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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teacher’s name: Zainab Observer’s name: Josephine Butler

Unit/ Grade Level: 2
Date: /07/03/18

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession √
Planning for learning √
Managing Learning √
Implementing Learning √
Assessment √
Reflection on Practice √

Strengths of the lesson:

Gives instructions, students attentive
Give students time to think
Asks lots of questions; what does human mean
Students go outside, this was very well managed
Goes over the rules for being outside
Students are very well managed
Running outside in pairs – students very engaged and want to comply
Able to answer questions – students really understood what Zainab was trying to teach
Reinforces the rules

Areas for development:

Needs to work on Question forms: What did she did

Could have put the students in 3s so that everyone could have had a chance to run.
Need to ask more critical thinking questions; what will happen if I leave my hand in the hot
Be more relaxed with the students. This will come with experience.

Overall a very good lesson, Zainab is an excellent teacher and her MST reported that she is
engaged, works well with students and is a pleasure to be with in the classroom. I observed
these sentiments in my observations of Zainab.

A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, c = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

MCT/MST Lesson Observation
Feedback to student teacher

Student teacher’s name: Zainab Observer’s name: Josephine Butler

Unit/Lesson: Grade Level:
Date: /02/

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession
Planning for learning
Managing Learning
Implementing Learning
Reflection on Practice

Strengths of the lesson:

Expectation is clear – raise your hand

Review prior learning – What did you learn yesterday
Introducing what is being done today - well done
Lots of questions – what can you see, what about the flowers, what is that tree
Again expectations reinforced - Listen to her, raise your hand
Motivating, encouraging students to try and answer
Students are engaged and are listening
Matching English Arabic activity – interesting please see Action Research Reflection

Areas for development:

We call it a palm tree – why didn’t you get them to repeat

Practice the questions you are planning to ask and put them in your lesson plan. What he’s
Could the students see the board? Seemed difficult to see. Something wrong with the OHP!
Pacing was very fast – this is the new MoE curriculum, need to develop strategies to get
student through the work.
Differentiate for weaker students, trace out a sentence for the weaker students

Zainab’s reflection
Strategies for teaching science are different to English
Give books before lesson started
The focus was on finishing on time – this was achieved
Action Research
Bilingual activity –

I think the activity you used for the lower group was a little confusing. I wasn’t too sure what
they needed to do.
Consider using only the table with the matching activity. Students then keep this on their
table as they complete the exercises on p 55 & 56.

A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, c = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

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