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St. Mark’s is a growing Lead Pastor’s Report...................................................................

Christian community Associate Pastor’s Report ........................................................... 3
Council President’s Report ......................................................... 4
rooted in tradition and Treasurer’s Report ...................................................................... 5
open to new
expressions. Responding Staff Reports
to God’s compassionate Interim Choir Director and Organist ........................................... 6
Director of Church Administration & Operations....................... 6
love, we reach out in
service to the Parish Life Committee Reports
community and the Discipling & Outreach ................................................................. 8
Education—Adult Forum ............................................................ 8
world. With openness of Education—Sunday School ......................................................... 9
heart and spirit, we Hospitality ................................................................................... 9
welcome all. Property .................................................................................... 10
Social Ministry .......................................................................... 11
Worship .................................................................................... 11
Stewardship .............................................................................. 12
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
1111 O’Farrell Street Other Reports
San Francisco, CA 94109 Martin Luther Tower ................................................................ 13
(415) 928-7770
(415) 928-8534 fax
Human Resources ..................................................................... 14 Mutual Ministry ........................................................................ 15
A “Reconciling in Christ Congregation” Women of the ELCA (WELCA) ................................................... 15
Statistical Summary .................................................................. 16
Lead Pastor

This past year I celebrated 20 years of ordained ministry and

completed my 11th year of ministry at St. Mark’s. I feel honored
and humbled to serve with you as we live out our baptismal
calling as God’s people in this community of faith. St. Mark’s
continues to be a challenging, joyful, and energizing place to do
ministry. The reports that follow are evidence of our thriving community. I am very grateful
for our partnership together and for those members and leaders who have faithfully shared
their gifts of time, talents, and resources in order for St. Mark’s ministries to grow. Your
consistent witness to the gospel while dealing with unexpected challenges and changes has
been inspirational to me. Thank you.

year worship regularly at this service. It is a delight to see so

I had the opportunity to attend an E.L.C.A. event for Clergy many children and babies in the pews along with their
Head of Staff at the beginning of the year. That conference parents.
helped focus my vision for ministry and how to best utilize
my gifts as your Lead Pastor. The learning from this I want to thank all of our faithful volunteers who live out
conference became invaluable as the year progressed and I their baptism calling by serving at St. Mark’s. The hours of
continue to go back and review the resources that were time so many of you give to ensure that the Sunday School,
shared with me. I am looking forward to attending the youth group, Senior Center, homeless shelter, coffee hour,
second half of the Head of Staff conference in early 2009. special events, education, Junior Choir and Adult Choir,
Martin Luther Tower, catechumenate, and retreats (the list
I was able to attend two wonderful Catechumenate training goes on) is a powerful witness to your deep faith and
events and have immersed myself into this ministry along commitment to St. Mark’s. I want to thank our Church
with Pr. Jennert and several lay leaders. I believe this Council and the Martin Luther Tower board for the many
ministry can shape our life together at St. Mark’s in hours you contribute to St. Mark’s ministries. I am
significant ways. We are called to “make disciples” and extremely thankful to our staff that supports all of our
welcome newcomers to this community of faith. This ministries and enable each of you to do what you do here at
ministry gives us a way to do this through worship and St. Mark’s. It is a privilege to work with Pastor Christian,
education. I invite anyone who is interested in learning how Jun, Ann, Cheryl, Tina, David, Stacy, Duc, Carl, Elvira, and
to be involved in the Catechumenate to speak to one of the Johanna – I could not ask for a finer staff to work with and
pastors or any of the laity who are leading this ministry. value their contributions, insights, and collaborative spirit.

In March, we hosted over 60 E.L.C.A. bishops and Presiding I look forward to this next year including the changes,
Bishop, Mark Hanson for worship and a luncheon. After challenges and opportunities to serve Jesus Christ with you
experiencing worship and hospitality with us, several in this urban setting. My faith has been deepened this past
bishops said that if they could join any congregation of their year and my desire to serve with you has been
choosing, it would be St. Mark’s. On the same Sunday, we strengthened. For this, I am thankful.
welcomed David Auerbach as our Interim Organist and Choir
Director. David jumped into this interim position with With gratitude,
poise, good humor, and sensitivity. He has brought new Pastor Elizabeth Ekdale
gifts, energy and vision to our worship life. Our Christmas
services, the Advent Lessons and Carol service and the
Epiphany service featuring, “Amahl and the Night Visitors”
are a few examples of his fine contributions. He has also
partnered with an active worship committee which has
taken the lead in planning many of our worship services.

Our 9:00 worship service is thriving under the musical

leadership of Stacy Cullison and Joleen Jessen. Their gifts
have infused new life and energy into this service. Many of
our new families who have come to St. Mark’s in the past

