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Di cabutnya RSBI tidak berpengaruh pada SMA N 1 Kedungwuni

pekalongan -Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang membubarkan Rintisan Sekolah

Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) sejak tanggal 8 januari 2013. Namun, untuk pemberhentian
RSBI di sekolah ini masih harus menunggu surat edaran dari Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen
Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Mengingat yang
menetapkan seklah ini berlabel RSBI adalah Depdiknas.

Keputusan tersebut di sesalkan oleh semua sekolah di indonesia karena untuk mendapatkan
status RSBI tidaklah mudah tapi untuk SMA N 1 Kedungwuni hal tersebut tidak membuat
banyak perubahan karena gelar RSBI di sekolah tersebut telah berlangsung selama 1 tahun.

tanpa status RSBI sekolah tersebut tetap akan menjalankan program-program dan
kurikulum, metode pembelajaran yang sama seperti RSBI belum di cabut yang mengacu
pada RSBI.yaitu sistem pembelajaran yang menggunakan bilingual."Kami tetap akan
meningkatkan mutu pendidikan," ujarnya.
ada tidaknya status RSBI tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidikan di sekolahnya.
Asalkan sarana dan prasarana nya masih terpenuhi dan mempunyai sumber daya manusia
(SDM) yang bagus pasti sekolah tersebut tidak akan kalah bersaing dengan sekolah bertaraf
internasional(SSI)"Tidak masalah dicabut. Itu hanya status. Tidak ada status RSBI, kami
akan tetap meningkatkan kualitas," ucap

di sekolah tersebut juga tidak memakai plat nama sekolah dengan gelar RSBI dan spp di
sekolah tersebut juga tidak berubah karena spp di sekolah tersebut belum memakai spp yang
bertaraf internasional(RSBI).walaupun SMA N 1 Kedungwuni sudah tidak bertaraf
internasional , sekolah tersebut masih bisa mendapatkan juara dalam perlombaan yang di
selenggarakan di tingkat kabupaten misalnya lomba renang tingkat kabupaten yang di
selenggarakan di kulu asri , SMA N 1 Kedungwuni memperoleh juara pertama. Jadi di cabut
nya RSBI tidak membuat siswa-siswi SMA N 1 Kedungwuni berkecil hati karena mereka
tidak bisa bersaing di kancah internasional dan mereka juga tidak bisa menjadi siswa yang
lebih unggul dari mereka tapi atas kerja keras mereka SMA N 1 Kedungwuni masih
mempunyai nama yang terkenal, masih bisa memperoleh banyak prestasi seperti sebelumnya
dan gelar RSBI diganti dengan sekolah unggulan

menurut saya “ di cabutnya RSBI tidak akan menurunkan prestasi yang di peroleh siswa-
siswinya asalkan mereka mau berusa keras untuk memperolehnya dan mempertahankan
prestasi yang di peroleh”
RSBI Revocation Has no Effect on SMA N 1 Kedungwuni

Pekalongan- Decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) were dissolved Pioneering

International School (RSBI) from 8 January 2013. However, for the dismissal of school RSBI still have
to wait for a circular from the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Department.
Given a set this school is labeled RSBI Ministry.The decision was in regret by all schools in Indonesia
due to get RSBI status is not easy but for SMA N 1 Kedungwuni does not make a lot of changes since
his RSBI at school has been going on for 1 year.

No school RSBI label will still be running programs and curriculum, learning methods like
RSBI not revoked referring RSBI is learning system that uses bilingual. "We will continue to improve
the quality of education," he said.
existence RSBI label will not affect the quality of education in their schools. Provided the
infrastructure is still being met and have the human resources (HR) good school certainly will not
compete with international schools (SSI) "No matter dropped. Was only label, RSBI label not we will
continue to improve the quality of , "said

The school also did not wear the school with a bachelor's nameplate spp RSBI and the school
also has not changed since the school spp spp not use the international standard (RSBI). although
SMA N 1 Kedungwuni gone international, the school can still get champion in a race that was held at
the district level as a district swim held in kuluasri, SMA N 1 Kedungwuni gained first prize. So unplug
it RSBI not make high school students N 1 Kedungwuni discouraged because they can not compete
on the international scene and they also can not be students who are superior to them but for their
hard work SMA N 1 Kedungwuni still have a famous name , still can earn a lot of achievements as
before and the title RSBI replaced with excellent schools
I think "in released RSBI will not lower the achievements obtained her students as long as they want
berusa hard to obtain and maintain the performance that was obtained"

Tak Ada Izin Sewa, Dua Gajah Pekalongan Dikarantina

Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Jawa Tengah telah mengarantinakan sepasang gajah di
objek wisata Linggo Asri, Kabupaten Pekalongan, karena pengelola objek diduga belum memiliki izin
sewa terhadap dua satwa itu.

Petugas BKSDA Jawa Tengah Edi Susilo saat dihubungi di Pekalongan, Kamis, mengatakan bahwa
sepasang gajah dari Objek Wisata Linggo Asri Kabupaten Pekalongan itu terpaksa harus ditahan
sebelum pengelola mengurus izin untuk disewakan.

"Betul, karena belum ada izinnya, sepasang gajah itu akan kami kembalikan kepada pengelola objek
setelah semua izin selesai," katanya.

Penahanan sepasang gajah bernama Edo dan Shinta tersebut, kata dia, telah dilakukan oleh BKSD
Jawa Tengah hampir sebulan terakhir ini.

Sepasang gajah berasal dari Lampung itu salah satu hewan yang menjadi daya tarik pengunjung di
objek wisata Linggo Asri.

Kepala Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Pekalongan Muritno membantah jika
sepasang gajah di Objek Wisata Linggo Asri telah ditahan oleh BKSD Jateng.

"Sepasang gajah itu, semula sudah memiliki izin sewa tetapi sudah habis masa izinnya, sedangkan
proses perpanjangan izin harus melalui karantina terlebih dahulu," katanya.

Pihak pengelola hingga saat ini masih mengurus proses perizinan itu.

"Kami masih mengurus proses perizinan sewa karena pada setiap agenda tertentu sepasang gajah
tersebut selalu menjadikan perhatian pengunjung objek wisata," katanya. Balai Konservasi Sumber
Daya Alam (BKSDA) Jawa Tengah telah mengarantinakan sepasang gajah di objek wisata Linggo Asri,
Kabupaten Pekalongan, karena pengelola objek diduga belum memiliki izin sewa terhadap dua satwa

Petugas BKSDA Jawa Tengah Edi Susilo saat dihubungi di Pekalongan, Kamis, mengatakan bahwa
sepasang gajah dari Objek Wisata Linggo Asri Kabupaten Pekalongan itu terpaksa harus ditahan
sebelum pengelola mengurus izin untuk disewakan.

"Betul, karena belum ada izinnya, sepasang gajah itu akan kami kembalikan kepada pengelola objek
setelah semua izin selesai," katanya.

Penahanan sepasang gajah bernama Edo dan Shinta tersebut, kata dia, telah dilakukan oleh BKSD
Jawa Tengah hampir sebulan terakhir ini.

Sepasang gajah berasal dari Lampung itu salah satu hewan yang menjadi daya tarik pengunjung di
objek wisata Linggo Asri.

Kepala Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Pekalongan Muritno membantah jika
sepasang gajah di Objek Wisata Linggo Asri telah ditahan oleh BKSD Jateng.

"Sepasang gajah itu, semula sudah memiliki izin sewa tetapi sudah habis masa izinnya, sedangkan
proses perpanjangan izin harus melalui karantina terlebih dahulu," katanya.

Pihak pengelola hingga saat ini masih mengurus proses perizinan itu.

"Kami masih mengurus proses perizinan sewa karena pada setiap agenda tertentu sepasang gajah
tersebut selalu menjadikan perhatian pengunjung objek wisata," katanya.

There are no rental permit, Two Elephants Pekalongan Quarantined

Conservation Agency of Natural Resources (BKSDA) in Central Java have isolate pair of elephants in
attraction Linggo Asri, Pekalongan, because the manager object suspected of not having permission
lease on two animals that.
Central Java BKSDA officer Edi Susilo when contacted in Pekalongan, said Thursday that a pair of
elephant attractions Linggo Asri Pekalongan was forced to take care manager held for permission to

"Yes, because there is no license, a pair of elephant that will be returned to the object manager after
all permits completed," he said.

Detention pair of elephant named Edo and Shinta, he said, has been done by the Central Java BKSD
nearly a month past.

A pair of elephants comes from Lampung was one of the animals that become a visitor attraction in
Linggo Asri attraction.

Head of Youth, Sports, and Tourism Pekalongan Muritno denied if a pair of elephants in Attractions
Linggo BKSD Asri was arrested by the Central Java.

"A pair of elephants, the original lease but already has a license expired license, while the license
renewal process to go through quarantine first," he said.

The manager is still taking care of the licensing process.

"We are still taking care of the licensing process for rental on any particular agenda is always a pair
of elephant attraction the attention of visitors," he said. Conservation Agency of Natural Resources
(BKSDA) in Central Java have isolate pair of elephants in attraction Linggo Asri, Pekalongan, because
the manager object suspected of not having permission lease on two animals that.

Central Java BKSDA officer Edi Susilo when contacted in Pekalongan, said Thursday that a pair of
elephant attractions Linggo Asri Pekalongan was forced to take care manager held for permission to

"Yes, because there is no license, a pair of elephant that will be returned to the object manager after
all permits completed," he said.

Detention pair of elephant named Edo and Shinta, he said, has been done by the Central Java BKSD
nearly a month past.

A pair of elephants comes from Lampung was one of the animals that become a visitor attraction in
Linggo Asri attraction.

Head of Youth, Sports, and Tourism Pekalongan Muritno denied if a pair of elephants in Attractions
Linggo BKSD Asri was arrested by the Central Java.

"A pair of elephants, the original lease but already has a license expired license, while the license
renewal process to go through quarantine first," he said.
The manager is still taking care of the licensing process.

"We are still taking care of the licensing process for rental on any particular agenda is always a pair
of elephant attraction the attention of visitors," he said.

Galangan Kapal Slamaran Jadi Icon Baru Pekalongan

Written By pekalongan kotabatik on Tuesday, March 12,

2013 | 9:54 AM
Galangan kapal yang berada di Pantai Slamaran, Pekalongan bisa menjadi ikon baru Kota
Batik. Pasalnya, di sana merupakan pusat produksi kapal-kapal baja karya asli putra daerah.

Dandim 0710/Pekalongan Letkol Kav Wahyu Eko Purnomo pada kunjungannya ke galangan
kapal Slamaran, baru-baru ini bersama Dandim se-Eks Karesidenan Pekalongan menyatakan,
ketertarikannya dan dukungannya terhadap keberadaan galangan kapal Slamaran.

‘’Galangan kapal di Slamaran memunculkan dampak positif bagi Pekalongan,’’ katanya.

Usaha pembuatan kapal baja itu mampu menyerap tenaga kerja cukup banyak, sehingga
membantu pemerintah dalam hal penyediaan lapangan kerja untuk mengurangi

“Apabila nantinya galangan kapal berkembang pesat, Pekalongan akan dikenal sebagai
daerah pembuat kapal baja, selain batik yang sudah dikenal sejak lama,” tandas Wahyu.
Apabila industri kapal baja di Kota Batik meningkat serta berkembang pesat, bukan tidak
mungkin Pekalongan akan menjadi pusat pembuatan kapal baja di Jawa Tengah.

Seperti yang sudah diketahui Pekalongan telah dikenal seantero Nusantara sebagai pusat
daerah penghasil batik.
Adanya galangan kapal baja di Slamaran yang dijadikan tempat produksi kapal-kapal baja
karya asli putra daerah akan menambah nilai plus bagi Pekalongan. Dengan demikian
nantinya Kota Pekalongan akan dikenal juga sebagai daerah pembuat kapal baja, selain
daerah penghasil batik yang sudah kondang sejak lama.

Lahan Tidur

Pemilik galangan kapal baja Agus Triharsito mengatakan, galangan kapal miliknya
memanfaatkan lahan milik salah satu perusahaan milik
BUMN yang sebelumnya hanya lahan tidur yang dipenuhi semak belukar.

Shipyard Slamaran So Icon New Pekalongan

Written By pekalongan kotabatik on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 | 9:54 AM
Shipyards located in Slamaran Beach, Pekalongan City could become a new icon of Batik. Because,
there is a center of steel production vessels original works of native son.
Kav 0710/Pekalongan commander Lt. Col. Eko Wahyu Purnomo on his visit to the shipyard Slamaran,
recently with a former commander of Pekalongan Residency states, interest in and support for the
existence of Slamaran shipyard.

'' Slamaran shipyard in Pekalongan bring positive impact,'' he said. Steel shipbuilding effort was able
to absorb enough labor, thus helping the government in terms of providing jobs to reduce

"When will the rapidly growing shipbuilding, Pekalongan be known as the maker of steel ships, in
addition to batik that has been known for a long time," said Wahyu.
When the steel industry in the City of Batik ships increased and rapidly growing, it is not impossible
Pekalongan will be of steel shipbuilding center in Central Java.

As already known Pekalongan have been known across the nation as the center of batik-producing
The presence of steel in shipbuilding Slamaran used as a place of production of steel ships original
works of native son will add a plus for Pekalongan. Pekalongan will thus be known as well as local
steel shipbuilder, besides batik-producing areas are already famous for a long time.

Sleep Land

Agus steel shipyard owner Triharsito say, using land owned shipyard owned by one company-owned
SOEs were previously only unused land covered with shrubs.

jumat, 18 Maret 2011

contoh teks recount

Example of recount text

Most people in the world had many experiences. Same as me I had many experience, and now I want
to tell you about one of my experiences, that is unforgotten for me, it is my first tour to some places in
About three years ago, when I was in elementary school, my school had a tour to some tourism places
in Bali, for refreshing after getting final the examination and to adding our knowledge about our
About 50 students and 10 teachers joined the tour, it divides into two buses, for all 6thgrade were in
the first bus, and the second bus was for all other students from year 4 until 5. For this tour we had
pay 40.000 rupiah. And we started our trip at 7 o’clock in the morning.
In the long trip we sang to lessen our boredom, finally we arrived in Tukad Bangkung Bridge, in
Pelage village, Petang district, Badung. It is about 360 meters long and 80 meters high, so it is the
longest bridge in Bali and the highest in Asia, in this place we took some photos to remind of this
tour. At about 30 minutes later we continued our travelling to Sangeh. We spent about an hour there.
In Sangeh we had lunch and took a rest, while see the forest panorama and walk around in a long
Sangeh region to see the monkeys. The typical of this place is a temple in a nutmeg tree, and it is
called Pura Bukit Sari (Bukit Sari Temple), but I feel so sorry that I didn’t see yet. After that we came
back to the bus, and continued to the next places, it was Alas kedaton, in Kukuh, Marga district.
Alas Kedaton had 2 interested things, such as the friendly and funny monkeys and bats. Maybe this
place made this tour is unforgotten for me, why because in this place there was a funny experience,
when I brought a chocolate, suddenly a monkey took the chocolate from me, and I didn’t let the
monkey to get it, but suddenly 3 monkeys came toward me again, I was very afraid and I ran to bus
quickly without my chocolate. Some friends were laughed to me, I was shy. There are many shops in
Alas Kedaton, so I bought some souvenirs too, before we came to the last visit.
In Puputan Margarana Monument we could see a list of heroes in Bali. We walked around Puputan
Margarana, to Museum, about 15 minutes we reached here, there were many histories cal things. We
also saw a thousand of hero’s gravestones and there was one gravestone which was unknown. I could
read the message of I Gusti Ngurah Rai to the Dutch on the wall of the museum, after that we bought
some souvenirs, like necklace, t-shirt, key holders, and others.
Finally about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, we finished our tour and went home with thousands of new
knowledge about our Balinese tourism places and new experiences.

My Horrible Experience

Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I
was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali. Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to
the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake
when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.

Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the

road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere.
There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made
a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously

I stayed a night at Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had blocked the road, The
next morning, I hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to
Barhabise from Tatopani.

I took a seat by the doorside and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The
driver started the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road.

The driver tried to avert the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling
towards the Bhotekoshi.

I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the shattered glass
and plunged into the Bhotekoshi.

The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after
that. The rescuers took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness.

I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands
and other body parts. Nonetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.

Lihat juga Contoh Teks Recount yang lain.

Contoh Recount Text "My Horrible Experiences

Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I
was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.

Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an
earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down
to the ground, like matchsticks.

Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move
my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked
along way to my house, in the town.

When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made
a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously

Contoh / Example Recount Text "My Holiday in Bali"

When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three
days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great
scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met
so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many water sports such as
banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu island to see many unique animals. They
were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to
see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave.

The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so
many monkies. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close
interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time.
I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs.

In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing
memories of Bali.

Oke, saya pikir sudah sangat jelas penjelasan recount text diatas dan saya harap setelah membaca
posting ini teman-teman tidak lagi kebingungan ketika diberi tugas membuat teks model recount. Tell
them what's your experiences :D

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Contoh Text Narative Lengkap

Example text narative

Kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang contoh teks narrative dalam bahasa inggris. Pengertian teks
narrative adalah teks yang berisi cerita-cerita yang bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca. Mungkin
kita tahu semua cerita seperti malin kundang, putri salju, trus bawang merah bawang putih, cerita
tersebut merupakan contoh teks dari teks narrative (text narrative).

Susunan umum dari teks narrative adalah sebagai berikut:

yaitu pendahuluan bisa berupa Gambar, sebuah paragraph, dan judul pembuka. Orientation terdiri dari
character ( pelaku dalam cerita tersebut), Time (waktu kejadian) and Place (tempat terjadinya)

adalah masalah yang terjadi di dalam cerita tersebut

adalah penyelesaian masalah dalam teks tersebut.

adalah pesan moral yang terkandung di dalam cerita itu.

Adapun tenses yang di gunakan dalam teks narrative adalah tek Past Tense. Nah untuk lebih jelasnya
tentang teks narrative berikut beberapa contoh tersebut:
Dalam Bahasa inggris

1. The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say
every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The
name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not
say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. "You stupid bird!" pointed
the man to the parrot. "Why can't you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you" the man said
angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and
shouted to the bird over and over; "Say Catano or I'll kill you". The bird kept not to say the word of
One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very
angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four
old chickens for next dinner "You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them" Said the man
angrily. Then he continued to humble; "You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be
your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot". After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised.
He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor.
At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; "Say Catano or
I'll kill you".

Notes on Narrative Text

It is important to know that the social function of the narrative text is to inform and entertain.
Narrative text will tell the story with amusing way. It provides an esthetic literary experience to the
reader. Narrative text is written based on life experience. In literary term, experience is what we do,
feel, hear, read, even what we dream.
Narrative text is organized focusing at character oriented. It is build using descriptive familiar
language and dialogue. There are some genres of literary text which fit to be classified as the narrative
text. Some of them are:
* Folktales, it includes fables, legend, myth, or realistic tales
* Mysteries, fantasy, science or realistic fiction
Commonly, narrative text is organized by the story of grammar. It will be beginning, middle and end
of the story. To build this story grammar, narrative text need plot. This plot will determine the quality
of the story. Plot is a series of episodes which holds the reader' attention while they are reading the
Conflict is the main important element of the plot. This conflict among the characters will drive the
story progress. In this conflict, readers will be shown how the characters face the problem and how
they have ability to handle that problem

Analysis the Generic Structure

Orientation: It sets the scene and introduces the participants/characters. In that parrot story, the first
paragraph is the orientation where reader finds time and place set up and also the participant as the
background of the story. A man and his parrot took place once time.

Complication: It explores the conflict in the story. It will show the crisis, rising crisis and climax of
the story. In the parrot story, paragraph 2, 3, 4 are describing the complication. Readers will find that
the man face a problem of why the parrot can not say Catano. To fix this problem, the man attempted
to teach the bird. How hard he tried to teach the bird is the excitement element of the complication.

Resolution: It shows the situation which the problems have been resolved. It must be our note that
"resolved" means accomplished whether succeed or fail. In the last paragraph of the smartest parrot
story, readers see the problem is finished. The parrot could talk the word which the man wanted. The
parrot said the word with higher degree than the man taught the word to it. That was the smartest

Translate Bahasa Indonesia

1. Kakak Tua yang Pintar

Sekali waktu, seorang pria memiliki burung beo yang indah. Tidak ada burung beo lain seperti itu.
Kakaktua bisa mengatakan setiap kata, kecuali satu kata. Kakaktua tidak akan mengatakan nama
tempat di mana ia dilahirkan. Nama tempat itu Catano.Pria itu merasa senang memiliki burung beo
pintar tapi dia tidak bisa mengerti mengapa burung beo tidak akan mengatakan Catano. Pria itu
mencoba mengajari burung untuk mengatakan Catano Namun burung terus tidak mengatakan
kata.Pada yang pertama, orang itu sangat bagus untuk burung tetapi kemudian ia menjadi sangat
marah. "Burung Anda bodoh!" menunjuk orang untuk burung beo. "Mengapa kamu tidak bisa
mengucapkan kata Katakanlah Catano Atau aku akan membunuhmu!?" Kata pria itu dengan marah.
Meskipun ia berusaha keras untuk mengajar, kakaktua tidak akan mengatakan itu. Kemudian orang itu
sangat marah dan berteriak kepada burung berulang, "Katakanlah Catano atau aku akan
membunuhmu". Burung itu tetap tidak mengucapkan kata dari Catano.Suatu hari, setelah ia telah
mencoba begitu banyak kali untuk membuat burung mengatakan Catano, pria itu benar-benar sangat
marah. Dia tidak bisa menanggungnya. Dia mengambil burung beo dan melemparkannya ke dalam
kandang ayam. Ada empat ayam umur untuk makan malam berikutnya "Kau bodoh seperti ayam.
Hanya tinggal bersama mereka" Kata pria itu marah. Kemudian ia terus rendah hati, "Kau tahu, aku
akan memotong ayam untuk makan Selanjutnya akan giliran Anda, saya akan makan Anda juga,
burung beo bodoh.". Setelah itu ia meninggalkan rumah ayam.Keesokan harinya, pria itu kembali ke
rumah ayam. Dia membuka pintu dan sangat terkejut. Dia tidak bisa percaya apa yang dilihatnya di
kandang ayam. Ada ayam mati tiga di lantai. Saat ini, burung beo itu berdiri dengan bangga dan
berteriak pada ayam tua terakhir, "Katakanlah Catano atau aku akan membunuhmu".

Catatan tentang Teks NarasiHal ini penting untuk mengetahui bahwa fungsi sosial dari teks narasi
adalah untuk menginformasikan dan menghibur. Teks narasi akan menceritakan kisah dengan cara
yang lucu. Ini memberikan pengalaman estetik sastra kepada pembaca. Narasi teks ini ditulis
berdasarkan pengalaman hidup. Dalam jangka sastra, pengalaman adalah apa yang kita lakukan,
merasakan, mendengar, membaca, bahkan apa yang kita impikan.Teks narasi diatur berfokus pada
karakter berorientasi. Ini adalah membangun menggunakan bahasa asing deskriptif dan dialog. Ada
beberapa genre teks sastra yang sesuai harus diklasifikasikan sebagai teks naratif. Beberapa di
antaranya adalah:* Cerita Rakyat, itu termasuk dongeng, legenda, mitos, atau cerita yang realistis*
Misteri, fantasi, ilmu pengetahuan atau fiksi realistisUmumnya, teks narasi yang diselenggarakan oleh
kisah tata bahasa. Ini akan menjadi awal, tengah dan akhir cerita. Untuk membangun tata bahasa
cerita, teks naratif perlu plot. Plot ini akan menentukan kualitas cerita. Plot adalah serangkaian
episode yang memegang perhatian pembaca 'sementara mereka membaca cerita.
Konflik adalah unsur penting utama dari plot. Konflik di antara karakter akan mendorong kemajuan
cerita. Dalam konflik ini, pembaca akan ditampilkan bagaimana karakter menghadapi masalah dan
bagaimana mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani masalah itu

Analisis Struktur Generik

Orientasi: Ini menetapkan adegan dan memperkenalkan peserta / karakter. Dalam cerita burung beo,
paragraf pertama adalah orientasi mana pembaca menemukan waktu dan tempat mengatur dan juga
peserta sebagai latar belakang cerita. Seorang pria dan burung beo itu terjadi sekali
waktu.Komplikasi: Ini mengeksplorasi konflik dalam cerita. Ini akan menunjukkan krisis, krisis
meningkat dan klimaks cerita. Dalam kisah burung beo, ayat 2, 3, 4 gambarkan komplikasi. Pembaca
akan menemukan bahwa pria menghadapi masalah mengapa burung beo tidak bisa mengatakan
Catano. Untuk memperbaiki masalah ini, pria itu berusaha untuk mengajar burung. Seberapa keras ia
mencoba untuk mengajar burung adalah elemen kegembiraan komplikasi.Resolusi: Ini menunjukkan
situasi yang masalah telah diselesaikan. Ini harus menjadi catatan kita bahwa "diselesaikan" berarti
dicapai apakah berhasil atau gagal. Dalam paragraf terakhir dari cerita burung beo cerdas, pembaca
melihat masalah selesai. Kakaktua bisa berbicara kata yang pria inginkan. Kakaktua kata kata dengan
tingkat yang lebih tinggi daripada pria yang diajarkan kata untuk itu. Itu adalah burung beo cerdas.

