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Conversations starters

The topic of dreams can lead to some fascinating English conversations! As usual, start with the
questions below

1. Do you usually remember your dreams? Describe one or two

If some

I remember especially a dream that marked me, I dreamed that something held me very strong
could not release me or scream, much less talk, everything was dark I could never see what it was
that was holding me and always tried to release me but could not.

2. What was the best dream you have ever had?

The best dream I had was that I was in another country on a beach enjoying my work and it never
got dark in that place

3. What was the worst dream you have ever had?

The worst dream I had was the one I told earlier about how something or someone caught me. I
terrified myself too much.

4. Do you have any dream that is recurring? (That comes back often) .what might it mean?

Yes. Sometimes I think it's a bad thing because of the kind of dream that terrifies me.

5. Do you usually dream in color or only in black and white?

Always my dreams are in black and white.

6. Have you ever dream in English? What were you dreaming about?

No never.

Discussion questions

Now come the tougher discussion questions about dreams and dreaming!

Take your time in answering and you will have great English conversations!

1. Do you think dreams have very special, hidden meanings or are they just random memories?

I have always thought that dreams mean something and warn us of things that can happen.

2. Do you believe dreams can help us predict the future? Why or why not?

Sometimes yes.
Because sometimes we dream things that after a time happen as we saw them in our dreams. It
has happened to me and leaves me very amazed

3. In your opinion, is it possible to control our dreams? Can we decide in advance what we will
dream about?

I think it is complicated because the dreams go hand in hand with our emotions and influence
them a lot.

Inicio de conversaciones

El tema de los sueños puede conducir a algunas conversaciones fascinantes Inglés! Como de
costumbre, comience con las preguntas a continuación

1. ¿Usted suele recordar sus sueños? Describa uno o dos

2. ¿cuál fue el mejor sueño que has tenido?

3. ¿cuál fue el peor sueño que has tenido?

4. ¿Tiene algún sueño que se repita? (Que vuelve a menudo). ¿Qué podría significar?

5. ¿Usted sueña generalmente en color o solamente en blanco y negro?

6. ¿Alguna vez has soñado en inglés? Con que estabas soñando

Preguntas de discusión

Ahora vienen las preguntas más difíciles de la discusión sobre sueños y sueño!

Tomar su tiempo en contestar y usted tendrá grandes conversaciones inglesas!

1.¿Crees que los sueños tienen significados muy especiales, ocultos o son solo recuerdos al azar?

2. ¿Cree usted que los sueños pueden ayudarnos a predecir el futuro? ¿por qué o por qué no?

3. En su opinión, ¿es posible controlar nuestros sueños? ¿Podemos decidir por adelantado con qué

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