retained
b. unappropriated retained earnings. earnings, unappropriated retained
c. cash and receivables less current earnings
d. none of these. 46. Which of the following is not an acceptable
major asset classification?
a. Current assets
b. Long-term investments 54. The financial statement which summarizes
c. Property, plant, and equipment operating, investing, and financing activities
d. Deferred charges of an entity for a period of time is the
a. retained earnings statement.
P47. Which of the following is a contra account? b. income statement.
a. Premium on bonds payable c. statement of cash flows.
b. Unearned revenue d. statement of financial position.
c. Patents
d. Accumulated depreciation S55. The statement of cash flows provides
answers to all of the following questions
S48. except
Which of the following balance sheet
classifications would normally require the a. Where did the cash come from during the
greatest amount of supplementary period?
disclosure? b. What was the cash used for during the
a. Current assets period?
b. Current liabilities c. What is the impact of inflation on the
c. Plant assets cash balance at the end of the year?
d. Long-term liabilities d. What was the change in the cash
balance during the period?
49. Which of the following is not a method of
disclosing pertinent information? 56. Making and collecting loans and disposing of
a. Supporting schedules property, plant, and equipment are
b. Parenthetical explanations a. operating activities.
c. Cross reference and contra items b. investing activities.
d. All of these are methods of disclosing c. financing activities.
pertinent information. d. liquidity activities.

50. Significant accounting policies may not be 57. In preparing a statement of cash flows, sale of
a. selected on the basis of judgment. treasury stock at an amount greater than cost
b. selected from existing acceptable would be classified as a(n)
alternatives. a. operating activity.
c. unusual or innovative in application. b. financing activity.
d. omitted from financial-statement c. extraordinary activity.
disclosure. d. investing activity.

51. A general description of the depreciation 58. In preparing a statement of cash flows, cash
methods applicable to major classes of flows from operating activities
depreci-able assets a. are always equal to accrual accounting
a. is not a current practice in financial income.
reporting. b. are calculated as the difference between
b. is not essential to a fair presentation of revenues and expenses.
financial position. c. can be calculated by appropriately
c. is needed in financial reporting when adding to or deducting from net
company policy differs from income tax income those items in the income
policy. statement that do not affect cash.
d. should be included in corporate d. can be calculated by appropriately
financial statements or notes thereto. adding to or deducting from net income
those items in the income statement that
52. It is mandatory that the essential provisions of do affect cash.
which of the following be clearly stated in the
notes to the financial statements? 59. In preparing a statement of cash flows, which
a. Stock option plans of the following transactions would be
b. Pension obligations considered an investing activity?
c. Lease contracts a. Sale of equipment at book value
d. All of these b. Sale of merchandise on credit
c. Declaration of a cash dividend
53. A generally accepted account title is d. Issuance of bonds payable at a discount
a. Prepaid Revenue.
b. Appropriation for Contingencies. 60. Preparing the statement of cash flows
c Earned Surplus. involves all of the following except
d. Reserve for Doubtful Accounts. determining the
a. cash provided by operations.
b. cash provided by or used in investing and
financing activities.
c. change in cash during the period.
d. cash collections from customers
during the period.

61. The cash debt coverage ratio is computed by

dividing net cash provided by operating
activities by
a. average long-term liabilities.
b. average total liabilities.
c. ending long-term liabilities.
d. ending total liabilities.

62. The current cash debt coverage ratio is often

used to assess
a. financial flexibility.
b. liquidity.
c. profitability.
d. solvency.
63. A measure of a company’s financial flexibility
is the
a. cash debt coverage ratio.
b. current cash debt coverage ratio.
c. free cash flow.
d. cash debt coverage ratio and free
cash flow.

64. Free cash flow is calculated as net cash

provided by operating activities less
a. capital expenditures.
b. dividends.
c. capital expenditures and dividends.
d. capital expenditures and depreciation.
S65. One of the benefits of the statement of cash
flows is that it helps users evaluate financial
flexibility. Which of the following explanations
is a description of financial flexibility?
a. The nearness to cash of assets and
b. The firm's ability to respond and adapt to
financial adversity and unexpected
needs and opportunities.
c. The firm's ability to pay its debts as they
d. The firm's ability to invest in a number of
projects with different objectives and
P66. Net cash provided by operating activities
divided by average total liabilities equals the
a. current cash debt coverage ratio.
b. cash debt coverage ratio.
c. free cash flow.
d. current ratio.
26. Which table would show the largest factor for
an interest rate of 8% for five periods?
ACCOUNTING AND THE TIME VALUE a. Future value of an ordinary annuity of 1
OF MONEY b. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1
c. Future value of an annuity due of 1
d. Present value of an annuity due of 1
21.Which of the following transactions would require
the use of the present value of an annuity due 27. Which of the following tables would show the
concept in order to calculate the present value smallest factor for an interest rate of 10% for
of the asset obtained or liability owed at the six periods?
date of incurrence? a. Future value of an ordinary annuity of 1
a. A capital lease is entered into with the b. Present value of an ordinary annuity
initial lease payment due upon the of 1
c. Future value of an annuity due of 1
signing of the lease agreement.
d. Present value of an annuity due of 1
b. A capital lease is entered into with the
initial lease payment due one month 28. The figure .94232 is taken from the column
subse-quent to the signing of the lease marked 2% and the row marked three periods
agreement. in a certain interest table. From what interest
c. A ten-year 8% bond is issued on January table is this figure taken?
2 with interest payable semiannually on a. Future value of 1
July 1 and January 1 yielding 7%. b. Future value of annuity of 1
d. A ten-year 8% bond is issued on January c. Present value of 1
2 with interest payable semiannually on d. Present value of annuity of 1
July 1 and January 1 yielding 9%. S29. Which of the following tables would show the
22. Which of the following tables would show the largest value for an interest rate of 10% for 8
smallest value for an interest rate of 5% for six periods?
periods? a. Future amount of 1 table.
a. Future value of 1 b. Present value of 1 table.
b. Present value of 1 c. Future amount of an ordinary annuity
c. Future value of an ordinary annuity of 1 of 1 table.
d. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 d. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1
23. Which table would you use to determine how S30.
much you would need to have deposited three On June 1, 2006, Walsh Company sold some
years ago at 10% compounded annually in equipment to Fischer Company. The two
order to have $1,000 today? companies entered into an installment sales
a. Future value of 1 or present value of 1 contract at a rate of 8%. The contract
b. Future value of an annuity due of 1 required 8 equal annual payments with the
c. Future value of an ordinary annuity of 1 first payment due on June 1, 2006. What type
d. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 of compound interest table is appropriate for
this situation?
24. Which table would you use to determine how a. Present value of an annuity due of 1
much must be deposited now in order to table.
provide for 5 annual withdrawals at the b. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1
beginning of each year, starting one year table.
hence? c. Future amount of an ordinary annuity of
a. Future value of an ordinary annuity of 1 1 table.
b. Future value of an annuity due of 1 d. Future amount of 1 table.
c. Present value of an annuity due of 1
d. None of these 31. Which of the following transactions would
best use the present value of an annuity due
25. Which table has a factor of 1.00000 for 1 of 1 table?
period at every interest rate? a. Diamond Bar, Inc. rents a truck for 5
a. Future value of 1 years with annual rental payments of
b. Present value of 1 $20,000 to be made at the beginning of
c. Future value of an ordinary annuity of each year.
1 b. Michener Co. rents a warehouse for 7
d. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 years with annual rental payments of
$120,000 to be made at the end of each
year. 36. If the number of periods is known, the interest
c. Durant, Inc. borrows $20,000 and has
rate is determined by
agreed to pay back the principal plus a. dividing the future value by the
interest in three years. present value and looking for the
d. Babbitt, Inc. wants to deposit a lump sum quotient in the future value of 1 table.
to accumulate $50,000 for the
b. dividing the future value by the present
construction of a new parking lot in 4 value and looking for the quotient in the
years. present value of 1 table.
P32. c. dividing the present value by the future
A series of equal receipts at equal intervals of
value and looking for the quotient in the
time when each receipt is received at the future value of 1 table.
beginning of each time period is called an d. multiplying the present value by the
a. ordinary annuity.
future value and looking for the product
b. annuity in arrears.
in the present value of 1 table.
c. annuity due.
d. unearned receipt.
37. Present value is
P33. In the time diagram below, which concept is a. the value now of a future amount.
being depicted? b. the amount that must be invested now to
produce a known future value.
c. always smaller than the future value.
d. all of these.

