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Plain Truths

Simple and Plain Truths --- "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple" - Oscar

Why this blog?

The intention of this blog is to post some simple and plain truths, which are not generally told or
understood in the correct way in the contemporary world.

What is "TRUTH"

Truth is: ONE that remains same irrespective of place (desa) and time (kaala)

If something is truth here in India, It must be TRUTH everywhere. (UK, USA; on Moon and SUN;
Milky way, NGC 1300, NGC 5866)

If something is truth now, It must be TRUTH in the past and in the future.

There is only ONE such thing which is TRUTH, that remains always SAME irrespective of place and

TRUTH or Truths?

If there is only ONE TRUTH as mentioned in the last post, why this blog is called "Plain Truths?"

The ultimate TRUTH is like silence from where all the sounds originate and in which they sustain
and they all merge back into that ultimate silence.

As all the words of this post appear in the uniform white background of the monitor, sustained by
the the background and merge back into the background which is the ultimate TRUTH.

So, each sound (word) is relatively real and tries to establish an exact meaning of its own
describing the ultimate TRUTH. (But unfortunately it fails to do so)

Similarly, this blog attempts to provide some RELATIVE TRUTHS as pointers to arrive at the ever
existing substratum of the ULTIMATE TRUTH!

Om Tat Sat

What is Knowledge?

"Jnana" - Knowledge

That which will result in the experience, That which is pertaining to a preexisting entity
(a thing, "vastu") is Knowledge.

Knowledge always belongs to "the thing" whereas the individual perception belongs to the
e.g. The knowledge related to a "COW" always belongs to the COW. It has four legs, tail, some
color etc., When a person sees the cow, the person will "get" the visual knowledge about the cow.
When a person "hears" a cow it results in the experience of sound of a cow. Similarly using the
other sense instruments like touch, smell, taste one can get the knowledge about a Thing.

This makes the ONE WHOLE UNIVERSE into two distinct cosmos. One GROSS (sthula) another
SUBTLE (sookshma)

GROSS WORLD -> is external in nature; it is also called MACROCOSM

SUBTLE WORLD -> is internal in nature; it is also called MICROCOSM

The MACROCOSM consists of infinite GROSS THINGS like galaxies, space, planets, non-living and
living bodies etc., and the MICROCOSM consists of the infinite words, ideas, emotions, likes,
dislikes. These are two infinities which are mutually dependent and representing the FORMS and
NAMES glued together by the bonds created by ACTIONS of the individual.

The purpose of the "ONE WHOLE UNIVERSE" is to enjoy the "essence" of LIFE.

SO, To get the ESSENCE right, it is important to get the knowledge of the ESSENTIAL
NATURE of microcosm & macrocosm.

Why Knowledge about the "TRUTH?"

So, Let us get the "Why" question answered briefly.

As mentioned in the last post, the "ONE WHOLE" is the ONLY TRUTH at the highest level.

That alone is viewed as TWO distinct, mutually dependent cosmos established in one another.

As long as the KNOWLEDGE of the ONE WHOLE which is the basis of two cosmos (or cause of
everything) is not realized, the pursuit for happiness will not end. As everyone know it, this
pursuit for happiness is beginning-less and the primary cause of ACTION of the world.

As soon as the KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH is realized, one realizes the wholeness inside and out,
internal and external leaving no space for doubt, fear, uncertainty and all the other defects usually
visible in the world.

This WHOLESOME knowledge of the WHOLE is the ultimate bliss called as "ANANDA"

"Human Being" with his body & sharp sense organs (B), "mind" (M),"discriminative intelligence"
(I) put together as BMI should TRY the best to achieve this ANANDA i.e., enjoy the ultimate
essence of LIFE.

Who will really enjoy the essence of LIFE?

Having discussed about the ONE WHOLE and its appearance as two mutually distinct and
dependent cosmos; The knowledge about the TRUTH and the purpose of attaining such a
knowledge we have realized that the ultimate essence of LIFE.

Let us look at the "WHO" aspect taking the IPL as a parallel.

Let us consider the IPL tournament as the ONE WHOLE UNIVERSE. It has a MACRO aspect
involving the stadiums, players, umpires, teams and the MICRO aspects of set of rules, emotions
such as favorite teams etc.

The ultimate essence of the IPL tournament is to provide entertainment to the spectators through
its SOUL called CRICKET. Here the CRICKET is everywhere, it is there in the whole IPL, it is there
in the MACRO aspects, it is also there in the MICRO aspects; it is there in teams, players, initial
rounds, semifinals and in finals; also in the the winning team, in the man of the match; in the bat
and in the ball. CRICKET is the essence of everything.

So, there is a preparation phase for this tournament which starts with the stakeholders purchasing
the players, forming the teams; organizers putting up the match schedule; venues getting ready
for the whole tournament; bookies starting their speculations; fans start writing blogs; etc.,
Where is IPL during this phase? It was not SEEN...... It is originating as CRICKET as its soul.

And, on the starting day it will start with a big bang. The matches will start; everyone involved
are immersed in the ACTION. As each ball played the equations change. Each ball bowled will
result in some result. Media will analyze with multiple statistics. People are praised, Players are
blamed, managements continue to change their strategies.......... The show continues - THE IPL is
sustained by its SOUL CRICKET.

Finally ONE team is declared as WINNER; a batsman as the best; a bowler as the best and all will
receive what they deserve; some punters gained, some lost money; most of the bookies made
money; media made its chunk of money; travel companies, hotels made their money; The IPL
merges back into CRICKET. This IPL is no longer there.

This cycle continues; teams will change the players; some new rules gets introduced; the next IPL
comes up.....

Now let us understand who enjoys the WHOLE as a WHOLE.

A person who as identified himself with the soul of IPL (CRICKET as its SELF) having NO STAKE in
it is the best enjoyer of this show. He has no fear, anxiety or uncertainty from the beginning to
end. Each ball, over, innings and the match played is an enjoyment for him.


A fan of "team A" likes "team A" winning. But dislikes loosing of "team A"
A fan of player B likes player B hitting a six. But dislikes player B getting OUT.
The equations, charts, statistics continue to change. It causes anxiety, fear, uncertainty in the
fans, punters, managers and owners. It is purely due to the mis-identification of overall essence
of IPL. All these defects are caused by moving away from the overall essence and trying to make
some selfish gain out of the tournament.

When each player, each "actor" does their level best without attaching themselves to the
RESULTS, for the spirit of CRICKET the whole show attains its real purpose - to provide best
entertainment to the spectators.

In this world we are both the players as well as the spectators. As we play we should
put our best effort to deal with the current ball. As a spectator we should enjoy each
ball being played without any attachment to the results.
The WHOLE and the PARTS

The relationship between the MACROCOSM, MICROCOSM and the ONE WHOLE UNIVERSE is that
of a "whole" and its "constituent parts".

All the parts with their "natural arrangement" forms the WHOLE. The WHOLE is beyond the sum of
A + B from A's perspective and the WHOLE is beyond the sum of B + A from B's perspective.

Generally we study laws of addition as:

A + B = B + A but when the ORDER is important, then {A, B} is not same as {B, A}

so, the CORRECT arrangement of the PARTS makes up the WHOLE a UNIQUE SINGLE WHOLE.

Take a human being, he has head, two hands, two legs etc., parts. Only when they are all in the
proper arrangement in the right order it is a human being. But a human being is an integral
WHOLE - there is only one consciousness all across the Body, Mind and Intellect....

The ORDER of the WHOLE

From the above discussion we have seen the ORDER and Natural Arrangement is very important.
That ORDER/Arrangement is called DHARMA = that which holds everything together.

It is the same consciousness that holds the MICROCOSM and the MACROCOSM all together as a
SINGLE WHOLE. That is DHARMA and it is ETERNAL. That is why it is called "SANATANA

The TRUE ORDER of Society

Everyone is good at doing some kind of work. (in the MACROCOSM)

Work is capable of:

1. Producing a new aggregate item from the raw material
2. Purify a material
3. Transform a material in shape of size OR into another related material
4. Move a thing from one place to another place.
Work can't do anything more than the above 4 categories. All work happens due to the "Will" or
"Resolve" of a conscious being (MICROCOSM) only.

All the things produced are for the consumption. So, All people produce something. Similarly All
people consume the products and services produced. A person in his production the role is called
"producer" and the same person when enjoying the product is the "consumer".

