Koller 1980

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Int. J. lmmunopharmac., Vol. 2, pp. 269-279 0192-0561/80/1201-0269 $05.

© Pergamon Press Ltd. 1980. Printed in Great Britain.



Veterinary Medicine, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843, U.S.A.

(Received 24 March 1980)

The field of immunotoxicology is in its infancy, but LEAD

in the past few years considerable knowledge has
been acquired on many chemicals in several species There is considerable evidence that lead exerts
of animals by utilizing a variety of immunoassays. adverse effects on the resistance of the body to
These investigations have only scratched the surface disease (Table 1). The ability of lead salts to induce a
of what could be serious implications for human profound sensitization to endotoxicosis in rats, mice
health. However, much of the data that has been col- (Selye, Tuchweber & Bertok, 1966; Schumer & Erve,
lected often does not consider the entire immune res- 1973: Rippe & Berry, 1973; Cook, Marconi &
ponse nor reactions by other body systems which DiLuzio, 1974) and chickens (Truscott, 1970) is well
may influence those responses. Further, baseline data documented. Lead has also been shown to increase
concerning mechanisms by which these compounds the susceptibility of rats to bacterial (E. colt) disease
compromise the immune system of a host are either (Cook, Hoffman & DiLuzio, 1975) and of mice to
inconclusive or lacking for most groups of com- Salmonella typhimurium (Hemphill, Kaeberle &
pounds. Finally, many immunoassays have a rela- Buck, 1971), encephalomyocarditus virus (Gainer,
tively low sensitivity index and, therefore, require 1977; Exon, Koller & Kerkvliet, in press), langet virus
considerable suppression or enhancement to detect (Thind, Thind & Louria, 1977) and Hexamita muris
significant differences. (Exon, Patton & Koller, 1975). Further, inhalation of
Ideally, it would be advantageous to determine lead chloride impairs elimination of bacteria (Serratia
that a chemical renders animals more susceptible to marcescens) from the lungs (Schlipkoter & Frieler,
infectious agents or impedes antibody titers and 1979).
thereby is amenable to immunologic investigation. Although the exact mechanism by which lead alters
These studies should be followed by detailed tech- the host response has not been completely charac-
niques which determine the effect of the compounds terized, alteration of the reticuloendothelial system
on the function of B and T lymphocytes, macro- and hepatic function has been predicted (Trejo et al.,
phages, their soluble factors and the interrelationship 1972). Further, there is substantial evidence to sug-
of these cells. The investigations should be carried gest that the enhanced mortality in metal-exposed
out both in vivo and in vitro. Suppression of humoral animals may be due to an immunosuppressive effect
immunity does not necessarily assure B cell involve- exerted by the metal (Koller, 1979).
ment, since T cells, such as helper, suppressor, or Lead-treated animals subjected to active immuni-
cytotoxic functional subclasses, may be affected indi- zation develop lesser quantities of serum globulin,
vidually or collectively. Lymphokines and soluble complement and anti-typhoid antibody (DeBruin,
factors from lymphocytes and macrophages also 1971). Interference with the phagocytic activity of
have a role in the regulation of immunity. Therefore, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (Ward, Goldschmidt,
once it has been established that a chemical interferes & Greene, 1975) and a reduction in lysozyme activity
with the immune response of a host, every effort (DeBruin, 1971) also occurs following lead exposure.
should be made to determine the actual mechanism In most laboratories, lead consistently suppresses
by which that compound alters the response, whether the immune system of experimental animals. In fact,
it is cellular or subcellular and if it involves a single or lead acetate results in as much as a nine-fold decrease
several components of the immune system. Know- in antibody titer in rabbits challenged with pseudo-
ledge recently acquired for some of the heavy metals rabies virus (Koller, 1973). Further, lead impairs
will be discussed in the following sections. antibody synthesis in both rats (Luster, Faith &
Kimmel, 1978) and mice (Koller & Kovacic, 1974) as (Con A) and phytohemagglutinin ( P H A ) activate T
well as the memory response in mice (Koller & Roan, lymphocytes whereas lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stim-
in press, a). Lead also interferes with complement ulates B lymphocytes in certain species. Pokeweed
receptors on B lymphocytes (Koller & Brauner, mitogen (PWM) activates both T and B lymphocytes.
1977). Finally, tetraethyl lead suppresses antibody Interference o f mitogen proliferation after treatment
titers and impairs antibody synthesis in mice with Con A and P H A suggests alteration of cell-
(Blakley, Sisodia & Mukkur, 1980). Therefore, lead mediated immune responses, while interference of
definitely appears to impede the humoral immune LPS blastogenesis may indicate humoral involve-
response o f experimental animals. ment. In one study (Gaworski & Sharma, 1978) lead
Several studies which examined the response of inhibited the P H A and P W M induced proliferation
lymphocytes to mitogens after exposure to lead were of lymphocytes while in another study (Koller, Roan
recently completed. Mitogens can induce blast trans- & Kerkvliet, 1979), lead did not alter the lymphocyte
formation of normal lymphocytes. Concanavalin A transformation due to Con A and LPS. In another

