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My name is Najmi Masturah. I am a form 4 student in SAMPJ.

Everyone can agree that I am

a cheerful student and that I like to laugh. My favorite subjects are Arabic Language . I born on
30 December 2002 at hours 2311 in Hospital Sg. Buloh. Eating and reading novels is my hobby in
leisure time.

My father’s name is Roslan b Suraji and he has been teaching for 27 years at SK Sg Pelong. My
mom’s name is Natrah bt Nahar and she is an ‘ustazah’ at my previous school. I have 6 siblings
and I am the fourth children. My first sister’s name is Najmi Madihah and she is 23 years old.
She is still studying in UNIMAS, Sarawak. She is very clever and always get straight A’s in her
examination. My second sister’s name is Najmi Munirah . She is 21 years old and now interning
at my father’s company as an accountant. She is very good in cooking and baking. My third
brothers’s name is Muhd Adib and he just finished taking SPM examination. We like to fight
about small things and I love to tease him about his girlfriend cause he is not so handsome but
has many ex. My fifth siblings is Muhd Anas and he is 11 years old . He is so pamper and
sometimes can be so annoying. He really love to play game in his Ipad but always get Top 3
among all classes . My youngest sister is only 1 year and 8 month and her name is Najmi
Medina. She was the one that caused me to fall asleep in class. She really love cartoons like Didi
& Friends, Omar & Hana, Frozen and Moana.

Being a sociable person, I have many friends since I like to communicate with people and get to
know new interesting individuals. Also, I have moved to 3 schools when I was in primary school
so, I have known many friends. I enjoy my time at school: it is really nice to study because
the students are very friendly and ready to help. I like to receive and deal with challenging tasks.
I am a very enthusiastic student .

To be honest, I am a person who does not like to express my sadness except to those I believe
and love. So, anyone who ever heard about my problem is actually the one who I really love and
believe. My friends say that I am a very funny and talkative with a good sense of humor. As soon
as I meet new people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I
believe that friendship is one of the most important values in human life. We exchange new
ideas, find many interesting things about each other and experience new things. I appreciate
friendship, people who surround me even when I’m not in a good mood and people who are
always there for me even though I neglected them.

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