0 1 2 3 4 Which of the following statements is true?
$ $ $ $ a. The higher the discount rate, the higher
1 1 1 1 the present value.
b. The process of accumulating interest on
PV interest is referred to as discounting.
c. If money is worth 10% compounded
a. Present value of an ordinary annuity annually, $1,100 due one year from
b. Present value of an annuity due today is equivalent to $1,000 today.
c. Future value of an ordinary annuity d. If a single sum is due on December 31,
d. Future value of an annuity due 2010, the present value of that sum
decreases as the date draws closer to
P34. On December 1, 2007, Michael Hess December 31, 2010.
Company sold some machinery to Shawn P39
Keling Company. The two companies entered If the interest rate is 10%, the factor for the
into an installment sales contract at a future value of annuity due of 1 for n = 5, i =
predetermined interest rate. The contract 10% is equal to the factor for the future value
required four equal annual payments with the of an ordinary annuity of 1 for n = 5, i = 10%
first payment due on December 1, 2007, the a. plus 1.10.
date of the sale. What present value concept b. minus 1.10.
is appropriate for this situation? c. multiplied by 1.10.
a. Future amount of an annuity of 1 for four d. divided by 1.10.
b. Future amount of 1 for four periods 40. Which of the following is true?
c. Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 a. Rents occur at the beginning of each
for four periods period of an ordinary annuity.
d. Present value of an annuity due of 1 b. Rents occur at the end of each period of
for four periods. an annuity due.
c. Rents occur at the beginning of each
period of an annuity due.
35. An amount is deposited for eight years at
d. None of these.
8%. If compounding occurs quarterly, then
the table value is found at 41. Which statement is false?
a. 8% for eight periods. a. The factor for the future value of an
b. 2% for eight periods. annuity due is found by multiplying the
c. 8% for 32 periods. ordinary annuity table value by one plus
d. 2% for 32 periods. the interest rate.
b. The factor for the present value of an
annuity due is found by multiplying
the ordinary annuity table value by a. the present value of the annuity due is
one minus the interest rate. less than the present value of the
c. The factor for the future value of an ordinary annuity.
annuity due is found by subtracting b. the present value of the annuity due is
1.00000 from the ordinary annuity table greater than the present value of the
value for one more period. ordinary annuity.
d. The factor for the present value of an c. the future value of the annuity due is
annuity due is found by adding 1.00000 equal to the future value of the ordinary
to the ordinary annuity table value for one annuity.
less period. d. the future value of the annuity due is less
than the future value of the ordinary
42. Ed Sloan wants to withdraw $20,000 annuity.
(including principal) from an investment fund
46. Which of the following is false?
at the end of each year for five years. How
a. The future value of a deferred annuity is
should he compute his required initial the same as the future value of an
investment at the beginning of the first year if annuity not deferred.
the fund earns 10% compounded annually? b. A deferred annuity is an annuity in which the
a. $20,000 times the future value of a 5- rents begin after a specified number of
year, 10% ordinary annuity of 1. periods.
b. $20,000 divided by the future value of a c. To compute the present value of a
5-year, 10% ordinary annuity of 1. deferred annuity, we compute the
c. $20,000 times the present value of a 5- present value of an ordinary annuity of 1
year, 10% ordinary annuity of 1. for the entire period and subtract the
d. $20,000 divided by the present value of a present value of the rents which were not
5-year, 10% ordinary annuity of 1. received during the deferral period.
d. If the first rent is received at the end of
43. Ann Ruth wants to invest a certain sum of the sixth period, it means the ordinary
money at the end of each year for five years. annuity is deferred for six periods.
The investment will earn 6% compounded
annually. At the end of five years, she will
need a total of $40,000 accumulated. How
should she compute her required annual
a. $40,000 times the future value of a 5-
year, 6% ordinary annuity of 1.
b. $40,000 divided by the future value of
a 5-year, 6% ordinary annuity of 1.
c. $40,000 times the present value of a 5-
year, 6% ordinary annuity of 1.
d. $40,000 divided by the present value of a
5-year, 6% ordinary annuity of 1.

44. An accountant wishes to find the present

value of an annuity of $1 payable at the
beginning of each period at 10% for eight
periods. The accountant has only one
present value table which shows the present
value of an annuity of $1 payable at the end
of each period. To compute the present
value, the accountant would use the present
value factor in the 10% column for
a. seven periods.
b. eight periods and multiply by (1 + .10).
c. eight periods.
d. nine periods and multiply by (1 – .10).

