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Committee Votes Green Champions for 2017 This year, did your elected legislators:

Nonprofit Org.
EDUCATION, HEALTH, AND O  100% Score O  Protect you from the dangerous practice
ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS O  Lifetime scores since 2003 above 95%
U.S. Postage
M A RY L A N D L E A G U E O F C O N S E RVAT I O N V O T E R S of “fracking”?

2017 Environmental Scorecard

Annapolis, MD
Keep Antibiotics Effective Act of 2017 O  Primary sponsor for at least one Maryland LCV
legislative priority in previous three years
30C West Street Permit No.1 O  Stand up for the health of our forests,
(Senator P. Pinsky, Delegate S. Robinson) Annapolis, Md 21401
SB 422/HB 602 made Maryland the second state in the country O  Not supporting LCV-opposed legislation on the
our bees, and our oysters?
to ban the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in agriculture. Its hotlist during that awards legislative session O  Commit to a clean energy economy and
passage reflects the efforts of advocates and legislators to find
common ground on a policy that has, in previous years, been SENATE:  Cheryl C. Kagan, Paul G. Pinsky, combat climate change?
Victor R. Ramirez @MDLCV
highly contentious. Beyond the environmental concerns of the
effects on marine life and the Chesapeake Bay, this bill is critical HOUSE:  David Fraser-Hidalgo, C. William Frick, The 2017 Environmental Scorecard helps to answer these
in stemming the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have Tawanna P. Gaines, Stephen W. Lafferty, questions. Every year, Maryland League of Conservation Voters
led to a public health crisis in hospitals and communities around Clarence K. Lam, Brooke E. Lierman, (Maryland LCV), along with our environmental colleagues, Annapolis
the country. Shane Robinson works tirelessly in the halls of Annapolis to fight for strong
environmental legislation, and then, we put together this
Forest Conservation Act Task Force Lowest Scores for 2017 Scorecard to help you gauge how well your elected leaders reaching our common goal of a stronger, cleaner Maryland is
(Senator S. Nathan-Pulliam, Delegate A. Healey) represented your values as a Maryland conservation voter. We
SENATE:   Gail H. Bates, Adelaide C. Eckardt, not always reflected in their scores.
SB 365/HB 599 would have created a task force to re-examine urge you to use the information presented here in your dialogue
Stephen S. Hershey, J. B. Jennings, Andrew A. Serafini   Every year, thousands of bills are introduced in the 90-day
the Forest Conservation Act and determine the best means to with legislators: thanking them for their pro-environment votes, General Assembly session. While there were many other pieces
achieve the State’s goal of no-net-loss of forests. The bill passed HOUSE:   Stephen J. Arentz, Mark N. Fisher, and letting them know that you are disappointed when they
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE 2017 SESSION, VISIT HTTP://SCORECARD.MDLCV.ORG of important environmental legislation, those included here
unanimously out of the Education, Health, and Environmental Warren E. Miller chose otherwise. are considered the most significant by a majority vote of the
Affairs Committee and the full Senate, however failed to receive
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Board of Directors.
a Committee vote in the House of Delegates, despite significant
pressure from environmental advocates. House Committee
Bill Graveyard   With cuts to federal programs, we increasingly rely on our
homes, which supports larger statewide goals of greenhouse gas public servants in the Maryland General Assembly to stand
leadership promised to explore the issue during the interim, Statewide Ban on Styrofoam
reduction and energy efficiency. Maryland LCV support was strong to protect our land, air, and water against the threats of
but without a commitment to focus on the important issue of (Senator C. Kagan, Delegate B. Lierman)
instrumental in passing the bill out of Committee. environmental degradation. Now more than ever, Maryland’s
deforestation. SB 186/HB 229 would have banned the use of
elected officials need your voice and your support to push for
Fracking Ban Styrofoam in consumer products, such as plates,
ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSPORTATION policies that support healthy families and a stronger Maryland.
