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Lesson Plan 

1. Topic or Unit of Study: Social Studies (Geography) 
2. Grade/Level: Third Grade 
3. Objective: ​Students will identify and categorize the characteristics of rural, urban,
and suburban communities. Also they will be able to differ the three types of

5. Time Allotment: 20 minutes 

1. Students will be able to connect how geography influences community location and 
development. (DOK. Level 3) 
2. Compare how people modify and adapt to the environment and culture in our community 
to other places (DOK level 2) 

a. Prep time for the teacher  
a. When the teacher should be setting up the powerpoint and organizing things 
within the classroom to prepare for the lesson (also including telling the students 
what noise level they should be at throughout the class) 
b. Introducing the Teacher 
a. Where the teacher introduces themselves as well as introduces the topic to the 
students of what they will be learning for class today 
c. Direct Instruction (powerpoint time) 


a. Students note taking on worksheet 
d. Check for Understanding 
a. Teacher asking questions on what was just talked about 
e. Independent Practice 
a. Drawing the different communities 
f. Closing 
a. Giving assessment out to students 
b. Announce what the students will be doing for homework  

Differentiated Instruction 

a. Visual Learners- powerpoint with pictures 

b. Kinesthetic Learners - project will be to draw the different types of communities 
c. Advanced Learners- notes taken on a worksheet (individual) 
d. Slower learners- Teacher is to be walking around making sure everyone understands the 
material and can help with the worksheet or a partner can be chosen 

Materials & Resources 

- a bin of markers or crayons 
- White sheets of paper for every student 
- a worksheet created for the note taking part of the lesson 
- a computer and projector for the teacher to use for the powerpoint 
- a vocabulary and short answer practice quiz pre made to fit the topic of the lesson and 
what should have been learned 

Students will be given a created test that has already been printed out. This will be one test for 
each student and there will be two sections. The first section will be vocabulary, and the second 
will be a short answer section where they will be given three questions and they should write at 


least one full sentence answering each question. This is individual work unless the teacher has 
listed out name of someone or people who are to be taking the assessment with a partner. 

The student is expected to go back home and bring their worksheet with them . Show the 
worksheet to their parents and explain what they had learned today. Their parents have to then 
write at least three things they had learned from their child about the lesson. This is to be handed 
in to the teacher tomorrow.  

Powerpoint use which is on a computer and a projector   

Lesson step by step procedure:  

Before class has started, the Teacher should be setting up the powerpoint so it is already ready 
to be presented. To avoid difficulties technologically because of lack of preparedness. Then 
make sure the desks are all neat and there are the marker cubbies at each pod of desks(a pod is 
just a group of desks that are together). Put a worksheet at each present students desk. Then to 
start class, make sure that all the students have taken a seat, and that each student is at least 
sitting next to one person. Establish a noise level for today’s lesson to start out with. Make it clear 
that you will be teaching with a powerpoint to start so the students must be silent. Then start the 
lesson ask students if they have heard of geography or of a community before if so raise their 
hand. If they have call on at least two people to give their definition of geography and a 
community. (1 min.) then start to go over the PowerPoint. Make sure you go through this 
thoroughly and give students enough time to write down their answers. (4 mins.) After finished it 
is showed on the last slide what they will be doing for their activity. Walk around and give each 
student à sheet of paper and let them start the activity, they are supposed to share what they are 
doing at this time with their classmates. Then they are to hand in their activities then go back to 
their seat and sit down quietly. (6 mins.) After this introduce they will be taking a practice quiz, to 
see what they have learned so far, and have met the objective. They should be completing this 
quiz individually, unless they have talked to the teacher about needing extra help previously. (9 


mins.) Then to finish up the class explain that they will need to bring their worksheet home, show 
it to their parents and explain what they had learned, their parents will need to write down three 
things they learned, and the student is expected to bring in the paper with the notes on it 
tomorrow. If the student believes they would have a problem doing this, then have them come in 
tomorrow, and explain what they themselves have learned from the lesson. (1 min.) 

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