45. If an annuity due and an ordinary annuity

have the same number of equal payments
and the same interest rates, then
CHAPTER 7 b. if legally restricted and held against
short-term credit may be included as
CASH AND RECEIVABLES c. if legally restricted and held against long-
term credit may be included among
21. Which of the following is not considered cash current assets.
for financial reporting purposes? d. none of these.
a. Petty cash funds and change funds
b. Money orders, certified checks, and 28. The category "trade receivables" includes
personal checks a. advances to officers and employees.
c. Coin, currency, and available funds b. income tax refunds receivable.
d. Postdated checks and I.O.U.'s c. claims against insurance companies for
casualties sustained.
22. Which of the following is considered cash? d. none of these.
a. Certificates of deposit (CDs)
b. Money market checking accounts 29. Which of the following should be recorded in
c. Money market savings certificates Accounts Receivable?
d. Postdated checks a. Receivables from officers
b. Receivables from subsidiaries
23. Travel advances should be reported as c. Dividends receivable
a. supplies. d. None of these
b. cash because they represent the S30.
equivalent of money. What is the preferable presentation of
c. investments. accounts receivable from officers,
d. none of these. employees, or affiliated companies on a
balance sheet?
P24. Which of the following items should not be a. As offsets to capital.
included in the Cash caption on the balance b. By means of footnotes only.
sheet? c. As assets but separately from other
a. Coins and currency in the cash register receivables.
b. Checks from other parties presently in d. As trade notes and accounts receivable if
the cash register they otherwise qualify as current assets.
c. Amounts on deposit in checking account S31.
at the bank When a customer purchases merchandise
d. Postage stamps on hand inventory from a business organization, she
may be given a discount which is designed to
S25. A cash equivalent is a short-term, highly liquid induce prompt payment. Such a discount is
investment that is readily convertible into called a(n)
known amounts of cash and a. trade discount.
a. is acceptable as a means to pay current b. nominal discount.
liabilities. c. enhancement discount.
b. has a current market value that is greater d. cash discount.
than its original cost P32.
c. bears an interest rate that is at least Trade discounts are
equal to the prime rate of interest at the a. not recorded in the accounts; rather they
date of liquidation. are a means of computing a price.
d. is so near its maturity that it presents b. used to avoid frequent changes in
insignificant risk of changes in catalogues.
interest rates. c. used to quote different prices for different
quantities purchased.
26. Bank overdrafts, if material, should be d. all of the above.
a. reported as a deduction from the current
asset section. 33. If a company employs the gross method of
b. reported as a deduction from cash. recording accounts receivable from
c. netted against cash and a net cash customers, then sales discounts taken should
amount reported. be reported as
d. reported as a current liability. a. a deduction from sales in the income
27. Deposits held as compensating balances b. an item of "other expense" in the income
a. usually do not earn interest. statement.
c. a deduction from accounts receivable in a. gives a reasonably correct statement
determining the net realizable value of of receivables in the balance sheet.
accounts receivable. b. best relates bad debt expense to the
d. sales discounts forfeited in the cost of period of sale.
goods sold section of the income c. is the only generally accepted method for
statement. valuing accounts receivable.
34. Assuming that the ideal measure of short- d. makes estimates of uncollectible
term receivables in the balance sheet is the accounts unnecessary.
discounted value of the cash to be received in
the future, failure to follow this practice usually 39. At the beginning of 2006, Finney Company
does not make the balance sheet misleading received a three-year zero-interest-bearing
because $1,000 trade note. The market rate for
a. most short-term receivables are not equivalent notes was 8% at that time. Finney
interest-bearing. reported this note as a $1,000 trade note
b. the allowance for uncollectible accounts receivable on its 2006 year-end statement of
includes a discount element. financial position and $1,000 as sales
c. the amount of the discount is not revenue for 2006. What effect did this
material. accounting for the note have on Finney's net
d. most receivables can be sold to a bank earnings for 2006, 2007, 2008, and its
or factor. retained earnings at the end of 2008,
35. Which of the following methods of a. Overstate, overstate, understate, zero
determining bad debt expense does not b. Overstate, understate, understate,
properly match expense and revenue? understate
a. Charging bad debts with a percentage of c. Overstate, overstate, overstate,
sales under the allowance method. overstate
b. Charging bad debts with an amount d. None of these
derived from a percentage of accounts
receivable under the allowance method. 40. Which of the following is true when accounts
c. Charging bad debts with an amount receivable are factored without recourse?
derived from aging accounts receivable a. The transaction may be accounted for
under the allowance method. either as a secured borrowing or as a
d. Charging bad debts as accounts are sale, depending upon the substance of
written off as uncollectible. the transaction.
b. The receivables are used as collateral for
36. Which of the following methods of a promissory note issued to the factor by
determining annual bad debt expense best the owner of the receivables.
achieves the matching concept? c. The factor assumes the risk of
a. Percentage of sales collectibility and absorbs any credit
b. Percentage of ending accounts losses in collecting the receivables.
receivable d. The financing cost (interest expense)
c. Percentage of average accounts should be recognized ratably over the
receivable collection period of the receivables.
d. Direct write-off
S41. Which of the following statements is incorrect
37. Which of the following is a generally accepted regarding the classification of accounts and
method of determining the amount of the notes receivable?
adjustment to bad debt expense? a. Segregation of the different types of
a. A percentage of sales adjusted for the receivables is required if they are
balance in the allowance material.
b. A percentage of sales not adjusted for b. Disclose any loss contingencies that
the balance in the allowance exist on the receivables.
c. A percentage of accounts receivable not c. Any discount or premium resulting
adjusted for the balance in the allowance from the determination of present
d. An amount derived from aging accounts value in notes receivable transactions
receivable and not adjusted for the is an asset or liability respectively.
balance in the allowance d. Valuation accounts should be ap-
propriately offset against the proper
38. The advantage of relating a company's bad receivable accounts.
debt expense to its outstanding accounts
receivable is that this approach
42.Of the following conditions, which is the only one c. may include a credit to Accounts
that is not required if the transfer of Receivable for an NSF check.
receivables with recourse is to be accounted d. may include a debit to Accounts Payable
for as a sale? for an NSF check.
a. The transferor is obligated to make a
genuine effort to identify those receiv- *48. When preparing a bank reconciliation, bank
ables that are uncollectible. credits are
b. The transferor surrenders control of the a. added to the bank statement balance.
future economic benefits of the b. deducted from the bank statement
receivables. balance.
c. The transferee cannot require the c. added to the balance per books.
transferor to repurchase the receivables. d. deducted from the balance per books.
d. The transferor's obligation under the
recourse provisions can be reasonably
43. The accounts receivable turnover ratio
measures the
a. number of times the average balance
of accounts receivable is collected
during the period.
b. percentage of accounts receivable
turned over to a collection agency during
the period.
c. percentage of accounts receivable
arising during certain seasons.
d. number of times the average balance of
inventory is sold during the period.

