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NAME, ADDRESS OF THE Section 1.: Czerniewice intersection - Odolion intersection

STRUCTURE (with Czerniewice interchange)
from km 151+900 to km 163+300


NAME AND ADDRESS 00-848 Warszawa ul. Żelazna 59


Volume 3 - Road structures

Volume 3/11 - WD-155 road viaduct

Revision: 01



40-159Katowice, ul. Jesionowa 15
Tel.: +48322281270

48930LasArenas; AvenidadeZugazarte56
Vizcaya, Espana
NAMES AND CODES: OF Names and codes provided on the second page of the cover of Volume No. 2/1 of
Building licence No.150/Gd/99 Building licence No. KBU1a-2126/885/66

CONTRACT NUMBER: 2005-PL-92604-S-S07.54634-01 (PR-477/07)


The project, co-financed by the European Union, contributes to the reduction of social and economic disparities
between EU citizens

Analysis financed from the budget of Trans European Networks (TEN-T) under the project "Building and
Working Design and Tender Documentation for the A1 Motorway, Toruń -Stryków section" No. 2005-PL-
A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)


A1 Motorway Toruń - Stryków - Task I
Section 1.: Junction Czerniewice - Junction Odolion (with junction Czerniewice)
from km 151+900 to km 163+300
Investment task name

Item Name Drawing No. Format


2. Technical description 16 pages


4. Indicative plan 01.01/3-11-PW-0

5. Location plan 02.01/3-11-PW-0

6. Vertical section 03.01/3-11-PW-0

7. Downward projection 04.01/3-11-PW-0

8. Longitudinal section 05.01/3-11-PW-0

9. Side view 06.01/3-11-PW-0

10. Cross-section 07.01/3-11-PW-0

11. Load-carrying structure layout 08.01/3-11-PW-0

12. Load-carrying structure reinforcement 09.01/3-11-PW-0

13. Steel structure - internal beam B 10.01/3-11-PW-0

14. Steel structure - internal beam C 10.02/3-11-PW-0

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

15. Steel structure - internal beam D 10.03/3-11-PW-0

16. Steel structure - internal beam E 10.04/3-11-PW-0

17. Steel structure - internal beam A 11.01/3-11-PW-0

18. Steel structure - internal beam F 11.02/3-11-PW-0

19. Steel structure - cross beams 12.01/3-11-PW-0

20. Foundation plan 13.01/3-11-PW-0

21. Foundation piles reinforcement 14.01/3-11-PW-0

22. Abutment in the axis 10 - layout 15.01/3-11-PW-0

23. Abutment in the axis 10 - reinforcement 16.01/3-11-PW-0

24. Pier in axis 20 - layout 17.01/3-11-PW-0

25. Pier in axis 20 - reinforcement 18.01/3-11-PW-0

26. Abutment in the axis 30 - layout 19.01/3-11-PW-0

27. Abutment in the axis 30 - reinforcement 20.01/3-11-PW-0

28. Retaining walls, made of reinforced soil in the axis 10 and 21.01/3-11-PW-0

29. Bearing arrangement 22.01/3-11-PW-0

30. Slabs 23.01/3-11-PW-0

31. Temporary plates 24.01/3-11-PW-0

32. Slope stairs 25.01/3-11-PW-0

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)


ROAD STRUCTURES (volume 3/11)