Table 1. Immune parameters of lead

Species Parameter Effect* References

Rat Susceptibility to E. coli endotoxin I Selye et al., 1966

Mice Susceptibility to S. t y p h i m u r i u m
endotoxin I Rippe & Berry, 1973
Rats Susceptibility to S. enteriditis
endotoxin I Cook et al., 1974
Mouse Susceptibility to S. t y p h i m u r i u m I Hemphill et al., 1971
Rats Susceptibility to E. coli I Cook et al., 1975
Mouse Susceptibility to EMC virus I Gainer, 1977
Mouse Susceptibility to Langet virus 1 Thind et al., 1977
Mouse Susceptibility to EMC virus I Exon et al., 1979
Mouse Clearance of Serratia marcescens
Rabbit Antibody titer to virus D Koller, 1973
Mouse Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Koller & Kovacic, 1974
Mouse Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Koller et al., 1976
Rats Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Luster et al., 1978
Mouse Antibody titers; synthesis--SRBC D Blakley et al., 1980
Mouse EAC--C 3 receptor, B cell D Koller & Brauner, 1977
Mouse Memory D Koller & Roan, in press, b
Mouse Mitogen PHA D Gaworski & Sharma, 1978
Mouse Mitogen Con A, LPS N Koller et al., 1979b
Rat Mitogen PHA, Con A D Faith et al., 1979
Mouse Mitogen LPS? Shenker et al., 1977; Gallagher
I et al., 1979
Mouse Delayed-type hypersensitivity D MOiler et al., 1977
Rat Delayed-type hypersensitivity D Faith et al., 1979
Mouse Mixed lymphocyte culture N Koller & Roan, in press
Rats Vascular clearance lipids D Cook et al., 1974
Mouse In vivo phagocytosis D Trejo et al., 1972
Rats In vivo phagocytosis D Filkins & Buchanan, 1973
Mouse In vitro phagocytosis I Koller & Roan, 1977
Rat Macrophage viability D Kaminski et al., 1977
Mouse Tumor growth--Rauscher leukemia
virus I Gainer, 1973
Rat Tumor growth--FBPA I Hinton et al., 1979
Mouse Tumor growth--MSB sarcoma I Kerkvliet et al., in press
Rat Tumor incidence--ENU I Kerkvliet, personal communication

* I = Increase; D = Decrease; N = None.