44. The accounts receivable turnover ratio is

computed by dividing
a. gross sales by ending net receivables.
b. gross sales by average net receivables.
c. net sales by ending net receivables.
d. net sales by average net receivables.

*45. Which of the following is not true?

a. The imprest petty cash system in effect
adheres to the rule of disbursement by
b. Entries are made to the Petty Cash
account only to increase or decrease the
size of the fund or to adjust the balance if
not replenished at year-end.
c. The Petty Cash account is debited
when the fund is replenished.
d. All of these are not true.

46. A Cash Over and Short account

a. is not generally accepted.
b. is debited when the petty cash fund
proves out over.
c. is debited when the petty cash fund
proves out short.
d. is a contra account to Cash.

*47. The journal entries for a bank reconciliation

a. are taken from the "balance per bank"
section only.
b. may include a debit to Office Expense
for bank service charges.
CHAPTER 8 c. Norwalk Bank
d. Kline Corporation, with Foley making
appropriate note disclosure of the
27. Goods on consignment are
a. included in the consignee's inventory.
21. When using a perpetual inventory system, b. recorded in a Consignment Out
a. no Purchases account is used. account which is an inventory
b. a Cost of Goods Sold account is used. account.
c. two entries are required to record a sale. c. recorded in a Consignment In account
d. all of these. which is an inventory account.
d. all of these
22. Goods in transit which are shipped f.o.b. S28.
shipping point should be Valuation of inventories requires the deter-
a. included in the inventory of the seller. mination of all of the following except
b. included in the inventory of the buyer. a. the costs to be included in inventory.
c. included in the inventory of the shipping b. the physical goods to be included in
company. inventory.
d. none of these. c. the cost of goods held on consign-
ment from other companies.
23. Goods in transit which are shipped f.o.b. d. the cost flow assumption to be adopted.
destination should be P29.
a. included in the inventory of the seller. The accountant for the Orion Sales Company
b. included in the inventory of the buyer. is preparing the income statement for 2007
c. included in the inventory of the shipping and the balance sheet at December 31, 2007.
company. Orion uses the periodic inventory system. The
d. none of these. January 1, 2007 merchandise inventory
balance will appear
24. Which of the following items should be a. only as an asset on the balance sheet.
included in a company's inventory at the b. only in the cost of goods sold section
balance sheet date? of the income statement.
a. Goods in transit which were purchased c. as a deduction in the cost of goods sold
f.o.b. destination. section of the income statement and as a
b. Goods received from another company current asset on the balance sheet.
for sale on consignment. d. as an addition in the cost of goods sold
c. Goods sold to a customer which are section of the income statement and as a
being held for the customer to call for at current asset on the balance sheet.
his or her convenience. P30.
d. None of these. If the beginning inventory for 2006 is
overstated, the effects of this error on cost of
Use the following information for questions 25 and 26. goods sold for 2006, net income for 2006, and
assets at December 31, 2007, respectively,
During 2007 Foley Corporation transferred inventory to are
Kline Corporation and agreed to repurchase the a. overstatement, understatement,
merchandise early in 2008. Kline then used the overstatement.
inventory as collateral to borrow from Norwalk Bank, b. overstatement, understatement, no
remitting the proceeds to Foley. In 2008 when Foley effect.
repurchased the inventory, Kline used the proceeds to c. understatement, overstatement,
repay its bank loan. overstatement.
d. understatement, overstatement, no
25. This transaction is known as a(n) effect.
a. consignment.
b. installment sale. S31. The failure to record a purchase of mer-
c. assignment for the benefit of creditors. chandise on account even though the goods
d. product financing arrangement. are properly included in the physical inventory
results in
26. On whose books should the cost of the a. an overstatement of assets and net
inventory appear at the December 31, 2007 income.
balance sheet date? b. an understatement of assets and net
a. Foley Corporation income.
b. Kline Corporation
c. an understatement of cost of goods sold b. stockholders' equity was the only item
and liabilities and an overstatement of affected by the omission.
assets. c. assets, liabilities, and stockholders'
d. an understatement of liabilities and an equity were understated.
overstatement of owners' equity. d. none of these.