Associate Pastor
2008 was an interesting year for me to say the least—I gained
insights into our community, learned about systems theory and
came to appreciate the collective wisdom of our wonderful
leaders and community, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, even
while dealing with complex issues. My respect and appreciation
goes to all who have shown courage and calm in
this past year. Together as a team of staff, clergy making disciples. A training workshop was offered by our
synod in Sacramento in October and it was a joy to participate
and lay leaders we have and will shine with the in it with the other leaders from St. Mark’s and our synod.
light of Christ in our church and community. The Catechumenate is such a meaningful way for making
I realize that I am completing my “first five” at St. Mark’s. I was called disciples. It is a journey that involves those inquiring about
to be the Associate Pastor at the Annual Meeting in 2004, ordained the church desiring to become baptized and/or new members
in our congregation. I have written things about the
on Transfiguration Sunday February 22, 2004 and held my first Catechumenate before and I refer you to my reflection from
service as an ordained pastor on Ash Wednesday of that year. the last year’s AR. Keep in mind that the Catechumenate is
Reflecting back on five years of parish ministry with and intentionally a *lay* led process. A great team of leaders is in
among you, it has truly been an exciting time. I have learned a place to make the Catechumenate a reality in our
lot at St. Mark’s in this time—things important to parish congregation. This is exciting news!
ministry that no seminary education will ever teach you. I
pray to continue to learn here, as lifelong learning is an Lastly, in November I found myself back in St. Paul, Minnesota
intentional part of my ministry and growth. One thing that I were I took a one-week course on leadership development
have observed for myself is that I feel I have accomplished my called “Thriving as an Associate Pastor”. It was a good
time of “apprenticeship”—coming more into my own as a seminar that I wished I had attended sooner in my career as
pastor in general and the Associate Pastor at St. Mark’s in (associate) pastor. I learned not only about myself and how I
particular. This excites me for the year ahead even more! I operate as an individual and in a team setting; I also learned
have asked the church council to bring me up to full time vs. about self-care, communication, boundaries and work habits
my previous 85% of full time. This is budget permitting, as well as how to be the best associate pastor I can be—one
naturally. I will say that I am excited about this development, of my most important objectives.
because I feel that I can fully step up to my potential as
associate pastor at St. Mark’s, as a team partner to Pastor I hope to apply much of this in the New Year in my role as a
Ekdale, my mentor, colleague and supervisor, as a integral member of a strong pastoral team, staff and congregation for
part of a wonderful staff and for the entire congregation. the sake of the One who has called us each by name and
sends us out for the sake of the world.
Looking back, let me share my year with you in three
“highlights” that framed 2008 for me and helped me grow in I am looking forward to 2009. I pray that we will grow deeper
my role as associate pastor, as well as gain new insights for St. in the way of the Gospel, reading the Scriptures together and
Mark’s ministry: making new disciples, young and old, using the
Catechumenate. Together, we can do it with the help of the
The Bible, the Catechumenate and “Thriving as an Holy Spirit.
Associate Pastor”
And the peace of God that passes all human understanding
I was able and blessed to attend three different continuing keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
education events in 2008. The first one was in January of
2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota (see 2007 AR). I attended the Respectfully submitted,
Midwinter Convocation at Luther Seminary under the topic Pastor Christian Jennert
“The Book of Faith—how Lutherans read the bible.” I learned
about the Book of Faith initiative that the ELCA adopted in
2007 and how Lutherans read the Bible (or ought to read the
bible). It was exciting to spend time in the largest Lutheran
seminary in the country and learn more of the importance of
reading Scriptures “together” in a “Lutheran fashion” in our
congregations. Stay tuned for more on this in 2009.

Secondly, the catechumenate is off to a wonderful start.

Thanks to our great team of lay leaders (Liv, Dean, Jan, Kyle,
Dale, Suzanne and Bob) we continue this ancient way of

Council President Rise up like eagles on the wing,
God’s power will make us strong.*
Arise, your light has come!
The Spirit’s call obey; In 2008, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church burst forth in song:
Show forth the glory of your God,
Which shines on you today. Walking in the light of God, we have come through a year
punctuated by change. Change is always difficult for us, but
In 2008, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church showed forth the light
of God’s glory through: On Sunday mo rnings and Wednesday evenings
Arise, your light has come! To gether w ith o ur Adult and Children’s Cho irs and
p re-scho o l children (in Sp anish!)
Po w erful p reaching o f the Go sp el
With o rgan and p iano and trump et and tro mbo ne and
Insp ired teaching in Sunday Scho o l, Co nfirmatio n,
flute and o bo e and guitar and vio lin and harp sicho rd
Adult Fo rum, the Catechumenate, Small Gro up s
At the first (ho p efully annual) Advent Lesso ns and
The servant leadership o f o ur Pasto rs, members o f
Caro ls service w ith the surging no tes o f V ivaldi’s
Co uncil, chairs o f Parish Life Co mmittees
magnificent Glo ria p erfo rmed by o ur cho ir and
Flinging w ide the do o r to w elco me all musicians
Bap tizing babies and adults and even mo re babies And, trusted in Go d’s p o w er to keep us stro ng
Keep ing co mp any w ith the dying and their families our faith tells us that within change glows the light of Christ
that is our hope.
Ho sting the ELCA Bisho p s
I offer my sincere thanks to each and every member and
Setting the hearts o f Lutheran Co ncerned o n fire
friend of this congregation for your partnership in ministry
Celebrating same-sex w eddings during 2008, especially to members of the Congregational
Council for a year of extraordinary dedication to the well
Listening, laughing, talking and w riting at o ur being of the Body of Christ. To each member and friend of
gathering, “Listening to Go d; Listening to Each this congregation who reflected the light of God by feeding
Other” the hungry, wrestling with Scripture, raising your voice in
prayer and in song, pledging your monetary support, caring
Co mmitting o urselves to a cap ital camp aign that w ill for our children, washing a chalice, serving on a committee,
take us “Fo rw ard In Faith; To gether in Missio n” attending a funeral, greeting a guest, wiping a tear, folding a
bulletin, chatting with a Bishop, dusting a pew, answering a
Fling wide the prison door; phone, lighting a candle, thank you. To the office staff and
Proclaim the captive’s liberty, volunteers, we could not even turn on the lights without
Good tidings to the poor. you. To the Pastors, who continue to point us toward the
light of the Epiphany, our deepest gratitude.
In 2008, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church proclaimed liberty and
good tidings by: Respectfully submitted,
Margaret R. McLean, Council President
Arise, your light has come!
* ELW, Hymn # 314, verses 1, 2, and 4, used by the permission of
Knitting fo r the s treets —600 scarves fo r tho se w ho Augsburg Fortress, licenses #9982S and #2622L
shiver o n o ur streets
Feeding and sheltering ho meless men
Gathering so cks and to iletries fo r the residents o f
Co rnell Ho use
Sup p o rting o ur missio naries in Zambia and the
Philip p ines
Being a Co venant Church w ith Bread fo r the Wo rld
Celebrating Christmas at Bernal Gatew ay
Sp o nso ring Bible Study, lunches, and trip s fo r o ur
neighbo rs at Martin Luther To w er

The mountains burst in song!