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2. The Bear and Rabbit

Teks Narrative - The Bear and the rabbit adalah salah satu contoh teks berbentuk narrative.Teks
narrative ini hanya terdiri dari empat paragraf, berikut Teks Narrative - The Bear and the rabbit

Teks Narrative - The Bear and the rabbit

Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbitis a good shot. In contrary, the bear is
always clumsy and could not use the arrow.
One day, the bear called overthe rabbit and asked the rabbitto take his bow and arrows.
The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He went with the bear and
shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there were
lots of meats left after.

However the bear did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. The rabbitcould not even taste the
meat. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.

The bear was the father of five children. Fortunately, the youngest child was very kind to the rabbit.
He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the
youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the
meat. He kicked toward the rabbit's house.When he got close to the door he would give the meat with
such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get
his me.

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The Bear dan Kelinci

TEKS Narasi - The Bear dan kelinci adalah salat Satu Contoh TEKS berbentuk narrative.Teks narasi
inisial hanya terdiri Bahasa Dari Empat paragraf, berikut TEKS Narasi - The Bear dan kelinci

TEKS Narasi - The Bear dan kelinci

Sekali waktu, hiduplah seekor beruang dan kelinci. The rabbitis tembakan yang baik. Sebaliknya,
beruang selalu canggung dan tidak bisa menggunakan panah.

Suatu hari, beruang disebut kelinci overthe dan meminta rabbitto mengambil busur dan anak panah.
Kelinci itu takut untuk membangkitkan kemarahan beruang sehingga dia tidak bisa menolaknya. Dia
pergi dengan beruang dan menembak kerbau cukup untuk memenuhi keluarga lapar. Memang dia
menembak dan membunuh begitu banyak bahwa ada banyak daging tersisa setelah.
Namun beruang tidak ingin kelinci untuk mendapatkan daging. Rabbitcould tidak bahkan rasa daging.
Kelinci miskin harus pulang lapar setelah bekerja keras seharian nya.

Beruang adalah ayah dari lima anak. Untungnya, anak bungsu sangat baik untuk kelinci. Dia adalah
pemakan sangat hangat. Beruang Ibu selalu memberinya sepotong ekstra besar daging tetapi anak
bungsu tidak memakannya. Dia akan bawa keluar dengan dia dan berpura-pura untuk bermain bola
dengan daging. Dia menendang ke arah house.When kelinci dia punya dekat pintu dia akan
memberikan daging dengan seperti tendangan yang besar. Daging akan terbang ke rumah kelinci.
Dengan cara ini, kelinci miskin akan mendapatkan saya nya.
3. The Monkeys and The Cap Seller.

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was very tired and needed to rest. Then, he
stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his
cap on his head.

The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into
his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there.

When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree,
each of the monkeys is wearing a cap of on its head. They had evidently done it to imitate him.
He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys
only made faces of him. When he begun to make gesture, the monkeys also imitated him.

At last he found a clever idea. " Monkeys are a great imitator," he thought. So he took off his own cap
and threw it down on the ground. And as he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and
threw the caps down on the ground. Quickly, he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into
his bag and went away.

The generic structure


The cap seller as the participant (main character), once time as time setting, and in the jungle as place
setting. We note from discussion that the elements of orientation is shortly answering who, when and
where of the story.


The cap seller wants the monkeys to bring back his caps but the monkeys do not return them. Of
course this makes the cap seller face a problem. Complication in a narrative text is not always in
single problem. That is we know a major conflict and minor conflict.


The cap seller gets the monkey to bring back the cap by acting of throwing his own cap. The monkeys
imitate what he has done so the problem is is solved. This story has happy ending as the cap seller has
his caps returned.

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Si Monyet dan Penjual Cap.

Sekali, seorang penjual topi sedang melewati hutan. Dia sangat lelah dan perlu istirahat. Kemudian, ia
berhenti dan membentangkan kain di bawah pohon. Ia menaruh tasnya penuh topi dekat dia dan
berbaring dengan topinya di kepalanya.

Penjual topi memiliki suara tidur selama satu jam. Ketika ia bangun, hal pertama yang ia lakukan
adalah untuk melihat ke dalam tasnya. Dia terkejut ketika ia menemukan semua topi nya tidak ada di

Ketika ia mendongak langit, dia sangat terkejut melihat monyet duduk di cabang-cabang pohon, setiap
monyet yang mengenakan tutup di atas kepalanya. Mereka jelas melakukannya untuk menirunya.
Dia memutuskan untuk mendapatkan topi kembali dengan membuat permintaan yang rendah hati
dengan monyet. Sebagai imbalannya, monyet hanya membuat wajah dia. Ketika ia mulai membuat
gerakan, monyet juga menirunya.

Akhirnya ia menemukan sebuah ide cerdas. "Monyet adalah peniru ulung," pikirnya. Jadi ia melepas
topi sendiri dan melemparkannya ke tanah. Dan seperti yang diharapkan, semua monyet melepas topi
dan melemparkan topi di atas tanah. Cepat, dia berdiri dan mengumpulkan topi, menempatkan mereka
kembali ke dalam tasnya dan pergi.

Struktur generik

orientasi Penjual topi sebagai peserta (tokoh utama), sekali waktu sebagai pengaturan waktu, dan di
hutan sebagai setting tempat. Kami mencatat dari diskusi bahwa unsur-unsur orientasi yang lama
menjawab siapa, kapan dan di mana cerita.


Penjual topi ingin monyet untuk membawa kembali topi, tapi monyet tidak mengembalikannya. Tentu
saja hal ini membuat penjual topi menghadapi masalah. Komplikasi dalam sebuah teks narasi tidak
selalu dalam masalah tunggal. Itu kita tahu konflik besar dan konflik kecil.

Penjual topi mendapatkan monyet untuk membawa kembali tutup dengan bertindak melemparkan topi
sendiri. Monyet-monyet meniru apa yang telah dilakukan sehingga masalah ini diselesaikan. Kisah ini
memiliki akhir yang bahagia sebagai penjual topi memiliki topi nya kembali.

Itu tadi contoh narrative teks dengan judul The Monkeys and The Cap Seller, silahkan lihat contoh
lainnya pada pembahasa contoh text narative pada posting sebelumnya.


4. A Boy and And Apple Tree

One time, there lived a big apple tree and a boy who liked to play around under the apple tree
everyday. He was happy to climb up to the top of the tree, eat the fruit, a nap in the shade of the shade
leaves. The boy loved the apple tree. Similarly, the apple tree is very love little boy too.
Time flies. The boy had grown big and no longer playing with the apple tree every day. One day he
went to the apple tree. His face looked sad.
“Come over here and play with me,” said the apple tree.
“I’m not a little kid playing with the tree again,” replied the boy.
“I want to have toys, but I’m not having money to buy it.”
The tree replied, “Sorry, but I did not have money … but you can take all of my fruit and sell it. You
can get the money to buy toys. “
The boy was very happy. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. However, after that
the boy never came back. The tree was sad again.
One day the boy returned again. Tree was so excited.
“Come play with me anymore,” said the apple tree.
“I do not have the time,” replied the boy.
“I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Will you help me? “
“Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut down all of my branches to build your house”, said
the apple tree. Then the boy cut all of the branches and twigs that apple tree and left happily.
The tree was also felt happy to see the boy happy, but the boy never came back again. The tree was
lonely and sad again.
One hot summer day, the boy returned again. The tree was delighted.
“Come and play again with me,” the tree said.
“I’m sad,” said the boy.
“I’m old and want to live in peace. I want to go on vacation and sailing. Will you give me a boat to
cruise? “
“Sorry, but I don’t have a boat, but you may cut my trunk and use it to create a ship that you want. Go
sailing and have fun. “Later, the boy cut the tree trunk and makes a dream ship.
He then went sailing and never again came to the apple tree.
Finally, the boy returned again after all these years later.
“I’m sorry my son,” said the apple tree.
“I do not have apple for you anymore.”
“It’s okay. I also have no teeth to bite your fruit, “replied the boy.
“I don’t have a trunk and branches you can climb,” said the apple tree.
“Now, I’m too old for that,” replied the boy.
“I really do not have anything more can I give to you. What remains is my roots old and dying, “said
the apple tree with tears.
“I do not need anything else right now,” said the boy.
“I just need a place to rest. I was so tired after all these years. “
“Oooh, very nice. Do you know? The root of old trees is the best place to lie down and rest. Come, lay
in the arms of my roots and rest in peace. “
The boy lay in the arms of tree roots.
The tree was glad and smiled with tears in his eyes

A Boy dan Dan Apple TreeSuatu saat, hiduplah sebuah pohon apel besar dan anak laki-laki yang
suka bermain-main di bawah pohon apel setiap hari. Dia senang naik ke atas pohon, makan buah,
tidur siang di bawah naungan daun teduh. Anak itu mencintai pohon apel. Demikian pula, pohon apel
sangat mencintai anak kecil juga.Waktu berlalu. Anak itu telah tumbuh besar dan tidak lagi bermain
dengan pohon apel setiap hari. Suatu hari ia pergi ke pohon apel. Wajahnya tampak sedih."Datang ke
sini dan bermain dengan saya," kata pohon apel."Aku bukan anak kecil bermain dengan pohon lagi,"
jawab anak itu."Saya ingin memiliki mainan, tapi aku tidak punya uang untuk membelinya."Pohon itu
menjawab, "Maaf, tapi aku tidak punya uang ... tetapi Anda dapat mengambil semua buah saya dan
menjualnya. Anda bisa mendapatkan uang untuk membeli mainan. "Anak itu sangat senang. Ia lalu
memetik semua apel di pohon dan meninggalkan bahagia. Namun, setelah itu anak itu tidak pernah
kembali. Pohon itu sedih lagi.Suatu hari anak itu kembali lagi. Pohon begitu bersemangat."Ayo
bermain dengan saya lagi," kata pohon apel."Saya tidak punya waktu," jawab anak itu."Aku harus
bekerja untuk keluarga saya. Kami membutuhkan rumah untuk tempat tinggal. Maukah Anda
membantu saya? ""Maaf, tapi saya tidak memiliki rumah. Tapi Anda bisa mengurangi semua cabang
saya untuk membangun rumah Anda ", kata pohon apel. Lalu anak itu memotong semua cabang dan
ranting pohon apel yang dan meninggalkan bahagia.Pohon itu juga merasa senang melihat anak itu
senang, tapi anak itu tidak pernah kembali lagi. Pohon itu kesepian dan sedih lagi.Suatu hari musim
panas, anak itu kembali lagi. Pohon itu senang."Datang dan bermain lagi dengan saya," kata pohon
apel."Saya sedih," kata anak itu."Aku sudah tua dan ingin hidup dalam damai. Aku ingin pergi
berlibur dan berlayar. Maukah Anda memberi saya perahu untuk pesiar? ""Maaf, tapi saya tidak
memiliki perahu, tapi Anda mungkin memotong batang saya dan menggunakannya untuk membuat
kapal yang Anda inginkan. Pergi berlayar dan bersenang-senang. "Kemudian, anak itu memotong
batang pohon dan membuat kapal mimpi.Dia kemudian pergi berlayar dan tidak pernah lagi datang ke
pohon apel.Akhirnya, anak itu kembali lagi setelah bertahun-tahun kemudian."Maafkan aku anakku,"
kata pohon apel."Saya tidak punya apel lagi untukmu.""Tidak apa-apa. Saya juga tidak punya gigi
untuk menggigit buah Anda, "jawab anak itu."Saya tidak memiliki batang dan cabang Anda dapat
naik," kata pohon apel."Sekarang, aku sudah terlalu tua untuk itu," jawab anak itu."Saya benar-benar
tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi yang bisa saya berikan kepada Anda. Yang tersisa adalah akar saya tua
dan sekarat, "kata pohon apel dengan air mata."Aku tidak membutuhkan apa-apa lagi sekarang," kata
anak itu."Aku hanya perlu tempat untuk beristirahat. Aku sangat lelah setelah sekian tahun. ""Oooh,
sangat bagus. Apakah Anda tahu? Akar pohon tua adalah tempat terbaik untuk berbaring dan
beristirahat. Ayo, berbaring dalam pelukan akar saya dan beristirahat dalam damai. "Anak itu
berbaring di pelukan akar-akar pohon.Pohon itu senang dan tersenyum dengan air mata di matanya.

5. Snow White

One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they
wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White with them.

Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next morning
she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood.
In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no one
answered so she went inside and felt asleep

Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found Snow
White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; “What is your name?”. Snow White said; “My
name is Snow White”. One of the dwarfs said; “If you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White
told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Generic Structure Analysis

1. Orientation; introducing specific participants; Snow White
2. Complication; revealing a series of crisis: Snow White’s aunt and uncle would leave her in a castle,
Snow White run away, Snow White felt hungry in the wood.
3. Resolution; the crisis is resolve: the dwarfs permitted Snow White lived in their cottage lived
Language Feature Analysis
o Using saying verb; answered
o Using thinking verb; decided
o Using action verb; run away
o Using time conjunction; once upon a time, one day
o Using connectives; then, meanwhile
o Using past tense; she heard her uncle

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Putri Salju

Suatu hari ia mendengar paman dan bibinya berbicara tentang meninggalkan Snow White di kastil
karena mereka ingin pergi ke Amerika dan mereka tidak punya cukup uang untuk mengambil Putri
Salju dengan mereka.

Salju Putih tidak ingin paman dan bibinya untuk melakukan hal ini. Jadi dia memutuskan untuk
melarikan diri. Keesokan harinya dia lari dari rumah ketika bibi dan pamannya sedang sarapan, ia lari
ke dalam kayu.
Dalam kayu ia merasa sangat lelah dan lapar. Lalu ia melihat pondok ini. Dia mengetuk tapi tidak ada
yang menjawab jadi dia masuk ke dalam dan merasa tertidur

Sementara tujuh kurcaci datang pulang dari kerja. Mereka masuk ke dalam. Di sana, mereka
menemukan Putri Salju terbangun. Dia melihat kurcaci. Para kurcaci berkata, "Siapa namamu?". Salju
Putih mengatakan, "Nama saya Snow White". Salah satu kurcaci berkata, "Jika Anda ingin, Anda
dapat tinggal di sini bersama kami". Salju Putih menceritakan seluruh kisah tentang dia. Kemudian
Salju ad putih tujuh kurcaci hidup bahagia selamanya.

Struktur generik Analisis

1. Orientasi, memperkenalkan peserta tertentu; Putri Salju
2. Komplikasi, mengungkapkan serangkaian krisis: bibi Putri Salju dan paman akan meninggalkan dia
di sebuah puri, Snow White lari, Snow White merasa lapar di hutan.
3. Resolusi, krisis ini menyelesaikan: kurcaci diizinkan Putri Salju tinggal di pondok mereka hidup

Bahasa Fitur Analisis o Menggunakan kata kerja mengatakan; menjawab

o Menggunakan verba berpikir; memutuskan
o Menggunakan kata kerja; lari
o Menggunakan hubungannya waktu, sekali waktu, satu hari
o Menggunakan connectives, kemudian, sementara
o Menggunakan past tense, ia mendengar pamannya

6. Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks.

Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many
suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three sheiks
were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who
would be the best of them.

One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to
have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some left over food. The
second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim,
offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s

The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant
to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of
delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.

This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without
question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim
I will marry”.

Narrative Complication in Generic Structure

The above example of narrative text tells a story which can amuse the reader. Amusing and
entertaining are the power of narrative text to attract the reader. Reader will tend to follow the whole

As it is said many times that the heart of narrative text is the existence of the complication. It will
drive the plot of the story to keep amusing. The existence of conflict inside the Queen Maura is what
builds the story keep running. The psychological conflict inside Maura, which she strike against
herself, is arousing the readers attention to continue reading the story. They want to know what next
will happen, who will be chosen by Queen Maura, in what way she will decide who is the best.
Keeping knowing them really entertaining as well increasing the moral value added.

Orientation: the text introduce the Queen Maura and three sheiks in Arabia once time.
Complication: Queen Maura find out that it was very difficult to choose one as the best among them
Resolution: finally Queen Maura has a convincing way to choose one and he is Sheik Hakim

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Ratu Saudi dan Tiga Sheiks.

Maura, yang ingin dianggap sebagai ratu yang paling indah dan kuat dari Arabia, memiliki banyak
pelamar. Satu per satu ia dibuang mereka, sampai daftar itu dikurangi menjadi hanya tiga sheik.
Ketiga sheik semua sama-sama muda dan tampan. Mereka juga kaya dan kuat. Itu sangat sulit untuk
memutuskan siapa yang akan menjadi yang terbaik dari mereka.Suatu malam, Maura menyamar dan
pergi ke kamp dari tiga sheik. Ketika mereka hendak makan malam, Maura meminta mereka untuk
sesuatu untuk dimakan. Yang pertama memberinya kiri atas makanan. The Sheik kedua memberinya
beberapa ekor unta yang menimbulkan selera. The sheik ketiga, yang disebut Hakim, menawarinya
beberapa daging yang paling lembut dan lezat. Setelah makan malam, ratu menyamar meninggalkan
kamp sheik itu.Keesokan harinya, sang ratu mengundang tiga sheik untuk makan malam di istananya.
Dia memerintahkan pelayannya untuk memberikan masing-masing apa yang mereka telah
memberinya malam sebelumnya. Hakim yang menerima sepiring daging lezat, menolak untuk makan
jika dua lainnya sheik tidak bisa berbagi dengan dia.Tindakan ini Hakim Sheik ini akhirnya
meyakinkan Ratu Maura bahwa ia adalah pria untuknya. "Tanpa pertanyaan, Hakim adalah yang
paling murah hati Anda" dia mengumumkan pilihannya ke sheik. "Jadi itu adalah Hakim Saya akan
menikah".Narasi Komplikasi dalam Struktur GenerikContoh di atas teks narasi menceritakan
sebuah cerita yang dapat menghibur pembaca. Lucu dan menghibur adalah kekuatan teks naratif
untuk menarik pembaca. Pembaca akan cenderung mengikuti keseluruhan cerita.Seperti dikatakan
berkali-kali bahwa jantung dari teks naratif adalah adanya komplikasi. Ini akan mendorong plot cerita
untuk tetap lucu. Adanya konflik dalam Maura Ratu adalah apa yang membangun cerita terus
berjalan. Konflik psikologis dalam Maura, yang ia menyerang melawan dirinya sendiri, yang
membangkitkan perhatian pembaca untuk terus membaca cerita. Mereka ingin tahu apa yang
selanjutnya akan terjadi, siapa yang akan dipilih oleh Ratu Maura, dengan cara apa dia akan
memutuskan siapa yang terbaik. Menjaga mengetahui mereka benar-benar menghibur serta
meningkatkan nilai moral tambah.Orientasi: teks memperkenalkan Maura Ratu dan tiga sheik di
Arabia sekali waktu.Komplikasi: Ratu Maura mengetahui bahwa itu sangat sulit untuk memilih salah
satu sebagai yang terbaik di antara merekaResolusi: Akhirnya Ratu Maura memiliki cara meyakinkan
untuk memilih salah satu dan dia adalah Sheik Hakim.

liburan kemarin saya pergi ke pantai pangandaran saya pergi pukul 15.00 sore, saya pergi bersama
keluarga saya, sekitar pukul 19.45 malam kami beristirahat sejenak lalu melanjutkan perjalanan
menuju pantai pangandaran. kami sampai disana pukul 11.23 malam, kami pun mencari penginapan
untuk beristirahat, setelah menemukan penginapan saya bersama kakak perempuan jalan jalan
mengelilingi pantai pangandaran, setelah itu kami pun kembali ke penginapan dan tidur. pagi pagi
sekali kami pergi ke pantai barat untuk melihat matahari terbit dan bermain air, hari pun menjelang
siang kami pergi berbelanja untuk oleh oleh dan kembali ke penginapan untuk membersihkan diri,
setelah itu kami pergi menuju pantai batu karas, sekitar satu jam menuju kesana, disana kami bermain
pasir, makan seafood,dan menaiki banana boat setelah itu saya mandi dan kembali ke penginapan
yang berada di pantai pangandaran untuk beristirahan dan melanjutkan kembali perjalanan pulang
menuju bandung

A man from the country side went to a city. It was his first time visiting the city, so the city's view
with all the flashy technology shocked him very much.

While roaming the city's shopping centre, he found a red building that was soo big! He wanted to go
inside the building, so he excitedly walked up to the building and found himself face to face with a
shiny metalic door. On the door was an 'open' sign. He was surprised, this building is an oven? He
mistakenly took the sign 'open' as 'oven'.

In cue with this mistake, a white man opened the door and entered the building. And then five minutes
later, the metalic door opened revealing a black man!

When another white man came to enter the building, the country side man stopped him from entering.
He said, "Don't go in there! That building is an oven!

Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic
First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting
and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others
went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two
o'clock we left for school.
We had a great day.

Atau :
An Excursion to the Botanical Garden

On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Garden. We walked down and boarded the bus.
After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade students
went to have alook around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information.
Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot on the Botanical
Garden and had a morning tea break.
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to have
lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students
went to have a walk.
A lady took us into a special room and introduced herself. Then she explained what we were going to
do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens. Then we reboarded the
bus and returned to school.
5. Teks Report: Teks yang isinya menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil
pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan,
benda buatan manusia, atau gejala- gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan
umum misalnya tentang rumah sederhana dengan mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga
layak dikategorikan rumah sederhana.
Generic Structure: General Classification - Description
General Classification berisi: Klasifikasi suatu fenomena (binatang, public places, tanaman, dll) yang
akan didiskusikan/ dilaporkan secara umum .
Description berisi: Gambaran dari fenomena yang akan didiskusikan seperti bagian - bagiannya,
kebiasaan atau tingkah laku jika benda hidup, kegunaannya jika non natural.
Contoh Teks Report:

The heart is the most important part of the body. It is the center of life. However, the heart is only as
big as a closed hand.
The heart is a muscle and it beats about seventy times per minute throughout a person's life.
The heart pumps blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The heart is made up of four
chambers or small "rooms". The top chamber are called the right and left auriclesand the bottom
chambers are the right and left ventricles.
When blood enters the heart. It is in dark reddish color because it countains carbon dioxide. The blood
enters the right auricle and then the right ventricle. When the heart contracts, it forces the blood to the
lungs where the blood receives oxygen. It then goes to the left auricle. The heart contracts again, and
the blood goes to the left ventricle and is then forced out into the body. The blood gathers carbon
dioxide and returns to the heart, and the process begins again.

Ass. Wr. Wb
Yang Terhormat…
Juga para hadirin yang saya…
Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada panitia acara … dalam rangka menyambut hari tanpa
tembakau sedunia yang jatuh pada tanggal 31 mei setiap tahunya, yang telah memberikan
kepercayaan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan pidato singkat ini dalam rangka mewujudkan hari
bebas rokok ini menjadi benar-benar bisa menjadi hari yang terbebas dari asap rokok selamanya.
Rekan-rekan sekalian yang saya hormati,
Bukan menjadi rahasia umum lagi dan tidak harus dupungkiri lagi kalau dikalangan para perokok
sebetulnya udah mengetahui ataupu merasakan dampaknya dari bahaya merokok tersebut, namun
mereka seolah menutup mata dengan bermacam alasan, Padahal, asap rokok secara ilmiah sudah
terbukti menyebabkan setidaknya 25 jenis penyakit. Artinya, saat berbagai negara — termasuk negara
berkembang — memperketat peraturan soal rokok untuk melindungi kesehatan rakyatnya, namun
Indonesia justru menjadi surga bagi industri rokok.
Rekan-rekan sekalian yang saya hormati,
Meskipun udah banyak perda-perda yang dikeluarkan dan udah banyak peraturan dan larangan yang
telah diberlakukan, misalnya “Larangan Merokok Ditempat Umum”, tapi tidak sedikit pula atau
banyak para perokok tidak mentaati peraturan yang telah berlaku tersebut, oleh karena itu, kita
sebagai warga negara yang baik dan juga peduli akan kesehatan, marilah kita wujudkan hidup sehat
tanpa asap rokok diawali dari diri kita sendiri.
Rekan-rekan sekalian yang saya Hormati,
Berbicara soal dampak yang diakibatkan dari asap rokok yang terhirup oleh orang-orang disekitar
kita, marilah kita lihat hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh EPA… Nasib kaum ibu bersuamikan
perokok agaknya tak berbeda jauh dengan anak-anak yang memiliki keluarga perokok. Penelitian
yang dilakukan EPA menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa dari 30 wanita, 24 di antaranya berisiko tinggi
terserang kanker paru-paru bila suaminya perokok. Oleh karena itu, bila kita sayang dengan orang-
orang yang ada disekitar kita, dengan kesadaran sendiri, marilah kita buat peraturan-peraturan yang
kita buat sendiri untuk diri kita sendiri dan untuk orang-orang yang berada disekitar kita agar terbebas
dari dampak yang diakibatkan oleh diri kita sendiri.

rekan-rekan sekalian yang saya hormati.