32. Belle Co. received merchandise on 36. Which of the following is correct?
consignment. As of March 31, Belle had a. Selling costs are product costs.
recorded the transaction as a purchase and b. Manufacturing overhead costs are
included the goods in inventory. The effect of product costs.
this on its financial statements for March 31 c. Interest costs for routine inventories are
would be product costs.
a. no effect. d. All of these.
b. net income was correct and current
assets and current liabilities were 37. All of the following costs should be charged
overstated. against revenue in the period in which costs
c. net income, current assets, and current are incurred except for
liabilities were overstated. a. manufacturing overhead costs for a
d. net income and current liabilities were product manufactured and sold in the
overstated. same accounting period.
b. costs which will not benefit any future
33. Eller Co. received merchandise on period.
consignment. As of January 31, Eller included c. costs from idle manufacturing capacity
the goods in inventory, but did not record the resulting from an unexpected plant
transaction. The effect of this on its financial shutdown.
statements for January 31 would be d. costs of normal shrinkage and scrap
a. net income, current assets, and incurred for the manufacture of a
retained earnings were overstated. product in ending inventory.
b. net income was correct and current
assets were understated. 38. Which of the following types of interest cost
c. net income and current assets were incurred in connection with the purchase or
overstated and current liabilities were manufacture of inventory should be
understated. capitalized as a product cost?
d. net income, current assets, and retained a. Purchase discounts lost
earnings were understated. b. Interest incurred during the
production of discrete projects such
34. Cross Co. accepted delivery of merchandise as ships or real estate projects
which it purchased on account. As of c. Interest incurred on notes payable to
December 31, Cross had recorded the vendors for routine purchases made on a
transaction, but did not include the repetitive basis
merchandise in its inventory. The effect of this d. All of these should be capitalized.
on its financial statements for December 31
would be 39. The use of a Discounts Lost account implies
a. net income, current assets, and that the recorded cost of a purchased
retained earnings were understated. inventory item is its
b. net income was correct and current a. invoice price.
assets were understated. b. invoice price plus the purchase discount
c. net income was understated and current lost.
liabilities were overstated. c. invoice price less the purchase discount
d. net income was overstated and current taken.
assets were understated. d. invoice price less the purchase
discount allowable whether taken or
35. On June 15, 2007, Tolon Corporation not.
accepted delivery of merchandise which it
pur-chased on account. As of June 30, Tolon 40. The use of a Purchase Discounts account
had not recorded the transaction or included implies that the recorded cost of a purchased
the merchandise in its inventory. The effect of inventory item is its
this on its balance sheet for June 30, 2007 a. invoice price.
would be b. invoice price plus any purchase discount
a. assets and stockholders' equity were lost.
overstated but liabilities were not c. invoice price less the purchase discount
affected. taken.
d. invoice price less the purchase discount
allowable whether taken or not. Costs which are inventoriable include all of
the following except
Use the following information for questions 41 and 42. a. costs that are directly connected with the
bringing of goods to the place of business
During 2007, which was the first year of operations, of the buyer.
Luther Company had merchandise purchases of b. costs that are directly connected with the
$985,000 before cash discounts. All purchases were converting of goods to a salable
made on terms of 2/10, n/30. Three-fourths of the condition.
items purchased were paid for within 10 days of c. buying costs of a purchasing department.
purchase. All of the goods available had been sold at d. selling costs of a sales department.
year end.
P45. Which inventory costing method most closely
41. Which of the following recording procedures approximates current cost for each of the
would result in the highest cost of goods sold following:
Ending Inventory Cost of Goods Sold
for 2007? a. FIFO FIFO
1. Recording purchases at gross b. FIFO LIFO
amounts c. LIFO FIFO
2. Recording purchases at net d. LIFO LIFO
amounts, with the amount of
discounts not taken shown 46. In situations where there is a rapid turnover,
an inventory method which produces a
under "other expenses" in the
balance sheet valuation similar to the first-in,
income statement first-out method is
a. 1 a. average cost.
b. 2 b. base stock.
c. Either 1 or 2 will result in the same cost c. joint cost.
of goods sold. d. prime cost.
d. Cannot be determined from the
information provided. 47. The pricing of issues from inventory must be
deferred until the end of the accounting period
42. Which of the following recording procedures under the following method of inventory
would result in the highest net income for valuation:
2007? a. moving average.
1. Recording purchases at gross b. weighted-average.
amounts c. LIFO perpetual.
d. FIFO.
2. Recording purchases at net
amounts, with the amount of 48. An inventory pricing procedure in which the
discounts not taken shown oldest costs incurred rarely have an effect on
under "other expenses" in the the ending inventory valuation is
income statement a. FIFO.
a. 1 b. LIFO.
b. 2 c. base stock.
c. Either 1 or 2 will result in the same net d. weighted-average.
d. Cannot be determined from the 49. Which method of inventory pricing best
information provided. approximates specific identification of the
actual flow of costs and units in most
43. When using the periodic inventory system, manufacturing situations?
which of the following generally would not be a. Average cost
separately accounted for in the computation b. First-in, first-out
of cost of goods sold? c. Last-in, first-out
a. Trade discounts applicable to d. Base stock
purchases during the period
b. Cash (purchase) discounts taken during 50. Assuming no beginning inventory, what can
the period be said about the trend of inventory prices if
c. Purchase returns and allowances of cost of goods sold computed when inventory
merchandise during the period is valued using the FIFO method exceeds
d. Cost of transportation-in for merchandise cost of goods sold when inventory is valued
purchased during the period using the LIFO method?
a. Prices decreased.
b. Prices remained unchanged. 56. The acquisition cost of a certain raw material
c. Prices increased. changes frequently. The book value of the
d. Price trend cannot be determined from inventory of this material at year end will be
information given. the same if perpetual records are kept as it
would be under a periodic inventory method
51. In a period of rising prices, the inventory only if the book value is computed under the
method which tends to give the highest a. weighted-average method.
reported net income is b. moving average method.
a. base stock. c. LIFO method.
b. first-in, first-out. d. FIFO method.
c. last-in, first-out.
d. weighted-average. 57. When a company uses LIFO for external
reporting purposes and FIFO for internal
52. In a period of rising prices, the inventory reporting purposes, an Allowance to Reduce
method which tends to give the highest Inventory to LIFO account is used. This
reported inventory is account should be reported
a. FIFO. a. on the income statement in the Other
b. moving average. Revenues and Gains section.
c. LIFO. b. on the income statement in the Cost of
d. weighted-average. Goods Sold section.
c. on the income statement in the Other
53. Quayle Corporation's inventory cost on its Expenses and Losses section.
balance sheet was lower using first-in, first- d. on the balance sheet in the Current
out than it would have been using last-in, first- Assets section.
out. Assuming no beginning inventory, in
what direction did the cost of purchases move Which of the following statements is not true
during the period? as it relates to the dollar-value LIFO inventory
a. Up method?
b. Down a. It is easier to erode LIFO layers using
c. Steady dollar-value LIFO techniques than it is
d. Cannot be determined with specific goods pooled LIFO.
b. Under the dollar-value LIFO method, it is
54. In a period of rising prices, the inventory possible to have the entire inventory in
method which tends to give the highest only one pool.
reported cost of goods sold is c. Several pools are commonly employed in
a. FIFO. using the dollar-value LIFO inventory
b. average cost. method.
c. LIFO. d. Under dollar-value LIFO, increases and
d. none of these. decreases in a pool are determined and
measured in terms of total dollar value,
55. Which of the following statements is not valid not physical quantity.
as it applies to inventory costing methods?
a. If inventory quantities are to be Which of the following is not considered an
maintained, part of the earnings must be advantage of LIFO when prices are rising?
invested (plowed back) in inventories a. The inventory will be overstated.
when FIFO is used during a period of b. The more recent costs are matched
rising prices. against current revenues.
b. LIFO tends to smooth out the net income c. There will be a deferral of income tax.
pattern by matching current cost of goods d. A company's future reported earnings will
sold with current revenue, when not be affected substantially by future
inventories remain at constant quantities. price declines.
c. When a firm using the LIFO method fails
to maintain its usual inventory position 60. Which of the following is true regarding the
(reduces stock on hand below customary use of LIFO for inventory valuation?
levels), there may be a matching of old a. If LIFO is used for external financial
costs with current revenue. reporting, then it must also be used for
d. The use of FIFO permits some control internal reports.
by management over the amount of b. For purposes of external financial
net income for a period through reporting, LIFO may not be used with the
controlled purchases, which is not lower of cost or market approach.
true with LIFO.
c. If LIFO is used for external financial
reporting, then it cannot be used for tax
d. None of these.