Common Man:
Majority of people expects high quality things for their consumption but the same "high quality" is
not observed while producing stuff!!
General expectation of people when buying something is to pay the minimum price for the
General expectation of people when selling something is to get the maximum price for the
People who fall into this category are called common men. Any society is filled with this category
The next category of people who have good knowledge of products, their demand, supply, the
changes of demand and supply dynamics fall into this category. They invent methods to make a
common man buy their products at a reasonably higher price than what they cost!
They also invent methods to make a common man spend huge amount of money on their
worthless product!!
This is the second largest population in any society.

This category of people are interested in the welfare of common man, trader and wise men. Their
main aim is to keep the traders in the limits, provide saftey and security to the society, punishing
the people who cross the limits of LAW etc.,

The Learned Men:

This is the minority of any society. This category of people are the ones who correctly understand
the GOOD and BAD. They provide necessary advice to all the other sections of the society and
makes sure the society runs smoothly and everyone is given equal opportunity to elevate
themselves to the next higher level in the society.

A golden society is the one where:

The right knowledge is with the wise men;
The administrators are vitreous;
The traders have sufficient money to conduct the trade;
The common man is happy!!

Any part of this four quarters starts to malfunction, it will impact the whole society. The higher the
malfunctioning the more damage it creates!!


Having discussed the right order of society, let us have a look at the ORDER of the individual

The individual is having a BODY & SENSES; a MIND & INTELLECT and a guiding Consciousness
mixed up together.

Body makes the GROSSEST element of the individual which is made up of matter inherently
unconscious. SENSES being the parts of the BODY they share the same qualities and they are only
ACTIVE during the state of "WAKING UP"

Mind is a stream of thoughts; continuously moving, making the senses external and internal
operate; It directs the senses and processes the data provided the senses. This operates during
the states of "WAKE UP" and "DREAMING" of an individual.

Intellect (buddhi) is the discriminative intelligence; even though very subtle in nature it exists
even during the state of "DEEP SLEEP" due to this intellect only one recognizes the movement of
time through the DEEP SLEEP.

In the modern day world, BODY and SENSES are placed on highest position, and mind is getting
controlled by the data supplied by the BODY. Intellect is made as a slave to the mind.

THE "intellect" should drive the mind and mind should be used to control the senses and body to
experience the ultimate peace within.
A WISE MAN, will have the discriminative intellect as the driver, mind as the mechanical control,
and senses as the engine of the car and rest of the body as the car is SURE of reaching the
correct destination of the ultimate and everlasting peace. Only when the perfect ORDER of an
individual is restored, the individual becomes a WISE MAN.

Bringing each component into its correct position within the hierarchy is called YOGA.

The role of WISE MEN in the society

Having understood the importance of ORDER and the correct order of micro and macrocosm, let
us see what is the use of WISE MEN.

We know the wise man is the one who has restored the order and perfected the art of abiding in
the true order of self continuously. Once achieving such an order, the wise man abides in the

What is the use of such a wise man to the society? How will it impact the order of Society?

The answer is: Such wise men are the TRUE EXAMPLES of embodiment of bliss. They need to be
searched for, respected, approached for knowledge, and followed.
When the rest of the society follows such wise men, the society restores its own order.

When the advice of Wise Man is followed:

Administrators will have the right control over the business men. The "LAW" will protect the
common man and control the business men.
Business men will do the business within the limits of LAW. The common man also will follow the
common LAW set by the administrators.
Thereby the common man will be happy. The whole society will abide by the DHARMA and
continue its correct position as a HAPPY SOCIETY.

When the advice of Wise Man is neglected:

The wise men are not respected, then the administrative people will start amending the LAW as it
is convenient. Business men will corrupt the Administrators with the power of money. The
common man will suffer.
All the way through, the WISE MEN is never effected by all the suffering caused by the corruption!
(The wise men are always governed by the internal order - neither the external enforcement is
required for them, nor the external disorder effect them!!)

So, the use of wise men is to set an example of living embodiment of bliss, provide advice to the
honest seekers of truth thereby achieving the highest good for the society.

The Four Quarters, phases, ages & "meanings" of life

The society is broadly grouped into four quarters:

Qtr1: containing the common men; the main "meaning" of life is fulfillment of desire (kaama)
Qtr2: containing the business men; the main objective of life is to gain more money and
possessions (ardha)
Qtr3: containing the kings; the objective is to preserve and restore ORDER of the society
Qtr4: containing the learned men providing the necessary advice to the rest of the quarters; the
main objective of life for these people is to elevate themselves to the WISE MEN there by
attaining the unlimited peace beyond all the bondage of the world. (moksha)
The lifespan of the individual is divided into four quarters/phases as well:
The Brahmacharya (student): Learning to live by the means of (dharma) and an essential skill set.
The Grihasta (house-holder): Living as per the dharma and fulfilling the desires (kama) within the
limits of dharma.
The Vanaprastha (forest-dweller) : Gaining the knowledge of Ultimate reality by approaching wise
men - ardha; gaining the ultimate meaning of life is the goal of this phase of life which is very
The Sannyasa (mumukshu - the ultimate truth seeker or YOGI): Practicing the YOGA and realizing
the ultimate reality there by attaining the moksha

None of the quarters or meanings are superior or inferior to the other; when all the
quarters perform their respective duties the overall meaning of ONE WHOLE UNIVERSE
gets manifested fulfilling its purpose.

When all the four quarters perform their own duties in the respective four phases of life it is the
"Golden Age" (lasts four times Iron Age)
When the dharma is adhered only by three quarters it is "Silver Age" (lasts three times Iron Age)
When the dharma is adhered only by two quarters it is "Bronze Age" (lasts twice Iron Age)
When the dharma is adhered only by ONE quarter it is the "Iron Age"

As the "wheel of time" rotates unceasingly, these AGES follow each other and the DHARMA seems
to be violated and restored. Dharma is only apparently violated; it is ever preserved with the wise
men who are beyond all the four quarters of the society. They exist in all the quarters and phases
of life and in all Ages. The wise men are the unmoving AXIS of this ever rotating wheel of
manifested universe (Samsara). Without the DHARMA, the wheel of SAMSARA can never go on.....

Identifying the GROSS and SUBTLE of "I"

We have seen the MACRO - gross - sthula and MICRO - subtle - sookshma words repeatedly in the
previous posts. The simple test to identify a thing as MACRO or MICRO is as follows:

When you share the thing with someone else, if it diminishes in quantity, that is called a gross
thing. Starting from "space" ending in "earth" there are five GROSS things making up the world.
They are space, air, fire, water and earth.

The things you can't share with the other in true sense, even when you share with others they do
not diminish in quantity they are called subtle things. There are four such things. They are time,
directions, soul and mind.

Think into the mutually exclusive nature of gross and subtle things. They are so much mixed up in
the world. Take an example of a person. The body is made up of gross elements but the mind is
made up of subtle elements. But the person is identified with the "body + mind as a whole" as "I

who is this 'I am' before the birth (of the body) and who is this 'I am' after the death?

Everything else is dependent on this "I am"

The correct identification of this "I" leads to the ultimate peace and enjoyment. Incorrect
identification leads to taking up further bodies and respective births and deaths.
What comes first? I or Mine

At the first look the answer looks very easy - I is first and Mine follows the I.

Let us see how to identify this I. When someone asks to introduce yourself then the first
statement would be:

I am "xyz".

in this statement I = "xyz" (the name)

But the name "xyz" was acquired by the "body" of "I" during a transaction called "Naming
ceremony". Before the name was acquired, (the body of) I still there.

Is the "I" - body? Body is continuously being destroyed and being built by the food provided to it.
It is ever changing and has primarily six transformations - birth, existence, growth, decay, disease
& death. All the way through this cycle the only thing remains constant is the Name identification.
In one way the body was acquired by the "I" identification by the transformation called BIRTH.

As we already know the body belongs to the Macro aspect of this cosmos and Name or the MIND
belongs to the micro aspect of the cosoms, the "I" should be something which brings these two

What is "Mine"
When you show the hand to a child and ask whose hand is it? the obvious answer is mine.
We refer to each body part and say my hand, my leg, my head etc., We also refer to My idea, my
word, my knowledge etc., we often refer to the body as my body and mind as my mind. So, it
looks like the possession of body and mind is by the "I"

But the "I" is not there without the body and mind.

