3., (Winter: Parents Cranston

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, 247-255 NUMBER 4 (WINTER 1970)

Two teachers and a parent used three basic multiple baseline designs to investigate the
effects of systematic reinforcement and punishment procedures in the classroom and at
home. (1) A fifth-grade teacher concurrently measured the same behavior (tardiness) in
three stimulus situations (after morning, noon, and afternoon recesses). Posting the names
of pupils on a chart titled "Today's Patriots" was made contingent on being on time after
the noon recess, then successively also the morning and afternoon recesses. Tardiness was
reduced to near zero rates at the points where contingencies were applied. (2) A highschool
teacher recorded the same behavior (daily French-quiz grades) of three students. She then
successively applied the same consequences (staying after school for individual tutoring for
D and F grades) for each student. At the points where the contingency was applied, D and
F grades were eliminated. (3) A mother concurrently measured three different behaviors
(clarinet practice, Campfire project work, reading) of her 10-yr-old daughter. She succes-
sively applied the same contingency (going to bed early) for less than 30 min spent engaged
in one after another of the behaviors. Marked increases in the behaviors were observed at
the points where the contingency was applied.

In a number of studies employing systematic (e.g., Hall, Lund, and Jackson, 1968; Hall, Pan-
reinforcement procedures to modify academic yan, Rabon, and Broden, 1968; Thomas, Becker,
behaviors of pupils, a traditional experimental- and Armstrong, 1968; Madsen, Becker, and
group control-group research design has been Thomas, 1968). In these studies, the progress
incorporated to evaluate the effects of the pro- of an individual subject or of a group was com-
grams. (e.g., Wolf, Giles, and Hall, 1968; Clark, pared under successive baseline and reinforce-
Wolf, Lachowicz, 1968; Ward and Baker, ment conditions. First, baseline observations
1968). In these studies, the progress of a group were made to establish the pre-reinforcement
whose behaviors were exposed to systematic level of performance; then, reinforcement
reinforcement procedures was compared to the procedures were instituted. Once a change
progress of a control group that was not ex- in level of performance had been demon-
posed to the procedures. strated, a brief return was made to base-
On the other hand, in many studies involv- line conditions. When the behavior re-
ing systematic reinforcement procedures, a turned to the baseline level, reinforcement
reversal experimental design was employed procedures were employed once more to see
if the level of performance achieved in the
"This research was supported in part by the National first reinforcement phase could be replicated.
Institute of Child Health and Human Development Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968) suggested the
(HD-03144-03, Bureau of Child Research and Depart-
ment of Family Life, University of Kansas). Reprints desirability of using another research strategy,
may be obtained from R. Vance Hall, Juniper Gardens called a multiple baseline, as an alternative
Children's Project, 2021 North Third Street, Kansas to the reversal design in applied research. The
City, Kansas 66101. The authors are indebted to Linda multiple baseline design involves the measure-
Warwick, a student in the fifth-grade class of Highlands
School, Mission, Kansas, who served as second observer ment of several behaviors over time so that
in the Patriots' Chart experiment; to Susam Helmsing, several baselines are established. Then, a be-
a student at Shawnee Mission North High School, who havior modification procedure is applied to
independently scored papers in the French class experi- one of the behaviors until a change is demon-
ment; and to Jessica Shellman, who acted as a reli- strated in that behavior; then, the same pro-
ability observer in the home study experiment. The
authors are also indebted to Donald M. Baer, Montrose cedure is applied to a second behavior, later
M. Wolf, Larry Doke, and Joseph Spradlin for com- to a third, and so forth. If the various be-
ments and suggestions regarding the manuscript. haviors change markedly at the point when
248 R. VANCE HALL et al.