Table of contents:
1. GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................................5
1.1. Subject of the elaboration......................................................................................................................5
1.2. Purpose and planned use of the structure.............................................................................................5
1.3. Basic technical parameters....................................................................................................................5
1.4. Construction milestones..........................................................................................................................6
1.5. Initial materials........................................................................................................................................6
1.6. Decisions, technical conditions and arrangements.................................................................................6
2. FORM AND FUNCTION OF THE DESIGNED STRUCTURE...................................................................6
3. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM OF THE DESIGNED STRUCTURES................................................................7
3.1. Structural system.....................................................................................................................................7
3.2. Fragment of static strength calculations..................................................................................................8
3.3. Geotechnical conditions and the method of foundation.........................................................................13
3.4. Obstacle characteristics.........................................................................................................................14
3.5. Protection against the effects of mining.................................................................................................14
3.6. Structural and material solutions............................................................................................................14
3.7. Planned construction methods...............................................................................................................15
4. METHOD OF ENSURING ACCESS OF WHEELCHAIRS USERS..........................................................15
5. TECHNOLOGICAL DATA.........................................................................................................................15
6. CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS.......................................................................15
7. SOLUTIONS FOR SIGNIFICANT EQUIPMENT.......................................................................................16
7.1. Insulations...............................................................................................................................................16
7.2. Pavements..............................................................................................................................................16
7.3. Slabs and kerbs......................................................................................................................................16
7.4. Bearings..................................................................................................................................................17
7.5. Joints.......................................................................................................................................................17
7.6 Drainage...................................................................................................................................................17
7.7. Traffic safety equipment...........................................................................................................................17
7.8. Approach slabs.........................................................................................................................................18
7.9. Slope stairs...............................................................................................................................................18
7.10. Revetted concrete block pavements.......................................................................................................18
7.11. Anti-corrosive protection..........................................................................................................................18
7.12. Foreign devices.......................................................................................................................................19
7.13. Lighting....................................................................................................................................................19
7.14. Colour scheme.........................................................................................................................................19
7.15. Monitoring points......................................................................................................................................19
8. TECHNICAL SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................................19
9. ENERGY PERFORMANCE..........................................................................................................................20
10. EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................20
11. FIRE PROTECTION....................................................................................................................................21

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

The descriptive part conforming with the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 3 July 2003, on the
detailed scope and form of a construction design (Journal of Laws No. 120, Item 1133)

1) Purpose and planned use of the structure and, depending on the type of structure, its characteristic technical
parameters, in particular: cubic volume, space allocation plan, height and length

1.1. Subject of the elaboration

The subject of this volume is the bridge design of a WD-155 road viaduct for A1 motorway, section Toruń -
Stryków, task I: Czerniewice junction - border of Cuiavian and Pomeranian/Łódzkie region, section I -
"Czerniewice" junction - "Odolion" junction (with Czerniewice junction), from km 151+900 to 163+300.

1.2. Purpose and planned use of the structure

The designed road structure, WD-155 overpass, allows for non-collision vehicular traffic of DW 291 provincial
road at its 0+421.157 km over A1 motorway at 159+910.90.
The structure allows for the transfer of class A loads, in accordance with PN-85/S-10030 and the vehicle:

1.3. Basic technical parameters

Technical and layout parameters:
Total length (formation axis): 71.39 m (excluding retaining walls)
Design span (formation axis): 29.174+29.174=58.348 m
Total width: 12.70 m
Construction height: 1.65 m
Vertical clearance under the structure (min.): 4.7 m (road gauge)
Angle of crossing with obstacle: 87,5°
Recorded mileage of the structure: km 0+390.76 - 0+451.56
Cross-section of the structure:
- traffic lanes: 2x3.50=7.0 m
- strips: 2x0.5m=1.0m
- sidewalk surfaces: 3.60+1.10=2.7 m
Total= 12.70 m

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

1.4. Construction milestones

This design of road structure does not provide for different milestones of the construction. The full scope intended
for the target condition shall be executed within one stage.

1.5. Initial materials

Formal and legal basis, as well as the elaborations on the basis of which this design was prepared, are specified
in „VOLUME 1/1 Descriptive part" of the development plan.

1.6. Decisions, technical conditions and arrangements

Technical conditions, as well as the opinions of decisive institutions, are included in „VOLUME 1/4 Decisions,
letters and arrangements" of the development plan in the form of true copies of the original documents.


2) The conceptual form and the function of the structure, the method of adjusting it to its surroundings and the
method of meeting the requirements mentioned in Article 5, item 1, (conformity with construction regulations,
applicable Polish Standards and the rules of technical know-how)
The shape of the structure, both vertically and horizontally, was adjusted to the parameters of the
communications route, on the structure and under it. The overpass is located at a horizontal curve with radius of
R=80m. The structure was designed as a beam, continuous, double-span system of composite structure.
Arrangements were adjusted to the obstacle, i.e. the A1 motorway together with roadside trenches and frontage
roads, and they amount to 30.0+30.0 m. Two reinforced concrete abutments with wing walls in the form of
retaining walls and a reinforced concrete pier serve as supports. The shape of the cross section of the structure
was adjusted to the cross section of the regional road.
The structure was designed in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime
Economy of 30 May 2000 on the technical requirements with which road structures and their situation in relation
tomotor vehicles load,class A (in accordance with PN-85/S-10030), as well as a platform for a special vehicle
load , class 150 in accordance with the STANAG 2021 standard, shall comply.
The following auxiliary materials were used in the course of designing:
[1] PN-85/S-10030 Bridge structures. Loads.
[2] PN-91/S-10042 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed structures. Design.

