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Sohar University

Faculty of Business
International Business (BUBS4402)

International Human Resource Management and Labour Relation

Apple Company
1.0 Interdiction:
1.1 Apple Background
Apple is the largest company in the world that designs and manufactures consumer
electronic products and software. It is located in the United States of America. It is classifying as
a multinational corporation. It is including a series of electronic devices such as iPad, iPod,
iPhone, Air pod and Mac. These products represent a revolutionary era for the development of
Apple. By placing such as products in the market, Apple has attracted many customers in one
way or another. Highly advanced technology, simplicity and design, and the sense of luxury are
the main features integrated in these products. Moreover, the comfort and convenience that these
products provide are very crucial. Apple runs more than 250 retail stores in nine countries, and
an online store where hardware and software products are sold. Apple has gained a unique
reputation in the consumer electronics industry for many reasons, including the philosophy of
aesthetic design for premium advertising campaigns. Fortune magazine rated Apple as the most
impressive company in the United States in 2008 and the world in 2009.
Apple is one of the world largest IT companies and the second-largest mobile phone
manufacturer. In addition, the company sells a variety of related software, accessories, services,
networking solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. Apple’s ability to design
and improve its own operating systems, hardware, application software and services to provide
its customers products and solutions with outstanding design is placed at the core of its business
Apple is one of the largest technology companies in terms of revenue, with profits of more
than $65 billion and has about 49,400 employees working around the world. With a total annual
revenue of $ 229 billion for fiscal year 2017. The company has a high level of brand loyalty and
has been appraised as the most profitable brand on the planet. Clients meet at the European
Apple Show in San Francisco, where they offer a large number of their new products every year
to the business and the general population. Statistical survey products ng demonstrates that Apple
draws an unordinary client base, for example, experts, pioneers, and knowledgeable occupants.

1.2Company History:
April 1, 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple. On January 3, 1966, it was
called Apple Computer Limited but the word "computer" was removed from the company's name
on January 9, 2007, to reflect the company's expansion in the consumer electronics market. Steve
Jobs and Wayne designed Apple's first icon, depicting Sir Isaac Newton sitting under the apple
tree. However, it was immediately replaced by the Apple Rainbow logo designed by Rob Janoff.
In 1998, Apple stopped using rainbow colors and began using the monochromatic apple logo.
The logo is one of the world's most recognizable business icons and identifies all Apple products.

Apple's future vision aims to create 'magic' with technology so that everyone can use the latest
unique innovations.
Apple is committed to providing the best electronic devices for students, teachers, creative
professionals and consumers around the world through innovative software, hardware and
electronic offerings.

1.3 Apple success:

Apple’s success was not automatic; strategies were put into achieving it. Correct measures
were put in place and high quality and effective delivery of both products and services was
ensured. Apple went passed Exxon Mobile as the best company in the world in 2010. This was
ascribed to release of the iPad, which affected the world in a major manner. They were also in
the same year reported to be United States’ most profitable retailer. Apple's success is based on
creating innovative, high-quality products and services and on demonstrating integrity in every
business interaction. There are several reasons for Apple’s stock stellar growth. The first is that
its sales and profits continue to grow at double- and sometime triple-digit rates. This is
unprecedented for such a large company. Furthermore, Apple has been able to introduce new
products and gain wide adoption for them in a way that is unmatched by any other company in
the world.


1. The Look: Clean and sleek design
2. Exclusivity: Owning an Apple product has become a status symbol
3. The product reveal: Incredible amount of hype surrounding their product reveals
4. The service: Tech support station named Apple's Genius bar

Strategies and policies of human resource about Apple Company

HR strategies:
The main goal of the Apple Company is to attract and retain its employees. To achieve this,
the company has employed different strategic human resource practices to attract skilled
professionals Apple is interested in maximizing the efforts of its workforce by investing in their
skills. The company recognizes human capital as a vital element for overall competitiveness. The
human resources are the driving force towards its development strategy. As such, the firm has
capitalized on the competencies of its staff with the primary objective of achieving competitive
advantage in the market. The great talents and people management approaches used in the
company have enabled it to become the most innovative firm in the consumer electronics

The human resources of Apple Inc. works towards increasing the returns on investment by
reduce the financial risks while leveraging on human capital. The human resource management
of Apple is charge with various responsibilities including recruitment and selection, incentive
compensation, leadership development, employee development, and employee relations among
others. Human resource managers perform these activities efficiently and consistently.