the procedure is introduced, a strong inference The teacher chose a pupil who was always
of a causal relationship is established. To date, prompt to make a simultaneous record of the
very few studies reported have used the mul- number of late pupils. The correspondence
tiple baseline research strategy, although Hart of the teacher and pupil records was 100%0
and Risley (1968) employed a multiple base- on all 59 days of the study, except for the first,
line design in their study of preschool language second, third, tenth, and seventeenth days. On
acquisition and Barrish, Saunders, and Wolf each of these days, there was a difference of
(1969) used a multiple baseline design in study- one in the number of late pupils recorded. The
ing the effects of group contingencies, first percentage of agreement of the records on days
during math period and then during reading when the counts differed was computed by
period, to decrease talking-out and out-of-seat dividing the lesser tally of late pupils by the
behaviors in a fourth-grade classroom. greater and multiplying by 100. The mean
The present studies illustrate the use of percentage of agreement for the study was
three basic types of multiple baseline designs: 99%.
across situations, across individuals, and across
behaviors. The studies are also of interest be- Experimental Phases and Results
cause in each case a teacher or parent acted as Baseline or no-chart phase. Records were
the experimenter and the prime observer. kept of the number of pupils who were late
Most studies carried out in classrooms and returning to the room after the noon, morn-
homes have relied completely on outside ob- ing, and afternoon recesses. No contingencies
servers and experimenters. Procedures that were in effect for being late after the noon
allow teachers and parents to act as observers recess during the first 13 days of recording.
and experimenters will more likely be used No contingencies were in effect for being late
than those requiring extensive outside person- after the morning recess during the first 21
nel. days of recording; and no contingencies were
in effect for being tardy after the afternoon
EXPERIMENT I recess through the first 27 days of the experi-
ment. Thus baselines of varying length were
Subjects and Setting established. The median number of pupils
Twenty-five fifth-grade students from upper- late after the noon recess during this baseline
middle-class families in the suburban area of phase was eight, while the median number late
Shawnee Mission, Kansas served as subjects. after both the morning and afternoon phases
As a part of their daily routine, the 16 boys and was four. (See Fig. 1)
nine girls in the class were allowed to go to Patriots chart part. Before the experiment,
the restroom and to visit the drinking fountain the class had been reading a series of patriotic
after recesses. Although most pupils returned books about the history of America. In the
to class without undue delay, there were books, the children of the American colonists
usually a few pupils after each recess who helped find powder for the soldiers, went on
returned a minute or two after class had re- secret missions, carried messages for the
sumed. This disrupted class and annoyed the colonists, etc. The class discussed how exciting
teacher. it must have been to live in those days. They
discussed how they could be patriots as chil-
Observation dren living in the 1960s. One suggestion was
The teacher, who was enrolled in a uni- that if they obeyed class rules they were good
versity course on management of classroom be- citizens and, therefore, patriots. As part of
havior, acted as the primary observer. She their unit on patriotism, they had a class pro-
began recording the number of pupils who gram in which they acted out some of the
were late in returning to class after the morn- stories they had read and told how children
ing, noon, and afternoon recesses. The teacher today could be patriotic. Since patriotism
closed the classroom door 4 min after the first seemed to have become so important, the
pupil entered the hallway outside the class- teacher decided that for a pupil's name to be
room on his way to the restroom after re- included in a list of students' names entitled
cess. Any pupil who entered the classroom "Today's Patriots" would probably be a re-
after the door closed was counted as being late. inforcing event.



C,. a
At l -
l FR2







FR 2 FR 3 FRt S
: - : :
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Fig. 1. A record of the number of pupils late in returning to their fifth-grade classroom after noon, morning,
and afternoon recess. No Charts-baseline, before experimental procedures. Patriots' Chart-posting of pupil
names on "Today's Patriots" chart contingent on entering class on time after recess. No Chart-posting of names
discontinued. Patriots' Chart-return to Patriots' Chart conditions. Un-Patriots' Chart-posting of names on "Un-
Patriots'" chart contingent on being late after recess (FR 2) every two days,, (FR 3) every three days, and (FR
5) every five days.