? In vitro exposure to lead.
Immunotoxicology of Heavy Metals 271
study (Faith, Luster & Kimmel, 1979) in which rats mechanisms other than the typical well-documented
were exposed to lead pre- and postnatally, both toxicity which occurs at larger dosages. Future
PHA- and Con A-induced lymphocyte responses investigations are warranted further to elucidate
were diminished. Further, in vitro studies have effects of lead on cell-mediated immunity and co-
shown lead to possess mitogenic properties as well as carcinogenicity.
decreasing the viability of cultured lymphocytes
(Shenker, Matarazzo, Hirsch & Gray, 1977;
Gallagher, Mattarazzo & Gray, 1979). Finally, The immunosuppressive properties of cadmium
lymphocytes co-cultured with lead and LPS showed are rather ambiguous compared to those of lead
greater proliferation than those cultured in LPS (Table 2). Cadmium has produced a profound in-
alone (Shenker et al., 1977). crease in susceptibility of rats to bacterial endotoxins
Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is also affected by (Cook et aL, 1974; Cook et al., 1975) and of mice to
lead. Delayed-type hypersensitive reactions were im- infection with en~ephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV)
paired in mice (MUller, Gillert, Krause, Gross, Age- (Gainer, 1977) and Hexamita muris (Exon et al.,
Shehr & Diamantstein, 1977) and rats (Faith et al., 1975). However, in two other studies (Exon, Koller &
1979). However, lead did not significantly alter Kerkvliet, 1979; Exon et al., in press), mice which
lymphocyte stimulation of responder cells in mixed were exposed to cadmium acetate in drinking water
lymphocyte cultures (Koller & Roan, in press, b). and subsequently inoculated with EMCV had re-
Specific CMI investigations must be conducted by duced mortality compared to non-cadmium inocu-
the use of a variety of techniques to determine if lated mice. Cadmium also increases the resistance of
other segments of the cellular immune system are chicks to Salmonella gallinarium (Hill, 1979). These
compromised. conflicting reports could partially be accounted for
Since the macrophage has an important role as an by differences in species, dosages, length of
accessory cell by cooperating with T cells in the exposure, virulence of virus, etc.
enhancement of the B cell response to antigens, the The effects of cadmium on the immune system of
effect of lead on macrophages has been investigated. laboratory animals is controversial. Cadmium in-
A single intravenous injection of lead depresses intra- jected into rats seven days after an antigen will
vascular clearance of lipids (Cook et al., 1974) and suppress serum antibody, but when injected 14 days
colloidal carbon (Filkins & Buchanan, 1973) and prior to antigen, it will enhance antibody titer (Jones,
impairs the phagocytic ability of Kupffer cells in the Williams & Jones, 1971). Chronic exposure to
liver (Trejo et al., 1972). However, when lead was fed cadmium produces a significant decrease in antibody
to mice for 10 weeks, macrophages were actually titer in rabbits (Koller, 1973) and antibody synthesis
activated as enumerated by stimulated phagocytosis in mice (Koller, Exon & Roan, 1975; Bozelka, Burk-
and increased acid phosphatase levels (Koller & holder & Chang, 1978; Graham, Miller, Daniels,
Roan, 1977). The viability of pulmonary macro- Payne & Gardner, 1978). Recently, the memory res-
phages is reduced after lead exposure (Kaminski, ponse was reported (Koller & Roan, in press, b) to be
Fischer, Kennedy & Calandra, 1977). actually augmented, rather than impeded, in
Lead appears to promote the growth of viral and cadmium-exposed animals. Cadmium also inhibits
chemical induced neoplasms. Lead enhances the EAC rosette formation of B cells, an assessment of
development of Rauscher leukemia virus (Gainer, the complement receptor activity (Koller & Brauner,
1973), MSB sarcoma (Kerkvliet, Beacher, Exon & 1977). Finally, human lymphocytes exposed in vitro
Koller, in press), N-(4'-fluoro-4-biphenyl) acetamide to cadmium accumulate cellular concentrations of
(Hinton, Lipsky, Heatfield & Trump, 1979) and cadmium at a level that is 3000-fold greater than the
ethylnitrosourea-induced (Kerkvliet, personal com- culture medium (Hildebrand & Cram, 1979),
munications) tumors. It is not currently known if this Cadmium also affects macrophages. Cadmium ex-
phenomenon is due to immunosuppressive effects of posure promotes intravascular clearance of lipids
lead or is caused by some other mechanism. (Cook et al., 1974) and stimulates phagocytosis by
However, the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages (Koller & Roan, 1977). Conversely,
macrophages in the MSB sarcoma-inoculated cadmium impairs EA rosette formation of alveolar
animals is impaired (Kerkvliet et al., in press). macrophages, a measure of the Fc receptor activity
In summary, lead suppresses the immune system, (Hadley, Gardner, Coffin & Menzel, 1977). Further,
particularly the humoral response in animals (Table cadmium has been demonstrated to be directly toxic
1). This suppression often occurs at very low sub- to macrophages (Loose, Silkworth & Warrington,
clinical dosages and, therefore, may be detrimental 1978b) and depresses their phagocytic capacity
to the health of animals and perhaps of man by (Loose, Silkworth & Simpson, 1978a).
Table 2. Immune parameters of cadmium

