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Acronyms for Ch 13-17

SDLC - Systems Development Life Cycle

TELOS - Technical, Economic, Legal, Operational, Schedule
COSO - Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
BSC - Balanced Scorecard
CASE - Computer-Aided Software Engineering
PERT - Project Evaluation and Review Technique
OOP - Object-Oriented Programming
3GL - Third Generation Languages
SOX - Sarbanes-Oxley
SSAE - Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagemnents
AICPA - American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
CAATT - Computer-Aided Audit Tools and Techniques
RAID - Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
DRP - Disaster Recovery Plan
ROC - Recovery Operations Center
TCE - Transaction Cost Economics
EDS - Electronic Data Systems
CIO - Chief Information Officers
IPS - Intrusion Prevention Systems
DPI - Deep Packet Inspection
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard
DES - Data Encryption Standard
RSA - Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
CA - Certification Authority
SPL - Source Program Library
BCSE - Base Case System Evaluation
GAS - Generalized Audit Software
EAM - Embedded Audit Module
VSAM - Virtual Storage Access Method

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