On the morning of the fourteenth day, the afternoon recesses remained essentially un-
teacher introduced a "Today's Patriots" list changed.
which was to be posted on the bulletin board On the morning of the twenty-second day,
before the close of school each day. The the children were told they must be in the
teacher told the class that if they were inside room before the door was closed after the
the classroom before the door was closed after morning as well as the noon recess in order
the noon recess, their names would be placed to have their names placed on the patriots'
on the "Today's Patriots" chart. Nothing was chart. Nothing was said about the afternoon
said about the morning or afternoon recesses. recess. As shown in Fig. 1, under these con-
As seen in Fig. 1, the number of pupils late ditions the number of pupils late at noon
after the noon recess under the Patriots' Chart remained at zero; the number of late pupils
condition decreased dramatically, while the after the afternoon recess remained at essen-
number of those late after the morning and tially the same level, perhaps slightly lower.
250 R. VANCE HALL et al.
On the twenty-eighth day, the pupils were ing the "Un-Patriots'" Chart. Initially, it was
told that they had been excellent patriots but posted every other day. Since the pupils were
that beginning that day they must be in the required to have a perfect record between post-
classroom by the time the door was closed after ings, they were on a fixed ratio (FR 2) sched-
all three recesses in order to be listed as a pa- ule. Beginning on the forty-ninth day, the
triot. Under these conditions no pupils were chart was posted every third day (FR 3) and in
recorded as being late after any of the recesses. the last week of the experiment it was not
No chart phase. After five days in which no posted until the end of the week (FR 5). (As
pupil was late after any recess, a reversal phase can be seen in Fig. 1, except for one pupil who
was instituted as a further check on the func- was late at noon on the third day of the un-
tion of the chart as a reinforcer for being on patriots' phase, there was a zero rate of being
time. On the thirty-third day, the pupils were late after recess).
told they had done so well and had such a per-
fect record of being patriots that the teacher
thought she no longer needed to post any EXPERIMENT II
names. She stressed that she knew she could
count on them to continue being patriots. Subjects and Setting
Then, nothing more was said and no lists were Three tenth-grade students in a French II
posted during the week. As seen in Fig. 1, there class met daily for 45 min at Shawnee Mission
was a return of late behavior. North High school in Shawnee Mission, Kan-
Return to patriots' chart phase. On the sas. When the study was initiated, these stu-
thirty-eighth day, the pupils were told that be- dents, two boys and a girl, had been receiving
cause some pupils were again returning to class grades that were primarily Ds and Fs on quizzes
late, the patriots' chart would be posted once given three to four times a week. These quizzes
more and that pupils must be on time after all were given at the beginning or end of the class
recesses in order to have their names listed. As period to determine whether the pupils had
shown in Fig. 1, there was an immediate return studied the homework assignment the previous
to perfect promptness after recess. night or to see if they had paid attention in
Un-patriots' chart phase. Up to this point, class that day.
whenever the patriots' chart condition was in Before the study, the teacher had talked with
effect, names were listed on a continuous rein- each of the students concerning their low test
forcement schedule, that is, every day. On the scores and encouraged them to make an effort
forty-third day, however, the pupils were told at better performance. She reported having
that "Today's Patriots" would be posted at tried applying contingent verbal praise when
various times, rather than every day. They one of them did well on a quiz as well as writ-
would not know how often the list would be ing "good" or other remarks (in French) on
posted but were encouraged to keep a prompt their test papers. Contingent verbal praise had
record so that their names would be on it also been used to reinforce correct oral re-
whenever it was. sponses during recitation in class. These at-
In the course of the discussion, one of the tempts had not been effective in increasing
pupils suggested that the names of those who quiz performance.
were late should be posted rather than those
who were on time. Other pupils agreed that Observation
this would be a good plan, stating as their rea- The teacher, who was enrolled in a course
son that it was hard to find one's own name on on management of classroom behavior, acted
the list because there were so many on it. as the experimenter and primary observer.
Others suggested a larger chart that would be Letter grades were assigned the quizzes accord-
easier to see. Finally, the matter was put to a ing to the following scale: A = 92 to 100% cor-
vote. The pupils voted to list those who were rect; B = 84 to 91%; C = 72 to 83%; D = 64 to
late and suggested it be called the "Un-Pa- 71%; F =63% or below. As a check on the
triots'" chart, adapted from the commercial reliability of scoring, the teacher had an out-
for the "Un-Cola". standing student score the quizzes indepen-
Through the remainder of the experiment, dently. The agreement in scoring by the two
an intermittent schedule was followed in post- was 100%.
knew the lesson well. After these conditions
Experimental Phases and Results were instituted, Dave's median grade was an
Baseline phase. Quiz scores were recorded A and his grade-point average on the four-
and graphed for all three pupils during the point scale was 3.6. He received no Ds or Fs on
baseline phase when no special contingencies any of the 15 quizzes given.
were being applied. Baseline conditions were Nothing was said to Roy until after the fif-
in effect for 10 days for Dave, 15 days for Roy, teenth quiz had been given, at which time the
and 20 days for Debbie. Figure 2 presents a same contingency for D and F grades was put
record of their grades. Dave's median grade for into effect. Roy's median grade for this phase
10 baseline quizzes was F. On a four-point scale was B, and his grade point increased to 2.8. He
(A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) his mean received no D or F grades.
grade point was 0.4. Roy's median grade for 15 Tutoring after school following quiz grades
baseline quizzes was also F and his grade on a of D or F was instituted for Debbie after the
four-point scale was 0.7. Debbie's median for twentieth class quiz. Debbie's median grade for
20 baseline quizzes was F and her grade point the five days after experimental conditions
was 0.4. were begun was C. Her grade point was 2.2
After-school tutoring for low grades phase. and, like Dave and Roy, she received no Ds or
At the close of class after the tenth quiz had Fs.
been given, the teacher informed Dave that be-
cause he seemed to be having trouble under- EXPERIMENT III
standing his French lessons, beginning with
the next quiz, whenever he earned a score of Subject and Setting
D or F, he would be required to come in after The subject of this experiment was Lisa, a
school and she would work with him until he 10-yr-odd normal, active fourth-grade girl.
Among her extra-curricular activities were
music lessons on the clarinet and membership
A in a Campfire Girl troop. During the weeks of
this study, cold weather confined the subject in-
doors after school for all but a few minutes of
play outdoors each day. In order for her to
D earn ceremonial honor beads in an upcoming
Campfire "ceremonial" she needed to complete
several projects. She also had six book reports
due before Christmas Vacation. Her regularly
.I scheduled clarinet practice time was 30 min
per day. The press of these activities caused
the girl's mother to ask that she spend 30 min
per activity during the after-school and evening
AKA hours during the four weeks before Christmas
vacation. (Immediately after the study, the re-
-i quirements for study and working on Camp-
fire projects were reduced).