Species Parameter Effect* References

Rat Susceptibility to S. enteriditis

endotoxin 1 Cook et al., 1974
Rats Susceptibility to E. coil I Cook et al., 1975
Mouse Susceptibility to EMC virus I Gainer, 1977
Mouse Susceptibility to EMC virus D Exon et al., 1979
Mouse Susceptibility to EMC virus D Exon et al., in press
Mouse Susceptibility to H e x a m i t a muris I Exon et al., 1975
Chick Susceptibility to S. gallinarum I-D Hill, 1979
Rats Antibody titer to gammaglobulin I-D Jones et al., 1971
Rabbits Antibody titer to virus D Koller, 1973
Mouse Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Koller et al., 1975
Mouse Antibody synthesis--SRBC I-D Koller et al., 1976
Mouse Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Bozelka et al., 1978
Mouse Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Graham et al., 1978
Mouse EAC-C 3 receptor, B cell D Koller & Brauner, 1977
Mouse Memory I Koller & Roan, in press, a
Human Lymphocyte concentration cadmium 1 Hildebrand & Cram, 1979
Rats Vascular clearance lipids 1 Cook et al., 1974
Mouse Macrophage phagocytosis I Koller & Roan, 1977
Mouse Macrophage phagocytosis D Loose et al., 1978a
Mouse Macrophage cytotoxicity I Loose et al., 1978b
Rabbit EA-Fc receptor, macrophage D Hadley et al., 1977
Mouse Mitogen--PHA, PWM D Gaworski & Sharma, 1978
Mouse Mitogen--Con A N Koller et al., 1979b
Mouse Mitogen--LPS I Koller et al., 1979b
Mouse Mixed lymphocyte culture N Koller & Roan, in press, a
Mouse Tumor growth--MSB sarcoma D Kerkvliet et al., 1979
Mouse Cytotoxic T lymphocytes I Kerkvliet et al., 1979

* I = Increase; D = Decrease; N= None.