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

[3] PN-82/S-10052 Steel structures. Design. [4] PN-81/B-03020 Building land. Direct foundation of buildings.
Static calculations and design works.
[5] PN-83/B-03010 Retaining walls. Static calculations and designing.
[6] Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of 2 March 1999 r. on technical conditions, that
public roads and their situation should adhere to.
][7] Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of 30 May 2000 on the technical conditions
required for road structures and their locations.
[8]Geological and engineering documentation. Przedsiębiorstwo Geodezyjne i Geologiczno-Fizjograficzne
GEOPROJEKT Sp. z o.o., Warsaw 2008


3) The structural system of the structure, applied structural diagrams (static), assumptions taken for the structure
calculations, including load calculations, and the basic results of those calculations and for new, unchecked
structures - the results of trials, structural and material solutions concerning fundamental elements of the
structure, geotechnical category of the structure, conditions and method of its foundation, as well as securing it
against the effects of mining, structural and material solutions concerning interior and exterior space dividers; in
the case of designing reconstruction, expansion or vertical enlargement a technical assessment including, in
justified cases, also the assessment of current geological and engineering conditions and the foundation of the
structure shall be added to the technical description

3.1. Structural system

3.1.1. Supports
Two abutments of wall thickness: 1.1 m and a pier 0.9 m thick constitute the supports of the viaduct. The
abutments are reinforced concrete, mass type with side walls at least 0.5 m thick, parallel to the longitudinal axis
of the structure. There are bearing bed blocks of the following dimensions: 80x80 cm on each abutment. They
are situated parallel to the edge of the shaft. Gravel wall has a support for the approach slabs. 1.20 m thick
foundation slabs of the abutments are 5.0 m wide.
Secondary pier is designed as two separate columns 0.9 m x 3.0 m, coped with a capping beam and fitted in the
foundation slab. There are bearing bed blocks on the copping beam sized 80x80 cm under the bearings which

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

are located under each of the welded-plate girders. The foundation slab under the pier is 1.20 m thick and 4.0 m
The foundation is designed on bored piles 01000 mm in diameter. Piles under abutments foundation are 10.0 m
long in the axis '10'i 11.0 m in the axis '30' and piles under the pier foundation - 10,0 m.
3.1.2. Load-bearing structure
The load-carrying structure has been designed as a continuous two-span beam of spans of 29.864 + 29.864 m.

In the cross section the structure consist of 6 steel welded-plate girders 1.10 m high. Girders centres amount to
2.10 m. Joining of the steel girders with the slab poured at the construction site, 25-30 cm thick, is carried out
using bolts of the diameter of 19 mm and L=125 mm. The top of the slab is profiled in such a manner that
guarantees proper water drainage. Intermediate and support cross-beams shall be made of metal sheets with the
span of 4.17m.

3.1.3. Retaining walls, made of reinforced soil.
Directly behind the abutments, retaining walls made of reinforced soil are introduced, whose main elements
include prefabricated concrete facing plates (panels) and galvanized steel strips placed inside the embankment.

3.2. Fragment of static strength calculations

3.2.1. Introduction
Checking the load bearing capacity of all structural elements of the designed structure constitutes the object of
calculations. The following fragment shows fundamental results of static strength calculations. The complete
calculations are located in the archives of the designing entity.
3.2.2. Static diagrams applied
Main beams calculated in a flat diagram of a double-span beam as classes: e1,p2. Platform slab and overhand
bracket are calculated as bar elements, taking into consideration replacement slab strips widths.
Piers and abutments modelled as classes: e2,p3.
3.2.3. Assumptions taken for calculations
Each of the beams was modelled as a steel and concrete composite beam (concrete with reinforcement). In
order to reflect the operation of the structure as faithfully as possible, in proper phases described below, concrete
above the support

