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Melodrama: Final Performance


In response to your final performance, please answer the questions below in your
Process Journal to evaluate your group’s artistic choices and your own
interpretation of a stock character.

Please write both the questions and the answers in your Process Journal.

Interpretation of a Stock character

1. Which stock character did you present to the audience during your final

2. Explain how you used tock emotions to communicate your character to the

3. What could you have done to further develop your performance of a stock

Please turn the page

Group Choices
4. Did your group use all of the stock emotions during your performance?

Evil Sneaking
Love Expressed (male)
Love Expressed (female)

If not, why? If you had the chance to perform again, how would you ensure
that all of them were included?

Responding to the Statement of Inquiry

Non verbal communication is as powerful as the spoken word in

communicating a narrative to an audience.

5. Do you think that your group effectively used mime skills to communicate a clear
narrative to the audience? Explain your answer. (What mime skills were used to
enable your group to achieve this? E.g. gestures, size shape and weight, facial

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