(Senator B. Zirkin, Delegate D. Fraser-Hidalgo) cups, and take-away containers. Despite significant
We are honored to have the opportunity to serve as the political
Energy Efficient Housing SB 740/HB 1325 banned the process of hydraulic fracturing support from legislators in both chambers and
voice—your voice—for the environment.
(Delegate D. Fraser-Hidalgo) (or “fracking”) in Maryland, decisively concluding a debate that from both parties, the bill failed to come to a vote
  For a more in depth look at the votes we scored, as well as
HB 970 provides consumers with information relating to has raged throughout the state for the past decade. Governor in either House or Senate Committee. Nearly 1/3 of
past votes, please go to www. We urge you to read
energy-efficiency options available for installation in their new Hogan signed the bill into law on April 4th. The successful all Marylanders currently live under a county-wide
Washington, DC our full online scorecard, use our interactive map, and, most
passage of this bill made Maryland the first state in the nation ban on Styrofoam, which comprises a large percent-
importantly, contact your legislators to voice your opinion.
with gas deposits to enact a ban on a process that threatens the age of consumer waste by volume. House leadership
Maryland League of Conservation health and safety of Marylanders and our natural resources. The promised to launch a summer study to explore the
issue during the interim.   The 2017 Scorecard shows that in an increasingly divided
Voters (Maryland LCV) is a state–wide, bipartisan Committee vote set the tone for the bill’s ultimate
political climate, leadership in environmental stewardship
nonpartisan organization that uses success.
Statewide Best Available Technology can and must be a point of common ground. Maryland made
political action and education to
Septic Systems national news by passing legislation that makes us leaders
protect our air, land and water. ECONOMIC MATTERS
(Senator J. Conway, Delegate S. Lafferty) in protecting our land, air, and water from the hazards of
Maryland LCV endorses and
Energy Storage Study SB 266/HB 281 looked to put into statute the regula- drilling, pesticides, and unnecessary antibiotics - all with
elects pro–conservation
(Senator J. Rosapepe, Delegate M. Korman) tions that had required that all new and replacement strong bipartisan support. New this year, we aim to showcase
candidates and holds
SB 715/HB 773 commissioned a study which would establish septic systems include Best Available Technology legislators who go above and beyond to push for the success
elected officials
infrastructure guidelines for the development of energy storage (BAT) for nitrogen removal. While it passed through of our conservation agenda. Highlighted in this scorecard is
accountable through
technology throughout the State, which is a vital component to the Senate, it had been amended to a form that could our first cohort of Green Champions—legislators who have
legislative scorecards.
the successful expansion of clean-energy technology. The suc- no longer be supported by either legislative sponsors shown extraordinary leadership in the cause of environmental
Washington, DC
cess of this bill lays the groundwork for more comprehensive or advocates. House leadership promised to launch a protection. We will continue to look for ways to celebrate
Annapolis legislation in years to come. summer study to explore the issue during the interim. Hyattsville Hyattsville the unsung heroes—the elected officials whose dedication to  n #MDLCVScore