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

was excluded. Static strength calculations were conducted within linear elastic scope in accordance with the
method of linear stress of PN-91/S-10042 in the convention of divided safety ratios.
Beam calculations were conducted taking into consideration the following phases of the structure operation:
1) Phase I - steel structure assembly. This phase includes only
the steel self weight and forces are transferred only to the steel section (without the concrete and the
2) Phase II - viaduct slab concreting including steel beams (their self weight) loaded with formworks, wet concrete
and assembly uplifting in axis 20 . Only the following stages are planned for this phase:
- steel structure uplifting in axis 20 for 150 [mm];
- slab concreting;
Beams shall be uplifted prior to the commencement of the first concreting stage.
3) Phase III - the non-use phase of the viaduct including lowering of steel beams, followed by loading the viaduct
with a supplementary load i.e. the load of the pavement, barriers, slabs, etc. Lowering shall be performed after 28
days following the completion of concreting i.e. the concrete reaching proper strength, which results in the
compression strengths being introduced in the concrete section. This stage also includes creep and shrinkage
occurring in a particular period.
4) Phase IV - the use phase of the structure. This phase additionally includes
variable loads, i.e. wind, uneven settling of supports due to motor vehicles, K standard vehicle (in accordance
with PN-85/S- 10030), 150 class vehicle in accordance with STANAG 2021 and temperature and creep and
shrinkage (from 28 days to 60 years of the use of the structure). Concrete above the supports in excluded from
moving loads, within the scope exceeding its tensile strength, which simulates cracking state.
3.2.4. Loads
Loads are assumed in accordance with PN-85/S-10030 standard and the Regulation of the Minister of Transport
and Maritime Economy of 30 May 2000 on the technical conditions that road structures and their situation shall
adhere to in relation to the load by a special class 150 vehicle in accordance with STANAG 2021.
The load-carrying structure calculations are conducted for the following loads and impacts: „g" - self weight;
„dg" - additional weight; „q" - motor vehicles fleet; „K" - standard vehicle; „qt" - load of a crowd of

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

"os" - uneven settlement of supports of ±10 value in all

possible configurations; „AT" - uneven heating of particular parts of the structure in borderline
edges 15°C;
„Tmax" - even heating of the structure +55°C (reference temperature +10°); „Tmin" - even cooling of the structure
-25°C (reference temperature +10°);
The platform plate and the sidewalk support have been verified in terms of the following loads:
„K" - standard vehicle according to PN-85/S-10030;
"S150"- special vehicle STANAG of class 150;
„2S" - exceptional load of 2 S vehicles according to PN-85/S-10030.
Abutment calculations have been performed for the following loads and impacts: „T" - friction in the bearings;
„Ea" - active pressure of the soil;
„EQ" - soil pressure from the shifting load at the overburden; "Eh" - breaking force from the shifting load at the
overburden; „V" - load-carrying structure reactions.
Calculations of the pilars have been performed for the following loads and impacts: „T" - friction in bearings;
"W" - wind pressure; „H" - breaking force; „V" - load-carrying structure reactions.
Pillars have also been verified in an exceptional configuration in terms of vehicle crash in the longitudinal and
transverse positions according to the PN-91/S-10042 standard.
Loads have been grouped into the following configurations: basic „P", additional „PD" and exceptional „PW".
Road loads have been established for class „A" according to PN-85/S-10030. Load of the vehicle „K" and
„STANAG 150" has been increased by the dynamic factor 9=1,20.
3.2.5. Primary results of calculations
Platform plate and sidewalk supports:
The table below specifies the maximum and minimum calculation bending points that occur in the support
structure plate at the transverse direction.
Element Cross-section Mmin [kNm/m] Reinforcement
Mmax [kNm/m]