Mine is the basis of I and I is the basis of Mine. These two seems to be established in one another
in a "catch 22". THEY COME TOGETHER.

So, at BIRTH, my body comes first then it acquires my name (identification) and the mixture of
these two (called Ahamkara - EGO) continuously transforming; holding on to each other; all the
way until finally known transformation called DEATH. (at the time of death "my body" goes away
leaving NAME alone!)

Whatever is acquired in the flow of time will be lost again in the flow of time; Whatever
the original acquirer that can't be lost is the "real I" which is the center of this continuous
transformation consisting of BIRTH and DEATH.

Two Impossibilities - made possible

ahamkara - the thought of I

mamakara - the thought of Mine

1. The first impossibility of dividing space

These two thoughts cause the apparent two fold division of un-divisible space. Further to this, this
causes unlimited words, ideas and thoughts to emerge in the apparent transformation of space.
The space is infinitely large and beyond all divisions; there is no way it can be divided into I and

2. The second impossibility of aggregating time

Taking the reference to the same two thoughts, the time which can never be aggregated gets
grouped into three pools - past, present and future. If two things do not exist simultaneously,
they can never be aggregated... Time is infinitesimally short; no two moments exist together - it
is impossible to put them together. This impossible aggregation causes infinite ever changing

This whole visible world based on these two impossibilities (names & forms). Both of these
impossibilities are based on the TRUE I. Which is the subject matter of this blog - the plain

Truth about "action - change - event "

Let us get to some samskrutam words around ACTION here:

karta = the actor
karma = the action
kArya = the result of the action
kAraNa = the cause of the action
rAga = the attraction
dvEsha = the repulsion

The I ("ahamkara") takes up the role of "an actor" (karta) of grouping MINE into desirable and
undesirable based on "past" experience.

So, the actions are broadly classified as pull and push. i.e., pull = attraction and push = repulsion.
They are relative to the ACTOR.

The result of any action is re-configuration of "MINE". It would involve aggregating something,
transforming something, purifying something, taking the ACTOR to a new place.

This "re-configuration" is a CHANGE. The observation of the change by the ACTOR is an EVENT.

The "past experience" along with the MINE is the mother of all ACTION;

The pull (raga) towards desirable change and the push (dvesha) of undesirable change
of MINE is called the individual free will (samkalpa). This is the basis of continuous
oscillating movement = MIND.

The ACTOR along with the "future desire (samkalpa)" of re-configuring the "MINE" is the father of

All the actions, changes and events are relevant only to ACTOR (subject), MINE (object) , PAST
(experience grouped as desirable and undesirable) and FUTURE (desire for re-configuration).

By now, one should notice the untouched substrate of all the action, change and events. That is
the ever existing "present moment". Apparently it seems lost in the oscillation of thoughts, words
and ideas of I & Mine in the past & future.
An Illustration of I, Mine, Past and Future

Let us try to draw some parallels of the concepts of I, Mine, past, present and future as discussed
in last few posts.

Let us take the well known example of Sun and Earth.

1. When we take Earth as a whole without any boundaries, the Earth is always illuminated by the
SUN there is no observable change that occurs in a cyclic manner.

2. When we mark out an area as "MINE" on this Earth with an identifiable boundary, this area is
illuminated during the day and will not be illuminated during the night.

3. The day and night are cyclically follow each other. The observer "I" experience a sequence of
day and night one after the other.

4. This experience will form a part of "subtle MINE (=MIND)" due to the identification of gross
MINE (the bounded area on the Earth =BODY)

5. When "today" is qualified as present day, the previous occurrence of the day will be
enumerated as past (-1) and the next occurrence as tomorrow (+1) this enumeration is only
possible with reference to today.

I is the initial limited identification.

MINE is the area withing the imaginary boundary on the surface of Earth.

Naturally this I & Mine cause the sequence of changes to appear. When observed, the change
makes an event happen.

The subtle identification of present day causes the pooling of past and future occurrences of the

Individual action (karma) starts when the 'I' starts grouping the experiences as pleasure and pain
and thereby desiring to get more and more pleasure and avoid pain. This individual action is
caused by "desire" prompted by rAga (attraction) dvesha (repulsion) to certain experiences.

Thinking that the experience based on limited Identification as ultimate reality is called
Ignorance. Realizing that all the experiences as relative and striving to get to the
ultimate reality is the goal of human discriminative intelligence.

Defects of rAga and dvesha

As we know the limited identification causes I and Mine thereby causing the sequential changes in
time apparent. The observer starts observing and classifying the experiences as acceptable and
unacceptable. This capability causes the DESIRE prompted by rAga - Attraction and dvesha -

1. The problem of rAga is it covers the defects of the attracted object. The highest attraction for
everyone is the BODY. Due to the attraction towards it, one will fail to see the limitations, defects
of one's own body & senses. Attraction covers the defects and limitations and highlights only the
positive aspects.
2. The problem with dvesha is it covers the positive aspects of object being disliked. It highlights
the negative aspects.

Due to these defects, the judgment of the observer gets polluted with attractive and repulsive
emotions and generally goes wrong.

e.g., when you see a sweet or a chocolate it is very natural to judge it as a "Good" thing there by
generating a desire to have it. Due to the attraction the defects of the sweet are covered.
It is also natural when you see a green vegetable the judgment goes to "boring food" due to the
dislike to the taste. The dislike hides/covers the positive health impact of the green vegetable.

All our experiences are judged based on pollution of rAga and dvesha. So, the learning becomes

One should unlearn all the defective knowledge based on attraction and repulsion. That
is the first step towards developing correct discriminative intelligence.

cause and effect of incomplete learning

*ATTACHMENT rAga comes from the samskrutam root "rang" meaning color
*HATRED dvesha means dvi (twice) sha (poison)

The perceptions colored by ATTACHMENT (rAga*) and doubly poisoned by the HATRED (dvesha*)
are the basis of all rest of the incomplete, defective "learning" process of an individual.

There is a two fold impact of this defective learning.

1. The cause of "I"

The subtle aspect of these perceptions will strengthen the thought of like and dislike. They leave
impressions just like those left on the bottom pages of a note book after writing on the top page
of the book with a pencil. All the past impressions form the individual character represented by
the "feet" of the individual. The feet are called "charaNa" in samskrutam which also mean
This is the CAUSE.

2. The effect of "I"

The gross aspect of the defective learning is the desire. Desires of getting likes and avoiding
dislikes. This is representative of hands of the individual. The samskrutam word for hands is
"kara" that represents action. The actions performed by the individual are based on the inherent
character or "nature" of the individual. In a situation, different individuals with different natures
act differently. These represent the current writings on the notebook. i.e., the present
experiences. or "Actions"
This is the EFFECT.

This cause and effect together form the INDIVIDUAL. The relative social LAW (an instance of
absolute basis of LAW) is built based on the "character" and "actions" of individuals making up
that society. The basis of the social LAWs is the unchanging substratum whereas the relative code
of conduct in the form of constitution, civil and criminal procedures continue to amend based on
the law makers within the society.

The common-men represent the feet of the society, the traders represent the hands of the
society, the law makers represent the HEAD of the society. The learned-men represent the
discriminative intelligence as the "voice" of the society.
This inner voice of society says:
sarvE bhavanthu sukhinah
sarvE santhu niraamayaah
sarve bhadrANi pasyanthu
maa kaschit duhkhabhAg bhavEt

Let all beings be happy!

Let all beings be free of disease!
Let all beings be blessed with prosperity!
Let NONE be unpleasant!

As long as one follows his own defective learning i.e., the hands follow the feet forming a cycle of
mixed (pleasure & pain) living incapable of hearing this inner voice and violating it knowingly or

As soon as the hands of the individual reach the feet of a "wise man" who has realized
the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, the inner voice is heard by the individual and the UNLEARNING
process starts automatically; finally leading to the original state of ultimate peace and

What is skill in action?

If anyone has read earlier posts regarding the "desire" as the cause of work, it causes further
work etc., at the first instance, people get to this question:

Then WHY work? Why can't just stop doing all the work once and for all?

This post is to give some quick truths about the work.

Let us start with an example of a clock. The Big Ben. It has a dial with marks, a hour hand and a
minute hand. The minutes hand is 14' long and it covers approx 146 miles in a year. The hours
hand covers much lesser distance due to its own nature. The dial do not move at all.

