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Read through your perfect day once a day, every day for the following ten days.

For the next 10 days write a short story every night before bed, with a maximum of 100 words that describe what you would do tomorrow.
The key here is to write it as if your confident self were running the show: e.g.: JoyJoe, StarJoe etc. Put your mind into this character and write
what she/he would do, feel, and experience. Write who (nickname) would meet, how (nickname) would greet people, expresses her/him-
self, take challenges, and how (nickname) would use her/ his STATE of MIND, EXPRESSION & BODY/ EMOTION.
Day 1 Self-hacking tip: Don’t let yourself slip
through and ‘leave’ the evening homework
for ‘tomorrow’. These assignments must be
completed in 10 days. Do your best to stick
to our guidance. See them as a daily play
with your imagination. Have fun building
yourself to success.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Pick one of the attributes (Nickname) has that would make you feel accomplished .For example: The way (nickname) greets people. The
way (nickname) smiles at strangers. The way (nickname) talks to her/himself. Then pick one action based on what you wrote about (nick-
name) and do it tomorrow. For example:

• The way (nickname) greets people. Then tomorrow you will greet people in that same way.
• The way (nickname) smiles at strangers. Then tomorrow you will smile at strangers in the same way.
• The way (nickname) talks to her/himself. Then tomorrow you will talk to yourself the same way.

Pick something that you know will give you a sense of accomplishment and gradually progress towards more exciting and untraditional
skills throughout the following 10 days. But as mentioned in the video, the accomplishment MUST be created in steps of success. You need
to master each small accomplishment before you reach the final success point.

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