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

plate 80,0 - 016 every 15cm

at the middle of the
see above over the support - -90,0 016 every 15cm

support in the mounting - -90,0 016 every 15cm

Main girders:
The main girder stresses have been verified in the initial and operational statuses for the established time t = 0
and time t = co. Time t = 0 corresponds to the status directly after construction and acceptance of the structure
for realization. Time t = co corresponds to the status after stabilization of rheologic reactions in the concrete and
the prestressed steel (contractions, creep and relaxation). The following target statuses have been established:
- initial status „0" for time t = 0;
- operational status for the primary load configuration „2-Pmax" and time t = 0 - maximum combination;
- operational status for the primary load configuration „2-Pmax" and time t = 0 - minimum combination;
- operational status for the additional load configuration „2-PDmax" and time t = 0 - maximum combination;
- operational status for the additional load configuration „2-Pmax" and time t = 0 - minimum combination;
- operational status for the primary load configuration „2-Pmax" and time t = c - maximum combination;
- operational status for the primary load configuration „2-Pmax" and time t = c - minimum combination;
- operational status for the additional load configuration „2-PDmax" and time t = c - maximum combination;
- operational status for the additional load configuration „2-Pmax" and time t = c - minimum combination;
Maximum and minimum total normal stresses in the most intense characteristic cross-sections for the most non-
beneficial combinations are specified below:
- for concrete B40:
a max < Rb1 = 23,1 MPa
Omin > Rbtk 0,05 = - 2,1 MPa
- for construction steel 18G2A:
t<16 O max < R = 290 MPa
16<t<30 O max < R = 280 MPa
30<t<50 O max < R = 270 MPa

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

Normal stresses - non-operational phase:

Item Oc1max Oc2max Oc1min Oc2min Oa1max 0a2max Cra1min C"a2min
[m] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]

1 15,00 - - - - - 61,4 -98,2 -

2 30,00 - - - - 106 - - -147,6

Normal stresses - operational phase:

Item Oc1max Oc2max Oc1min Oc2min Oa1max 0a2max Cra1min C"a2min

[m] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]

1 15,00 9,8 13,6 - - - 160,4 -200,1 -

2 30,00 - - - - 206,8 - - -257,6

"+" - Compression of the cross-section fibres

"-" - Tension of the cross-section fibres
X - Coordinate x of the verified cross-section
crc2 - Stress in the upper fibre of the composite structure concrete
crc1 - Stress in the lower fibre of the composite structure concrete
cra2 - Stress in the upper fibre of the composite structure concrete
cra1 - Stress in the lower fibre of the composite structure concrete
Bendings of the bays (max) resulting from operational loads:
Bay Cross- U(K) U(q) U(K+q)ma
[m] [cm] [cm] [cm]

1 15,0 -1,1 -2,30 -3,40

2 45,0 -1,1 -2,30 -3,40

Obtained bendings in the middle of the bay span do not exceed the acceptable values, that is 1/400 L. For L=30
m u=7,5cm.
Support reactions:
H NT [mm] ANGLE [mrad]
1 A10 220 900 150 1 430 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
2 B10 140 600 140 950 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
3 C10 160 590 130 930 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
4 D10 150 580 120 925 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
5 E10 150 580 120 925 1 000 0.2V; +31/-29 15,0
6 F10 165 600 110 960 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
7 A20 940 1 770 870 2 600 2 100 0.2V; 0,0 10,0

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)
A1 Motorway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section I: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
8 B20 830 1 390 770 1 990 2 100 0.2V; 0,0 10,0
9 C20 740 1 370 700 1 970 2 100 0.2V; 0,0 10,0
10 D20 730 1 340 690 1 955 2 100 0.2V; 0,0 10,0
11 E20 730 1 340 690 1 955 2 100 0.2V; 0,0 10,0
12 F20 1 040 1 750 990 2 450 2 100 0.2V; 0,0 10,0
13 A30 220 900 150 1 430 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
14 B30 140 600 140 950 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
15 C30 160 590 130 930 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
16 D30 150 580 120 925 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0
17 E30 150 580 120 925 1 000 0.05V; +31/-29 15,0
18 F30 165 600 110 960 1 000 - +31/-29 15,0