Let us start thinking from our original problem. Due to this experience, the "dial" starts feeling
that it should start rotating like the hands because it likes moving, or hours hand desires to move
at the speed of minutes hand or minutes hand wants to slow down as it is getting tired; If they
succeed in their desires, what will happen to the overall purpose of this clock?

Each "individual being" has an unique nature/character/purpose called "own prescribed duty" to
fulfill in this WORLD CLOCK of UNIVERSE. It is called "svadharma" in samskrutam.

Doing one's own duty in its perfection is the absolute restoration of alignment of the individual
purpose with the universal purpose. The "desire" comes only due to ignorance of one's own duty.
This ignorance causes the mis-alignment of action/work from the overall purpose causing all the
pain. Only the work tainted/colored by desire need to be abandoned.

One can't live without work not even for a moment. The secret of not letting the desire
taint the work is to perform the prescribed duties in perfection. This is the skill in
Who prescribes own duty?

Obvious question after reading the last post - who prescribes the duty? What is it based on?

Who prescribes?
The duty was selected by the individual ("I"). The "free will" executed in the past manifests
in present moment as "fate." But the present free will may not like it due to the current
conditioning of the body, mind and intellect.

What is the basis?

The basis of the prescribed duties are (a) the past actions and (b) present predominant quality. All
the actions that were executed by the individual body, speech and mind as directed by the
intellect will transform the forces of rAga and dvesha at micro level. Thereby the compatible
forces will strengthen and incompatible forces will weaken the intensity. Each individual action will
continue to re-configure the field of action the "Mine" (the Macro aspects)

(a) So, "I" is nothing but the sum total (∑) of all past actions.
(b) The current predominant quality refers to one of the three constituents making up any
aggregate (∑). They are called inertia, movement, and regulatory control.

Let us go back to the past example of a clock to understand the three qualities.
1. The dial has a predominant quality of inertia. It just stays there holding the hour markers in the
correct position.
2. The hands of the clock have a predominant quality of movement. They move in a regular
3. controlled by the internal "regulatory control" mechanism. This invisible internal control
mechanism is the heart of "I"

Let us see the human aggregate

1. The body has a predominant quality of inertia. It just holds all the organs together
2. The senses have a predominant quality of movement. They carryout all the actions both as
input and output devices.
3. The mind along with the discriminative intellect has a predominant quality of regulatory control.

In samskrutam, these three qualities are called: tamas, rajas and sattva. Every aggregate will
have these three qualities in some proportion. Multiple combination of these three basic qualities
are manifested as infinite qualities in the macro and micro cosmos.

At the beginning of the life span, one picks up a set of most favorable seeds of action (the subtle
impressions) from his own stock and plants them in the field of action (the body); All the way
through the life span, continue to enjoy or suffer the fruits of those planted seeds, and collects
further seeds into his stock of seed pile. With each set of planted seeds, the body takes the shape
of different forms and gives different transformations and the pile of karma seeds continue to

The "I" executes the free will to select a set of compatible seeds and plants it in the
field of action "Mine". This event is called BIRTH. All the way through the experiences
the "I" due to current conditioning blames the "fate" for its current situation. This
contradiction between the "past I" and "present I" is the cause for the breach of one's
OWN PRESCRIBED DUTIES. With the progressing time, the current crop completely
fruitless at the event of DEATH. The "I" again executes the free will to choose the next
set of seeds to plant in the "Mine".....
Another "I"mpossible aggregation

We know that two things that do not exists at the same time can never be aggregated together. If
salt only exists at time T1 and water exists at time T2, then there is no possibility to mix the salt
with water either at T1 or T2.

Let us look at the "experience" - all the experience is in the past. There is no experience that
exists in future. (there can be "anxiety" about future in past)
Let us look at the "desire" - all the desire is about future. There is no desire that exists in past.
(there can be worry about the past in future)

The "I" thinks that that it is an aggregate (or a mixture) of

(a) enjoyer of past pain & pleasure; and
(b) doer of future work to gain more desirable experiences and avoid undesirable experiences.

If there is no past experience component then there is no basis to classify the experience as pain
or pleasure.
If there is no future expectation component then there is no basis for the action causing

I as the "enjoyer" (= bhokta) only exists in the past. (T1)
I as the "doer" (= karta) only exists in the future. (T2)

This impossible mixture of past I and future I is called EGO (ahamkara). This ahamkara
would survive only until the true nature of self in the present moment is realized.

ego = dark impressions of past experiences + bright expectations about the future
ego = dark colored tamas + bright colored rajas

Truly there is only one existence ever present; due to this impossible mixture there are seemingly
infinite number of colored "egos" in various proportions of past and future apparently exist. This
causes appearance of multiple "individual beings" and the interactions based on the likes and
dislikes between them building up "societies".

World and its controller

From the previous posts (post1, post2, post3) we have seen different impossibilities. They are:
1. the division between space and time.
2. division of space into I and Mine
3. aggregation of time into three groups - past, present and future
4. mixing up things that exist in two different times of past and future.

The above impossibilities have performed two kinds of miracles.

a. They have created an "apparent division" in ultimately indivisible TRUTH.
b. They have "apparently covered" the true nature by imposing limitations.

Due to this two miracles, the TRUTH appears to have transformed into layers of existence. These
layers of existence are called MACROCOSM and MICROCOSM.

The layer 1 ego: (based on I & Mine)

We see that all the "differentiated existence" of universe strictly follows the OWN PRESCRIBED
DUTY. SUN rises in the east! MOON waxes and wanes in a perfect cycle. This layer of ego has the
combination is 50% Rajas and 50% Sattva. MACROCOSM has predominance of this layer ego.

The layer 2 EGO - based on Pain and Pleasure or rAga & dvesha:
This is built over the Layer 1 ego. We see that there is a continuous friction between the OWN
PRESCRIBED DUTY that was chosen in the past and the desires of future. This EGO has 50%
tamas and 50% rajas. Microcosm has the predominance of this EGO.

The SUM of work done by the forces (f) of individual egos is ZERO at any given moment. i.e
(when d represents displacement)

∑ f . d of layer 2 ego(i) (i = 1..n) + ∑ f . d of layer 1 ego(j) (j = 1..m) = ZERO

The isolated system built by a set of two layer egos is called a WORLD. lOka in
samskrutam. The pure consciousness that makes sure this system holds to the above
equation is called the supreme universal controller = Iswara in samskrutam. With
respective to an individual EGO the Iswara is pure sattva never tainted by any work
done by any ego and always in full control of the world.

The WORLD is seen; Its controller is the seer. With reference to this seer the ultimate truth has
never transformed...

But with reference to an individual EGO and its limited capability of perception that covers only a
very small part of the WHOLE, it appears that the work done is not ZERO and its world appears to
continuously transform!

existence and appearance

It was mentioned in the last post that "EGO" and "WORLD" appear.

What is appearance?

It is temporary; It is dependent. It depends on the observer (seer). It has a form and a name. It
transforms and changes. The same WORLD appears to each individual ego as per the past

So, What is existence?

Existence is being. Existence is independent. Existence is self evident observer (Seer). Existence
is beyond all names and forms; The pure existence never is tainted like space. It is permanent,

Each individual goes through "three states" of experience on a daily basis.

1. When the person is in DEEP SLEEP, there is no WORLD appearance. No identity. There is only
pure existence. Only the observer exists. EGO appears in its seed form.

2. When the person is in DREAMING, there is no distinction between the appearance and the
observer. No differentiated existence. The EGO appears in a state of operation of layer 1. There is
no distinction between the MACROCOSM and MICROCOSM during this state. There is only
identities, names and forms but no likes and dislikes for this EGO.

3. When the person is in WAKING state, there is an external appearance of the WORLD; there is
a differentiated appearance of ego and the WORLD. The EGO appears in its final form in two
distinct components or layers and classifies experiences as pain and pleasure.

The "true I" is constantly there through all the three states of experience. The true I is the
existence and the basis of all the rest of the transformation of the EGO.

The TRUE SELF or the TRUE I has never transformed all the way through the appearance and
disappearance of the EGO and the WORLD. It was only the EGO which had all the transformations.

existence never known to not exist; non-existence never known to exist; so what exists
is eternal; what is not eternal does not exist!

