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09 THEORY OF DESIGN (CENTER FOR THE DESIGNED ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONS, rout ohare Postmodernism 5.7 Critical Regionalism 5.8 Deconstruction 5.9 Phenomenology and Place 5.10 Filipino beliefs in architecture 5.10.1. Beliefs on choosing a lot 5.10.2 Design beliefs 5.10.3 Construction beliefs compass theory 5.11.3 Basic principle: yin and yang, 5.11.4 The 5'elements 5.11.5 Productive and destructive ‘sequences 5.11.6 The 5 elements, colors, and directions Notes: Post modern sn ~ A reactin b the globatist, absslu Fist and inheman excesk of the interna eel a vim b hemanishe a Pural ish oronitectual exp ~ fr Wawans by tamer at = Cro with Symbols A meanings IF was introduc by folert Vertu in We bore, " Complexity & Contra cictim in Brod tecture meut 9 porectinph 8 This expreccet the compoxity 4 the human oom dibm unlite He machine -like Lnibrmity & te Wtermationl Ghile mphasi2gy U4 indigenous architecture , i sis © ATL T Wey. ley Dadlip Johan Vanna Venturi Notes: Venturi : “The arcwited © ktuk was ocean cee a 1 press Wt Cees provite me: aids + lwwen hichrg by Previdig aychitcctug i Y % our shared past yy caine hisbricist — ctylg. He ales uses humor archi tdcturelly ar Warmer je an Cacentat ,, Charla Usrre ~ comsbide crete gee Porm de Wea nid 2 ~[Develorea by Alexander Thnis; Liane Lefawre ant bonnet, Frome) 1 His Comines the glial trend rcaitecture }p Werle Hu dominent autre @ eating feelings Pf placoléssness r A withert — odvoy a cetum jp Vernacular it] rata Seeks fo reengnise cuttual voniohdy why, Contextual realities. dacques Perrida— philosophy of Decen sree “ope looks ag Systems Grd examig how ff was wilt ,wle FoySpwe, lc angle Surprts the bldg. oe SHEts |irem and Hereby frees oneself from fe authori of ihe System” ¥ =n ardhitecare , it cecke to quesifan the given architectural worms to uaneattin [tw hidden bias taken For grated as “proper” dr geod" design u @ bos fy Cmloody Iuaman Value ae » Wat if mtans hohe 6 human Ventael Ruy Verto fomce - by ‘THEORY OF DESIGN Contact Detais: Phone ~ 4361848 omall = ri ‘Website wymeden ora.on 1. Introduction to the Course 1.4. Definition of architect From the Greek architekton (archi = foremost; tekton = worker) 1.2. Theory 4.2.4 Definition of theory 1.2.2 Types of Theory ‘a. Descriptive b. Prescriptive aks 1.8. Definitions of Architecture 4.3.4 Architecture as science and art 113.2 Architecture as creating Place for people 1.3.3 Architecture as a reflection of the Self 1.4 Architectural systems 1.4.1 Space, structure, enclosure 4.422 Circulation 1.4.3 Technology 41.4:4 Program 4.4.5 Context 1.5. Architectural orders 4.5.1 Physical 1.5.2 Perceptual 1.5.3 Conceptual raovet expertnd Harel Us spac ont Aeproadh and pity Poth omfiqurattion and octets Sequence Tay a Wedy of related fats or principles wed to expyun ja prtwowenon ond 1S Yat asic for future achion Descriphve - explains or events, Hoy and. do wot lean any jduoleny, phenom ory keutral tewords Peoyuriptive - prescribes, bases or qvidi ines Gritical — challenaa relat shin @ wally beween or dhiteckurt Ancmirectuee 1S tHE per ano SAENCE Of OF DESIANING BUILOINGSY © oronittcture urtates pieces for plop ¥ architedture ICO teflection o& fe set Ta ardutecture of S prganizatiensl poder b Relationship 4 lerarclyy > , ¢ Pa The wrt tere enol Rese) ‘THEORY OF DESIGN 2.4 Circulation 2.4.1 Movement through space 2.42 Elements of circulation 9. approach b. entrance ©. configuration of path d. path-space relationships . form of the circulation space 2.5 Principtes of design 2.5.1. Proportion Bases of proportions, ‘2. materiel proportions b. structural proportions . manufactured proportions Theories of proportion Golden Section bb. regulating Lines . classical orders Renaissance theories ‘e. Modulor f.Ken Types of proportion Relative and Absolute Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic 2.52 Scale 25.3 Contrast 2.5.4 Balance 2.5.5 Hierarchy 2.5.6 Rhythm 2.6 Color 2.6.1 Dimensions of color hue tonal value ¢. chroma or intensity 2.6.2 Categories of color: primary, secondary, tertiary colors Color harmony analogous colors ’b. complementary colors ‘¢. warm and cool colors 4. triadic color schemes . split-complementary color 4g. square color schemes 2.8.4 Color psychology po pacts inn fumes peperipne the Birnensi relly spaces Time - BR dimen len ~ peproadh — te distowt Hee