3.3. Geotechnical conditions and the method of the structure settlement

Information on the geotechnical conditions at the area of the structure are taken from the establishment of [8].
In order to determine soil conditions, the following 6 geotechnical holes were made: WD-155/1, WD-155/2, WD-
155/3, WD-155/4, WD- 155/5, WD-155/6.
The soil surface under the designed structure is based on quaternary sediments: sand hills, as well as rivers
sands and gravels lying under them. To a maximum depth of 4,4 m there are mainly fine, moist, moderately
compacted sands. Below, there are medium- and coarse-grain medium dense sands and sandy gravels. Then,
layers consisting of medium and coarse sands, moist and compacted with gravel admixtures occur. At the depth
of circa 19 m, a layer of warps and muds circa 1.5 m thick occurs locally, in the vicinity of holes No. 3 and 6.
Below 22.5 m level, humus and sands with a humus admixture occur.
The following geological and engineering layers with leading parameters have been established: II (o Id=0.40);
IIIa (o Id=0.40); IIIb (o Id=0.55); IIIc (o Id=0.70); IIId2 (o Il=0.65) and IIIe (o Id=0.70).
The water level is of a height ordinate of ~ 44,5 m n.p.m.. Water shows a light aggressiveness towards concrete -
The features of the investment, type of the designed engineering structure and the geological and engineering
conditions, as well as hydrogeological allow for the acceptance of the II geotechnical category, whereas
according to the Instruction (GDDP, 1998), the highway is of the III category.
It have been accepted that the transitional foundation shall be based on drilled piles of a diameter of 01000 mm.
The following results of foundation settlements have been obtained:

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)
A1 Motorway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section I: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
Indication of the support Smax [cm]

'10' 1,0

'20' 1,0

'30' 1,0

Foundation piles:
Indication of Number of piles pile diameter Pile length L [m] maximum calculatory
the support [item] $[cm] pressure
Pmax [kN]
'10' 17 100 10 1400

'20' 14 100 10 1324

'30' 17 100 11 1400

3.4. Obstacle characteristics

The obstacle is A1 motorway at its 159+910.90 km, with roadway and shoulders width of 17.75m + 18.25m =
36.0m, extended by roadside ditches and central reserve. Skew angle of the motorway axis and the commune
road axis is 90.0°.

3.5. Protection from the effects of mining

The structure is not subject to the effects of mining.

3.6. Structural and material solutions

Piles: concrete B35 (C30/37), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S,
Foundations: concrete B35 (C30/37), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S,
Abutments: concrete B35 (C30/37), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S,
Pilars: concrete B40 (C35/45), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S,
Load-bearing structure: concrete B40 (C35/45), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S,
Transition plates: concrete B40 (C35/45), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S, Sidewalk surfaces: concrete B40
(C35/45), reinforcement steel A-IIIN BSt500S, Steel elements (anchors): steel St3S
Steel elements (main girders): construction steel 18G2A (S355J2+N) Binding bolts: steel S235 J2G3+C450

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

3.7. Assumed construction technology

The construction of the steel load-carrying structure is expected to be performed in the prefabrication plant,
including the construction of bolts and anti-corrosive coatings. Joining of the ready elements at the construction
site by welding.
Concreting of the plate after the assembly of the steel structures on supports. It is assumed that the platform
plate shall be performed in phases - first, the plate shall be concreted in bay areas, whereas in the second phase
- in support areas.
The plate concreting does not require transition supports.


4) In terms of public use structures and multi-family residential building - the method of guaranteeing conditions
necessary for utilization of such structure by handicapped persons, wheelchair users in particular
Does not apply to the designed structure.

5) In terms of service, production or technical building - the basic technological data, as well as the correlation of
devices and equipment related to the purpose of the structure and its construction solutions
Does not apply to the designed structure.
6) In terms of a linear construction structure - the construction and technical-installation solutions, referring to the
terrain conditions at the entire length of its route, as well as technological and construction solutions in
characteristic positions or of a particular importance for the operation of the structure or important in terms of
safety, including the required protective areas
Does not apply to the designed structure.

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)


7) Solutions for the primary elements of the construction and installation equipment guaranteeing the utilization of
the construction structure in accordance with its purpose, systems and construction devices in particular:
sanitary, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, gas, electric power, telecommunication, lightning protection, as well
as the method of connection of the system of the structure with external networks and calculations positions,
provisions accepted for system calculations, as well as the primary results of such calculations, including the
selection, type and size of construction devices

7.1. Insulations
The upper surface of the load-carrying structure and transition plates shall be protected with a single-layer
insulation from a heat-weldable membrane, whereas it is required to perform insulation from concrete B25
(C20/25) of a thickness of 5cm and a reinforced bar grid F6 of a mesh size of 15/15cm on the insulation of the
transition plates. Under the kerbs of the structure
an additional 35 cm wide strip of torch-on felt must be applied. Surfaces of foundations, shanks, and wings
touching the ground will be insulated with pitch-coating material made of bitumen solution for cold application
(number of layers according to the instruction manual for the given material). Inner surfaces of front walls and
side abutments as well as wall joints should be protected with torch-on felt and drainage geocomposite.
Prefabricates (panels) of the resistance wall from reinforced soil do not require insulation with a binder. Only the
top plate of the wall at the contact point with the soil requires insulation.

