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H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 GA - 766251


Applicant details
Name Jaideep Visave
Date of Birth 12/12/1980
Sex Male
Address Corso Garibaldi no 29, Pavia, 27100, Pavia, Italy
Email address
Phone Number +39 3292867271
Country of India

Please state your country of residence in the past 4 years
Year from to Country
2017 Jan 2017 Dec 2017 Italy
2016 Jan 2016 Dec 2016 Italy
2015 Sep 2015 Dec 2015 Italy
2014 Birth Aug 2015 India
(Modify as needed if years are split between countries)
Please note: regulations of the MSCA program stipulate that researchers must not have resided or
carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more
than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.

Academic Qualifications
Primary degree
Institution Smt. K. G. Mittal Country India
Ayurvedic Medical
From (year 1999 To (year registered): 2005
Qualification Bachelors of Grade (or Grade 60%
Ayurvedic Medicine point average or %)
and Sciences
Number of students 40 Ranking in class (if N/A
in class known or
Description of Studied Medicine, Surgery, etc. subjects and practiced in various hospitals.
Has this degree YES – awarded on 15th Aug 2005
been awarded and
Email address of
institution for

Details of your degree program
Year of program Subjects Grade/grade Ranking in class (if
point average known/if applicable)
or % for that
2015 Earth sciences and natural B
2015 Probability and statistics C
2015 Introduction to disaster risk A+
reduction and emergency
2015 Law and Economics B+
2015 Risk and Emergency A-
2015 Flood Risks A-
2015 GIS for Disaster risk A
2016 Remote sensing, A-
crowdsourcing and
2016 Social vulnerability and A
disaster resiliency
2016 Sustainable emergency A
2016 Nuclear Risk and Nuclear A
emergency management
2016 Extreme Value theory B+
2016 Management leadership A
2016 Emergency Management A-
2016 Human factor during crisis A-
2016 Epidemiology in natural A
2016 Data assimilation A
2016 Weather related risk C+
2016 Stochastic modelling of B
weather risk
2016 Disaster financing A+
2016 Environmental Risk B+
2017 Internship

Postgraduate qualifications (e.g. Master)

Institution Institute of Country Italy

Advanced Studies
Year registered 2015 Year registered to: 2018

Qualification M.Sc. in Risk and Grade (or Grade B

Emergency point average or %)
Number of students 7 Ranking in class (if N/A
in class known or

Description of Completed the all courses and internship for 6 months at Environmental,
degree Health and Safety department at EUCENTRE, Pavia, Italy.

Has this degree YES – awarded on 26th May 2017.

been awarded and

Email address of

institution for

(You can copy and paste this box again if you have more than 1 postgraduate qualification)
Please note that eligible Applicants must have NOT been awarded a PhD already

Postgraduate qualifications (e.g. Master)

Institution Tata Institute of Country India

Social Sciences
Year registered 2007 Year registered to: 2009

Qualification M.Sc. in Disaster Grade (or Grade B

Management point average or %)

Number of students 15 Ranking in class (if N/A

in class known or

Description of Completed the all courses and internship for 6 months at CARE - India.

Has this degree YES – awarded on 8th Aug 2009.

been awarded and

Email address of
institution for

Please respect the word limits in the following sections –material exceeding the word limit will not
be considered.

Other education (max 500 words)
“GIS and Disaster Management” from Indian Institute of Remote Sciences, Dehradun, India from
20/08/2008 to 15/9/2008.

Work experience
Employer Job Title from to Duties and responsibilities
EUCENTRE, Research 01/7/2017 Till now • Identified (80% of Priolo city) &
Pavia, Italy Assistant categories (red, orange, yellow)
the potential chemical risk zones
by modelling benzene gas,
escaped from catastrophic
release in Priolo, Italy using
MATLAB and Aloha software.
• Suggested 3 new
recommendations after
reviewing and identifying few
gaps in Environmental Policies
for European Countries.
• Wrote three Newsletters
focusing on the important
highlights of the project.
Global Consultant 01/02/2016 25/09/2017 • Initiated flood rehabilitation
Earthquake project to assess the
Model vulnerabilities related to floods
(GEM), Pavia, for Myanmar.
Italy. • Increased external
communication by 40% by
adding video making for GEM.
And 30% for internal
communication, which was seen
by numbers of visit to
organization website & social
• Attracted 10000 Euros of funds
from Oak foundation in 3
months by writing effective
funding proposals, targeting first
time fortune companies.