The girl's mother, who was enrolled in a
university course on management of classroom
behavior, acted as the experimenter and pri-
mary observer. A stopwatch was used to time
all three behaviors. Time spent practising on
DAYS the clarinet was measured from the time the
Fig. 2. A record of quiz score grades for three high first note was sounded until the subject an-
school French-class students. Baseline-before experi-
mental procedures. After School Tutoring Contingent nounced she had finished. Time spent getting
on D and F Grades-pupils required to stay after school the clarinet out and putting it away after prac-
for tutoring if they score D or F on daily quizzes. tice was not counted as part of the practice ses-
252 R. VANCE HALL et al.
sion. Since the Campfire Girl projects included wW BASELINE UBETIME CONTINGIlNT ON T1ZG
a variety of activities, time spent on them was is
measured after Lisa had explained to her to
mother what she was going to do, had gathered -zB.5Vw a40
all needed materials and work actually com-
menced. Reading time was recorded from the el
time Lisa was seated at a table with her library
book open until she closed the book. No time
was deducted for occasional pauses when she 1 |0 L---- ______.
looked away from the book to "day-dream".
As long as the book was open and she was 0
Z |
seated at the table in front of it, reading time
was recorded. z
3' 10 _
O _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A classmate of the experimenter came to din- 14

ner once a week, and participated in evaluat- a

S 12
ing the reliability of the observation proce- 4

dures. The classmate would arrive about the
same time the children returned from school Fig. 3. A record of time spent in clarinet practice,
Campfire honors project work, and reading for book
and would stay until the last task was com- reports by a 10-yr-old girl. Baseline-before experi-
pleted. She used a second stopwatch and ob- mental procedures. Early Bedtime Contingent on Less
served from a different vantage point than that Than 30 Min of Behavior-1 min earlier bedtime for
of the mother. For example, she would sit in each minute less than 30 engaged in an activity.
the living room to observe Lisa who was read-
ing at a table in the kitchen. Although she Bedtime contingent on clarinet practice. At
could observe Lisa, she could not see Lisa's the beginning of the second week, Lisa was
mother who was also in the kitchen working. told that she would have to go to bed 1 min
Neither was able to hear the click of the other's earlier than her regular bedtime on Monday,
stopwatch. For purposes of this study it was Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday for each min-
decided to round off all time measures to the ute less than 30 min that she spent practising
nearest minute. If less than 30 sec showed on her clarinet. Under these conditions, she prac-
the stopwatch, they were not counted. If more ticed 26 min the first day and 30 min a day
than 30 sec showed, another whole minute was thereafter. Her mean duration of practising
added. Under these conditions, agreement be- for the entire phase increased to 29 min per
tween the observers was 100% throughout the day. Campfire work averaged 3.75 min per day.
study. Data were recorded four evenings a week Book-report reading remained at the baseline
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. duration of 11 min per day.'
Bedtime contingent on clarinet practice and
Experimental Phases and Results Campfire work. At the beginning of the third
Baseline. Before baseline, Lisa was told that week, Lisa was told that she had not been
she was to spend 30 min each evening on each spending enough time on her Campfire proj-
of the three projects, clarinet practising, Camp- ects. Therefore, she would have to go to bed
fire honors, and book-report reading. Lisa 1 min early for each minute less than 30 min