7.2. Pavement at the structure

The structure of the roadway pavement at the site is as follows:
4 cm - wearing layer from SMA;
5 cm - binding layer from hard gussasphalt.
Bituminous-polimer pavement of a thickness of 6 mm is designed on the surfaces.

7.3. Surfaces and kerbs

Monolithic reinforced-concrete surfaces have been designed. The surface thickness amounts to 0,20-0,25 m.
From the side of the roadway, the surfaces are confined with stone kerbs of a cross-section of 18x20 cm, over
the level of the pavement at a height of 14 cm. The method of performance of grout under the kerbs should allow
the flow of water into the longitudinal drainage and water draining trenches (e.g. openings in the grouts). At the
access road sections, road stone kerbs are applied of diameter of 20x30 cm on the concrete

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

footing B15 (C12/15) with resistance, such kerbs are declining at extreme sections 6,0 m.
Anchoring of the surfaces is comprised of concreted sidewalk supports steel anchors and bars in the form of a
The surfaces shall be reinforced from contraction and concreted in section of 5,0-6,0 m (alternately every second
field) in order to prevent the appearance of contraction flaws.

7.4. Bearings
In each racking axis there are six pot bearings. Vertical load bearing capacities:
Support in the axle '10' : 1,000 kN
Support in the axle '20' : 2,100 kN
Support in the axle '30' : 1000 kN Detailed list of forces and displacements for particular bearings is specified in
section 3.2.5. Primary measurement results.

7.5. Separation joints

Module separation joints are applied at the junction of the load-carrying structure with the abutment rear wall, the
opening width amounts to 50 mm, passes - +31/-29 mm.

7.6. Water drainage

For the rainwater drainage from the designed overpass, cast iron drainage gullies and drainage inlets were used,
from which water would be drained off to a collector 0200 made of polymer materials, coloured the same as the
structure. Water from collectors shall be drained via outlet pipes located at the abuttment walls, than via surface
channels to roadside ditches.
Geocomposite longitudinal drainage (poliethylene core plus poliester fabric) shall be applied along the water
drainage axle and along the separation joint. Due to the binding layer performed from hard gussasphalt, the
drainage should be performed at the entire thickness of that layer. Water drainage from the drainage is designed
with the application of trenches 050 and bridge drains connected to the collector.
Behind the vertical walls of the abutments, it is necessary to perform horizontal drainage from pipe PP (|)150mm
coated with a gravel pack.

7.7. Traffic safety devices

Rigid barrier railings of a height of 1.1 m have been applied at the edges of the structure and wings of the
abutment. Rigid barrier railing should have an elevated post made of IPE160 I-bar, reinforced with a brace at the
slab base, as well as

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

a type B slide, mounted using an IPE120 spacer. It is necessary to mount the barrier railing anchors prior to
concreting of the surfaces. The six-bolt anchor of the barrier railing, designed for the mounting of posts to the
structure construction, should possess four bolts M16 from the side of the roadway and two from the side of the
external edge. At the upper part, the barrier railing should possess a pipe pull of a diameter of 80 mm.
The span of the rigid barrier railing posts should amount to 1,0 m. The height of the upper edge of the barrier
slide should amount to 75 cm from the level of the surface or the pavement. Crash barriers shall be applied
behind the structure according to the traffic industry design.
At the top plates of the resistance walls from reinforced soil, grid fencing has been applied of a height of 2,0 m,
acting as closing sections of the fencing running along the entire length of the highway. Maximum span of posts
2.0 m.
Along the pilar in the axle '20' on both sides under the structure, a section of the concrete crash barrier located
directly adjacent to the pilar has been applied in accordance with the traffic establishment.

7.8. Transition plates

In order to protect from unevennesses between the structure and the embankment due to the settlement of the
backfill, monolithical transition plates of diameters of 6,00x0,35 m are designed. Behing the plates, a drainage in
the form of a longitudinal drain from PP 0150 coated with aggregate surrounded by filtration geotextile fabric is
designed. The ground under the drain must be performed from a subbase concrete layer of a thickness of 30 cm,
placed in the form of a trough. The outlet of the drain shall be led out into the slope sewage.