Sch phate of te clrewlak te syttum — cLurinsy which we art prepared Gee) ekperienee ark ust Yu 6d4 = endmnce - fom outcide th wGida 5 may we Plushie recess od Comfgqueation A path projedsd 2 He sun f tpace, tan be lintar, radia grid. network Compoctiv. port - 9pace relatind ps e Pass PY Spaces wars threagh gy uminde ja Form of the diratahan omdaed © opty + 2pm mo vibe m two Side ii OF DI + Bp twin towers | CENTER FOR TH No, 2 Matutungin St, Ceriral Dilan quezon Cily ck Datale: Phone ~ 4361529 2.28 Organization of additive form ‘a. centralized form b linear form «. radial form. . clustered form e. grid form 2.2.9 Articulation of form a. edges b. comers . surfaces + 2.8 Space 2.3.1 Space as defined by form 23.2 Horizontal elements defining ‘space a. base plane b-elevated.base plane c. depressed base plane d. overhead plane 2.3.3’ Vertical elements defining space a. vertical linear elements ». single vertical plane «. L-shaped plane . parallel planes e- U-shaped plane 1.4 planes: closure 2.3.4 Openings in space-defining elements ‘a. within planes bat comers . between planes 2.3.5 Qualities of space 2.3.6 Spatial relationships 2. space within a space b. interlocking spaces ¢. adjacent spaces . spaces linked by a common space 2.3.7 Spatial organization ‘a. centralized bilinear . radial 4d. clustered e-grid Notes: Centralized form Aericuuption OF FORM ies mahnor in wie Hot surfaces of a firm © Peqetter f define chape bifferennal surfers in wrabiled, Let clot, petiern Romtwe seporvete SPACE Spowe of clef —3-dimer articulates He cpoce on — harivntl ged ver her clearest RAL plan be orl ened Eval etevatr® base plore pepsin bane pene ’ vertical ws [Pcl Ppank }ESIGNED ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONS, INC. CENTER FOR THE DESIGNED ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONS, INC. No. 2 Matulungin St, Central Diliman quezon ily Coniact Detais: Phone ~ 4361549 mal ~ edepac.cente@amailcom \Websie: wmnuedep.ora.oh 2. Theory of Design > 2:1 Primary elements of design - point “and creative artifact ee politcal (Marxist): fepresentation of class struggle 2. scientific approaches: 2. psychoanalytic: creation as cathartic act ». psychological: 1. mechanistic: stimulation = thru single sensation 2. contextual: beauty from everyday, ordinary iif «. organismicist: fusion of body and soul d. formist: expressive value of pattems or forms tf 3.8.2. Empirical Aesthetics: scientific approaches 1. information-theory approach: environment as a set of images that act as stimult 2. semantic approach: meaning of environmental elements 3. semiotic approach: cultural, leamed meanings 4, psychobiological approach: neurophysiological processes of brain 3.9 Behavior settings 3.9.1 Components: 1.2 standing pattem of behavior 2 milieu =a EEL objcefS Against the bachgroerd Sfgure-grud oe | + grovpin Sergenitapion of object agsgiatin ot object ine shy Shey ° teokagical Hany + wenashow tn Z oflect te way an object « Perceriad _ oy: falling wate Tancachaal teeny srecognrieg | = percephan ht active matter thom passive. 5 perception 'c Governed by expectandes 2 Pre di spose AESTHETION - the study, . = keeke po amewer he Avetfion "why dv people consider image beav MPEOACATIVE ACL lb Philecephreal spp teacher environment a. hermeneutic - "fet" — ji}e ~ simple, Stenignt forvimrol © inca pov tae bs phenome nsiegical - “inetind = pute indpine e existempas -"ereahye” 4 pob'taay e roe (marxict) -* Srraghie” SS THEORY OF DESIGN cenrer No. ng Conlact Deiat: Phone ~ 4361549 ial ~ edepac.conier@qmailcom Website: www.cdep.or.oh 3. @ congruent relationship between the two 4. a specific time period 3.9.2 Use of behavior settings 4, Architectural Concepts 4.1. Categories of concepts 4.1.1 Thematic or symbolic Concepts ‘a. analogies b. metaphors ©. essences 4d. direct responses «. ideals 4.2 Functional concepts.) ———— 4.3 Structural concepts a. By Gravity b. Post and lintel . Arches and vault 4. Flying buttress e. Domes £. Space frames 9. Suspended systems fh Prefabrication 44 Environmental concepts 4.8 Technological concepts 5. Philosophical Ideas In Architecture 5.1 Environment and Architecture 6.1.1. The Ten Books of 5.1.2. The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin 5.1.3 Ecology 52 Ekistics 63 Bauhaus 5.4 Organic architecture 5.5 Modernism and the International Style _ | Notes: P| Amotoqies

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