Floor Votes with bipartisan support, but vetoed by Governor Hogan. The
green-energy economy has the benefit of improving Maryland’s
The House
core re re
Sco Sco
Pollinator-safe Habitat Areas air quality and its economy, while taking measures to combat arty ore t ee S 06–16 4 + Pro–environment vote ct me, Pa
rty core e t tee 1–16 4 P arty o re e t tee 1–16 4
rict e, P S c tim
e m i t
11 51 B 830 B 924 B 132
5 r i 17 S ti m m i 2 51 22 B 1325 386 B 924 r i c t e , 7 S c ti m m i 2 51 22 1325 86 924
the growing risk of irreversible climate change. The General Dist Nam 201
Life Com HB HB H H H Di s t
Na 20 Life Com SB 9 HB SB 4 H SB H Dist Nam 201 Life Com SB 9 HB SB 4 HB SB 3 HB
(Senator S. Nathan-Pulliam, Delegate A. Healey) – Anti–environment vote
1 George C. Edwards (R) 20% 38% – – + – – 1A Wendell R. Beitzel (R) 33% 47% – – + – + – 19 Marice Morales (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
SB 386/HB 830 clarifies that State agencies may not use neo- Assembly voted to override the veto, putting Maryland on track a Unexcused absence (counts as negative)
2 Andrew A. Serafini (R) 0% 26% e – – – – 1B Jason C. Buckel (R) 17% 17% – – + – – – 20 Sheila E. Hixson (D) 100% 93% + + + + + +
nicotinoid pesticides on designated pollinator habitat areas, to regain its position as a leader in renewable energy policy, e Excused absence 1C Mike McKay (R) 17% 27% – – – – + – 20 David Moon (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
3 Ronald N. Young (D) 100% 89% 2/2 + + + + +
unless the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene however the vote fell on strict party-line votes. We are disap- 4 Michael J. Hough (R) 20% 16% – – + – – * Excused absence from committee vote 2A Neil Parrott (R) 33% 17% – – + – + – 20 Jheanelle K. Wilkins (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
determines that there is a public health emergency requiring pointed that clean air, clean energy, and good-paying clean jobs 5 Justin Ready (R) 20% 20% – – + – – 2A William J. Wivell (R) 25% 30% 1/2 – – – + – – 21 Ben Barnes (D) 100% 95% + + + + + +
became a partisan issue, especially given the cooperation in so 6 Johnny Ray Salling (R) 14% 32% 1/2 – – – – – 2B Brett Wilson (R) 17% 17% – – + – – – 21 Barbara Frush (D) 100% 91% 2/2 + + + + + +
extraordinary action. Neonicotinoid pesticides have been linked
7 J.B. Jennings (R) 0% 23% – – – – – 3A Carol L. Krimm (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 21 Joseline A. Pena–Melnyk (D) 100% 97% + + + + + +
to colony collapse in bee populations. The bill passed with strong, many other areas.
8 Katherine Klausmeier (D) 100% 76% + + + + + 3A Karen Lewis Young (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 22 Tawanna P. Gaines (D) 100% 95% + + + + + +
bipartisan support and, despite resistance from his agencies, 9 Gail H. Bates (R) 0% 13% 0/1* – – – – – 3B William Folden (R) 0% 19% 0/2 – – – – – – 22 Anne Healey (D) 100% 94% 2/2 + + + + + +
Keep Antibiotics Effective Act of 2017
Governor Hogan signed the bill into law. 10 Delores G. Kelley (D) 100% 77% + + + + + 4 Kathy Afzali (R) 17% 26% – – – – + – 22 Alonzo T. Washington (D) 100% 96% + + + + + +
(Senator P. Pinsky, Delegate S. Robinson) 4 Barrie S. Ciliberti (R) 17% 36% – – + – – – 23A Geraldine Valentino-Smith (D) 100% 96% + + e + e +
11 Bobby A. Zirkin (D) 100% 85% + + + + +
SB 422/HB 602 made Maryland the second state in the country 12 Edward J. Kasemeyer (D) 100% 76% + + + + + 4 David E. Vogt, III (R) 50% 45% – – + – + + 23B Marvin E. Holmes, Jr. (D) 100% 90% 2/2 + + + + + +
