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What is the output of the program

int main()
enum status { pass, fail, atkt};
enum status stud1, stud2, stud3;
stud1 = pass;
stud2 = atkt;
stud3 = fail;
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", stud1, stud2, stud3);
return 0;

A. 0, 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3
C. 0, 2, 1
D. 1, 3, 2
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option C

enum takes the format like {0,1,2..) so pass=0, fail=1, atkt=2

stud1 = pass (value is 0)
stud2 = atkt (value is 2)
stud3 = fail (value is 1)
Hence it prints 0, 2, 1

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
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* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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2. What will be the output of the program?
int main()
extern int i;
i = 20;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(i));
return 0;

A. 2 B. 4
C. vary from compiler D. Linker Error : Undefined symbol 'i'

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option D

Linker Error : Undefined symbol 'i'
extern int i specifies to the compiler that the memory for 'i' is allocated in s
ome other program and that address will be given to the current program at the t
ime of linking. But linker finds that no other variable of name 'i' is available
in any other program with memory space allocated for it. Hence a linker error h
as occurred .
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
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* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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3. What is the output of the program?
int main()
extern int a;
printf("%d\n", a);
return 0;
int a=20;

A. 20
B. 0
C. Garbage Value D. Error
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A

extern int a; indicates that the variable a is defined elsewhere, usually in a s

eparate source code module.
printf("%d\n", a); it prints the value of local variable int a = 20. Because, wh
enever there is a conflict between local variable and global variable, local var
iable gets the highest priority. So it prints 20.

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Online Compiler/* Note:
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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4. What is the output of the program
int main()
char *s1;
char far *s2;
char huge *s3;
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", sizeof(s1), sizeof(s2), sizeof(s3));
return 0;

A. 2, 4, 6 B. 4, 4, 2
C. 2, 4, 4
D. 2, 2, 2
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option C

Any pointer size is 2 bytes. (only 16-bit offset)

So, char *s1 = 2 bytes.
So, char far *s2; = 4 bytes.
So, char huge *s3; = 4 bytes.
A far, huge pointer has two parts: a 16-bit segment value and a 16-bit offset va
Since C is a compiler dependent language, it may give different at different pla
tforms. The above program works fine in Windows (TurboC), but error in Linux (GC
C Compiler).

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
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* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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5. What is the output of the program
int main()
struct emp
char name[20];
int age;
float sal;
struct emp e = {"Tiger"};
printf("%d, %f\n", e.age, e.sal);
return 0;

A. 0, 0.000000
B. Garbage values
C. Error D. None of above
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A
When an automatic structure is partially initialized remaining elements are init
ialized to 0(zero).
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
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* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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Declarations and Initializations - Point Out Errors
Declarations and Initializations - Point Out Correct Statements
Declarations and Initializations - True / False Questions
Declarations and Initializations - Yes / No Questions

6. What will be the output of the program?

int X=40;
int main()
int X=20;
printf("%d\n", X);
return 0;

A. 20
B. 40
C. Error D. No Output
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A
Whenever there is conflict between a local variable and global variable, the loc
al variable gets priority.
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Online Compiler/* Note:
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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7. What is the output of the program
int main()
int x = 10, y = 20, z = 5, i;
i = x < y < z;
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;

A. 0 B. 1
C. Error D. None of these
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B
Since x < y turns to be TRUE it is replaced by 1. Then 1 < z is compared and to
be TRUE. The 1 is assigned to i.

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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8. What is the output of the program
int main()
extern int fun(float);
int a;
a = fun(3.14);
printf("%d\n", a);
return 0;
int fun(aa)
float aa;
return ((int)aa);

A. 3 B. 3.14
C. 0 D. Error

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option D

2 Errors
1. Type mismatch in redeclaration of fun
2. Type mismatch in parameter aa
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Online Compiler/* Note:
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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9. What is the output of the program
int main()
int a[5] = {2, 3};
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", a[2], a[3], a[4]);
return 0;

A. Garbage Values B. 2, 3, 3
C. 3, 2, 2 D. 0, 0, 0

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option D

When an automatic array is partially initialized, the remaining elements are ini
tialized to 0.
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Online Compiler/* Note:
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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10. What is the output of the program
int main()
union a
int i;
char ch[2];
union a u;[0] = 3;[1] = 2;
printf("%d, %d, %d\n",[0],[1], u.i);
return 0;

A. 3, 2, 515
B. 515, 2, 3
C. 3, 2, 5 D. None of these
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A

printf("%d, %d, %d\n",[0],[1], u.i); It prints the value of[0] =
3,[1] = 2 and it prints the value of u.i means the value of entire union si

So the output is 3, 2, 515.