The TRUE SELF - REAL I always exists as the WITNESS (sAkshi in samskrutam) of all the three
states of appearance; it has no transformation. All the transformations are for the EGO alone. The
transformation of EGO reflect in the WORLD. The transformations of the WORLD appearance
reflect in the EGO. They are dependent on each other for the appearence

The independent TRUE self is self evident eternal existence.

Everything and Nothing

As per the previous post Existence is EVERYTHING - Appearence is NOTHING.

Let us justify the above statement logically.

1. The ultimate truth is the Existence which is by nature never ceases to exist. If it cease to exist,
it cant be existence. Irrespective of the various transformations of Appearance, the ultimate truth

2. The ultimate truth is that The Existence is unchanging consciousness. If it changes or

transforms, it is sure to cease. It is the unit of measure of all the rest of changes. It will be
impossible to recognize the changes without an unchanging substratum. Let us imagine if we do
not have the unchanging "Space" as the background it will be impossible to recognize any of the
letters on this web page. It is needless to say about words and their meanings....

3. The TRUE EXISTENCE is consciously "being" and not involved in any work. Being purely aware
of its eternal nature of being, it is full of Bliss. It has nothing to desire or become. It is ever
fulfilled in its true nature of EVERYTHING.

This eternal existence, consciousness, bliss is expressed by a samskrutam phrase sachhidaananda

means sat=existence, chit=consciousness and ananda=bliss.

So, This sat(=chit=ananda) which is eternal existence(=consciousness=bliss) is "just being" in its

own nature of everything.

Logic on why eternal nature can't be composite:

This "EVERYTHING" can't be a composite or a mixture of its parts. Why? to mix two things
together they should independently exist prior to forming the composite or mixture. If salt exists
and water also independently exists at some point of time and they are mixed up to form the salt
water at another point of time. If this is possible with the EXISTENCE, then EXISTENCE = PART1
+ PART2. PART1 also is existence and PART2 also EXISTENCE. Hence the EXISTENCE exists even
before mixing up the PART1 and PART2. The PART1 and PART2 will cease to exist independently
after time of mixture e.g salt water causing the independent existence of PART1 and PART2 cease
to exist. This is the contradiction. So, the ULTIMATE TRUTH is IMMUTABLE, unchangeable
ONENESS. It is never a COMPOSITE or a mixture.

The same logic can be applied to eternal consciousness and eternal bliss.

So eternal sat=chit=ananda is a non-composite thing that exists everywhere always.

Hence, Appearance (dependent based on EGO) is always nothing. What is "nothing"? The
"nothing" can never be something. The "nothing" is only an Idea. It is just a mere Idea. An Idea
which is purely based on nothing is called imagination. This imaginary thing called EGO, being
NOTHING, desires to become something. "Nothing" becoming "Something" is an impossibility.

This "becoming" causes the periodic cyclic movement of an EGO around its own imaginary axis
and around the axis of its dependent base. These motions are called rotation and revolution.
(e.g., like Earth moves around its own axis and around the SUN)

The secret of cyclic motion is the displacement of the object is ZERO over a complete rotation or
revolution. Thereby whatever is the force, velocity of the object its WORK DONE is ZERO. The
overall work done by whole collection of imaginary EGOs is Nothing. For an observer it appears
to do some work due to the relativity and cause change.

That is the TRUTH about Nothing being always Nothing and everything being always

The evolution of "something"

The evolution of "Something"

having said about Everything and Nothing, it is now time to look into the "something" which is a
composite and temporary in nature.

The birth of death:

Being NOTHING, ego's first experience is DEATH or loss of identity. That is the reason why ego
dreads death. From this DEATH experience, it generates an idea called "NOT I" - the
disappearance. From this BIRTH experience is derived as NOT NOT I which is termed as
appearance. This equation can be represented as

[NOT (NOT I)] + (NOT I) = EGO (0 = Nothing) -----> Equation of Layer 1 Ego.

The birth of Mind (thought):

Based on this THOUGHT mind starts its activity. All the mental/emotional activity based on this
"Identification duality" which is based on the power of negation or "NOT". (This "idea" is based on
impossibility of negation of existence the true self I)

The layer 1 Ego equation is satisfied by infinite identifications.


-(-10) + (-10) = 0 ---> Identification equation for ID 10

-(-121) + (-121) = 0 ---> Identification equation for ID 121
Each individual EGO, holds on to its UNIQUE ID number all the way through its transformations. It
carries the same ID through the daily experience of WAKING, DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP and
through the revolutionary motion called DEATH and BIRTH. The ID is the same.

Having the 0 - (zero) as one focus (the basis ignorance) and its own identity (UNIQUE ID) as the
other focus EGO gets into its own elliptical orbit.

In the same way, perpendicular to this plane of this ellipse, the aggregation of "MINE" and "NOT
MINE" happens. This gives a "body or FORM" to the Layer 1 Ego into an Ellipsoid. This MINE and
NOT MINE can expand or contract only based on the Layer 1 Ego (Composite Identity).

This ellipsoid is "Something" which has apparently evolved out of "Nothing" by multiple negation
of Nothing.

During this overall evolution, the TRUE SELF is just being EVERYTHING. It has never
impacted by the ideas of i, not i, mine and not mine.

bodies, work, prana

Subtle Body of the EGO:

Each ego hanging on to its identity on the major axis (i, not i)(this is called Tamas - inertia or
darkness [x axis]), starts vibrating on the minor axis (mine, not mine) (this quality is called rajas
- movement [y axis]). The ellipse (two dimensional figure) created by x and y axis has no
thickness and it is invisible. This is called subtle body of a EGO. This subtle body is only a bunch of
ideas based on an identity and desires.

Gross Body:
The spin around its own axis gives a three dimensional appearance to this EGO. The spin also
gives stability to the ellipsoid. This spin in microcosm is represented as "breath in" and "breath
out" process. That is also called vital force. The basis of all the energy of the microcosm. The
same spin in macrocosm is the rotation around its own axis. Only rule this spin follows is the
displacement is "zero" at the end of one complete rotation. This projects the third axis [z axis]
(sattva) making the visible space appear. This appearance inherently brings the concept of time in
three parts - past, present and future.

Example: Take a human body, it has 5 sense organs (input devices) and 5 motor organs (output
devices) all these organs are controlled by another internal instrument called MIND. BODY serves
the MIND and MIND serves the BODY. They are established in each other in mutual dependence.
Let us call the MIND as "I" - x axis, and the body as "MINE" y - axis; only when we add the vital
force (prana - in samskrutam) on the z - axis both the body and mind animate. Without prana,
the mind and body perish into its invisible subtle state. This PRANA is completely aware of its
nature of "consciousness" carries out its own prescribed duties of animating the active egos on the
x,y plane.

Own Prescribed Duties (swadharma):

PRANA or the vital force carries out its own prescribed duties without any selfish intention. It
equally powers the ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose. It also powers all the motor organs of the
body - feet, hands, speech, excretory and reproduction organs. All these organs being on the x
axis are limited by the perception on its own axis and able to perceive other egos in their own
plane. They supply the data to the mind on the y-axis receive signals from mind on the y-axis and
act on the other's in their own plane {x,y plane}

The show of like, dislike, pain, pleasure, desirable and undesirable etc., duality happens only in
the BODY, MIND plane leaving the impressions on the subtle body of the EGO.
The universal PRANA in the name of "VAYU" (air or oxygen) equally powers all the EGOs in the
appearing world as per their chosen ORBIT --> Swadharma.

Based on the intensity of "Desires" the ego neglects the PRANA's control and existence.
It is lost in duality of x,y plane and indulges in WORK. with respective to other egos,
work is grouped into four categories:

1. Work done for the well being of other egos without causing any harm to own ego
2. Work done for the well being of own ego without causing any harm to the other egos
3. Work done for the well being of own ego that causes harm to the other egos
4. Work done for the harm/damage of other egos or own ego irrespective of anybody's well being.

The above four kinds of work (work with desire) ultimately interfere with the configuration of the
egos, binds the ego in painful and happy bonds. The work done in these three sub layers of x,y
A. at the layer of MIND ( y axis)
B. at the layer of SPEECH - (is the virtual communication mechanism between EGOs involving
both x and y axis)
C. at the layer of BODY ( x axis)


Category 1 and 2 cause bonds of more apparent pleasure and less pain.
Category 3 and 4 cause bonds of more apparent pain and less pleasure.

Also, in a gray scale Top of Category 1 being the BEST work, Bottom of Category 4 is the WORST
work that can be done.