to ban the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in agriculture. Its 13 Guy Guzzone (D) 100% 96% + + + + + 5 Susan W. Krebs (R) 33% 36% – – + – – + 23B Joseph F. Vallario, Jr. (D) 100% 89% + + + + + +
passage reflects the efforts of advocates and legislators to find 14 Craig J. Zucker (D) 100% 96% 2/2 + + + + + 5 April Rose (R) 33% 22% – – + – – + 24 Erek L. Barron (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
15 Brian J. Feldman (D) 100% 89% + + + + + 5 Haven Shoemaker (R) 33% 33% – – + – – + 24 Carolyn J.B. Howard (D) 100% 95% + + + + + +
common ground on a policy that has, in previous years, been
16 Susan C. Lee (D) 100% 98% + + + + + 6 Robin L. Grammer, Jr. (R) 17% 22% – – + – – – 24 Jazz Lewis (D) 100% 100% + + + + +
highly contentious. Beyond the environmental concerns of the 6 Robert B. Long (R) 33% 22% – – + – + – 25 Angela Angel (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
17 Cheryl C. Kagan (D) 100% 100% 2/2 + + + + +
effects of marine life and the Chesapeake Bay, this bill is critical 18 Richard S. Madaleno, Jr. (D) 100% 93% + + + + + 6 Ric Metzgar (R) 17% 17% – – + – – – 25 Darryl Barnes (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
in stemming the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have 19 Roger Manno (D) 100% 100% + + + + + 7 Rick Impallaria (R) 29% 17% 1/1 – – + – – – 25 Dereck E. Davis (D) 100% 95%   0/0* + + + + + +
led to a public health crisis in hospitals and communities around 20 William C. Smith, Jr. (D) 100% 100% + + + + + 7 Pat McDonough (R) 17% 23% – – + – – – 26 Tony Knotts (D) 100% 89% 2/2 + + + + + +
21 Jim Rosapepe (D) 100% 98% + + + + + 7 Kathy Szeliga (R) 33% 21% – – + – + – 26 Kriselda Valderrama (D) 100% 92% 1/1 + + + + + +
the country.
22 Paul G. Pinsky (D) 100% 99% 2/2 + + + + + 8 Eric M. Bromwell (D) 100% 77% + + + + + + 26 Jay Walker (D) 100% 89% + + + e + + Pretty Boy Reservoir, Parkton
23 Douglass J.J. Peters (D) 100% 87% + + + + + 8 Joe Cluster (R) 50% 50% – – + – + + 27A Susie Proctor (D) 100% 88% + + + + + +
Energy Efficiency Programs—Calculation of Program
24 Joanne C. Benson (D) 100% 90% + + + + + 8 Christian Miele (R) 67% 81% – – + + + + 27B Michael A. Jackson (D) 100% 92% + e + + + +
(Senator T. Middleton, Delegate S. Jameson) 9A Trent Kittleman (R) 17% 17% – – + – – – 27C Mark N. Fisher (R) 0% 9% 0/1 – – e – e –
25 Ulysses Currie (D) 100% 81% + + + + + re
SB 184/HB 514 put into code the EmPOWER program - a rty Sco
26 C. Anthony Muse (D) 100% 69% + e + + + 9A Warren E. Miller (R) 0% 8% 0/1 – – – – – – 28 Sally Jameson (D) 100% 73% 1/1 + + + + + +
ct me, Pa
co e t tee 1–16 4
Washington, DC t r i 17 S ti m m i 2 51 22 B 1325 386 B 924
successful program established by regulation that encourages 27 Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. (D) 100% 81% + + + + + 9B Robert L. Flanagan (R) 63% 60% 1/2 – + + + – + 28 Edith J. Patterson (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + Di s Na 20 Life Com SB 9 HB SB 4 H SB H
energy efficiency. In previous years, this program had broad 28 Thomas M. Middleton (D) 100% 77% + + + + + 10 Benjamin Brooks (D) 100% 100% 1/1 + + + + + + 28 C.T. Wilson (D) 100% 83% 1/1 + + + + + + 38B Carl Anderton, Jr. (R) 50% 50% 2/2 – – + + – –
29 Steve Waugh (R) 29% 42% 2/2 – – – – – 10 Jay Jalisi (D) 71% 85%   0/1* + – + + + + 29A Matthew Morgan (R) 17% 17% – – + – a – 38C Mary Beth Carozza (R) 17% 44% – – + – – –