Thane District 01/11/2012 25/08/2015 • Executed, preparing
Collector Disaster questionnaires (quantitative)
Office Management and questions for FGDs
Officer (qualitative), collected data,
corrected data, data entry done,
analysis using chia-square &
other methods, wrote research
reports for Vidarbha Baseline
Survey projects which was
working on farmer’s suicide
cases in India.
• Prepared guidelines for Thane
district by assessing (60% risk)
the Hazard Vulnerability Risk
analysis research project in 6
months, by using PCA, linear
regression, methods and
presented result in QGIS.
• Assessed the perception of risk
and resiliency by developing
questionnaires and collecting
data from Focus Group
discussion and analysis data in R
in 6 months.
Municipal District 01/02/2011 30/10/2012 • Managed day to day
Corporation Disaster responsibilities of Emergency
of Greater Management Operations Centre (EOC) in more
Mumbai, Officer coordinated, efficient and
India productive way. Almost 200
emergencies were responded.
• Coordinated and facilitated
search and rescue operations,
floods, building collapse,
industrial fires, road and rail
accidents in shorter time.
Tata Institute Research 01/06/2009 30/01/2011 • Prepared questionnaires, data
of Social Officer collection and correction and
Sciences, writing reports on planning of
India effective interventions to
prevent farmer’s suicide events
in Maharashtra State.

Insert or delete lines as needed

Academic prizes, scholarships and awards
Provide details of any such awards you have received indicating the name of the award and basis of
which the award was given. (e.g. University Entrance Scholarship - awarded to students with over
560 points in final school exam).
Name Date Description

Insert more lines as needed

Research Achievements (max 500 words – any excess will not be considered)
From my following research experiences, I have attained the quantitative and qualitative methods, data
analysis experience and writing technical reports along with the official training in CS Pro software, R
software and SPSS software. The research projects I have worked as follows,
• Post-Emergency, Multi-Hazard Health Risk Assessment in Chemical Disasters
(PEC) Project - Identified (80% of Priolo city) & categories (red, orange, yellow) the potential
chemical risk zones by modelling benzene gas, escaped from catastrophic release in Priolo, Italy
using MATLAB and Aloha software.
• Suggested 3 new recommendations after reviewing and identifying few gaps in Environmental
Policies for European Countries.
• Wrote three Newsletters focusing on the important highlights of the project.
• Executed, preparing questionnaires (quantitative) and questions for FGDs (qualitative), collected
data, corrected data, data entry done, analysis using chia-square & other methods, wrote
research reports for Vidarbha Baseline Survey projects which was working on farmer’s suicide
cases in India.
• Prepared guidelines for Thane district by assessing (60% risk) the Hazard Vulnerability Risk analysis
research project in 6 months, by using PCA, linear regression, methods and presented result in
• Assessed the perception of risk and resiliency by developing questionnaires and collecting data
from Focus Group discussion and analysis data in R in 6 months.
• Prepared questionnaires, data collection and correction and writing reports on planning of
effective interventions to prevent farmer’s suicide events in Maharashtra State un “Vidarbha
Baseline Survey Project”.

Please provide the details of 3 people that can be contacted to provide a reference for you
Name Email address Phone Institutional Relationship to you
number address

Prof. TISS, Mumbai, Previous academic

Subramanyam India Supervisor

Please fill in the ESR positions (up to three) you would like to apply for:
I’m interested in the following positions:

1. ESR 7 - Integration of Health Impact Assessment (HIA), sustainability appraisal and environmental
impact evaluations with development planning emphasizing the role of Human Biomonitoring in ex-
ante HIA (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana (SI)

2. ESR 9 – Development of multimedia environmental contamination and human exposure model
(Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona (ES)

3. ESR 8 - Targeted in vitro analysis associated to neurodevelopmental disorders, focusing on
organic environmental compounds (University of Paris Descartes, Paris (FR)

Personal Statement (max 1000 words)
I am a qualified, dedicated and experienced researcher, specializing in qualitative and quantitative
research methodologies and wish to apply for 1) “integration of Health Impact Assessment (HIA),
sustainability appraisal and environmental impact evaluations with development planning
emphasizing the role of Human Biomonitoring in ex-ante HIA” at Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana,
Slovenia 2) Development of multimedia environmental contamination and human exposure model
(Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona (ES) and 3) Targeted in vitro analysis associated to
neurodevelopmental disorders, focusing on organic environmental compounds (University of Paris
Descartes, Paris (FR) . My adept education related to the medical sciences and research
methodologies, and work experience, related to conducting the various research projects
independently, gives me the confidence to apply for the above position. These education and work
experiences were explained below.