An EGO that carries out GOOD work will become GOOD and The EGO carrying out BAD work will
become BAD in the view of other EGOs and the associative bonding (relationships).

Each work reconfigures the ellipse, leaves its impression on the x, y plane of ellipse; However big
or small the ellipse is, it perishes at the end of current revolution powered by prana. (it is called
DEATH) By its own nature it will take up the next orbit.

With the GOOD work the ellipse moves higher on the z axis in positive direction to more
light and knowledge; With the BAD work the ellipse moves lower on the z axis into
negative direction of darkness and ignorance.

Doing more and more good work puts the ego in the light and increases the probability of getting
correct understanding of ultimate truth.

Doing more and more bad work puts the ego in the darkness and ignorance. They continue to
dwell in the dark orbits for ever.

So, the first step is to avoid all the BAD work of category 3 and 4.
The second step is to understand the sattva and the swadharma.
The third step is to perfect the swadharma and remove all the work based on desire.

This path is called karma yoga. One of the paths to transcend all the entanglements and reach
perfect "equanimity and peace" from "bondage" of duality and desire.

Having freed from the bondage, one can correctly carry-out self inquiry - "Atma Vichara" One can
ask the question to oneself: WHO AM I?
Having understood the falseness of EGO, and its "double negation logic" one gets completely
merged in the TURE SELF voluntarily giving up its "false identity" in this world.

To make all this happen, one needs to develop a lot of faith on the absolute and ultimate TRUTH
which has no beginning, no end, indivisible sat,chit,ananda nature, that is beyond all words and

Development of faith on absolute is only possible through the devotion to iswara (the z-axis,
sattva) the universal controller as long as one has firm belief in this visible world of duality.

Neglecting the prana, iswara and swadharma causes more painful and miserable work
for the bodies/minds of this world.


om tat sat

Special Identities: Prakriti and Iswara

Having understood about Everything, Nothing, Something and the evaluation of bodies
(temporary composites always tainted by the rAga + and dvesha -) Let us look at two special
IDENTITIES through which the whole universal show is manifested. {The z axis}

Prakriti: (The Mother)

This is the mother of all identities or the basis of all identities. This also acts as a repository of
+ve and -ve and neutral qualities. In this identity alone the qualities do not mutate the value of
this identity i.e.,
+0 = -0 = 0

Iswara: (The Father)

This is the father of all identities of the seed of all identities that holds the power of addition and
subtraction without undergoing any transformation.
You can add "0" or take away "0" without mutating the Father.

All the infinite EGOS that manifest have a sattva factor somewhere between the 0 and 1 on the z-
axis (sattwa) There is a possibility of infinite identifications between 0 and 1.
e.g., 0.1, 0.11, 0.111, 0.1111 so on...

Two Apparent Forces

the force that apparently acts in the direction of 1 ----> 0 is -ve and
the force that apparently acts in the direction of 0 ----> 1 is +ve force.

So, The positive force is called rAga which is attraction and the -ve force is called dvesha that is

The apparent interference between these two forces acting in opposite directions create universal
vibration called space-time. This only manifests in every living being as respiration process or
Prana. By mis-identifying the reflection of these two forces centered in the layer 1 ego (also called
as jeeva) on the x,y plane, they appear as "desire" and "anger".
The First reflection:
The first twin babies of EGO are kAma (Desire) and krodha (Anger).

The Second reflection Part 1

The same two forces reflected in Kaama appear as lObha (greed) and mOha (delusion)

The Second reflection Part 2

The same two forces reflected in krodha appear as mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy)

These are the six knots (grandhi) that make the EGO identification stronger and solid that
apparently bind the jeeva.
Thereby EGO sets into action of
a. preserving,
b. protecting and
c. propagating itself.

This is a never ending process of (mis-)identity going in the sequence of

0.x, 0.xx,, 0.xxxx, 0.xxxxx and so on.... This process of gradual evolution is called
samsaara or the daily show that is seen.

All the identities with the z factor in 0.49 range are called women and
all the identities with the z factor in 0.51 range are called men!!

As one can evidently see this progression is never going to cease or reach an END!!!

The wise men who have broken the knots and released themselves from this infinite
progression have left the knowledge in the form of scriptures (sastras) out of sheer compassion
towards the other entangled EGOs. It is wise to choose the path of WISE MEN (rishis)

om tat sat

Unity and Multiplicity

Let us do a small "thought experiment"

There are two people who have been asked to see what is in a room.
Person 1 Opens the EAST DOOR and sees an object (TABLE) there;
Person 2 Opens the WEST DOOR and sees an object (CHAIR) there.

After several observations, Both Person 1 and Person 2 are "Confident" about their observation.
Let us assume they meet now. After a round of discussion they disagree what is there in the
room. Person 1 claims that there is a TABLE in there where as the Person 2 claims that there is a
CHAIR in the room. They disagree with each other. They perceive multiplicity.

Now They are again asked to observe the room simultaniously.

Person 1 Opens the EAST DOOR again and sees NO object there. (at the same time)
Person 2 Opens the WEST DOOR again and sees NO object there.
Now both persons meet again. After a round of discussion they agree on the absence of any
object in the room. They perceive UNITY.

The Limited Appearance:

A common man perceives the world this way.
When the sense organs provide their limited observation data to the mind and mind interprets it
with its limited capabilities. Purely based on this superficial knowledge & capability a common man
holding on to his own view (east or west door view) sees the multiplicity of the nature. He always
tries to reconcile his ideas with the other peoples' ideas about the reality of the world. Depending
on the shear number of people visiting the east or west door, one majority opinion is arrived at
and considered as "right" or "correct" view of the world appearance. They see their own object
appearing and disappearing in the room.

The appearance is Multiplicity. The UNITY is only a non-appearance. They are afraid of non-
appearance which is completely not in their control. Due to the fear they get into action of
preserve, protect and propagate...

The Reality:
This room is built in such a way that whenever EAST DOOR is open the TABLE is illuminated.
whenever WEST DOOR is open the CHAIR is illuminated. When both the doors are open NO object
is illuminated. When the both doors are closed both objects are illuminated.

A wise man leaving the "EGO attachment" to the chosen door (EAST or WEST) goes and observes
the room from both directions. He sees a room with a table and a room with a chair. Then he
wonders to find out the ultimate reality dares to enter the room and close both the doors. He sees
the TRUE existence of BOTH the TABLE and CHAIR together in the room. He opens both the doors
and sees no object illuminated but verifies the existence by other means (by touching etc., ) and
finally declares that all that what existed ever existed. There is UNITY alone in the existence. A
room with a TABLE only or a room with a CHAIR only or a room with no objects never existed. All
the multiplicity of appearance NEVER existed.

He declares
The existence is UNITY; Any multiplicity is non-existent. The multiplicity is purely a temporary
appearance based on the conditioning of the observer. He transcends the appearance and attains
ultimate bliss.

The human being has five such doors (senses) and one room (mind). Due to the several possible
combinations of doors opening and closing, mind appears in multiple modes. A common man due
to his attachment to the superficial appearance of names and forms projected by the mind due to
his own attachment to the EGO, sees ever changing multiplicity and a varying degrees of pleasure
and pain in those names and forms.

A WISE MAN having observed the MIND in all possible doors and all possible
combination of doors opening and closing finally enters the ROOM in the meditative
samadhi and asserts the ULTIMATE TRUTH of UNITY of existence and multiplicity of
world appearance.

om tat sat
Creation in triple division

Note: Thanks to Praveen for making the colorful picture. Click on the picture to see the enlarged

This is an attempt to "visualize" the creation process and the mathematical division.
There is really no way to verbalize or visualize this process. So it is an attempt to do the
impossible. But the EGO will continue to try......

In the absolute truth there is only homogeneous existence, consciousness, bliss! It is being
Everything keeps "nothing" as NOTHING. But due to the double negation logic, there are infinite
EGOs helplessly in a dormant state of NOTHING. (on the x,y plane of above diagram. I, Mine

Iswara, out of pure compassion towards these EGOs "desires" to bring up the worlds. [see foot
note 1] This desire is called "ichha sakti" illuminates a point on the plane of x,y. This point is
identified as the "0" this identity made "nothing" an apparent object of perception for the iswara.
Iswara desire is a pre-fulfilled desire. (apta kaama) With no effort of iswara, prakriti engages
herself into action.
The first divine power iccha sakti divides iswara with the following equation

1/1 = 1 or 1 - 0 = 1 as seen in our earlier post. This is manifestation of a "bindu" - a point.