Treasurer Key expense assumptions
• Reduced Synod support from 11% of pledges to 10% of
2008 Operating Results of St. Marks’ pledges
St. Marks’ had stronger than expected revenues from every
source except interest income, which was lower than • 0% COLA – no cost of living adjustment for 2009
expected due to a dramatic decline in the rates paid on • Re-evaluating staffing levels and miscellaneous
available low risk securities. Overall income exceeded our discretionary expenses
budget by over $18,000, or approximately 4%. We thank St.
Marks’ members for their strong support and adherence to • Staff reducing multiple discretionary expenses (training,
their pledges in these difficult times. conferences, misc. expenses)
• Reduced contingency to approximately $5,000 from
Budgeted program and staff expenses were materially preferred $10,000
within budget for 2008. St. Marks’ did have unexpected
legal expenses totaling approximately $17,000 related to • ULC utilities and maintenance expenses are expected to
our staffing transition. be consistent with 2008 with the exception of a
reduction in the Armada nightly security visits from two
2007 Operating Results of the Urban Life Center per night to one per night
Overall the ULC experienced a surplus do to strong rental
• Reducing our use of paper
and parking income. Staff expenses came in materially
within budget and maintenance expenses came in well • Reduction in the use of paid musicians for special
under budget as we were fortunate in the costs of basic worship events
utilities and were disciplined in our use of discretionary
services. Elevator Fund
As part of the capital campaign we have established an
Plan to Reduce Debt Elevator Fund. The initial funds raised will help in the design
As the new capital campaign is finalized we will revisit our of the elevator which we expect will be funded in full
plan to reduce the $1.3mm in debt outstanding to Thrivent. subsequent to the completion of the current capital
Based on existing pledges we expect to be able to campaign.
comfortably service the debt during the campaign but do
not have visibility into how much we will be able to reduce Once again I would like to thank the congregation, Pastors,
the principal amount of that debt. staff and Church Council for their continued interest,
guidance, support and friendship. I would particularly like
We also have a note outstanding to Plant for approximately to recognize Jun Ranches, Director of Church Administration
$200,000. We expect to repay this note within the next six and Operations; and Cheryl Garcia, St. Marks’ book keeper
months in conjunction with MLT. for their hard work and diligence.

Trust Fund Respectfully submitted,

At this point we do not anticipate making contributions to Aron Bohlig, Treasurer
replenish the Trust Fund in 2009.

2009 Budgetary Assumptions

2008 was a difficult time, economically, for the United
States and the world at large. Unfortunately St. Marks’
members have not been immune to these issues. We thank
the entire congregation for their continued commitment to
supporting the worship and ministries of St. Marks. These
assumptions are subject to final Council approval and the
finalization of pledges which is expected to occur by the end
of January.

Key revenue assumptions

• We anticipate reduced building use income due to
lower wedding inquiries. We believe that the lowered
inquiries are due to increased economic pressure on
couples seeking to be married
• General pledge numbers are expected to be lower by
approximately 15%
• ULC revenue numbers are expected to be “up” based
on recent monthly building use and parking trends

Interim Choir Mother, were all members of the choir.

Director and Plans for 2009 include celebrating the 200th anniversary of
Organist the death of Joseph Haydn with special concerts by the
music program on the weekend of May 29-31. 2009 is also
Mendelssohn’s 200th birthday and the program will also
The music program celebrate with anthems throughout the year.
at St. Mark’s has
had a remarkable Sincerely,
David Auerbach, Interim Choir Director and Organist
year. The program has undergone
extensive self evaluation and change. This
continues as the search for a new director
of music gets underway.
In March, David Auerbach was hired as interim music
director and organist, and subsequently engaged on a long
term basis while the search process moves forward. Stacy
Cullison has agreed to direct and prepare the music for the
9 am service, and Liz Benson has taken on directing the Director of
children’s choir.
The program has continued to produce music of the highest Administration
caliber for worship, as well as present a variety of events for
worship and community. Important highlights include:
and Operations

• A recital by Mr. Auerbach in October; As I look back on

• Lessons and Carols for Advent in mid- December which 2008, I think to
included Vivaldi’s Gloria and Perti’s Magnificat with
myself, “Where did the time go?” “Time
• A concert version of Amahl and the Night Visitors to flies” would be an understatement and
celebrate the Epiphany in January. (This performance often times I’d find myself wishing for a
also traveled to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in
Lafayette.) “time out.” To say that we live in
challenging times is probably not that
There have been other changes and innovations. The grand
piano from the auditorium was moved to the sanctuary to
much of a revelation to many folks.
allow better interaction for the 9 am service and to provide However, to say that I am grateful for these
a much needed piano in the front of the church. times, as blurry, busy, and burdensome as
The Lessons and Carols service for Advent is new, and they can be, I think I might raise a few
meant to focus attention on the need for quiet and patient brows. But I am thankful, for despite all
waiting during Advent. For the first time a choral ensemble
provided special anthems for the 8 pm Lessons and Carols
the crazy busy-ness that was 2008, I
service on Christmas Eve. The Adult Choir presented a continue to feel and admire the strong
concert of carols before the 11 pm service sung from the sense of community and God’s love that
front of the church.
pervades St. Mark’s Square.
The Adult Choir has been fortunate to welcome 6 new
members this year, and the Children’s Choir two. St. Mark’s Square, which includes St. Mark’s Lutheran
Church, the Urban Life Center (ULC), and Martin Luther
The music program continues to do all in its power to Tower (MLT), continues to serve as a thriving center of
engage the congregation and to provide musical ministry and activity. During the year, the church building
opportunities for members. For example there is a rotation and the ULC faithfully accommodated the ministries of St.
of choir members who sing in small quartets for the psalm, Mark’s as well as those of other churches, non-profit and
thus encouraging all members to stretch themselves. The community organizations, and performing arts groups.
singers for Amahl, with the exception of the role of the These various groups not only add to the unique personality

and culture of the Square, but also much needed revenue to
help with operating costs. I am very thankful for the help and support of
the following people:
Martin Luther Tower, an affordable housing apartment
residence for seniors, continues to be an important ministry on Office and Facilities Staff
the Square. With the help of EAH Housing and the wonderful Ann Dayton
staff at MLT, we strive to address the needs of seniors in the Cheryl Garcia
Tower and community. Senior ministries include the “Tuesdays Tina Haner
at 2” Bible study, MLT exercise classes, senior luncheons and Duc Huynh
occasional senior field trips. Carl Storey