I have a strong academic grounding in international aid, research and project management, having
completed a Bachelors of Ayurvedic Medicine and Sciences and a MSc in Risk and Emergency
Management from IUSS University, Italy and MSc in Disaster Management from Tata Institute of
Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. The medical knowledge will help me to understand the project
context properly and hence increase my understanding of the project aims.

My most recent research project was ‘Post-Emergency, Multi-Hazard Health Risk Assessment in
Chemical Disasters (PEC)’ under which, a) I have modelled the dispersion of toxic compounds in South
Italy using Aloha, R and Integra software, b) wrote policy draft about the chemical safety in Europe,
c) prepared the health risk prioritization matrix etc.

My time in Thane Collector Office, India has helped me to gain an experienced about conceiving,
planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting on research based programs: Hazard Vulnerability
assessment focusing more on health systems (6-month duration), ways to resilient the city (6-month
duration), Health Impact system and disaster resiliency (6 month duration), strengthening of the
Health Impact systems to curb the environmental disasters (6 month duration) etc. In all mentioned
and undertaken projects, I have collected and analysed in SPSS software using chi-square test, PCA,
etc. and wrote the technical chapters. These research projects, directly or indirectly, were focused
on the environmental disasters and specifically on Health Impact assessment system i.e. mainly on
monitoring phase. The role of Health Impact systems in environmental disasters were focused and
not only, policies were drafted but, same, included into development plan of the state government.
This experience has given me an opportunity to learn and implement the research methodologies,
and research activities overall.

The the job in Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India, has given me the more research and
program management experience adding to the previous research experience. I have conducted
research projects such as, current status of Health Impact system in municipal and government
hospitals (3 month), capacity of hospitals to respond to Health Impact hazard (4 month), etc. This
experience has given me the team management, intra-cultural experiences.

While working as Research Officer at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India, under “Vidarbha Baseline
Survey” project (2 ½ years), I have conducted this research more or less independently. This includes
the preparing the questionnaires, deciding the research methodologies, sampling, writing technical
reports etc. Beside this, I have actually responded to the Health Impact hazard called “leptospirosis”
in Kalyan district. I have planned response and managed the resources at hospitals. These all above
stated experiences in different jobs has given me enough confidence and ability to conduct the
research projects independently.

The PhD in “integration of Health Impact Assessment (HIA), sustainability appraisal and
environmental impact evaluations with development planning emphasizing the role of Human Bio-
monitoring in ex-ante HIA” at Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, will help me to fill the existing
knowledge - gaps which may really reduce the health risks related to environmental disasters and
create the resilient communities. This knowledge to fill this gaps, will give me necessary sets of skills
to work exactly on the field and transfer this knowledge into solid actions. In this way, I will be in far
better position to reduce the human lives loss in any disasters, which is also in-line with my personal
values, which is to serve people.

After the successful completion of PhD, I would like to take, at least, 1 year of experience in abroad
and then return back to India. I completely believe, that, taking some experience abroad is required
because it will give me, the confidence and hands-on experience on field which will largely help me
in implementing this knowledge in India.

Final Confirmation
I have read carefully the criteria regarding the ESR definition and the mobility rule and I confirm that:
I am eligible as an early-stage researcher (at
the date of recruitment by the host institution,
I am in my first four years (full-time equivalent
research experience) of my research career
and I have not been awarded a doctoral
I am eligible in terms of the mobility rule (in
the last 3 years immediately before the
recruitment date I have not resided or carried YES √ NO
out my main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the
country of the recruiting host institution)
I have answered all questions completely and

Please fill in the form and save it as pdf file. Then, send your application as a .pdf file (maximum
acceptable file size: 10 MB) to .
Please read carefully the information you provided. Applications that are incomplete will not be

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