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Online Compiler/* Note:
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
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* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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Declarations and Initializations - Point Out Errors
Declarations and Initializations - Point Out Correct Statements
Declarations and Initializations - True / False Questions
Declarations and Initializations - Yes / No Questions
11. In the following program how long will the for loop get executed?
int main()
int i;
for(;scanf("%s", &i); printf("%d\n", i));
return 0;

A. The for loop would not get executed at all

B. The for loop would get executed only once
C. The for loop would get executed 5 times
D. The for loop would get executed infinite times

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option D


During the for loop execution scanf() ask input and then printf() prints that gi
ven input. This process will be continued repeatedly because, scanf() returns th
e number of input given, the condition is always true(user gives a input means i
t reurns '1').
Hence this for loop would get executed infinite times.
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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12. What will be the output of the program?
int main()
int X=40;
int X=20;
printf("%d ", X);
printf("%d\n", X);
return 0;

A. 40 40 B. 20 40
C. 20 D. Error
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B
In case of a conflict between a local variable and global variable, the local va
riable gets priority.
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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1. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
char str1[20] = "Hello", str2[20] = " World";
printf("%s\n", strcpy(str2, strcat(str1, str2)));
return 0;

A. Hello B. World
C. Hello World
D. WorldHello
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option C

Step 1: char str1[20] = "Hello", str2[20] = " World"; The variable str1 and str2
is declared as an array of characters and initialized with value "Hello" and "
World" respectively.
Step 2: printf("%s\n", strcpy(str2, strcat(str1, str2)));
=> strcat(str1, str2)) it append the string str2 to str1. The result will be sto
red in str1. Therefore str1 contains "Hello World".
=> strcpy(str2, "Hello World") it copies the "Hello World" to the variable str2.
Hence it prints "Hello World".

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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2. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
char p[] = "%d\n";
p[1] = 'c';
printf(p, 65);
return 0;

A. A
B. a
C. c D. 65
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A

Step 1: char p[] = "%d\n"; The variable p is declared as an array of characters

and initialized with string "%d".
Step 2: p[1] = 'c'; Here, we overwrite the second element of array p by 'c'. So
array p becomes "%c".
Step 3: printf(p, 65); becomes printf("%c", 65);
Therefore it prints the ASCII value of 65. The output is 'A'.

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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3. If the size of an integer is 4 bytes, What will be the output of the program
int main()
printf("%d\n", strlen("123456"));
return 0;

A. 6
B. 12
C. 7 D. 2
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A
The function strlen returns the number of characters int the given string.
Therefore, strlen("123456") contains 6 characters.
The output of the program is "6".

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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4. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
printf(5+"Good Morning\n");
return 0;

A. Good Morning B. Good

C. M D. Morning

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option D

printf(5+"Good Morning\n"); It skips the 5 characters and prints the given strin
Hence the output is "Morning"

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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5. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
char str[] = "India\0\BIX\0";
printf("%s\n", str);
return 0;

A. BIX B. India
C. India BIX D. India\0BIX
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B

A string is a collection of characters terminated by '\0'.

Step 1: char str[] = "India\0\BIX\0"; The variable str is declared as an array o
f characters and initialized with value "India"
Step 2: printf("%s\n", str); It prints the value of the str.
The output of the program is "India".

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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6. What will be the output of the program If characters 'a', 'b' and 'c' enter
are supplied as input?
int main()
void fun();
return 0;
void fun()
char c;
if((c = getchar())!= '\n')
printf("%c", c);

A. abc abc B. bca

C. Infinite loop D. cba

Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option D


Step 1: void fun(); This is the prototype for the function fun().
Step 2: fun(); The function fun() is called here.
The function fun() gets a character input and the input is terminated by an ente
r key(New line character). It prints the given character in the reverse order.
The given input characters are "abc"
Output: cba

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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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7. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
printf("India", "BIX\n");
return 0;
A. Error B. India BIX
C. India
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option C

printf("India", "BIX\n"); It prints "India". Because ,(comma) operator has Left

to Right associativity. After printing "India", the statement got terminated.