61. If inventory levels are stable or increasing, an

argument which is not an advantage of the
LIFO method as compared to FIFO is
a. income taxes tend to be reduced in
periods of rising prices.
b. cost of goods sold tends to be stated at
approximately current cost on the income
c. cost assignments typically parallel
the physical flow of goods.
d. income tends to be smoothed as prices
CHAPTER 9 and net realizable value less a normal
profit margin.
b. should always be equal to net realizable
VALUATION ISSUES c. may sometimes exceed net realizable
d. should always be equal to net realizable
21.Which of the following is true about lower-of-cost- value less a normal profit margin.
a. It is inconsistent because losses are 26. Lower-of-cost-or-market
recognized but not gains. a. is most conservative if applied to the total
b. It usually understates assets. inventory.
c. It can increase future income. b. is most conservative if applied to major
d. All of these. categories of inventory.
c. is most conservative if applied to
22. The primary basis of accounting for individual items of inventory.
inventories is cost. A departure from the cost d. must be applied to major categories for
basis of pricing the inventory is required taxes.
where there is evidence that when the goods
are sold in the ordinary course of business 27. An item of inventory purchased this period for
their $15.00 has been incorrectly written down to
a. selling price will be less than their its current replacement cost of $10.00. It sells
replacement cost. during the following period for $30.00, its
b. replacement cost will be more than their normal selling price, with disposal costs of
net realizable value. $3.00 and normal profit of $12.00. Which of
c. cost will be less than their replacement the following statements is not true?
cost. a. The cost of sales of the following year will
d. future utility will be less than their be understated.
cost. b. The current year's income is
23. When valuing raw materials inventory at c. The closing inventory of the current year
lower-of-cost-or-market, what is the meaning is understated.
of the term "market"? d. Income of the following year will be
a. Net realizable value understated.
b. Net realizable value less a normal profit
margin S28. When the direct method is used to record
c. Current replacement cost inventory at market
d. Discounted present value a. there is a direct reduction in the selling
price of the product that results in a loss
24. In no case can "market" in the lower-of-cost- being recorded on the income statement
or-market rule be more than prior to the sale.
a. estimated selling price in the ordinary b. a loss is recorded directly in the inventory
course of business. account by crediting inventory and
b. estimated selling price in the ordinary debiting loss on inventory decline.
course of business less reasonably c. only the portion of the loss attributable to
predictable costs of completion and inventory sold during the period is
disposal. recorded in the financial statements.
c. estimated selling price in the ordinary d. the market value figure for ending
course of business less reasonably inventory is substituted for cost and
predictable costs of completion and the loss is buried in cost of goods
disposal and an allowance for an sold.
approximately normal profit margin.
d. estimated selling price in the ordinary S29. Recording inventory at net realizable value is
course of business less reasonably permitted, even if it is above cost, when there
predictable costs of completion and are no significant costs of disposal involved
disposal, an allowance for an and
approximately normal profit margin, and a. the ending inventory is determined by a
an adequate reserve for possible future physical inventory count.
losses. b. a normal profit is not anticipated.
25. Designated market value c. there is a controlled market with a
a. is always the middle value of quoted price applicable to all
replacement cost, net realizable value, quantities.
d. the internal revenue service is assured d. presented in the income statement.
that the practice is not used only to distort
reported net income. In 2006, Lucas Manufacturing signed a
contract with a supplier to purchase raw
30. When inventory declines in value below materials in 2007 for $700,000. Before the
original (historical) cost, and this decline is December 31, 2006 balance sheet date, the
considered other than temporary, what is the market price for these materials dropped to
maximum amount that the inventory can be $510,000. The journal entry to record this
valued at? situation at December 31, 2006 will result in a
a. Sales price credit that should be reported
b. Net realizable value a. as a valuation account to Inventory on
c. Historical cost the balance sheet.
d. Net realizable value reduced by a normal b. as a current liability.
profit margin c. as an appropriation of retained earnings.
d. on the income statement.
31. Net realizable value is
a. acquisition cost plus costs to complete 37. Which of the following is not a basic
and sell. assumption of the gross profit method?
b. selling price. a. The beginning inventory plus the
c. selling price plus costs to complete and purchases equal total goods to be
sell. accounted for.
d. selling price less costs to complete b. Goods not sold must be on hand.
and sell. c. If the sales, reduced to the cost basis, are
deducted from the sum of the opening
32. If a unit of inventory has declined in value inventory plus purchases, the result is the
below original cost, but the market value amount of inventory on hand.
exceeds net realizable value, the amount to d. The total amount of purchases and the
be used for purposes of inventory valuation is total amount of sales remain relatively
a. net realizable value. unchanged from the comparable
b. original cost. previous period.
c. market value.
d. net realizable value less a normal profit 38. The gross profit method of inventory valuation
margin. is invalid when
a. a portion of the inventory is destroyed.
33. Inventory may be recorded at net realizable b. there is a substantial increase in
value if inventory during the year.
a. there is a controlled market with a quoted c. there is no beginning inventory because
price. it is the first year of operation.
b. there are no significant costs of disposal. d. none of these.
c. the inventory consists of precious metals
or agricultural products. 39. Which statement is not true about the gross
d. all of these. profit method of inventory valuation?
a. It may be used to estimate inventories for
34. If a material amount of inventory has been interim statements.
ordered through a formal purchase contract at b. It may be used to estimate inventories
the balance sheet date for future delivery at for annual statements.
firm prices, c. It may be used by auditors.
a. this fact must be disclosed. d. None of these.
b. disclosure is required only if prices have
declined since the date of the order. 40. A major advantage of the retail inventory
c. disclosure is required only if prices have method is that it
since risen substantially. a. provides reliable results in cases where
d. an appropriation of retained earnings is the distribution of items in the inventory is
necessary. different from that of items sold during the
35. The credit balance that arises when a net loss b. hides costs from competitors and
on a purchase commitment is recognized customers.
should be c. gives a more accurate statement of
a. presented as a current liability. inventory costs than other methods.
b. subtracted from ending inventory. d. provides a method for inventory
c. presented as an appropriation of retained control and facilitates determination
of the periodic inventory for certain b. if it is the LIFO method, the beginning
types of companies. inventory is excluded and markdowns
are deducted.
41. An inventory method which is designed to c. if it is the LIFO method, the beginning
approximate inventory valuation at the lower inventory is included and markdowns are
of cost or market is not deducted.
a. last-in, first-out. d. if it is the conventional method, the
b. first-in, first-out. beginning inventory is excluded and
c. conventional retail method. markdowns are not deducted.
d. specific identification.
S47. Which of the following is not required when
42. The retail inventory method is based on the using the retail inventory method?
assumption that the a. All inventory items must be
a. final inventory and the total of goods categorized according to the retail
available for sale contain the same markup percentage which reflects the
proportion of high-cost and low-cost item's selling price.
ratio goods. b. A record of the total cost and retail value
b. ratio of gross margin to sales is of goods purchased.
approximately the same each period. c. A record of the total cost and retail value
c. ratio of cost to retail changes at a of the goods available for sale.
constant rate. d. Total sales for the period.
d. proportions of markups and markdowns
to selling price are the same. Which of the following is not a reason the
retail inventory method is used widely?
43. Which statement is true about the retail a. As a control measure in determining
inventory method? inventory shortages
a. It may not be used to estimate b. For insurance information
inventories for interim statements. c. To permit the computation of net income
b. It may not be used to estimate without a physical count of inventory
inventories for annual statements. d. To defer income tax liability
c. It may not be used by auditors.
d. None of these. P49. Which of the following statements is false
regarding an assumption of inventory cost
44. When the conventional retail inventory flow?
method is used, markdowns are commonly a. The cost flow assumption need not
ignored in the computation of the cost to retail correspond to the actual physical flow of
ratio because goods.
a. there may be no markdowns in a given b. The assumption selected may be
year. changed each accounting period.
b. this tends to give a better c. The FIFO assumption uses the earliest
approximation of the lower of cost or acquired prices to cost the items sold
market. during a period.
c. markups are also ignored. d. The LIFO assumption uses the earliest
d. this tends to result in the showing of a acquired prices to cost the items on hand
normal profit margin in a period when no at the end of an accounting period.
markdown goods have been sold.
P50. The average days to sell inventory is
45. To produce an inventory valuation which computed by dividing
approximates the lower of cost or market a. 365 days by the inventory turnover
using the conventional retail inventory ratio.
method, the computation of the ratio of cost to b. the inventory turnover ratio by 365 days.
retail should c. net sales by the inventory turnover ratio.
a. include markups but not markdowns. d. 365 days by cost of goods sold.
b. include markups and markdowns.
c. ignore both markups and markdowns. 51. The inventory turnover ratio is computed by
d. include markdowns but not markups. dividing the cost of goods sold by
a. beginning inventory.
*46. When calculating the cost ratio for the retail b. ending inventory.
inventory method, c. average inventory.
a. if it is the conventional method, the d. number of days in the year.
beginning inventory is included and
markdowns are deducted.
*52. When using dollar-value LIFO, if the
incremental layer was added last year, it
should be multiplied by
a. last year's cost ratio and this year's index.
b. this year's cost ratio and this year's index.
c. last year's cost ratio and last year's
d. this year's cost ratio and last year's index.
CHAPTER 10 d. assumption of any liens or mortgages on
the property.

ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF 27. If a corporation purchases a lot and building

PROPERTY, PLANT, AND and subsequently tears down the building and
uses the property as a parking lot, the proper
EQUIPMENT accounting treatment of the cost of the
building would depend on
a. the significance of the cost allocated to
the building in relation to the combined
21.Plant assets may properly include cost of the lot and building.
a. deposits on machinery not yet received. b. the length of time for which the building
b. idle equipment awaiting sale. was held prior to its demolition.
c. land held for possible use as a future c. the contemplated future use of the
plant site. parking lot.
d. none of these. d. the intention of management for the
property when the building was acquired.
22. Which of the following is not a major
characteristic of a plant asset? 28. The debit for a sales tax properly levied and
a. Possesses physical substance paid on the purchase of machinery preferably
b. Acquired for resale would be a charge to
c. Acquired for use a. the machinery account.
d. Yields services over a number of years b. a separate deferred charge account.
c. miscellaneous tax expense (which
23. Which of these is not a major characteristic of includes all taxes other than those on
a plant asset? income).
a. Possesses physical substance d. accumulated depreciation--machinery.
b. Acquired for use in operations
c. Yields services over a number of years 29. Fences and parking lots are reported on the
d. All of these are major characteristics of a balance sheet as
plant asset. a. current assets.
b. land improvements.
24. Cotton Hotel Corporation recently purchased c. land.
Holiday Hotel and the land on which it is d. property and equipment.
located with the plan to tear down the Holiday S30.
Hotel and build a new luxury hotel on the site. Historical cost is the basis advocated for
The cost of the Holiday Hotel should be recording the acquisition of property, plant,
a. depreciated over the period from and equipment for all of the following reasons
acquisition to the date the hotel is except
scheduled to be torn down. a. at the date of acquisition, cost reflects fair
b. written off as an extraordinary loss in the market value.
year the hotel is torn down. b. property, plant, and equipment items are
c. capitalized as part of the cost of the land. always acquired at their original historical
d. capitalized as part of the cost of the new cost.
hotel. c. historical cost involves actual trans-
actions and, as such, is the most reliable
25. The cost of land does not include basis.
a. costs of grading, filling, draining, and d. gains and losses should not be
clearing. anticipated but should be recognized
b. costs of removing old buildings. when the asset is sold.
c. costs of improvements with limited lives. S31.
d. special assessments. To be consistent with the historical cost
principle, overhead costs incurred by an
26. The cost of land typically includes the enterprise constructing its own building
purchase price and all of the following costs should be
except a. allocated on the basis of lost production.
a. grading, filling, draining, and clearing b. eliminated completely from the cost of
costs. the asset.
b. street lights, sewers, and drainage c. allocated on an opportunity cost basis.
systems cost. d. allocated on a pro rata basis between the
c. private driveways and parking lots. asset and normal operations.
32. Which of the following costs are capitalized b. The amount of interest cost capitalized
for self-constructed assets? during the period should not exceed the
a. Materials and labor only actual interest cost incurred.
b. Labor and overhead only c. When excess borrowed funds not
c. Materials and overhead only immediately needed for construction are
d. Materials, labor, and overhead temporarily invested, any interest earned
should be offset against interest cost
33. Which of the following assets do not qualify incurred when determining the amount of
for capitalization of interest costs incurred interest cost to be capitalized.
during construction of the assets? d. The minimum amount of interest to be
a. Assets under construction for an capitalized is determined by multiplying a
enterprise's own use. weighted average interest rate by the
b. Assets intended for sale or lease that are amount of average accumulated
produced as discrete projects. expenditures on qualifying assets during
c. Assets financed through the issuance of the period.
long-term debt.
d. Assets not currently undergoing the
activities necessary to prepare them for
their intended use.

34. Assets that qualify for interest cost

capitalization include
a. assets under construction for a
company's own use.
b. assets that are ready for their intended
use in the earnings of the company.
c. assets that are not currently being used
because of excess capacity.
d. All of these assets qualify for interest cost

35. When computing the amount of interest cost

to be capitalized, the concept of "avoidable
interest" refers to
a. the total interest cost actually incurred.
b. a cost of capital charge for stockholders'
c. that portion of total interest cost which
would not have been incurred if
expenditures for asset construction had
not been made.
d. that portion of average accumulated
expenditures on which no interest cost
was incurred.