Aside from the continued growth in the use of our facilities, we Office Volunteers
continue to make several administrative improvements. If you Monday: Eunice Childs & Geri Bailey
have not yet visited our website lately, then I encourage you to Tuesday: Earline Bryan & Pam Ruh
do so. Please go to to view our up-to-date Wednesday: Jacque-Lynne Randich
online calendar, read the latest announcements and newsletter, Thursday: Marge Jencks & Suzanne Smith
download forms, shop our bookstore, make a secure online Friday: Jim Benson
donation, view the latest photos, and so much more. Our
website is a useful resource, which we plan to utilize more and
more as we disseminate important information to help keep
members and the community well-informed on what’s Groups at St. Mark’s Square
happening in and around St. Mark’s.
Music Groups
As technology continues to advance and the Internet brings
American Bach Soloists
people and information closer together, we have seen the need
to adapt, go “green,” and find innovative ways to reach out to Clerestory
folks. We encourage all members to look at Simply Giving, International Orange Choir
which allows contributions to be transferred electronically to the Magnificat
church's account. It is safe and secure and saves paper and Musaic
postage costs. Similarly, look for less paper and cost savings as New Esterhazy Quartet
we streamline our announcements, worship materials, Evangel San Francisco Choral Artists
newsletter and more. San Francisco Early Music Society
Soli Deo Gloria
Of course, a lot of this is possible because of the extraordinary Voices of Music
efforts of St. Mark’s staff and office volunteers. The church
office continues to perform exceptionally well during these busy
times. Producing top-notch publications, scheduling the various Office Tenants
activities on the Square and helping to ensure that operations Bay Area Organizing Committee
continue to run smoothly, the staff of St. Mark’s has become a Benefits Education Center
solid, productive team. I am proud to be counted among these EAH Housing
dedicated and hardworking folks. I am grateful for the Freedom in Christ Church
leadership and support of Pastor Elizabeth and Pastor Christian. Lutheran Care for the Aging
The San Francisco Night Ministry
This year marks the beginning of my fifth year with St. Mark’s. Other private and conservator practices
Sometimes I can’t believe I’ve been here that long. Sometimes it
seems like I’ve been here much longer. I suppose it’s true…
Community Groups
“Time flies when you’re having fun!” Indeed, it has been fun.
With God’s grace, I look forward to more good times together. Alcoholics Anonymous
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries
Respectfully submitted, First United Lutheran Church
Jun Ranches Interfaith Homeless Shelter
Lutherans Concerned
Narcotics Anonymous
San Francisco Interfaith Council
The Gate Community Church

Discipling and Outreach Scripture, theology and ethics, church activities, social
ministries and other topics relevant to our life and times.
The 2008 goal of the Discipling and Outreach Team was
that, by the end of the year, everyone in the congregation In 2008 our scriptural and theological studies included our
would know what the catechumenate is. To that end, there Lenten book study of Passion for Pilgrimage by Alan Jones,
were adult forums and the first ever Rite of Welcome for Dean of Grace Cathedral led by Pastors Ekdale and Jennert,
catechumens and affirmers in December. (For anyone who a close reading of poems by 17th century devotional poets,
missed these, the catechumenate is a group of people who, particularly John Donne and George Herbert, with Dr. Peter
for a season of time, intentionally choose to journey Weltner and “Reflecting on Our Faith”, a TV conversation
together in order to discover and/or renew their faith in between Richard Rodriguez and Bill Moyers. We explored
Jesus Christ). “Faith and Politics” led by Dr. James Emerson,
“Fundamentalism” with Pastor Jennert and “Advent and
At St. Mark’s, these meetings are called “Journeys in Faith” Christmas” with Kyle Schiefelbein and the Catechumenate
and are held most Wednesday evenings after services. Team.
Although the catechumenate is especially for people who
are thinking seriously about receiving baptism, others may We had the opportunity to learn about “The Brain and the
wish to affirm their baptism or simply to “brush up” on Dynamic of Forgiveness from Dr. James Emerson and John
aspects of the Christian faith that they’ve forgotten or Cummings, a Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary intern
maybe never knew. All are welcome! with Pace e Bene, led us in exploring how to build a
nonviolent church and community. We had a series on
The Rite of Welcome on December 7 was a very moving “Healthy Communication with Healthy Boundaries” with Dr.
experience, not only for the participants, but for many in Caroline Hollnagel and focused on the Millennium
the congregation as well. Development Goals and Mission Investment opportunities
Our thanks to the leaders of the catechumenate gatherings, along with new steps for the San Francisco Interfaith
co-chairs Liv Beck and Kyle Schiefelbein, Dean Atkinson, Bob Council.

Brouhard, Jan Charter, Dale Loepp, and Suzanne Smith, and

ex officio leaders, Pastors Ekdale and Jennert (this is Reports on activities in our own congregation included a
primarily a lay-lead process). discussion of “Reconciling in Christ” led by Karl Breice, being
a Safe Congregation by Mary Ritter and Tom Benson showed
Now that we have in place a formal means to welcome us the ties between St. Mark’s and the American Church in
those who have come through St. Mark’s doors and are Berlin and its fascinating history. We were introduced to
considering St. Mark’s as their church home, we will be Katharina Schulze, a Diaconal Minister from Germany who
focusing on bringing people to those doors and the was with us for a five week internship. We looked at how
welcoming arms of Christ. we learned to give with Marge Okuley and Greg Jahnke, and
how we can be more “Green” with Margaret Mclean and Art
Respectfully submitted, Michel, and who the Mutual Ministry is and what it does.
Jan Charter, Chair
We are looking forward to more interesting learning
opportunities in 2009. If anyone has ideas for topics to be
covered or is interested in presenting at a forum, please
contact me or our pastors.

Respectfully submitted,
Education – Adult Forum Suzanne Smith
The Adult Forum Planning Committee arranges for a variety
of educational events on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. from
September through June. We aim to create an environment
that presents adults with opportunities to grow in a vibrant
relationship with God and God’s creation and to serve and
witness as Christ’s disciples. We have presentations on
Education – Sunday School • Making Valentines for the residents of Martin
Luther Towers
Sunday School at St. Mark’s is thriving. Over the last year • Reenacting Jesus’ donkey ride into Jerusalem on
our numbers have grown, with a good increase in the Palm Sunday
number of attending preschool children. On the average
Sunday we have between 12 and 14 kids in attendance. Confirmation Ministry
We currently have six Junior high students studying Luther's
The “Forward in Faith, Together in Mission” campaign, kept Small Catechism in preparation for their Affirmation of
the kids busy this fall. The older Faith. They meet weekly with Pastor
children made drawings of St. Ekdale for study and also volunteer
Mark’s, which we included in the in a variety of ways as a way to live
Prayer Book. All ages created “Folk out their faith. They helped lead
Crosses” which were displayed at the worship at the Central Gardens
Jewish Museum and in Heritage Hall. Nursing Home, fed breakfast to the
Chapel leaders Susan and Jeff Sall homeless, read scripture at the
taught the children one of their Advent Lessons and Carol service,
favorite songs in Spanish, which the and walked through the Tenderloin
children performed at services in with S.F. Night Minister, Rev. Chuck
November. This campaign also gave Lewis. Four of our confirmation
us an opportunity to learn more students will affirm their baptismal
about our sister parish in El Salvador. faith on Pentecost, May 31, 2009.
For many years, the Sunday School We look forward to new students
has supported Cordero de Dios in joining this ongoing ministry in the
Soyapango, El Salvador with our weekly offering from new year.
Children’s Chapel.
We continue to use the internet as a means of
Sunday School offers 3 distinct opportunities for children’s communication. If you’re not currently on our e-mail list and
worship: want to be, please let us know.