Salah satu proses yang memang belum berdampak pada penampilan fisik perokok adalah gangguan
pada sistem sirkulasi darah, yang akhirnya memicu penyakit jantung. hal ini disebabkan karena di
dala rokok terdapat beberapa bahan kimia yang ada dalam rokok. Di antaranya, acrolein, merupakan
zat cair yang tidak berwarna, seperti aldehyde. Zat ini sedikit banyaknya mengandung kadar alkohol.
Artinya, acrolein ini adalah alkohol yang cairannya telah diambil. Cairan ini sangat mengganggu
Rekan-rekan sekalian yang saya hormati
Karena waktu yang sangat terbatas, saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada panita yang telah memberikan
waktu kepada saya untuk menyampaikan pidato singkat ini. Mudah-mudahan dihari bebas tembakau
sedunia ini, kita akan lebih menyayangi diri kita sendiri dengan dimulai dari menyehatkan diri sendiri.
Semoga uraian ini bermanfaat. Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.

Awal mula cerita lucu ini terjadi saat tetanggaku sedang ada selamatan untuk memberi nama atas
kelahiran anak pertamanya. Karena rumah kami bersebelahan maka kita telah biasa saling membantu
untuk meringankan beban. Meski dia adalah tetangga dan tidak ada ikatan darah, tetapi dia sudah
seperti saudara kandung. Waktu itu, ketika jam menunjukkan pukul 16.45 an, aku diajak oleh ibu ke
tempat tetangga yang mau selamatan. Seperti layaknya anak kecil, saya pun bermain main dengan
teman seusiaku.

Kita semua bermain dengan penuh canda tawa dan segalanya berjalan tanpa beban. Tapi berdasarkan
keterangan ibuku, suasana riang berubah menjadi menggemparkan dan membuat gaduh rumah
tetangga. Apa sebabnya? Yang menyebabkan adalah ulah usilku pada bayi yang baru berusia 7 hari.
Menurut ibu dan juga tetanggaku yang lain, katanya waktu itu aku mengambil sayuran yang telah
dimasak dan kusuapi bayi itu berulangkali. Perbuatanku ini diketahui setelah ibuku curiga aku hilir
mudik ke arah bayi sambil membawa makanan. Untungnya hal ini segera diketahui dan bahaya yang
mengancam nyawa bisa dihindari.

Itulah cerita lucu menyuapi bayi yang baru berusia 7 hari. Jujur pertama kali hal ini diceritakan
tetangga dan ibuku, ku sempat tertawa terpingkal pingkal. Yach... ternyata saat bayi itu telah dewasa
tumbuh menjadi gadis yang luar biasa cantik friend, namun sayangnya sudah diperistri orang lain.
Mungkin lain waktu akan saya tambah cerita lucu yang nyata dan merupakan bagian dari keusilanku.
Terima kasih telah berkenan membaca, kalau mau memberi komentar bisa langsung menuliskan di
tempat yang tersedia. Tapi jangan lupa sertakan alamat email yang benar agar komentar bisa muncul
secara otomatis. Dan jangan sampai ketinggalan untuk membaca favorit konten konten favorit di blog
ini. Salam hangat untuk kita semua


Sup Sayuran

Posted on September 24, 2011


Terinspirasi dari ceritanya Nique tentang tauge di sini. (trims ya Nique.., lagi macet ide nih… )

Dari sekolah anak-anak pernah mendapat pekerjaan rumah untuk memantau dan mencatat
pertumbuhan tauge atau kecambah. Bahan yang disiapkan botol selai bekas atau mangkok yang
dasarnya dialasi dengan kapas basah, kemudian ditaburkan biji kacang hijau. Mereka sangat asyik
memperhatikan kapan kecambah tumbuh dan mengukur dengan teliti tingginya. Botol berisi tauge ini
kemudian dibawa ke sekolah.
Praktikum ini rupanya membawa keasyikan tersendiri karena setelah PR selesai dan dikumpulkan
mereka bereksperimen sendiri di rumah, membuat banyak persemaian kecambah. Setelah kecambah
makin panjang sampai batangnya melengkung, oleh papanya kecambah itu lalu ditanam di pot,

ditumpangkan begitu saja di pot di sela-sela bungaku. Dan berhasil tumbuh menjadi pohon
kacang hijau dan berbuah. Biji kacang hijau dipanen dan disemai lagi. Demikian seterusnya proses
ini berulang-ulang sampai mereka bosan.

Seperti Nique aku juga geli kalau makan tauge yang ada ekor panjang, makanya tak pernah mau
makan bakso dicampur tauge, si abang nggak motong ekornya sih. Memotong ekor tauge segenggam
memang butuh waktu lama. Di tukang sayur sendiri ada bermacam-macam tauge. Tauge untuk urap
yang panjang, sedangkan untuk soto biasanya pakai tauge yang masih kecil sekali dan belum berekor.

Ada lagi pengalaman lucu makan tauge.

Ketika itu hari pertama dalam perjalanan ke negeri Kincir Angin, rombongan kami diajak makan
siang di sebuah restoran á là Belanda, katanya supaya mengenal masakan orang Belanda asli dan table
manner. Hidangan pertama adalah hidangan pembuka yang disajikan dalam mangkuk-mangkuk sup
kecil. Kamipun mulai mencicipi hidangan ini. Sendok demi sendok hanya dapat kuahnya saja yang
berwarna kecoklatan, diaduk-aduk barulah didapatkan beberapa potong tauge, tak lebih dari sepuluh.

“What is this ? ” tanya seorang teman

” Vegetable Soup ” jawab sang waiter.

Langsung meledak tawa kami. Salah satu teman yang usil langsung nyeletuk : ” Gila, jauh-jauh ke
Belanda cuma makan tauge 7 lembar, rasanya miskin benar, padahal di kampung sampai dibuang-

Salah ambil

Siang hari pada saat puasa aku sangat menantikan bedug tiba. Saat itu aku kelas 3 sd setelah beberapa
jam berlalu akhirnya waktu berbuka datang juga. Saya dan keluarga makan bersama tapi tiba-tiba
lampu mati suasana nya menjadi gelap. Ayah yangberada di sebelah ku mengambil lilin tapi ternyata
lilinya habis, sementara ibu membeli lilin saya disuruh makan dalam suasana gelap akhirnya saya
makan tidak menunggu lilin itu ada karena saya sudah lapar kemudian aku mengambil nasi, sayur
lauk pauk tapi pada saat ku makan rasanya aneh dan pedas saya segera mengambil minum tapi
minumanya masih di meja makan dan saat itu saya makannya di depan televisi, saya langsung berdiri
untuk mengambil minuman dan tidak meraba-raba kanan kiri langsung jalan akhirnya saya menabrak
pintu dan terjatuh.berusaha untuk berdiri setelah itu ibu datang membawa lilin dan menyalakanya dan
saya di tolong nya
Pada malam harinya setelah shalat tarawih di desa saya selalu ramai banyak penjual dan anak-anak
pada bermain pada saat itu saya minta izin ibu untuk keluar dan bermain bersama teman-teman saya
tapi ibu tidak mengizinkan karena saya baru jatuh padahal saya ingin sekali bermain karena kalau
puasa siang harinya tidak bermain setelah itu teman saya datang dan mengajak saya bermain tapi saya
bilang saya tidak di perbolehkan setelah ibu saya melihatnya akhirnya dia memperbolehkanya dan
saya keluar untuk bermain sebelumnya saya jajan diwarung dan menyalakan kembang api saat itu
teman saya menyalakan kembang api yang besar karena tidak bisa menyalakanya kembang apinya
nyala tapi tidak ke atas dan saat itu teman saya terkena kembang api dan tangannya berdarah setelah
akan di obati dan darah itu di bersih kan aromanya pedas dan tidak seperti darah ternyata itu Cuma
tumpahan saos yang terkena tanganya saat itu dia lagi memegang makanan kita semua sudah khawatir
dengan keadaan itu dan setelah itu kami keluar lagi dan bermain petak umpet pada saat

experience of the first day of fasting experience of the first day of fasting
During the day when I was so looking forward to fasting drum arrived. At that time I was in Grade 3
to after a couple of hours break time finally came. My family ate together but suddenly his mood
lights went dark. Yangberada father beside me taking out a candle but it lilinya, while my mother buy
candles made to eat in the dark waiting for the end I did not eat the wax exists because I'm hungry
then I took some rice, vegetable side dishes but when I eat it feels weird and I immediately took a
drink spicy but minumanya still on the table and then I eat it in front of the television, I stood up to
take a drink and did not fumble either side of the direct path and finally I hit the door
terjatuh.berusaha to stand after it's mother came in with candles and menyalakanya and me on her
In the evening after prayers tarawih in my village many sellers are always crowded and the children at
play at that time my mother asked for permission to go out and play with my friends but my mother
was not allowed because I just fell when I want to play because if fasting during the day, did not play
after that my friend came over and asked me to play but I said I was not allowed to see my mother
after she finally memperbolehkanya and I went out to play before my diwarung pocket and lit
fireworks while my friend was a big fireworks because it can not menyalakanya fireworks flame but
not to the top, and then my friend hit the fireworks and bloody hands after going on the treat and clean
the blood in the aroma spicy and not as it turns out it's just blood that spills sauce by hand when he
was hit again hold the food we've all been concerned with the situation and after that we went out
again and play hide and seek at the moment

Kemah Kelulusan

Pada saat smp kelas 3,sekolah ku mengadakan kemah sebagai syarat kelulusan yang diadakan di
lapangan sekolah. Kamping itu di laksanakan selama 3 hari dan berangkat nya pukul 7 pagi. Sebelum
berangkat camping saya dan teman-teman saya berdiskusi tentang peralatan yang akan di bawa pada
saat kemah. Pada saat kemah kita harus memasak sendiri dan menyajikan makanan kepada panitia.

Pagi harinya saya berangkat ke sekolah dengan memakai pakaian osis dan membawa peralatan untuk
berkemah. Setelah itu mendirikan tenda. sebelum mendirikan tenda kami ganti pakaian olahraga
supaya pakaian osis nya tidak kotor karena akan di pakai saat kegiatan. Setelah itu kita menata
peralatan yang akan digunakan untuk mendirikan tenda dan kita bekerja sama mendirikan tenda di
lapangan sekolah. Setelah kami beristirahat dan makan di kantin.
Kegiatan kemah di mulai dengan upacara pembukaan dan setelah itu meletakkan barang bawaan ke
dalam tenda. Setelah selesai ,kami istirahat sambil duduk di luar tenda, tiba-tiba langit terlihat
mendung seperti akan turun hujan. Belum lama hujan turun dan kami segera memindahkan barang-
barang kami dari tenda ke ruang kelas karena hujanya itu deras sekali akhirnya kami menunggu di
kelas sampai hujanya reda. Tapi semakin lama hujan itu disertai angin semua tenda basah dan di
goyangkan oleh angin. akhirnya tenda kami di terbangkan oleh angin karena kurang kuat dalam
memasangnya. Semua orang panik mereka mencoba ke lapangan untuk memperbaiki tenda mereka
walaupun hujan agar tenda mereka tidak roboh. Tapi para guru tidak mengizinkan mereka untuk ke
lapangan dan mereka di suruh menunggu di kelas sampai hujanya reda kemudian mereka boleh

Setelah reda, kami segera memperbaiki tenda masing-masing. Saya dan tema-teman saya berusaha
mendirikan tenda lagi karena tenda nya terbang.dalam mendirikan tenda kami di bantu oleh guru agar
lebih cepat. Setelah semua tenda berdiri kami melanjutkan kegiatan, pada saat itu waktunya untuk
salat ashar. Setelah itu kita boleh mandi dan salat maghrib di mushala sampai dengan acara shalat
isya. Pada malam harinya kami memasak makanan untuk makan malam. Akhirnya kita semua tidur di
ruang kelas karena tendanya masih basah. Setelah itu kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar dan sudah tidak
ada kendala sampai hari ketiga.

Nama : Nurul Latifah

Kelas : X.1
No. Absen : 24

Camping Graduation

when I was junior high school 3rd grade, my school held a camp as a condition
of graduation and held at the school’s ground. Camp was carried on for 3 days and left
at 7 am. Before leaving for camping I and my friends talk about the equipment that
will be taken during camp. At the camp we had to cook ourselves and serving food to
the committee.

In the morning I went to school with clothes osis and bring equipment for
camping. After that, set up a tent. before setting up tent we replace sportswear so its
not dirty because it will be used during the activity. After that we set up the equipment
that will be used to set up a tent and we work together to build a tent on the school
grounds. After that we took a break and ate canteen.

Camp’s activity began the opening ceremony and after put luggage into the
tent. After finished, we rest while sitting outside the tent, suddenly overcast sky looks
like would rain. Not long ago, it was raining and we immediately moved our
belongings from the tent to the classroom because rains was swift and we ended up
waiting in the classroom until its subsides. But the longer the rain was accompanied
by wind. all tents wet and swaying by wind. finally our tent fly because less strong in
the install. Everyone frantically tried to yard for fix their tents althought rain so their
tent was not collapse. But the teachers do not permission they to go to the field and
they ordered to wait in the classroom until rain subside then they should fix it.

Once stopped, we immediately improve each tent. My theme of my friends

tried to set up camp again because its hood terbang.dalam set up our tent in aid by the
teacher to make it faster. After all the tents up we continue the activities, at that time
to pray Asr. After that we should shower and evening prayer in the prayer room until
the event Isha. In the evening we cooked food for dinner. Finally we all slept in the
classroom because the tent was still wet. After that events run smoothly and had no
problems until the third day.

At smp as I entered high school graduation requirement camping in the school grounds. Kamping was
carried on for 3 days and left her at 7 am. Before leaving for camping me and my friends talk about
the equipment that will be taken later and tools that will be taken as regular clothing, apparel osis,
scout clothing, tents and cooking gear for camping when we do not use our catering services but
cooked own food and cook it turns and we are also asked to serve food to our home guru.setelah
complete discussion.
In the morning I went to school with clothes osis and carrying equipment. After arriving at the school
I am waiting for my friends to set up our tent tenda.sebelum mendirirkan change osis sportswear
clothing so its not dirty because it will be used during the activity. After that we set perakatan that will
be used to set up the tent and then we work together to build a tent on the school grounds. Once the
tent was up we rest and snack at 12 pm kantin.setelah anyone whose house was allowed to go home
and come back close again after 2 pm and after that it should not go home for 3 days and 2 nights.
After that I went home with my friend that his house by side got home I showered, ate lunch because
we were not allowed to cook in and everything had to buy my own food-sendiri.setelah everything I
do on my return to school.
Having got there me and my friends started its activities from the opening ceremony and afterwards
organize tent each. When finished arranging tent suddenly overcast sky looks like going to rain as we
were tired after our tent was set up to sit in a tent and some outside. Not long ago, then suddenly it
was raining and we immediately moved our belongings from the tent to the classroom and hujanya it
rains so we ended up waiting in the classroom until hujanya subsides. But the longer the rain was
accompanied by wind all wet tents and swaying by the wind and because we are less strong in putting
up the tent peg at the end of our tent fly by the wind. Everyone frantically trying to pitch them to fix
their tents despite the rain so they do not fly like a tent our tent and just past our tents were blown off
by the wind. But the guuru not allow them to go to the field and they were told to wait in the
classroom until hujanya subsides and they should fix it. After that hujanya subsided and we all
immediately improve each tent. Tent in my group had the most severe damage wet tent and blown by
the wind to be in the tent next door. Our group tried to raise the tent but not strong because of wet and
juicy especially thick curtains and door Just one. Finally, there are teachers who are willing to help us
and help improve its hood up so. After all our tents standing to continue its activities and Asr prayers
at the time. Finally in the evening we all slept in the classroom because his tent was still wet and at
night we started cooking potluck because everything is new again laid out in the classrooms and our
group can still eat even though we hardly fatherly stove ignited and one group only take 1 burner of
12 people and after our meal Isha and implement the other camp activities without any problem until
the third day, and finally we went home and the camp as an experience before we all parted

A Boy and an Apple Tree

One time, there lived a big apple tree and a boy who liked to play around under the apple tree
everyday. He was happy to climb up to the top of the tree, eat the fruit, a nap in the shade of
the shade leaves. The boy loved the apple tree. Similarly, the apple tree is very love little boy

Time flies. The boy had grown big and no longer playing with the apple tree every day. One
day he went to the apple tree. His face looked sad.

“Come over here and play with me,” said the apple tree.
“I’m not a little kid playing with the tree again,” replied the boy.
“I want to have toys, but I’m not having money to buy it.”
The tree replied, “Sorry, but I did not have money … but you can take all of my fruit and sell
it. You can get the money to buy toys. “

The boy was very happy. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. However,
after that the boy never came back. The tree was sad again.

One day the boy returned again. Tree was so excited.

“Come play with me anymore,” said the apple tree.

“I do not have the time,” replied the boy.
“I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Will you help me? “
“Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut down all of my branches to build your
house”, said the apple tree. Then the boy cut all of the branches and twigs that apple tree and
left happily.
The tree was also felt happy to see the boy happy, but the boy never came back again. The
tree was lonely and sad again.
One hot summer day, the boy returned again. The tree was delighted.

“Come and play again with me,” the tree said.

“I’m sad,” said the boy.
“I’m old and want to live in peace. I want to go on vacation and sailing. Will you give me a
boat to cruise? “
“Sorry, but I don’t have a boat, but you may cut my trunk and use it to create a ship that you
want. Go sailing and have fun. “Later, the boy cut the tree trunk and makes a dream ship.
He then went sailing and never again came to the apple tree.

Finally, the boy returned again after all these years later.

“I’m sorry my son,” said the apple tree.

“I do not have apple for you anymore.”
“It’s okay. I also have no teeth to bite your fruit, “replied the boy.
“I don’t have a trunk and branches you can climb,” said the apple tree.
“Now, I’m too old for that,” replied the boy.
“I really do not have anything more can I give to you. What remains is my roots old and
dying, “said the apple tree with tears.
“I do not need anything else right now,” said the boy.
“I just need a place to rest. I was so tired after all these years. ”
“Oooh, very nice. Do you know? The root of old trees is the best place to lie down and rest.
Come, lay in the arms of my roots and rest in peace. “

The boy lay in the arms of tree roots.

The tree was glad and smiled with tears in his eyes

A Boy dan Apple Tree

Suatu saat, hiduplah sebuah pohon apel besar dan anak laki-laki yang suka bermain-main di bawah
pohon apel setiap hari. Dia senang naik ke atas pohon, makan buah, tidur siang di bawah naungan
daun teduh. Anak itu mencintai pohon apel. Demikian pula, pohon apel sangat mencintai anak kecil

Waktu berlalu. Anak itu telah tumbuh besar dan tidak lagi bermain dengan pohon apel setiap hari.
Suatu hari ia pergi ke pohon apel. Wajahnya tampak sedih.

"Datang ke sini dan bermain dengan saya," kata pohon apel.

"Aku bukan anak kecil bermain dengan pohon lagi," jawab anak itu.
"Saya ingin memiliki mainan, tapi aku tidak punya uang untuk membelinya."
Pohon itu menjawab, "Maaf, tapi aku tidak punya uang ... tetapi Anda dapat mengambil semua
buah saya dan menjualnya. Anda bisa mendapatkan uang untuk membeli mainan. "

Anak itu sangat senang. Ia lalu memetik semua apel di pohon dan meninggalkan bahagia. Namun,
setelah itu anak itu tidak pernah kembali. Pohon itu sedih lagi.

Suatu hari anak itu kembali lagi. Pohon begitu bersemangat.

"Ayo bermain dengan saya lagi," kata pohon apel.
"Saya tidak punya waktu," jawab anak itu.
"Aku harus bekerja untuk keluarga saya. Kami membutuhkan rumah untuk tempat tinggal.
Maukah Anda membantu saya? "
"Maaf, tapi saya tidak memiliki rumah. Tapi Anda bisa mengurangi semua cabang saya untuk
membangun rumah Anda ", kata pohon apel. Lalu anak itu memotong semua cabang dan ranting
pohon apel yang dan meninggalkan bahagia.
Pohon itu juga merasa senang melihat anak itu senang, tapi anak itu tidak pernah kembali lagi.
Pohon itu kesepian dan sedih lagi.

Suatu hari musim panas, anak itu kembali lagi. Pohon itu senang.

"Datang dan bermain lagi dengan saya," kata pohon apel.

"Saya sedih," kata anak itu.
"Aku sudah tua dan ingin hidup dalam damai. Aku ingin pergi berlibur dan berlayar. Maukah Anda
memberi saya perahu untuk pesiar? "
"Maaf, tapi saya tidak memiliki perahu, tapi Anda mungkin memotong batang saya dan
menggunakannya untuk membuat kapal yang Anda inginkan. Pergi berlayar dan bersenang-senang.
"Kemudian, anak itu memotong batang pohon dan membuat kapal mimpi.
Dia kemudian pergi berlayar dan tidak pernah lagi datang ke pohon apel.

Akhirnya, anak itu kembali lagi setelah bertahun-tahun kemudian.

"Maafkan aku anakku," kata pohon apel.

"Saya tidak punya apel lagi untukmu."
"Tidak apa-apa. Saya juga tidak punya gigi untuk menggigit buah Anda, "jawab anak itu.
"Saya tidak memiliki batang dan cabang Anda dapat naik," kata pohon apel.
"Sekarang, aku sudah terlalu tua untuk itu," jawab anak itu.
"Saya benar-benar tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi yang bisa saya berikan kepada Anda. Yang tersisa
adalah akar saya tua dan sekarat, "kata pohon apel dengan air mata.
"Aku tidak membutuhkan apa-apa lagi sekarang," kata anak itu.
"Aku hanya perlu tempat untuk beristirahat. Aku sangat lelah setelah sekian tahun. "
"Oooh, sangat bagus. Apakah Anda tahu? Akar pohon tua adalah tempat terbaik untuk berbaring
dan beristirahat. Ayo, berbaring dalam pelukan akar saya dan beristirahat dalam damai. "

Anak itu berbaring di pelukan akar-akar pohon

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle
because her parents were died.

One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because
they wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White with

Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next
morning she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run
away into the wood.

In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no
one answered so she went inside and felt asleep

Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found
Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; “What is your name?”. Snow
White said; “My name is Snow White”. One of the dwarfs said; “If you wish, you may live
here with us”. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven
dwarfs lived happily ever after.

The Bear and Rabbit

Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shot. In contrary, the
bear is always clumsy and could not use the arrow.

One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows.
The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He went with the
bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many
that there were lots of meats left after.

However the bear did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. The rabbit could not even
taste the meat. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.

The bear was the father of five children. Fortunately, the youngest child was very kind to the
rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of
meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to
play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the rabbit's house.When he got close to the door he
would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this
way, the poor rabbit would get his meal.
The Legend of Toba Lake
Once upon time, there was a handsome man. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. He liked
fishing. One day, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find out that the fish could talk. The
fish begged him to set it free.

Batara Guru could not bear it. He made the fish free. As soon as it was free, the fish changed
into a very beautiful woman. She attracted Batara Guru so much. He felt in love with that
fish-woman. The woman wanted to marry with him and said that Batara Guru had to keep the
secret which she had been a fish. Batara Guru aggreed and promised that he would never tell
anybody about it.

They were married happily. They had two daughters. One day Batara Guru got very angry
with his daughter. He could not control his mad. He shouted angrily and got the word of fish
to his daugters. The daughters were crying. They found their mother and talked her about it.
The mother was very annoyed. Batara Guru broke his promise. The mother was shouting
angrily. Then the earth began to shake. Volcanoes started to erupt. The earth formed a very
big hole. People believed that the big hole became a lake. Then this lake is known as Toba

The Monkey and The Crocodile

One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile so he
asked the crocodile to take him across the other side of the river. The crocodile agree and told
the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river with the monkey on
his top.

Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the river and said to
the monkey, “My father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. So he will be
healthy again.”

At the time, the monkey was in dangerous situation and he had to think hard. Then he had a
good idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank. “What’s for?” asked the
crocodile. “Because I don’t bring my heart,” said the monkey. “I left it under a tree, near
some coconuts in the river bank.”
The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as
they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back. Then he climbed up
to the top of a tree.

“Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile. “You are foolish,” said the monkey to the
crocodile. “Now I am free and I have my heart.

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot
could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place
where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot
would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept
not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!”
pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you”
the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the
man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The
bird kept not to say the word of Catano.

One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really
got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house.
There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay
with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the
chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he
left the chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very
surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death
chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the
last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.
Salju Putih

Sekali waktu ada tinggal sedikit, bernama Putri Salju. Dia tinggal bersama bibi dan
pamannya karena orang tuanya sudah meninggal.

Suatu hari ia mendengar paman dan bibinya berbicara tentang meninggalkan Snow White
di kastil karena mereka ingin pergi ke Amerika dan mereka tidak punya cukup uang untuk
mengambil Putri Salju dengan mereka.

Salju Putih tidak ingin paman dan bibinya untuk melakukan hal ini. Jadi dia memutuskan
untuk melarikan diri. Keesokan harinya dia lari dari rumah ketika bibi dan pamannya sedang
sarapan, ia lari ke dalam kayu.