Cell-mediated responses after cadmium exposure

vary considerably. C a d m i u m inhibits lymphocyte
transformation by mitogens P H A and P W M This section will deal with both organic (methyl-
(Garworski & Sharma, 1978) while having no effect mercury) and inorganic forms of mercury. Both
on the response to Con A and actually stimulating inorganic (Gainer, 1977) and organic mercury
the blastogenesis produced by LPS, a B cell mitogen. (KoUer, 1975) enhance mortality o f mice challenged
To further confuse the issue, when lymphocytes ob- with E M C V (Table 3). Rabbits administered mer-
tained from cadmium exposed animals are tested in curic chloride in drinking water and inoculated with
mixed lymphocyte cultures, there is no appreciable pseudorabies virus have lower neutralizing antibody
effect (Koller & Roan, in press). Finally, cadmium titers than do controls (Koller, 1973). Similar results
impairs growth of transplanted tumors as well as were found when rabbits were exposed to methyl-
promotes regression of those which do develop mercury and then challenge-inoculated with A / P R 8
(Kerkvliet, Koller, Beacher & Brauner, 1979). In influenza virus (Koller, Exon & Arbogast, 1977a).
agreement with decreased tumor growth in v i v o , cell- Methylmercury suppresses both primary and
mediated cytotoxicity of tumor cells in v i t r o is en- secondary immune responses in mice which are ex-
hanced by exposure of the animals to cadmium posed to methylmercury during embryonic develop-
(Kerkvliet et al., 1979). These data, as viewed in the ment and up to 9 weeks of age (Ohi, Fukuda, Seto &
context of current information, indicate that cad- Yagyu, 1976). When methylmercury is fed to
mium can deter certain segments of the immune weanling mice, the primary immune response is signi-
system but augment others. The mechanism by which ficantly decreased and the secondary response is also
cadmium compromises the immune system needs somewhat impaired (Koller, Exon & Brauner, 1977b;
further study. Blakley et al., 1980). These studies suggest that the
Immunotoxicology of Heavy Metals 273
Table 3. Immune parameters of mercury

Species Parameter Effect* References

Mouser Susceptibility to EMC virus 1 Gainer, 1977

Mouse:~ Susceptibility to EMC virus I Koller, 1975
Rabbits~ Antibody titer to virus D Koller, 1973
Rabbits* Antibody titer to virus D Koller et al., 1977a
Mouse:~ Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Ohi et al., 1976
Mouse:~ Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Koller et al., 1977b
Mouse* Antibody titers; synthesis--SRBC D Blakley et al., 1980
Mouse* Memory response--SRBC D Koller & Roan, in press, b
Mouser Mitogen transformation--PHA,
PWM D Gaworski & Sharma, 1979
Mouse:~ In vitro phagocytosis N Koller et aL, in press
Mouse* EA-B cell, Fc receptor N Koller et al., in press
Mouse:~ EAC-B ceils, C3 receptor I Koller et al., in press
Mouse* Mixed lymphocyte reaction N Koller & Roan, in press, b
Mouse* Tumor growth, Rauscher leukemia
virus N Koller, 1975
Rat:~ Tumor latency--ENU D Nixon et al., 1979

* I = Increase, D = Decrease; N = None.

t Exposure to mercuric chloride.
* Exposure to methylmercury.

embryo or neonate may be especially susceptible to than suppressing it (Table 4). Selenium potentiates
mercury, since exposure occurs during critical the protective effect of a killed P l a s m o d i u m b e r g h e i
periods of development of the immune system. vaccine in Swiss-Webster mice (Desowitz & Barnwell,
Methylmercury also inhibits the antibody memory 1980). Vitamin E and selenium deficient dogs vac-
response of lymphocytes (Koller & Roan, in press). cinated with a canine distemper infectious hepatitis
Mitogen studies reveal that mercuric chloride in- vaccine have lower antibody titers than do non-
hibits stimulation of lymphocytes with PHA and deficient dogs (Sheffy & Schultz, 1978). Since the
PWM (Garworski & Sharma, 1978). Other studies interaction of vitamin E and selenium are often
recently completed indicate that methylmercury does necessary for maximum biological action, a recent
not alter phagocytic properties of peritoneal macro- report (Sheffy & Schultz, 1979) of vitamin E's role on
phages or the Fc receptors on B lymphocytes (Koller, immune response mechanisms should be reviewed by
Roan & Brauner, in press). Further, methylmercury those interested in investigating this metal.
fails to alter the response of lymphocytes in the Selenium enhances the primary immune response
mixed lymphocyte reaction (Koller & Roan, in press). and hemagglutinating titers of mice immunized with
Methylmercury markedly reduces the mean latent sheep red blood cells (Spallholz, Martin, Gerlach &
period for induction of ethylnitrosourea-induced Heinzerling, 1973a, b, 1975). In another study
neoplasms and the mean survival time in rats (Nixon, (Koller, Kerkvliet & Exon, 1979a), selenium not only
Koller & Exon, 1979). However, when methyl- stimulated the primary and secondary immune res-
mercury is fed to mice which are inoculated with ponse but also abrogated the depressed antibody res-
Rauscher leukemia virus, the course of neoplasia is ponse produced by methylmercury when the two
unaltered (Koller, 1975). chemicals were fed simultaneously to mice. Perhaps
The effect of methylmercury on the immune selenium could be of therapeutic value when animals
system needs further investigation. Little informa- or man are intoxicated by other chemicals.
tion is available concerning possible effects on T
lymphocytes and macrophages. ZINC
Zinc is an essential metal for maximum activity of
SELENIUM many enzymes and contributes to the development
Not all metals suppress the immune response. and maintenance of the thymus. Much of the toxi-
Selenium is " u n i q u e " among the metals in that it cological studies have, therefore, dealt with the effect
generally potentiates the immune response rather of zinc deficiency on the immune response.
Table 4. Immune parameters of selenium

