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18.1 The Origin of Electricity

The electrical nature of matter is inherent

in atomic structure.

m p =1. 673×10 kg
mn =1 . 675×10 kg

me =9 .11×10 kg

e=1 . 60×10 C
18.1 The Origin of Electricity

In nature, atoms are normally

found with equal numbers of protons
and electrons, so they are electrically

By adding or removing electrons

from matter it will acquire a net
electric charge with magnitude equal
to e times the number of electrons
added or removed, N.

18.1 The Origin of Electricity

Example 1 A Lot of Electrons

How many electrons are there in one coulomb of negative charge?


q 1 . 00 C 18
N= = =6 .25×10
e 1. 60×10 -19 C
18.2 Charged Objects and the Electric Force

It is possible to transfer electric charge from one object to another.

The body that loses electrons has an excess of positive charge, while
the body that gains electrons has an excess of negative charge.
18.2 Charged Objects and the Electric Force


During any process, the net electric charge of an isolated system remains
constant (is conserved).
18.2 Charged Objects and the Electric Force

Like charges repel and unlike

charges attract each other.
18.3 Conductors and Insulators

Not only can electric charge exist on an object, but it can also move
through and object.

Substances that readily conduct electric charge are called electrical


Materials that conduct electric charge poorly are called electrical

18.5 Coulomb’s Law
18.5 Coulomb’s Law


The magnitude of the electrostatic force exerted by one point charge

on another point charge is directly proportional to the magnitude of the
charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
|q1||q 2| ε ο =8 . 85×10−12 C 2 / ( N⋅m2 )
9 2 2
k =1/ ( 4 πε o )=8 . 99×10 N⋅m /C
18.5 Coulomb’s Law

Example 3 A Model of the Hydrogen Atom

In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the electron is in orbit about the
nuclear proton at a radius of 5.29x10-11m. Determine the speed of the
electron, assuming the orbit to be circular.

|q1||q 2|
18.5 Coulomb’s Law

|q1||q 2| ( 8 . 99×10 9 N⋅m2 /C 2 )( 1 . 60×10−19 C )2 −8

F=k 2 = 2
=8 . 22×10 N
r ( 5 . 29×10 m )

F=ma c =mv /r

v =√ Fr /m=
√ ( 8 .22×10−8 N )( 5 . 29×10−11 m )
9 .11×10 -31 kg
=2 . 18×106 m/s
18.5 Coulomb’s Law

Example 4 Three Charges on a Line

Determine the magnitude and direction of the net force on q1.

18.5 Coulomb’s Law

|q 1||q2| ( 8 .99×10 9 N⋅m2 /C 2 )( 3 . 0×10−6 C )( 4 . 0×10−6 C )

F12 =k 2 = 2
=2 .7 N
r ( 0 . 20 m )

|q 1||q3| ( 8 . 99×10 9 N⋅m2 /C 2 )( 3 . 0×10−6 C )( 7 . 0×10−6 C )

F13 =k 2
= 2
=8 . 4 N
r ( 0 .15 m )

⃗F = ⃗F + F⃗ =−2.7 N +8.4 N =+5.7N

12 13
18.6 The Electric Field

The positive charge experiences a force which is the vector sum of the
forces exerted by the charges on the rod and the two spheres.

This test charge should have a small magnitude so it doesn’t affect

the other charge.
18.6 The Electric Field


The electric field that exists at a point is the electrostatic force experienced
by a small test charge placed at that point divided by the charge itself:

⃗E =

SI Units of Electric Field: newton per coulomb (N/C)

18.6 The Electric Field

It is the surrounding charges that create the electric field at a given point.
18.6 The Electric Field

Example 7 An Electric Field Leads to a Force

The charges on the two metal spheres and the ebonite rod create an electric
field at the spot indicated. The field has a magnitude of 2.0 N/C. Determine
the force on the charges in (a) and (b)
18.6 The Electric Field

(a) F=|q o|E=( 2 . 0 N /C ) ( 18 . 0×10−8 C ) =36×10−8 N

(b) F=|q o|E=( 2 . 0 N /C ) ( 24 . 0×10−8 C ) =48×10−8 N

18.6 The Electric Field

Electric fields from different sources

add as vectors.
18.6 The Electric Field

Example 10 The Electric Field of a Point Charge

The isolated point charge of q=+15μC is

in a vacuum. The test charge is 0.20m
to the right and has a charge qo=+15μC.

Determine the electric field at point P.

⃗E = F

|q1||q 2|
18.6 The Electric Field

|q||q o|
F=k 2
( 8 .99×10 9 N⋅m2 /C 2 )( 0 . 80×10−6 C )( 15×10−6 C )
¿ 2
=2 .7 N
( 0 . 20 m )

F 2. 7 N 6
E= = -6
=3 . 4 ×10 N /C
|q o| 0 . 80×10 C
18.6 The Electric Field

F |q||q o| 1
E= =k 2
|q o| r |q o|

The electric field does not depend on the test charge.