Dalam kayu ia merasa sangat lelah dan lapar. Lalu ia melihat pondok ini. Dia mengetuk
tapi tidak ada yang menjawab jadi dia masuk ke dalam dan merasa tertidur

Sementara tujuh kurcaci datang pulang dari kerja. Mereka masuk ke dalam. Di sana,
mereka menemukan Putri Salju terbangun. Dia melihat kurcaci. Para kurcaci berkata, "Siapa
namamu?". Salju Putih mengatakan, "Nama saya Snow White". Salah satu kurcaci berkata,
"Jika Anda ingin, Anda dapat tinggal di sini bersama kami". Salju Putih menceritakan seluruh
kisah tentang dia. Kemudian Salju ad putih tujuh kurcaci hidup bahagia selamanya.

The Bear dan Kelinci

Sekali waktu, hiduplah seekor beruang dan kelinci. Kelinci adalah tembakan yang baik.
Sebaliknya, beruang selalu canggung dan tidak bisa menggunakan panah.

Suatu hari, beruang yang disebut di atas kelinci dan meminta kelinci untuk mengambil busur
dan anak panah.
Kelinci itu takut untuk membangkitkan kemarahan beruang sehingga dia tidak bisa
menolaknya. Dia pergi dengan beruang dan menembak kerbau cukup untuk memenuhi
keluarga lapar. Memang dia menembak dan membunuh begitu banyak bahwa ada banyak
daging tersisa setelah.

Namun beruang tidak ingin kelinci untuk mendapatkan daging. Kelinci bahkan tidak bisa
merasakan daging. Kelinci miskin harus pulang lapar setelah bekerja keras seharian nya.

Beruang adalah ayah dari lima anak. Untungnya, anak bungsu sangat baik untuk kelinci. Dia
adalah pemakan sangat hangat. Beruang Ibu selalu memberinya sepotong ekstra besar daging
tetapi anak bungsu tidak memakannya. Dia akan bawa keluar dengan dia dan berpura-pura
untuk bermain bola dengan daging. Dia menendang ke arah house.When kelinci dia punya
dekat pintu dia akan memberikan daging dengan seperti tendangan yang besar. Daging akan
terbang ke rumah kelinci. Dengan cara ini, kelinci miskin akan mendapatkan makan.

The Legend of Danau Toba

Dahulu kala, ada seorang pria tampan. Namanya adalah Batara Guru Sahala. Dia menyukai
memancing. Suatu hari, ia menangkap ikan. Dia terkejut mengetahui bahwa ikan bisa bicara.
Ikan memintanya untuk membebaskannya.

Batara Guru tidak tahan. Dia membuat ikan gratis. Segera setelah itu gratis, ikan berubah
menjadi wanita yang sangat cantik. Dia tertarik Batara Guru begitu banyak. Dia merasa jatuh
cinta dengan wanita-ikan. Wanita itu ingin menikah dengan dia dan mengatakan bahwa
Batara Guru harus menjaga rahasia yang dia telah ikan. Batara Guru aggreed dan berjanji
bahwa ia tidak akan pernah memberitahu siapa pun tentang hal itu.

Mereka menikah bahagia. Mereka memiliki dua anak perempuan. Suatu hari Batara Guru
menjadi sangat marah dengan putrinya. Dia tidak bisa mengendalikan marah nya. Dia
berteriak marah dan mendapat firman ikan untuk daugters nya. Para perempuan yang
menangis. Mereka menemukan ibu mereka dan berbicara kepadanya tentang hal itu.

Sang ibu sangat kesal. Batara Guru melanggar janjinya. Sang ibu berteriak marah.
Kemudian bumi mulai bergetar. Gunung berapi mulai meletus. Bumi membentuk lubang
yang sangat besar. Orang percaya bahwa lubang besar menjadi sebuah danau. Kemudian
danau ini dikenal sebagai Danau Toba.

Monyet dan Buaya The

Suatu hari ada monyet. Dia ingin menyeberang sungai. Di sana ia melihat buaya sehingga ia
meminta buaya untuk membawanya di sisi lain sungai. Buaya setuju dan mengatakan monyet
untuk melompat di punggungnya. Kemudian buaya berenang menyusuri sungai dengan
monyet di atas nya.

Sayangnya, buaya itu sangat lapar, ia berhenti di tengah sungai dan berkata kepada monyet,
"adalah ayah saya sangat sakit. Dia harus makan hati monyet. Jadi dia akan sehat kembali. "

Pada saat itu, monyet berada dalam situasi berbahaya dan ia harus berpikir keras. Lalu ia
punya ide yang baik. Dia mengatakan kepada buaya untuk berenang kembali ke tepi sungai.
"Apa ini?" Tanya buaya. "Karena aku tidak membawa hati saya," kata monyet. "Aku
meninggalkannya di bawah pohon, dekat beberapa kelapa di tepi sungai."
Buaya setuju dan berbalik. Dia berenang kembali ke tepi sungai. Segera setelah mereka tiba
di tepi sungai, monyet melompat dari punggung buaya. Lalu ia naik ke atas pohon.

"Dimana hatimu?" Tanya buaya. "Kau bodoh," kata monyet kepada buaya. "Sekarang saya
bebas dan saya memiliki hatiku.

The Parrot terpintar

Sekali waktu, seorang pria memiliki burung beo yang indah. Tidak ada burung beo lain
seperti itu. Kakaktua bisa mengatakan setiap kata, kecuali satu kata. Kakaktua tidak akan
mengatakan nama tempat di mana ia dilahirkan. Nama tempat itu Catano.

Pria itu merasa senang memiliki burung beo pintar tapi dia tidak bisa mengerti mengapa
burung beo tidak akan mengatakan Catano. Pria itu mencoba mengajari burung untuk
mengatakan Catano Namun burung terus tidak mengatakan kata.

Pada yang pertama, orang itu sangat bagus untuk burung tetapi kemudian ia menjadi sangat
marah. "Kau burung bodoh!" Menunjuk orang untuk burung beo. "Mengapa kamu tidak bisa
mengucapkan kata? Katakanlah Catano! Atau aku akan membunuhmu "kata pria itu dengan
marah. Meskipun ia berusaha keras untuk mengajar, kakaktua tidak akan mengatakan itu.
Kemudian orang itu sangat marah dan berteriak kepada burung berulang, "Katakanlah Catano
atau aku akan membunuhmu". Burung itu tetap tidak mengucapkan kata dari Catano.

Suatu hari, setelah ia telah mencoba begitu banyak kali untuk membuat burung
mengatakan Catano, pria itu benar-benar sangat marah. Dia tidak bisa menanggungnya. Dia
mengambil burung beo dan melemparkannya ke dalam kandang ayam. Ada empat ayam
umur untuk makan malam berikutnya "Kau bodoh seperti ayam. Hanya tinggal bersama
mereka "Kata orang marah. Kemudian ia melanjutkan untuk merendahkan, "Kau tahu, aku
akan memotong ayam untuk makan. Selanjutnya akan giliran Anda, saya akan makan Anda
juga, burung beo bodoh ". Setelah itu ia meninggalkan rumah ayam.

Keesokan harinya, pria itu kembali ke rumah ayam. Dia membuka pintu dan sangat
terkejut. Dia tidak bisa percaya apa yang dilihatnya di kandang ayam. Ada ayam mati tiga di
lantai. Saat ini, burung beo itu berdiri dengan bangga dan berteriak pada ayam tua terakhir,
"Katakanlah Catano atau aku akan membunuhmu".

Pak Lebai Malang

(Cerita rakyat Sumatera Barat)

Alkisah, tersebutlah seorang guru agama bernama Pak Lebai yang tinggal di tepi sungai sebuah desa
di daerah Sumatera Barat. Suatu hari ia mendapat undangan pesta dari dua orang kaya yang tinggal
di luar desanya. Sayangnya pesta tersebut diadakan pada hari dan waktu yang bersamaan.

Hal ini membuat Pak Lebai menjadi bingung. Ia harus menimang-nimang untung dan rugi dari setiap
undangan. Pikirnya, kalau ia ke pesta di desa hulu sungai, tuan rumah mungkin akan memberikan
hadiah berupa dua ekor kepala kerbau ditambah dengan kue-kue sebagai cemilan. Namun, ia belum
begitu kenal dengan tuan rumah tersebut. Selain itu, konon masakan orang-orang yang ada di hulu
sungai tidak seenak orang hilir sungai.

Sedangkan, kalau ia pergi ke pesta yang ada di hilir sungai mungkin ia hanya akan mendapat seekor
kepala kerbau. Namun dimasak dengan sangat enak. Disamping itu ia juga telah kenal betul dengan
tuan rumah yang mengundangnya. Pasti suasana akan terasa akrab dan ia dapat menikmati
makanan yang dihidangkan sepuasnya.

Kebingungan Pak Lebai itu ternyata dibawanya saat mengayuh sampan menuju ke salah satu rumah
yang mengadakan pesta tersebut. Pertama, dikayuh sampannya menuju hilir sungai. Baru tiba di
tengah perjalanan, ia mengubah pikirannya dan berbalik mendayung perahunya ke arah hilir.
Sesampainya di hilir ia bertemu dengan beberapa undangan lainnya. Mereka mengatakan bahwa
kerbau yang disembelih dalam acara pesta sangat kurus. Pak Lebai pun menuju ke perahunya lagi
dan mendayung ke arah hulu sungai. Namun sesampainya di hulu, ternyata para undangan di sana
sudah banyak yang beranjak pulang. Pesta di sana sudah selesai.
Pak Lebai cepat-cepat mengayuh perahunya lagi menuju desa hilir sungai. Sayangnya, di sana pun
pesta juga sudah berakhir. Pak Lebai yang sudah sangat lapar karena terus-menerus mengayuh
sampannya itu akhirnya memutuskan untuk memancing ikan dan berburu di sekitar sungai bersama
anjing peliharaannya.

Setelah memancing agak lama, mata kailnya dimakan ikan. Namun ketika ditarik tali kail itu
menyangkut di dasar sungai. Ia lalu terjun untuk memperbaikinya. Sayangnya, saat tali kail telah
terlepas dari himpitan batu sungai, ikan pun ikut terlepas. Dan pada saat yang sama, anjing
peliharaannya ternyata memakan nasi bungkus bekal Pak Lebai. Sungguh Pak Lebai yang Malang.

The story was a religious teacher who lived on the banks of the river in a village in West Sumatra.
One day, he received an invitation from two of the rich feast of neighboring villages. Unfortunately
the party was held on the same day and time.

Pak rocked lebai gains and losses of each invitation. But he was never able to make decisions quickly.
He thought if he went to a party in the village up the river, the host will give him a reward of two
buffalo heads tails. However, he has not so familiar with the host. According to the news, those
dishes are not as good as the headwaters of the river downstream.

If he went to a party in the lower river, he would be awarded a buffalo head with a delicious cooked.
He also knew very well with the host. However, the upstream host will give guests additional
pastries. Until he started pedaling his boat to the place pestapun party he can not decide which one
to choose.

First, dikayuh sampan toward the river. Just arrived in the middle of the journey he changed his
mind. He turned the paddle boat in the downstream direction. So close to the villages downstream.
He saw some of the guests headed up the river. The guest said that the buffalo are slaughtered there
is very thin. And he changed course toward the river boat. Arriving upstream edge of the village, the
guests had headed home. The party is over there.

Pak lebai quickly paddling his boat down the river toward the village. Unfortunately, disanapun the
party is over. Mr. lebai not have wanted the buffalo head.

At that time he was very hungry, he decided to fish and hunt. For that he took with rice. He took his
dog to hunt.
After fishing for a long time, hook the fish eaten. But the hook is caught in the river bed. Mr.
Lebaipun plunging to take fish. Unfortunately, the fish can escape. And the dog ate rice lebai pack
lunch. Because of his fate misfortune, sir lebai given the nickname lebai Malang.



Di pantai Timur Pulau Jawa ada sebuah kerajaan yang diperintah Prabu Menak Prakosa. Ia
mempunyai kekuasaan yang sangat besar. Sri Baginda tersebut mempunyai seorang anak
laki-laki yang gagah, cakap, dan bagus parasnya. Nama anak raja tersebut adalah Raden

Raden Banterang menjadi putera mahkota yang kelak menggantikan ayahnya sebagai raja. Ia,
Raden Banterang sangat dicintai dan dihormati rakyatnya. Sayangnya, ia mudah marah,
bahkan sering memberikan hukuman yang berat kepada rakyatnya bila tidak mengikuti

Pada suatu hari, Raden Banterang berburu binatang dengan disertai beberapa pengiringnya.
Dalam perburuan tersebut, Raden Banterang berpisah dengan pengiringnya. Ia berjalan
seorang diri dan sampailah ia di sebuah sungai. Di tepi sungai tersebut, terlihatlah seorang
gadis cantik sedang memetik bunga. Raden Banterang sangat tertarik oleh kecantikannya.

Ia bertanya dalam hati, "Mimpikah aku ini? Mengapa gadis cantik itu seorang diri dalam

Bertanyalah Raden Banterang kepada gadis tersebut, "Wahai, puteri yang cantik. Manusia
atau dewikah? Mengapa tuan puteri berada di tempat ini seorang diri?"

Gadis itu sangat terkejut, ia tidak menyangka akan ada orang lain yang mengetahuinya. Gadis
cantik itu pun lalu menjawab, "Saya manusia biasa, sama sekali bukan dewi. Saya berada di
sini karena takut akan serangan musuh. Beberapa waktu lalu kerajaan kami diserang oleh
kerajaan lain. Ayah saya gugur dalam mempertahankan mahkota kerajaan. Sejak saat itu saya
mengembara seorang diri sampai di tempat ini."

"Benarkah tuan puteri adalah puteri Raja Klungkung?" tanya Raden Banterang. "Benar, yang
tuan katakan. Saya adalah Surati puteri raja Klungkung yang gugur itu."

Raden Banterang diam beberapa saat, ia tahu bahwa yang menyerang kerajaan Klungkung
adalah ayahnya sendiri. Mendengar berita tersebut rasa iba tumbuh dalam hati Raden
Banterang. Selanjutnya puteri Raja Klungkung yang bernama Surati dibawa ke istana. Tidak
berapa lama kedua putera raja tersebut menikah.

Rakyat gembira sekali karena Raden Banterang mendapat isteri yang benar-benar elok dan
baik budi pekerti. Berkat keluhuran budi Surati, sifat pemarah yang ada pada diri Raden
Banterang berangsur-angsur hilang. Suatu saat tatkala Surati berjalan-jalan di luar istana,
bertemulah dengan seorang laki-laki yang pakaiannya compang-camping.
Laki-laki itu berteriak, "Surati! Surati!"

Alangkah terkejutnya Surati mendengar teguran itu. Dipandangnya lama sekali laki-laki
tersebut. Akhirnya, ingatlah bahwa laki-laki itu adalah kakak kandungnya. Sama sekali ia
tidak menyangka bahwa kakaknya masih hidup.

Jawab Surati, "Aduh, kakanda tercinta! Adinda tidak menyangka saat ini dapat berjumpa
dengan kakanda. Adinda menyangka bahwa kakanda telah gugur bersama ayahanda. Kiranya
Tuhan masih memberi perlindungan kepada kita berdua."

"Surati! Engkau tidak tahu malu mau diperisteri oleh orang yang telah membunuh ayah kita.
Sekarang saya hendak menuntut balas atas kematian ayah kita. Maukah engkau

Jawab Surati, "Maaf kakanda, adinda telah berhutang budi kepadanya. Dia telah
menyelamatkan adinda dari penderitaan. Maaf, sekali lagi, adinda tidak dapat mengabulkan
permintaan kakanda."

Si kakak kandung nampak kecewa dengan jawaban Dewi Surati.

Ilustrasi/Gambar bersumber dari Google

Pada suatu hari, Raden Banterang sedang berburu, tatkala sedang mengejar kijang, datang
seorang pengemis mendekatinya. Kata pengemis tersebut, "Tuanku Raden Banterang, sejak
tadi hamba mencari Tuanku. Tuanku terancam oleh bahaya maut yang direncanakan oleh
permaisuri Tuanku. Tadi pagi hamba mendengar percakapan permaisuri Tuanku dengan
kakak ipar Tuanku tentang rencana mereka untuk menuntut balas kematian ayahnya. Kalau
tidak percaya, di bawah peraduan permaisuri ada sebilah keris pusaka." Setelah berkata
demikian, pengemis itu menghilang. Terkejutlah Raden Banterang mendengar laporan
pengemis tersebut.

Bergegaslah pulang Raden Banterang ke istana. Sesampai di istana, ia langsung menuju

peraduan permaisuri untuk meyakinkan benar tidaknya keterangan pengemis. Alangkah
panas hati dan kecewanya Raden Banterang, karena yang diceritakan pengemis tadi benar, di
bawah peraduan Puteri Surati ditemukan senjata pusaka kerajaan Klungkung.

Kemarahan Raden Banterang tak bisa ditahan. Diajaknya isterinya ke muara sebuah sungai.
Sesampai di muara sungai, Raden Banterang menceritakan semua yang didengarnya dari
seorang pengemis tatkala sedang berburu di hutan.

Raden Banterang menanyakan dengan nada kemarahan, "Itukah balasanmu kepada


Jawab permaisuri, "Adinda berani bersumpah, sekali-kali adinda tidak melakukan seperti
yang kakanda tuduhkan."
"Diam, pendusta!", gertak Raden Banterang sambil memperlihatkan keris yang ditemukan.

"Kakanda Raden Banterang! Itu memang pusaka ayahanda Raja Klungkung. Tapi demi
Dewata Yang Agung, pusaka itu hanya dipegang oleh kakak hamba. Hamba tidak mengerti
mengapa sekarang berada di tangan kakanda Raden Banterang. Adinda berani bersumpah
bahwa hamba adalah isteri yang setia. Memang kakak adinda datang menemui adinda, tetapi
hanya sampai di pintu gerbang istana. Dia minta agar adinda mau membantu kakak dalam
melaksanakan niatnya menuntut balas atas kematian ayah kami. Tetapi permintaannya itu
adinda tolak."

Raden Banterang tetap tidak percaya atas keterangan isterinya. Ia yakin, isterinya termasuk
salah seorang yang menaruh dendam. Maka dihunusnya keris yang terselip di pinggangnya.

"Baiklah jika kakanda... jika kakanda tidak mempercayai adinda maka adinda bersedia
menemui ajal di sungai ini. Tetapi harap kakanda camkan, bahwa jika nanti sungai ini berbau
wangi berarti adinda tidak bersalah, jika sungai ini berbau busuk memanglah adinda

Sebelum keris itu ditikamkan kepada isterinya, Surati melompat ke sungai lalu menghilang.
Raden Banterang berseru dengan suara yang gemetar, "Banyuwangi...! Isteriku tidak

"Banyuwangi...!" teriak seorang pengemis hampir bersamaan. "Hai, Raden Banterang! Aku
adalah kakaknya. Isterimu memang tidak berdosa. Ia menolak membantuku untuk
membunuhmu. Banyuwangi..., itulah tanda cinta sucinya."

Setelah selesai berkata, pengemis itu pun menghilang. Raden Banterang terburu nafsu tanpa
menyelidikinya dengan cermat. Ia kecewa, ternyata perbuatannya membawa maut bagi
permaisuri tercinta. Sampai sekarang tempat permaisuri menghilang dalam dasar sungai
disebut Banyuwangi. Banyu artinya air, dan wangi berarti harum.

in the ancient times in the East coast of the island of Java there was a kingdom ruled King Menak
Prakosa. He has enormous power. Majesty is having a boy a handsome, capable, and nice
appearance. The child's name is Raden Banterang king.

Raden Banterang a crown prince who later succeeded his father as king. He, Raden Banterang much
loved and respected people. Unfortunately, he was irritable, and often give severe punishment to
the people if they do not follow his orders.

One day, Raden Banterang hunting animals, accompanied by several companions. In the hunt, Raden
Banterang parting with his retinue. He walked by himself, and came to a river. On the banks of the
river, terlihatlah a beautiful girl was picking flowers. Raden Banterang very attracted by her beauty.

He asked himself, "I am dreaming Why the pretty girl alone in the woods?"

Ask Banterang Raden told the girl, "O beautiful daughter. Humans or dewikah Why ladyship is in this
place alone?"

She was very surprised, he did not think there would be other people who know about it. Pretty girl
was then replied, "I am human, not a goddess at all. I'm here for fear of enemy attack. Royal Some
time ago we were attacked by another empire. My father died in defending the royal crown. Since
then I wander himself up in this place. "

"Is it true ladyship was the daughter of the King of Klungkung?" Raden asked Banterang. "Yes, the
master said. Surati I was the daughter of the king of Klungkung killed it."

Raden Banterang silent for a moment, he knew that the attack was his own father Klungkung
kingdom. Hearing the news compassion grows in the hearts of Raden Banterang. Furthermore, the
daughter of the King of Klungkung named Surati brought to the palace. Not long second son married
the king.

People overjoyed Raden Banterang wife gets really beautiful and good manners. Thanks
magnanimity Surati, intemperance that is in Raden Banterang gradually disappear. One time when
Surati a walk outside the palace, Meet a man whose clothes were in tatters.

The man shouted, "Surati! Surati!"

Surati was surprised to hear the rebuke. He looked for a long time these men. Finally, remember
that the man was his brother. Altogether he had no idea that her brother was still alive.

Surati replied, "Oh, dear Kakanda! Adinda not expected at this time to meet with Kakanda. Adinda
thought that Kakanda been killed with my father. May God still give protection to both of us."

"Surati! Thou shameless want diperisteri by the person who killed our father. Now I want to take
revenge for the death of our father. Would you help me?"

Surati replied, "Sorry Kakanda, adinda been indebted to him. Adinda he saved from suffering. Sorry,
once again, can not grant the request adinda Kakanda."

The older brother seemed disappointed with the answers Goddess Surati.
Fairy Tale Origins Banyuwangi
Illustration / Image sourced from Google
One day, Raden Banterang was hunting, when they are chasing the deer, came a beggar approached
him. The beggar said, "My lord Banterang Raden, had been looking for a servant of my Lord. Lord
threatened by mortal danger planned by the queen my lord. Conversation this morning, I hear the
consort of lord lord's brother-in-law about their plans to avenge his father's death. Believe
otherwise, below there is a keris queen contest heirloom. " Having said this, the beggar disappeared.
Raden was disturbed to hear reports Banterang beggar.

Hurry home Raden Banterang to the palace. Arriving at the palace, he went to convince the queen
contest whether or not the beggar description. How hot hearts and disappointment Raden
Banterang, because the beggar told was right, under the contest Miss Surati found heirloom weapon
Klungkung kingdom.

Anger Raden Banterang can not be arrested. He led his wife to the mouth of a river. Arriving at the
mouth of the river, Raden Banterang told him all he had heard of a beggar when they are hunting in
the forest.

Raden Banterang asked in a tone of anger, "Is that you repay the kindness?"

Answer empress, "Adina swear occasionally adinda Kakanda not perform as charged."

"Shut up, liar!", Snapped while showing a kris Raden Banterang found.

"Kakanda Raden Banterang! Heirloom father was indeed the King of Klungkung. But for the sake of
the Great Gods, inheritance was only held by his servant. Servants do not understand why now in
the hands Kakanda Raden Banterang. Adinda could have sworn that was the wife of a faithful
servant. Indeed brother adinda came to adinda, but only reached the gate of the palace. adinda He
asked that would help in carrying out his intention sister avenge the death of our father. adinda but
his request was refused. "

Raden Banterang did not believe the testimony of his wife. He believes his wife, including one who
had a grudge against. So dihunusnya dagger tucked in his waist.

"Well if Kakanda ... if Kakanda not believe adinda then adinda willing to have died in this river.
Kakanda But please bear in mind, that if later on this river means adinda fragrant innocence, if foul-
smelling river adinda indeed guilty."

Before Kris was ditikamkan his wife, Surati jumped into the river and disappeared. Raden Banterang
cried with a trembling voice, "Banyuwangi ...! Wife is innocent."

"Banyuwangi ...!" shouted a beggar almost simultaneously. "Hi, Raden Banterang! I was his sister.
Your wife is innocent. He refused to help me to kill you. Banyuwangi ..., that's the sign of holy love."

When finished say, beggars disappeared. Raden Banterang impetuosity without carefully
investigating. He was disappointed, turns deadly deeds for beloved consort. Until now the Empress
disappeared in the river called Banyuwangi. Banyu means water, and perfumed means fragrant....

Mouse Deer and Tiger

One upon a time, there was a mouse deer living in a forest. Although he was small, he wasn’t
afraid of the other bigger animals who wanted to eat him. He was so smart; he always
managed to ditch them. One day, a tiger was wandering around for food. He hadn't been
eating for days. He was really hungry. While he was walking in the forest, he saw Mouse
Deer. The tiger wanted to eat him.

