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Midterm Comprehensive Examination for History

Part I. Multiple Choice. Read and Analyze each question carefully. Write the capital Letter of your
chosen answer in the spaces before each number. Write LEGIBLY. Erasure means wrong.
1. This is the place where the Christians hid their religious practices from the romans?
a. catacombs b. basilica c. pendentives d. cathedral
2. The st. peter’s basilica was built during what period?
a. Roman b. Romanesque c. Byzantine d. Renaissance
3. Iconic building of Byzantine?
a. Hagia Sophia b. St. Peter’s Basilica c. Sta. Maria Del Fiore d. Constanpolis
4. What is this called the holy mountain?
a. mastaba b. Ishtar gate c. pyramid d. ziggurat
5. The era wherein the people has no written documents recorded?
a. history b. prehistory c. documentation d. all of the above
6. This part of the ziggurat is oriented to NE,NW,SE,SW?
a. corners b. sides c. both a and b d. not listed
7. This part of the pyramid is oriented to NE,NW,SE,SW?
a. corners b. sides c. both a and b d. not listed
8. The domes in this period is sitting of drums
a. Gothic b. Renaissance c. Romanesque d. Byzantine
9. The first emperor of the roman empire?
a. Augustus b. Nero c. Maximillian d. Constantine
10. The emperor of the roman empire who foresees the cross and claim Christianity as the state
religion of rome?
a. Augustus b. Nero c. Maximillian d. Constantine
11. This female queen disguised herself as male in order to became a pharaoh?
a. Nefertini b. Hatshepsut c. Imhotep d. Cleopatra
12. The domes in this period are sitting on pendentives?
a. Gothic b. Renaissance c. Romanesque d. Byzantine
13. The birth of rose window is in this period?
a. Gothic b. Renaissance c. Romanesque d. Byzantine
14. Where can you find the st. basil cathedral?
a. russia b. italy c. rome d. france
15. Who is the architect of st. basils cathedral?
a. Bramante,bernini b. barma, postnik c. barma, bramante d. Bernini, postnik
16. What type of architectural feature that romans built to commemorate victorious campaigns
of their generals or emperors?
a. triumphal arch b. rostral column c. aqueducts d. temple
17. What type of architectural feature that romans built to commemorate victorious naval
campaigns of their generals or emperors?
a. triumphal arch b. rostral column c. aqueducts d. temple
18. What civilization first invented the use of cement?
a. mesopotamian b. greek c. roman d. Egyptian
19. What is the basic component of the cement during the time it was invented?
a. sand b. gypsum c. pozzolana d. silicon
20. What is the other term for Romanesque architecture?
a. noman architecture b. neoroman architecture c. gothic architecture d. not listed.
21. The leaning tower of pisa was built during what period?
a. Byzantine b. romanesque c. gothic d. renaissance
22. What is the later name of Italian high renaissance?
a. baroque b. roccoco c. flambouyant d. not listed
23. Who is the first recorded architect?
a. amenhotep b. joseph c. imhotep d. Ramesses
24. How many degrees is the tilt of the leaning tower of pisa?
a. 12.5 b. 5.5 c. 8.5 d. 15.5
25. What is this roman building where you can find the oculus?
a. Pantheon b. Parthenon c. Pancheon d. Adapana
26. This period means rebirth.
a. industrial revolution b. revivalism c. neoclassical d. renaissance
27. Iconic Building of the gothic?
a. st. peter’s basilica b. notre dame c. worms cathedral d. hagia sophia
28. The use of flying buttress was imposed during this period.
a. doric b. ionic c. corinthian d. Tuscan
29. This is one of the new added orders by the romans, it is considered to be the combination of
both ionic and Corinthian order.
a. doric b. composite c. corinthian d. Tuscan
30. This is also one of the new added orders by the romans, it is considered to be the simplified
version of doric order
a. doric b. composite c. corinthian d. Tuscan
31. This is the source of water supply of the romans.
a. aqueducts b. aquaducts c. municipal waters d. Thermae
32. What do you call the private house of the romans.
a. insulae b. domus c. thermae d. villa
33. What do you call the apartment house of the romans.
a. insulae b. domus c. thermae d. villa
34. What do you call the public bath house of the romans.
a. insulae b. domus c. thermae d. villa
35. What do you call this ugly sculpture in a gothic church which serves as a downspout that
carries the water to the ground?
a. finial b. pinnacle c. gargoyle d. butress
36. Who invented the Vitruvian man?
a. Vitruvius b. Da vinci c. Raphael d. Bramante
37. In the roman bath house, what do you call the warm water area?
a. calidarium b. sudatorium c. tepidarium d. frigidarium
38. Who invented palladian architecture?
a. Andrea Palladia b. Andrea Bocelli c. Andrea Torres d. Not listed
39. Who built st. paul’s cathedral in London?
a. Donato Bramante b. Sir Christopher Wren c. Gian Lorenzo d. Alberti
40. The period where the people perfected the use of curve in architecture and painting in italy?
a. baroque b. rococo c. badui d. style liberti
41. What is the name of this pyramid complex in Egypt where you can find cheops chefren and
a. Ur b. Persepolis c. Acropolis d. Giza
42. What can you find in the middle of a medieval castle?
a. gatehouse b. moat c. keep d. village
43. What is the water area of the castle to protect them from invaders?
a. gatehouse b. moat c. keep d. village
44. What do you call the open hole in the castle where they can pour boiling oil to prevent
enemies from climbing the castle walls
a. machicolation b. merlon c. Crenelation d. Not listed
45. What do you call the recessed part of the castle wall?
a. machicolation b. merlon c. Crenelation d. Not listed
46. The tomb where the pharaohs were buried aside from the pyramid?
a. valley of death b. land of the dead c. valley of kings d. land of the kings
47. What is the system of preserving the dead in egypt?
a. cremation b. burial c. mummification d. all of the above
48. What is the first plan of the st. peter’s basilica?
a. orthodox cross b. latin cross c. Greek cross d. red cross
49. What do you call the upright stone containing the name of the dead?
a. sarcophagus b. menhir c. stele d. mastaba
50. The center of power of rome during byzantine?
a. constantinople b. alexandria c. adapana d. vatican
Part II. Enumeration. Fill up the needed answers in each questions read carefully if it needs to be
in order.
51-53. First medieval castle is basically composed of?54-55. What are the two roman additional
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56-57. other name for late renaissance 58-59. Two periods that celebrates dome
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60-61. Parts of thermae 62-63. Contribution of gothic era
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64-65. Contribution of renaissance
___________________________ __________________________

Part III. Categorization. Identify what civilization these items belong . Write the letter of your
answer before each number. Write B if it is Byzantine. Write G if it is Gothic. Write Ro if it is
Romanesque, Re if it is Renaissance or M if it is Medieval.
66.Bernini 67. Justinian 68. Constantinople 69. Norman

70. Worms Cathedral 71. Pisa 72. Rose Window 73. Baroque

74. Mastaba 75. Merlon 76. Quoin 77. Rococo

78. Motte 79. Moat 80. Vitruvian man 81. Pointed Arch

82. Constantine 83. Crenel 84. Machicolation 85. Rib Vault

86. Keep 87. Bailey 88. Bramante 89. Notre Dame

90. perspective 91. Gargoyle 92. castle 93. drawbridge 94. Flambouyant

95. Ramesses II 96. spires 97. Monalisa 98. Flying butress

99. Pendentrives 100. drums

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