Point charge q: E=k 2
18.6 The Electric Field

Example 11 The Electric Fields from Separate Charges May Cancel

Two positive point charges, q1=+16μC and q2=+4.0μC are separated in a

vacuum by a distance of 3.0m. Find the spot on the line between the charges
where the net electric field is zero.

E=k 2
18.6 The Electric Field

|q| E1 =E 2
E=k 2
( 16×10−6 C ) ( 4 . 0×10−6 C )
k 2
d ( 3 . 0 m−d )2
2 2
2.0 ( 3 .0 m−d ) =d

d =+ 2. 0 m
18.6 The Electric Field


charge density

q σ
Parallel plate E= =
capacitor ε o A εo

ε ο =8 . 85×10−12 C 2 / ( N⋅m2 )
18.7 Electric Field Lines

Electric field lines or lines of force provide a map of the electric field
in the space surrounding electric charges.
18.7 Electric Field Lines

Electric field lines are always directed away from positive charges and
toward negative charges.
18.7 Electric Field Lines

Electric field lines always begin on a positive charge

and end on a negative charge and do not stop in
18.7 Electric Field Lines

The number of lines leaving a positive charge or entering a

negative charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.
18.7 Electric Field Lines
19.1 Potential Energy

WAB mghA  mghB GPE A  GPE B

19.1 Potential Energy
19.1 Potential Energy


19.2 The Electric Potential Difference


 
qo qo qo

The potential energy per unit charge

is called the electric potential.
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference


The electric potential at a given point is the electric potential energy

of a small test charge divided by the charge itself:


SI Unit of Electric Potential: joule/coulomb = volt (V)


VB  VA   
qo qo qo

 EPE   WAB
V  
qo qo
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference

Example 1 Work, Potential Energy, and

Electric Potential

The work done by the electric force as the

test charge (+2.0x10-6C) moves from A to
B is +5.0x10-5J.

(a) Find the difference in EPE between these


(b) Determine the potential difference between

these points.



VB  VA   
qo qo qo
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference

(a) WAB EPE A  EPE B

EPE B  EPE A  WAB  5.0 10  5 J


 WAB  5.0 10  5 J

VB  V A   -6
 25 V
qo 2.0 10 C
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference

We now include electric potential energy EPE as part of the total

energy that an object can have:

E  12 mv 2  12 I 2  mgh  12 kx 2  EPE

One electron volt is the magnitude of the amount by which the potential
energy of an electron changes when the electron moves through a potential
difference of one volt.

 19
1 eV 1.60 10 V
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference

Example 4 The Conservation of Energy

A particle has a mass of 1.8x10-5kg and a charge of +3.0x10-5C. It is released from

point A and accelerates horizontally until it reaches point B. The only force acting
on the particle is the electric force, and the electric potential at A is 25V greater than
at C. (a) What is the speed of the particle at point B? (b) If the same particle had a
negative charge and were released from point B, what would be its speed at A?
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference

mvB2  EPEB  12 mv A2  EPE A

mvB2  12 mv A2  EPE A  EPEB

mvB2  12 mv A2  qo VA  VB 
19.2 The Electric Potential Difference

(a) 1
2 mvB2 qo VA  VB 

vB  2qo VA  VB  m

 23.0 10  5 C  25 V  1.8 10  5 kg  9.1 m s

(a) v A   2qo VA  VB  m

  2  3.0 10  5 C  25 V  1.8 10  5 kg  9.1 m s

19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges

kqqo kqqo
WAB  
rA rB

 WAB kq kq
VB  VA   
qo rA rB

Potential of a kq
point charge V
19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges

Example 5 The Potential of a Point Charge

Using a zero reference potential at infinity,

determine the amount by which a point charge
of 4.0x10-8C alters the electric potential at a
spot 1.2m away when the charge is
(a) positive and (b) negative.
19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges


V 
 
8.99 109 N m 2 C 2  4.0 10  8 C 
1.2 m
300 V


V  300 V
19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges

Example 6 The Total Electric Potential

At locations A and B, find the total electric potential.

19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges

VA 
8.99 109
N m 2 C 2  8.0 10 8 C

  
8.99 109 N m 2 C 2  8.0 10 8 C 
240 V
0.20 m 0.60 m

VB 
8.99 10 9
  
N m 2 C 2  8.0 10  8 C

8.99 109 N m 2 C 2  8.0 10  8 C0 V
0.40 m 0.40 m
19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges

Conceptual Example 7 Where is the Potential Zero?

