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Mexican History Important people Latino

Approximately half a million Mexicans had César Chávez and Dolores Huerta
immigrated to the United States during the
1920’s because of the Mexican Revolution. An ChAvez and Huerta were part of two groups that Americans of the
1960’s and 70’s
fought for farmworkers in 1965. They were merged
unknown amount immigrated into the United
to create United Farm Workers. This group fought
States illegally. They mainly went to the south for union recognition, increased wages, and better
and southwest. These people lived in barrios and By: Marlea Pavlick
work benefits. They had also organized a national
experienced heavy discrimination. They could grape boycott as well as a 25 day fast in 1968. The
only could get low paying farm jobs, were grape boycott lasted until 1970, when the grape
deported despite immigrating legally or having an growers raised wages and improved working
American born child, and had their houses raided conditions.

for simply “looking Mexican.” More than 3.7

Diego Garcia and José Orozco
million Mexican were deported between 1954
and 1957.
Garcia and Orozco were the inspiration for the
Chicano Mural Movement. This was a movement
in the urban southwest in the Mexican- American
Other Latino History barrios of Texas and southern California. Teams
painted large murals on city buildings, schools,
Puerto Ricans were considered American citizens churches, apartments, etc. in the style of Garcia
since 1917 and could roam about United States and Orozco that depicted issues of the 60’s and
territory. After World War II, over a million Puerto 70’s.
Ricans had moved to US mainland, mostly New
York. They experienced racial discrimination and
high poverty levels. American also became the
home to Cubans, who were accepted as
refugees fleeing Communist oppression after the
Cuban Revolution of 1959. Many Cubans were
professionals and business owners who stayed
in the Miami, Florida area.
League of United Latin Mexican American The American GI The Bracero Program
Works Cited American Citizens Youth Organization Forum
Labor shortages in the
Appleby, Joyce, et al. United States: The League of United Mexican American Youth The American GI Forum was to southwest lead to this
Latin American Citizens’s Organization (or MAYO) was an protect the rights of Mexican
History & Geography. McGraw-Hill organization of college students American veterans who
program. This entered
(or LULAC’s) purpose was Mexican workers into
Education, 2018. to fight discrimination that held walkouts and previously were excluded from
demonstrations to protest veteran’s organizations and
short term labor
against persons of Latin
discrimination. One walkout denied medical services from contracts, usually as low
American Ancestry.
even lead to bilingual education the Veterans Administration. wage farmworkers.

Major events Legacy

Major events in Latino American history were the The legacies of the Latino American’s efforts in the
Mendez v. Westminster and the Hernandez v. Texas 1960’s and 70’s made America the way that it is
cases. The Mendez v. Westminster case was of a today. The efforts of the various organizations that
group of Mexican parents that challenged school were created during this time helped grant rights to
Latino Americas who had faced difficulties in America
segregation in California. The parents eventually
during this time so that their children and children’s
won the case, which was a big win for Mexican
children did not have to go through some of the
Americans who had dealt with segregation in
hardships that they had to go through. For example,
schools. This also caused LULAC to file a similar the American GI Forum helped pay the poll taxes for
case two years later to end the segregation of poor Hispanics, fought against segregation in
Spanish speaking children into “Mexican schools.” schools, and helped fund attorneys for Latino
Similarly, Hernandez v. Texas also granted more American rights among many other things. Groups
rights to Latino citizens with the ending of exclusion like the American GI Forum helped Latino Americans
of Mexican Americans from juries in Texas. gain their rights as Americans.

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