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The Commission of Religious Leaders

630 F IFTH A VENUE , S UITE 2000, N EW Y ORK , NY 10111 P HONE : (866) 622-5988
Chairperson: His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan President: Rev. Dr. A. R. Bernard, Sr. Vice President: Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
General Secretary: Rev. Dr. Jimmy Lim

May 14, 2018

The Honorable Carl Heastie

Speaker of the Assembly
New York State Assembly
Legislative Office Building 932
Albany, NY 12248

Dear Speaker Heastie:

The Commission of Religious Leaders (CORL), representing the senior leadership of

religious communities in New York City, fully supports the work of Acting Attorney General
Barbara Underwood in these challenging times.

It is important to maintain the presence and continuity of the crucial work performed by
the A.G.’s office especially on such issues as DACA, Sanctuary Cities, Federal Travel Bans on
Immigrants and the Federal Census Bureau’s new policy of demanding citizenship information in
the 2020 Decennial Census.

We have had a substantive discussion with Barbara Underwood on many issues and ideas,
and have benefitted from her knowledge and perspective.

Accordingly, we strongly urge that serious consideration be given to having Barbara

Underwood continue to serve as Attorney General until the current term for the A.G. expires.

Sincerely yours,

Members of Commission of Religious Leaders

His Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan

Rev. Dr. A. R. Bernard, Sr.
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Rev. Al Sharpton
Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio
Rabbi Michael Miller
Most Reverend John O’Hara
Bishop Victor Brown
Imam Tahir Kukiqi
Rev. Que English
Rev. Dr. Jimmy Lim

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