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(MAC-JULY 2018)


1. Form a group of three or four persons (maximum).

2. Identify a product that is being advertised through the media channel like TV ad,
newspapers, radio, flyers, social media and other related channels. Note: Kindly
make sure that you do not do the same product as the other group. You can
discuss through the whatsapp’s group.
3. Identify the market segments that can be deduce from the advertisement and for
each segment, describe their profile using market segmentation variables.
4. Write a positioning statement that is targeted to one of the segments you just
identified. State the tag line.
5. Other than competition, what factors might cause the product need to reposition?
6. If you are to introduce your own brand (within the same category as the product
described in 1), explain how your brand is being positioned by answering the
following questions:
i) Who will be your target segment and why?
ii) What will your positioning statement like?

Present and submit your report on 17th May 2018.

6. Do a survey on either customers’ preferences or perceptions on your new product or

brand introduced in 6. Below are the requirements:
a. Questionnaires is to be disseminated to the respondents using google form
b. Total respondents should be at least 100.
c. At least 10 short questions (excluding demographic profiles are asked)
d. At least 5 attributes are discussed.
7. Analyze your respondents and segment your potential customers using any suitable
method discussed throughout the semester.
8. Identify your target segment and explain your reason.

Present and submit your report on 12th June 2018.

9. Write a brief report (Not more than 20 pages-excluding appendices) to discuss your
10. Attach the data used in Appendix (if available).


Your report should include the followings:

1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendices


Your report will be graded based on the following criteria:

Criteria Contribution to Final Score

1. Report writing
 Explanation
 Accuracy of analysis/method 15%
 Effort
 Layout of report
2. Presentation

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