Species Parameter Effect* References

Mouse Vaccine--Plasmodium berghei I Desowitz & Barnwell, 1980

Dog Vaccine--canine distemper I Sheffy & Schultz, 1979
Mouse Antibody titer to SRBC 1 Spallholz et al., 1973a, b
Mouse Antibody synthesis SRBC I Spallholz et al., 1975
Mouse Antibody synthesis SRBC I Koller et al., 1979a

* I = Increase.

Table 5. Immune parameters of zinc

Species Parameter Effect* References

Mouser Susceptibility to EMCV N Gainer, 1977

Chickt Susceptibility to S. gallinarium N Hill, 1979
Mousei Susceptibility to S. typhimurium I Sobocinski et al., 1977
Mouser Susceptibility to F. tulerensis and
S. pneumoniae D Sobocinski et al., 1977
Mouser Macrophage phagocytosis D Karl et al., 1973
Mouse:[: Thymus--atrophy Fraker et al., 1978
Fernandes et al., 1979
Mouse++ Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Luecke et al., 1978
Fraker et al., 1978
Fernandes et al., 1979
Mouse$ Helper T cell D Fraker et al., 1978
Mouse$ A rosettes 1 Nash et al., 1979
Mouse? $ Mitogens--PHA, Con A, LPS, SEA N Mulhern, 1980
Mouser $ Mixed lymphocyte culture N Mulhern & Vessey, personal
Mouse$ Cytotoxic T lymphocytes D Fernandes et aL, 1979
Mouser Cytotoxic T lymphocytes N Mulhern & Vessey, personal
Mouse$ Natural killer lymphocytes D Fernandes et al., 1979
Mouser Tumor growth--PYB6 D Mulhern, 1980

* I = Increase; D = Decrease; N = None.

? Zinc excess.
Zinc deficient.