HR policies of Apple organization structure:

 Companies roles.
 Apple retail Store jobs.
 The roles of manufacturing.
 Students programs.
Apple worked with Verité and the Fair Labor Association- two internationally recognized
organizations dedicated to human rights to evaluate the quality of their social responsibility.
In addition to training workers, supervisors and managers are trained as responsible for these
workers. For example, suppliers in Malaysia and Singapore need to manage two-day workshop
that covers their Prevention of Involuntary labor standards and best practices for on-site labor
monitoring, direct recruitment processes and foreign worker management. Apple has also
expanded its professional development opportunities for worker through Supplier Employee
Education and Development (SEED) program. This Apple designed program provides subjects
such as Finance, Computer skills and English.
Apple has a Compensation Committee to structure Apple’s compensation packages and
policies. The purpose of the Compensation Committee is to prepare compensation packages and
incentive programs and modify them as needed. The company also provides very good benefits
for a retailer, including health care contributions and the chance to buy company stock, as well as
Apple products at discounted prices. The particular benefits package of Apple will depend on
position, location, and years with the company for every employee.

3.0 The identify IB (international business) - related areas and activates the organization uses and
how they use them
3.1 international business of Apple company
All company's now a day focuses on globalization witch lead to increase profit, finding new
market and attract customers. Globalization describes mobility of labor, good, services,
technology and capital .It helps to flow money and information in fast and easy way. In addition,
it is reduce the cost of producing and developing efficiency and effectively of it. There are many
ways that Apple Company has used globalization by proved (i Tunes). It is one of the largest
servers providing online music sale. In addition, it has information technology and
communications industry blended, healthcare, mobile payments, and accessories industry.
Second Apple is the most available company around the world by has more than 400 reality
stores in different location in 39 country witch help to serve customers and bullied relation
between them. Moreover, they have the strong information and communication sector. Third is
online sell so the customers can buy, pay and receive the product at his home or during woke in
his offices.
On the other hand, Apple company working hard in economics of scale, to reduce the cost of
producing by developing contours by shifting the location of production in China, India and
Japan to get benefit from labor cost and the availability of raw material. In addition, they
implement international finance investment to get benefits from follow money, cost of
production, and exchange rate.

3.2 SWOT analysis of Apple

Apple company is the most successful in electronic sector, it has lots of strength, they Innovative
product its one of the most things that keep Apple in the market and compete other competitor is
how they develop, update and keeping upgrade hard and software product. Moreover, keep
working to provide new thing for the customers they start with iPod, i Watch and Air Pod, which
is new, and meet the customer's requirement. Brand equity

4 Critically evaluate the institutional performance, based on your review of what you have
Recommendation and suggestion:

We have some recommendations through this case study Apple human resources

 Providing training programs to train human resource managers to qualify them to

international markets and business requirements.

 The emphasis in the educational curriculum on the importance of human resources

management in the company and the importance of its function in selecting the most efficient
staff and choosing them in a scientific way to improve the company and increase its

 Encourage employees to innovate and enhance their capabilities, which effectively contribute
to improving performance and achieving organizational excellence.

 Developing Training and Development Schedule:

The Company must simulate training and development programs where employees are taken
through particular processes as opposed to on-the-job training. This allows employees to
quickly acquire skills and adapt to the organizational culture.

 Apple needs to work with well-known universities around the world. In this case, they will
allow attracting the best talent.

 Build an appropriate work environment that helps in behaviors that require innovation and

 Evaluate the performance of each employee to identify the strengths, weaknesses and courses
that the employee needs.


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