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2/23/2018 Advanced Login module VB.

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Advanced Login module VB.NET & SQL Server

Submitted by: Osman jama
Sunday, September 1, 2013 - 09:32
Language: Visual Basic .NET
Visitors have accessed this post 29755 times.

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2/23/2018 Advanced Login module VB.NET & SQL Server | Free source code, tutorials and articles

Login module Built in visual studio 2010 using and sql server database. used by administrators to control the users of
your programs Perfect for Managing User Privileges and Roles control who has access to what such as viewing printing reports
editing and deleting data or administrator tasks code sample program with database easy to add to projects .

username = mike001
password = 12345

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2/23/2018 Advanced Login module VB.NET & SQL Server | Free source code, tutorials and articles

Student Simple Login using Simple Login Registration

Information Visual Basic 2010 2012 System using
System SQL 2008... (SQL Server... (database =... VB.NET & MySQL

Advanced Students Simple Billing Sales Management

Transportation Information System System
Management... System

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Tags: login systen access control free source code .NET Login Form with MySql
Server visual basic atuo login system

Article by Osman jama

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2/23/2018 Advanced Login module VB.NET & SQL Server | Free source code, tutorials and articles

Noman butt (not verified)
Tue, 08/12/2014 - 23:13
How to restore the database??
How to restore the database??


ibraahin-@hotma... (not verified)

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 17:28
visual basic
hot add may form image using sql database


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