Tiger slowly ducked, crawled, approaching Mouse Deer, then..."Gotcha!" said Tiger. He
caught Mouse Deer. “Hello, Mouse Deer! I’m really hungry right now. You’ll be my lunch!”
said Tiger. Mouse Deer didn’t want to be his lunch. He tried to be calm. He looked around
and saw some buffalo’s dung. He had an idea. “I’m sorry, Tiger. I can’t be your lunch now.
The King has ordered me to guard his cake,” said Mouse Deer calmly. “His cake?” said Tiger
curiously. “Yes, there it is. It’s very delicious. The King doesn’t want anyone else to eat it, so
he ordered me to guard it,” Mouse Deer pointed the buffalo’s dung. “Can I taste it?” Tiger
asked. “Of course you can’t. The King would be very angry,” said Mouse Deer refused. “Just
one little bite, Mouse Deer! The King will never know,” said Tiger. “Well, okay, Tiger. But
first let me run far away, so the King won’t blame me,” said Mouse Deer. “All right, Mouse
deer. You can go now.” Mouse Deer ran quickly out of sight. Tiger then took a big mouthful
of the ‘cake’. “Phoooey!” He spit it out. “Yuck, that’s not cake. That’s buffalo’s dung.”

Tiger ran through the forest. He caught up with Mouse Deer. “Mouse Deer, you tricked me.
But now you will be my lunch.” Mouse Deer looked around and saw a wasp nest in a tree.
“I’m sorry, Tiger. I can’t be your lunch now. The King has ordered me to guard his drum,”
said Mouse Deer calmly. “His drum?” said Tiger curiously. “Yes, there it is. It has the best
sound in the world. The King doesn’t want anyone else to hit it,” Mouse Deer pointed the
wasp nest. “Can I hit the King’s drum?” Tiger asked. “Of course you can’t. The King would
be very angry,” said Mouse Deer refused. “Just one little hit, Mouse Deer! The King will
never know,” said Tiger. ”Well, all right, Tiger. But first let me run far away, so the King
won’t blame me,” said Mouse Deer. “All right, Mouse Deer. You can go now.” Mouse Deer
ran quickly out of sight. Tiger then reached up and hit the wasp nest. Bzzzzzzz…!
“Ouch…ouch! That’s not a drum. That a wasp nests!”

Tiger ran away. But the wasps keep following him. He came to the river. He jumped in and
stayed underwater as long as he could. At last the wasps went away. Then he jumped out. He
ran through the forest till he found Mouse Deer. “Mouse Deer, you tricked me again. But
now you will be my lunch.” Mouse Deer looked around and saw a cobra. The snake was
coiled asleep on the ground. “I’m sorry, Tiger. I can’t be your lunch now. The King has
ordered me to guard his belt,” said Mouse Deer calmly. “His belt?” said Tiger curiously.
“Yes. There it is. It’s the best belt in the world. The King doesn’t want anyone else to wear
it,” Mouse Deer pointed the cobra. “Can I wear it?” Tiger asked. “Of course you can’t. The
King would be very angry,” said Mouse Deer refused. “Just for one moment, Mouse Deer!
The King will never know,” said Tiger. ”Well, all right, Tiger. But first let me run far away,
so the King won’t blame me,” said Mouse Deer. “All right, Mouse Deer. You can go now.”
Mouse Deer ran quickly out of sight. Tiger then took the snake and started to warp it around
himself. The cobra woke up. It squeezed Tiger and bit him. SSssssstt! “Oouch! Ow! Ooow!
That’s not a belt! That’s a cobra! Help! Mouse Deer! Help!” But Mouse Deer was already far
away. He laughed aloud. Mouse Deer was safe from Tiger now.***

Kancil dan Tiger

Satu ketika, ada Kancil yang tinggal di hutan. Meskipun ia kecil, ia tidak takut pada binatang
besar lainnya yang ingin memakannya. Dia begitu cerdas, ia selalu berhasil tinggalkan
mereka. Suatu hari, seekor harimau sedang berkeliaran untuk makanan. Dia belum makan
selama berhari-hari. Dia benar-benar lapar. Sementara ia berjalan di hutan, ia melihat Kancil.
Harimau ingin memakannya.

Tiger perlahan merunduk, merangkak, mendekati Kancil, maka ... "Gotcha!" kata Tiger. Dia
tertangkap Kancil. "Halo, Kancil! Aku benar-benar lapar sekarang. Anda akan makan siang
"kata! Tiger. Kancil tidak ingin menjadi makan siang. Dia mencoba bersikap tenang. Dia
memandang sekeliling dan melihat beberapa kotoran kerbau. Dia punya ide. "Maafkan aku,
Tiger. Saya tidak bisa makan siang Anda sekarang. Raja telah memerintahkan saya untuk
menjaga kuenya, "kata Kancil tenang. "Kue-Nya?" Kata Tiger penasaran. "Ya, itu dia. Ini
sangat lezat. Raja tidak ingin orang lain untuk memakannya, sehingga ia memerintahkan saya
untuk menjaganya, "kata Kancil kotoran kerbau. "Bisakah aku merasakannya?" Tanya Tiger.
"Tentu saja Anda tidak bisa. Raja akan sangat marah, "kata Kancil menolak. "Hanya satu
gigitan kecil, Kancil! Raja tidak akan pernah tahu, "kata Tiger. "Well, oke, Tiger. Tapi
pertama-tama saya menjalankan jauh, sehingga Raja tidak akan menyalahkan saya, "kata
Kancil. "Baiklah, Mouse rusa. Anda bisa pergi sekarang "berlari. Kancil cepat keluar dari
pandangan. Tiger kemudian mengambil seteguk besar dari 'kue'. "Phoooey!" Meludah Dia
itu. "Yuck, itu bukan kue. Itulah kotoran kerbau. "

Tiger berlari melalui hutan. Dia tertangkap dengan Kancil. "Kancil, Anda menipuku. Tapi
sekarang Anda akan makan siang "tampak. Kancil sekitar dan melihat sarang tawon di pohon.
"Maafkan aku, Tiger. Saya tidak bisa makan siang Anda sekarang. Raja telah memerintahkan
saya untuk menjaga drum, "kata Kancil tenang. "Drum-Nya?" Kata Tiger penasaran. "Ya, itu
dia. Ini memiliki suara terbaik di dunia. Raja tidak ingin orang lain untuk memukulnya, "kata
Kancil sarang tawon. "Dapatkah saya memukul drum Raja?" Tanya Tiger. "Tentu saja Anda
tidak bisa. Raja akan sangat marah, "kata Kancil menolak. "Hanya satu hit kecil, Kancil! Raja
tidak akan pernah tahu, "kata Tiger. "Yah, baiklah, Tiger. Tapi pertama-tama saya
menjalankan jauh, sehingga Raja tidak akan menyalahkan saya, "kata Kancil. "Baiklah,
Kancil. Anda bisa pergi sekarang "berlari. Kancil cepat keluar dari pandangan. Tiger
kemudian mengulurkan tangan dan memukul sarang tawon. Bzzzzzzz ...! "Aduh ... aduh! Itu
bukan drum. Bahwa sarang tawon! "
Tiger lari. Tapi tawon terus mengikutinya. Dia datang ke sungai. Dia melompat masuk dan
tinggal di bawah air selama yang dia bisa. Akhirnya tawon pergi. Lalu ia melompat keluar. Ia
berlari melalui hutan sampai ia menemukan Kancil. "Kancil, Anda menipuku lagi. Tapi
sekarang Anda akan makan siang "tampak. Kancil sekitar dan melihat seekor ular kobra. Ular
itu melingkar tidur di tanah. "Maafkan aku, Tiger. Saya tidak bisa makan siang Anda
sekarang. Raja telah memerintahkan saya untuk menjaga sabuk, "kata Kancil tenang. "Belt-
Nya?" Kata Tiger penasaran. "Ya. Ada itu. Ini sabuk terbaik di dunia. Raja tidak ingin orang
lain untuk memakainya, "kata Kancil kobra tersebut. "Dapatkah saya memakainya?" Tanya
Tiger. "Tentu saja Anda tidak bisa. Raja akan sangat marah, "kata Kancil menolak. "Hanya
untuk satu saat, Kancil! Raja tidak akan pernah tahu, "kata Tiger. "Yah, baiklah, Tiger. Tapi
pertama-tama saya menjalankan jauh, sehingga Raja tidak akan menyalahkan saya, "kata
Kancil. "Baiklah, Kancil. Anda bisa pergi sekarang "berlari. Kancil cepat keluar dari
pandangan. Tiger kemudian mengambil ular dan mulai warp sekitar dirinya. Kobra
terbangun. Ini meremas Tiger dan menggigit dirinya. SSssssstt! "Oouch! Ow! Ooow! Itu
bukan ikat pinggang! Itulah kobra! Bantuan! Kancil! Bantuan "Tapi! Kancil sudah jauh. Dia
tertawa keras. Kancil itu aman dari Tiger sekarang. ***...

Legenda Danau Maninjau - Bahasa Inggris


Cerita bahasa inggris - Dongeng legenda dari Sumatra Barat berbahasa

Inggris tentang Danau Maninjau - The Legend of Danau Maninjau.. Selamat

Long ago, in an area in west sumatra, there is a very active volcano named
Mount Tinjau. In one village at the foot of Tinjau's brothers lived ten people
consisting of nine men and one woman. Ordinary citizens about their call Bujang
Sembilan. These ten brothers are Kukuban, Kudun, Bayua, Malintang,
Galapuang, Balok, Batang,Bayang, and the youngest man named Kaciak. While
their brother the youngest was a girl named Siti Rasani, nicknamed Sani. Both
their parents died long ago, so Kukuban as the eldest son became the head of
household. All decisions in his hand.

Tenth brothers lived in a house of their parents' heritage. To make ends meet,
they worked on farms large enough legacy of their parents. They are very skilled
at farming, because they diligently to help his father and mother when they
were alive. In addition, they are also guided by their uncle named Datuk
Limbatang, which they called Engku familiar.

Datuk Limbatang is a mamak in the village and has a son named Giran. As a
mamak, Datuk Limbatang have great responsibility to educate and watched the
life of its citizens, including the nephew's tenth man. For that, every other day,
he visited the house Kukuban brothers to teach them farming skills and various
customs procedures for the area. Not infrequently Datuk Limbatang also took his
wife and son to participate with him.

Indahnya Danau Maninjau

On one day, when Datuk Limbatang with his wife and visited the house of
Bujang Sembilan, Sani accidentally exchanged Giran. Apparently, both boys and
girls are equally placed liver. Sani was invited to meet Giran in a field on the
riverbank. With hearts pounding, Giran even express his feelings to Sani.

Datuk Limbatang wanted to marry his son with Sani. But the elder brother Sani,
Kukuban, did not agree because Giran has been embarrass him in the martial
arts arena. But eventually Datuk Limbatang not force.

One day, Giran found treat wounds in the thigh Sani. But people think they do
custom distortion. Sani and Garin brought to court. They try to convince citizens
that they did not do anything.

After that, of the second Giran lifted his hand to the sky and praying. "My God!
Please hear and grant our prayers. If we were really guilty, destroy our bodies in
the water hot crater of this mountain. However, if we are not guilty, this
mountain letuskanlah and curses Bujang Sembilan to fish!"

It turned out that prayer was answered. Sani and Giran jump down and
submerged in the water crater. Mountain erupted, Bujang Sembilan into fish.
Over time the crater of Mount View expanded and formed a lake which we now
know as Lake Maninjau

Legenda Danau Maninjau - Bahasa Inggris

Cerita bahasa inggris - Dongeng Legenda Sumatera Barat bahasa Dari berbahasa Inggris tentang
Danau Maninjau - The Legend of Danau Maninjau .. Selamat Membaca ..
Dahulu kala, di sebuah daerah di barat sumatra, ada gunung berapi sangat aktif bernama Gunung
Tinjau. Dalam satu desa di kaki saudara Tinjau itu tinggal sepuluh orang yang terdiri dari sembilan
pria dan seorang wanita. Biasa warga sekitar mereka panggilan Bujang Sembilan. Sepuluh
bersaudara Kukuban, Kudun, Bayua, Malintang, Galapuang, Balok, Batang, Bayang, dan orang
termuda bernama Kaciak. Sementara saudara mereka yang termuda adalah seorang gadis bernama
Siti Rasani, dijuluki Sani. Kedua orangtua mereka sudah lama meninggal, sehingga Kukuban sebagai
anak sulung menjadi kepala rumah tangga. Semua keputusan di tangannya.
Kesepuluh bersaudara tinggal di rumah warisan orang tua mereka '. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
hidup, mereka bekerja pada warisan peternakan cukup besar dari orang tua mereka. Mereka sangat
terampil bertani, karena mereka rajin membantu ayah dan ibunya ketika mereka masih hidup. Selain
itu, mereka juga dipandu oleh paman mereka bernama Datuk Limbatang, yang mereka sebut Engku

Datuk Limbatang adalah mamak di desa dan memiliki seorang putra bernama Giran. Sebagai seorang
mamak, Datuk Limbatang memiliki tanggung jawab besar untuk mendidik dan menyaksikan
kehidupan warganya, termasuk manusia kesepuluh keponakan. Untuk itu, setiap hari, ia
mengunjungi rumah Kukuban bersaudara untuk mengajari mereka keterampilan bertani dan
prosedur kepabeanan berbagai daerah. Tak jarang Datuk Limbatang juga mengambil istri dan
anaknya untuk berpartisipasi dengan dia.
Indahnya Danau Maninjau
Pada suatu hari, ketika Datuk Limbatang bersama istri dan mengunjungi rumah Bujang Sembilan,
Sani sengaja bertukar Giran. Rupanya, baik laki-laki dan perempuan sama-sama ditempatkan hati.
Sani diundang untuk bertemu Giran di lapangan di tepi sungai. Dengan hati berdebar, Giran bahkan
mengungkapkan perasaannya kepada Sani.

Datuk Limbatang ingin menikahi anaknya dengan Sani. Tapi kakak Sani, Kukuban, tidak setuju karena
Giran telah mempermalukan dia di arena seni bela diri. Tapi akhirnya Datuk Limbatang tidak
Suatu hari, Giran ditemukan mengobati luka di paha Sani. Tetapi orang-orang berpikir bahwa mereka
melakukan distorsi kustom. Sani dan Garin dibawa ke pengadilan. Mereka mencoba untuk
meyakinkan penduduk bahwa mereka tidak melakukan apa-apa.

Setelah itu, dari Giran kedua mengangkat tangannya ke langit dan berdoa. "Tuhan Tolong dengar!
Dan mengabulkan doa-doa kita. Jika kita benar-benar bersalah, menghancurkan tubuh kita di kawah
air panas dari gunung ini. Namun, jika kita tidak bersalah, gunung ini letuskanlah dan kutukan Bujang
Sembilan untuk ikan!"
Ternyata doa itu terjawab. Sani dan Giran melompat turun dan tenggelam dalam air kawah. Gunung
meletus, Bujang Sembilan menjadi ikan. Seiring waktu kawah Gunung View diperluas dan
membentuk danau yang sekarang kita kenal sebagai Danau Maninjau

Cerita Rakyat: Asal-Usul Kota Baturaden (Jawa Tengah)

Cerita Rakyat: Asal-Usul Kota Baturaden
(Jawa Tengah)
Sunday, 23 December 2012, 16:05 | Cerita Rakyat | 0 Comment | 4743 Views

by admin

Pada zaman dahulu kala di tanah Jawa, hiduplah seorang pemuda bernama Suta. Dia adalah
seorang pembantu di Kadipaten Kutaliman, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah. Tugasnya merawat
kuda serta membersihkan istal (kandang kuda). Kuda milik Adipati menjadi tanggung

Suta adalah seorang pekerja keras dan jujur. Oleh karena itu, ia tidak pernah
mendapatkan masalah selama bekerja di Kadipaten. Suatu hari, seperti biasa setelah
mengurus kuda Adipati Kutaliman, Suta berkeliling Kadipaten. Dia senang berjalan-jalan
untuk melepas lelah sekaligus mengenal lingkungan tempatnya bekerja. Kadipaten yang luas
tentu tidak dapat ia kelilingi dalam satu kali perjalanan. Maka setiap hari pemuda sederhana
ini akan berjalan di lokasi berbeda.

Suta baru saja melewati sebuah pohon mangga ketika ia mendengar jeritan seorang
perempuan. Dia pun berlari menuju sumber suara. Tampaklah seekor ular besar di balik
pohan mahoni sedang membuka lebar-lebar mulutnya, dan siap memangsa seorang
perempuan di hadapannya. Perempuan itu berdiri kaku dengan wajah pucat pasi.

Meskipun sempat takut melihat ular yang demikian besar, namun tanpa berpikir
panjang Suta bergerak maju mendekat. Dia berusaha menolong perempuan yang tak berdaya
itu. Pengurus kuda Adipati ini memang bukan seorang pemain pedang yang hebat, tetapi
tekad kuat melawan ular besar itu membuatnya berani menghadapi ular itu. Dengan susah
payah pemuda kurus itu menaklukkan sang ular. Cabikan dan sabetan pedangnya akhirnya
berhasil mematikan hewan berbisa itu.

Seketika pula perempuan yang hampir dimangsa ular itu jatuh tergolek dan pingsan
di tanah. Seorang emban (inang pengasuh) membopongnya ke sisi pendopo tak jauh dari
pohon mahoni. Suta pun mendatanginya. Ia terkejut ketika mengetahui siapa yang telah dia
selamatkannya tadi. Ternyata perempuan tersebut adalah putri Adipati Kutaliman.

Sebagai salah satu penghuni kadipaten, Suta sebelumnya sudah sering mendengar
tentang kecantikan dan kehalusan budi pekerti putri Adipati. Tetapi, tak pernah jua dia
bertemu. Dia sangat bahagia dapat bertatapan langsung dengannya. Sang putri sangat
berterima kasih pada Suta yang telah menyelamatkan nyawanya.

Sejak peristiwa tersebut, Suta dan putri Adipati menjadi akrab. Mereka sering
bertemu dan mengobrol. Lama-kelamaan mereka menjadi saling menyayangi. Hingga
akhirnya Suta memberanikan diri melamar sang putri kepada ayahnya, Adipati Kutaliman.

Adipati sebelumnya sudah mendengar kabar kedekatan putrinya dengan si

pengurus kuda. Namun, dia tak mengira Suta akan nekat melamar putrinya, mengingat status
sosial keduanya yang jauh berbeda. Ketika suta mengutarakan niatnya, Adipati murka. Dia
merasa terhina. “Kuu ini seorang batur (pembantu). Tak pantas kau berdampingan dengan
putriku,” katanya.

Kemudian Adipati memerintahkan pengawal untuk memenjarakan abdinya tersebut

di penjara bawah tanah. Suta dinilai lancang karena berani meminang putri Adipati.

Mengetahui hal itu, sang putri pun sedih. Dia tak menyangka bila ayahnya akan
sangat marah. Apalagi Suta tak pernah di beri makan dan minum selama ia berada di dalam
penjara yang lembap, gelap dan, pengap. Hatinya perih mengetahui pria yang dicintainya itu

Putri Adipati kemudian menyusun rencana. Dia meminta bantuan seorang emban
kepercayaannya untuk mengeluarkan Suta dari penjara bawah tanah. Sementara itu ia
menunggu bersama kudanya di salah satu sisi di Kadipaten. Rencana pun dilaksanakan pada
suatu malam, si emban mengendap-endap menuju penjara bawah tanah. Dia berhasil
melewati penjaga yang tertidur karena memakan kue yang sudah dipersiapkan sebelumnya.
Emban pun menemui Suta.

Di dalam sel, Suta terkapar lemah. Badannya yang semula kurus menjadi makin
kurus. Dia juga menggigil. Emban memberinya pakaian. Mereka kemudian keluar dan
mendatangi putri Adipati yang sudah berpakian layaknya warga desa.

Suta dan Putri menaiki kuda dan melaju ke luar Kadipaten. Untunglah malam itu
sangat gelap pekat sehingga sulit mengenali mereka berdua. Putri memacu kudanya semakin
kencang. Dia mengarahkan kudanya kearah selatan lereng Gunung Selamet.

Ketika hari beranjak siang, mereka lelah dan beristirahat di dekat sungai. Putri baru
menyadari bahwa Suta sedang sakit demam, dia pun merawat suta dengan penuh kasih
sayang. Karena kesabarannya, Suta pun berangsur pulih.

Suta dan Putri menyukai lokasi tempat mereka berada. Hawa yang sejuk serta
pemandangannya yang asri membuat mereka jatuh cinta. Akhirnya mereka menikah dan
membina keluarga di sana. Kini tempat tersebut di kenal dengan nama Baturaden yang
artinya pembantu dan bangsawan.
*Kau adalah incaran hatiku
Ku selalu memperhatikanmu
Tak henti menjadi teman berbagi
Semoga kau rasa apa yang ku rasa

Di balik senyumku ada cinta untukmu

Di balik matamu ada hati yang menunggu

Reff : Aku diam-diam suka kamu

Ku coba mendekat, ku coba mendekati hatimu
Aku diam-diam suka kamu
Semua kan indah seandainya aku bisa memilikimu

Back to *- reff

Back reff 2x

Aku diam-diam suka kamu (suka kamu)

Ku coba mendekat, ku coba mendekati hatimu (hatimu)
Aku diam-diam suka kamu (aku diam-diam suka kamu)
Semua kan indah seandainya aku bisa memilikimu

Alamat untuk download lagu


Lirik Lagu Republik – Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu

Ku telah miliki
Rasa indahnya perihku
Rasa hancurnya harapku
Kau lepas cintaku

Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu

Aku hanya ingin kau tahu

Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku

ow wooo wo wo wo

Walaupun semua hanya ada dalam mimpiku

Hanya ada dalam anganku
Melewati hidup

Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu

Aku hanya ingin kau tahu

Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu

Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini

Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku

Aku hanya ingin kau tahu

Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu

Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini

Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku

ow wooo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo

Lirik Lagu Teman Tapi Mesra - Ratu

Aku punya teman

Teman sepermainan
Kemana ada dia selalu ada aku

Dia amat manis

Dan juga baik hati
Dia selalu ada
Waktu untuk membantuku

Namun aku bingung

Ketika dia bilang cinta
Dan dia juga katakan
Tuk ingin jadi kekasihku

Cukuplah saja berteman denganku
Janganlah kau meminta lebih
Ku tak mungkin mencintaimu
Kita berteman saja
Teman tapi mesra

Aku memang suka pada dirimu

Namun aku ada yang punya
Lebih baik kita berteman
Kita berteman saja
Teman tapi mesra

Tajuk Lirik/Lagu: Separuh Jiwaku Pergi

Artis/Penyanyi: Anang Hermansyah

Separuh Jiwaku Pergi

Memang indah semua
Tapi berakhir luka
Kau main hati
Dengan sadarmu
Kau tinggal aku

Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku

(Ulang *)

Kau bilang tak pernah bahagia

Selama dengan aku
Itu ucap bibirmu
Kau dustakan semua
Yang kita bina
Kau hancurkan semua

(Ulang *)

Ular berbisa
oleh: Hello

279203 http://lirik.kapanla Lirik Hello - Ular b lirik

01580714256632 FORID:11 UTF-8 id Hello Lirik Lagu

Rasa-rasanya aku telah keliruMemilih kamu sebagai kekasihkuCintamu palsu sayangmu

semuBermain dan permainkan aku
*Seperti ular seperti ularYang sangat berbisa sangat berbisaSuka memangsa suka
memangsaDiriku tergigit cinta
ReffAku tertipu aku terjebakAku terperangkap muslihatmuAku tertipu aku terjebakAku
terperangkap muslihatmu
Bisa bisanya aku tekenaBisa bisanya aku terlenaRupa rupanya kau berbahayaRupa rupanya
kau sama
Back to *Back to Reff
Aku tertipu aku terjebakAku terperangkap muslihatmu
Aku tertipu dan aku terjebakAku tertipu dan aku terjebakAku tertipu dan aku terjebak

Munajat Cinta
Oktober 27, 2007 — Ngurah

Malam ini, ku sendiri,

tak ada yang, menemani,
seperti malam-malam,
yang sudah, sudah

Hati ini, selalu sepi,

tak ada yang, menghiasi,
seperti cinta ini,
yang s’lalu, pupus

Tuhan kirimkanlah aku,
kekasih yang, baik hati,
yang mencintai aku,
apa adanya

Mawar ini, semakin layu,

tak ada yang, memiliki,
seperti, aku ini,
semakin, pupus



[Chorus] (x2)

Kasih Tak Sampai

oleh: Padi

49540 http://lirik.kapanla Lirik Padi - Kasih lirik

01580714256632 FORID:11 UTF-8 id Padi Lirik Lagu

Indah .. terasa indah

Bila kita terbuai dalam alunan cinta
Sedapat mungkin terciptakan rasa
Keinginan saling memiliki
Namun bila itu semua
Dapat terwujud dalam satu ikatan cinta
Tak semudah seperti yang terbayang
Menyatukan perasaan kita ...
Tetaplah menjadi bintang di langit
Agar cinta kita akan abadi
Biarlah sinarmu tetap menyinari alam ini
Agar menjadi saksi cinta kita
berdua ... berdua ...
Sudah .. terlambat sudah
Kini semua harus berakhir
Mungkin inilah jalan yang terbaik
Dan kita mesti relakan kenyataan .. ini
Menjadi saksi kita berdua ...