Few studies have been conducted using diets con- 1977). Both low and high dosages of zinc inhibit the
taining zinc in excess. When excessive levels of zinc phagocytic capacity of mouse peritoneal macro-
are fed to mice (Gainer, 1977) and chicks (Hill, phages (Karl, Chvapil & Zukoski, 1973).
1979), their resistance to disease is unaltered (Table Zinc deficiency results in marked atrophy of the
5). However, when mice were injected intraperi- thymus and reduced antibody synthesis provoked by
toneally with zinc and then inoculated with S. interference of the T lymphocyte helper function
t y p h i m u r i u m , F. tulerensis or S. p n e u m o n i a e , en- (Fraker, Haas & Luecke, 1977; Luecke, Simonel &
hanced mortality occurred in S. t y p h i m u r i u m - Fraker, 1978; Fernandes, Nair, Onoe, Tanaka, Floyd
challenged animals, while mortality was actually & Good, 1979). However, nutritional repletion of
diminished in animals inoculated with F. tulerensis or zinc in zinc-restricted animals restores thymus and T
S. p n e u m o n i a e (Sobocinski, Cantebury & Powanda, cell-dependent antibody mediated responses (Fraker,
Immunotoxicology of Heavy Metals 275
Jarkieu, Zwickl & Luecke, 1978). It has been sug- (Weinberg, 1978). Briefly, to summarize from that
gested that diminished levels of serum corticosterone report, iron excess has been observed to inhibit
are responsible for the loss of immune responsiveness chemotaxis and bacterial action of leukocytes but
in zinc deficient animals (Jardieu & Fraker, 1979). does not alter neutrophil ingestion of bacteria,
Further, zinc deficient mice exhibit increased A opsonization of bacteria by serum factors, comple-
rosette formation which may be attributable to alter- ment fixation nor immunoglobulin synthesis. Two
ation of thymic function (Nash, Iwata, Fernandes, other studies (Holbein, Jericho & Likes, 1979; Payne
Good & Incefy, 1979). Therefore, adequate levels of & Finkelstein, 1978) since that review concur that
zinc must be maintained to insure proper immune excess iron enhances disease produced by various
function. pathogens. However, when chicks are fed high levels
Response of lymphocytes to mitogens PHA, Con of iron, an increase in resistance to infection by S.
A, LPS, and SEA are essentially unaltered when gallinarium occurs (Hill, 1979).
animals are fed zinc-depleted or zinc-supplemented Iron deficiency in some instances may impair the
diets (Mulhern, 1980). Further, similar diets fail to bactericidal activity of neutrophils and depresses
alter lymphocyte responses in mixed lymphocyte cul- immunoglobulin synthesis, migratory inhibition
tures and cell-mediated lymphocyte cytotoxicity factor and T lymphocyte transformation (Weinberg,
(Chr 51) assays (Mulhern & Vessey, personal com- 1978). However, data are often conflicting; several
munication). However, high levels of zinc (300 ppm) reports state that iron deficiency does not alter these
decreases tumor incidence and increases the latent specific immune parameters. Nevertheless, the con-
period of PYB6-induced neoplasms in mice (Mul- centration of iron in body tissues does appear to
hern, 1980). Conversely, zinc deficient diets depress effect the pathogenesis of infectious disease.
T killer cell activity against EL-4 tumor cells and Arsenicals (Gainer & Pry, 1972) and cobalt sulfate
impair natural killer cell activity in mice (Fernandes (Gainer, 1972) render experimental animals more
et al., 19797. These reports indicate that considerably susceptible to infectious agents (Table 6). Arsenic
more knowledge needs to be accumulated concerning also inhibits antibody titers and antibody synthesis in
zinc-deficiency and excess before its effect on neo- mice (Blakley et al., 1980). However, when mice are
plasia can be fully assessed. exposed to arsenic for 10 weeks and then challenged
with MSB sarcoma cells, the latent period for
MISCELLANEOUS METALS development of tumors is increased and the tumor
incidence is decreased (Kerkvliet et al., in press).
A recent report reviewed the effect of iron excess Cell-mediated tumor immunity is either unaffected
and deficiency on infection and immune responses or enhanced by exposure to arsenic. Therefore,

Table 6, Immune parameters of arsenic, nickel, cobalt, silica, chromium, platinum and magnesium

Species Metal Parameter Effect* References

i f

Mouse Arsenic Susceptibility to EMC virus I Gainer & Pry, 1972

Mouse Arsenic Tumor growth D Kerkvliet et al., in press
Mouse Arsenic Antibody titers--synthesis--
SRBC D Blakley et al., 1980
Mouse Cobalt Susceptibility to EMC virus I Gainer, 1972
Mouse Nickel Susceptibility to EMC virus I Gainer, 1977
Mouse Nickel Susceptibility to EMC virus I Exon, personal communication
Mouse Nickel Susceptibility to S. pyogenes 1 Adkins et al., 1979
Rat Nickel Antibody titer to Tl phage D Figoni & Treagan, 1975
Rabbit Nickel In vitro phagocytosis D Graham et al., 1975
Mouse Nickel In vitro phagocytosis D Karl et al., 1973
Rat Nickel In vitro phagocytosis D Chvapil et al., 1977
Mouse Silica Antibody synthesis D Miller & Zarkower, 1974
Mouse Silica Mitogen transformation--LPS D Miller & Zarkower, 1976
Rat Chromium Antibody titer to Tl phage D Figoni & Treagan, 1975
Mouse Platinum Antibody titer to SRBC D Berenbaum, 1971
Mouse Magnesiumt Antibody synthesis--SRBC D Elin, 1975