agreed that to do so was necessary if she were that she worked on her Campfire projects as
to finish her projects on time. Lisa was in- well as 1 min early for each minute less than
structed that her activities were being timed 30 she practised her clarinet. When bedtime
during the baseline phase. Figure 3 presents was made contingent on both clarinet prac-
the records of the number of minutes Lisa tising and Campfire project work, Lisa spent
spent engaged in clarinet practice, Campfire adequate amounts of time engaged in both of
work, and book-report reading. these behaviors. The mean duration of prac-
Lisa's mean baseline for time spent in clar- tising the clarinet remained at approximately
inet practice was 13.5 min per day. Her mean 29 min per day and Campfire work increased
time spent in Campfire work was 3.5 min per to about 28 min per day. Book-report reading
day, and her mean time spent in reading for remained at the relatively short duration of
book reports was 11 min per day. 11.5 min per day.
Bedtime contingent on clarinet practice, Lisa's behaviors were measured. The same con-
Campfire work, and reading. At the beginning tingency was applied successively to each of
of the fourth week, Lisa was told she would the behaviors and at the points where the con-
be required to go to bed 1 min early for each tingency was placed in effect, significant
minute less than 30 that she spent reading for changes in rate were observed.
her book reports. The contingencies for clari- The second multiple-baseline design sug-
net practice and for Campfire work were also gested by Risley and Baer (in press) was to
still in effect. Thus, when bedtime was made measure concurrently the same behavior of
contingent on engaging in all three behaviors, several individuals in the same situation. After
Lisa's mean time spent practising was 29 min, obtaining these baselines, experimental pro-
time spent working on Campfire projects was cedures could be applied successively to the
29.75 min, and time spent reading was 30 min. behavior of one after another of the individ-
The mean duration of all three activities was uals. Few examples of this tactic in applied
1 hr and 28.75 min, compared to a mean dura- school settings have been reported; however,
tion of only 28 min during the first baseline Revusky (1967) suggested a statistical treat-
week. ment for analyzing data in such experiments.
The second experiment in which the senior-
DISCUSSION high French students successively earned better
grades on daily quizzes after the consequence
Multiple Baseline Designs of staying after school to be helped was in-
The three present studies provide examples voked for the first, second, and third student,
of three basic types of multiple baseline studies. is an example of the use of this type of mul-
When Baer et al. (1968) suggested the use of tiple baseline design.
the multiple baseline technique, they did not The third type of multiple baseline tactic
differentiate the various types of multiple base- suggested by Risley and Baer (in press) was to
lines that are possible. More recently, however, measure the same behavior of a single individ-
Risley and Baer (in press) have suggested that ual concurrently in different stimulus situa-
at least three different multiple baselines de- tions. In the classroom, these stimulus situa-
signs are possible in investigating the behavior tions could involve at least the five major
of individual subjects. We suggest that these dimensions of time, type of activity, identity of
multiple baseline designs apply equally well teacher, location, and composition of student
to the behavior of groups if the behavior of group. (It could also, of course, vary in a mul-
the group members is summed or averaged, titude of other dimensions.)
and the group is treated as a single organism. The Barrish, et al. (1968) study is an ex-
Such an application is illustrated in Exp. I. ample of this design applied to a classroom
One approach Risley and Baer (in press) group. In their study, baselines of talking-out
suggested, involves obtaining baselines of two and being out-of-seat behavior were obtained
or more behaviors of the same individual and during math and reading periods. Contingen-
introducing experimental procedures to one cies were then applied, first during math, then
of the behaviors after the other, causality being during reading. Thus, the stimulus situations
demonstrated if the behaviors change succes- differed in at least two major dimensions: time
sively at the point where experimental pro- and type of activity. This is seen in the fact
cedures were applied and not before. Few such that reading period came after math period
multiple baseline studies have been published, and in the fact that reading and math are by
although Swarz and Hawkins (in press) used definition different types of activity. The loca-
such a tactic to explore the effects of contin- tion, the teacher, and the composition of the
gencies on number size, face touching, posture, student group remained constant, as both
and voice loudness in a sixth-grade girl. Risley math and reading were taught in the same self-