Aku Pasti Kembali

oleh: Pasto

281691 http://lirik.kapanla Lirik Pasto - Aku P lirik

01580714256632 FORID:11 UTF-8 id Pasto Lirik Lagu

Waktu tlah tibaAku kan meninggalkanTinggalkan kamuTuk sementara

Kau dekap akuKau bilang jangan pergiTapi ku hanya dapat berkata
Reff:Aku hanya pergi ’tuk sementaraBukan ’tuk meninggalkanmu selamanyaAku pasti ’kan
kembali pada dirimuTapi kau jangan nakalAku pasti kembali
Kau peluk akuKau ciumi pipikuKau bilang janganlah ku pergi
Bujuk rayumuBuat hatiku sedihTapi ku hanya dapat berkata
Back to Reff:
'Pabila nantiKau rindukanku didekapmuTak perlu kau risaukanAku pasti akan kembali
Back to Reff: 2x

Laskar Pelangi OST

oleh: Nidji

279273 http://lirik.kapanla Lirik Nidji - Laskar lirik

01580714256632 FORID:11 UTF-8 id Nidji Lirik Lagu

mimpi adalah kunciuntuk kita menaklukkan duniaberlarilahtanpa lelah sampai

laskar pelangitakkan terikat waktubebaskan mimpimu di angkasawarnai bintang di jiwa
menarilah dan terus tertawawalau dunia tak seindah surgabersyukurlah pada yang kuasacinta
kita di dunia
cinta kepada hidupmemberikan senyuman abadiwalau hidup kadang tak adiltapi cinta
lengkapi kita
laskar pelangitakkan terikat waktujangan berhenti mewarnaijutaan mimpi di bumi
menarilah dan terus tertawawalau dunia tak seindah surgabersyukurlah pada yang kuasacinta
kita di dunia
laskar pelangitakkan terikat waktu..uuu..

Kau Curi Lagi

oleh: J-Rocks

255592 http://lirik.kapanla Lirik J-Rocks - Ka lirik

01580714256632 FORID:11 UTF-8 id J-rocks Lirik Lagu

Di jejak langkahkuKu mau kau tak adaDi warna hidupkuYang lama tenggelamBersama
Ku yakin tanpamu ku dapat laluiKu harap ini kan slamanya
Kini kau datang dengan sejuta cintaYang kau beri rasuki diriku
Reff:Kau curi lagi ...Kau genggam lagi ...Kau tawan lagi hatiku yang telah terbiasa tanpa
dirimuKau jerat diriku
Kau yang pernah singgah di hati yang tertanamKau atau kesalahan yang membuatku cintai
Back to Reff: [2x]

Tak pernah terpikir olehku

Tak sedikit pun ku menyangka
Kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Begitu sulit ku menyangkal
Begitu sakit ku rasakan
Kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri

* di bawah batu nisan kini kau tlah sandarkan

Kasih sayang kamu begitu dalam
Sungguh ku tak sanggup ini terjadi
Karna ku sangat cinta

** ini lah saat terakhirku melihat kamu

Jatuh air mataku menangis pilu
Hanya mampu ucapkan selamat jalan kasih

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa

Cintai kamu kamu kamu di hatiku
Namun bagiku melupakanmu
Butuh waktuku seumur hidup

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa

Sayangi kamu di hatiku
Namun bagiku melupakanmu
Butuh waktuku seumur hidup

Di nantiku

Repeat **

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa

Cintai kamu kamu kamu di hatiku
Namun bagiku melupakanmu
Butuh waktuku seumur hidup

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa

Sayangi kamu di hatiku
Namun bagiku melupakanmu
Butuh waktuku seumur hidup

Passive Quiz/Exercises

Change the sentence from active to passive. Include the "by-noun" only if necessary.

1. Bob smith built that house. _________________________________

2. Someone built this house in 1904. _____________________________
3. People grow rice in India. ___________________________________
4. People speak Spanish in Venezuela. ____________________________
5. Do people speak Spanish in Peru?. ____________________________
6. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. ___________________
7. When did someone invent the wheel?. __________________________
8. People sell hammers at a hardware store. _______________________
9. People use hammers to pound nails. ___________________________
10. The presidents has canceled the meeting. _______________________
11. Someone has canceled the soccer game. ________________________
12. Someone will list my name in the new telephone directory. ___________
13. Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of Species. ____________________
14. Someone published The Origin of Species in 1859. _________________
15. Someone serves beer and wine at that restaurant. _________________
16. Has anyone ever hypnotized you?. ____________________________
17. Something confused me in class yesterday. ______________________
18. Something embarrassed me yesterday. ________________________
19. Someone has changed the name of this street from Bay Avenue to Martin Luther King
Way. ___________________________________________________
20. Someone filmed many of the Tarzan movies in the rain forest in Puerto

Taken From: Fundamentals of English Grammar second edition-

Betty Schrampfer Azar Read More..

Preferences Quiz/Exercises (b)

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

Example: Which do you prefer, apples or oranges?

Response: I prefer (oranges) to (apples).

Example: Which do you like better, bananas or strawberries?

Response: I like (bananas) better than (strawberries).

Example: Which would you rather have right now, an apple or banana?
Response: I'd rather have (a banana).

1. Which do you like better, rice or potatoes?

2. Which do you prefer, rice or potatoes?
3. Which would you rather have for dinner tonight, rice or potatoes?
4. Which do you prefer, fish or beef?
5. Which do you like better, fish or beef?
6. Which would you rather have for dinner tonight, fish or beef?
7. Which do you like better, Chinese food or Mexican food?
8. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
9. Would you rather have a cup tea after class or a cup of coffee?
10. Which do you like better, hot weather or cold weather?
11. Which do you prefer, rock music or classical music?
12. What kind of music would you rather listen to, rock or classical?
13. Name two vegetables. Which do you prefer?
14. Name two kinds of fruit. Which do you like better?
15. Name two sports. Which do you like better?
16. Name two sports that you play. Which sport would you rather play this afternoon?
17. Name two TV programs. Which do you like better?
18. Name two movies. Which one would you rather see?

Taken from: Fundamentals of English Grammar second edition-

Betty Schampfer Azar Read More..

Preferences Quiz/Exercises (a)

Complete the sentences with preferences.

1. When I'm hot and thirsty, I ... (cold drinks) ....(hot drinks). [prefer]
2. When I'm hot and thirsty, I .....(cold drinks) .....(hot drinks). [like]
3. When I'm hot and thirsty, I .... (a cold drink) ....(a hot drink). [would rather]
4. I ... (chicken) ...... (beef). [prefer]
5. I ....(chicken) ....... (beef). [like]
6. I ....(chicken) ....... (beef). [would rather]
7. When I choose a book, I ....(nonfiction) ....... (fiction). [prefer]
8. I .....(rock 'n roll) ..... (classical music). [like]
9. Tina.... (lie) on the beach ....(go) swimming. [would rather]
10. Tina.... (lie) on the beach ....(go) swimming. [like]
11. Tina..... (lie) on the beach ....(go) swimming. [prefer]
12. My parents .......(work) .......(retire). They enjoy their jobs. [would rather]
13. Do you.....(fresh vegetables) .... (frozen) or canned vegetables?. [like]
14. I ......(take) a picture of a wild animal ......(kill) it with a gun. [would rather]
15. Mr. Kim .... (tea) .....(coffee) with his evening meal. [prefer]
16. I ..... (visit) my friends in the evening.... (visit) with friends. [prefer]
17. My brother ...(read) a book in the evening ..... (visit) with friends. [would rather]
18. My sister ......(her math class) ........ (her biology class). [like]

Taken from : Fundamentals of English Grammar second edition-

Betty Schampfer Azar Read More..

Passive Verb Forms

>>>>ACTIVE<<<< --------------------------------------->>>>>PASSIVE<<<<<

1. Jerry helps Tom -----------------------------------Tom is helped by Jerry

2. Jerry is helping Tom------------------------------- Tom is being helped by Jerry
3. Jerry has helped Tom------------------------------ Tom has been helped by Jerry
4. Jerry helped Tom---------------------------------- Tom was helped by Jerry
5. Jerry was helping---------------------------------- Tom Tom was being helped by Jerry
6. Jerry had helped Tom------------------------------ Tom had been helped by Jerry
7. Jerry is going to help Tom-------------------------- Tom is going to be helped by Jerry
8. Jerry will help Tom--------------------------------- Tom will be helped by Jerry
9. Jerry can help Tom--------------------------------- Tom can be helped by Jerry
10. Jerry should help Tom------------------------------ Tom should be helped by Jerry
11. Jerry ought to help Tom---------------------------- Tom ought to be helped by Jerry
12. Jerry must help Tom-------------------------------- Tom must be helped by Jerry
13. Jerry has to help Tom-------------------------------Tom has to be helped by Jerry
14. Jerry may help Tom---------------------------------Tom may be helped by Jerry
15. Jerry might help Tom------------------------------- Tom might be helped by Jerry

Read More..


Form Passive Voice:

S + to be + V3 + "By Noun"

in Indonesia is suffix: di, ke, ter

*to be is from the Tenses which is used in the sentence

*Simple Present tense: is, am, are
*Past Tense: was, were
*Perfect: been

(a) #The Police helps a dentist (Active)

(the tenses is simple present tense, to be in the simple present tense: is,
am, are)

#A dentist is helped by the police (Passive)

*The "by-noun" (a) is used in passive sentences when it is important to

know who performs an action. by the police is important information.

(b) #Someone made that shoes (Active)

(the tenses is Past tense, to be in the past tense: was, were)

#That shoes was made (by someone) (passive)

*The "by-noun" (b) in the passive is used when it is not known or not
important to know exactly who performs an action. The exact person (or
people) who made shoes is not known and is not important to know, so
there is no "by-Noun" in the passive sentence.
Read More..



I prefer avocado to apples.

I prefer watching movie to studying .

Prefer + NOUN+ to + NOUN

Prefer + -ING VERB + to + -ING VERB

I like avocado better than apples.

I like watching movie better than studying.

like + NOUN + better than + NOUN

like + -ING VERB + better than + -ING VERB

Shinta would rather have an avocado than (have) an apple.

I'd rather visit a big city than live there.

*Would rather and than are followed immediately by the simple form of a verb (e.g., have,
visit, live).

Contraction would ('d):

I'd/You'd/She'd/He'd/We'd/They'd rather have an avocado

In polite question:
Would rather can be followed by or to offer someone a choice

Example: Would you rather have an apple or an orange?

(English for grade X) Read More..

Dialogue of Expressing ANGRY


A : Why do you look so upset?

B : It's Agung. He promised to come at seven. I have waited for one hour, but he hasn't
shown up. I can't stand it.

A : Did he call? There might be something wrong.

B : No, not a single word. I can't bear it any longer. I'm really annoyed with it.

A : Hey? Look! there he is. What's wrong his car?


A : You know George didn't come last Saturday night

B : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.

A : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital

B : You were lied by him.

A : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can't bear it any longer. It's over.


Mother : God.....What is this? What did you do with my skirt, Bi Ijah??

Bi Ijah : Sorry, Ma'am, I burned it.

Mother : Again! It has been four times you did it. You are such pain in the neck.
Bi Ijah : I said sorry, Ma' am. But your son, Indra, Exhauted me. He runs here and there.

Mother : Don't blame it on my son. I am really upset now. Don't do it again or I will send
you back home.

Bi Ijah : No, Ma'am. I promise I will not do it again.

Taken from: Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris by Tanti Dwi Suryaningrum, S.Pd. Dkk Read More..

Dialogue of Expressing Embarrasment


A : Today is my bad day

B : Why? What's wrong?

A : I feel down from motorcycle in front of Campus

B : Really? Are you Ok?

A : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt
was torn

B : You must be very ashamed

A : You bet. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don't feel convenient because there were some
boys hanging out.

Taken from: Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA Kelas X, XI, dan XII
Tanti Dwi Suryaningrum,S.Pd. Dkk Read More..

Expressing ANGER

There are expressions of ANGER:

1. You are such a pain in the neck

2. I am really upset now

3. Don't do it again or I will

4. You are too much

5. You are pathetic

6. You really make me angry

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There are expressing annoyance:

1. I'm annoyed

2. I had enough with it

3. I can't stand it
4. I can't bear it any longer

5. I'm fed up with it

6. You made me annoyed

7. You are such pain in the neck

8. You made me sick

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There are kinds of expression of embarrassment:

1. I am embarrassed

2. I feel ashamed
3. Oh, My God

4. Shame on me

5. I don't feel comfortable

6. I feel awkward

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UNAS (Ujian Nasional) is always makes scary of the students who didn't enough
prepare of their condition, especially for their psychologist factor. So many ways to
get the solution of these factors.
Why the students usually get nervous if UNAS will begin?. The dominant factor of
this condition is from the students self who describe if UNAS is very big event.
Actually UNAS is evaluation for the ability of the students and the ability of the
May be The first factor which make the students get nervous is they have dream that
can't graduate from their Senior High School, and there is no body who will not help
them to get good mark of their lesson. The second, they didn't have more confidents
about their ability because in their class they always get bad mark. So may be they
have desperates to get this problem and they confused about the solutions. The third,
If any free time (break time) at their school,They didn't have activities for solving
their problems, for example: more like chatting with their friends than discussion
about their lesson, more like using their mobile phone than solving their problems to
their teacher. fourth, the teachers are not near with them, it means the teachers
rarely care with them to solve their problem.
I think the important think to get solution for the students, the first is the students
should be more confident with their ability, the second, they should be initiative
and try to solve more exercises about their lesson for example: exercises in other
reference, the third, the students always sharing with their teacher (don't be shy with
your teacher), the fourth, don't forget Pray to ALLAH. while we are the champions
or the winner so we must remember ALLAH, because ALLAH can make our life
is more LIFE.

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Modal Perfective


Function: It used for the past event


Modal is always followed by V1 / be (simple form/bare infinitive). So "have" never changed
be "has" or "had"

1. Could + have + V3 /been

Example: - She could have eaten ice cream. (it means "he didn't eat ice cream")

2. Might + have + V3/been

Example: - Her room was still dirty, he might have forgotten to clean it.

3. Should + have + V3/been

Example: - Charlie should have gone to her vschool this morning.

4. Must + have + V3/been

Example: - The grass is wet. It must have rained last night.

Study these sentences !

1. As the groceries were sent sn hour ago. They should have been here by now.
2. He should have been more tolerant.
3. When we got home, we found the front door open. Somebody must have entered the
house while we were away.
4. Dharmawan was absent yesterday. He must have been sick again.
5. The whole kitchen was still dirty; Mary might have forgotten to clean it.

Adapted from: Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA Kelas X,XI, dan XII (M2S Bandung)

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Past Tense Vs Past Perfect Tense


It means that to show events which the first event (happened) use Simple Past Perfect
and the second event use Simple Past Tense. It can use the conjunctions: Before,
When, and After.

@ Before I studied English, I had prayed to Allah in the classroom.

@ I had prayed to Allah in the classroom Before I studied English.

* When Sherly came late in the class, I had taught mathematic.

* I had taught mathematic when Serly came late in the class.

# After I had gone to the Kalimantan, I fell in love with Fanny

# I fell in love with Fanny After I had gone to the Kalimantan

The Pattern:



Past Perfect Tense Before Past Tense

Before Past Tense, Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense When Past Tense

When Past Tense, Past Perfect Tense

Past Tense After Past Perfect Tense

After Past Perfect Tense, Past Tensea

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Contoh Ungkapan - Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris


Could you tell me the way to the police station ?

Can you direct me to the fruit shop ?

How do I get to the zoo ?

Can you tell me where the hospital is please ?

Do you know how to get to the nearest hotel ?

I would like to go to the petrol station. Can you tell me how to get there ?

Go straight (go down/ go up) this road until you get to a one-way street

Keep going until you see a traffic light

Walk along this street until you get to the round about

Turn left or right

Take the first left turn on the T-junction

Make a left turn on the crossroad

2. OFFERING HELP OR THINGS (menawarkan bantuan / menawarkan sesuatu)

Untuk menawarkan bantuan, dapat digunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:

- May I help you?- Can I help you?- Could I - What can I do for you?- How can I assist
help you? you?- How can I help you?

- How can I be of assistance to you? - Let me help you?

- How can I be of help to you? - Do you want me to help you?

- What can I help you - Shall I …?

Cara memberi tawaran seperti menawarkan makanan atau minuman dalam bahasa Inggris lazimnya
dengan menggunakan ungkapan Would you like…?, Would you care for …?, why don’t you have…?,
How about having …? May I offer you …?


Tawaran Respon

- Would you like some bread? Yes, please.

- Would you care for some coffee? No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
- Why don’t you have some biscuit, please? Thanks, I’d love to.

Jawaban untuk menerima tawaran antara lain: Yes please, Sure, Why not, Ofcourse, Certainly, I’d
love to, It’s a good idea, That’s great. Untuk menolak tawaran digunakan ungkapan seperti: No,
thanks, Please don’t bother, I’d love to but…, That’s great but…

3. INTRODUCING (memperkenalkan)

Memperkenalkan Dri Memperkenalkan Orang Lain

- I’d like to introduce myself. - My I introduce - I’d like you to meet … (nama) - This is my
myself? - Let me introduce myself! friend/boss/etc…(nama) - Have you
- I want to introduce myself
- May I introduce you to …(nama/jabatan)

- Let me introduce you to ….

- I want to introduce you to ….

4. INVITING (mengundang/mengajak)

Undangan/Ajakan Menolak Menerima

- let’s + V1 - Why don’t we …? - I’m sorry I can’t- I’d like - I’d love to - I’d like very much
- How about…? to but…- I’m afraid I can’t - I’d be happy/glad to

- I’d like to invite you to… - No, let’s not. accept

- Would you like to…? - Yes, I’d be delighted to.

- I wonder if you’d like to - That’s good ide


Ungkapan Respon

Thank youThank you very muchThanks. You are welcome.That’s all rightNot at all

Thank you very much for… (kata benda) Don’t mention it

I’m grateful for…(kata benda/noun) Thet’s all right

Any time
5. CONGRATULATIONS (ucapan selamat)

Ungkapan Respon

CongratulationsCongratulations on …I’d like Thank youThank you and the same to youThank
to congratulate you. you. I need it.

I’d like to congratulate you on… Thank you very much.

It was great to hear…

It was to hear about….

Happy birthday to you.

Happy new year.

Good luck!

Have a nice holiday

6. SYMPATHY (menyatakan rasa simpati)

Ungkapan-ungkapan perasaan simpati atas mala petaka/musibah yang dialami orang lain

 I’m sorry to hear that

 Oh, that’s too bad.
 How awful!
 How terrible!
 Poor!

PLEASURE, DISPLEASURE (senang & tidak senang)

Pleasure/senang Displeasure/tidak senang

It’s really delightful/Iam delightedI’m I’m dissatisfiedWe are fed up with…I feel
satisfiedThat’s great dosappointed

That’s wonderful She is extremely displeased

It’s really a great pleasure

SATISFACTION, DISSATISFACTION ( kepuasan, ketidakpuasan)

Ketika kita akan mengungkapkan kepuasan atas kerja seseorang, kita dapat gunakan ungkapan:
 Well done!
 Great! Good work
 I am satisfied with your work
 You did well
 Your job is satisfactory
 I am so happy about this
 I’m glad to what you’ve done
 It’s really satisfying

Katika kita akan mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan atas kerja seseorang, kita dapat gunakan:

 I’m not satisfied with work

 You haven’t done well enough
 I am really dissappointed
 Sorry, but your work is not satisfactory
 Oh, no!
 It’s not very nice
 It’s really not good enough

7. ASKING & GIVING OPINION (meminta & memberi pendapat)

Asking Opinion Giving opinion

How was the trip?How do you like your new I think (that)….In my opinion….As I see, …
house?How do you think of Rina’s idea?
If you ask me, I feel…
How do you feel about this dicition?

What is your opinions of the movie?

What are your feelings about it?


Ketika kita merasa sependapat dengan opini orang lain, kita bisa mengatakan:

 So do I
 Yes, I agree with you
 It is certainly
 Exactly
 That’s what I want to say
 I am with you
 I am on your side

Ketika kita merasa tidak sependapat dengan opini orang lain, kita bisa mengatakan:

 Well, I don’t think so

 I don’t think that is true
 I disagree with …
 I wouldn’t say that
 Exactly not
 I can’t say so
 On contrary
 I don’t buy that idea

8. FEAR, ANCIETY (ungkapan ketakutan, kegelisahan)

Fear Respon

I am afraidI am fearedI am scared Don’t be afraidThere is nothing to be afraid ofIt

is nothing
I am terrified

The sound is horrifying

Anciety Respon

I am worried about…I am anxious to know Take is easyCalm downI know you are worried
about…I wondered if… but…

That made me worried It is not a big deal

I have been thinking about …. Don’t worry

I am afraid if… Stay cool

9. PAIN, RELIEF (ungkapan kesakitan, kelegaan)

Pain Relief

Ouch!That was hurtIt is painful I’m very relieved to hear…Finally, it was overI
feel relieved
It hurts me
I feel much better
I’ve got a backache/toothache/stomachache
I’m glad it’s over
I feel sore all over
That’s a great relief
My eyes hurt
I’m extremely glad to hear…

Thank goodness for that


What a relief!

10. LIKE/LOVE & DISLIKE/HATE (suka/cinta & tidak suka/benci)

Like Dislike
I love itI like itI am keen on it I don’t really like itI dislike itI am not really
interested in…
I am crazy about it
I can’t enjoy…
We all enjoy
(benda/noun/gerund)…is not my cup of tea
(benda/noun/gerund)…is my cup of tea
I can’t stand

I hate it

11. EMBARRASSMENT & ANNOYANCE (Ungkapan rasa malu, kejengkelan)

Embarrassment Annoyance

I am embarrassedI feel ashamedOh my God I am annoyedI had enough with itI can’t bear it
any longer
Shame on me
You made me annoyed
I don’t feel comfortable
You are such a pain in the neck
I feel awkward
You made me sick

12. REQUEST (permintaan)

Request Acceptance Refusal

Would it be possible I should be delighted to I regret to say that we find

for comeBy all meansI have no ourselves unable to goI’m
you toWould you be so kind as objection afraid it’s not possibleI’m afraid
toWould you…,please? not
I’d be happy to
Would you mind …? Sorry
Any chance of… No, I won’t
Can you…? Not likely
You must be joking
No problem


13. COMPLAINT, BLAME (keluhan,menyalahkan)

Complaint Blame

I’m not at all satisfied with the serviceI really You’re the one to blameIt’s your fault!It’s your
do/must objec to the serviceI take great mistake!
exception to…
You’re wrong
I want to complain about…

This is crazy!

14. REGRET, APOLOGY (penyesalan, meminta maaf)

Regret Apology

Much to my regretSadly, I ….Unfortunately Please accept my apologies for what I didPlease

forgive me for what I didI am extremely sorry
I’m terribly sorry
I really must apologies
I honestly regret that I …
May I offer you my sincerest apologies?
Sorry, I …

15. POSSIBILITY & IMPOSSIBILITY (kemungkinan & ketidakmungkinan)

Menyatakan Kemungkinan Menanyakan Kemungkinan

I think there is possibility to …I Do you think he/it could…?Would you say we’re
sassume/believe…In all probability,… capable of…?Are you capable of…?

it is going to be possible for me to… Are you able to…?

that will probably … Do you have any experience of…?

it’s quite possible … Can you…?

Do you know how to…?

Do you think you can…?

Putri: Congratulations on your 13th birthday.

Elizabeth: Thank you.
Putri: You look charming in that white gown
. Elizabeth: Thanks a lot
. Dalam percakapan di atas Putri mengucapkan "congratulations on your 13th birthday."
Artinya dia memberi selamat kepada Elizabeth atas ulang tahunnya yang ke 13. Kita bisa
menggunakan ungkapan di atas untuk memberi ucapan selamat ulang tahun kepada teman.
Caranya dengan mengatakan "congratulation on your .... birthday." Isi titik-titik dengan ulang
tahun yang keberapa. Atau langsung saja ucapkan "congratulation on your birthday." atau
bisa juga ucapkan "happy birthday." Berikut ini contoh lain percakapan berisi memberi
selamat kepada teman.
Dedy: Congratulations on winning the basketball competition. You are the best captain we
Fredy: Oh not really.

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Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution

Contoh Dialog 1

Adib :
Hi Sambas, what happens? You look nervous.

Sambas :
It’s nothing.

Adib :
Really? Your face tells me that something is going on.

Sambas :
Yes, you’re right. Actually I’ve had an embarrassing experience.

Adib :
What is it?

Sambas :
When I was on my way home, I saw an old lady trying to cross the street.

Adib :
Why didn't you help her to cross the street?

Sambas :
I did. I helped her to cross the street.

Adib :
That’s great. So, why do you look nervous?

Sambas :
Actually, she didn't want to cross the street. She’s just looking for her shopping bag.

Contoh Dialog 2
Adib :
Really? That must be embarrassing.

Sambas :
Certainly. I was very embarrassed.

Adib :
You shouldn't feel embarrassed. You did something good. Just take the positive side of it.

Sambas :
Yes. You're right. Thanks.

Contoh Dialog 3

Andi :
Hi, Retno. I watched your performance last night. You're great. You can be a great actress.

