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( 15 marks )

Study the advertisement below about a Science Centre and answer the following questions in
the space provided.
Telitiiklan dibawah tentang Pusat Sains dan jawab soalan yang berikutnya di ruang yang

B. ( i )

List three attractions you will enjoy at the National Science Centre.

i. _________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________

[ 3 marks ]
B ( ii )

Above is the map of National Science Centre.

Your friend is planning to visit the National Science Centre with her family. She wants to
know more about the National Science Centre.

Write an email to your friend telling her about at least three places of interest she can visit at
the National Science Centre.Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.
From : __________________________________ Date : 20thJuly
To : __________________________________ Time : 10.30 a.m.
Subject: Visiting the National Science Centre


( 12 marks )

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