Children’s Time: during the 9:00 service, children are Respectfully submitted,
gathered together to spend time with their pastors. This Jenny Hart
time also highlights the whole congregations love and
support for our children.

Chapel: After Children’s Time and before Sunday School

class, children are gathered in the Urban Life Center. Susan
and Jeff Sall lovingly lead chapel, allowing the children to
participate in worship, sing familiar songs, learn new songs
and give their weekly offering.
Sunday School Class: Every week our three dedicated
teachers prepare age appropriate lessons, using standard 2008 Hospitality Committee activities began in February
curriculum. This year the preschool class is using Witness with the Lenten Season. During Lent, soup and salad
curriculum, which teaches familiar Bible stories to the dinners were served prior to the Wednesday evening
younger class. The two older classes use the same services. The Lenten Season continued into March.
lectionary based curriculum series as last year. Separate,
age appropriate classes allow the teachers to prepare On March 9th, St. Mark’s hosted a luncheon for the ELCA
lessons that specifically focus on a particular age group. We Bishops and their guests. The Bishops were attending a
always include hands-on activities which are created with national conference in Burlingame. Two hundred and thirty
each age group in mind. attended the luncheon. During the luncheon attendees
enjoyed light jazz music. To accommodate the number of
Sunday School meets at least once a month as a large group. those attending, the meal was served in both Heritage Hall
In January we made stockings for the homeless. This
and the Auditorium. The weather was beautiful which
allowed our youngest children to appreciate the plight of
the homeless and do something to help. Our upcoming large enabled conversation and fellowship to spill out into the
group activities include: plaza and walkways.

• The Ritual of Communion taught by Pastor March also saw the culmination of the Lenten activities. The
Elizabeth Easter Vigil service was followed by an hors d’oeurves
• Seder Celebration and our Jewish Heritage taught buffet. The traditional buffet-style Pancake Breakfast was
by Pastor Christian served on Easter morning.
In July, St. Mark’s hosted a dinner for the attendees of the

Lutheran Concerned/North America (LC/NA) conference, was an especially rewarding project. The landscape,
Heart’s on Fire held at San Francisco State University over designed pro bono by landscape architect Stephen Wheeler,
the 4th of July weekend. Again, due to the number of features white flowering camellias, maple trees and ground
attendees, the meal was served in both Heritage Hall and cover. The crabapple trees that line the drive on the north
the Auditorium. side of the church, selected to remind us of Luther’s famous
statement of hope, “Even though the earth should see its
end tomorrow, I will plant an apple tree,” are now well-
September was the beginning of our weekly Wednesday
established and were in full bloom during Holy Week last
evening Eucharist service. A light buffet-style dinner is year.
served prior to the service. St. Mark’s members are asked Many volunteers came to St. Mark’s on Saturday mornings
to sign up to prepare and serve the meals. to complete a number of projects this year:

October 21st was the annual New Member Dinner. The • Installing the 2007 time capsule in the building and
meal and fellowship was enjoyed by all who attended. mounting a commemorative plaque at the bottom of
the northeast stairway
A Fiesta Lunch was held on November 9th. This luncheon • Assembling and installing new shelving for the Knitter’s
was part of the Forward in Faith activities and in honor of closet, the choir & organ music and in the Southwest
our sister church in El Salvador. The food was, Storage Room
appropriately, Salvadoran and attendees enjoyed guitar • Cleaning and polishing to spruce up the building for
music provided by Joleen Jessen. The annual Thanksgiving festivals
Luncheon was held on November 23rd. This year the • Painting the balcony floor and organ platform
luncheon occurred on Commitment Sunday so was part of • Ordering and installing a mirror at the organ console
• Purchasing lights for music stands and choir folders
the Forward in Faith campaign. This was very successful – a
• Restoring the frames and artwork of the Martin Luther
day of fellowship and good food.
and Philipp Melanchthon portraits that first hung in our
1862 Union Square church building. The portraits now
Coffee Hour continues each Sunday. All Coffee Hour Group hang in the Vestry.
Chairs, Co-Chairs and Maintaining the new landscaping and planting azaleas in the
members are doing
wonderful ministry
providing food for our St.
Mark’s Sunday fellowship.
Your ministry is greatly

There is a need for

additional Coffee Hour
Chairs. As a Coffee Hour
Chair you are provided a
wonderful opportunity to
work with your St. Mark’s
friends, as well as getting to
know other members. If
you are interested in
becoming a Coffee Hour
Chair, please contact Geri
Bailey or Dean Atkinson.

Respectfully submitted,
Geri Bailey
pots on the east side of the building

I am grateful to the many members that have helped with

Property-related projects. The group includes: Dean
Atkinson, Alfred Boehl, David, Matthew & Karl Breice, Cal
and Gail Culp, Barbara Engmann, Rodney Gehrke, Rune
Property Heden, Steven Krefting, Philip Krikau, Marge Jencks,
Margaret McLean, Tom Munn, Mary Ritter, Elise & Peter
With the renovation complete, the Property Committee Semonian, Sig Sigafoos, Gordon Stevenson, Helen Vaneeva
focused on special projects during 2008. Adding new and Omer Voss (apologies to anyone I’ve failed to
landscaping along the north and east sides of the church mention!).