The iccha sakti having manifested in the couple of iswara, prakriti appears as attraction and
repulsion powers in the universe (rAga and dvesha) They are together called as "kriya sakti" - the
power of action, this kriya sakti extends infinitly on the y-axis of MINE forming the z,y plane - this
z,y plane is called as Lakshmi (embodiment of all desirable things) and always owned by z axis in
the name of Vishnu. This creates a two dimensional z,y plane and the equation is

1/2 = 1/2 (0.5 half) making iswara side of z axis as purusha region (energy) and prakriti side of
the z - axis appear as prakriti region (matter).

The next identity evolves is the 3 in natural sequence. The division equation is like this

1/3 = 0.3 reminder (0.1)

0.1/3 = 0.03 reminder (0.01)

this capacity of infinite division is called "jnana sakti" of the tirad. Each piece of knowledge will
have a object to know, the knower and the process of knowing. Only when the three entities
appear the knowledge is possible in relative sense of this world. This jnana sakti is owned by the
creator god BRAHMA identified as a UNIT CUBE extending the z,y plane into x axis making the
three dimensional space - AkAsa. This three dimensional cube is the body of brahma (MACRO
UNIT CUBE). It is limited by six sides or three pairs of sides. Each pair of sides are named as

a. bottom and top sides are called uma maheswara

b. left and right sides are called lakshmi nArAyaNa
c. back and front sides are called vANi hiraNyagarbha

with respective to any point in this three dimensional space.

This unit cube is having a capability of infinite division which appears as the time.
3 X 0.3 + 0.1 = 1
3 X 0.33 + 0.01 = 1
3 X 0.333 + 0.001 = 1
and so on....
when the reminder is 0.0000000000000000000000.....several billions zeros......1
the three dimensional energies apparently lock each other [see foot note 2] forming the atoms.
The smallest known atom in the earthly universe is Hydrogen. This is called vAyu. These are the
smallest perceivable stable MICRO unit cubes of the MACRO unit cube.

This Vayu engages itself in multiplication process, releasing different unit quanta of energy.
3 X 3 + 1 = 10
3 X 33 + 1 = 100
3 X 333 + 1 = 1000
This process generates the energy (in the form of light) and more stable liquid substances (apah).
The same process happens with the liquid which release more energy (in the form of heat) and
solid substances (pruthvi).

During this process multiple LOKAS manifest in this UNIT CUBE. Three main lokas with respective
to our visible universe are called bhur loka, bhuvar loka and swar loka based on different z-

Due to the "ever fulfilled desire" of Iswara's nature (apta-kaamatvam) the universal mother
prakriti manifests herself into iccha sakti. The duality splits it into raaga & dvesha, energy
(purusha) & matter (gross prakriti) regions on the two dimensional plane manifesting as the kriya
sakti. The MACROCOSMIC projection completes with triple division of the UNIT CUBE as jnana
The 1/3rd part of TIME that completes a infinite three fold division and five fold consolidation
(akasa, vayu, tejas, apa, pruthvi) is called creation. The next 1/3rd part of time is called
sustainment of the worlds. The third 1/3rd part of reverse process of merger of five elements back
to their source, the three axis back to their source of prakriti is called dissolution. The creation +
sustainment + dissolution is one unit of time called "NOW" with respective to the UNIT CUBE

The lokas appear in the BRAHMA's UNIT CUBE have their own UNIT CUBES and their period of
evolution defined as UNIT TIME.
Foot Note 1: Desire is classified into
a. tamas-desire = only desire exists it will never be fulfilled
b. rajas-desire = desire gets fulfilled with considerable amount of effort (action)
c. sattva-desire = desire gets fulfilled immediately without visible effort
These three types are applicable in the visible world. In the spiritual world there are three names
for desire:
a. atma-kaama = the desire of self alone i.e., ever fulfilled
b. apta-kaama = the desire which arises only after getting fulfilled. i.e., only fulfillment
c. a-kaama = absolutely non desire. (this is the state of ultimate truth)

Foot Note 2: formation of 5 elements, 5 organs of perception, 5 groups of things of perception is a

complex process of quintiplication. An advanced seeker can refer to the Tattvabodha &
panchikaranam of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya.

This is an attempt to verbalize most complex subject called the process of creation.
Iswara is capable of simultaniously manifesting infinite MACROCOSMS. This limited EGO
limited by the incapabilities of "words" and "ideas" will not be able to describe the
WHOLENESS of ISWARA. The above description is only a hydrogen atom worth of this
visible UNIVERSE.

krishnam vande jagadgurum.

Internal dimension of the Microcosm

The formation of a single dimension ego has started with the firm belief that "NOTHING" exists.
This is also said to be the birth of death. This first action of apparently killing the TRUTH (or self,
ATMA) is the cause of bondage to the continuous action in the microcosm.

Right from the formation of single dimension ego, the x-axis (tamas - ignorance, inertia) appears
to infinitely extend and accommodate the infinite relative single dimension egos. The triple
division on this single dimension happens as explained in the previous post. So, the reality is the
ONE UNIT of TAMAS engages itself in the infinite division extending itself inwards. Only when the
single dimension ego's vibration reaches below 10% error between "NOT I" and "NOT NOT I"
points that ego makes itself eligible for the "Grace" of Iswara. This is called DESERVING the
grace. Grace comes from within.

With that grace, it elevates itself from pure ignorance to the plane of x,y the layer 1 EGO plane.
The subtle body is formed with I and MINE axises. Once the EGO in the two dimensional x,y plane
the triple division of the plane happens in the same way explained. When the error between the I,
MINE is less than 10%, the ego makes itself eligible for a gross body. As soon as the EGO attains
a gross body it appears in the three dimensional UNIT cube of BRAHMA. The appearance is
depending on the configuration of the x,y identification with respective to the BRAHMA's UNIT

This 3rd dimension is added as the z axis of prana. The microcosmic unit cube is not a perfect unit
cube, it has an error on all the sides up to a maximum of 10%. If the error goes beyond 10%,
it goes back to the previous dimension.

The ultimate truth enters this unit cube as the fourth dimension when the microcosmic unit cube
attains the perfection. It results in the ultimate realization of the universal form. A 4 (3+1)
dimensional Hyper cube rotating on its unmoving center is realized which is one with the ultimate
truth within the microcosm.

The Ultimate truth is an infinite dimension hyper cube with its unit length of the side is
infinite, and the UNIT TIME of NOW is infinite that can manifest infinite hyper cubes of
any finite dimensions and finite unit length with finite unit time. Hence that exists
always and everywhere.

This central n+1 dimension hyper cube within the microcosm is called as KRISHNA who is the
qualified Brahman. He is the sole attraction that puts the EGO into action towards perfection
and finally makes the EGO realize its own status of NOTHING. There is absolutely no difference
between this qualified brahman and the ultimate truth which is called EVERYTHING. Krishna is just
one dimension above the EGO's current spacial dimensions.

As long as the IDENTIFICATION exists (or the THOUGHT of "NOT is real" exists or the power of
negation exits), there exists the controller of that identification ("within") just one dimension
above to make sure it can never become something......

Having realized the truth the microcosm has fulfilled its purpose and never looses its
perfection. Until the end of the current vibration (revolution) the body of the realized
microcosm is seen by other composite egos with bodies, minds and intellects.

Description of this ULTIMATE TRUTH came through such realized sages of past is not easy to
comprehend. There is only one way to do that.

1. Follow the path of intense devotion to the iswara. This will perfect the z axis giving the required
quality of sattva = "the balance' to do the rest of the steps.
2. Follow the swadharma to perfect the action axis (y- or mine axis) This is called karma yoga.
This gives the perfect equanimity to handle the emotions of desire & anger. (That are originated in
the rajas)
3. Follow the path of ancient rishis to the wisdom through the correct understanding of the self.
This is called jnana yoga. This path requires you to perfect the correct identification. (remove the
x - axis of the wrong identification in the form of ignorance)

For the deserving seekers of truth (having perfected the error < 0.1% on all the three
axises, the central controller appears as GURU externally and gives the correct
knowledge to dispel the ignorance.