bipartisan support, making the largely partisan divisions on this
30 John C. Astle (D) 100% 77% + + + + + 10 Adrienne A. Jones (D) 100% 94% + + + + + + 29B Deborah C. Rey (R) 17% 17% – – + – – – 39 Charles Barkley (D) 100% 87% 1/1 + + + + + +
Fracking Ban legislation a surprising and disappointing development. Encour- 11 Shelly Hettleman (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 29C Jerry Clark (R) 25% 25% 1/2 – – + – – – 39 Kirill Reznik (D) 100% 98% + + + + + +
31 Bryan W. Simonaire (R) 71% 44% 2/2 – – + + +
(Senator B. Zirkin, Delegate D. Fraser-Hidalgo) aging and rewarding energy efficiency is an important step in 32 James DeGrange, Sr. (D) 100% 64% + + + e + 11 Dan K. Morhaim (D) 100% 98% + + + + + + 30A Michael E. Busch (D) 100% 94% + + + + + + 39 Shane Robinson (D) 100% 98% 2/2 + + + + + +
SB 740/HB 1325 banned the process of hydraulic fracturing reducing the State’s reliance on fossil fuels and supporting a 33 Edward R. Reilly (R) 40% 33% – – + – + 11 Dana Stein (D) 100% 92% 2/2 + + + + + + 30A Herb McMillan (R) 71% 55% 1/1* – – + + + + 40 Frank M. Conaway, Jr. (D) 100% 87% + + + + + +
(or “fracking”) in Maryland, decisively concluding a debate sustainable energy future. 34 Robert Cassilly (R) 40% 40% – – + – + 12 Eric Ebersole (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 30B Seth A. Howard (R) 29% 26% 0/1 – – + – + – 40 Antonio L. Hayes (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
35 Wayne Norman (R) 25% 26% – – + – e 12 Terri L. Hill (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 31A Ned Carey (D) 86% 82% 1/1 – + + + + + 40 Nick Mosby (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
that has raged throughout the state for the past decade. The bill
Sustainable Oyster Harvesting 36 Stephen S. Hershey, Jr. (R) 0% 26% – – – – – 12 Clarence K. Lam (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 31B Nicholaus R. Kipke (R ) 50% 46% – – + – + + 41 Bilal Ali (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
passed with strong, bipartisan vote. Governor Hogan signed the 37 Adelaide C. Eckardt (R) 0% 41% – – – – – 13 Vanessa E. Atterbeary (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 31B Meagan C. Simonaire (R) 50% 50% – – + – + + 41 Angela C. Gibson (D) 100% 100% + + + + +
(Delegate J. Gilchrist)
bill into law on April 4. The successful passage of this bill made 38 James N. Mathias, Jr. (D) 80% 74% + + + – + 13 Shane E. Pendergrass (D) 100% 94% + + + + e + 32 Pamela Beidle (D) 100% 89% 2/2 e + + + + + 41 Samuel I Rosenberg (D) 100% 93% + + + + + +
HB 924 protects the boundaries of oyster sanctuaries until the
Maryland the first state in the nation with gas deposits to enact a 39 Nancy J. King (D) 100% 88% + + + + + 13 Frank S. Turner (D) 100% 94% + + + + + + 32 Mark S. Chang (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 42A Stephen W. Lafferty (D) 100% 95% 2/2 + + + + + +
completion of a report, commissioned by the General Assembly 40 Barbara Robinson (D) 100% 94% 2/2 + + + + + 14 Anne R. Kaiser (D) 100% 93% + + + + + + 32 Theodore Sophocleus (D) 100% 94% + + + + + + 42B Susan L.M. Aumann (R) 71% 41% 0/1 – + + + + +
ban on a process that threatens the health and safety of Mary-
in 2016, examining the health and resiliency of the oyster popu- 41 Nathaniel T. Oaks (D) 100% 87% + + + + + 14 Eric G. Luedtke (D) 100% 94% + + + + + + 33 Michael E. Malone (R) 33% 33% – – + – + – 42B Chris West (R) 83% 86% – + + + + +
landers and our natural resources. 43 Curt Anderson (D) 100% 94% + + + + + +