The Committee also oversaw the addition of the exterior Additional plans for 2009
lighting on the west, south and east sides of the building include a community
required by the San Francisco Department of Building garden project, and
Inspection. With this work complete, our Building Inspector enhancing the welcome we
signed off on our renovation project, closed our building extend to all, including the
permit and the City officially removed St. Mark’s from their marginalized.
list of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings. Hallelujah!
Thanks to all who help with
Respectfully submitted by: this work!
Gary Schilling, Property Committee Chairperson
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ritter

Social Ministry
First, thanks to the congregation for the support of many
projects for the poor and needy in 2008.

Social Ministry looks forward to many ways to minister to

those in need here in San Francisco as well as throughout
the country and around the world in 2009.

We have again hosted 60-70 men at the Interfaith Homeless

Shelter here at St. Mark’s. Thanks to the many of you
who provided breakfasts and suppers as well as monetary
Many St. Mark’s members and friends “Knit for the Streets”,
making over 600 scarves for folks on the streets served by Worship
the San Francisco Night Ministry, the Welcome Ministry,
and our Interfaith Homeless Shelter. Many people will The task of the Worship Committee is to focus directly on
have colorful scarves around their necks this winter! the manner and details of our corporate worship of our
We continue to support the activities of the Bay Area Triune God. Word and Sacrament, liturgy and music are the
Organizing Committee and Bread for the World as we areas of our loving concern. It is an honorable and fearsome
advocate for the poor. Many people wrote to their responsibility to think that we can proffer our worship in a
Congressional representatives in June as legislation way that is pleasing to God. We appreciate the structure of
supporting the global poor was considered in the U.S. the liturgy which keeps our work pointing toward the honor
Congress. and glory of God.
We continue our supportive relationships with our sister
parish, Cordero de Dios in El Salvador. 5% of the current This of course, translates directly into committee meetings,
Forward in Faith Capital Campaign has been designated without which churches could not run. The committee has
to go to our shared ministry with Cordero de Dios. Watch been meeting regularly since September. Our goal is to be
for information about that ministry! ahead of ourselves by about six months. We create an
We continue our support of Pr. Arden Strasser and his overall theme and plan for a natural segment of the church
family in Zambia, and Pr. Noel Ilagan and Connie as they year. We then plan each Sunday and Feast Day service,
moved from Cambodia to the Philippines where they are studying the theme of the season, the readings for the day,
working with the Lutheran Church in the Philippines. the options available in the ELW and other materials from
Locally, we will continue to support our Lutheran Social the ELCA. Hymns and choir anthems are suggested or
Services partners at Bernal Gateway. searched for according to the readings and themes. Prayers
Our 2008 Lenten Boxes were money to be sent to our Sister of the day are selected; optional elements of the service are
Parish in El Salvador and to the San Francisco Night added or removed. A significant effort is made to keep the
Ministry. Watch for information about the 2009 service fresh, interesting, thematic, and lively, avoiding dull
designation. and rote matter-of-factness.
We continue our support of higher education at California
Lutheran University at Thousand Oaks, and in doing so Particularly, I would like to thank Richard Boyle, long time
were able to help our own Victoria Krikau, who reported Sacristan, for his continued faithful service. Thanks also to
to us about her experiences at CLU. Kyle Schiefelbein, our other Sacristan, and a doctoral
We plan to pack and send Midwife Kits to Africa in 2009. candidate in liturgics at Pacific Lutheran Theological
Watch for information about participating in this project.
Seminary, for his invaluable and in depth knowledge of the Stewardship Report
liturgy and the many options that are available to us as we “Forward in Faith – Together in Mission”
do our planning.
Core Committee Members: Pr Elizabeth Ekdale, Greg
Also, David Auerbach has been graciously constant in Jahnke, Bob McPhail, Marge Okuley, Roger Ostrem, Sharon
offering his rich knowledge of the hymns and anthems with Seliga
which our worship has been enlivened. We are blessed to
have his considerable input. St. Mark’s second capital campaign for the seismic retrofit
began in September, 2008 with the purpose of raising
Stacy Cullison and Joleen Jessen are responsible for the $750,000 over three years to reduce principal and service
music selections of the 9:00 am service. Their work is the debt of $1.2 million remaining from the retrofit work.
Parallel to this effort was the stewardship activity of
obtaining congregational pledges to support the 2009
church budget.

As of January 13, 2008, pledges & amounts received are:

Capital Campaign (3-year debt reduction pledges):
105 pledges for $511,945
Current Expenses, 2009:
120 pledges for $321,492

Ten percent of the money raised for debt reduction will be

split between a donation to our sister parish, Cordero de
Dios in Soyapango, El Salvador, and to a newly established
elevator fund for the church.

St. Mark’s hired The James Company, church stewardship

consultants based in the Chicago area, to work with the core
committee and pastoral and lay leadership to organize and
uniformly praised by all who come in contact with it. carry out the campaign. John Clark (principal) met with the
committee monthly, and Donna Lund, program
The Worship committee has also been asked to form the administrator in Chicago, supported the administrative
core of the Worship Assessment Task Force, along with Greg work.
Jahnke and Diana Gomez. We are currently compiling the
results of the questionnaire which the congregation has Campaign events included:
been very responsive in returning. The results of this survey
will be reported to the committee formed to search for a • Kick off Sunday, October 5, 2008 and introduction of the
permanent musical director. campaign
• Advance Giving event at the Contemporary Jewish
The Worship Committee makes a showing at every Parish
Museum, October 25, 2008
Life night, which generally occurs quarterly. The committee
• Visits to designated members to obtain advance gifts
also meets monthly for detailed planning, has met over a
• Fiesta Sunday, celebrating Cordero de Dios parish, with
potluck dinner at least once, and will do so again.
Salvadoran food and a report by Liv Beck on her visit to
the parish, November 9, 2008. Packets for the general
Additional contributing members of the Worship Committee
membership were distributed on this day.
are Ed Chitty, Sharon Seliga, and Pastor Jennert. Paul Cruce
• Commitment Sunday, November 23, 2008, when
has recently joined the Worship Committee. He is a
members submitted their pledges and everyone enjoyed a
welcome addition. We welcome any member of St. Marks
Thanksgiving feast
who wants to participate in the Worship Committee. We
would like more members, especially members who attend • Faith statement booklet containing over 25 statements of
the 9:00 am service. faith from members
• Construction of a banner and a 14-foot folk cross which
The Worship Committee solicits any questions, ideas or hung over the altar
concerns that you may have. Please contact any of us. • Drawings by the Sunday School for the faith statement
Sincerely, • Folk cross artwork by the Sunday School for the Advance
Kathy Lautz, Chairperson Giving event
• Photographs of members of Cordero de Dios decorating
the sanctuary
• Temple talks during October and November
• Evangel newsletter article
• Phone calls to members by a bank of phone volunteers