36. The period of time during which interest must

be capitalized ends when
a. the asset is substantially complete and
ready for its intended use.
b. no further interest cost is being incurred.
c. the asset is abandoned, sold, or fully
d. the activities that are necessary to get the
asset ready for its intended use have

37. Which of the following statements is true

regarding capitalization of interest?
a. Interest cost capitalized in connection
with the purchase of land to be used as a
building site should be debited to the land
account and not to the building account.
38. Construction of a qualifying asset is started on results in the largest gain (smallest loss)
April 1 and finished on December 1. The to the company.
fraction used to multiply an expenditure made
on April 1 to find weighted-average The King-Kong Corporation exchanges one
accumulated expenditures is plant asset for a similar plant asset and gives
a. 8/8. cash in the exchange. The exchange is not
b. 8/12. expected to cause a material change in the
c. 9/12. future cash flows for either entity. If a gain on
d. 11/12. the disposal of the old asset is indicated, the
gain will
39. When funds are borrowed to pay for a. be reported in the Other Revenues and
construction of assets that qualify for Gains section of the income statement.
capitalization of interest, the excess funds not b. effectively reduce the amount to be
needed to pay for construction may be recorded as the cost of the new asset.
temporarily invested in interest-bearing c. effectively increase the amount to be
securities. Interest earned on these recorded as the cost of the new asset.
temporary investments should be d. be credited directly to the owner's capital
a. offset against interest cost incurred account.
during construction.
b. used to reduce the cost of assets being
c. multiplied by an appropriate interest rate
to determine the amount of interest to be
d. recognized as revenue of the period.

40. Interest cost that is capitalized should

a. be written off over the remaining term of
the debt.
b. be accumulated in a separate deferred
charge account and written off equally
over a 40-year period.
c. not be written off until the related asset is
fully depreciated or disposed of.
d. none of these.
S41. Which of the following is not a condition that
must be satisfied before interest capitalization
can begin on a qualifying asset?
a. Interest cost is being incurred.
b. Expenditures for the assets have been
c. The interest rate is equal to or greater
than the company's cost of capital.
d. Activities that are necessary to get the
asset ready for its intended use are in
S42. The cost of a nonmonetary asset acquired in
exchange for another nonmonetary asset and
the exchange has commercial substance is
usually recorded at
a. the fair value of the asset given up, and a
gain or loss is recognized.
b. the fair value of the asset given up, and a
gain but not a loss may be recognized.
c. the fair value of the asset received if it is
equally reliable as the fair value of the
asset given up.
d. either the fair value of the asset given up
or the asset received, whichever one
44. Plant assets purchased on long-term credit c. one dollar (since the site cost nothing but
contracts should be accounted for at should be included in the balance sheet).
a. the total value of the future payments. d. the value assigned to it by the company's
b. the future amount of the future payments. directors.
c. the present value of the future payments.
d. none of these. 51. In order for a cost to be capitalized (capital
expenditure), the following must be present:
45. When a plant asset is acquired by issuance of a. The useful life of an asset must be
common stock, the cost of the plant asset is increased.
properly measured by the b. The quantity of assets must be
a. par value of the stock. increased.
b. stated value of the stock. c. The quality of assets must be increased.
c. book value of the stock. d. Any one of these.
d. market value of the stock.
52. An improvement made to a machine
46. When a closely held corporation issues increased its fair market value and its
preferred stock for land, the land should be production capacity by 25% without extending
recorded at the the machine's useful life. The cost of the
a. total par value of the stock issued. improvement should be
b. total book value of the stock issued. a. expensed.
c. total liquidating value of the stock issued. b. debited to accumulated depreciation.
d. fair market value of the land. c. capitalized in the machine account.
d. allocated between accumulated
47. Accounting recognition should be given to depreciation and the machine account.
some or all of the gain realized on a
nonmonetary exchange of plant assets 53. Which of the following is a capital
except when the exchange has expenditure?
a. no commercial substance and additional a. Payment of an account payable
cash is paid. b. Retirement of bonds payable
b. no commercial substance and additional c. Payment of Federal income taxes
cash is received. d. None of these
c. commercial substance and additional
cash is paid. 54. Which of the following is not a capital
d. commercial substance and additional expenditure?
cash is received. a. Repairs that maintain an asset in
operating condition
48. For a nonmonetary exchange of plant assets, b. An addition
accounting recognition should not be given to c. A betterment
a. a loss when the exchange has no d. A replacement
commercial substance.
b. a gain when the exchange has In accounting for plant assets, which of the
commercial substance. following outlays made subsequent to
c. part of a gain when the exchange has no acquisition should be fully expensed in the
commercial substance and cash is paid. period the expenditure is made?
d. part of a gain when the exchange has no a. Expenditure made to increase the
commercial substance and cash is efficiency or effectiveness of an existing
received. asset
b. Expenditure made to extend the useful
49. When an enterprise is the recipient of a life of an existing asset beyond the time
donated asset, the account credited may be a frame originally anticipated
a. paid-in capital account. c. Expenditure made to maintain an existing
b. revenue account. asset so that it can function in the manner
c. deferred revenue account. intended
d. all of these. d. Expenditure made to add new asset
50. A plant site donated by a township to a
manufacturer that plans to open a new factory An expenditure made in connection with a
should be recorded on the manufacturer's machine being used by an enterprise should
books at be
a. the nominal cost of taking title to it. a. expensed immediately if it merely
b. its market value. extends the useful life but does not
improve the quality.
b. expensed immediately if it merely
improves the quality but does not extend
the useful life.
c. capitalized if it maintains the machine in
normal operating condition.
d. capitalized if it increases the quantity of
units produced by the machine.
S57. When a plant asset is disposed of, a gain or
loss may result. The gain or loss would be
classified as an extraordinary item on the
income statement if it resulted from
a. an involuntary conversion and the
conditions of the disposition are unusual
and infrequent in nature.
b. a sale prior to the completion of the
estimated useful life of the asset.
c. the sale of a fully depreciated asset.
d. an abandonment of the asset.

58. The sale of a depreciable asset resulting in a

loss indicates that the proceeds from the sale
a. less than current market value.
b. greater than cost.
c. greater than book value.
d. less than book value.

59. Which of the following statements about

involuntary conversions is false?
a. An involuntary conversion may result
from condemnation or fire.
b. The gain or loss from an involuntary
conversion may be reported as an
extraordinary item.
c. The gain or loss from an involuntary
conversion should not be recognized
when the enterprise reinvests in
replacement assets.
d. All of these.

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