Two point charges are fixed in place. The positive charge is +2q and the
negative charge is –q. On the line that passes through the charges, how
many places are there at which the total potential is zero?
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics

A parallel plate capacitor consists of two

metal plates, one carrying charge +q and
the other carrying charge –q.

It is common to fill the region between

the plates with an electrically insulating
substance called a dielectric.
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics



The magnitude of the charge in each place of the

capacitor is directly proportional to the magnitude
of the potential difference between the plates.

q CV
The capacitance C is the proportionality constant.

SI Unit of Capacitance: coulomb/volt = farad (F)

19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics


If a dielectric is inserted between the plates of

a capacitor, the capacitance can increase markedly.

Dielectric constant 
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics


Eo q   o A

Eo V
E 
 d

  A 
q  o V
 d 

Parallel plate capacitor  o A

filled with a dielectric C
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics

Conceptual Example 11 The Effect of a Dielectric When a

Capacitor Has a Constant Charge

An empty capacitor is connected to a battery and charged up.

The capacitor is then disconnected from the battery, and a slab
of dielectric material is inserted between the plates. Does the
voltage across the plates increase, remain the same, or
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics


Energy  12 CV 2

Volume  Ad

  o A 
 Ed 
Energy   1
 d 

Energy density  Volume  12  o E 2
Električna struja
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

The electric current is the amount of charge per unit time that passes
through a surface that is perpendicular to the motion of the charges.

One coulomb per second equals one ampere (A).
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

If the charges move around the circuit in the same direction at all times,
the current is said to be direct current (dc).

If the charges move first one way and then the opposite way, the current is
said to be alternating current (ac).
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

Example 1 A Pocket Calculator

The current in a 3.0 V battery of a pocket calculator is 0.17 mA. In one hour
of operation, (a) how much charge flows in the circuit and (b) how much energy
does the battery deliver to the calculator circuit?

(a)  
q I  t   0.17 10 3 A  3600 s  0.61 C

(b) Energy Charge   0.61 C  3.0 V  1.8 J
20.1 Electromotive Force and Current

Conventional current is the hypothetical flow of positive charges that would

have the same effect in the circuit as the movement of negative charges that
actually does occur.
20.2 Ohm’s Law

The resistance (R) is defined as the

ratio of the voltage V applied across
a piece of material to the current I through
the material.
20.2 Ohm’s Law


The ratio V/I is a constant, where V is the

voltage applied across a piece of mateiral
and I is the current through the material:

R constant or V IR

SI Unit of Resistance: volt/ampere (V/A) = ohm (Ω)

20.2 Ohm’s Law

Example 2 A Flashlight

The filament in a light bulb is a resistor in the form

of a thin piece of wire. The wire becomes hot enough
to emit light because of the current in it. The flashlight
uses two 1.5-V batteries to provide a current of
0.40 A in the filament. Determine the resistance of
the glowing filament.

V 3.0 V
R  7.5 
I 0.40 A
20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

For a wide range of materials, the resistance

of a piece of material of length L and cross-
sectional area A is

R 

resistivity in units of ohm·meter

20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

R 
20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

Example 3 Longer Extension Cords

The instructions for an electric lawn mower suggest that a 20-gauge extension
cord can be used for distances up to 35 m, but a thicker 16-gauge cord should
be used for longer distances. The cross sectional area of a 20-gauge wire is
5.2x10-7Ω·m, while that of a 16-gauge wire is 13x10-7Ω·m. Determine the
resistance of (a) 35 m of 20-gauge copper wire and (b) 75 m of 16-gauge
copper wire.

(a) R  
 
L 1.72 10  8  m  35 m 
1.2 
-7 2
A 5.2 10 m

(b) R  
 
L 1.72 10  8  m  75 m 
0.99 
-7 2
A 13 10 m
20.3 Resistance and Resistivity

  o 1   T  To  

temperature coefficient
of resistivity

R Ro 1   T  To  
20.4 Electric Power

Suppose some charge emerges from a battery and the potential difference
between the battery terminals is V.


 q  V q
 V IV
t t

20.4 Electric Power


When there is current in a circuit as a result of a voltage, the electric

power delivered to the circuit is:

SI Unit of Power: watt (W)

Many electrical devices are essentially resistors:

P I  IR  I 2 R

V  V2
P  V 
R R
20.4 Electric Power

Example 5 The Power and Energy Used in a


In the flashlight, the current is 0.40A and the voltage

is 3.0 V. Find (a) the power delivered to the bulb and
(b) the energy dissipated in the bulb in 5.5 minutes
of operation.
20.4 Electric Power

(a) P IV  0.40 A  3.0 V  1.2 W

(b) E Pt 1.2 W  330 s  4.0 10 2 J

20.5 Alternating Current

In an AC circuit, the charge flow reverses direction periodically.