Approximately 25 individuals contributed efforts toward the 60% of San Francisco’s median. Because MLT agreed to
campaign, and the Sunday School children contributed their accept these maximum rent restrictions until 2060, MLT
artwork. Additionally, ten people not otherwise involved received substantial tax credits that we sold to a syndicate
contributed to the faith statement booklet. of tax paying investors, while strengthening our
commitment to affordable senior housing.
Efforts now continue to collect pledges from members who
have pledged in the past but have not yet turned in a The year started in tragic fashion with the January 12
commitment. The committee wishes to thank everyone shooting death of Terrell Rogers in our parking lot. Mr.
who contributed so their time, talent and financial Rogers had parked his car in the lot so he could watch his
resources to this effort. daughter play basketball at Sacred Heart, and his murder,
while apparently pre-meditated, prompted us to improve
Respectfully submitted, security in the lot by improving the lighting and video
Sharon Seliga surveillance, and approving the installation of an access
control arm.

The Board also conducted what it expects will be the first of

a series of periodic surveys of the resident population. 73%
of the residents completed the survey, and their responses
gave the Board valuable guidance on MLT’s strengths and
areas for improvement.

EAH had its first full year as our management company, and
they continued to elevate MLT’s operations:
• 96 units were certified and their files passed the TCAC
inspection with flying colors
• Vacancy losses for the year were 40% lower than the
year before
• Water damage to the lounge, caused by a broken drain
pipe, was completely fixed within a week
• Baseboard heaters are being assessed and replaced to
improve the comfort and energy efficiency of

The Board thanks the following members of the EAH staff:

Jeff Kohler, Vice President of Property Management; Mark
Schiferl, Assistant Director of Property Management; David
Kim, Property Supervisor; Ron Dirks, Property Supervisor;
Zuly Cruz, Property Manager; John Hunter, Maintenance
Supervisor; Cherry Calvin, Maintenance Technician; and
Richard Gallo, Resident Services Coordinator. The Board
also thanks Pat Anderson — one of MLT’s charter residents
— for providing excellent standby support.

The Board also thanks the following:

Martin Luther Tower • Prs. Jennert and Ekdale, who, through their work in the
Senior Center, continue to enrich residents’ lives
through activities and field trips.
Martin Luther Tower (MLT) is a 121 unit, 13 story apartment
building, located at 1001 Franklin Street that provides • The law firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, which has
affordable, independent living for seniors. MLT was built in provided the Board with a considerable amount of pro
the 1960’s as a mission of St. Mark’s, and St. Mark’s bono legal services this
continues that mission today in the form of activities, year. In particular, the
pastoral care, and corporate oversight. Other services Board recognizes the
provided for MLT residents include an on-site social worker generosity and expertise of
3 days per week; a weekly Bible study; laundry facilities; a Jon Ocker, Nikka Rapkin,
small computer lab; a lounge stocked with DVDs and games; and George Yuhas.
monthly luncheons and field trips; informational seminars; a • The MLT Residents
weekly movement class; and a guest suite. About 10% of Association, especially
MLT’s residents are members of St. Mark’s. Larry Monroe, President;
Eve Plasse, Vice President;
Maximum rents are set by the State of California for 80% of Carol Snodgrass, Secretary;
MLT’s apartments, and the residents in those units have to and Barbara Redfield,
annually demonstrate that their incomes are no more than Treasurer. Jo Chadwick

was the primarily liaison between the Residents capital campaign, the annual budget, space rentals, Web
Association and the MLT Board, and we thank her as site design, online donations, creates banners, flyers, and
well. Their combined leadership was crucial after the brochures, assists in developing policies for weddings and
shooting tragedy and during the ups and downs more special events, and acts as church office manager.
typical for this type of community.
Ann Dayton, Administrative Assistant, gathers appropriate
The MLT Board of Trustees consists entirely of St. Mark’s information for and produces weekly worship bulletins and
members, specifically: Mark Hammitt, President; Susan announcements, designs and produces The Evangel
Munn, Vice President; Jon Moeller, Treasurer; Adrienne newsletter, and assists in updating the Web site.
Nelson, Secretary; Pastor Elizabeth Ekdale, Barbara Bock, Bookkeeper Cheryl Garcia tracks and processes accounts
Jonathan Ocker, Steven Krefting, Andrew Sallach, Scott receivable and accounts payable, working closely with Jun
Taylor, and Omer Voss. and the church treasurer. Tina Haner, our Facilities
Coordinator, handles inquiries and bookings for group
Respectfully submitted, events and weddings. She also monitors events to ensure
Mark Hammitt they run smoothly and church property is protected.

David Auerbach became interim organist and choir director

last March, and is scheduled to serve until a permanent
musician is hired in 2009. During the past year David added
several new choir members and helped greatly in sustaining
and broadening the music program at St. Mark’s. Highlights
of his tenure included a special Advent program with
orchestra and a production of “Amahl and the Night
Visitors”. Stacy Cullison serves as Musician for the 9:00 AM
Sunday worship service.
Human Resources Duc Huynh, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for St.
Mark’s Square, is celebrating his 20th year at St. Mark’s and
Primary responsibilities of the Human Resources (HR) is known to be able to “fix anything”. He also serves as
Committee are to advise the pastors on human resources weekday custodian. Carl Storey is now responsible for
issues and make recommendations to Church Council. The security during Sunday mornings.
Committee was expanded in 2008 in anticipation of the
retirement of 3 members during 2009. Current members The current primary nursery assistants are Elvira Markov
are: Pr. Ekdale, Pr. Jennert, Marge Jencks, Marie Jose Baum, and Johanna Najera.
Marge Okuley, Geri Bailey, Kurt Putnam, and Matt Helland.
Both Kurt and Matt are attorneys in areas relating to Staff members received annual evaluations from his/her
employment law. (Bob Ruh, who has extensive HR supervisor, and received recognition and appreciation on
experience, serves as an on-call HR consultant.) behalf of the HR Committee in honor of Administrative
Professionals Day.
HR meetings are scheduled as needed to address employee
issues, such as, staffing needs, job descriptions, hiring, Agenda items for the HR Committee during the past year
human resources policies, employment laws, salary included: policies for paid time off accrual for staff and
recommendations, cost-of-living increases, and employee pastors, benefits for staff, interim organist position, drafts of
benefits. Four meetings were held in 2008, in February, job descriptions relating to the music program, health
April, June, and September. The Committee also benefits for Pr. Jennert, summer hours for office staff,
participated in several special meetings held by Council. recommendations for cost-of-living increases, updating the
Employee Handbook, and staffing for the nursery.
There are currently 4 full-time and 8 part-time employees of
St. Mark’s: Lead Pastor, Associate Pastor, Interim Organist Respectfully submitted,
and Choir Director, 9:00 AM Musician, Director of Church Marge Jencks, Chair of HR Committee
Administration and Operations, Administrative Assistant,
Bookkeeper, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Facilities
Coordinator, a security monitor, and two nursery
attendants. Also, a pool of volunteers provides office
support during the week, working designated shifts to assist
office staff and pastors.