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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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8. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
char str[7] = "IndiaBIX";
printf("%s\n", str);
return 0;

A. Error B. IndiaBIX
C. Cannot predict
D. None of above
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option C
Here str[] has declared as 7 character array and into a 8 character is stored. T
his will result in overwriting of the byte beyond 7 byte reserved for '\0'.
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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
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* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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9. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
char *names[] = { "Suresh", "Siva", "Sona", "Baiju", "Ritu"};
int i;
char *t;
t = names[3];
names[3] = names[4];
names[4] = t;
for(i=0; i<=4; i++)
printf("%s,", names[i]);
return 0;

A. Suresh, Siva, Sona, Baiju, Ritu

B. Suresh, Siva, Sona, Ritu, Baiju
C. Suresh, Siva, Baiju, Sona, Ritu
D. Suresh, Siva, Ritu, Sona, Baiju
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B

Step 1: char *names[] = { "Suresh", "Siva", "Sona", "Baiju", "Ritu"}; The variab
le names is declared as an pointer to a array of strings.
Step 2: int i; The variable i is declared as an integer type.
Step 3: char *t; The variable t is declared as pointer to a string.
Step 4: t = names[3]; names[3] = names[4]; names[4] = t; These statements the sw
aps the 4 and 5 element of the array names.
Step 5: for(i=0; i<=4; i++) printf("%s,", names[i]); These statement prints the
all the value of the array names.
Hence the output of the program is "Suresh, Siva, Sona, Ritu, Baiju".

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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
* with GCC compiler (Linux platform).
* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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10. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
char str[] = "India\0\BIX\0";
printf("%d\n", strlen(str));
return 0;

A. 10 B. 6
C. 5
D. 11
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option C

The function strlen returns the number of characters int the given string.
Therefore, strlen(str) becomes strlen("India") contains 5 characters. A string i
s a collection of characters terminated by '\0'.
The output of the program is "5".

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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
* with GCC compiler (Linux platform).
* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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Read more:
Strings - Point Out Correct Statements
Strings - Yes / No Questions
11. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
static char str1[] = "dills";
static char str2[20];
static char str3[] = "Daffo";
int i;
i = strcmp(strcat(str3, strcpy(str2, str1)), "Daffodills");
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2 D. 4
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A
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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
* with GCC compiler (Linux platform).
* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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12. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
static char s[] = "Hello!";
printf("%d\n", *(s+strlen(s)));
return 0;

A. 8 B. 0
C. 16 D. Error
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B
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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
* with GCC compiler (Linux platform).
* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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13. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
static char s[25] = "The cocaine man";
int i=0;
char ch;
ch = s[++i];
printf("%c", ch);
ch = s[i++];
printf("%c", ch);
ch = i++[s];
printf("%c", ch);
ch = ++i[s];
printf("%c", ch);
return 0;

A. hhe!
B. he c
C. The c D. Hhec
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option A
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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
* with GCC compiler (Linux platform).
* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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14. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
printf("%d, %d, %d", sizeof(3.0f), sizeof('3'), sizeof(3.0));
return 0;

A. 8, 1, 4 B. 4, 2, 8
C. 4, 2, 4 D. 10, 3, 4
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B

Step 1:
printf("%d, %d, %d", sizeof(3.0f), sizeof('3'), sizeof(3.0));
The sizeof function returns the size of the given expression.
sizeof(3.0f) is a floating point constant. The size of float is 4 bytes
sizeof('3') It converts '3' in to ASCII value.. The size of int is 2 bytes
sizeof(3.0) is a double constant. The size of double is 8 bytes
Hence the output of the program is 4,2,8

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Online Compiler/* Note:
* This online compiler will compile your program
* with GCC compiler (Linux platform).
* As C is a compiler/machine dependent language, it may
* produce different output by Turboc-C (Windows) and GCC.
* The answers and explanation given in this section
* are based on Turbo-C.
int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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15. What will be the output of the program ?
int main()
int i;
char a[] = "\0";
if(printf("%s", a))
printf("The string is empty\n");
printf("The string is not empty\n");
return 0;

A. The string is empty B. The string is not empty

C. No output D. 0
Answer & ExplanationAnswer: Option B

The function printf() returns the number of charecters printed on the console.
Step 1: char a[] = "\0"; The variable a is declared as an array of characters an
d it initialized with "\0". It denotes that the string is empty.
Step 2: if(printf("%s", a)) The printf() statement does not print anything, so i
t returns '0'(zero). Hence the if condition is failed.
In the else part it prints "The string is not empty".

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int main()
printf("Weclome to!");
return 0;
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