20.5 Alternating Current

V Vo sin  2 ft 
20.5 Alternating Current

In circuits that contain only resistance, the current reverses direction each time
the polarity of the generator reverses.

V Vo
I   sin  2 ft  I o sin  2 ft 

peak current
20.5 Alternating Current

I I o sin  2 ft  V Vo sin  2 ft 

P IV I oVo sin 2  2 ft 

20.5 Alternating Current

I oVo  I o  Vo 
P    I rmsVrms
2  2  2 
20.5 Alternating Current

Vrms I rms R

P Vrms I rms

P I rms R

20.5 Alternating Current

Example 6 Electrical Power Sent to a


A stereo receiver applies a peak voltage of

34 V to a speaker. The speaker behaves
approximately as if it had a resistance of 8.0 Ω.
Determine (a) the rms voltage, (b) the rms
current, and (c) the average power for this
20.5 Alternating Current

(a) Vo 34 V
Vrms   24 V
2 2

(b) V 24 V
I rms  rms  3.0 A
R 8.0 

(c) P I rmsVrms  3.0 A  24 V  72 W

20.6 Series Wiring

There are many circuits in which more than one device is connected to
a voltage source.

Series wiring means that the devices are connected in such a way
that there is the same electric current through each device.
20.6 Series Wiring

V V1  V2 IR1  IR2 I  R1  R2  IRS

Series resistors RS R1  R2  R3  

20.6 Series Wiring

Example 8 Resistors in a Series Circuit

A 6.00 Ω resistor and a 3.00 Ω resistor are connected in series with

a 12.0 V battery. Assuming the battery contributes no resistance to
the circuit, find (a) the current, (b) the power dissipated in each resistor,
and (c) the total power delivered to the resistors by the battery.
20.6 Series Wiring

(a) V 12.0 V
RS 6.00   3.00  9.00  I  1.33 A
RS 9.00 

P I 2 R 1.33 A   6.00   10.6 W


P I 2 R 1.33 A   3.00   5.31 W


(c) P 10.6 W  5.31 W 15.9 W

20.7 Parallel Wiring

Parallel wiring means that the devices are

connected in such a way that the same
voltage is applied across each device.

When two resistors are connected in

parallel, each receives current from the
battery as if the other was not present.

Therefore the two resistors connected in

parallel draw more current than does either
resistor alone.
20.7 Parallel Wiring
20.7 Parallel Wiring

The two parallel pipe sections are equivalent to a single pipe of the
same length and same total cross sectional area.
20.7 Parallel Wiring

V V  1 1   1 
I  I1  I 2   V    V 
  
R1 R2  R1 R2   RP 

parallel resistors

1 1 1 1
   
RP R1 R2 R3
20.7 Parallel Wiring

Example 10 Main and Remote Stereo Speakers

Most receivers allow the user to connect to “remote” speakers in addition

to the main speakers. At the instant represented in the picture, the voltage
across the speakers is 6.00 V. Determine (a) the equivalent resistance
of the two speakers, (b) the total current supplied by the receiver, (c) the
current in each speaker, and (d) the power dissipated in each speaker.
20.7 Parallel Wiring

(a) 1 1 1 3
   RP 2.67 
RP 8.00  4.00  8.00 

V 6.00 V
(b) I rms  rms  2.25 A
RP 2.67 
20.7 Parallel Wiring

V 6.00 V V 6.00 V
(c) I rms  rms  0.750 A I rms  rms  1.50 A
R 8.00  R 4.00 

(d) P I rmsVrms  0.750 A  6.00 V  4.50 W

P I rmsVrms 1.50 A  6.00 V  9.00 W

20.8 Circuits Wired Partially in Series and Partially in Parallel
20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules

The junction rule states that the total

current directed into a junction must
equal the total current directed out of
the junction.
20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules

The loop rule expresses conservation of energy in terms of the electric

potential and states that for a closed circuit loop, the total of all potential
rises is the same as the total of all potential drops.
20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules


Junction rule. The sum of the magnitudes of the currents directed

into a junction equals the sum of the magnitudes of the currents directed
out of a junction.

Loop rule. Around any closed circuit loop, the sum of the potential drops
equals the sum of the potential rises.
20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules

Example 14 Using Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule

Determine the current in the circuit.

20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules

I 12    6.0 V  I  8.0    24 V

          potential rises
potential drops

I 0.90 A
20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules
20.12 Capacitors in Series and Parallel

q q1  q2 C1V  C2V  C1  C2 V

Parallel capacitors C P C1  C2  C3  

20.12 Capacitors in Series and Parallel

q q  1 1 
V V1  V2   q  

C1 C2  C1 C2 

1 1 1 1
Series capacitors    
C S C1 C2 C3

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