Jun Ranches, Director of Church Administration and

Operations, has been at St. Mark’s for 4 years and is the key
manager of operations, administration, and financial
functions. He manages or participates in many functional
activities of the church community, including financial
oversight, financial reports and statements, fundraising, the
Mutual Ministry people together to create visionary solutions and translating
those ideas into reality. Many questions of how to help the
global community on a local level followed her presentation.
The St. Mark’s Mutual Ministry Committee concentrates on
Ms Grumm provided information and handouts to take with
promoting and supporting healthy relationships between
us for further thought.
staff, pastors and parishioners with the goal of helping the
church to stay focused on mission and ministry.
In February, after sending our financial contribution to the
Sierra Pacific Synod, we also contributed to other
A big thank you to Mutual Ministry members who rotated
off the committee this year: Mary Ritter, Tom Breice and
Bob Jacobsen.

The current committee members are Charles Jacobs, Shelly

Taylor, John Varian, Jo Chadwick, John Elford, Pastor
Elizabeth, Pastor Christian Jennert and Catherine Hurley,

The Mutual Ministry Committee supports the partnership

between the pastors and parishioners in living out our
baptismal calling. We scan the congregation for developing
organizations. It was decided that our benevolence gifts for
trends, listen to the needs of members and provide
2008 be given to the following groups, with each receiving
recommendations to the pastors and Church Council to help
calibrate the mission of congregation at large.
• Maya Works
• Kerry’s Kids
The Mutual Ministry held four regular meetings in 2008,
met with two small group sessions in October and • Cordero de Dios Lutheran Church (sister
presented at an Adult Forum in November, in addition to congregation to St. Mark’s)
supporting church staff and listening to you, the members of • Living Waters Lutheran Church (sister
St. Mark’s, throughout the year. Please seek us out - we’re congregation to St. Paulus)
here to listen and to represent you in respect to our larger • Rwanda School Project
faith community. • Safe House

Respectfully submitted, April brought the loss of one of our beloved long time
Catherine Hurley members, Hilda Pope. The WELCA group planned and
prepared the memorial tea for Hilda which was held at the
beginning of May. She will be missed by us all.

Our “WELCA Celebrates Summer” Luncheon was held in July

at Shima Sushi Japanese Restaurant. This is an annual

Also, in July, Nadine Robinson and Geri Bailey attended the

Seventh Triennial Gathering of the Women of the ELCA. The
theme was “Come to the Waters” and was held July 10th -
13th in Salt Lake City, UT. Nadine represented our Synod as
a voting delegate at the business sessions prior to the
Gathering. Geri attended the Gathering. The keynote
speaker was Sister Joan Chittister. It was a privilege to hear
her speak.

Wanelda Jones, who was a member of WELCA for a number

of years before moving to Salem Lutheran Home, passed
away in July.

After our August summer break, we resumed our WELCA

Women of the ELCA (WELCA) activities in September, with a new Bible study year. This
year’s study is “The Hidden Hand of God”: Wisdom Stories
In 2008, the Women of the ELCA of St. Mark’s and St. Paulus from Ruth, Daniel and Esther.
got off to an exciting start. In January, we invited women
from other Lutheran Congregations to our monthly meeting In October, Nadine Robinson and Darlyce Sandrock
to hear Christine Grumm, President and CEO of the attended the Sierra Pacific Synod Women of the ELCA
Women’s Funding Network speak. Ms Grumm served as regional event entitled “ACT-LOVE-WALK”. This event was
Deputy General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation held at All Saint’s Lutheran Church in Novato. Our own St.
in Geneva. She is valued for her special gifts in bringing
Mark’s member, Jo Chadwick was the keynote speaker.

In November, we had our election of officers. The 2009 officers are: Nadine Robinson and Geri Bailey, Co-Presidents, Pam Ruh,
Secretary, Suzanne Smith, Treasurer and Marlo Tellschow, Program. Also, we welcomed back Jan Charter from Peru. Jan leads us
in hymns and other songs during our meetings.

“Hark the Herald Angels Sing” was the theme for the WELCA Christmas Gathering. It was a festive and joyful event. Suzanne,
Darlyce, Donna and Marlo planned the program, each taking a part of one of the Angels in the Christmas story. The luncheon was
planned and prepared by Dean Atkinson. Jan Charter and Pastor Jennert provided the music. Jan presented a history of each of
the songs which gave each hymn an even greater significance.

The women of St. Mark’s and St. Paulus meet from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month. The meeting is
held in the Fireside Room in St. Mark’s Urban Life Center. Please bring a sandwich or salad for lunch. Dessert and coffee is
provided. Join us for prayer, bible study, fellowship and fun. If you would like more information please contact Nadine Robinson
or Geri Bailey.

Respectfully submitted,
Geri Bailey, WELCA President

Five Year Statistical Summary

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Baptisms 16 7 13 4 14
Confirmations 0 7 0 4 0
Weddings 4 1 0 12 18
Funerals 7 0 1 2 6
New Members Received 40 45 36 20 22
Baptized Members 454 496 521 523 537
Confirmed Members 385 427 440 443 444
Average Worship Attendance 190 191 182 190 194


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