and Hart (1968) used the multiple baseline de- contained classroom.
sign with a group in their investigation of The classroom study in which the names of
language in groups of poverty area preschool pupils who were on time were posted on the
children. The experiment carried out by Lisa's Patriots' Chart is an example of this third kind
mother (Exp. III) was a very clear example of of multiple baseline. In this case, however, the
this type of multiple baseline design. Three of stimulus situation varied along one major di-
254 R. VANCE HALL et al.
mension only, that of time. In all three mea- with Roy and Debbie indicated, however, that
surement situations (noon, morning, and after- staying after school to receive help may be a
noon), the same group of pupils was returning punishing consequence for many pupils. It
to the same classroom and teacher after the would be a mistake to conclude that this would
activity of recess. The location of the classroom be true in all cases. In Lisa's case, having to go
and its relationship to the playground, wash- to bed earlier than usual was also shown to be
rooms, hallways, etc. remained constant. Thus, an effective consequence, one that would not
the only apparent change in stimulus situ- be surprising to any parent of a pre-teen son
ations was associated with whether it was the or daughter.
morning, noon, or afternoon recess. It was a little more surprising, however, that
the Patriots' Chart proved as effective as the
Instructional Control data indicated. It is probable that many other
It should be pointed out that in each of the teachers have tried the posting of names on a
three present experiments, in which clear and chart as a means of reinforcing desired class-
dramatic effects were observed, the subjects room behavior. In most cases, the behavior of
were under good instructional control. concern has probably been something other
In each study, whenever the teacher or the than returning to class on time after recess
parent announced a new experimental condi- and the charts have probably been labelled
tion there was an immediate change in be- "Today's Citizens", or "Our Good Workers",
havior directly related to the announced change or some designation other than "Today's Pa-
in condition. This instructional control sug- triots". Essentially, however, the tactics and
gests that in all three cases the subjects had aims have been the same. These other teachers
learned that when the teacher or parent an- may or may not have had successes equal to
nounced conditions that would lead to a given those achieved in this study, and at least some
consequence, the consequences would indeed will be surprised at the present results, as was
follow. Thus, verbal cues from adults had be- the teacher who conducted the study. She did
come discriminative stimuli for consequences. not expect the degree of control effected by her
(In other words, when the teacher or parent procedures. Therefore, mention should prob-
said something they "knew she meant itl".) ably be made of several important factors that
That instructional control is dependent on may have contributed to the success achieved
consequences, however, is dramatically illus- and would be important considerations for
trated in the Patriots' Chart study by the re- anyone trying to replicate the results. The fact
versal procedure phase. Here, the teacher spe- that this technique proved so effective with
cifically asked pupils to continue being on time this particular class may have been related to
although she removed the patriots' chart con- the rather extensive study by the students of
tingency. Since tardiness increased, it can be the unit on patriotism. Reading stories about
seen that even though the teacher had previ- patriots, class discussions, and other such activ-
ously shown strong instructional control when ities may have contributed to the reinforcing
her statements promised consequences, instruc- function served by listing pupils as "Today's
tional control was relatively weak when it was Patriots".
not accompanied by consequences.
Discriminating Conditions
Effective Consequences Another factor that may have been related
The data also indicated that the conse- to the success of these studies is that the sub-
quences chosen were effective. In the high jects were able to discriminate clearly when
school French class, it was of special interest to experimental conditions were in effect. In the
note that the three students never came in con- cases of the French pupils and Lisa, it is not
tact with the consequence, yet it served to surprising that the necessary discriminations
produce marked changes in their performance. were made. In the case of the Patriots' Chart
In this case, avoidance behavior was observed. study, however, since the stimulus situations
Such behavior was not too surprising in Dave's for noon, morning, and afternoon recesses were
instance because he was athletic and staying ostensibly similar in most dimensions, it would
after class to study French would have inter- seem that there would have been near-maxi-
fered with football turnouts. The results found mum possibility for generalization of tardiness