Retno :
Really? Thanks. Actually I wasn't that great.

Andi :
What are you talking about? You did it very well.

Retno :
Actually, I can’t do any play.

Andi :
Why? I think your performance was great. Your acting in the play was just great.

Retno :
It wasn't me. It’s my twin sister, Ratna.

Andi :
Really? I thought it was you. I’m sorry.

Retno :
That’s fine.

Andi :
No. It embarrasses me.

Retno :
That’s all right. We are identical twins.

Contoh Dialog 4

Retno :
Hi, Anita. How're you? I've heard that you've been to the US last holiday.
Anita :
Hi. Yes, stayed there for two weeks. I had a terrible day when I was in the US, though.

Retno :
What is it? Come on, tell me.

Anita :
Actually, it’s embarrassing. But I’ll tell you.

Retno :

Anita :
One day, I went out without my parents. Walking around the city, I found many new things.
When I felt tired, I went back to my hotel.

Retno :
You were not lost, were you?

Anita :
No. I went straight to the hotel and took the lift to get to my room.

Retno :
So, what is the interesting part?

Anita :
In the lift. I took a lift and there were already three black men in the lift. I was so nervous. I
got into the lift and turned my back on the three men and faced the door.

Shortly after the door closed, I heard one of the men said, “Hit the floor, little girl.” I
immediately dropped to my stomach in terror and the three men broke out hysterically in

Retno :
You did? “Hit the floor” means push the floor button, right?

Anita :
That’s what made me so embarrassed. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my holiday in the US.

Retno :
It’s my dream to have a vacation in the US. Thanks for the interesting story.

Anita :
Not interesting. It’s embarrassing.
Retno :
English is not our first language. We sometimes don’t understand some expressions.
Don't worry.

Read more at:

Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution

ktu istirahat sekolah, Ratna berkunjung ke kelas Sita teman karibnya.

Ratna: "Sita, are you free next Sunday?"
Sita: "Yea, I think so. Why?"
Ratna: "Would you like to come to my birthday party?"
Sita: "Oh, Really?"
Ratna: "Yes, It's my sweet seventeen. I'd like to celebrate it with my beloved friends and
Sita: "That must be great time."
Ratna: "Yea, you can invite someone else to come. "
Sita: "What about Joni. He he... He likes you. I'm gonna invite him to come."
Ratna: "That's OK."
Sita: "Yes. I'm gonna come with him."
Ratna: "Yup. I've got to go. I must tell the others. Don't forget Sunday at 3 p.m."
Sita: "Sunday at 3 p.m. I'll be there, honey."

Read more at:

Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution
Jaya : Hi,May.There will be a great Horror movies tonight.its about Zombie.
Would you like to go to the movie with me?
May : That sounds great.When will you pick me up ?
Jaya : I will pick you at at 07.00.Be Ready,ok.!
May : Alright.

Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris

Dalam pelajaran kali ini saya ingin memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris yang
berbentuk dialog. Dimana contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris ini bisa anda praktekan dalam
kehidupan sehari – hari anda, baik disekolah maupun dirumah.
Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris (Mengajak seseorang/Inviting someone)
A: I went to the library yesterday, but I could not get book that we want.
B: That’s too bad. What should we do then?
A: I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we go to Mr Iskandar and see if he lend us his book.
B: That sounds like a good idea. But don’t you think he needs it himself.
A: At least we can try
B: O.K
Dibawah ini saya berikan beberapa contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris:
Dialog bahasa Inggris makan malam
A: Do you have dinner at home?
B:Yes I do. What about you?
A: I often have dinner at the restaurant.
B: With who do you have dinner?
A: Sometimes with some friends and sometimes with my family.
B: It’s more expensive, isn’t it?
A: Yes, It is. But more delicious, too.
B: By the way, what do you have for dinner?
A: I usually chicken soup.

Situation :
one day there are was a wedding party who wants in visit the ewik with nining

ewik : hay, nining what about my appearance today

nining : good , but your shoes oversized

ewik : no problem!

nining : let's get into

ewik : come on
(but when going up stairs ewik falling down)

ewik : oh, my god

nining : ha.ha.ha

ewik : nining, help me

nining : yes , wait for me

ewik : nining, help me please ?
nining : yes … ewik , Are you Ok?

ewik : yes, I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me
and my skirt was torn

nining : ha....ha...ha

ewik : nining why why are you laughing at me ? i'm so ashamed with people because
my shoes who oversized so that my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn.

nining : ewik today you very embarrassing ?

ewik : oh….. no

contoh Dialog Of Expression

Dialog Of Expression
Name : Lukman Khakim
Class : Xii Acceleration


Expression love Situation:

In café, when wahyu dinner with Ambar
 actually , I want to say I love with Ambar : hay wahyu,why do you inviting me to
you this cafe

Wahyu : because there are who I want talk

 what , you love me with you

Ambar : what wahyu?

 I fall in love with you Wahyu : really, you want to know ?
 yes, I accept your love
Ambar : yes , I want to know , please don't
make me curious about.
 l love you
Wahyu : actually , I want to say I love with
 l love you too
Ambar : what , you love me ?

Wahyu: yes ,ambar I love you , I fall in love with

you. since the first time we meet
wahyu : yes ,ambar and Do you want to receive
love me

Ambar: yes, I accept your love

wahyu : l love you ambar

ambar : l love you too wahyu

Wahyu :thanks, Ambar you already want to

accept my love.

Embarrassment Situation :
 Oh, My God one day there are was a wedding party who
wants in visit the ewik with nining

ewik : hay, nining what about my appearance

 but I feel so embarrassed today

nining : good , but your shoes oversized

ewik : no problem!

 i'm so ashamed with people nining : let's get into

because my shoes who ewik : come on
oversized (but when going up stairs ewik falling down)

ewik : oh, my god

nining : ha.ha.ha

 you very embarrassing ewik : nining, help me

nining : yes , wait for me

ewik : nining, help me please ?

nining : yes … ewik , Are you Ok?

ewik : yes, I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed

because my shoes were flying over me and my
skirt was torn

nining : ha....ha...ha

ewik : nining why why are you laughing at me ?

i'm so ashamed with people because my
shoes who oversized so that my shoes were
flying over me and my skirt was torn.
nining : ewik today you very embarrassing ?

ewik : oh….. no

Annoyance Situation :
 You made me annoyed one day in room there are heri and irfan who
were watching tv
irvan : Hey heri ! What are you doing there ?
 heri you very irritating
heri : I want to sit here !
irfan : Move now ! I am watching now. You
had block my view.
 you really makes me mad
heri : Aaaah ! Just a minutes !
irfan : Move now heri !
heri : Just a minutes , brother

 I'm fed up with you irfan : heri Move now ,I am watching now
heri : wait a minute
irfan : heri You made me annoyed
 brash ,you heri heri : wait a minute , my brother Just a minutes
irfan : heri Move now ! heri you very irritating
and you really makes me mad ,heri I'm fed up
with you
heri : Ok. will Move now , stingy
irfan : brash, you heri

Sadnes Situation:
 why do you looks sadness such One day in class Akselerasi
as there are problem Dewi : Hay azizah
Azizah : Eh dewi..
 But, I see you sadness Dewi : What are you doing now ?
Azizah : Nothing ..
 I was really sadness for loss of
Dewi : But, why do you looks sadness such
novel and comics that as there are problem . and I see you sadness.
Azizah : Yes, that’s right.
Dewi : Why ?
 I can’t believe what’s going on Azizah : Because I lose my comic and novel .
this day. Dewi : How can it lose ?

Azizah : Before, I put down in my table. Then I

go out from the class. When I come back, It’s
 Oh, no ... (crying)
Nothing.. I was really sadness for loss of
novel and comics that,because novel and
comics that giving my uncle when him to japan.
 but I can’t hold my tears this.
I can’t believe what’s going on this day. Oh,
no ... (crying).

 I can see why you’re so sad, but

Dewi : You really sloppy.
don’t give up
Azizah : Yeah, I know. me very sloppy.. but I
can’t hold my tears this.
Dewi : I can see why you’re so sad, but don’t
give up .Try to look for. I will help you.
Azizah : Thanks … 

Stance  I strongly believed that she's bad Situation:

one day in class room Akselerasi jasti tells to eka
,disloyal and playgirl..
that she's very upset with her boyfriend. She wants
to break their relationship.

Eka : hay jasti how your relationship with lukman

 I think so
Jasti : I think I have to leave lukman. Our
relationship is running worse day after day.

Eka : What happen with him , so that you want

leave him?
 i'm sure lukman definitely chose
me Jasti : I found him with somebody else.

Eka : What? Who the hell is the girl?

Jasti : Rini
Eka : What? Rini. The girl from reguller class
 I have to be sure, I will retake that?
lukman of rini
Jasti : Yea. She was.

Eka : Oh my God. I strongly believed that she's

bad ,disloyal and playgirl..

Jasti : I think so. That's why I told lukman to

choose me or her.

Jasti : yas, That's good idea. i'm sure lukman

definitely chose me.

Eka : how if lukman don't choose you

Jasti : I have to be sure, I will retake lukman of


Eka : how if lukman don't choose you and he

choose rini

Jasti : this may be my fate should break up with

Anger Situation :
 You really make me angry In the morning when jasti meet dimas in school

Jasti : hay dimas, why you do not come last night

 no that need to be in the clear Dimas : sorry, jas I forget
Jasti: what ,! you forget
Dimas : yes ,jas
Jasti : you realize, you it has made me shy
dimas: jasti please forgive me
jasti : you who make an appointment to meet in the
park but why you forget.

dimas : jasti please hear me

 I am not happy with you again and

jasti : You really make me angry
starting today we break up
dimas : jasti please hear me , Please listen up to my
jasti : no that need to be in the clear
dimas : Please, listen up to my explanation , jas
jasti : I am not happy with you again and starting
today we break up
Study the dialogue below!
Dan : Have you got anything to do night, Deby?
Deby : I don’t think so. Why?
Dani : My Friends is going to celebrate his wedding party tonight. He invited me. I don’t
want to
go allone. I don’t know withy whom should i go there. Would you like to
accompany me, Dani?
Deby : I’d (would) love to, but what time, Dani?
Dani : What about at seven o’clock? I’ll pick you up.
Deby : Ok that’s fine.
Dani : Thank’s, Deby you’re very kind.

Giving Invitations (invite someone)

- Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight, please?
- Would you like to go to a football game on Saturday?
- Would you like to accompany me to the party?
- Would you like to come to the opera house?
- Can you come over on Saturday night?
- In a shop, “can I help you , mom?” no, thank you. I’m beeing served

Respond: To accept an invitation

- With pleasure.
- I would like to very much
- I would love to
- yes, certainly I will come
- I would, very much

Declining/ refusing Invitation

- I would like to very much but I’m afraid I can’t
- I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve already got an appointment.
- Thank’s but I’m afraid I can’t. I have an exam to study for


Degree of Certainty: Present Time

100% sure : he is sick
95% sure : he must be sick

less than 50% sure : he may be sick

he might be sick
he could be sick

form negative
100% : sam isn’t hungry
99% : sam couldn’t hungry
sam can be hungry

95% : sam must not be hungry

less than 50%: sam may not be hungry
sam might not be hungry

If we are sure something is true in the present, we don’t need to use modal. For example:
if I say “john is sick” I am sure; I am stating a fact that I am sure is true.
My degree of certainty is 100%.

Mrs. Thufailah : Najmi, have you finished washing the dishes?

Najmi : Yes, I have mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Would you like to go to the shop and buy some ketchup? It’s gone.
Najmi : I just brought it last night.
Mrs. Thufailah : I couldn’t find it. Where did you put it?
Najmi : Wait for a minute mom. I am coming down ….. (after a few minutes). Here you are, mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Oh, you put it there. You should put it at its usual place. Can you help me to cook?
Najmi : Surely, mom. What do you want me to do now?
Mrs. Thufailah : Get some chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and wash it, okay?
Najmi : Yes, mum. ….. (after a few minutes)
I am through, mum. Here you are.
Mrs. Thufailah : Could you help me to set the table? Your father may be at home soon.
Najmi : Are we going to have dinner at home? He usually doesn’t.
Mrs. Thufailah : He said he would be home for dinner today.
Najmi : Alright. I’ll do it ….. (the telephone is ringing)
Hello, this is Najmi. Who is calling, please?
Hilal : Don’t you recognize my voice? This is Hilal.
Najmi : Hi, Hilal. What happen?
Hilal : Well, nothing special. Well, actually I want you to go with me to a book fair.
Najmi : Not at the moment, please. I am now busy helping my mom preparing for dinner.
Hilal : What a dilligent girl. Okey I understand. How about if we go in this afternoon at 3 or 4 p.m.?
Najmi : Wait for a moment. I’ll ask my mom first, okay? ….. Mom, can I go with Hilal to a book fair this
Mrs. Thufailah : Don’t you have any lectures?
Najmi : I’m free and have no lecture this afternoon.
Mrs. Thufailah : If so, of course you may go. But, be at home before 7 p.m.. Remember, we’re having dinner
together tonight.
Najmi : Thanks mom. Hallo Hilal, are you still there?
Hilal : Does your mom let you go with me?
Najmi : Yes, she does. Can you pick me up?
Hilal : I’ll be there at three, okay?
Najmi : Okey. Don’t be late.
Hilal : Bye.
Najmi : Bye.

Expressing Surprise and Disbelief

Rangga : I went to Soraksan last weekend.
Brian : Really, who did you go with?
Alex : Only my girlfriend and I went.
Brian : You’re kidding… your girlfriend went with you? Did anyone else go?
Rangga : No, just the two of us. We had a great time. We climbed Sorak Mountain, had
dinner at the Kensington Hotel and climbed up to Teetering Rock. It was incredible.
Brian : Let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend went alone to Sorak?
What about her folks and your folks, did they know about this trip.
Rangga : Oh yeah…it was no problem.
Brian : Seriously,… I find this hard to believe… I know your parents, they wouldn’t allow
Rangga : Honestly, it was no problem
Brian : Wow, I wish my folks were that liberal and open-minded.

Expressing Surprise and Disbelief

Andi: Hey, did you watch news this morning???

Budi: No, why???
Andi: A crop circle has been found in Sleman, some people believe it’s made by UFO
Budi: Are you serious?
Andi: Yes, I’m serious! Do you think so?
Budi : Sorry, but I don’t believe something like that…

Expressing Surprise and Disbelief

Novi : Whose motorbike is that?

Dias : It’s Norman’s.
Novi : Are you kidding me?
Dias : No, I’m not. I saw her riding that motorbike this morning.
Novi : What a surprise!

Expressing Surprise and Disbelief

Heri : Do you still remember the girl we met yesterday?

Bagas : Yes.
Heri : I can’t believe my eyes when I saw her riding a sport car this morning.
Bagas : A sport car?
Heri : Yes. She looked gorgeous!
Bagas : I don’t believe you. You must be dreaming.

Expressing Surprise and Disbelief

Sari: Mom!
Mrs. Tuti: What is Sari?
Sari: Mother Can help me?
Mrs. Tuti: Sure, how?
Sari: Can she get P3K.
Mrs. Tuti: Sure, what happened to you?
Sari: My hands are cut.
Mrs. Tuti: Gosh! Looks bad, you want to see a doctor?
Sari: No, thank you. This is not a serious problem.
Expressing Surprise and Disbelief
Bill: Okay, what we do.
Marvin: No, I think, I'm afraid he could not make it.
Bill: Oh no, can not you do something? Making a call might be?
Marvin: It does not work. He was too frightened to run.
Bill: I'm afraid of losing him.
Marvin: Oh no. He will be good as long as you do not force
him to race now. Nothing todikuwatirkan.

Announcement Text in English

To apply for a new drive’s license, come to the BRI to buy a form. Then bring the form
you’ve completed to the license office Monday through Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 2.30
p.m. You will take a written test and a driving test after you fill in other forms from the
license office. There will be a fee but not much.

Notified to all students SMPN 1 Majalengka that in connection with Indonesia's
Independence Day will be held competitions creation of posters and slogans
which will be held on
Day: Wednesday, august 06, 2011
Place: at school hall
Time: at 10 am
Students are expected to participate in the event
for registration and more information please contact the organizers.


Venue: School Hall
Date: 5th December 2011
Time: 10.00 a.m.
A student talent contest will be held to raise funds for charity. Entry forms are available at the
OSIS room.
For more informastion, please, contact Ariana (Class IX D) or Susi (Class VIII C).

Pay Attention Please!

Our School will have a debate competition.
Participants : All Students in our school
It will be held from 1 - 3 march 2012
Prices : I = Rp 2.000.000,00
II = Rp 1.500.000,00
III = Rp 1.000.000,00
Please join us

Contoh soal announcement

To : All Employees
Effective date : February 1st, 2010
Subject : Staff uniforms All employees are required to wear a uniform
during work hours. This is to make it easier to distinguish them from customers. Women
should wear a colourful blouse with black pants or a black knee-length skirt. Men should
wear black pants with an orange or red T-Shirt.

1. What should woman employees wear?
A. an orange shirt and black pants.
B. a yellow skirt and black pants.
C. a black skirt and colourful blouse.
D. a white skirt and colourful blouse.
E. a blue shirt and colourful blouse

2. Why do all employees have to wear a uniform during work hours?

A. To differentiate them from the customers.
B. To show that they have a good uniform.
C. To give them good appearance.
D. To make them friendly.
E. To make them happy


(Funded by the European commission)

The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia have had a significant impact.
Since august 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected and the H5N1 virus
has crossed the species barrier resulting in at least 135 confirmed human cases with 110
deaths. Moreover, the potential exists for the H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus to trigger a human

Research on clinical disease, virology and epidemiology of H5N1 in Indonesia is needed to

understand the ecology and variability in transmission to human. To foster essential
research, WHO requested for proposal that will then be evaluated through a review process.
The awards will then be made to competent researchers and institutions focuses on
research of local scientists and public health professionals.
Areas for research include:
1. Studies of disease ecology, transmission and epidemiology.
2. Studies of clinical spectrum and management of disease.
Detailed information of call for proposal, include: application and assessment process,
assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission, is attached and available at WHO
Indonesia Country Office web- site.

3. Who are specifically invites to send research proposals?

A. Scientists and professionals from around the world
B. Indonesian scientists and public health professionals
C. Professionals researchers in health sciences
D. Health institutions in Indonesia
E. Researchers specializing in H5N1 Virus

4."...for the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus to trigger a human pandemic"(line 4-5)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to.......
A. to impact
B. to share
C. to increase
D. to immune
E. to cause


To: All Department Managers

There will be a meeting this afternoon, February 7th, 2012 at 01.00 pm. in the meeting room.
The meeting will discuss the customers’ complaints. Since the topic is very important,
presence is a must.
Please come on time and don’t forget to bring documents needed.

Thank you

5. Why do all of the managers have to come to the meeting?

A. The meeting will focus on the customers’ document.
B. All of the managers must bring their own documents.
C. The topic of the meeting is very important.
D. The meeting will be conducted by customers.
E. The meeting is confused
6. “The meeting will discuss the customer’s complaints.”
The underlined word means….
A. Disturbances
B. Disapprovals
C. Disagreements
D. Dissatisfaction
E. Dissapointed

7. The text tells us about the meeting of….

A. The customers and the director
B. All department managers and the director
C. The managers and the customers
D. The manager and the director
E. All manager

We are going to leave for Cibubur Campsite on:

Day : Thursday

Date : March, 30, 2009

Time : 7 a.m.

Please gather at school on time

8. What kind of this text?

a. An advertisement.
b. A shopping list.
c. An announcement.
d. A greeting card.
e. A descriptive text

9. Who should follow the above announcement ?

a. The students.
b. The teachers.
c. The head master.
d. The parents.
e. The sister

10. What is the day of the activity?

a. Sunday.
b. Monday.
c. Thursday.
d. Wednesday.
e. Friday

Contoh announcement text lengkap dengan penjelasan

Contoh Announcement Text School

To All the teachers and staff of SMKN 2 Kabanjahe
A one-day meeting will be held this week :
When : Thuesday, 9th December 2012 at 10 a.m to 3p.m
Where : Teacher's Room
Topic : National Examination preparation
Due the importance of the meeting,please be panctual.Bring yout ideas;bring your sugestions to make
our students succesful in this examination.

The head of the national examination committee

Wahyu Tulus S.Pd .M.Pd.

Contoh Announcement Text Lainnya

(Alabama State University)
proudly announces the graduation of
(Samuel Jack Warren)
with a (Bachelor of Arts) degree in
(Art History)
(Saturday, December 15, 2012)
(2:00 p.m.)
(Sultzer University Stadium)
(Birmingham, Alabama)

The honour of your presence is requested

at a Dinner Party celebrating
the engagement of
Peyton Sawyer
Brody Hanson
on Saturday, the twentieth of August
Two thousand and twelve
at six o’clock
35 Plain Street
Easton, Massachusetts

Sukhoi pilot ‘violated’ regulations

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 05/10/2012 2:26 PM
The pilot who flew the Russia-made Sukhoi Super Jet 100 violated height clearance
requirements set for airplanes flying near obstacles like buildings, towers or mountains, a
pilot says.

“I can’t help but wonder myself, why did the pilot ask to descend to 6,000 feet? That’s a
violation of the minimum obstacle clearance altitude [MOCA]. In that location, the minimum
clearance is around 11,000 feet,” pilot Ronny Rosnadi, who has flown over 33,000 hours,
said Thursday as quoted by “I strongly believe the accident was caused by
human error.”

“The plane was supposed to descend to a lower altitude only when the plane neared a point
south of Pangandaran beach. That’s much safer.”

The Sukhoi Super Jet is a brand-new passenger aircraft reportedly equipped with advanced
warning facilities, including Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude (MOCA), Minimum Off
Route Altitude (MORA), and Tactical Airborne Warning System (TAWS) with the new
version of Ground Proximity Warning System (GPW).

MOCA is a system designed to inform pilots of the minimum altitude the aircraft must
maintain within a certain radius of a specific location.

Rosnadi said the pilot might have been in an unstable condition while flying the jet.

“He could have been overconfident, or just fatigued,” said the former Merpati Nusantara
Airlines pilot.

“The pilot was doing a promotional flight and that’s tiring.”

Rosnadi said a downdraft, a strong wind that blows during seasonal changes, might have been
another possible cause of the plane crash.

“Or maybe the pilot’s vision was blocked by a thick fog that prevented him from seeing
anything coming ahead of him,” Rosnadi said.

However, he said that it was unlikely that weather factors were the main cause of the crash as
many airplanes had used that route before.

The plane, which carried 45 passengers onboard, was flying at the height of 10,000 feet when
the pilot requested for permission reportedly from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport’s Air
Traffic Control to descend to 6,000 feet.

The plane lost contact on Wednesday afternoon, one hour after taking from Halim
Perdanakusuma Airport in East Jakarta. It was found in the foothills of Mt. Salak in
Sukabumi, West Java, at 9:15 a.m. on Thursday.
Rescue teams are trying to reach to the scene to establish the condition of the flight’s 45
passengers, and to rescue any survivors. (nat/mtq)

The generic sructure :

 Newsworthy Events:
The pilot who flew the Russia-made Sukhoi Super Jet 100 violated height clearance
requirements set for airplanes flying near obstacles like buildings, towers or mountains, a
pilot says.
 Background items:
“I can’t help but wonder myself, why did the pilot ask to descend to 6,000 feet? That’s a
violation of the minimum obstacle clearance altitude [MOCA]. In that location, the minimum
clearance is around 11,000 feet,” pilot Ronny Rosnadi, who has flown over 33,000 hours,
said Thursday as quoted by “I strongly believe the accident was caused by
human error.”
 Sources:
Rosnadi said the pilot might have been in an unstable condition while flying the jet.
“He could have been overconfident, or just fatigued,” said the former Merpati Nusantara
Airlines pilot.
“The pilot was doing a promotional flight and that’s tiring.”
Rosnadi said a downdraft, a strong wind that blows during seasonal changes, might have been
another possible cause of the plane crash.
“Or maybe the pilot’s vision was blocked by a thick fog that prevented him from seeing
anything coming ahead of him,” Rosnadi said.
However, he said that it was unlikely that weather factors were the main cause of the crash as
many airplanes had used that route before.

 The participants:

The pilot who flew the Russia-made Sukhoi Super Jet 100
The former Merpati Nusantara Airlines pilot.
45 passengers onboard
Rescue teams

 The authorities/expert :
Pillot Ronny Rosnadi
Department of aviation
Department of Transportation
International Airport Air Traffic Control

 The witness :
Residents around Mt. Salak

 The local residents:

Residents around Mt. Salak

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features :

1. Focus on The Pilot of Sukhoi Superjet 100

2. Use action verbs

Say, trying, reach, fly, taking .

3. Use Past Tense

Why did the pilot ask to descend to 6,000 feet?
Rosnadi said the pilot might have been in an unstable condition while flying the jet.
Rosnadi said a downdraft, a strong wind that blows during seasonal changes, might have been
another possible cause of the plane crash.