lation to determine sustainable levels of harvesting. The Sustain- 42 James Brochin (D) 100% 91% + + + + + 14 Pam Queen (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 33 Tony McConkey (R) 33% 28% – – + – + –
43 Joan Carter Conway (D) 100% 89% 2/2 + + + + + 15 Kathleen M. Dumais (D) 100% 95% + + + + + + 33 Sid Saab (R) 33% 22% – – + – + – 43 Maggie McIntosh (D) 100% 90% + + + + + +
Clean Energy Jobs Act—Veto Override able Oyster Population and Fisheries Act of 2016 was passed
44 Shirley Nathan–Pulliam (D) 100% 93% 2/2 + + + + + 15 David Fraser–Hidalgo (D) 100% 100% 2/2 + + + + + + 34A Glen Glass (R) 33% 15% – – + – + – 43 Mary L. Washington (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
(Senator C. Pugh, Delegate B. Frick) with near unanimous support, however the 2017 legislation was 15 Aruna Miller (D) 100% 94% + + + + + + 34A Mary Ann Lisanti (D) 100% 100% 1/1 + + + + + + 44A Keith E. Haynes (D) 100% 94% + + + + + +
45 Nathaniel J. McFadden (D) 100% 79% + + + + +
SB 921–16/HB 1106–16 increased the amount of energy deemed necessary after the Hogan Administration took steps to Rocky Point Park, Essex 16 C. William Frick (D) 100% 97% 1/1 + + + + + + 34B Susan K. McComas (R) 33% 27% – – + – + – 44B Charles E. Sydnor, III (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
46 Bill Ferguson (D) 100% 96% + + + + +
Maryland derives from renewable sources (Renewable Portfolio open up sections of protected oyster sanctuaries to harvesting 47 Victor R. Ramirez (D) 100% 98% + + + + + 16 Ariana B. Kelly (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 35A Kevin B. Hornberger (R) 50% 56% – + + – + – 44B Pat Young (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
Standard) to 25% by the year 2020. The bill was passed in 2016 before the report could be completed in 2018. 16 Marc Korman (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 35B Teresa E. Reilly (R) 33% 47% – – + – + – 45 Talmadge Branch (D) 100% 90% 1/1 + + + + + +
Thanks to our photographers: Ben Alexandro (Annapolis), Katherine Jeffreys (Essex and Parkton), Aurora Przybylo (Annapolis), Matt Roth for LCV (Washington, 17 Kumar P. Barve (D) 100% 91% 2/2 + + + + + + 35B Andrew Cassilly (R) 75% 58% 2/2 – + + + + – 45 Cheryl D. Glenn (D) 100% 87% 1/1 + + + + + +
DC), and Johana Vicente (Hyattsville). Scorecard design by Julie Burris. 17 Jim Gilchrist (D) 100% 93% 2/2 + + + + + + 36 Steven J. Arentz (R) 0% 6% 0/1 – – – e – – 45 Cory V. McCray (D) 100% 94% 2/2 + + + + + +
17 Andrew Platt (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 36 Jefferson L. Ghrist (R) 17% 21% – – + – – – 46 Luke Clippinger (D) 100% 96% 0/0* + + + + + +
18 Alfred C. Carr, Jr. (D) 100% 97% 2/2 + + + + + + 36 Jay A. Jacobs (R) 25% 26% 1/2 – – + – – – 46 Robbyn Lewis (D) 100% 100% 2/2 + + + + + +

You can find your legislators’ environmental scores for the 2017 Maryland General Assembly in these tables.

Ana Sol Gutierrez (D)
Jeff Waldstreicher (D)
100% 99% + + e + e +
100% 98% 1/1 + + + + + +
37A Sheree Sample–Hughes (D)
37B Christopher T. Adams (R)
13% 0/1



Brooke E. Lierman (D)
Diana M. Fennell (D)
100% + + + + + +
100% 1/1 + + + + + +
47A Jimmy Tarlau (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +
Visit to learn the story behind the numbers.
19 Bonnie Cullison (D) 100% 100% + + + + + + 37B Johnny Mautz (R) 50% 25% 1/1 – + + e – –
19 Benjamin F. Kramer (D) 100% 93% 1/1 + + + + + + 38A Charles J. Otto (R) 25% 20% 1/2 – – + – – – 47B Carlo Sanchez (D) 100% 100% + + + + + +

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