behavior from one recess to another. As shown REFERENCES

in Fig. 1, however, no generalization occurred Baer, Donald M., Wolf, Montrose M., and Risley, Todd
and pupils continued to be tardy at recesses R. Some current dimensions of applied behavior
other than those for which contingencies were analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,
in effect. Thus, pupils were able to make dis- 1968, 1, 91-97.
criminations as to reinforcement or non-rein- Barrish, Harriet H., Saunders, Muriel, and Wolf,
Montrose M. Good behavior game: effects of indi-
forcement from the stimuli available that were vidual contingencies for group consequences on dis-
associated with the various recesses, even ruptive behavior in a classroom. Journal of Applied
though it would seem that the stimulus dimen- Behavior Analysis, 1969, 2, 119-124.
sions of all three after-recess situations were Clark, M., Lachowicz, J., and Wolf, Montrose M. A
pilot basic education program for school dropouts
very much the same. incorporating a token reinforcement system. Be-
haviour Research and Therapy, 1968, 6, 183-188.
Carrying out Consequences Hall, R. Vance; Lund, Diane, and Jackson, Deloris.
Two final factors related to both instruc- Effects of teacher attention on study behavior.
tional control and discrimination conditions Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1968, 1, 1-12.
Hall, R. Vance; Panyan, Marion; Rabon, Deloris, and
were that in all three studies, the pupils were Broden, Marcia. Instructing beginning teachers in
told that the teacher (and in Lisa's case, the reinforcement procedures that improve classroom
mother) was keeping an accurate record and control. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1968,
they did experience the consequences every 1, 315-322.
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Madsen, Charles H., Jr., Becker, W. C., and Thomas,
Teachers and Parents as Experimenters D. R. Rules, praise, and ignoring: elements of
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Perhaps the most important aspect of these Behavior Analysis, 1968, 1, 139-150.
studies, beyond their illustration of three mul- Revusky, S. H. Some statistical treatments compatible
tiple baselines as a research tactic, is the fact with individual organism methodology. Journal of
that they were carried out by teachers and par- Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1967, 10,319-330.
ents. As previously mentioned, most research Risley, Todd R. and Baer, Donald M. Operant con-
ditioning: "Develop" is a transitive active verb.
reported up to now has employed skilled re- In B. Caldwell and H. Ricciuti (Eds.), Review of
searchers with outside observers. These studies child development research, volume III: Social in-
demonstrate, however, that teachers and par- fluence and social action. (In press)
ents can carry out important and significant Risley, Todd R. and Hart, Betty M. Developing cor-
studies in natural settings using resources avail- respondence between the non-verbal and verbal be-
havior of preschool children. Journal of Applied
able to them. In doing so, they demonstrated Behavior Analysis, 1968, 1, 267-281.
that systematic behavioral analysis procedures Schwarz, Michael L. and Hawkins, Robert P. Applica-
can be successfully employed by teachers and tion of delayed conditioning procedures to the
parents using resources and contingencies read- behavior problems of an elementary school child.
In R. Ulrich, J. Stachnik, and J. Mabry. Control of
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It should perhaps be emphasized once more, Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman. (In press)
however, that hadnot the experimenters chosen Thomas, D. R., Becker, W. C., and Armstrong, M.
consequences that were effective, had the be- Production and elimination of disruptive classroom
haviors been less clearly specified, had the ex- behavior by systematically varying teacher's be-
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perimenters been less precise in carrying out 1, 35-45.
the measurement and reinforcement proce- Ward, Michael and Becker, Bruce. Reinforcement
dures, it is improbable that such dramatic re- therapy in the classroom. Journal of Applied Be-
sults would have been obtained. Others who havior Analysis, 1968, 1, 323-328.
attempt similar programs should attend to all Wolf, Montrose M., Giles, David K., and Hall, R.
Vance. Experiments with token reinforcement in a
of these factors if they expect to achieve a simi- remedial classroom. Behaviour Research and
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