Any unit size in any number of dimensions can attain perfection by realization of ultimate truth. It
just need to get the grace of GURU to realize the unit hypercube of n+1 dimensions.

om tat sat.

kRshnam vande jagadgurum!

"Free Will" and its controller

Having studied the creation process of Macrocosmic UNIT CUBE and the ever existing grace flow
from within as the cause of all forces, let me give a quick explanation on the "Free Will" and its
controller of Microcosm.

As the ego deserves the internal grace, it builds its own unique view of the MACROCOSM with the
"microcosmic body" as the center. The unit of this view is called MIND. Within its own imagination
(kalpana) it can go around in any orbital. The view looks as below.
From First Album

The original BRAHMA's unit cube (with the allowed max 10% error) appears like an ellipsoid
(BRAHMANDA). This appearance is the self imposed limitation called "mind" on the body of the
EGO. The externally acting force that keeps the "electrons" of the mind (or thoughts) within the
orbital is named as "VinAyaka" - meaning variously leading the mind within its limitations. This
force limits the "attainment" on the left, right directions (the plane pair of lakshmi narayana of
macrocosm) which is called "siddhi" and also limits the intellect of the mind on front back direction
(the plane pair called vani hirnyagarbha of macrocosm) that is called "buddhi". This force is rightly
called as "GANAPATHI" as the leader of all the beings that have the "free will" or some degree of
freedom. [This power called GANAPATHI is the first god to be prayed in all the sankalpas or
endivours of GANAS as per Sanatana Dharma - He is the z axis centered in the individual... the
"son" of plane pair uma maheswara!!]

Having achieved the error below 10% on all the three dimensions an EGO deserves this "free
will"; having attained the free will it should try to attain the realization of ultimate truth. Instead it
gets trapped in its own created "net" due to ignorance.

a. Devotion to Iswara,
b. Discrimination between the "essence of eternal truth" and appearance of "names & forms" and
c. Dispassion towards the non-eternal appearances are the three fundamental prerequisites to get
to the ultimate truth.

These three prerequisites arise out of a clear pure heart. (See last post for the description of the
light within)

That "light" alone can dispel the "net" of darkness(or ignorance) rooted in NOTHING. Getting lost
in the "net" causes the EGO to go on infinitely in the net of NOTHING.

om tat sat

Units of TIME in our lOka

lOka roughly means "view".

In the present Brahma's unit cube, in the view of beings on the bhu loka (earth view) the "time"
appears as follows:

1. day:
Earth unit cube consisting of solid earth crust along with its environment consisting of water and
gas based mass revolves around its own axis (I) . One such revolution is called a DAY. At any
given point on the earth surface sees "light" and "darkness" during this period.

2. month:
Earth's satellite moon (MINE or the mind) goes around the earth in a period of a month. In this
view it appears that moon is growing and diminishing in the size day by day. But at the end of this
revolution a complete cycle of growth and decay would have completed.

3. year:
Earth along with its satellite goes around its basis (the SUN) in a period of a year. During this
period all the points of the earth have got equal amount of light and darkness. This period is
called sam+vatsara or a period in which one sees equal amount of light & darkness, heat and cold
or a cycle of seasons.
In this example the EGO of I, MINE called (earth & moon the x, y axis) going around the
respective z axis which is the SUN.

These three units of time with reference to a Microcosm are as follows:

ut-swasa - ni-swasa (Aswasa):

one aswasa is the smallest period of a microcosmic fully formed EGO. It is a breath-in and breath-
out cycle. This is equivalent of a day in the macrocosm.

janma - mrutyu:
This is the period between the birth and death. During this period the growth and decay of the
gross body is observed by the subtle body. (subtle body is I and gross body is MINE) This is a
month of microcosm.

bandha - moksha:
This is the period it takes to go around the ULTIMATE TRUTH of realizing the fact that
EVERYTHING always exists and NOTHING (ego) never exists from the point when EGO's causal
body of ignorance formed. (Ignorance in the form of firm belief that NOTHING exists!!) This is a
year of microcosm.

Remember that at the end of each cyclic period the work done is "0 - zero"

In the microcosm the MIND is a bunch of thoughts and these thoughts are like electrons. They are
limited by an energy band and be in an orbital. (instead of an orbit of macrocosm as seen in the
last post) So, the YEAR of microcosm is of uncertain length and lasts until all the electrons are
removed from the orbital. All thoughts are based on the IGNORANCE which is the first impossible
thought of "NOT" exists or NEGATION of truth is possible.

So, the most important objective of human form of life (with its unique capability of discriminative
intelligence) is to remove the bondage of thoughts and realize the ultimate truth. This form of life
is acquired after several "months" of hard work by each human being.

If this chance is lost, it may be several million more "months" of orbits around 'I' and
'Mine' to get this chance again!! So try to use the hard earned grace in the form of "free
will" wisely to realize the TRUTH!!!

om tat sat

Final Post - The plain truth

Having explained about three dimensions, there gunas, three pairs of planes that make the unit
cube, three axis, a universal center at (0,0,0) and iswara at (0,0,1) the apta-kaama (ever fulfilled
desire of iswara and ever perfected knowledge of prakriti) the secret of triple division of space and
time, the secret of duality of rAga and dvesha; the origin of EGO in the impossibility of double
negation of NOT NOT, the dependent view of a microcosm (lOka) and its respective time units of
measure in the past 32 posts; this is the last post on this blog to explain the ultimate truth in the
simplest possible terms as a summary.

1. The unit measure of "Day" is due to a revolution of "I" around its EGO (identity - in this
example it is EARTH).

2. The unit measure of "YEAR" is due to a revolution of "I" around its TRUE SELF. (in this example
it is SUN)
3. The unit measure of "MONTH" in its appearance of birth, growth, formation, transformation,
decay and death is only an "appearance" due to the "attachment" to MOON (the mind) by the
body (the GROSS identification on EARTH) This attachment creates a virtual relationship between
the "I" and "Mine" causing the delusion of all the six transformations. Due to this delusion (mOha)
"I" and "MINE" will get into a mutual dependency and starts engaging in the preserving /
protecting / propagating the FORM and NAME within their view (lOka). This generates "ACTION"
based on "DESIRE" (kAma) and a bondage to the lOka. There is really NO END for these turning of
the MONTHS i.e., birth and death cycles as long as the bondage (mOha) is not removed. (along
with its close friends krodha, lobha, mada and matsarya)

The mOha results in the thought that "I" am the doer and basis for 'my' mind. (Earth thinking that
Earth carries the MOON ignoring its own basis SUN) This is called AHAMKAARA (EGO in English!)

The same mOha makes "MIND" feel that it is self-effulgent. Mind thinks it is giving "light" to the
BODY and senses and it is being supported by the body and senses (EARTH) The EGO
identification only "sees" when MOON is there (this is called waking up state and dreaming state)
It is fast asleep when the SUN is shining (it is called sushupti - or deep sleep state of the bonded

When mind realizes it is ultimately dependent on the self-effulgent light source (SUN) and body
and senses realize that they are also ultimately based on the true self (SUN) they come out of
mOha and get released from the bondage for ever completing the "YEAR"

NOTHING originates in NOTHING; TRANSFORMS and appear in NOTHING; MERGE back into

but, the EGO (a derived something out of NOTHING due to Ignorance) has to work hard in making
and breaking the mOha - the delusion!

om tat sat
Note 1:
This whole blog is only an attempt of verbalization of very "subtle and ultimate truth" that is
beyond the realm of words and mind. It flows out of an EGO's (identified as Prasad Chitta)
tasting a quarter droplet of nectar that flows out of the lotus feet of his GURU who is an
infinite ocean of compassion; who is ever established in the ULTIMATE TRUTH.

Note 2:
Readers please note
a. if any of the concepts and ideas are "acceptable and useful" to them those ideas/concepts are
the grace of hierarchy of GURUS (guru parampara that ends in the ultimate truth or BRAHMAN)
b. if any of the concepts and ideas that are "incorrect" in the view, those ideas/concepts are due
to the SOLE ignorance of this EGO (Prasad Chitta) which is NOTHING anyway!

Note 3:
The best way to 'use' this blog is to read from the oldest post first using the blog archive on the
top of this page. Read and Internalize the concept/idea as explained and go to the next post to
finally reach this 33rd post.

Note 4:
This blog has a fulfilled purpose of teaching NOTHING about NOTHING, EVERYTHING about
All the best!

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