7.9. Slope stairs

Performance of concrete, prefabricated slope stairs of a width of 0,80 m on the embankment cones are provided
in the design. Adjacent to the stairs, at the right side of the descending person, it is necessary to perform railings
of a height of 1.10 m.

7.10. Reinforced concrete block surfaces

Reinforcements for the structure, in the areas of joints of the resistance walls with abutments near roadsides and
outlets of the sewers running along the wings from reinforced soil, is designed from concrete blocks, placed on
the cement and sand bedding of a thickness of 15cm.

7.11. Anti-corrosive protection

It is not acceptable to surface protect the exposed elements of the concrete structures with paint coatings.
Elements of the crash barriers should be performed from galvanized steel.
Balustrades should be galvanized and sealed with a paint coating.

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

The anti-corrosive protection of main girders of the steel structures must be performed by metal spraying, as well
as a set of epoxy and PU coatings.

7.12. Foreign devices

Management of foreign devices is not predicted at the structure.

7.13. Structure lighting

Performance of a lighting system is not predicted at the structure.

7.14. Colour scheme

The following color configuration is proposed for the structure:
- exposed concrete surfaces of supports and the load-carrying structure- natural color of concrete with no paint
- barrier railings: natural color of the galvanized steel;
- cornices: RAL 6029 (green);
- steel girders: RAL 5015 (navy blue) or 6024 (green).

7.15. Measurement signs

Assembly of measurement signs at the structure are predicted in the following positions:
- at the load-carrying structure, over the supports on both sides;
- at the load-carrying structure in the middle of the bay span on both sides;
- on side walls of the abutments;
- on every core of an indirect support.
The height of the placement of signs on supports should amount to 50 cm over the ground. In the area of the
structure, it is also necessary to locate a permanent elevation sign, performed from durable material and set on
native soil, beneath the level of frosting. Measurements signs must be linked to the permanent elevation sign,
whereas the permanent elevation sign should be linked with the national coordinates system.


8) Solutions and method of operation of the primary devices of technical systems, including industrial and their
sets forming the technical and operational integrity, deciding upon the basic purpose of the construction structure,
including the characteristics and relevant parameters of the technological systems and devices,

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

affecting the architecture, structure, technical systems and devices related to the structure
Does not apply to the designed structure.
9) The energy characteristics of the construction structure, with the exception of structures specified in Article 20,
item 3, section 2, specified in terms of necessity:
a) energy balance of the eletric devices and consuming other types of energy, being a permanent component of
construction and system equipment, with assignation of energy of devices designed for technological purposes
related to the purpose of the structure,
b) in terms of a building equipped with heating or cooling systems - heating properties of external openings,
including full walls, as well as doors, gates and transparent openings and other,
c) parameters of electric capacity of the heating system and other devices affecting the heating economy of the
structure, including ventilation and air-conditioning,
d) data showing that the construction and system solutions accepted in the architectural and construction design
meet the requirements regarding energy saving specified in the technical and construction regulations
Does not apply to the designed structure.
10) Technical data of the construction structure describing the effect of the construction structure on the
environment and its utilization, as well as the effect on human health and adjacent structures in terms of:
a) demands for water and water quality, as well as amounts, quality and method of sewage discharge,
b) emission of gas pollution, including fragrance, dust and liquid and specifying their type, amount and range of
c) type and amounts of produced wastes,
d) emission of noise and vibrations, as well as radiation, ionizing in particular, electromagnetic field and other
disturbances, including the specification of proper parameters of such factors and the range of their spreading,
e) effect of the civil structure on the existing woodstand, the soil surface, including the soil, surface and
underground waters, as well as show that the spatial, operational and technical solutions accepted in the
architectural and construction design

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

A1 highway TORUŃ-STRYKÓW-TASK I Section 1.: Czerniewice interchange - Odolion interchange
(with Czerniewice interchange)

limit or neutralize the effect of the civil structure on the natural environment, human health and other civil
structures, according to separate regulations
The effect on the environment have been presented in the decision on the environmental conditioning of the
enterprise, a copy of which is located in the Land Development Design.


11) Conditions for the fire protection are specified in separate regulations
Does not apply to the designed structure.

Volume 3/11 Working design, road structures, WD-155 road viaduct

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