* I = Increase; D = Decrease.
1"Magnesium deficiency.
arsenic does not appear to be detrimental to mice in entiation of other cells responsible for normal
terms of tumor growth and suppression of cytotoxic function of the immune system. Preliminary studies
activity. are often necessary to ascertain if the chemicals
Nickel enhances infectivity of EMC virus (Gainer, actually alter antibody response to a particular anti-
1977; Exon, personal communication) and Strepto- gen. Once that fact is established, then the B and T
coccus pyogenes (Adkins, Richards & Gardner, 1979) lymphocyte, as well as the macrophage, must be
in mice. Other studies report that nickel acetate de- examined individually and collectively to determine
presses circulating antibody titers (Figoni & Treagan, the mechanism by which the suppression occurs.
1975) to T-phages and inhibits the interferon res- Many of the metals, and particularly various com-
ponse of metal treated cells (Treagan & Furst, 1970). binations of metals, need to be investigated in greater
Nickel also inhibits the phagocytic ability and other detail due to their abundance in the environment.
properties of macrophages (Graham, Gardner, From data which has been accumulated, lead
Waters & Coffin, 1975). Delay in the development of appears to consistently suppress most of the segments
delayed hypersensitivity reactions occur in guinea of the immune system while cadmium has produced
pigs that are exposed to nickel (Parker & Turk, mixed reactions. Mercury suppresses the primary
1978). humorai immune response while selenium enhances
One of the lighter metals, silica dioxide (Miller & humoral immunity. Zinc deficiency results in atrophy
Zarkower, 1974) has been reported to depress anti- of the thymus with subsequent reduction in the
body synthesis (Zarkower & Morges, 1972) and to humoral immune capacity. Nickel deters many seg-
impair T lymphocyte stimulation by Con A. Silica ments of the immune response. Many of the other
dioxide also inhibits the response of B lymphocytes metals also compromise various parts of the immune
to LPS (Miller & Zarkower, 1976), and impairs the system.
phagocytic ability of macrophages. Some other This review is certainly not complete but has com-
metals, including cobalt (Derkach & Burmakina, piled considerable data to document the adverse
1970), chromium (Figoni & Treagan, 1975) and effects of metals on the immune response of experi-
platinum (Berenbaum, 1971) have been reported to mental animals. Many of these immunosuppressive
suppress the immune response. Magnesium defi- features are unaccompanied by clinical signs of
ciency also appears to have profound immuno- disease. Therefore, it is apparent that many metals
suppressive capabilities (Elin, 1975). are detrimental to health by mechanisms other than
direct toxicity. A chemical that impairs or destroys
CONCLUSIONS any portion of the immune system usually limits the
defense mechanism of a host to infectious agents,
It has been well documented that many of the thereby potentiating pathogenicity of that organism.
metals compromise the immune system of experi- A host that is rendered increasingly susceptible to an
mental animals. Damage may occur to a particular infectious agent is likely to develop complications or
cell (B, T, or macrophage) or may involve more than succumb to what normally would be a nonfatal
one cell which regulates the proliferation and differ- condition.


ADKINS, B., RICHARDS, J. H. & GARDNER, D. E. (1979). Enhancement of experimental respiratory infection following
nickel inhalation. Envir. Res., 20, 33--42.
BERENBAUM, M. C. (1971). Immunosuppression by platinum diamines. Br. J. Cancer, 25, 208.
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