Passive voice :

“The plane was supposed to descend to a lower altitude only when the plane neared a point
south of Pangandaran beach. That’s much safer.”
It was found in the foothills of Mt. Salak in Sukabumi, West Java, at 9:15 a.m. on Thursday.
“He could have been overconfident, or just fatigued,” said the former Merpati Nusantara
Airlines pilot.

Simple Past Continous:

The plane, which carried 45 passengers onboard, was flying at the height of 10,000 feet when
the pilot requested for permission reportedly from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport’s Air
Traffic Control to descend to 6,000 feet.
Rescue teams are trying to reach to the scene to establish the condition of the flight’s 45

Simple Present Tense:

The Sukhoi Super Jet is a brand-new passenger aircraft reportedly equipped with advanced
warning facilities, including Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude (MOCA), Minimum Off
Route Altitude (MORA), and Tactical Airborne Warning System (TAWS) with the new
version of Ground Proximity Warning System (GPW).

MOCA is a system designed to inform pilots of the minimum altitude the aircraft must
maintain within a certain radius of a specific location.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 1
Father :
Son, I heard you get some trouble with your friends. Is that right?
The Boy :
No, Dad. I’m okay. I never have troubles.
Father :
I really want to believe you but you have to see the priest to prove if you’re telling the truth.
(The boy went to see the teacher)
The boy :
I’m told to see you, Father.
The teacher :
Yes, come in and take a seat. Now tell me where is God? (Sternly)
The boy :
I don’t know.
The teacher :
The boy :
I really don’t know.
The teacher :
You make me angry.
The boy :
I swear. If God is missing, it’s not my false. I don’t know where God is.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2

Virga :
Hi Sambas. Do you know what has happened to Adib? He’s been sacked.
He is no longer the student of our school.
Sambas :
Adib Ismawan? The one who always wears black jacket?
Virga :
Sambas :
Oh. Once, he put rubbish in my locker and some pebbles into my bag.
Virga :
He did? What a naughty boy. You know, he put a stone inside my bag and I didn’t know
when he did it.
Sambas :
What did you do, then?
Virga :
I reported it to the school principal.
Sambas :
What happened then?
Virga :
He was punished.
Sambas :
He deserved harsh punishments.
Virga :
Yes, he did.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3

Rinto :
Jack, my parents are getting divorced.
Jack :
Really? I’m sorry to hear that. I thought they’re okay.
Rinto :
Well, my father is from Poland and my mother is from England. They sometimes
misunderstand each other.
Jack :
What’s the relation?
Rinto :
All my relations are still in Poland. They’ll come this weekend.
Jack :
So, what’s their ground?
Rinto :
An acre and half and nice little home.
Jack :
No, I mean do they have a real grudge?
Rinto :
We have a carport, and do not need one.
Jack :
You start to piss me off. I mean why they decide to get divorce.
Rinto :
It’s my father. He said that my mother was trying to kill him.
Jack :
Rinto :
I don’t know. He found something belonging to my mother which was very dangerous for my
Jack :
Really? What’s it?
Rinto :
It’s “Polish Remover”. He found it in her shopping bag.
Jack :
Oh. I see.
Rinto :
And my father told me that he could not communicate with my mother.

PRIYANA, Joko. dkk. 2008. Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Student XI
language study programme. Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
A : Why do you look so upset?

B : It's Agung. He promised to come at seven. I have waited for one hour, but he hasn't shown up. I
can't stand it.

A : Did he call? There might be something wrong.

B : No, not a single word. I can't bear it any longer. I'm really annoyed with it.

A : Hey? Look! there he is. What's wrong his car?


A : You know George didn't come last Saturday night

B : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.

A : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital

B : You were lied by him.

A : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can't bear it any longer. It's over.


Mother : God.....What is this? What did you do with my skirt, Bi Ijah??

Bi Ijah : Sorry, Ma'am, I burned it.

Mother : Again! It has been four times you did it. You are such pain in the neck.

Bi Ijah : I said sorry, Ma' am. But your son, Indra, Exhauted me. He runs here and there.

Mother : Don't blame it on my son. I am really upset now. Don't do it again or I will send you back

Bi Ijah : No, Ma'am. I promise I will not do it again.

Taken from: Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris by Tanti Dwi Suryaningrum, S.Pd. Dkk
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Student found dead in waterway in Serpong
The body of a high school student was found in a waterway on Jl. Pare in the Bumi Serpong Damai housing
estate in Serpong , South Tangerang, on Wednesday.

Serpong Police chief Comr. Hibertus Omposungi identified the student as Taher Achmad, 16, from SMK Bina
Kesehatan Cendakia in Tangerang. Omposungi refused to comment on the possible cause of the student’s

“We are still looking into the death of the student and will be sending the body to Tangerang General
Hospital for an autopsy. Only autopsy results can explain the cause of death,” he said.

Camp Rock 2 The final Jam will Premieres on Disney Channel

It was announced on Tuesday that Disney Channel movie with tourmate Demi Lovato,
"Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam," will premiere on September 3 at 8 p.m. ET.
On July 27, long before they watch the sequel to the 2008 flick, fans can pick up the
soundtrack, featuring 15 original songs that a press release promises will span genres from
hip-hop to rock to pop.
The flick will not only have more summer lovin' between real-life couple Lovato and Joe
Jonas as Mitchie and Shane, but there will also be a little friendly rivalry between the Camp
Rockers and a group of musicians at another summer camp, Camp Star, including a love
interest for Nick Jonas, played by Chloe Bridges.
The JoBros promise the movie's music will be every bit as entertaining as its plot, which has
been kept a secret since the movie was shot. "The songs are really cool," Joe told MTV

Earthquake in Los Angeles; a News Item

Friday, July 27, 2011
on Wednesday evening, A 4.1 earthquake rattled parts of Southern California. Yorba Linda
area bomame the senter of the temblor. The earthquake occurred at 8:17 p.m. The quake was
felt over by people in a wide area of Orange counties and Los Angeles.
The earthquake was centered about two miles north of Yorba Linda and about 28 miles
southeast of downtown Los Angeles. The main earthquake was 4.1 magnitude and followed
by, a 2.4 magnitude quake after few minutes after the main quake. In that time thousands of
people, celebrities, media and other invited guests, were being gathered at Disney's California
Adventure for an event celebrating the final piece of a $1.1-billion expansion of the Anaheim
The Orange County Sheriff's Department said that there were no immediate reports of

Indonesian Sailors Free as Pirates' Ransom is Paid

The crew of 20 Indonesian sailors aboard the Sinar Kudus cargo ship were finally freed by
Somali pirates on Sunday.
“We received the cash of $4.5 million early this morning. We have abandoned the ship and it
is preparing to sail away,” a pirate who gave his name as Geney told Reuters news agency
In March, a large group of 30 to 50 Somali pirates seized the Indonesian flagged and owned
ship about 320 nautical miles northeast of the Yemeni island of Socotra. The Sinar Kudus
was on its way to the Netherlands from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi when it was
“The ship is now on its way to the nearest secure port and is being heavily guarded by
Indonesian warships,” David Batubara, vice president of Samudra Indonesia told reporters
late on Sunday.

Stoner wins Catalunya Gand Prix

Casey Stoner won the Catalunya Grand Prix on Sunday for his third victory in the MotoGP
championship this season.
The 2007 world champion overtook Jorge Lorenzo on the first lap and never looked back as
the Australian's Honda proved too fast to catch on the 4.727-kilometer (2.937-mile)
Catalunya circuit. Lorenzo was second, 2.403 seconds behind. After five races, defending
champion Lorenzo holds a seven-point lead over Stoner. While american rider Ben Spies
came in third for his first podium of the season.
Stoner said: "Jorge got off to a good start and I had to wait until the end of the first lap to
overtake him and then he couldn't stay with me, fortunately."

Monday, 18 May 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009 5:11 PM Be a member & get the benefits! Register or login
Businessman claims he first sought lawmaker in graft scandal

Irawaty Wardany , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Mon, 05/18/2009 1:42 PM | National

A businessman testified in court on Monday that he had initially sought to be introduced to

lawmaker Jhonny Allen Marbu, but was instead directed to Abdul Hadi Djamal instead.

Hontjo Kurniawan confirmed that he had asked Transportation Ministry official Darmawati
Dareho to mediate between the two parties.

"Hontjo Kurniawan, as a commissioner of PT Kurnia Jaya Wirabhakti, told Darmawati

Dareho that he expected to be appointed as developer for the ministry's stimulus program and
asked her to introduce him to a budgetary committee member Jhonny Allen Marbun,"
prosecutor Edy Hartoyo said in his indictment at the Corruption Court on Monday.

The committee was discussing a Rp 100 billion (US$9.6 million) budget for infrastructure in
Eastern Indonesia.

Edy went on to say Dareho had introduced the defendant to Abdul Hadi Djamal by phone
instead and they agreed to meet on Feb. 23.

"On Feb. 23 Hontjo and Abdul met at Hotel Mulia at around 18 p.m. He asked Abdul to
approve a budget proposal for the project and Hontjo told Abdul that he would provide Rp 3
billion to smooth the approval," he said.

The payment was made through Darmawati in three installments.

The first was made on Feb. 26 at Beautika Restaurant, where Hontjo gave Darmawati
US$80,000 and Rp 32 million to be given to Abdul.

The second installment, amounting to $70,000, was paid later that day at the Sate Senayan

The last payment was made on March 2, when the defendant asked his staffer Taty Suhartaty
to hand over $90,000 and Rp 54.5 million to Darmawati at a salon in Central Jakarta.

"At 7 p.m. Darmawati handed over the money to Abdul in his car," prosecutor Edy read on.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) officials later arrested the defendant in the
Sudirman area on March 3.

Hontjo and Darmawati were each charged with violating article 5 on bribery of the 1999
Anti-Corruption Law, an offense that carries a maximum sentence of five years

Read More..

Posted by Chuz.iem@ at 03:11 41 comments

Pontianak sees five new female councilors

Mon, 05/18/2009 1:42 PM | National

JAKARTA: Pontianak General Elections Committee chairman Viryan Aziz said Sunday that
five women have officially secured seats at the Pontianak regional legislative council
(DPRD) for the 2009 - 2014 period.

Aziz told that the five female legislators were Uray Henny Novita from the
Hanura Party, Dominica from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P),
Mardiana from the Regional Unity Party (PPD), Syarifah Yuliana from the United
Development Party and Khoum Khiok Miang from the Democratic Party (PD).

He said the PD had secured 8 seats, Golkar 6 and PDI-P 5, while the Prosperous Justice Party
(PKS), PPP and PAN won 4 seats respectively in the Pontianak regional representative
council. -JP

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Posted by Chuz.iem@ at 03:10 0 comments

SBY, Boediono complete medical check-up

Erwida Maulia , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Mon, 05/18/2009 4:24 PM | National

Presidential candidate Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his running mate Boediono
completed their seven-hour medical check-up on Monday afternoon as part of requirement to
contest the July 8 presidential election.
The pair is thus the last candidate couple having their health screened at RSPAD Gatot
Subroto army hospital after Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto and Megawati Soekarnoputri-Prabowo
Subianto had theirs earlier on Sunday.

"I consider this as a quite heavy test. We undergo almost seven hours of detailed and in-depth
check-up, including on our mental health. We are now waiting for the result and hope we can
pass the test," Yudhoyono told reporters after completing his medical check-up.

Indonesian Medical Doctors Association (IDI) chairman Fahmi Idris said the medical check-
up consisted of 10 tests -- one mental and nine physical health tests, including neurology,
eyes, heart and circulation system, digestive system, and urinology tests.

He said the doctors team conducting the tests consisted of 43 doctors; 29 from the IDI and 14
from the army hospital.

General Elections Commission (KPU) commissioner Syamsul Bahri said that the KPU was
expecting to receive the results of the test on Tuesday.

In the meantime on Monday evening the commision plans to hold a plenary session to review
the completion of requirements of all the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

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Posted by Chuz.iem@ at 03:09 0 comments

Saturday, 11 April 2009

David Tennant to make film version of hit Hamlet production

9 APRIL 2009
Dr Who actor David Tennant, whose portrayal of Hamlet proved a major draw when he
appeared in a stage production as the tortured Danish prince at Stratford-upon-Avon last year,
is to recreate the role on the silver screen.

Having been prevented by a back problem from completing the Royal Shakespeare Company
run at the Novello Theatre – which cost him an Laurence Olivier nod as he didn't appear in
enough performances to qualify – the 37-year-old is to join the rest of the RSC cast in
recording the production for posterity.

Hamlet co-star Oliver Ford Davies, who played Polonius, reveals: "It won't be a full feature
film as there isn't time, but it will certainly be more than just the filming of the stage."

In order to be able to able to participate in the theatre work David was given time off by the
BBC from his Timelord role, having committed to four specials rather than a complete series.
He later underwent surgery for a prolapsed disc.
(taken from: hello magazine)

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Posted by Chuz.iem@ at 23:50 0 comments

RI wants Manado meeting to target carbon trading

Adianto P. Simamora , The Jakarta Post , JAKARTA | Sat, 04/11/2009 10:26 AM | National

A month out from the World Ocean Conference, the terms of the Manado Ocean Declaration
remain unclear with Indonesia hoping to “trade” millions of tons of carbon stored within the
country’s marine environment.

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi said Indonesia hopes the Manado
meeting will discuss carbon trading because the marine environment has contributed a lot to
global warming.

“We want the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) alsoapplied to carbon stored in the
ocean, not dissimilar to the forestry sector,” Freddy told a news conference Wednesday.

“With the oceans able to absorb around 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere, there is
no reason to neglect the marine environment during climate talks.”

The CDM is one of several flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change
that allow developing nations, including Indonesia, to carry out projects aimed at reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. Under the binding mechanism, developed nations provide
financial incentives based on the total amount of carbon cut under CDM projects.

A ton of carbon is currently valued between US$5 and $10.

The Kyoto protocol, which ends in 2012, currently only recognizes carbon projects from the
energy and forestry sectors.

Freddy said the Indonesian delegation would be pushing global nations to consider emission
cuts from ocean environments at the Copenhagen meeting in Denmark at the end of this year.

The Copenhagen climate conference is expected to produce a new binding mechanism to

substitute commitments made through the Kyoto protocol.

Freddy said he was inspired to promote carbon trading efforts for the marine sector following
the success of the UN-sponsored climate change conference in Bali in 2007. There, the
mechanism aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) were
discussed as an alternative to cutting emissions from the forestry sector.

Indonesia possesses the third largest forest area in the world, with 120 million hectares of
rainforests. If the REDD is agreed upon in Copenhagen, developed nations will pay Indonesia
incentives to protect forests.
The People’s Coalition for Equal Fisheries (KIARA), a grouping of environmental and social
groups, criticized the government for promoting carbon trading at the upcoming Manado

“This is a fatal mistake. Carbon trading mechanisms will not fix the real problems facing the
marine environment,” KIARA secretary-general M. Riza Damanik said.

Indonesia hopes that by hosting the WOC in Manado, North Sulawesi, they will be able to
push for a commitment to the sustainable management of marine environments and assist the
fight against climate change.

Around 10,000 delegates, including ministers and scientists from 121 countries, are expected
to attend the forum, scheduled for May 11-15.

Augy Syahailatua, a scientist from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, said no scientific
evidence had proven whether carbon could be absorbed or released by the marine
A blue print for a national plan of action on climate change launched by President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono during the 2007 climate change conference in Bali, states that
Indonesia’s marine biodiversity can absorb around 67 million tons of carbon, equal to 245
million tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), every year.

CO2 is the main contributor to climate change. Indonesia has around 5.8 million square
kilometers of marine territory.

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Posted by Chuz.iem@ at 23:41 3 comments

Papuan students run amok in Yogyakarta

Fri, 04/10/2009 1:39 PM | Election 2009

YOGAYAKARTA: The Yogyakarta provincial general elections commission (KPUD) has

decided to rerun the legislative elections for hundreds of Papuan students who rioted after not
being allowed to vote Thursday.

The protesters launched an attack onpolice stationed at the KPUD building and damaged
several flower vases after failing to find polling stations where they could vote. Several staff
at the building fled after protesters aimed their arrows at them.

KPUD chairwoman Any Rohyati said voting for the Papuan students was suspended until
Friday morning, after getting approval from the General Elections Commission (KPU) in

The rioters dispersed after being informed that a special polling station would be set up at the
KPUD compound to allow more than 520 Papuan students to vote. -JP

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Posted by Chuz.iem@ at 23:39 0 comments

Be brave: Coaches encourage remaining Indonesian team before Sudirman Cup

gnes Winarti , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Thu, 04/09/2009 12:25 PM | Sports

With the departure of some top shuttlers from the training camp, the Indonesian badminton
team has been left somewhat depleted, but its coaches are telling players not to lose hope.

"I'll keep telling them to *be brave'. After all, the opponents mostly eat rice too, just like us,"
coach Aryono told reporters recently at the national training camp in Cipayung, East Jakarta.

The Badminton Association of Indonesia (PBSI) has

This text is for questions 1 to 3

BANDUNG: Thousand of people who had fled from their houses located on the slopes of
smoldering Mount Gamkonara on Halmahera Island, North Maluku province, could return to their
homes after the authorities downgraded the vulcano’s top-alert status Monday.

The Head of the Volcanology Center and Geology Disaster Mitigation Agency, Surono, said that
the returning residents still could not get within three kilometers are of the volcano in Ibu district,
West Halmahera regency.

The alert status for the volcano was downgraded because the volcano e volcano had shown less
volcanic activity. Since July 10 to July 15, only to small tectonic quakes measuring below 2 of the
Richter scale were recorded in the mountain and the volcano did not burst out hot lava or other
volcanic materials from its crater.

“Compared to the last Monday’s explosion, wherein the ash spewed was 4.000 above the
crater, it is now only about 10 meters high”, Surono told the journalist in Bandung on Monday.

ng the volcano’s increased acivity last week, which led authorities to put it in the top

alert status, around 10.000 residents in Ibu district fled to safety. Mos of the resident were taking
shelter in Shouth Ibu and Central Ibu districts.

Surono warned the people not to get close to the volcano because small emissions of smoke
could throw materials from the volcano’s crater.

The 1.635-meter volcano has erupted 12 times since records have been kept. The last time ash
and smoke streamed out of the volcano was in 1987. No casualties were reported.
1. What is the text about?

a. Thousands of people who return home to the Maluku volcano area.

b. The increasing activity of a number volcanic mountains in Maluku.

c. The reason for the downgraded alert status of Maluku volcano.

d. The Head of the Volcanology Center and Geology Disaster.

e. The increasing volcanic activity of mount Gamkonora.

2. Which information is TRUE according to the text?

a. Mount Gamkonora shows more activity.

b. The authority downgraded the alert status.

c. The people from Mount Gamkonora have not returned home.

d. Two tectonic-quakes measuring 5 of the Richter scale recorded.

e. The explosions only happened during Monday with ash spewing 4.000 above the crater.

3. The height of the volcano is … Meter

a. 10.000.

b. 4.000.

c. 3.987.

d. 1.987.

e. 1.635.

This text is for questions 4 and 5

We, a mining consultant company, are looking for…


Female, graduation from a reputable university min.5 years of work experience

Good command of English (oral & written) computer literate (min. Word, Excel, Internet)

Please submit your complete application, resume & recent photograph not more than 10 days after

Wisma Emha Jln. WIjaya I No 11 A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170 Fax no. 021-7207978
e-mail address: only short listed candidats will be notified

4. What is the text about?

a. Wisma Emha.

b. A job vacancy.

c. A senior secretary.

d. An application letter.

e. PT Citra Energy Development.

5. The following are the requirement asked EXCEPT…

a. Five years experience.

b. Able to operate a computer.

c. Able to speak and write in English.

d. A graduate from a reputable university.

e. Application letter should be sent ten days after this ads.

The text for questions 6 and 7


Pay attention!

Our school will have a Debate Competition

Participant: All atudents in our school

It will be held from 10th – 12th August 2008

Prizes: I Rp. 2.000.000,-

II Rp. 1.500.000,-

III Rp. 1.000.000,-

Please join us!

6. What is the announcement about?

a. A school debate.

b. A school competition.
c. A debate competition.

d. Extracurricular activities.

e. Participants of the debate.

7. According to the text the competition…

a. Is only for students with good English.

b. Is in the from spoken arguments.

c. Is in the from written arguments.

d. Will be held after school hours.

e. Will run for two days.

This text is for questions 8 and 9

PHILIPPINES: At least nine people were killed and dozens were injured when the Philippines
security forces clashed with dozens of slum dwellers who resisted the tearing down of their home in
the northern province, a police commander said Tuesday.

Raul Gonzales, the police chief in the northern Cordillera are, said, that the soldiers and
police officers traded gunfire with dozens of people who are illegally occupying the private land in
Kalinga province.

“Our team was ambushed on their way the community to be demolished,” said Gonzales. He
added that the security only defended themselves after the residents dug foxholes and opened fire
with automatic rifles.

“Nine people were killed and dozens were wounded, including 10 police officers during
almost 10 hours of fighting. We even had to evacuate some of our pfficers who needed surgery to
get the bullets from their bodies.”-Reuters

8. What is the passage about?

a. An illegal gunfire trade.

b. A demolition of illegal slum dwellers.

c. A fight between the police officers and the soldiers.

d. A clash between the security forces and the slum dwellers.

e. A clash between the police officers and the security officers.

9. The clash happened because…

a. Illegal slum dwellers resisted the demolition of their homes.

b. The police officers and soldiers shot the dwellers.

c. Nine people were killed by the security forces.

d. The police officers firing the dwellers.

e. The people dwelled in private land.

10. Raul Gonzales said that…

a. Ten police officers had to be evacuated.

b. Ten police officers were killed in the fighting.

c. Ten police officers were injured during the fighting.

d. Some of the wounded people needed surgery.

e. More than ten police officers wer killed and injured in the fighting.

This text is for question 11 to 14

Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car, and a truck on Jalan sultan at
10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all passenger of the car. The police believed the car had been
trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction ? the
driver of the car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car

The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed
on Jalan sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car, a small Japanese car, should not have
been carrying more than five people, if the passenger had brought their identity cards, he police
would have identified the names of the victims easily.

11. The text meanly reports that there was/were......

a. A car accident.

b. Careless driver.

c. A small Japanese car.

d. Victims of an accident.

e. The function of an identity card.

12. What was the cause of the collision ?
a. The truck came from the opposite directions.

b. The car carried more than five people.

c. The truck driver didn’t use his light.

d. The truck driver didn’t see the car.

e. The car tried to overtake the bus.

13. “ if the passenger had brought their identity cards , the police would have been easy to identify the
names of victims.” (the last sentence ) the sentence above means........

a. The victims’ names were not know.

b. The victims were easy to be identified.

c. The passenger brought their identity cards.

d. The police had no difficulty in identifying the victims.

e. It was easy for the police to identify the victims of the accident.

14. Who said that accident was caused by the car?

a. The police.

b. The victims.

c. The reporter.

d. The truck driver.

e. The bus passengers.

Man Jailed for Striking RI Maid

1. SINGAPORE: A supervisor was jailed for two repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid on the
head and back with a television remote control, news reports said on Thursday.

2. Muhamad shafiq woon Abdullah admitted in a Singapore court he physically abused the
woman on several occasions between June and October 2002. The straits times said.
The magistrate’s court heard that Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22, about month after she
started working for him.
He hit her on the head with the TV set’s remote control because he was un happy with her
work. On one occasion, he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming.

3. S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq’s lawyer, said his client lost his “better sense” when he saw his daughter’s
face covered as she lay in bed.
He said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger. DPA

Saya tambahkan angka dengan blok warna hijau supaya mudah untuk mengenali bagiannya saja...
Bagian Paragraf 1 (No. bag. 1) : merupakan Newsworthy Events
Bagian Paragraf 2,3,4 (No. bag. 2) : merupakan Background Events (Event 1, Event 2, Event 3)
Bagian Paragraf 5,6 (No. bag. 3 : merupakan Source

1. The text reported ........
A. the arrest of a supervisor
B. the working condition in Singapore
C. an Indonesian worker in Singapore
D. the Indonesian workers' condition in Singapore
E. a crime by a Singaporean supervisor towards his maid

2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the text ?

A. A supervisor was put in jail for two years.
B. The supervisor gave many kinds of jobs to the maid.
C. The maid has been working for him for two months.
D. Winarti struck the supervisor with a remote control.
E. The supervisor hit his maid's head with the TV set's remote control.

3. Why did Shafiq punch Winarti on her back?

She was accused of ........
A. talking much time for herself
B. not working properly
C. working carelessly
D. daydreaming
E. being lazy

4. " ... he physically hurt the woman ..." (Paragraph 2)

The italic word is close in meaning to ........
A. cut
B. injured
C. offended
D. punished
E. damaged
1. Why was the man jailed?
2. What made this event newsworthy?
3. Find the facts why the man should be jailed.!!
4. Why did the man should be maid?
5. Mention the source of the news. What did he/she say?

Hehehe, mudah-mudah kan pertanyaannya. Mungkin anda dah tahu sendiri silahkan jawab sendiri
juga ya??
Good Luck.. Bisa juga dijawab melalui komentar dibawah,, Nanti saya cocokin!!! Sekian Contoh
News Item Teks | Example of News Item Text ini, semoga bermanfaat.

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